Date Palm Cultivation
Date Palm Cultivation
Date Palm Cultivation
Rev. 1
Table of Contents
Coordinated by
E.J. Arias-Jiménez
Agricultural Officer
Horticultural Crops Group
Crop and Grassland Service
FAO Plant Production and Protection Division
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ISSN 0259-2517
ISBN 92-5-104863-0
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© FAO 2002
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Systematic distribution
3. Botanical description
1. Temperature requirements
2. Rain effect
3. Air relative humidity
4. Wind
5. Light
1. Introduction
2. Seed propagation
3. Offshoot propagation
4. Tissue culture propagation
5. Acclimatisation and hardening-off of tissue culture-produced date plants
I. Land preparation
II. Planting operation
III. Fertilisation requirements
1. Introduction
2. Factors infl uencing water requirements
3. Different irrigation techniques
4. Methods for calculating date palm water requirements
5. Leaching
6. Scheduling
7. Layout of date palm orchard and irrigation
1. Introduction
2. Harvesting considerations
3. Facilities and process
4. Harvesting and packaging consideration for some important commercial date varieties
5. Other date palm products and by-products
6. Packinghouse management and quality standards
1. Introduction
2. Technical establishment of a date plantation
3. Financial establishment of a date palm plantation
1. Introduction
2. Technical calendar for planting tissue culture plants - follow up during the first year
3. Technical calendar for a date palm plantation older than 4/5 years
1. Introduction
2. Fungal diseases of date palm
3. Phytoplasmic diseases of date palm
4. Diseases of unknown cause of date palm
5. Physiological disorders of date palm
6. Major pests of date palm
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