Mail - Panchaxari - Outlook
Mail - Panchaxari - Outlook
Mail - Panchaxari - Outlook
Panchaxari <>
Fri 12/23/2022 4:02 PM
To: Céline TARTARIN <>
Dear Celine,
OK well received.
Sent from Mail for Windows
From: Céline TARTARIN
Subject: RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Piramal modified their Model CoA (see below). It was signed internally.
I will let Alice share it back to Piramal, but I am already sharing it to you for information/to add in the validation file.
Kind regards,
De : Varun Mutalik/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
Cc : Atul Wahile/ Mahad/ Production/ Pharma Solutions <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>;
Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Pravin Walekar/ Mahad/ R & D/
Pharma Solutions <>; Prashant Kulkarni/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
Objet : RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
ATTENTION : Ce courriel provient d'une personne externe à votre organisation, ne cliquez sur aucun lien ou n'ouvrez aucune pièce jointe à moins que vous ne fassiez confiance à l'expéditeur et
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Dear Alice,
The draft specs for Nutrivita for LNS premix PSUP PDOZ, with inclusion of reference number is attached for your record. As per Nutrivita signed off specification for raw material
the microbial parameters are updated. As per agreement the C.sakazaki & B.cerius are not part of signed specs. Plz approve the draft specs.
Thanks & Regards,
Varun Mutalik
To: Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>; Varun Mutalik/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
Cc: Atul Wahile/ Mahad/ Production/ Pharma Solutions <>; Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/
Pharma Solutions <>; Pravin Walekar/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
Subject: RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Dear Piramal Team,
I am not sure the signed version of the last PDS of Premix for PSUP PDOZ has been shared with you.
I am sharing this here enclosed.
Our deep apologies for this delay.
Best regards,
Alice Leboullenger
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À : Alice LEBOULLENGER <>; Varun Mutalik/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
Cc : Atul Wahile/ Mahad/ Production/ Pharma Solutions <>; Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality
Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Pravin Walekar/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
Objet : RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
ATTENTION : Ce courriel provient d'une personne externe à votre organisation, ne cliquez sur aucun lien ou n'ouvrez aucune pièce jointe à moins que vous ne fassiez confiance à l'expéditeur et
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Dear Alice,
Please send approval with the enclosed specs to update our internal system. Please send ASAP.
Bibekananda Rath
Chief Manager – PNS – Sales
M – 9711127442
D – +91 22 3802 3620
E –
Piramal Enterprises Limited
Cc: Atul Wahile/ Mahad/ Production/ Pharma Solutions <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>;
Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Pravin Walekar/ Mahad/ R & D/
Pharma Solutions <>
Subject: RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Dear Piramal team,
I hope this email finds you well,
It appears you could move forward with Nutrivita team on the following specifications for heavy metals :
Therefore could you please have these values reported on the PDS so that we sign it and finalize the validation file of Premix for RUSF and LNS MQ for coming
orders from Nutrivita ?
Many thanks for your collaboration,
Best regards,
Alice Leboullenger
Chargé de projet R&D | R&D Project Leader
+ 33 (0)2 32 93 82 82 | +33 (0)2 76 51 04 60|
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Cc : Atul Wahile/ Mahad/ Production/ Pharma Solutions <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>;
Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Pravin Walekar/ Mahad/ R & D/
Pharma Solutions <>
Objet : RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Dear Piramal Team,
I hope you are all well,
Please allow me to ask for the status on the pending below request,
Many thanks,
Alice Leboullenger
Cc : Atul Wahile/ Mahad/ Production/ Pharma Solutions <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>;
Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Pravin Walekar/ Mahad/ R & D/
Pharma Solutions <>
Objet : RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Dear Varun,
Apologies but the levels on heavy metals, contaminants and melamine which appear on the latest version of the PDS you are sharing with material code are not
the good ones.
On the previous version we exchanged and on the specifications signed between you and Nutrivita, we agreed on the following levels here below :
Lead < 1,0 mg / kg
Mercury < 0,05 mg / kg
Cadmium < 0,15 mg / kg
Arsenic < 0,25 mg / kg
Pesticides < 10 ppb
Melamine < 1,0 mg/kg
Therefore could you please modify the PDS with material code with the good levels ?
Many thanks,
Best regards,
Alice Leboullenger
Cc : Atul Wahile/ Mahad/ Production/ Pharma Solutions <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>;
Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Pravin Walekar/ Mahad/ R & D/
Pharma Solutions <>
Objet : RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
ATTENTION : Ce courriel provient d'une personne externe à votre organisation, ne cliquez sur aucun lien ou n'ouvrez aucune pièce jointe à moins que vous ne fassiez confiance à l'expéditeur et
considériez que le contenu est sûr.
Dear Alice,
Please find the specification sheet updated with material code.
Thanks & Regards,
From: Varun Mutalik/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions
Cc: Atul Wahile/ Mahad/ Production/ Pharma Solutions <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>;
Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Pravin Walekar/ Mahad/ R & D/
Pharma Solutions <>
Subject: RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Dear Alice,
Thanks for your mail, we have initiated FG code creation in our ststem. We shall share you specification sheet including material code in a day or two.
Thanks & Regards,
Cc: Atul Wahile/ Mahad/ Production/ Pharma Solutions <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>;
Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Pravin Walekar/ Mahad/ R & D/
Pharma Solutions <>
Subject: RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Dear all,
Nutrivita will have urgent needs of this new premix for PSUP / PDOZ therefore we should finalize this file as soon as possible.
Our minimum requirement relies on the TDS with material code to be added and shared with us.
Many thanks for your understanding,
Alice Leboullenger
Cc : Atul Wahile/ Mahad/ Production/ Pharma Solutions <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>;
Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Pravin Walekar/ Mahad/ R & D/
Pharma Solutions <>
Objet : RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Dear Varun,
Please accept my apologies for my late reply and receive my best wishes for this new year 2022 !
On the PDS itself we understand your point and therefore we accept the current max values for vitamins A, D3, E, B8 and B9.
Can you please therefore proceed with adding a material code to this PDS so that we can sign this PDS with its material code visible in the title of the document ?
For your kind reminder, this PDS is to be signed between Nutriset and Piramal and should not be shared with Nutrivita.
On the declaration for source & origin, we would appreciate if Piramal can work on having a column for the Grade of each ingredient.
In the meantime, Nutrivita can use this document, bu we need two copies of this document please :
one document without the column named « percentage » which is for Nutrivita
the current document with the column named « percentage » which is for Nutriset
Once these documents are finalized, Nutrivita wil be able to order this premix from Piramal on a commercial size.
Because this is an update from a previous premix reference, we do not need to go though the process of sampling and analyzes for validation of the new reference.
Reiterated gratitude for your collaboration,
Best regards,
Alice Leboullenger
Chargé de projet R&D | R&D Project Leader
+ 33 (0)2 32 93 82 82 | +33 (0)2 76 51 04 60|
Cc : Atul Wahile/ Mahad/ Production/ Pharma Solutions <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>;
Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Pravin Walekar/ Mahad/ R & D/
Pharma Solutions <>
Objet : RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
ATTENTION : Ce courriel provient d'une personne externe à votre organisation, ne cliquez sur aucun lien ou n'ouvrez aucune pièce jointe à moins que vous ne fassiez confiance à l'expéditeur et
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Dear Alice,
Hope you are doing fine,
Attached the declaration for source & origins.
New code can be generated once we are through the spec part & get go ahead for commercials.
We had gone through the requested changes wrt max level, the proposed change for B8 can be considered. But rest of the ingredients A,D3,E & B9 are either having certain
overages in premix or have inherent overages to give shelf life. So to reduce the max level is not feasible. Plz suggest your comments on the same.
The ingredient grades used are in-line with existing Plumpy line of products.
The requirement of formulation is for per 100g premix, so addition rate is not relevant.
Request to share sample quantity required.
Thanks & Regards,
Varun Mutalik
Piramal Pharma Solutions
D: +91 9833749745
+91 (2145) 251080-84
To: Amit Ravetkar/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>
Cc: Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Ujwal Shendre/ Mahad/
Operations/ Pharma Solutions <>; Varun Mutalik/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
Subject: RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Dear Piramal Team,
Greetings from France,
Nutrivita is having commercial needs of this premix reference on a very short term, therefore we would be glad to finalize the process of validation of this premix reference the
soonest possible.
I am staying available should you require any more clarification on our requests below.
Many thanks for your collaboration, Best regards,
Alice Leboullenger
Chargé de projet R&D | R&D Project Leader
+ 33 (0)2 32 93 82 82 | +33 (0)2 76 51 04 60|
À : Amit Ravetkar/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>
Cc : Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Ujwal Shendre/ Mahad/
Operations/ Pharma Solutions <>; Varun Mutalik/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
Objet : RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Dear Piramal Team,
My apologies for my late reply.
Thank you for following up on the quality file for this updated premix reference with our colleagues from Nutrivita company.
On this TDS enclosed please find enclosed a few comments :
Can you please give this premix a new material code ?
Could you eventually achieve different max values for 5 nutrients ? they are vitamins A, D3, E, B8, B9, their required max levels are indicated in the document.
Once these points will be closed we will be able to sign this PDS.
On the other document enclosed « Source & Origin », could you please add 2 columns with following information :
1 column for geographical origin of each nutrient
1 column with specified Grade of each nutrient :
Pharmacopea Europe or US for vitamins,
Food Chemical Codex or Pharmacopea EU/US for minerals
And then please edit 2 versions of the same document :
one version keeping inc rate of each nutrient for Nutriset,
one version without inc rate of each nutrient for Nutrivita (
Many thanks in advance for your prompt reply on these two documents which will allow Nutriset and Nutrivita teams to close the validation file for this new updated premix
Best regards,
Alice Leboullenger
Ingénieur Recherche et Développement Produit
Research and Development Product Engineer
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De : Amit Ravetkar/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
À : Alice LEBOULLENGER <>; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>
Cc : Céline TARTARIN <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Ujwal Shendre/ Mahad/
Operations/ Pharma Solutions <>; Varun Mutalik/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
Objet : RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
ATTENTION : Ce courriel provient d'une personne externe à votre organisation, ne cliquez sur aucun lien ou n'ouvrez aucune pièce jointe à moins que vous ne fassiez confiance à l'expéditeur et
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Dear Alice,
Hope you are doing good!!
As per trailing mail we have designed the premix formulation. Please find attached premix specification with required parameters for your approval.
Please suggest if any further information is required…
Amit Ravetkar
Chief Manager R&D
Piramal Pharma Solutions
D: +91 (2145) 251080-84
M: +91 9422041350
To: Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions
<>; Amit Ravetkar/ Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
Subject: RE: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Dear Bibekananda Rath, many thanks for your prompt reply.
Dear Mr.Rajesh and Mr.Amit, could you please work on and share a Product Data Sheet corresponding to the updated nutritional targets here enclosed ?
Staying available if needed,
Best regards,
Alice Leboullenger
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De : Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions <>
À : Alice LEBOULLENGER <>; Rajesh Kalepatil/ Mahad/ Quality Assurance/ Pharma Solutions <>; Amit Ravetkar/
Mahad/ R & D/ Pharma Solutions <>
Objet : Re: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
Dear Alice,
I am adding Mr. Rajesh from QA and Mr. Amit from R&D. They both are the right person to discuss on technical things. If you need any changes or modifications in the
approved specification sheet you can connect them directly.
Bibekananda Rath
To: Nilesh Desale/ Kurla/ Supply Chain/ Pharma Solutions; Bibekananda Rath/ Kurla/ Sales/ Pharma Solutions
Subject: update on nutritional specifications of premix for PSUP and PDOZ for Nutrivita
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