Under Suitable Conditions, Butane, C: © OCR 2022. You May Photocopy This
Under Suitable Conditions, Butane, C: © OCR 2022. You May Photocopy This
Under Suitable Conditions, Butane, C: © OCR 2022. You May Photocopy This
In your equations, use molecular formulae and ‘dots‘ (·) with any radicals.
Propagation →
i. Organic compound D is formed by substitution of all the H atoms in butane by Cl atoms.
i. Waste poly(hex-1-ene) can be disposed of usefully by recycling.
State two other methods of disposing of polymers that can be beneficial to the environment.
In the diagram below, each box represents an orbital and each electron is shown as an arrow.
Label the sub-shells and add arrows to show how electrons occupy orbitals in an atom of oxygen.
• Use the structures to explain what is meant by the term structural isomer.
• Explain the trend in boiling points shown by A, B and C in the table.
(b). Compounds A, B and C all react with chlorine in the presence of ultraviolet radiation to form organic compounds with the formula
i. Name the mechanism for this reaction.
i. Complete the table to show the number of structural isomers of C5H11Cl that could be formed from the reaction of chlorine with A
and B.
Number of
structural isomers
........................ ........................
i. The reaction of compound A with excess chlorine forms a compound D, which has a molar mass of 175.5 g mol . −1
Draw a possible structure for compound D and write the equation for its formation from compound A. Use molecular formulae in the
Equation [2]
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
A C10H8
B C10H10
C C12H10
D C12H12
i. Name the shape of a phosgene molecule and explain why it has this shape.
Name of shape
Total 7
Total 1
Examiner’s Comments
Total 1
4 a i
Examiner’s Comments
Exemplar 6
Examiner’s Comments
Combustion for energy production ✓
Most students did not gain many marks on
ii 2(AO1.1×2)
for production of plastics this question, with a significant number stating
OR other useful organic compounds ✓ that the plastics could be used to feed
livestock or as fertilisers. Those that
mentioned combustion, merely stated plastics
could be used as a fuel. Some candidates
made references to making them
biodegradable or recycling, but these answers
were not given.
Total 11
Sub-shells labels 2
2s (single box) AND 2p (3 boxes) ✓ (AO1.1) ALLOW single headed arrows, e.g. 1
Total 2
Examiner’s Comments
Branching and London forces: 1 mark
This question discriminated well and resulted
Could be seen anywhere within response in a full range of marks. Most candidates were
More branching gives less (surface) contact aware that structural isomers have different
structural formulae but the same molecular
AND formulae. It was common though for
fewer/weaker London forces ✓ candidates to refer to different arrangements
of atoms in space, clearly confusing with
stereoisomerism. The best candidates used
the structures (as in the question) to show that
Energy and intermolecular forces: 1 mark the common molecular formula was C5H12.
Examiner’s Comments
ii A B 2 Most candidates achieved at least one mark,
3✓ 2✓ particularly for isomer A. Successful
candidates often drew structures of the
isomers alongside the table to help with their
iii 2
Structure of D
ALLOW correct structural OR displayed
Structure of a trichloro isomer of A, OR skeletal formula OR mixture of the above
e.g. (as long as unambiguous)
IGNORE molecular formula
ALLOW any trichloro isomer of A
CHECK carefully
NO ECF from incorrect structure of D Many candidates correctly drew the structure
Exemplar 6
Total 10
Examiner’s Comments
7 C 1
The responses showed a reasonably even
split across all options with relatively few
correct responses of C. A good route to
success here is to draw out the possibilities.
Total 1
Examiner’s Comments
Total 1
Total 4