Ecte 323 Labexperiment 3

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Synchronous Motors

After completing this unit, you will be able to demonstrate and explain the operating
characteristics of synchronous motors using the Synchronous Motor / Generator module.

The principles of operation of the three-phase synchronous motor are very similar to those
of the three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor. The stator is usually built in and it creates
a rotating magnetic field. The rotor of the synchronous motor, however, is not a squirrel-
cage construction, but rather a permanent magnet or an electromagnet installed on the
motor shaft, as shown in
Figure 1-1 . This rotor is pulled along by the rotating magnetic field exactly as shown in

Figure 1-1. Rotor of a Synchronous Motor.

Synchronous Motors
There is, however, a problem when starting a synchronous motor. When three-phase ac
power is applied to the stator windings, a rotating magnetic field at synchronous speed ns
is immediately created. Since the rotor is at rest, it cannot catch up to the rotating magnetic
field and the resulting torque acting on the rotor is fairly weak.
One way to aid in starting a synchronous motor having a rotor of the electromagnet type is
to add a squirrel-cage to the rotor. During start-up, power is removed from the rotor
electromagnet and three-phase ac power is applied to the stator windings. A rotating
magnetic field is created, currents are induced in the squirrel cage, and the motor starts to
rotate like a conventional three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor. When the motor
speed stabilizes, dc power is applied to the electromagnet and the rotor locks to the rotating
magnetic field and turns at exactly the synchronous speed ns.

A synchronous motor with a permanent-magnet rotor cannot be started this way because
the permanent magnet cannot be turned off. In this case, a variablefrequency ac source is
used to supply power to the stator windings of the permanentmagnet synchronous motor.
The frequency of the ac source is first set to a low value. This creates a stator magnetic
field that rotates at a low speed, and thereby, allows the rotor to catch up to this field. The
frequency of the ac source is then increased gradually to increase the speed to the desired

The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate how to start a
synchronous motor as well as some characteristics of a synchronous motor using the
Synchronous Motor / Generator module.

The most interesting features of the three-phase synchronous motor are its ability to
operate at exactly the same speed as the rotating magnetic field, the capability of running at
unity power factor, and to be able to supply reactive power to an ac power source. As seen
in Unit 4, an asynchronous motor always consumes reactive power, whether it operates as
a motor or a generator. This is because the squirrel-cage induction motor requires reactive
power to produce the rotating magnetic field. In the case of the three-phase synchronous
motor, the rotating magnetic field is the sum of the magnetic fields produced by the stator
and the rotor. If the rotor field is weak, the stator must contribute almost all the reactive
power for the rotating magnetic field. The motor thus consumes reactive power like an
inductor or an asynchronous motor. However, if the rotor field is strong, the stator acts to
decrease the resulting field, and the motor thus supplies reactive power like a capacitor.
A graph of the reactive power Q versus the field current IF (current in the rotor
electromagnet) of a three-phase synchronous motor operating without load is shown in
Figure 5-2. When the field current IF is minimum, the magnetic field produced by the rotor
is weak and the motor consumes a maximum of reactive power (Q is positive). The
reactive power that is consumed decreases to zero as current IF increases because the
strength of the magnetic field produced by the rotor increases. When current IF exceeds a
certain value that depends on the characteristics of the motor, the rotor magnetic field is so
strong that the motor starts to supply reactive power, i.e. Q becomes negative as illustrated
in Figure 1-2.

The graph of the reactive power Q versus the field current IF shows that a threephase
synchronous motor without load behaves like a three-phase reactive load whose nature
(inductive or capacitive) and value depend on the field current IF. Therefore, three-phase
synchronous motors without load are also known as synchronous condensers when used to
control the power factor on three-phase power networks.
Figure 1-2. Reactive Power Q Versus Field Current IF for a Three-Phase Synchronous Motor
Operating Without Load.

The graph of the line current IL versus the field current IF for a three-phase
synchronous motor is a "V" type curve like that shown in Figure 1-3. This graph
shows that the line current to the motor can be minimized by setting the field
current IF to the appropriate value. The field current required to minimize the
line current is the same as that required to decrease the reactive power to zero.
Therefore, the motor reactive power is zero when the line current is minimum.

Figure 1-3. Line Current IL Versus Field Current IF for a Three-Phase Synchronous Motor Operating
Without Load.

The most inconvenient aspect of a three-phase synchronous motor is that it does not
start easily, as is explained earlier in this unit.
Procedure Summary
In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-4, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will see how to start a three-phase
synchronous motor with a rotor of the electromagnet type. You will also vary the
field current to see if this affects the motor speed and line current.

In the third part of the exercise, you will vary the field current by steps. For each
step, you will record in the data table various electrical parameters related to the
threephase synchronous motor. You will then use this data to plot various graphs
and determine many of the characteristics of the three-phase synchronous motor.
Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.

High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do
not make or modify any banana jack connections with
the power on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the Synchronous

Motor / Generator.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.
Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/
Power supply, Model 8960-8, connect its POWER INPUT to a
wall receptacle.

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the computer.
Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V
AC output of the Power Supply.
Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model
8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V -AC
output of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.
Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer /
Power supply, Model 8960-8, turn it on by setting its POWER
INPUT switch to the I (on) position. Press and hold the
FUNCTION button 3 seconds to have uncorrected torque
values on the display of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/
Power Supply. The indication "NC" appears next to the
function name on the display to indicate that the torque values
are uncorrected.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file ACMOTORI DAI
then select meter layout 2.
G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-4. Connect the three resistor sections
on the Resistive Load module in parallel to implement resistor RI.

120 60 57
220 50 210
220 60 210
240 50 229
*Figure 1-4. Synchronous Motor Coupled to a Brake.

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover /

Dynamometer to operate as a brake, then set the brake torque control to
maximum (fully CW position). To do this, refer to Exercise 1-1 or
Exercise 1-2 if necessary.
Note: If you are performing the exercise using L VSIM©-
EMS, you can zoom in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer
module before setting the controls in order to see additional
front panel markings related to these controls.

Starting a Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

G 7. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled.
On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER switch to the I
(closed) position and turn the EXCITER knob fully clockwise.
Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the
line voltage indicated by meter E line 1 is equal to the nominal line
voltage of the synchronous motor.
Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated
in the lower left corner of the module front panel. If you are
performing the exercise using LVSIM©-EMS, you can obtain
the rating of any machine by leaving the mouse pointer on the
rotor of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the
machine rating will appear after a few seconds

Record the starting torque TSTART of the synchronous motor (indicated by

the Torque meter in the Metering window).

G 8. On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER switch to the O (open)

Record the starting torque TSTART of the synchronous motor in the

following blank space.

Compare the starting torque obtained when the rotor electromagnet is turned
off to that obtained when the rotor electromagnet is turned on.
The starting torque when the rotor electromagnet is turned off is higher
than the starting torque when the rotor electromagnet is turned on
From the results obtained so far, would you conclude that it is desirable
to turn the rotor electromagnet off before starting the synchronous
motor? Briefly explain.
Yes, it is desirable because when the rotor electromagnet is turned
off than the starting torque is higher

G 9. On the brake, slowly set the torque control to minimum (fully CCW), wait
until the synchronous motor speed stabilizes, and record the motor speed
n (indicated by the Speed meter) in the following blank space.

1456 r/min

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER knob to the

mid position then set the EXCITER switch to the I (closed) position.
Does the motor speed n change?

G Yes G No YES
Record the motor speed n in the following blank space.

Is the motor speed now approximately equal to the nominal speed of the
Synchronous Motor / Generator (synchronous speed ns)?

G Yes G No YES

G 10. On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, slowly vary the setting of the
EXCITER knob between the MIN. and MAX. positions to vary the field
current IF [indicated by meter I field (IF)]. While doing this, observe the
motor speed n and the motor line current ILINE indicated by the Speed
meter and meter I line 1, respectively.
Does varying the field current IF vary the motor speed n?

G Yes G No
Does the motor line current ILINE vary when the field current IF is

G Yes G No
On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER knob to the
MIN. position.

Characteristics of a Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

G 11. Change the value of resistor RI and vary the setting of the EXCITER knob
on the Synchronous Motor I Generator so that the field current IF
[indicated by meter I field (IF)] passes from the minimum current to the
maximum current indicated in the following table, in ten steps that are
spaced as equally as possible. Note that it may be necessary to short
circuit resistor RI to increase the field current to the maximum value
indicated in the table. For each current setting, record the motor line
voltage ELINE, line current ILINE, field current IF, active power P, and
reactive power Q in the data table. These parameters are indicated by
meters E line 1, I line 1, I field (IF), Act. Power, and React. Power,

V ac mA

120 300 to 900

220 (50/60 Hz) 100 to 500

240 100 to 500

Table 1-1 . Range of Field Current.

G 12. When all data has been recorded, turn the voltage control knob fully
counterclockwise, and turn the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle
the data table as DT511, and print the data table.
Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt
computerbased instruments for EMS to know how to edit,
entitle and print a data table.

G 13. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of
the motor line current ILINE (obtained from meter I line 1) as a function
of the field current IF [obtained from meter I field (IF)]. Entitle the graph
as G511, name the x-axis as Synchronous Motor Field Current, name the
y-axis as Synchronous Motor Line Current, and print the graph.
Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt
computerbased instruments for EMS to know how to use the
Graph window of the Metering application to obtain a graph,
entitle a graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

Approximate the field current IF that minimizes the motor line current
ILINE using graph G511. Record your result in the following blank

A (for reducing the motor line current to minimum)

G 14. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of
the motor active power P and reactive power Q (obtained from meters
Act. Power and React. Power, respectively) as a function of the field
current IF [obtained from meter I field (IF)] using the data recorded
previously in the data table. Entitle the graph as G511-1 , name the x-
axis as Synchronous Motor Field Current, name the y-axis as
Synchronous Motor Active and Reactive Power, and print the graph.

Does varying the field current IF vary the active power consumed by the
synchronous motor significantly?

G Yes G No

How does the motor reactive power Q vary when the field current IF

As the field current increases, the reactive power Q linearly


Could a synchronous motor operating without load be used to improve

the power factor of a three-phase power network? Briefly explain.
Yes it can improve the power factor because the synchronous motor
behaves like an inductor or a capacitor depending on the field

G 15. Determine the field current IF for which the reactive power Q is zero using
graph G511-1. Record your result in the following blank space.

A (for reducing the motor reactive power to zero)

Compare the field current that sets the reactive power Q to zero with the
field current that minimizes the motor line current ILINE.
The field current that sets the reactive power Q to zero and the field
current that minimizes the motor line current Iline is the same, they
are equal.
From the results obtained so far, can you conclude that the motor line current is
minimum when the reactive power is zero?

G Yes G No
G 16. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.
Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer /
Power supply, Model 8960-8, turn it off by setting its POWER
INPUT switch to the O (offl position.

Remove all leads and cables.

In this exercise, you saw that the rotor electromagnet must be turned off when
starting a synchronous motor, to obtain a higher torque. You observed that once a
synchronous motor rotates at a fairly high speed, the rotor electromagnet can be
turned on to make the motor turn at the synchronous speed ns. You found that
varying the field current IF of a synchronous motor (current in the rotor
electromagnet) varies the motor line current ICINE as well as the motor reactive
power Q. You plotted graphs of the motor line current, active power P, and
reactive power Q versus the field current. You found that the synchronous motor
line current can be minimized by adjusting the field current. You observed that
the synchronous motor can either sink or source reactive power depending on the
value of the field current. You saw that this allows a three-phase synchronous
motor to be used as a synchronous condenser to improve the power factor of a
three-phase power network.

The starting torque of a three-phase synchronous motor is increased when

a. the rotor electromagnet is turned on.

b. the rotor electromagnet is turned off.
c. the power factor of the ac power network is unity.
d. dc power is applied to one of the stator windings.

2. When a synchronous motor without load is connected to a three-phase ac power

network, the resulting power factor depends on

a. the speed of the motor.

b. the active power consumed by the motor.
c. the amount of field current.
d. the line current.
3. Reactive power in a synchronous motor without load is minimum when
a. the line current is maximum.
b. the line current is minimum.
c. the line current equals the field current.
d. the field current is minimum.
4. Synchronous condenser is another name for

a. an asynchronous motor.
b. a squirrel-cage motor.
c. a split-phase motor.
d. a synchronous motor operating without load.

5. The squirrel cage in a synchronous motor with a rotor of the electromagnet type

a. minimizes the motor line current.

b. prevents saturation of the rotor electromagnet.
c. allows the motor to start when ac power is applied to the stator windings.
d. makes the motor operate as a synchronous condenser.

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