Notes Introduction To French Language
Notes Introduction To French Language
Notes Introduction To French Language
h muet – silent H
é [accent aigu]
à, è ù [accent grave]
â, ê, î, ô, û [circonflexe]
ë, ï [tréma]
ç [cédille]
NB: In bracket it’s just the names of the accents. Do not worry about the names. I just want
you to understand that there are accents in French. Accents are a part of the spellings, so its
important to learn the words with it if the word has an accent.
Some examples:
Ou – or où – where
La – the là - there
Oui – yes
Non – no
Coucou - Hi
Comment allez-vous? – how are you ? Je vais bien, Merci. – I’am fine, thankyou.
Comment vas-tu? – how are you? Je vais bien. – I’am fine. / I’am good
Ça va? – how are you? Ça va, bien. / Ça va très bien.- Im good/ I’m
very well/ very good.
Je – I
Tu – you
Il – he
Elle – she
Nous – we
Ils – they [masculine plural : group of masculine people or things and mixed group]