An P001

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47. Mare 2004 January 2004 ASTA Elektrodraht a COPPER FLAT WIRES iene AsT\ PAPER INSULATED AN P001 pee Technical Specifications for Delivery EE Replaces AN P001 issue 11/1992 ASTA Standard AN P001 is an in-house standard. ASTA Standard AN P001 comprises - cover sheet - English edition of AN P001: 01/2004 Copyright © 2004 ASTA Eiektradraht GmbH & Co. All rights reserved. No pat of hs publication may be reproduced, stored in © Introduced info a retrieval system or ether media in any form or by any means (electtonic, mechanical, photocopying. oF otherwise) without the prior writen permission of ASTA Elektrodrant GribHl & Co ‘Author: Revised by: Released by: Thomas KLINGER Wolfgang FENZ Franz ZEPITSCH January 12, 2004 January 14, 2004 January 14, 2004 Revision: 7 Page 17, Contents 1. General 2. Material 3. Bare Wire 4. Insulation 5. Joints 6. Packaging 7. Quality Assurance 8. Amendments: 4. GENERAL Page 2/7 AN P001: 01/2004 This Specification shall apply to copper conductors of vertically (radially) or/and horizontally (axially) wound flat wires, insulated with insulation materials specified in clause 2.2 of this standard. Version 1 (axially) Version 2 (radially) a 1.4. Strip Dimensions 1.1.1 Version 1 Width b;; 2.00 to 25.00 mm Thickness s;: 1.00 to 8.00 mm Max. by : s; ratio: s10:1 Max. cross section: = 100 mm? 1.4.2. Version 2 Width by Thickness s+ Max. b; : s; ratio Max. cross section: Proof stress Ryo2! Core diameter of drum: 2. MATERIAL, 2.1, Mater of Single Si Cu-ETP ‘CuAgo.10 4.00 to 12.00 mm 4.00 to 6.00 mm <25:1 $72 mm? S100 N/mm? (incl. Plus-Tolerance) = 800 mm electrical engineering copper to EN 1977, material number CWO04A copperisilver alloy to EN 1977, material number CW013A Page 3/7 AN P001: 01/2004 2.2. Material of Insulation NP Type 5A2-1M3 kraft paper to DIN VDE 0311 Part 35; 0.06 or 0.08 mm thick 1? Munskjé Thermo Trans thermostabilized paper, 0.06 or 0.075 mm thick HIHD F Type 5B4-2L4 calendered paper to DIN VDE 0311 Part 35, 0.085, 0.080 mm thick HIHDZ Type 5B4-2L4 thermostabilized, calendered paper to DIN VDE 0311 Part 35, 0.065, 0.085, or 0.105 mm thick Hoc Dennison 22HCC Insuldur, thermostabilized crepe paper, 0.076 mm thick; or Dennison 32HCC Insuldur, thermostabilized crepe paper, 0.076 mm thick; or Cindus Insulstretch 42 HCF thermostabilized crepe paper, 0.076 mm thick NX Type 410 Nomex®, 0.05 or 0.08 mm thick For each material, several thicknesses may be combined. 3. BARE WIRE 3.1. Permissible deviations for nominal width b; and nominal thickness s, as per Table 1: Table 4 by and s; [mm] Permissible deviations [mm] 53.15 £0.03, 33.15 56.30 £0.05 6.30 $ 12.50 £0.07 > 12.50 5 16.00 £0.10 > 16.00 $25.00 £0.13 3.2, Edge radii r and permissible deviations as per Table 2: Table 2 ‘s; [mm] r [mm] Permissible deviation Area reduction {mmm [rn < 1.00 s/2 - i > 1.00 < 1.60 0.50 20.13 0.21 > 1.60 < 2.24 0.65 +0.16 0.36, > 2.24 53.55 0.80 +0.20 0.55, > 3.55 < 5.60 1.00, +0.25 0.86 > 5.60 < 8.00 1.25 $0.31 1.34 3.3. DC Resistance The DC resistance per unit length at 20°C shall be not higher than the value calculated from the smallest conductor cross section (minimum width by multiplied by minimum thickness s, minus decrease of section due to maximum edge radius) and the appropriate conductivity value given in Table 3. Table 3 Roz proof stress [Nimm*] Conductivity [m/Omm?] <170 258.0 2170 257.5 Page 4/7 AN P001: 01/2004 3.4. Mechanical Properties The mechanical properties shall be expressed as tensile strength Rp, proof stress Rio» and elongation at break Ascomm- 3.4.1, No Specified Proof Stress as per Table 4 Table 4 Tensile Strength Rn Elongation at Break Avoon [%] 200 - 260 235 Ryo2 proof stress is not defined ied Proof Stress as per Table 5 Proof Stress Reo2[N/mm?] Elongation at Break A;comm [%] 2 110 < 140 225 = 140 <170 220 = 170 = 240 218 = 240 < 280 215 The appropriate nominal values shall be specified by the customer. For nominal Ryo proof stress values <200 Nimm? a tolerance of -0/+30 Nimm? and for nominal Ryo2 proof stress values >200 N/mm? a tolerance of -0/+40 N/mm? shall be allowed for. In view of the resoftening of high proof stress copper ASTA recommends to use silver alloyed copper CuAg0.10 for single strips with a nominal Ryo2 proof stress 2 220 Nimm?. 4. INSULATION The insulation shall be smooth and gapless, with no cracks, holes, or blisters that may affect the perfect use of the conductor in transformer windings. 4.1. Increase in Dimensions due to Insulation The maximum increase of the insulation thickness and the minimum number of wrapping layers corresponding to the nominal insulation related increase shall be as given in Table 6. Should the customer and manufacturer agree on an insulation related increase value other than those given in Table 6, then the minimum number of layers shall be the one corresponding to the next smaller nominal insulation related increase as per Table 6. Increases higher than 1 mm shall be handled analogously as per Table 6. For each mm of insulation related increase a minimum of 7 layers shall be provided. Permissible deviations from the increase of wire thickness shall be as given in Table 7. Table 6 ___ Minimum number of layers Maximum increase due to Insulation [mm] | 0.40 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 I 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 olalalala|a|alesles Page 5/7 AN PO01: 01/2004 [ Minimum number of layers Maximum increase due to Insulation [mm] 6 0.90 i 7 0.95 z 4.00 7 1.10 8 1.20 Table 7 Nominal increase due to Insulation [mm] Permissible deviation < 2,00 +0/-10% > 2.00 < 2.64 ¥0/-0.20 mm 2264 + 07-7.50% The maximum increase due to the insulation may exceed the above values provided the maximum outside dimensions as per clause 4.3. of this Standard are met. The nominal increase in width is not specified. Due to manufacturing process, - depending (on the ratio thickness/width- it will be less than the nominal increase in thickness. 4.2. Insulation Structure The wire shall be covered with insulation paper tapes (material according to clause 2.2 hereof). All layers, except the two outermost layers, shall be butt-wound with a gap of <0.5 mm. The two outermost layers shall be interleaved butt-wound. For a total number of layers <4, the butt joints in every two successive layers shall be staggered by 20-30%, for a total number of layers = 4 by 30-50% of the paper tape width. After each group of layers, the wragpping direction shall be changed. 4.2.1. Width of Insulating Tapes The maximum width of the insulation tapes shall be 30 mm. However, it shall be adapted to the conductor cross section to achieve best possible smooth insulation built up. 4.3. Outer Dimensions 4.3.1 Maximum dimension s2 ‘The maximum radial outer dimension of the conductor shall be calculated as the sum of the maximum dimension of the bare conductor and the maximum increase due to the insulation. 4.3.2 Minimum dimension sz The minimum radial outer dimension of the conductor shall be calculated as the sum of the minimum dimension of the bare conductor and the minimum increase due to the insulation, 4.4, Determination of Dimensions ‘The bare conductor dimensions shall be measured with an external micrometer to DIN 863 Part 1, the dimensions of the insulated conductor with a thickness measuring device using a specific test pressure of 100 Nicm?. The insulation related increase shall be the calculated difference between the two measurements. 4.5. Paraffin Treatment of the Conductor In order to enhance the ability of paper insulated flat wires to a best possible sliding during winding process, one flat surface of the conductor may at customer's request be coated with solid paraffin. Page 6/7 AN P001: 01/2004 JOINTS For conductors of a maximum cross section of 60 mm? and a maximum thickness of 3 mm, joints between sections of the same wire shall be brazed with silver filler, then worked to exact size, and the joint position marked on the outside of the insulation with blue adhesive tape. Each brazed joint shall be inspected for cracks visually. Wire sections of larger cross sections shall be joined with a self adhesive glass fiber reinforced tape. 6. DELIVERY Paper insulated flat wires shall be delivered on drums as per Table 8 or 9. It is recommended to assign wires to delivery drums as per Table 10. Table 8: Returnable drums Drum type | Flange | Core | Outside | Winding | Center| Tare | Approx diameter | diameter | width width hole Capacity diameter {rom {mm [mm], [mm] {mm} ik] Ika] 055 500, 315 250 180 36 7.65 400 070 710 520 226 190 52 1 190 085 ‘800, 520, 320 248, 52 30 320 104 1000 800 370 288 80. at 350 105 1000 800, 670, 588 80, 52 450, 106 1000. 800 600 518 80 50 400 120 1200. 800 700 618 80 94 1000 123 4200 500 600, 518 80 5 1300 126 1200 800 600 518 80 22 ‘800 Table 9: One-way drums Drum type] Flange | Core | Outside | Winding | Center ] Tare | Approx. diameter | diameter | width width hole Capacity diameter [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] mm] kel ka] 060, 600, 320 214 178 52 69 200 (062 600 270 154 118 52 7 110. 064 600 270 276 240 82 8s, 260 o72 710 520 226 196 52 10 190 404 4000 800 684 600 80 47 450 103 100. 600 350, 270 127. 38. 500 124 1200. 800 700 600 80 65 1000 Table 10 Nominal thickness s1 [mm] | Nominal conductor cross | Minimum drum diameter section [mm] [mm] <10 250 B10<2 | 500 > 4.00 < 8.00 > 25 800 6.1. Length Tolerances per Delivery Drum Conductor lengths per drum shall be specified in each order, length tolerances per delivery drum shall be as stated in Table 11 below. Table 14 Length per drum [m] Length tolerance per drum = 200 +1/-0m > 200 s 1000 +2/-O0m > 1000 +5/-0m 6.2. Marking Each drum shall be appropriately marked with the following data: *Drum number *Order number “Nominal dimensions “Article designation “Length “Shipping weight "Tare *Net weight "Release date *Release note 1. QUALITY ASSURANCE Production shall be subject to the specifications of QA standard EN ISO 9001:2000. If specifically requested in the order, the ASTA Quality Assurance Department will issue a factory certificate according to customers demand. 8. AMENDMENTS, New issue

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