Rnsas06854 1
Rnsas06854 1
Rnsas06854 1
16 H8/36079Group, H8/36077Group
Hardware Manual
Revision Date: Sep. 10, 2007
Rev. 3.00 Sep. 10, 2007 Page ii of xxxii
Notes regarding these materials
1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate
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2. Renesas shall have no liability for damages or infringement of any intellectual property or other rights arising
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4. All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, and
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10. Although Renesas endeavors to improve the quality and reliability of its products, IC products have specific
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13. Please contact a Renesas sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this
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1. Treatment of NC Pins
Note: Do not connect anything to the NC pins.
The NC (not connected) pins are either not connected to any of the internal circuitry or are
used as test pins or to reduce noise. If something is connected to the NC pins, the
operation of the LSI is not guaranteed.
When designing an application system that includes this LSI, take notes into account. Each section
includes notes in relation to the descriptions given, and usage notes are given, as required, as the
final part of each section.
7. List of Registers
8. Electrical Characteristics
9. Appendix
10. Main Revisions and Additions in this Edition (only for revised versions)
The list of revisions is a summary of points that have been revised or added to earlier versions.
This does not include all of the revised contents. For details, see the actual locations in this
11. Index
Target Users: This manual was written for users who will be using the H8/36079 Group and
H8/36077 Group in the design of application systems. Target users are expected to
understand the fundamentals of electrical circuits, logical circuits, and
Objective: This manual was written to explain the hardware functions and electrical
characteristics of the H8/36079 Group and H8/36077 Group to the target users.
Refer to the H8/300H Series Software Manual for a detailed description of the
instruction set.
Example: Register name: The following notation is used for cases when the same or a
similar function, e.g. serial communication interface, is
implemented on more than one channel:
XXX_N (XXX is the register name and N is the channel
Bit order: The MSB is on the left and the LSB is on the right.
When using an on-chip emulator (E7, E8) for H8/36079 and H8/36077 program development and
debugging, the following restrictions must be noted.
1. The NMI pin is reserved for the E7 or E8, and cannot be used.
2. Pins P85, P86, and P87 cannot be used. In order to use these pins, additional hardware must be
provided on the user board.
3. The following areas are used by the E7 or E8, and are not available to the user.
H8/36079 Group: H'01F000 to H'01FFFF
H8/36077 Group: H'D000 to H'DFFF
4. The following areas must on no account be accessed.
H8/36079 Group: H'FFF780 to H'FFFB7F
H8/36077 Group: H'F780 to H'FB7F
5. In usage with the E7or E8, address breaks can be set as either available to the user or for use
by the E7 or E8. If address breaks are set as being used by the E7, the address break control
registers must not be accessed.
6. In usage with the E7 or E8, NMI is an input/output pin (open-drain in output mode), P85 and
P87 are input pins, and P86 is an output pin.
7. Use channel 1 of the SCI3 (P21/RXD, P22/TXD) in on-board programming mode by boot
8. In usage with the E7or E8, the power supply voltage for H8/36079 Group products must be
greater than the reset detection voltage of the low voltage detection circuit.
Related Manuals: The latest versions of all related manuals are available from our web site.
Please ensure you have the latest versions of all documents you require.
Application notes:
All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Section 1 Overview..................................................................................................1
1.1 Features................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Block Diagram...................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Pin Arrangement ................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Pin Functions ........................................................................................................................ 6
Section 2 CPU..........................................................................................................9
2.1 Address Space and Memory Map ....................................................................................... 11
2.2 Register Configuration........................................................................................................ 12
2.2.1 General Registers ................................................................................................ 13
2.2.2 Program Counter (PC) ........................................................................................ 14
2.2.3 Condition-Code Register (CCR) ......................................................................... 14
2.3 Data Formats....................................................................................................................... 16
2.3.1 General Register Data Formats ........................................................................... 16
2.3.2 Memory Data Formats ........................................................................................ 18
2.4 Instruction Set ..................................................................................................................... 19
2.4.1 Table of Instructions Classified by Function ...................................................... 19
2.4.2 Basic Instruction Formats ................................................................................... 29
2.5 Addressing Modes and Effective Address Calculation....................................................... 30
2.5.1 Addressing Modes .............................................................................................. 30
2.5.2 Effective Address Calculation ............................................................................ 33
2.6 Basic Bus Cycle .................................................................................................................. 36
2.6.1 Access to On-Chip Memory (RAM, ROM)........................................................ 36
2.6.2 On-Chip Peripheral Modules .............................................................................. 37
2.7 CPU States .......................................................................................................................... 38
2.8 Usage Notes ........................................................................................................................ 39
2.8.1 Notes on Data Access to Empty Areas ............................................................... 39
2.8.2 EEPMOV Instruction.......................................................................................... 39
2.8.3 Bit-Manipulation Instruction............................................................................... 40
Index ....................................................................................................................525
Section 1 Overview
Figure 1.1 Block Diagram of H8/36079 Group and H8/36077 Group ........................................... 4
Figure 1.2 Pin Arrangement of H8/36079 Group and
H8/36077 Group (FP-64K, FP-64A) ............................................................................ 5
Section 2 CPU
Figure 2.1 Memory Map............................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2.2 CPU Registers ............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 2.3 Usage of General Registers ......................................................................................... 13
Figure 2.4 Relationship between Stack Pointer and Stack Area ................................................... 14
Figure 2.5 General Register Data Formats (1) .............................................................................. 16
Figure 2.5 General Register Data Formats (2) .............................................................................. 17
Figure 2.6 Memory Data Formats................................................................................................. 18
Figure 2.7 Instruction Formats...................................................................................................... 29
Figure 2.8 Branch Address Specification in Memory Indirect Mode ........................................... 33
Figure 2.9 On-Chip Memory Access Cycle.................................................................................. 36
Figure 2.10 On-Chip Peripheral Module Access Cycle (3-State Access)..................................... 37
Figure 2.11 CPU Operation States................................................................................................ 38
Figure 2.12 State Transitions ........................................................................................................ 39
Figure 2.13 Example of Timer Configuration with Two Registers
Allocated to Same Address ....................................................................................... 40
Section 3 Exception Handling
Figure 3.1 Reset Sequence............................................................................................................ 57
Figure 3.2 Stack Status after Exception Handling ........................................................................ 59
Figure 3.3 Interrupt Sequence....................................................................................................... 61
Figure 3.4 Port Mode Register Setting and Interrupt Request Flag Clearing Procedure .............. 62
Section 4 Address Break
Figure 4.1 Block Diagram of Address Break................................................................................ 63
Figure 4.2 Address Break Interrupt Operation Example (1)......................................................... 68
Figure 4.2 Address Break Interrupt Operation Example (2)......................................................... 69
Section 5 Clock Pulse Generator
Figure 5.1 Block Diagram of Clock Pulse Generator ................................................................... 71
Figure 5.2 State Transition of System Clock ................................................................................ 79
Figure 5.3 Flowchart of Clock Switching with Backup Function Enabled................................... 80
Figure 5.4 Flowchart of Clock Switching with Backup Function Disabled (1)
(From On-Chip Oscillator Clock to External Clock) ................................................. 81
Section 1 Overview
Table 1.1 Pin Functions ............................................................................................................ 6
Section 2 CPU
Table 2.1 Operation Notation ................................................................................................. 19
Table 2.2 Data Transfer Instructions....................................................................................... 20
Table 2.3 Arithmetic Operations Instructions (1) ................................................................... 21
Table 2.3 Arithmetic Operations Instructions (2) ................................................................... 22
Table 2.4 Logic Operations Instructions................................................................................. 23
Table 2.5 Shift Instructions..................................................................................................... 23
Table 2.6 Bit Manipulation Instructions (1)............................................................................ 24
Table 2.6 Bit Manipulation Instructions (2)............................................................................ 25
Table 2.7 Branch Instructions ................................................................................................. 26
Table 2.8 System Control Instructions.................................................................................... 27
Table 2.9 Block Data Transfer Instructions ............................................................................ 28
Table 2.10 Addressing Modes .................................................................................................. 30
Table 2.11 Absolute Address Access Ranges ........................................................................... 32
Table 2.12 Effective Address Calculation (1)........................................................................... 34
Table 2.12 Effective Address Calculation (2)........................................................................... 35
Section 3 Exception Handling
Table 3.1 Exception Sources and Vector Address .................................................................. 46
Table 3.2 Interrupt Wait States ............................................................................................... 60
Section 4 Address Break
Table 4.1 Access and Data Bus Used ..................................................................................... 66
Section 5 Clock Pulse Generator
Table 5.1 Crystal Resonator Parameters ................................................................................. 89
Section 6 Power-Down Modes
Table 6.1 Operating Frequency and Waiting Time................................................................. 96
Table 6.2 Transition Mode after SLEEP Instruction Execution and Transition Mode
due to Interrupt...................................................................................................... 101
Table 6.3 Internal State in Each Operating Mode................................................................. 102
Section 7 ROM
Table 7.1 Setting Programming Modes ................................................................................ 117
Table 7.2 Boot Mode Operation ........................................................................................... 119
Section 1 Overview
1.1 Features
• High-speed H8/300H CPU with an internal 16-bit architecture
Upwardly compatible with H8/300 CPU at the object level
Sixteen 16-bit general registers
62 basic instructions
• Various peripheral functions
RTC (can be used as a free running counter)
Timer B1 (8-bit timer)
Timer V (8-bit timer)
Timer Z (16-bit timer)
14-bit PWM
Watchdog timer
SCI (asynchronous or clock synchronous serial communication interface) × 2 channels
I C bus interface (conforms to the I C bus interface format that is advocated by Philips
2 2
10-bit A/D converter
POR/LVD (power-on reset & low-voltage detection circuit)
On-chip oscillator
• On-chip memory
Flash memory version H8/36079 5.0-V model H8/36079GF HD64F36079G 128 Kbytes 6 Kbytes
(F-ZTAT version) Group
3.3-V model H8/36079LF HD64F36079L
Operating Maximum
Voltage Operating
Product Classification Product Model Range Frequency Remarks
Flash memory version H8/36079 5.0-V model H8/36079GF HD64F36079G 4.5 V to 5.5 V 20.0 MHz
(F-ZTAT version) Group
3.3-V model H8/36079LF HD64F36079L 3.0 V to 3.6 V 16.0 MHz
Address Operating
Product Classification Product Model Space Mode Remarks
Flash memory version H8/36079 5.0-V model H8/36079GF HD64F36079G 16 Mbytes Advanced
(F-ZTAT version) Group mode
3.3-V model H8/36079LF HD64F36079L
• Compact package
Subclock On-chip CPU
oscillator oscillator H8/300H
Port 6
Port 2
P23 P76/TMOV
Port 7
P31 P72/TXD_2
P32 P71/RXD_2
14-bit PWM SCI3_2
Port 3
P35 Watchdog
Timer Z
P36 timer
P37 P87
Port 8
P57/SCL Timer V Timer B1 P85
Port 5
A/D converter POR&LVD
P50/WKP0 Data bus (upper)
Address bus
Port C Port B
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
P71/RXD_2 49 32 P63/FTIOD0
P72/TXD_2 50 31 P24
P14/IRQ0 51 30 P76/TMOV
P15/IRQ1/TMIB1 52 29 P75/TMCIV
P16/IRQ2 53 28 P74/TMRIV
P17/IRQ3/TRGV 54 27 P57/SCL
P33 55 26 P56/SDA
H8/36079 Group
P32 56 25 P12
H8/36077 Group
P31 57 24 P11/PWM
Top View
P30 58 23 P10/TMOW
PB3/AN3 59 22 P55/WKP5/ADTRG
PB2/AN2 60 21 P54/WKP4
PB1/AN1 61 20 P53/WKP3
PB0/AN0 62 19 P52/WKP2
PB4/AN4 63 18 P37
PB5/AN5 64 17 P36
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pin No.
Type Symbol FP-64A I/O Functions
Power VCC 12 Input Power supply pin. Connect this pin to the
source pins system power supply.
VSS 9 Input Ground pin. Connect this pin to the system
power supply (0V).
AVCC 3 Input Analog power supply pin for the A/D converter.
When the A/D converter is not used, connect
this pin to the system power supply.
VCL 6 Input See section 20, Power Supply Circuit, for a
typical connection.
Clock pins OSC1 11 Input These pins connect with crystal or ceramic
resonator for the system clock, or can be used
OSC2/ 10 Output
CLKOUT to input an external clock. When the on-chip
oscillator is used, the system clock can be
output on OSC2 pin.
See section 5, Clock Pulse Generator, for a
typical connection.
X1 5 Input These pins connect with a 32.768 kHz crystal
resonator for the subclock. See section 5, Clock
X2 4 Output
Pulse Generator, for a typical connection.
System RES 7 Input Reset pin. The pull-up resistor (typ. 150 kΩ) is
control incorporated. When driven low, this LSI is reset.
TEST 8 Input Test pin. Connect this pin to Vss.
Interrupt NMI 35 Input Non-maskable interrupt request input pin. Be
pins sure to pull up by a resistor.
IRQ0 to 51 to 54 Input External interrupt request input pins. Can select
IRQ3 the rising or falling edge.
WKP0 to 13, 14, Input External interrupt request input pins. Can select
WKP5 19 to 22 the rising or falling edge.
RTC TMOW 23 Output This is an output pin for a divided clock.
Timer B1 TMIB1 52 Input External event input pin
Pin No.
Type Symbol FP-64A I/O Functions
Timer V TMOV 30 Output This is an output pin for a waveform generated
by the output compare function.
TMCIV 29 Input External event input pin
TMRIV 28 Input Counter reset input pin
TRGV 54 Input Counter start trigger input pin
Timer Z FTIOA0 36 I/O Output compare output/input capture
input/external clock input pin
FTIOB0 34 I/O Output compare output/input capture
input/PWM output pin
FTIOC0 33 I/O Output compare output/input capture
input/PWM sync output pin (at a reset,
complementary PWM mode)
FTIOD0 32 I/O Output compare output/input capture
input/PWM output pin
FTIOA1 37 I/O Output compare output/input capture
input/PWM output pin (at a reset,
complementary PWM mode)
FTIOB1 to 38 to 40 I/O Output compare output/input capture
FTIOD1 input/PWM output pin
14-bit PWM PWM 24 Output 14-bit PWM square wave output pin
2 2
I C bus SDA 26 I/O I C data I/O pin. Can directly drive a bus by
interface 2 NMOS open-drain output. When using this pin,
(IIC2) external pull-up resistor is required.
SCL 27 I/O I C clock I/O pin. Can directly drive a bus by
NMOS open-drain output. When using this pin,
external pull-up resistor is required.
Serial com- TXD, 46, 50 Output Transmit data output pin
munication TXD_2
interface 3
RXD, 45, 49 Input Receive data input pin
(SCI3) RXD_2
SCK3, 44, 48 I/O Clock I/O pin
Pin No.
Type Symbol FP-64A I/O Functions
A/D AN7 to AN0 2, 1 Input Analog input pin
converter 64, 63
59 to 62
ADTRG 22 Input A/D conversion start trigger input pin
I/O ports PB7 to PB0 2, 1 Input 8-bit input port
64, 63
59 to 62
PC1, PC0 10, 11 I/O 2-bit I/O port
P17 to P14, 54 to 51, I/O 7-bit I/O port
P12 to P10 25 to 23
P24 to P20 31, 47 to 44 I/O 5-bit I/O port
P37 to P30 18 to 15, I/O 8-bit I/O port
55 to 58
P57 to P50 27, 26 I/O 8-bit I/O port
22 to 19
14, 13
P67 to P60 40 to 37 I/O 8-bit I/O port
32 to 34, 36
P76 to P74, 30 to 28, I/O 6-bit I/O port
P72 to P70 50 to 48
P87 to P85 43 to 41 I/O 3-bit I/O port
Low-voltage ExtU, ExtD 2, 1 Input This pin is used to externally input the
detection detection voltage for the low-voltage detection
circuit circuit.
Section 2 CPU
Microcontrollers of the H8/36079 Group and H8/36077 Group have an H8/300H CPU with an
internal 32-bit architecture that provides upward compatibility with the H8/300CPU. Products of
the H8/36079 Group support an advanced mode with a 16-Mbyte address space while those of the
H8/36077 Group support a normal mode with a 64-Kbyte address space.
• High-speed operation
All frequently-used instructions execute in one or two states
8/16/32-bit register-register add/subtract: 2 state
8 × 8-bit register-register multiply: 14 states
16 ÷ 8-bit register-register divide: 14 states
16 × 16-bit register-register multiply: 22 states
32 ÷ 16-bit register-register divide: 22 states
• CPU operating mode
H8/36079 Group: Advanced mode
H8/36077 Group: Normal mode
• Power-down state
Transition to power-down state by SLEEP instruction
On-chip ROM
(32 kbytes)
H'01F000 H'D000 Not used
On-chip emulator On-chip emulator
firmware area firmware area
H'01FFFF (4 kbytes) H'017FFF H'DFFF (4 kbytes)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
SP: Stack pointer H: Half-carry flag
PC: Program counter U: User bit
CCR: Condition-code register N: Negative flag
I: Interrupt mask bit Z: Zero flag
UI: User bit V: Overflow flag
C: Carry flag
The H8/300H CPU has eight 32-bit general registers. These general registers are all functionally
identical and can be used as both address registers and data registers. The general registers are
available for use as 32-, 16-, and 8-bit data registers. Figure 2.3 illustrates the usage of the general
registers. When the general registers are used as 32-bit registers or address registers, they are
designated by the letters ER (ER0 to ER7).
The ER registers are divided into 16-bit general registers designated by the letters E (E0 to E7)
and R (R0 to R7). These registers are functionally equivalent, providing a maximum of sixteen 16-
bit registers. The E registers (E0 to E7) are also referred to as extended registers.
The R registers are divided into 8-bit registers designated by the letters RH (R0H to R7H) and RL
(R0L to R7L). These registers are functionally equivalent, providing a maximum of sixteen 8-bit
General register ER7 has the function of stack pointer (SP) in addition to its general-register
function, and is used implicitly in exception handling and subroutine calls. Figure 2.4 shows the
relationship between the stack pointer and the stack area.
Empty area
SP (ER7)
Stack area
This 24-bit counter indicates the address of the next instruction the CPU will execute. The length
of all CPU instructions is 2 bytes (one word), so the least significant PC bit is ignored. (When an
instruction is fetched, the least significant PC bit is regarded as 0). The PC is initialized when the
start address is loaded by the vector address generated during reset exception-handling sequence.
This 8-bit register contains internal CPU status information, including an interrupt mask bit (I) and
half-carry (H), negative (N), zero (Z), overflow (V), and carry (C) flags. The I bit is initialized to 1
by reset exception-handling sequence, but other bits are not initialized.
Some instructions leave flag bits unchanged. Operations can be performed on the CCR bits by the
LDC, STC, ANDC, ORC, and XORC instructions. The N, Z, V, and C flags are used as branching
conditions for conditional branch (Bcc) instructions.
For the action of each instruction on the flag bits, see appendix A.1, Instruction List.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 I 1 R/W Interrupt Mask Bit
Masks interrupts other than NMI when set to 1. NMI is
accepted regardless of the I bit setting. The I bit is set
to 1 at the start of an exception-handling sequence.
6 UI Undefined R/W User Bit
Can be written and read by software using the LDC,
STC, ANDC, ORC, and XORC instructions.
5 H Undefined R/W Half-Carry Flag
or NEG.B instruction is executed, this flag is set to 1 if
there is a carry or borrow at bit 3, and cleared to 0
otherwise. When the ADD.W, SUB.W, CMP.W, or
NEG.W instruction is executed, the H flag is set to 1 if
there is a carry or borrow at bit 11, and cleared to 0
otherwise. When the ADD.L, SUB.L, CMP.L, or NEG.L
instruction is executed, the H flag is set to 1 if there is a
carry or borrow at bit 27, and cleared to 0 otherwise.
4 U Undefined R/W User Bit
Can be written and read by software using the LDC,
STC, ANDC, ORC, and XORC instructions.
3 N Undefined R/W Negative Flag
Stores the value of the most significant bit of data as a
sign bit.
2 Z Undefined R/W Zero Flag
Set to 1 to indicate zero data, and cleared to 0 to
indicate non-zero data.
1 V Undefined R/W Overflow Flag
Set to 1 when an arithmetic overflow occurs, and
cleared to 0 at other times.
0 C Undefined R/W Carry Flag
Set to 1 when a carry occurs, and cleared to 0
otherwise. Used by:
• Add instructions, to indicate a carry
• Subtract instructions, to indicate a borrow
• Shift and rotate instructions, to indicate a carry
The carry flag is also used as a bit accumulator by bit
manipulation instructions.
7 0
RnL Don't care 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1-bit data
7 4 3 0
4-bit BCD data RnH Upper Lower Don't care
7 4 3 0
4-bit BCD data RnL Don't care Upper Lower
7 0
Byte data RnH Don't care
7 0
Byte data RnL Don't care
Word data Rn
15 0
15 0
Longword ERn
data 31 16 15 0
ERn: General register ER
En: General register E
Rn: General register R
RnH: General register RH
RnL: General register RL
MSB: Most significant bit
LSB: Least significant bit
Figure 2.6 shows the data formats in memory. The H8/300H CPU can access word data and
longword data in memory, however word or longword data must begin at an even address. If an
attempt is made to access word or longword data at an odd address, an address error does not
occur, however the least significant bit of the address is regarded as 0, so access begins the
preceding address. This also applies to instruction fetches.
When ER7 (SP) is used as an address register to access the stack area, the operand size should be
word or longword.
7 0
1-bit data Address L 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Address 2N+2
The H8/300H CPU has 62 instructions. Tables 2.2 to 2.9 summarize the instructions in each
functional category. The notation used in tables 2.2 to 2.9 is defined below.
Symbol Description
Rd General register (destination)*
Rs General register (source)*
Rn General register*
ERn General register (32-bit register or address register)
(EAd) Destination operand
(EAs) Source operand
CCR Condition-code register
N N (negative) flag in CCR
Z Z (zero) flag in CCR
V V (overflow) flag in CCR
C C (carry) flag in CCR
PC Program counter
SP Stack pointer
#IMM Immediate data
disp Displacement
+ Addition
– Subtraction
× Multiplication
÷ Division
∧ Logical AND
∨ Logical OR
⊕ Logical XOR
→ Move
∼ NOT (logical complement)
:3/:8/:16/:24 3-, 8-, 16-, or 24-bit length
Note: * General registers include 8-bit registers (R0H to R7H, R0L to R7L), 16-bit registers (R0
to R7, E0 to E7), and 32-bit registers/address register (ER0 to ER7).
• Operation Field
Indicates the function of the instruction, the addressing mode, and the operation to be carried
out on the operand. The operation field always includes the first four bits of the instruction.
Some instructions have two operation fields.
• Register Field
Specifies a general register. Address registers are specified by 3 bits, and data registers by 3
bits or 4 bits. Some instructions have two register fields. Some have no register field.
• Effective Address Extension
8, 16, or 32 bits specifying immediate data, an absolute address, or a displacement. A24-bit
address or displacement is treated as a 32-bit data in which the first 8 bits are 0 (H'00).
• Condition Field
Specifies the branching condition of Bcc instructions.
op rn rm
MOV.B @(d:16, Rn), Rm
The H8/300H CPU supports the eight addressing modes listed in table 2.10. Each instruction uses
a subset of these addressing modes. Addressing modes that can be used differ depending on the
instruction. For details, refer to appendix A.4, Combinations of Instructions and Addressing
Arithmetic and logic instructions can use the register direct and immediate modes. Data transfer
instructions can use all addressing modes except program-counter relative and memory indirect.
Bit-manipulation instructions use register direct, register indirect, or the absolute addressing mode
(@aa:8) to specify an operand, and register direct (BSET, BCLR, BNOT, and BTST instructions)
or immediate (3-bit) addressing mode to specify a bit number in the operand.
The register field of the instruction specifies an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit general register containing the
operand. R0H to R7H and R0L to R7L can be specified as 8-bit registers. R0 to R7 and E0 to E7
can be specified as 16-bit registers. ER0 to ER7 can be specified as 32-bit registers.
The register field of the instruction code specifies an address register (ERn), the lower 24 bits of
which contain the address of the operand on memory.
A 16-bit or 24-bit displacement contained in the instruction is added to an address register (ERn)
specified by the register field of the instruction, and the lower 24 bits of the sum the address of a
memory operand. A 16-bit displacement is sign-extended when added.
The register field of the instruction code specifies an address register (ERn) the lower 24 bits
of which contains the address of a memory operand. After the operand is accessed, 1, 2, or 4 is
added to the address register contents (32 bits) and the sum is stored in the address register.
The value added is 1 for byte access, 2 for word access, or 4 for longword access. For the word
or longword access, the register value should be even.
(b) Register indirect with pre-decrement@-ERn
The value 1, 2, or 4 is subtracted from an address register (ERn) specified by the register field
in the instruction code, and the lower 24 bits of the result is the address of a memory operand.
The result is also stored in the address register. The value subtracted is 1 for byte access, 2 for
word access, or 4 for longword access. For the word or longword access, the register value
should be even.
(5) Absolute Address@aa:8, @aa:16, @aa:24
The instruction code contains the absolute address of a memory operand. The absolute address
may be 8 bits long (@aa:8), 16 bits long (@aa:16), 24 bits long (@aa:24)
For an 8-bit absolute address, the upper 16 bits are all assumed to be 1 (H'FFFF). For a 16-bit
absolute address the upper 8 bits are a sign extension. A 24-bit absolute address can access the
entire address space.
Table 2.11 shows the access ranges of absolute addresses according to the modes of operation of
each product group.
The instruction contains 8-bit (#xx:8), 16-bit (#xx:16), or 32-bit (#xx:32) immediate data as an
The ADDS, SUBS, INC, and DEC instructions contain immediate data implicitly. Some bit
manipulation instructions contain 3-bit immediate data in the instruction code, specifying a bit
number. The TRAPA instruction contains 2-bit immediate data in its instruction code, specifying a
vector address.
This mode is used in the BSR instruction. An 8-bit or 16-bit displacement contained in the
instruction is sign-extended and added to the 24-bit PC contents to generate a branch address. The
PC value to which the displacement is added is the address of the first byte of the next instruction,
so the possible branching range is –126 to +128 bytes (–63 to +64 words) or –32766 to +32768
bytes (–16383 to +16384 words) from the branch instruction. The resulting value should be an
even number.
This mode can be used by the JMP and JSR instructions. The instruction code contains an 8-bit
absolute address specifying a memory operand. This memory operand contains a branch address.
The memory operand is accessed by longword access. The first byte of the memory operand is
ignored, generating a 24-bit branch address. Figure 2.8 shows how to specify branch address for in
memory indirect mode. The upper bits of the absolute address are all assumed to be 0, so the
address range is 0 to 255 (H'0000 to H'00FF).
Note that the first part of the address range is also the exception vector area.
Specified Dummy
by @aa:8
Branch address
Table 2.12 indicates how effective addresses are calculated in each addressing mode. For
operation in normal mode, the upper 8 bits of the effective address are ignored in order to generate
a 16-bit effective address. For operation in advanced mode, the 24-bit result of effective address
calculation is generated as the address.
No Addressing Mode and Instruction Format Effective Address Calculation Effective Address (EA)
1 Register direct(Rn)
Operand is general register contents.
op rm rn
2 Register indirect(@ERn) 31 0 23 0
General register contents
op r
31 0
Sign extension disp
op r 1, 2, or 4
op r 1, 2, or 4
No Addressing Mode and Instruction Format Effective Address Calculation Effective Address (EA)
5 Absolute address
@aa:8 23 8 7 0
op abs H'FFFF
@aa:16 23 16 15 0
op abs Sign extension
op 23 0
6 Immediate
Operand is immediate data.
op IMM
7 Program-counter relative 23 0
@(d:8,PC) @(d:16,PC) PC contents
op disp 23 0
extension disp
23 0
23 8 7 0
op abs
H'0000 abs
15 0 23 16 15 0
Memory contents H'00
r, rm,rn : Register field
op : Operation field
disp : Displacement
IMM : Immediate data
abs : Absolute address
Access to on-chip memory takes place in two states. The data bus width is 16 bits, allowing access
in byte or word size. Figure 2.9 shows the on-chip memory access cycle.
Bus cycle
T1 state T2 state
ø or ø SUB
On-chip peripheral modules are accessed in two states or three states. The data bus width is 8 bits
or 16 bits depending on the register. For description on the data bus width and number of
accessing states of each register, refer to section 21.1, Register Addresses (Address Order).
Registers with 16-bit data bus width can be accessed by word size only. Registers with 8-bit data
bus width can be accessed by byte or word size. When a register with 8-bit data bus width is
accessed by word size, a bus cycle occurs twice. In two-state access, the operation timing is the
same as that for on-chip memory.
Figure 2.10 shows the operation timing in the case of three-state access to an on-chip peripheral
Bus cycle
φ or φ SUB
Internal Address
address bus
read signal
data bus Read data
(read access)
write signal
data bus Write data
(write access)
Subactive mode
Subsleep mode
handling state
A transient state in which the CPU changes
the processing flow due to a reset or an interrupt
Reset cleared
Reset state Exception-handling state
Reset occurs
Reset Interrupt
occurs source
Reset Interrupt Exception-
occurs source handling
The address space of this LSI includes empty areas in addition to the ROM, RAM, and on-chip
I/O registers areas available to the user. When data is transferred from CPU to empty areas, the
transferred data will be lost. This action may also cause the CPU to malfunction. When data is
transferred from an empty area to CPU, the contents of the data cannot be guaranteed.
EEPMOV is a block-transfer instruction and transfers the number of bytes indicated by R4L and
starting at the address indicated by R5 to the address indicated by R6. In products for normal-
mode operation, set R4L and R6 so that the final address at the destination for transfer (value of
R6 + R4L) does not exceed H'FFFF (the value of R6 must not change from H'FFFF to H'0000
during execution). In products for advanced-mode operation, set R4L and R6 so that the final
address at the destination for transfer (value of R6 + R4L) does not exceed H'FFFFFF (the value
of R6 must not change from H'FFFFFF to H'000000 during execution).
The BSET, BCLR, BNOT, BST, and BIST instructions read data from the specified address in
byte units, manipulate the data of the target bit, and write data to the same address again in byte
units. Special care is required when using these instructions in cases where two registers are
assigned to the same address, or when a bit is directly manipulated for a port or a register
containing a write-only bit, because this may rewrite data of a bit other than the bit to be
(1) Bit Manipulation for Two Registers Assigned to the Same Address
Example 1: Bit manipulation for the timer load register and timer counter
(Applicable for timer B1 in the H8/36079 Group and H8/36077 Group.)
Figure 2.13 shows an example of a timer in which two timer registers are assigned to the same
address. When a bit-manipulation instruction accesses the timer load register and timer counter of
a reloadable timer, since these two registers share the same address, the following operations takes
The timer is counting, so the value read is not necessarily the same as the value in the timer load
register. As a result, bits other than the intended bit in the timer counter may be modified and the
modified value may be written to the timer load register.
Count clock Timer counter
Timer load register
P57 and P56 are input pins, with a low-level signal input at P57 and a high-level signal input at
P56. P55 to P50 are output pins and output low-level signals. An example to output a high-level
signal at P50 with a BSET instruction is shown below.
• Description on operation
1. When the BSET instruction is executed, first the CPU reads port 5.
Since P57 and P56 are input pins, the CPU reads the pin states (low-level and high-level
P55 to P50 are output pins, so the CPU reads the value in PDR5. In this example PDR5 has a
value of H'80, but the value read by the CPU is H'40.
2. Next, the CPU sets bit 0 of the read data to 1, changing the PDR5 data to H'41.
3. Finally, the CPU writes H'41 to PDR5, completing execution of BSET instruction.
As a result of the BSET instruction, bit 0 in PDR5 becomes 1, and P50 outputs a high-level
signal. However, bits 7 and 6 of PDR5 end up with different values. To prevent this problem,
store a copy of the PDR5 data in a work area in memory. Perform the bit manipulation on the
data in the work area, then write this data to PDR5.
P57 and P56 are input pins, with a low-level signal input at P57 and a high-level signal input at
P56. P55 to P50 are output pins that output low-level signals. An example of setting the P50 pin as
an input pin by the BCLR instruction is shown below. It is assumed that a high-level signal will be
input to this input pin.
• Description on operation
1. When the BCLR instruction is executed, first the CPU reads PCR5. Since PCR5 is a write-only
register, the CPU reads a value of H'FF, even though the PCR5 value is actually H'3F.
2. Next, the CPU clears bit 0 in the read data to 0, changing the data to H'FE.
3. Finally, H'FE is written to PCR5 and BCLR instruction execution ends.
As a result of this operation, bit 0 in PCR5 becomes 0, making P50 an input port. However,
bits 7 and 6 in PCR5 change to 1, so that P57 and P56 change from input pins to output pins.
To prevent this problem, store a copy of the PDR5 data in a work area in memory and
manipulate data of the bit in the work area, then write this data to PDR5.
• Reset
A reset has the highest exception priority. Exception handling starts as soon as the reset is
cleared by the RES pin. The chip is also reset when the watchdog timer overflows, and
exception handling starts. Exception handling is the same as exception handling by the RES
• Trap Instruction
Exception handling starts when a trap instruction (TRAPA) is executed. The TRAPA
instruction generates a vector address corresponding to a vector number from 0 to 3, as
specified in the instruction code. Exception handling can be executed at all times in the
program execution state, regardless of the setting of the I bit in CCR.
• Interrupts
External interrupts other than NMI and internal interrupts other than address break are masked
by the I bit in CCR, and kept masked while the I bit is set to 1. Exception handling starts when
the current instruction or exception handling ends, if an interrupt request has been issued.
Relative Module Exception Sources Number Normal Mode Advanced Mode Priority
RES pin Reset 0 H'0000 to H'0001 H'000000 to H'000003 High
Watchdog timer
Reserved for system use 1 to 6 H'0002 to H'000D H'000004 to H'00001B
Relative Module Exception Sources Number Normal Mode Advanced Mode Priority
Reserved for system use 20 H'0028 to H'0029 H'000050 to H'000057 High
Timer V Timer V compare match 22 H'002C to H'002D H'000058 to H'00005B
Timer V compare match
Timer V overflow
SCI3 SCI3 receive data full 23 H'002E to H'002F H'00005C to H'00005F
SCI3 transmit data empty
SCI3 transmit end
SCI3 receive error
IIC2 Transmit data empty 24 H'0030 to H'0031 H'000060 to H'000063
Transmit end
Receive data full
Arbitration lost/Overrun
NACK detection
Stop conditions detected
A/D converter A/D conversion end 25 H'0032 to H'0033 H'000064 to H'000067
Timer Z Compare match/input 26 H'0034 to H'0035 H'000068 to H'00006B
capture A0 to D0
Timer Z overflow
Compare match/input 27 H'0036 to H'0037 H'00006C to H'00006F
capture A1 to D1
Timer Z overflow
Timer Z underflow
Reserved for system use 28 H'0038 to H'0039 H'000070 to H'000073
Timer B1 Timer B1 overflow 29 H'003A to H'003B H'000074 to H'000077
Reserved for system use 30, 31 H'003C to H'003F H'000078 to H'00007F
SCI3_2 Receive data full 32 H'0040 to H'0041 H'000080 to H'000083
Transmit data empty
Transmit end
Receive error
Reserved for system use 33 H'0042 to H'0043 H'000084 to H'000087
Clock source Clock source switching 34 H'0044 to H'0045 H'000088 to H'00008B
switching (from external clock to
on-chip oscillator) Low
Note: * A low-voltage detection interrupt is enabled only in the product with an on-chip power-
on reset and low-voltage detection circuit.
IEGR1 selects the direction of an edge that generates interrupt requests of pins NMI and IRQ3 to
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 NMIEG 0 R/W NMI Edge Select
0: Falling edge of NMI pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of NMI pin input is detected
6 to 4 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
3 IEG3 0 R/W IRQ3 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of IRQ3 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of IRQ3 pin input is detected
2 IEG2 0 R/W IRQ2 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of IRQ2 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of IRQ2 pin input is detected
1 IEG1 0 R/W IRQ1 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of IRQ1 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of IRQ1 pin input is detected
0 IEG0 0 R/W IRQ0 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of IRQ0 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of IRQ0 pin input is detected
IEGR2 selects the direction of an edge that generates interrupt requests of the pins ADTRG and
WKP5 to WKP0.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7, 6 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
5 WPEG5 0 R/W WKP5 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP5(ADTRG) pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP5(ADTRG) pin input is detected
4 WPEG4 0 R/W WKP4 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP4 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP4 pin input is detected
3 WPEG3 0 R/W WKP3 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP3 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP3 pin input is detected
2 WPEG2 0 R/W WKP2 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP2 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP2 pin input is detected
1 WPEG1 0 R/W WKP1Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP1 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP1 pin input is detected
0 WPEG0 0 R/W WKP0 Edge Select
0: Falling edge of WKP0 pin input is detected
1: Rising edge of WKP0 pin input is detected
IENR1 enables direct transition interrupts, RTC interrupts, and external pin interrupts.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 IENDT 0 R/W Direct Transfer Interrupt Enable
When this bit is set to 1, direct transition interrupt
requests are enabled.
6 IENTA 0 R/W RTC Interrupt Enable
When this bit is set to 1, RTC interrupt requests are
5 IENWP 0 R/W Wakeup Interrupt Enable
This bit is an enable bit, which is common to the pins
WKP5 to WKP0. When the bit is set to 1, interrupt
requests are enabled.
4 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1.
3 IEN3 0 R/W IRQ3 Interrupt Enable
When this bit is set to 1, interrupt requests of the IRQ3 pin
are enabled.
2 IEN2 0 R/W IRQ2 Interrupt Enable
When this bit is set to 1, interrupt requests of the IRQ2 pin
are enabled.
1 IEN1 0 R/W IRQ1 Interrupt Enable
When this bit is set to 1, interrupt requests of the IRQ1 pin
are enabled.
0 IEN0 0 R/W IRQ0 Interrupt Enable
When this bit is set to 1, interrupt requests of the IRQ0 pin
are enabled.
When disabling interrupts by clearing bits in an interrupt enable register, or when clearing bits in
an interrupt flag register, always do so while interrupts are masked (I = 1). If the above clear
operations are performed while I = 0, and as a result a conflict arises between the clear instruction
and an interrupt request, exception handling for the interrupt will be executed after the clear
instruction has been executed.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7, 6 All 0 Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
5 IENTB1 0 R/W Timer B1 Interrupt Enable
When this bit is set to 1, timer B1 overflow interrupt
requests are enabled.
4 to 0 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
When disabling interrupts by clearing bits in an interrupt enable register, or when clearing bits in
an interrupt flag register, always do so while interrupts are masked (I = 1). If the above clear
operations are performed while I = 0, and as a result a conflict arises between the clear instruction
and an interrupt request, exception handling for the interrupt will be executed after the clear
instruction has been executed.
IRR1 is a status flag register for direct transition interrupts, RTC interrupts, and IRQ3 to IRQ0
interrupt requests.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 IRRDT 0 R/W Direct Transfer Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When a direct transfer is made by executing a SLEEP
instruction while DTON in SYSCR2 is set to 1.
[Clearing condition]
When IRRDT is cleared by writing 0
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
6 IRRTA 0 R/W RTC Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When the RTC counter value overflows
[Clearing condition]
When IRRTA is cleared by writing 0
5, 4 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
3 IRRI3 0 R/W IRQ3 Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When IRQ3 pin is designated for interrupt input and the
designated signal edge is detected.
[Clearing condition]
When IRRI3 is cleared by writing 0
2 IRRI2 0 R/W IRQ2 Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When IRQ2 pin is designated for interrupt input and the
designated signal edge is detected.
[Clearing condition]
When IRRI2 is cleared by writing 0
1 IRRI1 0 R/W IRQ1 Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When IRQ1 pin is designated for interrupt input and the
designated signal edge is detected.
[Clearing condition]
When IRRI1 is cleared by writing 0
0 IRRl0 0 R/W IRQ0 Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When IRQ0 pin is designated for interrupt input and the
designated signal edge is detected.
[Clearing condition]
When IRRI0 is cleared by writing 0
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7, 6 All 0 Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
5 IRRTB1 0 R/W Timer B1 Interrupt Request flag
[Setting condition]
When the timer B1 counter value overflows
[Clearing condition]
When IRRTB1 is cleared by writing 0
4 to 0 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7, 6 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
5 IWPF5 0 R/W WKP5 Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When WKP5 pin is designated for interrupt input and the
designated signal edge is detected.
[Clearing condition]
When IWPF5 is cleared by writing 0.
4 IWPF4 0 R/W WKP4 Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When WKP4 pin is designated for interrupt input and the
designated signal edge is detected.
[Clearing condition]
When IWPF4 is cleared by writing 0.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
3 IWPF3 0 R/W WKP3 Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When WKP3 pin is designated for interrupt input and the
designated signal edge is detected.
[Clearing condition]
When IWPF3 is cleared by writing 0.
2 IWPF2 0 R/W WKP2 Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When WKP2 pin is designated for interrupt input and the
designated signal edge is detected.
[Clearing condition]
When IWPF2 is cleared by writing 0.
1 IWPF1 0 R/W WKP1 Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When WKP1 pin is designated for interrupt input and the
designated signal edge is detected.
[Clearing condition]
When IWPF1 is cleared by writing 0.
0 IWPF0 0 R/W WKP0 Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
When WKP0 pin is designated for interrupt input and the
designated signal edge is detected.
[Clearing condition]
When IWPF0 is cleared by writing 0.
As the external interrupts, there are NMI, IRQ3 to IRQ0, and WKP5 to WKP0 interrupts.
NMI interrupt is requested by input signal edge to pin NMI. This interrupt is detected by either
rising edge sensing or falling edge sensing, depending on the setting of bit NMIEG in IEGR1.
NMI is the highest-priority interrupt, and can always be accepted without depending on the I
bit value in CCR.
IRQ3 to IRQ0 interrupts are requested by input signals to pins IRQ3 to IRQ0. These four
interrupts are given different vector addresses, and are detected individually by either rising
edge sensing or falling edge sensing, depending on the settings of bits IEG3 to IEG0 in IEGR1.
When pins IRQ3 to IRQ0 are designated for interrupt input in PMR1 and the designated signal
edge is input, the corresponding bit in IRR1 is set to 1, requesting the CPU of an interrupt.
These interrupts can be masked by setting bits IEN3 to IEN0 in IENR1.
WKP5 to WKP0 interrupts are requested by input signals to pins WKP5 to WKP0. These six
interrupts have the same vector addresses, and are detected individually by either rising edge
sensing or falling edge sensing, depending on the settings of bits WPEG5 to WPEG0 in
When pins WKP5 to WKP0 are designated for interrupt input in PMR5 and the designated
signal edge is input, the corresponding bit in IWPR is set to 1, requesting the CPU of an
interrupt. These interrupts can be masked by setting bit IENWP in IENR1.
(1), (3) Reset exception handling vector address ((1) = H'000000 (3) = H'000002)
(2), (4) Start address (contents of reset exception handling vector address)
(5) Start address
(6) Initial program instruction
Each on-chip peripheral module has a flag to show the interrupt request status and the enable bit to
enable or disable the interrupt. For RTC interrupt requests and direct transfer interrupt requests
generated by execution of a SLEEP instruction, this function is included in IRR1, IRR2, IENR1,
and IENR2.
When an on-chip peripheral module requests an interrupt, the corresponding interrupt request
status flag is set to 1, requesting the CPU of an interrupt. These interrupts can be masked by
writing 0 to clear the corresponding enable bit.
1. If an interrupt occurs while the NMI or interrupt enable bit is set to 1, an interrupt request
signal is sent to the interrupt controller.
2. When multiple interrupt requests are generated, the interrupt controller requests to the CPU for
the interrupt handling with the highest priority at that time according to table 3.1. Other
interrupt requests are held pending.
3. The CPU accepts the NMI and address break without depending on the I bit value. Other
interrupt requests are accepted, if the I bit is cleared to 0 in CCR; if the I bit is set to 1, the
interrupt request is held pending.
4. If the CPU accepts the interrupt after processing of the current instruction is completed,
interrupt exception handling will begin. First, both PC and CCR are pushed onto the stack. The
state of the stack at this time is shown in figure 3.2. The PC value pushed onto the stack is the
address of the first instruction to be executed upon return from interrupt handling.
5. Then, the I bit of CCR is set to 1, masking further interrupts excluding the NMI and address
break. Upon return from interrupt handling, the values of I bit and other bits in CCR will be
restored and returned to the values prior to the start of interrupt exception handling.
6. Next, the CPU generates the vector address corresponding to the accepted interrupt, and
transfers the address to PC as a start address of the interrupt handling-routine. Then a program
starts executing from the address indicated in PC.
Figure 3.3 shows a typical interrupt sequence where the program area is in the on-chip ROM and
the stack area is in the on-chip RAM.
SP - 4 SP (R7) CCR
SP - 3 SP + 1 CCR*
SP - 2 SP + 2 PCH
SP - 1 SP + 3 PCL
SP (R7) SP + 4 Even address
Stack area
SP - 4 SP (R7) CCR
SP - 3 SP + 1 PCE
SP - 2 SP + 2 PCH
SP - 1 SP + 3 PCL
SP (R7) SP + 4 Even address
Stack area
Table 3.2 shows the number of wait states after an interrupt request flag is set until the first
instruction of the interrupt handling-routine is executed.
request signal
address bus (1) (3) (5) (6) (8) (9)
read signal
write signal
Internal data (2) (4) (1) (7) (9) (10)
bus (16 bits)
Interrupt is accepted
Interrupt level
Instruction Internal Internal Prefetch instruction of
decision and wait Stack access Vector fetch
prefetch processing processing interrupt handling routine
for end of instruction
request signal
address bus (1) (3) (5) (7) (9) (11) (13)
read signal
Internal (14)
(2) (4) (6) (8) (10) (12)
data bus
(1) Instruction prefetch address (Instruction is not executed. (6), (8) Saved PC and CCR
Address is saved as PC contents, becoming return address.) (9), (11) Vector address
(2), (4) Instruction code (Instruction is not executed.) (10), (12) Start address of interrupt handling routine (contents of vector)
(3) Instruction prefetch address (Instruction is not executed.) (13) Start address of interrupt handling routine ((13), (10), (12))
(5) SP - 2 (14) First instruction of interrupt handling routine.
(7) SP - 4
If an interrupt is accepted after a reset and before the stack pointer (SP) is initialized, the PC and
CCR will not be saved correctly, leading to a program crash. To prevent this, all interrupt requests,
including NMI, are disabled immediately after a reset. Since the first instruction of a program is
always executed immediately after the reset state ends, make sure that this instruction initializes
the stack pointer (example: MOV.W #xx: 16, SP).
When word data is accessed, the least significant bit of the address is regarded as 0. Access to the
stack always takes place in word size, so the stack pointer (SP: R7) should never indicate an odd
address. Use PUSH Rn (MOV.W Rn, @–SP) or POP Rn (MOV.W @SP+, Rn) to save or restore
register values.
When a port mode register is rewritten to switch the functions of external interrupt pins, IRQ3 to
IRQ0, and WKP5 to WKP0, the interrupt request flag may be set to 1.
When switching a pin function, mask the interrupt before setting the bit in the port mode register.
After accessing the port mode register, execute at least one instruction (e.g., NOP), then clear the
interrupt request flag from 1 to 0.
Figure 3.4 shows a port mode register setting and interrupt request flag clearing procedure.
Figure 3.4 Port Mode Register Setting and Interrupt Request Flag Clearing Procedure
BARE*, BARH, BARL: Break address registers
BDRH, BDRL: Break data registers
ABRKCR: Address break control register
ABRKSR: Address break status register
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 RTINTE 1 R/W RTE Interrupt Enable
When this bit is 0, the interrupt immediately after
executing RTE is masked and then one instruction must
be executed. When this bit is 1, the interrupt is not
6 CSEL1 0 R/W Condition Select 1 and 0
5 CSEL0 0 R/W These bits set address break conditions.
00: Instruction execution cycle
01: CPU data read cycle
10: CPU data write cycle
11: CPU data read/write cycle
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
4 ACMP2 0 R/W Address Compare Condition Select 2 to 0
3 ACMP1 0 R/W These bits set the comparison condition between the
2 ACMP0 0 R/W address set in BAR and the internal address bus.
Normal mode
000: Compares 16-bit addresses
001: Compares the higher-order 12 bits of the addresses
010: Compares the higher-order 8 bits of the addresses
011: Compares the higher-order 4 bits of the addresses
1XX: Reserved (setting prohibited)
Advanced mode
000: Compares 24-bit addresses
001: Compares the higher-order 20 bits of the addresses
010: Compares the higher-order 16 bits of the addresses
011: Compares the higher-order 12 bits of the addresses
1XX: Reserved (setting prohibited)
1 DCMP1 0 R/W Data Compare Condition Select 1 and 0
0 DCMP0 0 R/W These bits set the comparison condition between the data
set in BDR and the internal data bus.
00: No data comparison
01: Compares lower 8-bit data between BDRL and data
10: Compares upper 8-bit data between BDRH and data
11: Compares 16-bit data between BDR and data bus
[Legend] X: Don't care.
When an address break is set in the data read cycle or data write cycle, the data bus used will
depend on the combination of the byte/word access and address. Table 4.1 shows the access and
data bus used. When an I/O register space with an 8-bit data bus width is accessed in word size, a
byte access is generated twice. For details on data widths of each register, see section 21.1,
Register Addresses (Address Order).
ABRKSR consists of the address break interrupt flag and the address break interrupt enable bit.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 ABIF 0 R/W Address Break Interrupt Flag
[Setting condition]
When the condition set in ABRKCR is satisfied
[Clearing condition]
When 0 is written after ABIF=1 is read
6 ABIE 0 R/W Address Break Interrupt Enable
When this bit is 1, an address break interrupt request is
5 to 0 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
Settings of the address where an address-break interrupt is to be generated are made in the break
address registers (BAR: BARE*, BARH and BARL). For microcontrollers that support normal-
mode operation, BAR is a 16-bit readable/writable register with initial value H'FFFF. For
microcontrollers that support advanced-mode operation, BAR is a 24-bit readable/writable register
with the initial value H'FFFFFF. When setting an instruction execution cycle as the address break
condition, set BAR to the address of the first byte of the instruction.
Note: * BARE is only provided for microcontrollers that support advanced-mode operation.
BDRH and BDRL are 16-bit read/write registers that set the data for generating an address break
interrupt. BDRH is compared with the upper 8-bit data bus. BDRL is compared with the lower 8-
bit data bus. When memory or registers are accessed by byte, the upper 8-bit data bus is used for
even and odd addresses in the data transmission. Therefore, comparison data must be set in BDRH
for byte access. For word access, the data bus used depends on the address. See section 4.1.1,
Address Break Control Register (ABRKCR), for details. The initial value of this register is
4.2 Operation
When the ABIF and ABIE bits in ABRKSR are set to 1, the address break function generates an
interrupt request to the CPU. The ABIF bit in ABRKSR is set to 1 by the combination of the
address set in BAR, the data set in BDR, and the conditions set in ABRKCR. When the interrupt
request is accepted, interrupt exception handling starts after the instruction being executed ends.
The address break interrupt is not masked by the I bit in CCR of the CPU.
Figures 4.2 show the operation examples of the address break interrupt setting.
bus 0258 025A 025C 025E SP-2 SP-4
Interrupt acceptance
bus 025C 025E 0260 025A 0262 0264 SP-2
Interrupt acceptance
X1 Subclock φW Subclock φW/4
oscillator (fW)
X2 divider φW/8
Prescaler W
(5 bits) φW/128
Subclock generating circuitry
The system clock (φ) and subclock (φSUB) are basic clocks on which the CPU and on-chip
peripheral modules operate. The system clock is divided into from φ/2 to φ/8192 by prescaler S.
The subclock is divided into from φW/8 to φW/128 by prescaler W. These divided clocks are
supplied to respective peripheral modules.
5.1 Features
• Choice of two clock sources
On-chip oscillator clock
Clock by an external oscillator output
• Choice of two types of RC oscillation frequency by the user software
16 MHz
20 MHz
• Frequency trimming
Since the initial frequency of the on-chip oscillator in the flash memory version is within the
range of two frequencies shown above, it is normally unnecessary to trim the frequency. It is,
however, still possible to adjust it by rewriting the trimming registers.
• Backup of the external oscillation halt
This system detects the external oscillator halt. If detected, the system clock source is
automatically switched to the on-chip oscillator clock.
• Interrupt can be requested to the CPU when the system clock is switched from the external
clock to the on-chip oscillator clock.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 RCSTP 0 R/W On-Chip Oscillator Standby
The on-chip oscillator standby state is entered by setting
this bit to 1.
6 FSEL 1 R/W Frequency Select for On-chip Oscillator
0: 16 MHz
1: 20 MHz
5 VCLSEL 0 R/W Power Supply Select for On-chip Oscillator
0: Selects VBGR
1: Selects VCL
When the VCL power is selected, the accuracy of the on-
chip oscillator frequency cannot be guaranteed.
4 to 2 All 0 Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
1 RCPSC1 1 R/W Division Ratio Select for On-chip Oscillator
0 RCPSC0 0 R/W The division ratio of ROSC changes right after rewriting this
These bits can be written to only when the CKSTA bit in
CKCSR is 0.
0x: ROSC (not divided)
10: ROSC/2
11: ROSC/4
RCTRMDPR controls RCTRMDPR itself and writing to RCTRMDR. Use the MOV instruction to
rewrite this register. Bit manipulation instruction cannot change the settings.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 WRI 1 W Write Inhibit
Only when writing 0 to this bit, this register can be written
to. This bit is always read as 1.
6 PRWE 0 R/W Protect Information Write Enable
Bits 5 and 4 can be written to when this bit is set to 1.
[Setting condition]
• When writing 0 to the WRI bit and writing 1 to the
PRWE bit
[Clearing conditions]
• Reset
• When writing 0 to the WRI bit and writing 0 to the
PRWE bit
5 LOCKDW 0 R/W Trimming Data Register Lock Down
The RC trimming data register (RCTRMDR) cannot be
written to when this bit is set to 1. Once this bit is set to 1,
this register cannot be written to until a reset is input even
if 0 is written to this bit.
[Setting condition]
• When writing 0 to the WRI bit and writing 1 to the
LOCKDW bit while the PRWE bit is 1
[Clearing condition]
• Reset
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
4 TRMDRWE 0 R/W Trimming Data Register Write Enable
This register can be written to when the LOCKDW bit is 0
and this bit is 1.
[Setting condition]
• When writing 0 to the WRI bit while writing 1 to the
TRMDRWE bit while the PRWE bit is 1
[Clearing conditions]
• Reset
• When writing 0 to the WRI bit and writing 0 to the
TRMDRWE bit while the PRWE bit is 1
3 to 0 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
RCTRMDR stores the trimming data of the on-chip oscillator frequency (FSEL = 1, 20 MHz).
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 TRMD7 (0)* R/W Trimming Data (FSEL = 1, 20 MHz)
6 TRMD6 (0)* R/W The trimming data is loaded from the flash memory to this
5 TRMD5 (0)* R/W register right after a reset.
4 TRMD4 (0)* R/W The on-chip oscillator clock (FSEL = 1, 20 MHz) can be
trimmed by changing these bits.
3 TRMD3 (0)* R/W
The frequency of the on-chip oscillator clock changes
2 TRMD2 (0)* R/W right after writing these bits. These bits are initialized to
1 TRMD1 (0)* R/W H'00.
0 TRMD0 (0)* R/W Changes in frequency are shown below (bit TRMD7 is a
sign bit).
(Min.) H'80 ← … ← H'FF ← … ← H'00 → … →H'01 → …
→ H'7F (Max.)
Note: * These values are initialized to the trimming data loaded from the flash memory.
CKCSR selects the port C function, controls switching the system clocks, and indicates the system
clock state.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 PMRC1 0 R/W Port C Function Select 1 and 2
0 0 I/O I/O
0 1 (Open) OSC1 (external
clock input)
1 1 OSC2 OSC1
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
4 OSCSEL 0 R/W LSI Operating Clock Select
• When OSCBAKE = 0
This bit is used to forcibly select the system clock of this
0: The on-chip oscillator clock selected as the system
clock source
1: The external input selected as the system clock source
• When OSCBAKE = 1
This bit is used to switch the on-chip oscillator clock to the
external clock. While this LSI is operating on the on-chip
oscillator clock, setting this bit to 1 switches the system
clocks to the external clock.
[Setting condition]
• When 1 is written to this bit while CKSWIF = 0
[Clearing conditions]
• When 0 is written to this bit
• When the external oscillator halt is detected while
3 CKSWIE 0 R/W Clock Switching Interrupt Enable
Setting this bit to 1 enables the clock switching interrupt
2 CKSWIF 0 R/W Clock Switching Interrupt Request Flag
[Setting condition]
• When the external clock is switched to the on-chip
oscillator clock as the system clock source
[Clearing condition]
• When writing 0 after reading as 1
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
1 OSCHLT 1 R External Oscillator Halt Detecting Flag
• When OSCBAKE = 1
This bit indicates the checking result of the external
oscillator state.
0: External oscillator is running
1: External oscillator is halted.
• When OSCBAKE = 0
This bit is non-deterministic; always read as 1.
0 CKSTA 0 R LSI Operating Clock Status
0: This LSI operates on the on-chip oscillator clock.
1: This LSI operates on the external clock.
Switching to
* external clock
Oscillator halted
On-chip oscillator: Halted On-chip oscillator: Operated
External oscillator: Operated External oscillator: Operated
Oscillator operated
The LSI system clock is generated by the on-chip oscillator clock after a reset. The system clock
sources are switched from the on-chip oscillator to the external clock by the user software. Figure
5.3 shows the flowchart to switch clocks with the external clock backup function enabled. Figures
5.4 and 5.5 show the flowcharts to switch clocks with the external clock backup function disabled.
Figure 5.4 Flowchart of Clock Switching with Backup Function Disabled (1)
(From On-Chip Oscillator Clock to External Clock)
LSI operates on
external clock
[1] When 0 is written to the OSCSEL bit, this LSI
Start switches from the external clock to the on-chip
(LSI operates on external clock) oscillator clock after a φ stop duration. The φ halt
duration here is the duration while the φRC clock
rises seven times after the OSCSEL bit becomes
Write 0 to OSCBAKE in CKCSR
[2] Writing 0 to PMRC0 disables the external
oscillation input.
LSI operates on
on-chip oscillator clock
When CKSWIE = 1
Exception handling
for clock switching
LSI operates on
on-chip oscillator clock
Figure 5.5 Flowchart of Clock Switching with Backup Function Disabled (2)
(From External Clock to On-Chip Oscillator Clock)
The timing for switching clocks are shown in figures 5.6 to 5.8.
(Internal signal)
Figure 5.6 Timing Chart of Switching from On-Chip Oscillator Clock to External Clock
(Internal signal)
On-chip oscillator
External RC clock operation φ halt*
clock operation
φOSC: External clock
φRC: On-chip oscillator clock
φ: System clock
PHISTOP: System clock stop control signal
Note: * The φ halt duration is the duration from the timing when the φ clock stops to the
seventh rising edge of the φRC clock.
Figure 5.7 Timing Chart to Switch from External Clock to On-Chip Oscillator Clock
(Internal signal)
φOSC halt On-chip oscillator
External clock operation φ halt*2 clock operation
φOSC: External clock
φRC: On-chip oscillator clock
φ: System clock
PHISTOP: System clock stop control signal
Notes: 1. 44 × φRC ≤ Tchk ≤ 48 × φRC
2. The φ halt duration is the duration from the timing when the φ clock stops to the
seventh rising edge of the φRC clock.
Setting timer Z
GRA: Input capture
GRC: Buffer of GRA
Capture 1
Frequency calculation
Within No
desired frequency
Note: * Comparing the difference between the measured frequency and the desired frequency,
individual bits of RCTRMDR are decided from the MSB bit by bit.
FTIOA0 input
capture input
tA (µs)
Timer Z M+α
M−1 M M+1
GRA_0 N M M+α
Capture 1 Capture 2
The on-chip oscillator frequency is gained by the expression below. Since the input-capture input
is sampled by the φRC clock, the calculated result may include a sampling error of ±1 cycle of the
φRC clock.
(M + α) − M
φRC = (MHz)
600 kΩ*2
Notes: 1. LPM: Power-down mode (standby mode, subactive mode, or subsleep mode)
2. Values here are reference values.
C1 = C 2 = 10 to 22 pF
Frequency (MHz) 4 8 10 16 20
RS (Max.) 120 Ω 80 Ω 60 Ω 50 Ω 40 Ω
CO (Max.) 70 pF
C1 = C 2 = 5 to 30 pF
To use the external clock, input the external clock on pin OSC1. Figure 5.15 shows an example of
connection. The duty cycle of the external clock signal must range from 45 to 55%.
8 MΩ
Clock pulses can be supplied to the subclock divider by connecting a 32.768-kHz crystal
resonator, as shown in figure 5.17. Figure 5.18 shows the equivalent circuit of the 32.768-kHz
crystal resonator.
C1 = C 2 = 15 pF (typ.)
X1 X2
CO = 1.5 pF (typ.)
RS = 14 kΩ (typ.)
fW = 32.768 kHz
When the subclock is not used, connect pin X1 to VCL or VSS and leave pin X2 open, as shown
in figure 5.19.
X2 Open
5.7 Prescaler
5.7.1 Prescaler S
Prescaler S is a 13-bit counter using the system clock (φ) as its input clock. The outputs, which are
divided clocks, are used as internal clocks by the on-chip peripheral modules. Prescaler S is
initialized to H'0000 by a reset, and starts counting on exit from the reset state. In standby mode
and subsleep mode, the external clock oscillator stops. Prescaler S also stops and is initialized to
H'0000. It cannot be read from or written to by the CPU.
The outputs from prescaler S are shared by the on-chip peripheral modules. The division ratio can
be set separately for each on-chip peripheral module. In active mode and sleep mode, the clock
input to prescaler S is a system clock with the division ratio specified by bits MA2 to MA0 in
5.7.2 Prescaler W
Prescaler W is a 5-bit counter using a 32.768-kHz signal divided by 4 as its input clock. The
divided output is used for clock time base operation of the RTC. Prescaler W is initialized to H'00
by a reset, and starts counting on exit from the reset state. Even in standby mode, subactive mode,
or subsleep mode, prescaler W continues functioning.
Resonator characteristics are closely related to board design and should be carefully evaluated by
the user, referring to the examples shown in this section. Resonator circuit parameters will differ
depending on the resonator element, stray capacitance of the PCB, and other factors. Suitable
values should be determined in consultation with the resonator element manufacturer. Design the
circuit so that the resonator element never receives voltages exceeding its maximum rating.
When using a crystal resonator (ceramic resonator), place the resonator and its load capacitors as
close as possible to pins OSC1 and OSC2. Other signal lines should be routed away from the
oscillator circuit to prevent induction from interfering with correct oscillation (see figure 5.20).
• Active mode
The CPU and all on-chip peripheral modules are operable on the system clock. The system
clock frequency can be selected from φosc, φosc/8, φosc/16, φosc/32, and φosc/64.
• Subactive mode
The CPU and all on-chip peripheral modules are operable on the subclock. The subclock
frequency can be selected from φw/2, φw/4, and φw/8.
• Sleep mode
The CPU halts. On-chip peripheral modules are operable on the system clock.
• Subsleep mode
The CPU halts. On-chip peripheral modules are operable on the subclock.
• Standby mode
The CPU and all on-chip peripheral modules halt. When the clock time-base function is
selected, the RTC is operable.
• Module standby mode
Independent of the above modes, power consumption can be reduced by halting on-chip
peripheral modules that are not used in module units.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 SSBY 0 R/W Software Standby
This bit selects the mode to transit after the execution of
the SLEEP instruction.
0: Enters sleep mode or subsleep mode.
1: Enters standby mode.
For details, see table 6.2.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
6 STS2 0 R/W Standby Timer Select 2 to 0
5 STS1 0 R/W These bits set the wait time from when the external clock
4 STS0 0 R/W oscillator starts functioning until the clock is supplied, in
shifting from standby mode, subactive mode, or subsleep
mode, to active mode or sleep mode. During the wait
time, this LSI automatically selects the on-chip oscillator
clock as its system clock and counts the number of wait
states. Select a wait time of 6.5 ms (oscillation
stabilization time) or longer, depending on the operating
frequency. Table 6.1 shows the relationship between the
STS2 to STS0 values and the wait time.
When using an external clock, set the wait time to be
100 µs or longer.
These bits also set the wait states for external oscillation
stabilization when system clock is switched from the on-
chip oscillator clock to the external clock by user
The relationship between Nwait (number of wait states for
oscillation stabilization) and Nstby (number of wait states
for recovering to the standby mode) is as follows.
Nstby ≤ Nwait ≤ 2 × Nstby
3 NESEL 0 R/W Noise Elimination Sampling Frequency Select
The subclock pulse generator generates the watch clock
signal (φW) and the external clock pulse generator
generates the oscillator clock (φOSC). This bit selects the
sampling frequency of the oscillator clock when the watch
clock signal (φW) is sampled. When φOSC= 4 to 20 MHz,
clear NESEL to 0.
0: Sampling rate is φOSC/16
1: Sampling rate is φOSC/4
2 to 0 All 0 Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 SMSEL 0 R/W Sleep Mode Selection
6 LSON 0 R/W Low Speed on Flag
5 DTON 0 R/W Direct Transfer on Flag
These bits select the mode to enter after the execution of
a SLEEP instruction, as well as bit SSBY of SYSCR1.
For details, see table 6.2.
4 MA2 0 R/W Active Mode Clock Select 2 to 0
3 MA1 0 R/W These bits select the operating clock frequency in active
2 MA0 0 R/W and sleep modes. The operating clock frequency
changes to the set frequency after the SLEEP instruction
is executed.
100: φOSC/8
101: φOSC/16
110: φOSC/32
111: φOSC/64
1 SA1 0 R/W Subactive Mode Clock Select 1 and 0
0 SA0 0 R/W These bits select the operating clock frequency in
subactive and subsleep modes. The operating clock
frequency changes to the set frequency after the SLEEP
instruction is executed.
00: φW/8
01: φW/4
1X: φW/2
[Legend] X: Don't care.
MSTCR1 allows the on-chip peripheral modules to enter a standby state in module units.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 0 Reserved
This bit is always read as 0.
6 MSTIIC 0 R/W IIC2 Module Standby
IIC2 enters standby mode when this bit is set to 1
5 MSTS3 0 R/W SCI3 Module Standby
SCI3 enters standby mode when this bit is set to 1
4 MSTAD 0 R/W A/D Converter Module Standby
A/D converter enters standby mode when this bit is set
to 1
3 MSTWD 0 R/W Watchdog Timer Module Standby
Watchdog timer enters standby mode when this bit is set
to 1.When the internal oscillator is selected for the
watchdog timer clock, the watchdog timer operates
regardless of the setting of this bit
2 0 Reserved
This bit is always read as 0.
1 MSTTV 0 R/W Timer V Module Standby
Timer V enters standby mode when this bit is set to 1
0 MSTTA 0 R/W RTC Module Standby
RTC enters standby mode when this bit is set to 1
MSTCR2 allows the on-chip peripheral modules to enter a standby state in module units.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 MSTS3_2 0 R/W SCI3_2 Module Standby
SCI3_2 enters standby mode when this bit is set to1
6, 5 All 0 Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
4 MSTTB1 0 R/W Timer B1 Module Standby
Timer B1 enters standby mode when this bit is set to1
3, 2 All 0 Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
1 MSTTZ 0 R/W Timer Z Module Standby
Timer Z enters standby mode when this bit is set to1
0 MSTPWM 0 R/W PWM Module Standby
PWM enters standby mode when this bit is set to1
Reset state
Subactive Subsleep mode
Direct transition
Notes: 1. To make a transition to another mode by an interrupt, make sure interrupt handling is after the interrupt
is accepted.
2. Details on the mode transition conditions are given in table 6.2.
Table 6.2 Transition Mode after SLEEP Instruction Execution and Transition Mode due
to Interrupt
In sleep mode, CPU operation is halted but the on-chip peripheral modules function at the clock
frequency set by the MA2, MA1, and MA0 bits in SYSCR2. CPU register contents are retained.
When an interrupt is requested, sleep mode is cleared and interrupt exception handling starts.
Sleep mode is not cleared if the I bit of the condition code register (CCR) is set to 1 or the
requested interrupt is disabled in the interrupt enable register. After sleep mode is cleared, a
transition is made to active mode when the LSON bit in SYSCR2 is 0, and a transition is made to
subactive mode when the bit is 1.
When the RES pin goes low, the CPU goes into the reset state and sleep mode is cleared.
In standby mode, the external clock oscillator is halted, and operation of the CPU and on-chip
peripheral modules is halted. However, as long as the rated voltage is supplied, the contents of
CPU registers, on-chip RAM, and some on-chip peripheral module registers are retained. On-chip
RAM contents will be retained as long as the voltage set by the RAM data retention voltage is
provided. The I/O ports go to the high-impedance state.
Standby mode is cleared by an interrupt. When an interrupt is requested, the on-chip oscillator
starts functioning. The external oscillator also starts functioning when used. After the time set by
the STS2 to STS0 bits in SYSCR1 has elapsed, standby mode is cleared and the CPU starts
interrupt exception handling. Standby mode is not cleared if the I bit in the condition code register
(CCR) is set to 1 or the requested interrupt is disabled by the interrupt enable bit.
When the RES pin is driven low in standby mode, the on-chip oscillator starts functioning. Once
the oscillator starts, the system clock is supplied to the entire chip. The RES pin must be kept low
for the rated period set by the power-on reset circuit, until the oscillator stabilizes. If the RES pin
is driven high after the oscillator has stabilized, the internal reset signal is cleared and the CPU
starts reset exception handling.
In subsleep mode, operation of the CPU and on-chip peripheral modules other than RTC is halted.
As long as a required voltage is applied, the contents of CPU registers, the on-chip RAM, and
some registers of the on-chip peripheral modules are retained. I/O ports keep the same states as
before the transition.
Subsleep mode is cleared by an interrupt. When an interrupt is requested, subsleep mode is cleared
and interrupt exception handling starts. Subsleep mode is not cleared if the I bit of CCR is set to 1
or the requested interrupt is disabled in the interrupt enable register. After subsleep mode is
cleared, a transition is made to active mode when the LSON bit in SYSCR2 is 0, and a transition is
made to subactive mode when the bit is 1. After the time set in bits STS2 to STS0 in SYSCR1 has
elapsed, a transition is made to active mode.
When the RES pin is driven low in standby mode, the on-chip oscillator starts functioning. Once
the oscillator starts, the system clock is supplied to the entire chip. The RES pin must be kept low
for the rated period set by the power-on reset circuit, until the oscillator stabilizes. If the RES pin
is driven high after the oscillator has stabilized, the internal reset signal is cleared and the CPU
starts reset exception handling.
The operating frequency of subactive mode is selected from φW/2, φW/4, and φW/8 by the SA1 and
SA0 bits in SYSCR2. After the SLEEP instruction is executed, the operating frequency changes to
the frequency which is set before the execution.
When the SLEEP instruction is executed in subactive mode, a transition to sleep mode, subsleep
mode, standby mode, active mode, or subactive mode is made, depending on the combination of
When the RES pin is driven low in standby mode, the on-chip oscillator starts functioning. Once
the oscillator starts, the system clock is supplied to the entire chip. The RES pin must be kept low
for the rated period set by the power-on reset circuit, until the oscillator stabilizes. If the RES pin
is driven high after the oscillator has stabilized, the internal reset signal is cleared and the CPU
starts reset exception handling.
If the direct transition interrupt is disabled in interrupt enable register 1, a transition is made
instead to sleep or subsleep mode. Note that if a direct transition is attempted while the I bit in
CCR is set to 1, sleep or subsleep mode will be entered, and the resulting mode cannot be cleared
by means of an interrupt.
The time from the start of SLEEP instruction execution to the end of interrupt exception handling
(the direct transition time) is calculated by equation (1).
Direct transition time = {(number of SLEEP instruction execution states) + (number of internal
processing states)}× (tcyc before transition) + (number of interrupt exception handling states) ×
(tsubcyc after transition) (1)
Direct transition time = (2 + 1) × tosc + 14 × 8tw = 3tosc + 112tw
(when the CPU operating clock of φosc → φw/8 is selected)
tosc: OSC clock cycle time
tw: Watch clock cycle time
tcyc: System clock (φ) cycle time
tsubcyc: Subclock (φSUB) cycle time
The time from the start of SLEEP instruction execution to the end of interrupt exception handling
(the direct transition time) is calculated by equation (2).
Direct transition time = {(number of SLEEP instruction execution states) + (number of internal
processing states)} × (tsubcyc before transition) + {(waiting time set in bits STS2 to STS0) +
(number of interrupt exception handling states)} × (tcyc after transition) (2)
Direct transition time = (2 + 1) × 8tw + (8192 + 14) × tosc = 24tw + 8206tosc
(when the CPU operating clock of φw/8 → φosc and a waiting time of 8192 states are selected)
tosc: OSC clock cycle time
tw: Watch clock cycle time
tcyc: System clock (φ) cycle time
tsubcyc: Subclock (φSUB) cycle time
Section 7 ROM
The features of the flash memory built into this LSI are summarized below.
• Programming/erase methods
The flash memory is programmed 128 bytes at a time. Erase is performed in single-block
units. To erase the entire flash memory, each block must be erased in turn.
• Reprogramming capability
The flash memory can be reprogrammed up to 1,000 times (Min.).
• On-board programming
On-board programming/erasing can be done in boot mode, in which the boot program built
into the chip is started to erase or program of the entire flash memory. In normal user
program mode, individual blocks can be erased or programmed.
• Programmer mode
Flash memory can be programmed/erased in programmer mode using a PROM
programmer, as well as in on-board programming mode.
• Automatic bit rate adjustment
For data transfer in boot mode, this LSI's bit rate can be automatically adjusted to match
the transfer bit rate of the host.
• Programming/erasing protection
Sets software protection against flash memory programming/erasing.
• Power-down mode
Operation of the power supply circuit can be partly halted in subactive mode. As a result,
flash memory can be read with low power consumption.
H'000000 H'000001 H'000002 Programming unit: 128 bytes H'00007F
H'000000 H'000001 H'000002 Programming unit: 128 bytes H'00007F
H'0000 H'0001 H'0002 Programming unit: 128 bytes H'007F
H'0000 H'0001 H'0002 Programming unit: 128 bytes H'007F
FLMCR1 is a register that makes the flash memory change to program mode, program-verify
mode, erase mode, or erase-verify mode. For details on register setting, refer to section 7.4, Flash
Memory Programming/Erasing.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 0 Reserved
This bit is always read as 0.
6 SWE 0 R/W Software Write Enable
When this bit is set to 1, flash memory
programming/erasing is enabled. When this bit is cleared
to 0, other FLMCR1 register bits and all EBR1 bits cannot
be set.
5 ESU 0 R/W Erase Setup
When this bit is set to 1, the flash memory changes to the
erase setup state. When it is cleared to 0, the erase setup
state is cancelled. Set this bit to 1 before setting the E bit
to 1 in FLMCR1.
4 PSU 0 R/W Program Setup
When this bit is set to 1, the flash memory changes to the
program setup state. When it is cleared to 0, the program
setup state is cancelled. Set this bit to 1 before setting the
P bit in FLMCR1.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
3 EV 0 R/W Erase-Verify
When this bit is set to 1, the flash memory changes to
erase-verify mode. When it is cleared to 0, erase-verify
mode is cancelled.
2 PV 0 R/W Program-Verify
When this bit is set to 1, the flash memory changes to
program-verify mode. When it is cleared to 0, program-
verify mode is cancelled.
1 E 0 R/W Erase
When this bit is set to 1 while SWE=1 and ESU=1, the
flash memory changes to erase mode. When it is cleared
to 0, erase mode is cancelled.
0 P 0 R/W Program
When this bit is set to 1 while SWE=1 and PSU=1, the
flash memory changes to program mode. When it is
cleared to 0, program mode is cancelled.
FLMCR2 is a register that displays the state of flash memory programming/erasing. FLMCR2 is a
read-only register, and should not be written to.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 FLER 0 R Flash Memory Error
Indicates that an error has occurred during an operation
on flash memory (programming or erasing). When FLER
is set to 1, flash memory goes to the error-protection
See section 7.5.3, Error Protection, for details.
6 to 0 All 0 Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
EBR1 specifies the flash memory erase area block. EBR1 is initialized to H'00 when the SWE bit
in FLMCR1 is 0. Do not set more than one bit at a time, as this will cause all the bits in EBR1 to
be automatically cleared to 0.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 EB7 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 32 Kbytes of H'018000 to H'01FFFF will be erased.
6 EB6 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 32 Kbytes of H'010000 to H'017FFF will be erased.
5 EB5 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, H'008000 to H'00FFFF 32 Kbytes of H'010000 to
H'017FFF will be erased.
4 EB4 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 28 Kbytes of H'001000 to H'007FFF will be erased.
3 EB3 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'000C00 to H'000FFF will be erased.
2 EB2 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'000800 to H'000BFF will be erased.
1 EB1 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'000400 to H'0007FF will be erased.
0 EB0 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'000000 to H'0003FF will be erased.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 0 Reserved. Although this bit is readable/writable, do not set this bit to 1.
6 EB6 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 32 Kbytes of H'010000 to H'017FFF will be erased.
5 EB5 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 32 Kbytes of H'008000 to H'00FFFF will be erased.
4 EB4 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 28 Kbytes of H'001000 to H'007FFF will be erased.
3 EB3 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'000C00 to H'000FFF will be erased.
2 EB2 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'000800 to H'000BFF will be erased.
1 EB1 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'000400 to H'0007FF will be erased.
0 EB0 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'000000 to H'0003FF will be erased.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 0 Reserved. This bit is always read as 0.
6 EB6 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 8 Kbytes of H'C000 to H'DFFF will be erased.
5 EB5 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 16 Kbytes of H'8000 to H'BFFF will be erased.
4 EB4 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 28 Kbytes of H'1000 to H'7FFF will be erased.
3 EB3 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'0C00 to H'0FFF will be erased.
2 EB2 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'0800 to H'0BFF will be erased.
1 EB1 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'0400 to H'07FF will be erased.
0 EB0 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'0000 to H'03FF will be erased.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 0 Reserved. This bit is always read as 0.
6 0 Reserved. Although this bit is readable/writable, do not set this bit to 1.
5 0 Reserved. Although this bit is readable/writable, do not set this bit to 1.
4 EB4 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 28 Kbytes of H'1000 to H'7FFF will be erased.
3 EB3 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'0C00 to H'0FFF will be erased.
2 EB2 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'0800 to H'0BFF will be erased.
1 EB1 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'0400 to H'07FF will be erased.
0 EB0 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, 1 Kbyte of H'0000 to H'03FF will be erased.
FLPWCR enables or disables a transition to the flash memory power-down mode when the LSI
switches to subactive mode. There are two modes: mode in which operation of the power supply
circuit of flash memory is partly halted in power-down mode and flash memory can be read, and
mode in which even if a transition is made to subactive mode, operation of the power supply
circuit of flash memory is retained and flash memory can be read.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 PDWND 0 R/W Power-Down Disable
When this bit is 0 and a transition is made to subactive
mode, the flash memory enters the power-down mode.
When this bit is 1, the flash memory remains in the
normal mode even after a transition is made to subactive
6 to 0 All 0 Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
Bit 7 (FLSHE) in FENR enables or disables the CPU access to the flash memory control registers,
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 FLSHE 0 R/W Flash Memory Control Register Enable
Flash memory control registers can be accessed when
this bit is set to 1. Flash memory control registers cannot
be accessed when this bit is set to 0.
6 to 0 All 0 Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
When changing to boot mode, the boot program built into this LSI is initiated. The boot program
transfers the programming control program from the externally connected host to on-chip RAM
via SCI3. After erasing the entire flash memory, the programming control program is executed.
This can be used for programming initial values in the on-board state or for a forcible return when
programming/erasing can no longer be done in user program mode. In user program mode,
individual blocks can be erased and programmed by branching to the user program/erase control
program prepared by the user.
TEST NMI P85 PB0 PB1 PB2 LSI State after Reset End
0 1 x x x x User Mode
0 0 1 x x x Boot Mode
1 x x 0 0 0 Programmer Mode
[Legend] x: Don't care.
Table 7.2 shows the boot mode operations between reset end and branching to the programming
control program.
1. When boot mode is used, the flash memory programming control program must be prepared in
the host beforehand. Prepare a programming control program in accordance with the
description in section 7.4, Flash Memory Programming/Erasing.
2. SCI3 should be set to asynchronous mode, and the transfer format as follows: 8-bit data, 1 stop
bit, and no parity.
3. When the boot program is initiated, the chip measures the low-level period of asynchronous
SCI communication data (H'00) transmitted continuously from the host. The chip then
calculates the bit rate of transmission from the host, and adjusts the SCI3 bit rate to match that
of the host. The reset should end with the RxD pin high. The RxD and TxD pins should be
pulled up on the board if necessary. After the reset is complete, it takes approximately 100
states before the chip is ready to measure the low-level period.
4. After matching the bit rates, the chip transmits one H'00 byte to the host to indicate the
completion of bit rate adjustment. The host should confirm that this adjustment end indication
(H'00) has been received normally, and transmit one H'55 byte to the chip. If reception could
not be performed normally, initiate boot mode again by a reset. Depending on the host's
transfer bit rate and system clock frequency of this LSI, there will be a discrepancy between
the bit rates of the host and the chip. To operate the SCI properly, set the host's transfer bit rate
and system clock frequency of this LSI within the ranges listed in table 7.3.
5. In boot mode, a part of the on-chip RAM area is used by the boot program. The area H'FFF780
to H'FFFEEF for microcontrollers supporting advanced mode or H'F780 to H'FEEF for
microcontrollers supporting normal mode, is the area to which the programming control
program is transferred from the host. The boot program area cannot be used until the execution
state in boot mode switches to the programming control program.
6. Before branching to the programming control program, the chip terminates transfer operations
by SCI3 (by clearing the RE and TE bits in SCR to 0), however the adjusted bit rate value
remains set in BRR. Therefore, the programming control program can still use it for transfer of
program data or verify data with the host. The TxD pin is high (PCR22 = 1, P22 = 1). The
contents of the CPU general registers are undefined immediately after branching to the
programming control program. These registers must be initialized at the beginning of the
programming control program, as the stack pointer (SP), in particular, is used implicitly in
subroutine calls, etc.
7. Boot mode can be cleared by a reset. End the reset after driving the reset pin low, waiting at
least 20 states, and then setting the NMI pin. Boot mode is also cleared when a WDT overflow
8. Do not change the TEST pin and NMI pin input levels in boot mode.
• Calculates bit rate and sets BRR in SCI3.
H'00 • Transmits data H'00 to host as adjustment
Transmits data H'55 when data H'00
is received error-free. end indication.
H'55 reception.
Flash memory erase
Boot program Checks flash memory data, erases all flash
erase error memory blocks in case of written data
existing, and transmits data H'AA to host.
(If erase could not be done, transmits data
H'AA reception H'FF to host and aborts operation.)
Transfer of number of bytes of
programming control program
H'AA reception Transmits data H'AA to host.
Table 7.3 System Clock Frequencies for which Automatic Adjustment of LSI Bit Rate is
On-board programming/erasing of an individual flash memory block can also be performed in user
program mode by branching to a user program/erase control program. The user must set branching
conditions and provide on-board means of supplying programming data. The flash memory must
contain the user program/erase control program or a program that provides the user program/erase
control program from external memory. As the flash memory itself cannot be read during
programming/erasing, transfer the user program/erase control program to on-chip RAM, as in boot
mode. Figure 7.2 shows a sample procedure for programming/erasing in user program mode.
Prepare a user program/erase control program in accordance with the description in section 7.4,
Flash Memory Programming/Erasing.
7.4.1 Program/Program-Verify
When writing data or programs to the flash memory, the program/program-verify flowchart shown
in figure 7.3 should be followed. Performing programming operations according to this flowchart
will enable data or programs to be written to the flash memory without subjecting the chip to
voltage stress or sacrificing program data reliability.
8. The maximum number of repetitions of the program/program-verify sequence of the same bit
is 1,000.
n= 1
Set P bit in FLMCR1
m= 0
Wait (Wait time=programming time)
Write 128-byte data in RAM reprogram
Clear P bit in FLMCR1 data area consecutively to flash memory
Wait 4 µs
Wait 5 µs
Set block start address as
Disable WDT verify address
Wait 2 µs *
Read verify data
Increment address
Verify data = No
write data?
Additional-programming data computation
data verification completed?
Clear PV bit in FLMCR1
Wait 2 µs
n ≤ 6?
Successively write 128-byte data from additional-
programming data area in RAM to flash memory
Apply Write Pulse
No Yes
m= 0 ? n ≤ 1000 ?
Yes No
Clear SWE bit in FLMCR1 Clear SWE bit in FLMCR1
Note: *The RTS instruction must not be used during the following 1. and 2. periods.
1. A period between 128-byte data programming to flash memory and the P bit clearing
2. A period between dummy writing of H'FF to a verify address and verify data reading
Reprogram Data Verify Data Data Comments
0 0 0 Additional-program bit
0 1 1 No additional programming
1 0 1 No additional programming
1 1 1 No additional programming
n Programming In Additional
(Number of Writes) Time Programming Comments
1 to 6 30 10
7 to 1,000 200
Note: Time shown in µs.
7.4.2 Erase/Erase-Verify
When erasing flash memory, the erase/erase-verify flowchart shown in figure 7.4 should be
All interrupts, including the NMI interrupt, are disabled while flash memory is being programmed
or erased, or while the boot program is executing, for the following three reasons:
Erase start
SWE bit ← 1
Wait 1 µs
Set EBR1
Enable WDT
ESU bit ← 1
Wait 100 µs
E bit ← 1
Wait 10 ms
E bit ← 0
Wait 10 µs
ESU bit ← 10
10 µs
Disable WDT
EV bit ← 1
Wait 20 µs
Wait 2 µs *
Read verify data
Increment address Verify data + all 1s ?
Last address of block ?
EV bit ← 0 EV bit ← 0
No Yes
All erase block erased ? n ≤100 ?
SWE bit ← 0 SWE bit ← 0
Note: *The RTS instruction must not be used during a period between dummy writing of H'FF to a verify address and verify data reading.
Software protection can be implemented against programming/erasing of all flash memory blocks
by clearing the SWE bit in FLMCR1. When software protection is in effect, setting the P or E bit
in FLMCR1 does not cause a transition to program mode or erase mode. By setting the erase block
register 1 (EBR1), erase protection can be set for individual blocks. When EBR1 is set to H'00,
erase protection is set for all blocks.
In error protection, an error is detected when CPU runaway occurs during flash memory
programming/erasing, or operation is not performed in accordance with the program/erase
algorithm, and the program/erase operation is forcibly aborted. Aborting the program/erase
operation prevents damage to the flash memory due to overprogramming or overerasing.
When the following errors are detected during programming/erasing of flash memory, the FLER
bit in FLMCR2 is set to 1, and the error protection state is entered.
• When the flash memory of the relevant address area is read during programming/erasing
(including vector read and instruction fetch)
• Immediately after exception handling excluding a reset during programming/erasing
• When a SLEEP instruction is executed during programming/erasing
The FLMCR1, FLMCR2, and EBR1 settings are retained, however program mode or erase mode
is aborted at the point at which the error occurred. Program mode or erase mode cannot be re-
entered by re-setting the P or E bit. However, PV and EV bit settings are retained, and a transition
can be made to verify mode. Error protection can be cleared only by a reset.
Table 7.7 shows the correspondence between the operating modes of this LSI and the flash
memory. In subactive mode, the flash memory can be set to operate in power-down mode with the
PDWND bit in FLPWCR. When the flash memory returns to its normal operating state from
power-down mode or standby mode, a period to stabilize operation of the power supply circuits
that were stopped is needed. When the flash memory returns to its normal operating state, bits
STS2 to STS0 in SYSCR1 must be set to provide a wait time of at least 20 µs, even when the
external clock is being used.
Section 8 RAM
Microcontrollers of the H8/36079 Group and H8/36077 Group have an on-chip high-speed static
RAM. The RAM is connected to the CPU by a 16-bit data bus, enabling two-state access by the
CPU to both byte data and word data.
For functions in each port, see appendix B.1, I/O Port Block Diagrams. For the execution of bit-
manipulation instructions to the port control register and port data register, see section 2.8.3, Bit-
Manipulation Instruction.
9.1 Port 1
Port 1 is a general I/O port also functioning as IRQ interrupt input pins, an RTC output pin, a 14-
bit PWM output pin, a timer B1 input pin, and a timer V input pin. Figure 9.1 shows its pin
Port 1
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 IRQ3 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P17/IRQ3/TRGV.
0: General I/O port
1: IRQ3/TRGV input pin
6 IRQ2 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P16/IRQ2.
0: General I/O port
1: IRQ2 input pin
5 IRQ1 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P15/IRQ1/TMIB1.
0: General I/O port
1: IRQ1/TMIB1 input pin
4 IRQ0 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P14/IRQ0.
0: General I/O port
1: IRQ0 input pin
3 TXD2 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P72/TXD_2.
0: General I/O port
1: TXD_2 output pin
2 PWM 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P11/PWM.
0: General I/O port
1: PWM output pin
1 TXD 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P22/TXD.
0: General I/O port
1: TXD output pin
0 TMOW 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P10/TMOW.
0: General I/O port
1: TMOW output pin
PCR1 selects inputs/outputs in bit units for pins to be used as general I/O ports of port 1.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 PCR17 0 W When the corresponding pin is designated in PMR1 as a
6 PCR16 0 W general I/O pin, setting a PCR1 bit to 1 makes the
corresponding pin an output port, while clearing the bit to
5 PCR15 0 W 0 makes the pin an input port.
4 PCR14 0 W Bit 3 is a reserved bit.
2 PCR12 0 W
1 PCR11 0 W
0 PCR10 0 W
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 P17 0 R/W PDR1 stores output data for port 1 pins.
6 P16 0 R/W If PDR1 is read while PCR1 bits are set to 1, the value
5 P15 0 R/W stored in PDR1 are read. If PDR1 is read while PCR1 bits
are cleared to 0, the pin states are read regardless of the
4 P14 0 R/W value stored in PDR1.
3 1 Bit 3 is a reserved bit. This bit is always read as 1.
2 P12 0 R/W
1 P11 0 R/W
0 P10 0 R/W
PUCR1 controls the pull-up MOS in bit units of the pins set as the input ports.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 PUCR17 0 R/W Only bits for which PCR1 is cleared are valid. The pull-up
6 PUCR16 0 R/W MOS of P17 to P14 and P12 to P10 pins enter the on-
state when these bits are set to 1, while they enter the
5 PUCR15 0 R/W off-state when these bits are cleared to 0.
4 PUCR14 0 R/W Bit 3 is a reserved bit. This bit is always read as 1.
3 1
2 PUCR12 0 R/W
1 PUCR11 0 R/W
0 PUCR10 0 R/W
The correspondence between the register specification and the port functions is shown below.
P17/IRQ3/TRGV pin
P16/IRQ2 pin
P15/IRQ1/TMIB1 pin
P14/IRQ0 pin
P12 pin
Register PCR1
Bit Name PCR12 Pin Function
Setting value 0 P12 input pin
1 P12 output pin
P11/PWM pin
P10/TMOW pin
9.2 Port 2
Port 2 is a general I/O port also functioning as SCI3 I/O pins. Each pin of the port 2 is shown in
figure 9.2. The register settings of PMR1and SCI3 have priority for functions of the pins for both
Port 2 P22/TXD
PCR2 selects inputs/outputs in bit units for pins to be used as general I/O ports of port 2.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 5 Reserved
4 PCR24 0 W When each of the port 2 pins P24 to P20 functions as a
3 PCR23 0 W general I/O port, setting a PCR2 bit to 1 makes the
corresponding pin an output port, while clearing the bit to
2 PCR22 0 W 0 makes the pin an input port.
1 PCR21 0 W
0 PCR20 0 W
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 5 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
4 P24 0 R/W PDR2 stores output data for port 2 pins.
3 P23 0 R/W If PDR2 is read while PCR2 bits are set to 1, the value
2 P22 0 R/W stored in PDR2 is read. If PDR2 is read while PCR2 bits
are cleared to 0, the pin states are read regardless of the
1 P21 0 R/W value stored in PDR2.
0 P20 0 R/W
PMR3 selects the CMOS output or NMOS open-drain output for port 2.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 5 All 0 Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
4 POF24 0 R/W When the bit is set to 1, the corresponding pin is cut off
3 POF23 0 R/W by PMOS and it functions as the NMOS open-drain
output. When cleared to 0, the pin functions as the CMOS
2 to 0 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
The correspondence between the register specification and the port functions is shown below.
P24 pin
Register PCR2
Bit Name PCR24 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P24 input pin
1 P24 output pin
P23 pin
Register PCR2
Bit Name PCR23 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P23 input pin
1 P23 output pin
P22/TXD pin
P21/RXD pin
P20/SCK3 pin
9.3 Port 3
Port 3 is a general I/O port. Each pin of the port 3 is shown in figure 9.3.
Port 3 P34
PCR3 selects inputs/outputs in bit units for pins to be used as general I/O ports of port 3.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 PCR37 0 W Setting a PCR3 bit to 1 makes the corresponding pin an
6 PCR36 0 W output port, while clearing the bit to 0 makes the pin an
input port.
5 PCR35 0 W
4 PCR34 0 W
3 PCR33 0 W
2 PCR32 0 W
1 PCR31 0 W
0 PCR30 0 W
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 P37 0 R/W PDR3 stores output data for port 3 pins.
6 P36 0 R/W If PDR3 is read while PCR3 bits are set to 1, the value
5 P35 0 R/W stored in PDR3 is read. If PDR3 is read while PCR3 bits
are cleared to 0, the pin states are read regardless of the
4 P34 0 R/W value stored in PDR3.
3 P33 0 R/W
2 P32 0 R/W
1 P31 0 R/W
0 P30 0 R/W
The correspondence between the register specification and the port functions is shown below.
P37 pin
Register PCR3
Bit Name PCR37 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P37 input pin
1 P37 output pin
P36 pin
Register PCR3
Bit Name PCR36 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P36 input pin
1 P36 output pin
P35 pin
Register PCR3
Bit Name PCR35 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P35 input pin
1 P35 output pin
P34 pin
Register PCR3
Bit Name PCR34 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P34 input pin
1 P34 output pin
P33 pin
Register PCR3
Bit Name PCR33 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P33 input pin
1 P33 output pin
P32 pin
Register PCR3
Bit Name PCR32 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P32 input pin
1 P32 output pin
P31 pin
Register PCR3
Bit Name PCR31 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P31 input pin
1 P31 output pin
P30 pin
Register PCR3
Bit Name PCR30 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P30 input pin
1 P30 output pin
9.4 Port 5
Port 5 is a general I/O port also functioning as an I C bus interface I/O pin, an A/D trigger input
pin, and wakeup interrupt input pin. Each pin of the port 5 is shown in figure 9.4. The register
setting of the I C bus interface register has priority for functions of the pins P57/SCL and
P56/SDA. Since the output buffer for pins P56 and P57 has the NMOS push-pull structure, it
differs from an output buffer with the CMOS structure in the high-level output characteristics (see
section 22, Electrical Characteristics).
Port 5
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 POF57 0 R/W When the bit is set to 1, the corresponding pin is cut off
6 POF56 0 R/W by PMOS and it functions as the NMOS open-drain
output. When cleared to 0, the pin functions as the CMOS
5 WKP5 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P55/WKP5/ADTRG.
0: General I/O port
1: WKP5/ADTRG input pin
4 WKP4 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P54/WKP4.
0: General I/O port
1: WKP4 input pin
3 WKP3 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P53/WKP3.
0: General I/O port
1: WKP3 input pin
2 WKP2 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P52/WKP2.
0: General I/O port
1: WKP2 input pin
1 WKP1 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P51/WKP1.
0: General I/O port
1: WKP1 input pin
0 WKP0 0 R/W This bit selects the function of pin P50/WKP0.
0: General I/O port
1: WKP0 input pin
PCR5 selects inputs/outputs in bit units for pins to be used as general I/O ports of port 5.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 PCR57 0 W When each of the port 5 pins P57 to P50 functions as a
6 PCR56 0 W general I/O port, setting a PCR5 bit to 1 makes the
corresponding pin an output port, while clearing the bit to
5 PCR55 0 W 0 makes the pin an input port.
4 PCR54 0 W
3 PCR53 0 W
2 PCR52 0 W
1 PCR51 0 W
0 PCR50 0 W
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 P57 0 R/W Stores output data for port 5 pins.
6 P56 0 R/W If PDR5 is read while PCR5 bits are set to 1, the value
5 P55 0 R/W stored in PDR5 are read. If PDR5 is read while PCR5 bits
are cleared to 0, the pin states are read regardless of the
4 P54 0 R/W value stored in PDR5.
3 P53 0 R/W
2 P52 0 R/W
1 P51 0 R/W
0 P50 0 R/W
PUCR5 controls the pull-up MOS in bit units of the pins set as the input ports.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7, 6 All 0 Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
5 PUCR55 0 R/W Only bits for which PCR5 is cleared are valid. The pull-up
4 PUCR54 0 R/W MOS of the corresponding pins enter the on-state when
these bits are set to 1, while they enter the off-state when
3 PUCR53 0 R/W these bits are cleared to 0.
2 PUCR52 0 R/W
1 PUCR51 0 R/W
0 PUCR50 0 R/W
The correspondence between the register specification and the port functions is shown below.
P57/SCL pin
SCL performs the NMOS open-drain output, that enables a direct bus drive.
P56/SDA pin
SDA performs the NMOS open-drain output that enables a direct bus drive.
P55/WKP5/ADTRG pin
P54/WKP4 pin
P53/WKP3 pin
P52/WKP2 pin
P51/WKP1 pin
P50/WKP0 pin
9.5 Port 6
Port 6 is a general I/O port also functioning as a timer Z I/O pin. Each pin of the port 6 is shown in
figure 9.5. The register setting of the timer Z has priority for functions of the pins for both uses.
Port 6 P64/FTIOA1
PCR6 selects inputs/outputs in bit units for pins to be used as general I/O ports of port 6.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 PCR67 0 W When each of the port 6 pins P67 to P60 functions as a
6 PCR66 0 W general I/O port, setting a PCR6 bit to 1 makes the
corresponding pin an output port, while clearing the bit to
5 PCR65 0 W 0 makes the pin an input port.
4 PCR64 0 W
3 PCR63 0 W
2 PCR62 0 W
1 PCR61 0 W
0 PCR60 0 W
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 P67 0 R/W Stores output data for port 6 pins.
6 P66 0 R/W If PDR6 is read while PCR6 bits are set to 1, the value
5 P65 0 R/W stored in PDR6 are read. If PDR6 is read while PCR6 bits
are cleared to 0, the pin states are read regardless of the
4 P64 0 R/W value stored in PDR6.
3 P63 0 R/W
2 P62 0 R/W
1 P61 0 R/W
0 P60 0 R/W
The correspondence between the register specification and the port functions is shown below.
P67/FTIOD1 pin
P66/FTIOC1 pin
P65/FTIOB1 pin
P64/FTIOA1 pin
P63/FTIOD0 pin
P62/FTIOC0 pin
P61/FTIOB0 pin
P60/FTIOA0 pin
9.6 Port 7
Port 7 is a general I/O port also functioning as a timer V I/O pin and SCI3_2 I/O pin. Each pin of
the port 7 is shown in figure 9.6. The register settings of the timer V and SCI3_2 have priority for
functions of the pins for both uses.
Port 7
PCR7 selects inputs/outputs in bit units for pins to be used as general I/O ports of port 7.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 When each of the port 7 pins P76 to P74 and P72 to P70
6 PCR76 0 W functions as a general I/O port, setting a PCR7 bit to 1
makes the corresponding pin an output port, while
5 PCR75 0 W clearing the bit to 0 makes the pin an input port.
4 PCR74 0 W Bits 7 and 3 are reserved bits.
2 PCR72 0 W
1 PCR71 0 W
0 PCR70 0 W
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 1 Stores output data for port 7 pins.
6 P76 0 R/W If PDR7 is read while PCR7 bits are set to 1, the value
5 P75 0 R/W stored in PDR7 are read. If PDR7 is read while PCR7 bits
are cleared to 0, the pin states are read regardless of the
4 P74 0 R/W value stored in PDR7.
3 1 Bits 7 and 3 are reserved bits. These bits are always read
2 P72 0 R/W as 1.
1 P71 0 R/W
0 P70 0 R/W
The correspondence between the register specification and the port functions is shown below.
P76/TMOV pin
P75/TMCIV pin
Register PCR7
Bit Name PCR75 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P75 input/TMCIV input pin
1 P75 output/TMCIV input pin
P74/TMRIV pin
Register PCR7
Bit Name PCR74 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P74 input/TMRIV input pin
1 P74 output/TMRIV input pin
P72/TXD_2 pin
P71/RXD_2 pin
P70/SCK3_2 pin
9.7 Port 8
Port 8 is a general I/O port. Each pin of the port 8 is shown in figure 9.7.
Port 8 P86
PCR8 selects inputs/outputs in bit units for pins to be used as general I/O ports of port 8.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 PCR87 0 W When each of the port 8 pins P87 to P85 functions as a
6 PCR86 0 W general I/O port, setting a PCR8 bit to 1 makes the
corresponding pin an output port, while clearing the bit to
5 PCR85 0 W 0 makes the pin an input port.
4 to 0 Reserved
The correspondence between the register specification and the port functions is shown below.
P87 pin
Register PCR8
Bit Name PCR87 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P87 input pin
1 P87 output pin
P86 pin
Register PCR8
Bit Name PCR86 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P86 input pin
1 P86 output pin
P85 pin
Register PCR8
Bit Name PCR85 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 P85 input pin
1 P85 output pin
9.8 Port B
Port B is an input port also functioning as an A/D converter analog input pin. Each pin of the port
B is shown in figure 9.8.
Port B
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 PB7 R The input value of each pin is read by reading this
6 PB6 R register.
The correspondence between the register specification and the port functions is shown below.
PB0/AN0 pin
Register ADCSR
Bit Name SCAN CH2 CH1 CH0 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 0 0 0 AN0 input pin
1 x x
Other than above PB0 output pin
[Legend] x: Don't care.
PB1/AN1 pin
Register ADCSR
Bit Name SCAN CH2 CH1 CH0 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 0 0 1 AN1 input pin
1 0 1
1 x
Other than above PB1 output pin
[Legend] x: Don't care.
PB2/AN2 pin
Register ADCSR
Bit Name SCAN CH2 CH1 CH0 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 0 1 0 AN2 input pin
1 1 x
Other than above PB2 output pin
[Legend] x: Don't care.
PB3/AN3 pin
Register ADCSR
Bit Name SCAN CH2 CH1 CH0 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 0 1 1 AN3 input pin
Other than above PB3 output pin
PB4/AN4 pin
Register ADCSR
Bit Name SCAN CH2 CH1 CH0 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 1 0 0 AN4 input pin
1 x x
Other than above PB4 output pin
[Legend] x: Don't care.
PB5/AN5 pin
Register ADCSR
Bit Name SCAN CH2 CH1 CH0 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 1 0 1 AN5 input pin
1 0 1
1 x
Other than above PB5 output pin
[Legend] x: Don't care.
PB6/AN6/ExtD pin
PB7/AN7/ExtU pin
9.9 Port C
Port C is a general I/O port also functioning as an external oscillation pin and clock output pin.
Each pin of the port C is shown in figure 9.9. The register setting of CKCSR has priority for
functions of the pins for both uses.
PCRC selects inputs/outputs in bit units for pins to be used as general I/O ports of port C.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 2 Reserved
1 PCRC1 0 W When each of the port C pins, PC1 and PC0, functions as
0 PCRC0 0 W an general I/O port, setting a PCRC bit to 1 makes the
corresponding pin an output port, while clearing the bit to
0 makes the pin an input port.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 2 Reserved
1 PC1 0 R/W These bits store output data for port C pins.
0 PC0 0 R/W If PDRC is read while PCRC bits are set to 1, the value
stored in PDRC is read. If PDRC is read while PCRC bits
are cleared to 0, the pin states are read regardless of the
value stored in PDRC.
The correspondence between the register specification and the port functions is shown below.
PC0/OSC1 pin
10.1 Features
• Counts seconds, minutes, hours, and day-of-week
• Start/stop function
• Reset function
• Readable/writable counter of seconds, minutes, hours, and day-of-week with BCD codes
• Periodic (seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks) interrupts
• 8-bit free running counter
• Selection of clock source
oscillator 1/4 RSECDR
[Legend] control circuit
RTCCSR: Clock source select register
RSECDR: Second date register/free running counter data register
RMINDR: Minute date register
RHRDR: Hour date register
RWKDR: Day-of-week date register
RTCCR1: RTC control register 1
RTCCR2: RTC control register 2
PSS: Prescaler S
RSECDR counts the BCD-coded second value. The setting range is decimal 00 to 59. It is an 8-bit
read register used as a counter, when it operates as a free running counter. For more information
on reading seconds, minutes, hours, and day-of-week, see section 10.4.3, Data Reading Procedure.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 BSY — R RTC Busy
This bit is set to 1 when the RTC is updating (operating)
the values of second, minute, hour, and day-of-week
data registers. When this bit is 0, the values of second,
minute, hour, and day-of-week data registers must be
6 SC12 — R/W Counting Ten's Position of Seconds
5 SC11 — R/W Counts on 0 to 5 for 60-second counting.
4 SC10 — R/W
3 SC03 — R/W Counting One's Position of Seconds
2 SC02 — R/W Counts on 0 to 9 once per second. When a carry is
1 SC01 — R/W generated, 1 is added to the ten's position.
0 SC00 — R/W
RMINDR counts the BCD-coded minute value on the carry generated once per minute by the
RSECDR counting. The setting range is decimal 00 to 59.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 BSY — R RTC Busy
This bit is set to 1 when the RTC is updating (operating)
the values of second, minute, hour, and day-of-week
data registers. When this bit is 0, the values of second,
minute, hour, and day-of-week data registers must be
6 MN12 — R/W Counting Ten's Position of Minutes
5 MN11 — R/W Counts on 0 to 5 for 60-minute counting.
4 MN10 — R/W
3 MN03 — R/W Counting One's Position of Minutes
2 MN02 — R/W Counts on 0 to 9 once per minute. When a carry is
1 MN01 — R/W generated, 1 is added to the ten's position.
0 MN00 — R/W
RHRDR counts the BCD-coded hour value on the carry generated once per hour by RMINDR.
The setting range is either decimal 00 to 11 or 00 to 23 by the selection of the 12/24 bit in
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 BSY — R RTC Busy
This bit is set to 1 when the RTC is updating (operating)
the values of second, minute, hour, and day-of-week
data registers. When this bit is 0, the values of second,
minute, hour, and day-of-week data registers must be
6 — 0 — Reserved
This bit is always read as 0.
5 HR11 — R/W Counting Ten's Position of Hours
4 HR10 — R/W Counts on 0 to 2 for ten's position of hours.
3 HR03 — R/W Counting One's Position of Hours
2 HR02 — R/W Counts on 0 to 9 once per hour. When a carry is
1 HR01 — R/W generated, 1 is added to the ten's position.
0 HR00 — R/W
RWKDR counts the BCD-coded day-of-week value on the carry generated once per day by
RHRDR. The setting range is decimal 0 to 6 using bits WK2 to WK0.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 BSY — R RTC Busy
This bit is set to 1 when the RTC is updating (operating)
the values of second, minute, hour, and day-of-week
data registers. When this bit is 0, the values of second,
minute, hour, and day-of-week data registers must be
6 to 3 — All 0 — Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
2 WK2 — R/W Day-of-Week Counting
1 WK1 — R/W Day-of-week is indicated with a binary code
0 WK0 — R/W 000: Sunday
001: Monday
010: Tuesday
011: Wednesday
100: Thursday
101: Friday
110: Saturday
111: Reserved (setting prohibited)
RTCCR1 controls start/stop and reset of the clock timer. For the definition of time expression, see
figure 10.2.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 RUN — R/W RTC Operation Start
0: Stops RTC operation
1: Starts RTC operation
6 12/24 — R/W Operating Mode
0: RTC operates in 12-hour mode. RHRDR counts on 0
to 11.
1: RTC operates in 24-hour mode. RHRDR counts on 0
to 23.
5 PM — R/W a.m./p.m.
0: Indicates a.m. when RTC is in the 12-hour mode.
1: Indicates p.m. when RTC is in the 12-hour mode.
4 RST 0 R/W Reset
0: Normal operation
1: Resets registers and control circuits except RTCCSR
and this bit. Clear this bit to 0 after having been set to
3 INT — R/W Interrupt Generation Timing
0: Generates a second, minute, hour, or day-of-week
periodic interrupt during RTC busy period.
1: Generates a second, minute, hour, or day-of-week
periodic interrupt immediately after completing RTC
busy period.
2 to 0 — All 0 — Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
24-hour count 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
12-hour count 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 4 5
PM 0 (Morning) 1 (Afternoon)
24-hour count 18 19 20 21 22 23 0
12-hour count 6 7 8 9 10 11 0
PM 1 (Afternoon) 0
RTCCR2 controls RTC periodic interrupts of weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Enabling
interrupts of weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds sets the IRRTA flag to 1 in the interrupt
flag register 1 (IRR1) when an interrupt occurs. It also controls an overflow interrupt of a free
running counter when RTC operates as a free running counter.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7, 6 — All 0 — Reserved
These bits are always read as 0.
5 FOIE — R/W Free Running Counter Overflow Interrupt Enable
0: Disables an overflow interrupt
1: Enables an overflow interrupt
4 WKIE — R/W Week Periodic Interrupt Enable
0: Disables a week periodic interrupt
1: Enables a week periodic interrupt
3 DYIE — R/W Day Periodic Interrupt Enable
0: Disables a day periodic interrupt
1: Enables a day periodic interrupt
2 HRIE — R/W Hour Periodic Interrupt Enable
0: Disables an hour periodic interrupt
1: Enables an hour periodic interrupt
1 MNIE — R/W Minute Periodic Interrupt Enable
0: Disables a minute periodic interrupt
1: Enables a minute periodic interrupt
0 SEIE — R/W Second Periodic Interrupt Enable
0: Disables a second periodic interrupt
1: Enables a second periodic interrupt
RTCCSR selects clock source. A free running counter controls start/stop of counter operation by
the RUN bit in RTCCR1. When a clock other than 32.768 kHz is selected, the RTC is disabled
and operates as an 8-bit free running counter. When the RTC operates as an 8-bit free running
counter, RSECDR enables counter values to be read. An interrupt can be generated by setting 1 to
the FOIE bit in RTCCR2 and enabling an overflow interrupt of the free running counter. A clock
in which the system clock is divided by 32, 16, 8, or 4 is output in active or sleep mode.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 — 0 — Reserved
This bit is always read as 0.
6 RCS6 0 R/W Clock Output Selection
5 RCS5 0 R/W Selects a clock output from the TMOW pin when setting
TMOW in PMR1 to 1.
00: φ/4
01: φ/8
10: φ/16
11: φ/32
4 — 0 — Reserved
This bit is always read as 0.
3 RCS3 1 R/W Clock Source Selection
2 RCS2 0 R/W 0000: φ/8⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Free running counter operation
1 RCS1 0 R/W 0001: φ/32⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Free running counter operation
0 RCS0 0 R/W 0010: φ/128⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Free running counter operation
0011: φ/256⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Free running counter operation
0100: φ/512⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Free running counter operation
0101: φ/2048⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Free running counter operation
0110: φ/4096⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Free running counter operation
0111: φ/8192⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Free running counter operation
1XXX: 32.768 kHz⋅⋅⋅RTC operation
[Legend] X: Don't care.
10.4 Operation
The RTC registers that store second, minute, hour, and day-of week data are not reset by a RES
input. Therefore, all registers must be set to their initial values after power-on. Once the register
setting are made, the RTC provides an accurate time as long as power is supplied regardless of a
RES input.
Figure 10.3 shows the procedure for the initial setting of the RTC. To set the RTC again, also
follow this procedure.
RTC registers and clock count
RST in RTCCR1=0 controller are reset.
When the seconds, minutes, hours, or day-of-week datum is updated while time data is being read,
the data obtained may not be correct, and so the time data must be read again. Figure 10.4 shows
an example in which correct data is not obtained. In this example, since only RSECDR is read
after data update, about 1-minute inconsistency occurs.
1. Check the setting of the BSY bit, and when the BSY bit changes from 1 to 0, read from the
second, minute, hour, and day-of-week registers. When about 62.5 ms is passed after the BSY
bit is set to 1, the registers are updated, and the BSY bit is cleared to 0.
2. Making use of interrupts, read from the second, minute, hour, and day-of week registers after
the IRRTA flag in IRR1 is set to 1 and the BSY bit is confirmed to be 0.
3. Read from the second, minute, hour, and day-of week registers twice in a row, and if there is
no change in the read data, the read data is used.
Before update RWKDR = H'03, RHDDR = H'13, RMINDR = H'46, RSECDR = H'59
BSY bit = 0
(1) Day-of-week data register read H'03
Processing flow
When using an interrupt, initiate the RTC last after other registers are set. Do not set multiple
interrupt enable bits in RTCCR2 simultaneously to 1.
When an interrupt request of the RTC occurs, the IRRTA flag in IRR1 is set to 1. When clearing
the flag, write 0.
Section 11 Timer B1
Timer B1 is an 8-bit timer that increments each time a clock pulse is input. This timer has two
operating modes, interval and auto reload. Figure 11.1 shows a block diagram of timer B1.
11.1 Features
• Selection of seven internal clock sources (φ/8192, φ/2048, φ/512, φ/256, φ/64, φ/16, and φ/4) or
an external clock (can be used to count external events).
• An interrupt is generated when the counter overflows.
TMB1: Timer mode register B1
TCB1: Timer counter B1 IRRTB1
TLB1: Timer load register B1
IRRTB1: Timer B1 interrupt request flag
PSS: Prescaler S
TMIB1: Timer B1 event input
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 TMB17 0 R/W Auto-reload function select
0: Interval timer function selected
1: Auto-reload function selected
6 to 3 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
2 TMB12 0 R/W Clock select
1 TMB11 0 R/W 000: Internal clock: φ/8192
0 TMB10 0 R/W 001: Internal clock: φ/2048
010: Internal clock: φ/512
011: Internal clock: φ/256
100: Internal clock: φ/64
101: Internal clock: φ/16
110: Internal clock: φ/4
111: External event (TMIB1): rising or falling edge*
Note: * The edge of the external event signal is selected
by bit IEG1 in the interrupt edge select register 1
(IEGR1). See section 3.2.1, Interrupt Edge
Select Register 1 (IEGR1), for details. Before
setting TMB12 to TMB10 to 1, IRQ1 in the port
mode register 1 (PMR1) should be set to 1.
TCB1 is an 8-bit read-only up-counter, which is incremented by internal clock input. The clock
source for input to this counter is selected by bits TMB12 to TMB10 in TMB1. TCB1 values can
be read by the CPU at any time. When TCB1 overflows from H'FF to H'00 or to the value set in
TLB1, the IRRTB1 flag in IRR2 is set to 1. TCB1 is allocated to the same address as TLB1. TCB1
is initialized to H'00.
TLB1 is an 8-bit write-only register for setting the reload value of TCB1. When a reload value is
set in TLB1, the same value is loaded into TCB1 as well, and TCB1 starts counting up from that
value. When TCB1 overflows during operation in auto-reload mode, the TLB1 value is loaded
into TCB1. Accordingly, overflow periods can be set within the range of 1 to 256 input clocks.
TLB1 is allocated to the same address as TCB1. TLB1 is initialized to H'00.
11.4 Operation
When bit TMB17 in TMB1 is cleared to 0, timer B1 functions as an 8-bit interval timer. Upon
reset, TCB1 is cleared to H'00 and bit TMB17 is cleared to 0, so up-counting and interval timing
resume immediately. The operating clock of timer B1 is selected from seven internal clock signals
output by prescaler S, or an external clock input at pin TMB1. The selection is made by bits
TMB12 to TMB10 in TMB1.
After the count value in TMB1 reaches H'FF, the next clock signal input causes timer B1 to
overflow, setting flag IRRTB1 in IRR2 to 1. If IENTB1 in IENR2 is 1, an interrupt is requested to
the CPU.
At overflow, TCB1 returns to H'00 and starts counting up again. During interval timer operation
(TMB17 = 0), when a value is set in TLB1, the same value is set in TCB1.
Setting bit TMB17 in TMB1 to 1 causes timer B1 to function as an 8-bit auto-reload timer. When
a reload value is set in TLB1, the same value is loaded into TCB1, becoming the value from which
TCB1 starts its count. After the count value in TCB1 reaches H'FF, the next clock signal input
causes timer B1 to overflow. The TLB1 value is then loaded into TCB1, and the count continues
from that value. The overflow period can be set within a range from 1 to 256 input clocks,
depending on the TLB1 value.
The clock sources and interrupts in auto-reload mode are the same as in interval mode. In auto-
reload mode (TMB17 = 1), when a new value is set in TLB1, the TLB1 value is also loaded into
Timer B1 can operate as an event counter in which TMIB1 is set to an event input pin. External
event counting is selected by setting bits TMB12 to TMB10 in TMB1 to 1. TCB1 counts up at
rising or falling edge of an external event signal input at pin TMB1.
When timer B1 is used to count external event input, bit IRQ1 in PMR1 should be set to 1 and
IEN1 in IENR1 should be cleared to 0 to disable IRQ1 interrupt requests.
Section 12 Timer V
Timer V is an 8-bit timer based on an 8-bit counter. Timer V counts external events. Compare-
match signals with two registers can also be used to reset the counter, request an interrupt, or
output a pulse signal with an arbitrary duty cycle. Counting can be initiated by a trigger input at
the TRGV pin, enabling pulse output control to be synchronized to the trigger, with an arbitrary
delay from the trigger input. Figure 12.1 shows a block diagram of timer V.
12.1 Features
• Choice of seven clock signals is available.
Choice of six internal clock sources (φ/128, φ/64, φ/32, φ/16, φ/8, φ/4) or an external clock.
• Counter can be cleared by compare match A or B, or by an external reset signal. If the count
stop function is selected, the counter can be halted when cleared.
• Timer output is controlled by two independent compare match signals, enabling pulse output
with an arbitrary duty cycle, PWM output, and other applications.
• Three interrupt sources: compare match A, compare match B, timer overflow
• Counting can be initiated by trigger input at the TRGV pin. The rising edge, falling edge, or
both edges of the TRGV input can be selected.
[Legend] CMIB
TCORA: Time constant register A OVI
TCORB: Time constant register B
TCNTV: Timer counter V
TCSRV: Timer control/status register V
TCRV0: Timer control register V0
TCRV1: Timer control register V1
PSS: Prescaler S
CMIA: Compare-match interrupt A
CMIB: Compare-match interrupt B
OVI: Overflow interupt
TCNTV is an 8-bit up-counter. The clock source is selected by bits CKS2 to CKS0 in timer
control register V0 (TCRV0). The TCNTV value can be read and written by the CPU at any time.
TCNTV can be cleared by an external reset input signal, or by compare match A or B. The
clearing signal is selected by bits CCLR1 and CCLR0 in TCRV0.
TCORA and TCNTV are compared at all times. When the TCORA and TCNTV contents match,
CMFA is set to 1 in TCSRV. If CMIEA is also set to 1 in TCRV0, a CPU interrupt is requested.
Note that they must not be compared during the T3 state of a TCORA write cycle.
Timer output from the TMOV pin can be controlled by the identifying signal (compare match A)
and the settings of bits OS3 to OS0 in TCSRV.
TCRV0 selects the input clock signals of TCNTV, specifies the clearing conditions of TCNTV,
and controls each interrupt request.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 CMIEB 0 R/W Compare Match Interrupt Enable B
When this bit is set to 1, interrupt request from the CMFB
bit in TCSRV is enabled.
6 CMIEA 0 R/W Compare Match Interrupt Enable A
When this bit is set to 1, interrupt request from the CMFA
bit in TCSRV is enabled.
5 OVIE 0 R/W Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable
When this bit is set to 1, interrupt request from the OVF
bit in TCSRV is enabled.
4 CCLR1 0 R/W Counter Clear 1 and 0
3 CCLR0 0 R/W These bits specify the clearing conditions of TCNTV.
00: Clearing is disabled
01: Cleared by compare match A
10: Cleared by compare match B
11: Cleared on the rising edge of the TMRIV pin. The
operation of TCNTV after clearing depends on TRGE
in TCRV1.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
2 CKS2 0 R/W Clock Select 2 to 0
1 CKS1 0 R/W These bits select clock signals to input to TCNTV and the
0 CKS0 0 R/W counting condition in combination with ICKS0 in TCRV1.
Refer to table 12.2.
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 0
CKS2 CKS1 CKS0 ICKS0 Description
0 0 0 Clock input prohibited
1 0 Internal clock: counts on φ/4, falling edge
1 Internal clock: counts on φ/8, falling edge
1 0 0 Internal clock: counts on φ/16, falling edge
1 Internal clock: counts on φ/32, falling edge
1 0 Internal clock: counts on φ/64, falling edge
1 Internal clock: counts on φ/128, falling edge
1 0 0 Clock input prohibited
1 External clock: counts on rising edge
1 0 External clock: counts on falling edge
1 External clock: counts on rising and falling
TCSRV indicates the status flag and controls outputs by using a compare match.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 CMFB 0 R/W Compare Match Flag B
Setting condition:
When the TCNTV value matches the TCORB value
Clearing condition:
After reading CMFB = 1, cleared by writing 0 to CMFB
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
6 CMFA 0 R/W Compare Match Flag A
Setting condition:
When the TCNTV value matches the TCORA value
Clearing condition:
After reading CMFA = 1, cleared by writing 0 to CMFA
5 OVF 0 R/W Timer Overflow Flag
Setting condition:
When TCNTV overflows from H'FF to H'00
Clearing condition:
After reading OVF = 1, cleared by writing 0 to OVF
4 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1.
3 OS3 0 R/W Output Select 3 and 2
2 OS2 0 R/W These bits select an output method for the TMOV pin by
the compare match of TCORB and TCNTV.
00: No change
01: 0 output
10: 1 output
11: Output toggles
1 OS1 0 R/W Output Select 1 and 0
0 OS0 0 R/W These bits select an output method for the TMOV pin by
the compare match of TCORA and TCNTV.
00: No change
01: 0 output
10: 1 output
11: Output toggles
OS3 and OS2 select the output level for compare match B. OS1 and OS0 select the output level
for compare match A. The two output levels can be controlled independently. After a reset, the
timer output is 0 until the first compare match.
TCRV1 selects the edge at the TRGV pin, enables TRGV input, and selects the clock input to
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 5 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
4 TVEG1 0 R/W TRGV Input Edge Select
3 TVEG0 0 R/W These bits select the TRGV input edge.
00: TRGV trigger input is prohibited
01: Rising edge is selected
10: Falling edge is selected
11: Rising and falling edges are both selected
2 TRGE 0 R/W TCNT starts counting up by the input of the edge which is
selected by TVEG1 and TVEG0.
0: Disables starting counting-up TCNTV by the input of
the TRGV pin and halting counting-up TCNTV when
TCNTV is cleared by a compare match.
1: Enables starting counting-up TCNTV by the input of
the TRGV pin and halting counting-up TCNTV when
TCNTV is cleared by a compare match.
1 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1.
0 ICKS0 0 R/W Internal Clock Select 0
This bit selects clock signals to input to TCNTV in
combination with CKS2 to CKS0 in TCRV0.
Refer to table 12.2.
12.4 Operation
1. According to table 12.2, six internal/external clock signals output by prescaler S can be
selected as the timer V operating clock signals. When the operating clock signal is selected,
TCNTV starts counting-up. Figure 12.2 shows the count timing with an internal clock signal
selected, and figure 12.3 shows the count timing with both edges of an external clock signal
2. When TCNTV overflows (changes from H'FF to H'00), the overflow flag (OVF) in TCRV0
will be set. The timing at this time is shown in figure 12.4. An interrupt request is sent to the
CPU when OVIE in TCRV0 is 1.
3. TCNTV is constantly compared with TCORA and TCORB. Compare match flag A or B
(CMFA or CMFB) is set to 1 when TCNTV matches TCORA or TCORB, respectively. The
compare-match signal is generated in the last state in which the values match. Figure 12.5
shows the timing. An interrupt request is generated for the CPU when CMIEA or CMIEB in
TCRV0 is 1.
4. When a compare match A or B is generated, the TMOV responds with the output value
selected by bits OS3 to OS0 in TCSRV. Figure 12.6 shows the timing when the output is
toggled by compare match A.
5. When CCLR1 or CCLR0 in TCRV0 is 01 or 10, TCNTV can be cleared by the corresponding
compare match. Figure 12.7 shows the timing.
6. When CCLR1 or CCLR0 in TCRV0 is 11, TCNTV can be cleared by the rising edge of the
input of TMRIV pin. A TMRIV input pulse-width of at least 1.5 system clocks is necessary.
Figure 12.8 shows the timing.
7. When a counter-clearing source is generated with TRGE in TCRV1 set to 1, the counting-up is
halted as soon as TCNTV is cleared. TCNTV resumes counting-up when the edge selected by
TVEG1 or TVEG0 in TCRV1 is input from the TGRV pin.
Internal clock
TCNTV input
(External clock
input pin)
TCNTV input
Overflow signal
Compare match
Compare match
A signal
Timer V output
Compare match
A signal
TMRIV (External
counter reset
input pin)
TCNTV reset
Figure 12.9 shows an example of output of pulses with an arbitrary duty cycle.
1. Set bits CCLR1 and CCLR0 in TCRV0 so that TCNTV will be cleared by compare match with
2. Set bits OS3 to OS0 in TCSRV so that the output will go to 1 at compare match with TCORA
and to 0 at compare match with TCORB.
3. Set bits CKS2 to CKS0 in TCRV0 and bit ICKS0 in TCRV1 to select the desired clock source.
4. With these settings, a waveform is output without further software intervention, with a period
determined by TCORA and a pulse width determined by TCORB.
TCNTV value
Counter cleared
H'00 Time
12.5.2 Pulse Output with Arbitrary Pulse Width and Delay from TRGV Input
The trigger function can be used to output a pulse with an arbitrary pulse width at an arbitrary
delay from the TRGV input, as shown in figure 12.10. To set up this output:
1. Set bits CCLR1 and CCLR0 in TCRV0 so that TCNTV will be cleared by compare match with
2. Set bits OS3 to OS0 in TCSRV so that the output will go to 1 at compare match with TCORA
and to 0 at compare match with TCORB.
3. Set bits TVEG1 and TVEG0 in TCRV1 and set TRGE to select the falling edge of the TRGV
4. Set bits CKS2 to CKS0 in TCRV0 and bit ICKS0 in TCRV1 to select the desired clock source.
5. After these settings, a pulse waveform will be output without further software intervention,
with a delay determined by TCORA from the TRGV input, and a pulse width determined by
TCNTV value
Counter cleared
H'00 Time
1. Writing to registers is performed in the T3 state of a TCNTV write cycle. If a TCNTV clear
signal is generated in the T3 state of a TCNTV write cycle, as shown in figure 12.11, clearing
takes precedence and the write to the counter is not carried out. If counting-up is generated in
the T3 state of a TCNTV write cycle, writing takes precedence.
2. If a compare match is generated in the T3 state of a TCORA or TCORB write cycle, the write
to TCORA or TCORB takes precedence and the compare match signal is inhibited. Figure
12.12 shows the timing.
3. If compare matches A and B occur simultaneously, any conflict between the output selections
for compare match A and compare match B is resolved by the following priority: toggle output
> output 1 > output 0.
4. Depending on the timing, TCNTV may be incremented by a switch between different internal
clock sources. When TCNTV is internally clocked, an increment pulse is generated from the
falling edge of an internal clock signal, that is divided system clock (φ). Therefore, as shown in
figure 12.3 the switch is from a high clock signal to a low clock signal, the switchover is seen
as a falling edge, causing TCNTV to increment. TCNTV can also be incremented by a switch
between internal and external clocks.
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
TCORA write data
Clock before
Clock after
Count clock
Section 13 Timer Z
The timer Z has a 16-bit timer with two channels. Figures 13.1, 13.2, and 13.3 show the block
diagrams of entire timer Z, its channel 0, and its channel 1, respectively. For details on the timer Z
functions, refer to table 13.1.
13.1 Features
• Capability to process up to eight inputs/outputs
• Eight general registers (GR): four registers for each channel
Independently assignable output compare or input capture functions
• Selection of five counter clock sources: four internal clocks (φ, φ/2, φ/4, and φ/8) and an
external clock
• Seven selectable operating modes
Output compare function
Selection of 0 output, 1 output, or toggle output
Input capture function
Rising edge, falling edge, or both edges
Synchronous operation
Timer counters_0 and _1 (TCNT_0 and TCNT_1) can be written simultaneously.
Simultaneous clearing by compare match or input capture is possible.
PWM mode
Up to six-phase PWM output can be provided with desired duty ratio.
Reset synchronous PWM mode
Three-phase PWM output for normal and counter phases
Complementary PWM mode
Three-phase PWM output for non-overlapped normal and counter phases
The A/D conversion start trigger can be set for PWM cycles.
Buffer operation
The input capture register can be consisted of double buffers.
The output compare register can automatically be modified.
• High-speed access by the internal 16-bit bus
16-bit TCNT and GR registers can be accessed in high speed by a 16-bit bus interface
• Any initial timer output value can be set
• Output of the timer is disabled by external trigger
Control logic
φ, φ/2,
φ/4, φ/8
Channel 0 Channel 1 TPMR TFCR
timer timer
TSTR: Timer start register (8 bits)
TMDR: Timer mode register (8 bits)
TPMR: Timer PWM mode register (8 bits)
TFCR: Timer function control register (8 bits)
TOER: Timer output master enable register (8 bits)
TOCR: Timer output control register (8 bits)
ADTRG: A/D conversion start trigger output signal
ITMZ0: Channel 0 interrupt
ITMZ1: Channel 1 interrupt
φ, φ/2,
Clock select FTIOC0
φ/4, φ/8
Control logic
TCNT_0: Timer counter_0 (16 bits)
GRA_0, GRB_0, General registers A_0, B_0, C_0, and D_0 (input capture/output compare registers:
GRC_0, GRD_0: 16 bits × 4)
TCR_0: Timer control register_0 (8 bits)
TIORA_0: Timer I/O control register A_0 (8 bits)
TIORC_0: Timer I/O control register C_0 (8 bits)
TSR_0: Timer status register_0 (8 bits)
TIER_0: Timer interrupt enable register_0 (8 bits)
POCR_0: PWM mode output level control register_0 (8 bits)
ITMZ0: Channel 0 interrupt
φ, φ/2,
Clock select FTIOC1
φ/4, φ/8
Control logic
TCNT_1: Timer counter_1 (16 bits)
GRA_1, GRB_1, General registers A_1, B_1, C_1, and D_1 (input capture/output compare registers:
GRC_1, GRD_1: 16 bits × 4)
TCR_1: Timer control register_1 (8 bits)
TIORA_1: Timer I/O control register A_1 (8 bits)
TIORC_1: Timer I/O control register C_1 (8 bits)
TSR_1: Timer status register_1 (8 bits)
TIER_1: Timer interrupt enable register_1 (8 bits)
POCR_1: PWM mode output level control register_1 (8 bits)
ITMZ1: Channel 1 interrupt
• Timer start register (TSTR)
• Timer mode register (TMDR)
• Timer PWM mode register (TPMR)
• Timer function control register (TFCR)
• Timer output master enable register (TOER)
• Timer output control register (TOCR)
Channel 0
• Timer control register_0 (TCR_0)
• Timer I/O control register A_0 (TIORA_0)
• Timer I/O control register C_0 (TIORC_0)
• Timer status register_0 (TSR_0)
• Timer interrupt enable register_0 (TIER_0)
• PWM mode output level control register_0 (POCR_0)
• Timer counter_0 (TCNT_0)
• General register A_0 (GRA_0)
• General register B_0 (GRB_0)
• General register C_0 (GRC_0)
• General register D_0 (GRD_0)
Channel 1
• Timer control register_1 (TCR_1)
• Timer I/O control register A_1 (TIORA_1)
• Timer I/O control register C_1 (TIORC_1)
• Timer status register_1 (TSR_1)
• Timer interrupt enable register_1 (TIER_1)
• PWM mode output level control register_1 (POCR_1)
• Timer counter_1 (TCNT_1)
• General register A_1 (GRA_1)
• General register B_1 (GRB_1)
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 2 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1, and cannot be modified.
1 STR1 0 R/W Channel 1 Counter Start
0: TCNT_1 halts counting
1: TCNT_1 starts counting
0 STR0 0 R/W Channel 0 Counter Start
0: TCNT_0 halts counting
1: TCNT_0 starts counting
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 BFD1 0 R/W Buffer Operation D1
0: GRD_1 operates normally
1: GRB_1 and GRD_1 are used together for buffer
6 BFC1 0 R/W Buffer Operation C1
0: GRC_1 operates normally
1: GRA_1 and GRD_1 are used together for buffer
5 BFD0 0 R/W Buffer Operation D0
0: GRD_0 operates normally
1: GRB_0 and GRD_0 are used together for buffer
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
4 BFC0 0 R/W Buffer Operation C0
0: GRC_0 operates normally
1: GRA_0 and GRC_0 are used together for buffer
3 to 1 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1, and cannot be modified.
0 SYNC 0 R/W Timer Synchronization
0: TCNT_1 and TCNT_0 operate as a different timer
1: TCNT_1 and TCNT_0 are synchronized
TCNT_1 and TCNT_0 can be pre-set or cleared
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1, and cannot be modified.
6 PWMD1 0 R/W PWM Mode D1
0: FTIOD1 operates normally
1: FTIOD1 operates in PWM mode
5 PWMC1 0 R/W PWM Mode C1
0: FTIOC1 operates normally
1: FTIOC1 operates in PWM mode
4 PWMB1 0 R/W PWM Mode B1
0: FTIOB1 operates normally
1: FTIOB1 operates in PWM mode
3 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1, and cannot be modified.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
2 PWMD0 0 R/W PWM Mode D0
0: FTIOD0 operates normally
1: FTIOD0 operates in PWM mode
1 PWMC0 0 R/W PWM Mode C0
0: FTIOC0 operates normally
1: FTIOC0 operates in PWM mode
0 PWMB0 0 R/W PWM Mode B0
0: FTIOB0 operates normally
1: FTIOB0 operates in PWM mode
TFCR selects the settings and output levels for each operating mode.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1.
6 STCLK 0 R/W External Clock Input Select
0: External clock input is disabled
1: External clock input is enabled
5 ADEG 0 R/W A/D Trigger Edge Select
A/D module should be set to start an A/D conversion by
the external trigger
0: A/D trigger at the crest in complementary PWM mode
1: A/D trigger at the trough in complementary PWM mode
4 ADTRG 0 R/W External Trigger Disable
0: A/D trigger for PWM cycles is disabled in
complementary PWM mode
1: A/D trigger for PWM cycles is enabled in
complementary PWM mode
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
3 OLS1 0 R/W Output Level Select 1
Selects the counter-phase output levels in reset
synchronous PWM mode or complementary PWM mode.
0: Initial output is high and the active level is low.
1: Initial output is low and the active level is high.
2 OLS0 0 R/W Output Level Select 0
Selects the normal-phase output levels in reset
synchronous PWM mode or complementary PWM mode.
0: Initial output is high and the active level is low.
1: Initial output is low and the active level is high.
Figure 13.4 shows an example of outputs in reset
synchronous PWM mode and complementary PWM
mode when OLS1 = 0 and OLS0 = 0.
1 CMD1 0 R/W Combination Mode 1 and 0
0 CMD0 0 R/W 00: Channel 0 and channel 1 operate normally
01: Channel 0 and channel 1 are used together to
operate in reset synchronous PWM mode
10: Channel 0 and channel 1 are used together to
operate in complementary PWM mode (transferred at
the trough)
11: Channel 0 and channel 1 are used together to
operate in complementary PWM mode (transferred at
the crest)
Note: When reset synchronous PWM mode or
complementary PWM mode is selected by these
bits, this setting has the priority to the settings for
PWM mode by each bit in TPMR. Stop TCNT_0
and TCNT_1 before making settings for reset
synchronous PWM mode or complementary PWM
Note: Write H'00 to TOCR to start initial outputs after stopping the counter.
TOER enables/disables the outputs for channel 0 and channel 1. When WKP4 is selected for
inputs, if a low level signal is input to WKP4, the bits in TOER are set to 1 to disable the output
for timer Z.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 ED1 1 R/W Master Enable D1
0: FTIOD1 pin output is enabled according to the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORC_1 settings
1: FTIOD1 pin output is disabled regardless of the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORC_1 settings (FTIOD1 pin is operated
as an I/O port).
6 EC1 1 R/W Master Enable C1
0: FTIOC1 pin output is enabled according to the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORC_1 settings
1: FTIOC1 pin output is disabled regardless of the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORC_1 settings (FTIOC1 pin is operated
as an I/O port).
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
5 EB1 1 R/W Master Enable B1
0: FTIOB1 pin output is enabled according to the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORA_1 settings
1: FTIOB1 pin output is disabled regardless of the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORA_1 settings (FTIOB1 pin is operated
as an I/O port).
4 EA1 1 R/W Master Enable A1
0: FTIOA1 pin output is enabled according to the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORA_1 settings
1: FTIOA1 pin output is disabled regardless of the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORA_1 settings (FTIOA1 pin is operated
as an I/O port).
3 ED0 1 R/W Master Enable D0
0: FTIOD0 pin output is enabled according to the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORC_0 settings
1: FTIOD0 pin output is disabled regardless of the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORC_0 settings (FTIOD0 pin is operated
as an I/O port).
2 EC0 1 R/W Master Enable C0
0: FTIOC0 pin output is enabled according to the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORC_0 settings
1: FTIOC0 pin output is disabled regardless of the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORC_0 settings (FTIOC0 pin is operated
as an I/O port).
1 EB0 1 R/W Master Enable B0
0: FTIOB0 pin output is enabled according to the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORA_0 settings
1: FTIOB0 pin output is disabled regardless of the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORA_0 settings (FTIOB0 pin is operated
as an I/O port).
0 EA0 1 R/W Master Enable A0
0: FTIOA0 pin output is enabled according to the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORA_0 settings
1: FTIOA0 pin output is disabled regardless of the TPMR,
TFCR, and TIORA_0 settings (FTIOA0 pin is operated
as an I/O port).
TOCR selects the initial outputs before the first occurrence of a compare match. Note that bits
OLS1 and OLS0 in TFCR set these initial outputs in reset synchronous PWM mode and
complementary PWM mode.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 TOD1 0 R/W Output Level Select D1
0: 0 output at the FTIOD1 pin*
1: 1 output at the FTIOD1 pin*
6 TOC1 0 R/W Output Level Select C1
0: 0 output at the FTIOC1 pin*
1: 1 output at the FTIOC1 pin*
5 TOB1 0 R/W Output Level Select B1
0: 0 output at the FTIOB1 pin*
1: 1 output at the FTIOB1 pin*
4 TOA1 0 R/W Output Level Select A1
0: 0 output at the FTIOA1 pin*
1: 1 output at the FTIOA1 pin*
3 TOD0 0 R/W Output Level Select D0
0: 0 output at the FTIOD0 pin*
1: 1 output at the FTIOD0 pin*
2 TOC0 0 R/W Output Level Select C0
0: 0 output at the FTIOC0 pin*
1: 1 output at the FTIOC0 pin*
1 TOB0 0 R/W Output Level Select B0
0: 0 output at the FTIOB0 pin*
1: 1 output at the FTIOB0 pin*
0 TOA0 0 R/W Output Level Select A0
0: 0 output at the FTIOA0 pin*
1: 1 output at the FTIOA0 pin*
Note: * The change of the setting is immediately reflected in the output value.
The timer Z has two TCNT counters (TCNT_0 and TCNT_1), one for each channel. The TCNT
counters are 16-bit readable/writable registers that increment/decrement according to input clocks.
Input clocks can be selected by bits TPSC2 to TPSC0 in TCR. TCNT0 and TCNT 1
increment/decrement in complementary PWM mode, while they only increment in other modes.
The TCNT counters are initialized to H'0000 by compare matches with corresponding GRA, GRB,
GRC, or GRD, or input captures to GRA, GRB, GRC, or GRD (counter clearing function). When
the TCNT counters overflow, an OVF flag in TSR for the corresponding channel is set to 1. When
TCNT_1 underflows, an UDF flag in TSR is set to 1. The TCNT counters cannot be accessed in 8-
bit units; they must always be accessed as a 16-bit unit. TCNT is initialized to H'0000.
GR are 16-bit registers. Timer Z has eight general registers (GR), four for each channel. The GR
registers are dual function 16-bit readable/writable registers, functioning as either output compare
or input capture registers. Functions can be switched by TIORA and TIORC.
The values in GR and TCNT are constantly compared with each other when the GR registers are
used as output compare registers. When the both values match, the IMFA to IMFD flags in TSR
are set to 1. Compare match outputs can be selected by TIORA and TIORC.
When the GR registers are used as input capture registers, the TCNT value is stored after detecting
external signals. At this point, IMFA to IMFD flags in the corresponding TSR are set to 1.
Detection edges for input capture signals can be selected by TIORA and TIORC.
When PWM mode, complementary PWM mode, or reset synchronous PWM mode is selected, the
values in TIORA and TIORC are ignored. Upon reset, the GR registers are set as output compare
registers (no output) and initialized to H'FFFF. The GR registers cannot be accessed in 8-bit units;
they must always be accessed as a 16-bit unit.
The TCR registers select a TCNT counter clock, an edge when an external clock is selected, and
counter clearing sources. Timer Z has a total of two TCR registers, one for each channel.
Bit Bit Name value R/W Description
7 CCLR2 0 R/W Counter Clear 2 to 0
6 CCLR1 0 R/W 000: Disables TCNT clearing
5 CCLR0 0 R/W 001: Clears TCNT by GRA compare match/input
010: Clears TCNT by GRB compare match/input
011: Synchronization clear; Clears TCNT in synchronous
with counter clearing of the other channel’s timer*
100: Disables TCNT clearing
101: Clears TCNT by GRC compare match/input
110: Clears TCNT by GRD compare match/input
111: Synchronization clear; Clears TCNT in synchronous
with counter clearing of the other channel’s timer*
4 CKEG1 0 R/W Clock Edge 1 and 0
3 CKEG0 0 R/W 00: Count at rising edge
01: Count at falling edge
1X: Count at both edges
2 TPSC2 0 R/W Time Prescaler 2 to 0
1 TPSC1 0 R/W 000: Internal clock: count by φ
0 TPSC0 0 R/W 001: Internal clock: count by φ/2
010: Internal clock: count by φ/4
011: Internal clock: count by φ/8
1XX: External clock: count by FTIOA0 (TCLK) pin input
Notes: 1. When GR functions as an output compare register, TCNT is cleared by compare match.
When GR functions as input capture, TCNT is cleared by input capture.
2. Synchronous operation is set by TMDR.
3. X: Don’t care
The TIOR registers control the general registers (GR). Timer Z has four TIOR registers
(TIORA_0, TIORA_1, TIORC_0, and TIORC_1), two for each channel. In PWM mode including
complementary PWM mode and reset synchronous PWM mode, the settings of TIOR are invalid.
TIORA: TIORA selects whether GRA or GRB is used as an output compare register or an input
capture register. When an output compare register is selected, the output setting is selected. When
an input capture register is selected, an input edge of an input capture signal is selected. TIORA
also selects the function of FTIOA or FTIOB pin.
Bit Bit Name value R/W Description
7 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1.
6 IOB2 0 R/W I/O Control B2 to B0
5 IOB1 0 R/W GRB is an output compare register:
4 IOB0 0 R/W 000: Disables pin output by compare match
001: 0 output by GRB compare match
010: 1 output by GRB compare match
011: Toggle output by GRB compare match
GRB is an input capture register:
100: Input capture to GRB at the rising edge
101: Input capture to GRB at the falling edge
11X: Input capture to GRB at both rising and falling edges
3 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1.
Bit Bit Name value R/W Description
2 IOA2 0 R/W I/O Control A2 to A0
1 IOA1 0 R/W GRA is an output compare register:
0 IOA0 0 R/W 000: Disables pin output by compare match
001: 0 output by GRA compare match
010: 1 output by GRA compare match
011: Toggle output by GRA compare match
GRA is an input capture register:
100: Input capture to GRA at the rising edge
101: Input capture to GRA at the falling edge
11X: Input capture to GRA at both rising and falling edges
[Legend] X: Don't care.
TIORC: TIORC selects whether GRC or GRD is used as an output compare register or an input
capture register. When an output compare register is selected, the output setting is selected. When
an input capture register is selected, an input edge of an input capture signal is selected. TIORC
also selects the function of FTIOC or FTIOD pin.
Bit Bit Name value R/W Description
7 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1.
6 IOD2 0 R/W I/O Control D2 to D0
5 IOD1 0 R/W GRD is an output compare register:
4 IOD0 0 R/W 000: Disables pin output by compare match
001: 0 output by GRD compare match
010: 1 output by GRD compare match
011: Toggle output by GRD compare match
GRD is an input capture register:
100: Input capture to GRD at the rising edge
101: Input capture to GRD at the falling edge
11X: Input capture to GRD at both rising and falling
3 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1.
Bit Bit Name value R/W Description
2 IOC2 0 R/W I/O Control C2 to C0
1 IOC1 0 R/W GRC is an output compare register:
0 IOC0 0 R/W 000: Disables pin output by compare match
001: 0 output by GRC compare match
010: 1 output by GRC compare match
011: Toggle Output by GRC compare match
GRC is an input capture register:
100: Input capture to GRC at the rising edge
101: Input capture to GRC at the falling edge
11X: Input capture to GRC at both rising and falling
[Legend] X: Don't care.
Bit Bit Name value R/W Description
7, 6 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
5 UDF* 0 R/W Underflow Flag
[Setting condition]
• When TCNT_1 underflows
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written to UDF after reading UDF = 1
4 OVF 0 R/W Overflow Flag
[Setting condition]
• When the TCNT value underflows
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written to OVF after reading OVF = 1
3 IMFD 0 R/W Input Capture/Compare Match Flag D
[Setting conditions]
• When TCNT = GRD and GRD is functioning as output
compare register
• When TCNT value is transferred to GRD by input
capture signal and GRD is functioning as input
capture register
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written to IMFD after reading IMFD = 1
Bit Bit Name value R/W Description
2 IMFC 0 R/W Input Capture/Compare Match Flag C
[Setting conditions]
• When TCNT = GRC and GRC is functioning as output
compare register
• When TCNT value is transferred to GRC by input
capture signal and GRC is functioning as input
capture register
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written to IMFC after reading IMFC = 1
1 IMFB 0 R/W Input Capture/Compare Match Flag B
[Setting conditions]
• When TCNT = GRB and GRB is functioning as output
compare register
• When TCNT value is transferred to GRB by input
capture signal and GRB is functioning as input
capture register
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written to IMFB after reading IMFB = 1
0 IMFA 0 R/W Input Capture/Compare Match Flag A
[Setting conditions]
• When TCNT = GRA and GRA is functioning as output
compare register
• When TCNT value is transferred to GRA by input
capture signal and GRA is functioning as input
capture register
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written to IMFA after reading IMFA = 1
Note: Bit 5 is not the UDF flag in TSR_0. It is a reserved bit. It is always read as 1.
TIER enables or disables interrupt requests for overflow or GR compare match/input capture.
Timer Z has two TIER registers, one for each channel.
Bit Bit Name value R/W Description
7 to 5 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
4 OVIE 0 R/W Overflow Interrupt Enable
0: Interrupt requests (OVI) by OVF or UDF flag are
1: Interrupt requests (OVI) by OVF or UDF flag are
3 IMIED 0 R/W Input Capture/Compare Match Interrupt Enable D
0: Interrupt requests (IMID) by IMFD flag are disabled
1: Interrupt requests (IMID) by IMFD flag are enabled
2 IMIEC 0 R/W Input Capture/Compare Match Interrupt Enable C
0: Interrupt requests (IMIC) by IMFC flag are disabled
1: Interrupt requests (IMIC) by IMFC flag are enabled
1 IMIEB 0 R/W Input Capture/Compare Match Interrupt Enable B
0: Interrupt requests (IMIB) by IMFB flag are disabled
1: Interrupt requests (IMIB) by IMFB flag are enabled
0 IMIEA 0 R/W Input Capture/Compare Match Interrupt Enable A
0: Interrupt requests (IMIA) by IMFA flag are disabled
1: Interrupt requests (IMIA) by IMFA flag are enabled
POCR control the active level in PWM mode. Timer Z has two POCR registers, one for each
Bit Bit Name value R/W Description
7 to 3 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
2 POLD 0 R/W PWM Mode Output Level Control D
0: The output level of FTIOD is low-active
1: The output level of FTIOD is high-active
1 POLC 0 R/W PWM Mode Output Level Control C
0: The output level of FTIOC is low-active
1: The output level of FTIOC is high-active
0 POLB 0 R/W PWM Mode Output Level Control B
0: The output level of FTIOB is low-active
1: The output level of FTIOB is high-active
1. 16-bit register
TCNT and GR are 16-bit registers. Reading/writing in a 16-bit unit is enabled but disabled in
an 8-bit unit since the data bus with the CPU is 16-bit width. These registers must always be
accessed in a 16-bit unit. Figure 13.5 shows an example of accessing the 16-bit registers.
Figure 13.5 Accessing Operation of 16-Bit Register (between CPU and TCNT (16 bits))
2. 8-bit register
Registers other than TCNT and GR are 8-bit registers that are connected internally with the
CPU in an 8-bit width. Figure 13.6 shows an example of accessing the 8-bit registers.
Figure 13.6 Accessing Operation of 8-Bit Register (between CPU and TSTR (8 bits))
13.4 Operation
When one of bits STR0 and STR1 in TSTR is set to 1, the TCNT counter for the corresponding
channel begins counting. TCNT can operate as a free-running counter, periodic counter, for
example. Figure 13.7 shows an example of the counter operation setting procedure.
TCNT value
H'0000 Time
When compare match is selected as the TCNT clearing source, the TCNT counter for the relevant
channel performs periodic count operation. The GR registers for setting the period are designated
as output compare registers, and counter clearing by compare match is selected by means of bits
CCLR1 and CCLR0 in TCR. After the settings have been made, TCNT starts an increment
operation as a periodic counter when the corresponding bit in TSTR is set to 1. When the count
value matches the value in GR, the IMFA, IMFB, IMFC, or IMFD flag in TSR is set to 1 and
TCNT is cleared to H'0000.
If the value of the corresponding IMIEA, IMIEB, IMIEC, or IMIED bit in TIER is 1 at this point,
the timer Z requests an interrupt. After a compare match, TCNT starts an increment operation
again from H'0000.
TCNT value
GR value
H'0000 Time
Internal clock
TCNT input
TCNT input
Figure 13.11 Count Timing at External Clock Operation (Both Edges Detected)
Timer Z can perform 0, 1, or toggle output from the corresponding FTIOA, FTIOB, FTIOC, or
FTIOD output pin using compare match A, B, C, or D.
Figure 13.12 shows an example of the setting procedure for waveform output by compare match.
<Waveform output>
Figure 13.12 Example of Setting Procedure for Waveform Output by Compare Match
TCNT value
H'0000 Time
TCNT value
H'0000 Time
Toggle output
TCNT input
Compare match
The TCNT value can be transferred to GR on detection of the input edge of the input
capture/output compare pin (FTIOA, FTIOB, FTIOC, or FTIOD). Rising edge, falling edge, or
both edges can be selected as the detected edge. When the input capture function is used, the pulse
width or period can be measured.
Figure 13.16 shows an example of the input capture operation setting procedure.
GRB H'0180
Synchronous operation
Set synchronous
operation [1]
Clearing No
source generation
Set TCNT [2] channel?
Figure 13.20 shows an example of synchronous operation. In this example, synchronous operation
has been selected, FTIOB0 and FTIOB1 have been designated for PWM mode, GRA_0 compare
match has been set as the channel 0 counter clearing source, and synchronous clearing has been set
for the channel 1 counter clearing source. In addition, the same input clock has been set as the
counter input clock for channel 0 and channel 1. Two-phase PWM waveforms are output from
pins FTIOB0 and FTIOB1. At this time, synchronous presetting and synchronous operation by
GRA_0 compare match are performed by TCNT counters.
TCNT values
Synchronous clearing by GRA_0 compare match
H'0000 Time
In PWM mode, PWM waveforms are output from the FTIOB, FTIOC, and FTIOD output pins
with GRA as a cycle register and GRB, GRC, and GRD as duty registers. The initial output level
of the corresponding pin depends on the setting values of TOCR and POCR. Table 13.3 shows an
example of the initial output level of the FTIOB0 pin.
The output level is determined by the POLB to POLD bits corresponding to POCR. When POLB
is 0, the FTIOB output pin is set to 0 by compare match B and set to 1 by compare match A.
When POLB is 1, the FTIOB output pin is set to 1 by compare match B and cleared to 0 by
compare match A. In PWM mode, maximum 6-phase PWM outputs are possible.
PWM mode
<PWM mode>
Figure 13.22 shows an example of operation in PWM mode. The output signals go to 1 and TCNT
is reset at compare match A, and the output signals go to 0 at compare match B, C, and D (TOB,
TOC, and TOD = 0, POLB, POLC, and POLD = 0).
H'0000 Time
Figure 13.23 shows another example of operation in PWM mode. The output signals go to 0 and
TCNT is reset at compare match A, and the output signals go to 1 at compare match B, C, and D
(TOB, TOC, and TOD = 0, POLB, POLC, and POLD = 1).
H'0000 Time
Figures 13.24 (when TOB, TOC, and TOD = 0, POLB, POLC, and POLD = 0) and 13.25 (when
TOB, TOC, and TOD = 0, POLB, POLC, and POLD = 1) show examples of the output of PWM
waveforms with duty cycles of 0% and 100% in PWM mode.
TCNT value
GRB rewritten
GRB rewritten
H'0000 Time
FTIOB 0% duty
H'0000 Time
GRB rewritten
H'0000 Time
GRB rewritten
H'0000 Time
FTIOB 0% duty
H'0000 Time
GRB rewritten
H'0000 Time
Three normal- and counter-phase PWM waveforms are output by combining channels 0 and 1 that
one of changing points of waveforms will be common.
In reset synchronous PWM mode, the FTIOB0 to FTIOD0 and FTIOA1 to FTIOD1 pins become
PWM-output pins automatically. TCNT_0 performs an increment operation. Tables 13.4 and
13.5 show the PWM-output pins used and the register settings, respectively.
Figure 13.26 shows the example of reset synchronous PWM mode setting procedure.
Register Description
TCNT_0 Initial setting of H'0000
TCNT_1 Not used (independently operates)
GRA_0 Sets counter cycle of TCNT_0
GRB_0 Set a changing point of the PWM waveform output from pins FTIOB0 and
GRA_1 Set a changing point of the PWM waveform output from pins FTIOA1 and
GRB_1 Set a changing point of the PWM waveform output from pins FTIOB1 and
Figures 13.27 and 13.28 show examples of operation in reset synchronous PWM mode.
H'0000 Time
Figure 13.27 Example of Reset Synchronous PWM Mode Operation (OLS0 = OLS1 = 1)
H'0000 Time
Figure 13.28 Example of Reset Synchronous PWM Mode Operation (OLS0 = OLS1 = 0)
In reset synchronous PWM mode, TCNT_0 and TCNT_1 perform increment and independent
operations, respectively. However, GRA_1 and GRB_1 are separated from TCNT_1. When a
compare match occurs between TCNT_0 and GRA_0, a counter is cleared and an increment
operation is restarted from H'0000.
The PWM pin outputs 0 or 1 whenever a compare match between GRB_0, GRA_1, GRB_1 and
TCNT_0 or counter clearing occur.
For details on operations when reset synchronous PWM mode and buffer operation are
simultaneously set, refer to section 13.4.8, Buffer Operation.
Three PWM waveforms for non-overlapped normal and counter phases are output by combining
channels 0 and 1.
In complementary PWM mode, the FTIOB0 to FTIOD0 and FTIOA1 to FTIOD1 pins become
PWM-output pins automatically. TCNT_0 and TCNT_1 perform an increment or decrement
operation. Tables 13.6 and 13.7 show the output pins and register settings in complementary PWM
mode, respectively.
Figure 13.29 shows the example of complementary PWM mode setting procedure.
Register Description
TCNT_0 Initial setting of non-overlapped periods (non-overlapped periods are differences
with TCNT_1)
TCNT_1 Initial setting of H'0000
GRA_0 Sets (upper limit value – 1) of TCNT_0
GRB_0 Set a changing point of the PWM waveform output from pins FTIOB0 and
GRA_1 Set a changing point of the PWM waveform output from pins FTIOA1 and
GRB_1 Set a changing point of the PWM waveform output from pins FTIOB1 and
Complementary PWM mode [1] Clear bits STR0 and STR1 in TSTR to 0,
and stop the counter operation of
TCNT_0. Stop TCNT_0 and TCNT_1 and
set complementary PWM mode.
Stop counter operation [1] [2] Write H'00 to TOCR.
[3] Use bits TPSC2 to TPSC0 in TCR to
select the same counter clock for channels
0 and 1. When an external clock is
Initialize output pin [2]
selected, select the edge of the external
clock by bits CKEG1 and CKEG0 in TCR.
Do not use bits CCLR1 and CCLR0 in
Select counter clock [3] TCR to clear the counter.
[4] Use bits CMD1 and CMD0 in TFCR to set
complementary PWM mode. FTIOB0 to
Set complementary FTIOD0 and FTIOA1 to FTIOD1
[4] automatically become PWM output pins.
PWM mode
[5] Set H'00 to TOCR.
[6] TCNT_1 must be H'0000. Set a non-
overlapped period to TCNT_0.
Initialize output pin [5]
[7] GRA_0 is a cycle register. Set the cycle to
GRA_0. Set the timing to change the
PWM output waveform to GRB_0, GRA_1,
Set TCNT [6] and GRB_1. Note that the timing must be
set within the range of compare match
carried out for TCNT_0 and TCNT_1.
Set GR [7] For GR settings, see 3. Setting GR Value
in Complementary PWM Mode in section
13.4.7, Complementary PWM Mode.
[8] Use TOER to enable or disable the timer
Enable waveform output [8] output.
[9] Set the STR0 and STR1 bits in TSTR to 1
to start the count operation.
Note: To re-enter complementary PWM mode, first, enter a mode other than the complementary
PWM mode. After that, repeat the setting procedures from step [1].
For settings of waveform outputs with a duty cycle of 0% and 100%, see the settings shown
in 2. Examples of Complementary PWM Mode Operation and 3. Setting GR Value in
Complementary PWM Mode in section 13.4.7, Complementary PWM Mode.
1. Canceling Procedure of Complementary PWM Mode: Figure 13.30 shows the complementary
PWM mode canceling procedure.
Cancel complementary
PWM mode
<Normal operation>
H'0000 Time
Figure 13.32 (1) and (2) show examples of PWM waveform output with 0% duty and 100% duty
in complementary PWM mode (for one phase).
TCNT values
H'0000 Time
0% duty
TCNT values
H'0000 Time
100% duty
TCNT values
H'0000 Time
0% duty
TCNT values
H'0000 Time
100% duty
In complementary PWM mode, when the counter switches from up-counter to down-counter or
vice versa, TCNT_0 and TCNT_1 overshoots or undershoots, respectively. In this case, the
conditions to set the IMFA flag in channel 0 and the UDF flag in channel 1 differ from usual
settings. Also, the transfer conditions in buffer operation differ from usual settings. Such timings
are shown in figures 13.33 and 13.34.
Set to 1
Flag is not set
to buffer Not transferred
to buffer
Set to 1
to buffer
Not transferred
to buffer
When the counter is incremented or decremented, the IMFA flag of channel 0 is set to 1, and when
the register is underflowed, the UDF flag of channel 0 is set to 1. After buffer operation has been
designated for BR, BR is transferred to GR when the counter is incremented by compare match
A0 or when TCNT_1 is underflowed. If the φ or φ/2 clock is selected by TPSC2 to TPSC0 bits,
the OVF flag is not set to 1 at the timing that the counter value changes from H'FFFF to H'0000. If
the φ/4 or φ/8 clock is selected by TPSC2 to TPSC0 bits, the OVF flag is set to 1.
3. Setting GR Value in Complementary PWM Mode: To set the general register (GR) or modify
GR during operation in complementary PWM mode, refer to the following notes.
A. Initial value
a. When other than TPSC2 = TPSC1 = TPSC0 = 0, the GRA_0 value must be equal to
H'FFFC or less. When TPSC2 = TPSC1 = TPSC0 = 0, the GRA_0 value can be set to
H'FFFF or less.
b. H'0000 to T – 1 (T: Initial value of TCNT0) must not be set for the initial value.
c. GRA_0 – (T – 1) or more must not be set for the initial value.
d. When using buffer operation, the same values must be set in the buffer registers and
corresponding general registers.
B. Modifying the setting value
a. Writing to GR directly must be performed while the TCNT_1 and TCNT_0 values
should satisfy the following expression: H'0000 ≤ TCNT_1 < previous GR value, and
previous GR value < TCNT_0 ≤ GRA_0. Otherwise, a waveform is not output
correctly. For details on outputting a waveform with a duty cycle of 0% and 100%, see
C., Outputting a waveform with a duty cycle of 0% and 100%.
b. Do not write the following values to GR directly. When writing the values, a waveform
is not output correctly.
H'0000 ≤ GR ≤ T − 1 and GRA_0 − (T − 1) ≤ GR < GRA_0 when TPSC2 = TPSC1 =
TPSC0 = 0
H'0000 < GR ≤ T − 1 and GRA_0 − (T − 1) ≤ GR < GRA_0 + 1 when TPSC2 = TPSC1
= TPSC0 = 0
c. Do not change settings of GRA_0 during operation.
C. Outputting a waveform with a duty cycle of 0% and 100%
a. Buffer operation is not used and TPSC2 = TPSC1 = TPSC0 = 0
Write H'0000 or a value equal to or more than the GRA_0 value to GR directly at the
timing shown below.
• To output a 0%-duty cycle waveform, write a value equal to or more than the GRA_0
value while H'0000 ≤ TCNT_1 < previous GR value
• To output a 100%-duty cycle waveform, write H'0000 while previous GR value<
TCNT_0 ≤ GRA_0
To change duty cycles while a waveform with a duty cycle of 0% or 100% is being
output, make sure the following procedure.
• To change duty cycles while a 0%-duty cycle waveform is being output, write to GR
while H'0000 ≤ TCNT_1 < previous GR value
• To change duty cycles while a 100%-duty cycle waveform is being output, write to GR
while previous GR value< TCNT_0 ≤ GRA_0
Note that changing from a 0%-duty cycle waveform to a 100%-duty cycle waveform
and vice versa is not possible.
b. Buffer operation is used and TPSC2 = TPSC1 = TPSC0 = 0
Write H'0000 or a value equal to or more than the GRA_0 value to the buffer register.
• To output a 0%-duty cycle waveform, write a value equal to or more than the GRA_0
value to the buffer register
• To output a 100%-duty cycle waveform, write H'0000 to the buffer register
For details on buffer operation, see section 13.4.8, Buffer Operation.
c. Buffer operation is not used and other than TPSC2 = TPSC1 = TPSC0 = 0
Write a value which satisfies GRA_0 + 1 < GR < H'FFFF to GR directly at the timing
shown below.
• To output a 0%-duty cycle waveform, write the value while H'0000 ≤ TCNT_1 <
previous GR value
• To output a 100%-duty cycle waveform, write the value while previous GR value<
TCNT_0 ≤ GRA_0
To change duty cycles while a waveform with a duty cycle of 0% and 100% is being
output, the following procedure must be followed.
• To change duty cycles while a 0%-duty cycle waveform is being output, write to GR
while H'0000 ≤ TCNT_1 < previous GR value
• To change duty cycles while a 100%-duty cycle waveform is being output, write to GR
while previous GR value< TCNT_0 ≤ GRA_0
Note that changing from a 0%-duty cycle waveform to a 100%-duty cycle waveform
and vice versa is not possible.
d. Buffer operation is used and other than TPSC2 = TPSC1 = TPSC0 = 0
Write a value which satisfies GRA_0 + 1 < GR < H'FFFF to the buffer register. A
waveform with a duty cycle of 0% can be output. However, a waveform with a duty
cycle of 100% cannot be output using the buffer operation. Also, the buffer operation
cannot be used to change duty cycles while a waveform with a duty cycle of 100% is
being output. For details on buffer operation, see section 13.4.8, Buffer Operation.
Buffer operation differs depending on whether GR has been designated for an input capture
register or an output compare register, or in reset synchronous PWM mode or complementary
PWM mode.
Buffer register Comparator TCNT
Input capture
General TCNT
Buffer register
<Buffer operation>
H'0000 Time
Compare match A
TCNT n n+1
Compare match
Buffer transfer
Figure 13.40 shows an operation example in which GRA has been designated as an input capture
register, and buffer operation has been designated for GRA and GRC.
Counter clearing by input capture B has been set for TCNT, and falling edges have been selected
as the FIOCB pin input capture input edge. And both rising and falling edges have been selected
as the FIOCA pin input capture input edge.
As buffer operation has been set, when the TCNT value is stored in GRA upon the occurrence of
input capture A, the value previously stored in GRA is simultaneously transferred to GRC. The
transfer timing is shown in figure 13.41.
H'0000 Time
GRB H'0180
Input capture A
FTIO pin
Input capture
GRA M n n N
GRC m M M n
Figures 13.42 and 13.43 show the operation examples when buffer operation has been designated
for GRB_0 and GRD_0 in complementary PWM mode. These are examples when a PWM
waveform of 0% duty is created by using the buffer operation and performing GRD_0 ≥ GRA_0.
Data is transferred from GRD_0 to GRB_0 according to the settings of CMD_0 and CMD_1 when
TCNT_0 and GRA_0 are compared and their contents match or when TCNT_1 underflows.
However, when GRD_0 ≥ GRA_0, data is transferred from GRD_0 to GRB_0 when TCNT_1
underflows regardless of the setting of CMD_0 and CMD_1. When GRD_0 = H'0000, data is
transferred from GRD_0 to GRB_0 when TCNT_0 and GRA_0 are compared and their contents
match regardless of the settings of CMD_0 and CMD_1.
H'0000 Time
H'0000 Time
The outputs of channels 0 and 1 can be disabled or inverted by the settings of TOER and TOCR
and the external level.
1. Output Disable/Enable Timing of Timer Z by TOER: Setting the master enable bit in TOER to
1 disables the output of timer Z. By setting the PCR and PDR of the corresponding I/O port
beforehand, any value can be output. Figure 13.44 shows the timing to enable or disable the
output of timer Z by TOER.
T1 T2
2. Output Disable Timing of Timer Z by External Trigger: When P54/WKP4 is set as a WKP4
input pin, and low level is input to WKP4, the master enable bit in TOER is set to 1 and the
output of timer Z will be disabled.
3. Output Inverse Timing by TFCR: The output level can be inverted by inverting the OLS1 and
OLS0 bits in TFCR in reset synchronous PWM mode or complementary PWM mode. Figure
13.46 shows the timing.
T1 T2
Timer Z
output pin
4. Output Inverse Timing by POCR: The output level can be inverted by inverting the POLD,
POLC, and POLB bits in POCR in PWM mode. Figure 13.47 shows the timing.
T1 T2
Timer Z
output pin
13.5 Interrupts
There are three kinds of timer Z interrupt sources; input capture/compare match, overflow, and
underflow. An interrupt is requested when the corresponding interrupt request flag is set to 1 while
the corresponding interrupt enable bit is set to 1.
1. IMF Flag Set Timing: The IMF flag is set to 1 by the compare match signal that is generated
when the GR matches with the TCNT. The compare match signal is generated at the last state
of matching (timing to update the counter value when the GR and TCNT match). Therefore,
when the TCNT and GR matches, the compare match signal will not be generated until the
TCNT input clock is generated. Figure 13.48 shows the timing to set the IMF flag.
Compare match
Figure 13.48 IMF Flag Set Timing when Compare Match Occurs
2. IMF Flag Set Timing at Input Capture: When an input capture signal is generated, the IMF flag
is set to 1 and the value of TCNT is simultaneously transferred to corresponding GR. Figure
13.49 shows the timing.
Input capture
3. Overflow Flag (OVF) Set Timing: The overflow flag is set to 1 when the TCNT overflows.
Figure 13.50 shows the timing.
The status flag can be cleared by writing 0 after reading 1 from the CPU. Figure 13.51 shows the
timing in this case.
(internal write signal)
TCNT address
(internal write signal)
TCNT N H'0000
2. Contention between TCNT Write and Increment Operations: If increment is done in T2 state of
a TCNT write cycle, TCNT writing has priority. Figure 13.53 shows the timing in this case.
TCNT address
(internal write signal)
3. Contention between GR Write and Compare Match: If a compare match occurs in the T2 state
of a GR write cycle, GR write has priority and the compare match signal is disabled. Figure
13.54 shows the timing in this case.
GR write cycle
T1 T2
GR address
(internal write signal)
GR write data
TCNT address
(internal write signal)
Overflow signal
5. Contention between GR Read and Input Capture: If an input capture signal is generated in the
T1 state of a GR read cycle, the data that is read will be transferred before input capture
transfer. Figure 13.56 shows the timing in this case.
GR read cycle
T1 T2
GR address
Internal read
Input capture
Internal data
bus X
6. Contention between Count Clearing and Increment Operations by Input Capture: If an input
capture and increment signals are simultaneously generated, count clearing by the input
capture operation has priority without an increment operation. The TCNT contents before
clearing counter are transferred to GR. Figure 13.57 shows the timing in this case.
TCNT N H'0000
7. Contention between GR Write and Input Capture: If an input capture signal is generated in the
T2 state of a GR write cycle, the input capture operation has priority and the write to GR is not
performed. Figure 13.58 shows the timing in this case.
GR write cycle
T1 T2
(internal write signal)
Input capture
GR write data
8. Notes on Setting Reset Synchronous PWM Mode/Complementary PWM Mode: When bits
CMD1 and CMD0 in TFCR are set, note the following:
A. Write bits CMD1 and CMD0 while TCNT_1 and TCNT_0 are halted.
B. Changing the settings of reset synchronous PWM mode to complementary PWM mode or
vice versa is disabled. Set reset synchronous PWM mode or complementary PWM mode
after the normal operation (bits CMD1 and CMD0 are cleared to 0) has been set.
9. Note on Writing to the TOA0 to TOD0 Bits and the TOA1 to TOD1 Bits in TOCR:
The TOA0 to TOD0 bits and the TOA1 to TOD1 bits in TOCR decide the value of the FTIO
pin, which is output until the first compare match occurs. Once a compare match occurs and
this compare match changes the values of FTIOA0 to FTIOD0 and FTIOA1 to FTIOD1
output, the values of the FTIOA0 to FTIOD0 and FTIOA1 to FTIOD1 pin output and the
values read from the TOA0 to TOD0 and TOA1 to TOD1 bits may differ. Moreover, when the
writing to TOCR and the generation of the compare match A0 to D0 and A1 to D1 occur at the
same timing, the writing to TOCR has the priority. Thus, output change due to the compare
match is not reflected to the FTIOA0 to FTIOD0 and FTIOA1 to FTIOD1 pins. Therefore,
when bit manipulation instruction is used to write to TOCR, the values of the FTIOA0 to
FTIOD0 and FTIOA1 to FTIOD1 pin output may result in an unexpected result. When TOCR
is to be written to while compare match is operating, stop the counter once before accessing to
TOCR, read the port 6 state to reflect the values of FTIOA0 to FTIOD0 and FTIOA1 to
FTIOD1 output, to TOA0 to TOD0 and TOA1 to TOD1, and then restart the counter. Figure
13.59 shows an example when the compare match and the bit manipulation instruction to
TOCR occur at the same timing.
TOCR has been set to H'06. Compare match B0 and compare match C0 are used. The FTIOB0 pin is in the 1 output state,
and is set to the toggle output or the 0 output by compare match B0.
When BCLR#2, @TOCR is executed to clear the TOC0 bit (the FTIOC0 signal is low) and compare match B0 occurs
at the same timing as shown below, the H'02 writing to TOCR has priority and compare match B0 does not drive the FTIOB0 signal low;
the FTIOB0 signal remains high.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Set value 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
(1) TOCR read operation: Read H'06
(2) Modify operation: Modify H'06 to H'02
(3) Write operation to TOCR: Write H'02
write signal
Compare match
signal B0
FTIOB0 pin
Expected output
Remains high because the 1 writing to TOB has priority
Figure 13.59 When Compare Match and Bit Manipulation Instruction to TOCR
Occur at the Same Timing
14.1 Features
• Selectable from nine counter input clocks.
Eight clock sources (φ/64, φ/128, φ/256, φ/512, φ/1024, φ/2048, φ/4096, and φ/8192) or the
WDT dedicated internal oscillator can be selected as the timer-counter clock. When the WDT
dedicated internal oscillator is selected, it can operate as the watchdog timer in any operating
• Reset signal generated on counter overflow
An overflow period of 1 to 256 times the selected clock can be set.
• The watchdog timer is enabled in the initial state.
It starts operating after the reset state is canceled.
TCSRWD performs the TCSRWD and TCWD write control. TCSRWD also controls the
watchdog timer operation and indicates the operating state. TCSRWD must be rewritten by using
the MOV instruction. The bit manipulation instruction cannot be used to change the setting value.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 B6WI 1 R/W Bit 6 Write Inhibit
The TCWE bit can be written only when the write value of
the B6WI bit is 0.
This bit is always read as 1.
6 TCWE 0 R/W Timer Counter WD Write Enable
TCWD can be written when the TCWE bit is set to 1.
When writing data to this bit, the value for bit 7 must be 0.
5 B4WI 1 R/W Bit 4 Write Inhibit
The TCSRWE bit can be written only when the write
value of the B4WI bit is 0. This bit is always read as 1.
4 TCSRWE 0 R/W Timer Control/Status Register WD Write Enable
The WDON and WRST bits can be written when the
TCSRWE bit is set to 1.
When writing data to this bit, the value for bit 5 must be 0.
3 B2WI 1 R/W Bit 2 Write Inhibit
This bit can be written to the WDON bit only when the
write value of the B2WI bit is 0.
This bit is always read as 1.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
2 WDON 1 R/W Watchdog Timer On
TCWD starts counting up when the WDON bit is set to 1
and halts when the WDON bit is cleared to 0. The
watchdog timer is enabled in the initial state. When the
watchdog timer is not used, clear the WDON bit to 0.
[Setting conditions]
• Reset
• When 1 is written to the WDON bit and 0 is written to
the B2WI bit while the TCSRWE bit = 1
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written to the WDON bit and 0 is written to
the B2WI bit while the TCSRWE bit = 1
1 B0WI 1 R/W Bit 0 Write Inhibit
This bit can be written to the WRST bit only when the
write value of the B0WI bit is 0. This bit is always read as
0 WRST 0 R/W Watchdog Timer Reset
[Setting condition]
• When TCWD overflows and an internal reset signal is
[Clearing conditions]
• Reset by the RES pin
• When 0 is written to the WRST bit and 0 is written to
the B0WI bit while the TCSRWE bit = 1
TCWD is an 8-bit readable/writable up-counter. When TCWD overflows from H'FF to H'00, the
internal reset signal is generated and the WRST bit in TCSRWD is set to 1. TCWD is initialized to
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 4 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
3 CKS3 1 R/W Clock Select 3 to 0
2 CKS2 1 R/W Select the clock to be input to TCWD.
1 CKS1 1 R/W 1000: Internal clock: counts on φ/64
0 CKS0 1 R/W 1001: Internal clock: counts on φ/128
1010: Internal clock: counts on φ/256
1011: Internal clock: counts on φ/512
1100: Internal clock: counts on φ/1024
1101: Internal clock: counts on φ/2048
1110: Internal clock: counts on φ/4096
1111: Internal clock: counts on φ8192
0XXX: WDT dedicated internal oscillator
For the overflow periods of the WDT dedicated internal
oscillator, see section 22, Electrical Characteristics.
[Legend] X: Don't care.
14.3 Operation
The watchdog timer is provided with an 8-bit counter. After the reset state is released, TCWD
starts counting up. When the TCWD count value overflows H'FF, an internal reset signal is
generated. The internal reset signal is output for a period of 256 φOSC clock cycles. As TCWD is a
writable counter, it starts counting from the value set in TCWD. An overflow period in the range
of 1 to 256 input clock cycles can therefore be set, according to the TCWD set value. When the
watchdog timer is not used, stop TCWD counting by writing 0 to B2WI and WDON
simultaneously while the TCSRWE bit in TCSRWD is set to 1. (To stop the watchdog timer, two
write accesses to TCSRWD are required.)
4 × 106
× 30 × 10–3 = 14.6
TCWD overflow
count value
Internal reset
15.1 Features
• Choice of two conversion periods
A conversion period of 32768/φ with a minimum modulation width of 2/φ, or a conversion
period of 16384/φ with a minimum modulation width of 1/φ, can be selected.
• Pulse division method for less ripple
PWCR: PWM control register
PWDRL: PWM data register L
PWDRU: PWM data register U
PWM: PWM output pin
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 1 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1, and cannot be modified.
0 PWCR0 0 R/W Clock Select
0: The input clock is φ/2 (tφ = 2/φ)
The conversion period is 16384/φ, with a minimum
modulation width of 1/φ
1: The input clock is φ/4 (tφ = 4/φ)
The conversion period is 32768/φ, with a minimum
modulation width of 2/φ
tφ: Period of PWM clock input
PWDRU and PWDRL indicate high level width in one PWM waveform cycle. PWDRU and
PWDRL are 14-bit write-only registers, with the upper 6 bits assigned to PWDRU and the lower 8
bits to PWDRL. When read, all bits are always read as 1.
Both PWDRU and PWDRL are accessible only in bytes. Note that the operation is not guaranteed
if word access is performed. When 14-bit data is written in PWDRU and PWDRL, the contents
are latched in the PWM waveform generator and the PWM waveform generation data is updated.
When writing the 14-bit data, the order is as follows: PWDRL to PWDRU.
15.4 Operation
When using the 14-bit PWM, set the registers in this sequence:
1. Set the PWM bit in the port mode register 1 (PMR1) to set the P11/PWM pin to function as a
PWM output pin.
2. Set the PWCR0 bit in PWCR to select a conversion period of either.
3. Set the output waveform data in PWDRU and PWDRL. Be sure to write byte data first to
PWDRL and then to PWDRU. When the data is written in PWDRU, the contents of these
registers are latched in the PWM waveform generator, and the PWM waveform generation
data is updated in synchronization with internal signals.
One conversion period consists of 64 pulses, as shown in figure 15.2. The total high-level width
during this period (TH) corresponds to the data in PWDRU and PWDRL. This relation can be
expressed as follows:
where tφ is the period of PWM clock input: 2/φ (bit PWCR0 = 0) or 4/φ (bit PWCR0 = 1).
If the data value in PWDRU and PWDRL is from H'FFC0 to H'FFFF, the PWM output stays high.
When the data value is H'C000, TH is calculated as follows:
TH = 64 × tφ/2 = 32 tφ
Conversion period
t f1 t f2 t f63 t f64
t H1 t H2 t H3 t H63 t H64
T H = t H1 + t H2 + t H3 + ... + t H64
t f1 = t f2 = t f3 = ... = t f64
Table 16.1 shows the SCI3 channel configuration and figure 16.1 shows a block diagram of the
SCI3. Since pin functions are identical for each of the two channels (SCI3 and SCI3_2), separate
explanations are not given in this section.
16.1 Features
• Choice of asynchronous or clock synchronous serial communication mode
• Full-duplex communication capability
The transmitter and receiver are mutually independent, enabling transmission and reception to
be executed simultaneously.
Double-buffering is used in both the transmitter and the receiver, enabling continuous
transmission and continuous reception of serial data.
• On-chip baud rate generator allows any bit rate to be selected
• External clock or on-chip baud rate generator can be selected as a transfer clock source.
• Six interrupt sources
Transmit-end, transmit-data-empty, receive-data-full, overrun error, framing error, and parity
Asynchronous mode
clock Internal clock (φ/64, φ/16, φ/4, φ)
Baud rate generator
Interrupt request
[Legend] (TEI, TXI, RXI, ERI)
RSR: Receive shift register
RDR: Receive data register
TSR: Transmit shift register
TDR: Transmit data register
SMR: Serial mode register
SCR3: Serial control register 3
SSR: Serial status register
BRR: Bit rate register
BRC: Bit rate counter
RSR is a shift register that is used to receive serial data input from the RxD pin and convert it into
parallel data. When one frame of data has been received, it is transferred to RDR automatically.
RSR cannot be directly accessed by the CPU.
RDR is an 8-bit register that stores received data. When the SCI3 has received one frame of serial
data, it transfers the received serial data from RSR to RDR, where it is stored. After this, RSR is
receive-enabled. As RSR and RDR function as a double buffer in this way, continuous receive
operations are possible. After confirming that the RDRF bit in SSR is set to 1, read RDR only
once. RDR cannot be written to by the CPU. RDR is initialized to H'00.
TSR is a shift register that transmits serial data. To perform serial data transmission, the SCI3 first
transfers transmit data from TDR to TSR automatically, then sends the data that starts from the
LSB to the TXD pin. TSR cannot be directly accessed by the CPU.
TDR is an 8-bit register that stores data for transmission. When the SCI3 detects that TSR is
empty, it transfers the transmit data written in TDR to TSR and starts transmission. The double-
buffered structure of TDR and TSR enables continuous serial transmission. If the next transmit
data has already been written to TDR during transmission of one-frame data, the SCI3 transfers
the written data to TSR to continue transmission. To achieve reliable serial transmission, write
transmit data to TDR only once after confirming that the TDRE bit in SSR is set to 1. TDR is
initialized to H'FF.
SMR is used to set the SCI3’s serial transfer format and select the baud rate generator clock
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 COM 0 R/W Communication Mode
0: Asynchronous mode
1: Clock synchronous mode
6 CHR 0 R/W Character Length (enabled only in asynchronous mode)
0: Selects 8 bits as the data length.
1: Selects 7 bits as the data length.
5 PE 0 R/W Parity Enable (enabled only in asynchronous mode)
When this bit is set to 1, the parity bit is added to transmit
data before transmission, and the parity bit is checked in
4 PM 0 R/W Parity Mode (enabled only when the PE bit is 1 in
asynchronous mode)
0: Selects even parity.
1: Selects odd parity.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
3 STOP 0 R/W Stop Bit Length (enabled only in asynchronous mode)
Selects the stop bit length in transmission.
0: 1 stop bit
1: 2 stop bits
For reception, only the first stop bit is checked, regardless
of the value in the bit. If the second stop bit is 0, it is
treated as the start bit of the next transmit character.
2 MP 0 R/W Multiprocessor Mode
When this bit is set to 1, the multiprocessor
communication function is enabled. The PE bit and PM
bit settings are invalid in multiprocessor mode. In clock
synchronous mode, clear this bit to 0.
1 CKS1 0 R/W Clock Select 0 and 1
0 CKS0 0 R/W These bits select the clock source for the baud rate
00: φ clock (n = 0)
01: φ/4 clock (n = 1)
10: φ/16 clock (n = 2)
11: φ/64 clock (n = 3)
For the relationship between the bit rate register setting
and the baud rate, see section 16.3.8, Bit Rate Register
(BRR). n is the decimal representation of the value of n in
BRR (see section 16.3.8, Bit Rate Register (BRR)).
SCR3 is a register that enables or disables SCI3 transfer operations and interrupt requests, and is
also used to select the transfer clock source. For details on interrupt requests, refer to section 16.7,
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 TIE 0 R/W Transmit Interrupt Enable
When this bit is set to 1, the TXI interrupt request is
6 RIE 0 R/W Receive Interrupt Enable
When this bit is set to 1, RXI and ERI interrupt requests
are enabled.
5 TE 0 R/W Transmit Enable
When this bit s set to 1, transmission is enabled.
4 RE 0 R/W Receive Enable
When this bit is set to 1, reception is enabled.
3 MPIE 0 R/W Multiprocessor Interrupt Enable (enabled only when the
MP bit in SMR is 1 in asynchronous mode)
When this bit is set to 1, receive data in which the
multiprocessor bit is 0 is skipped, and setting of the
RDRF, FER, and OER status flags in SSR is disabled.
On receiving data in which the multiprocessor bit is 1, this
bit is automatically cleared and normal reception is
resumed. For details, refer to section 16.6, Multiprocessor
Communication Function.
2 TEIE 0 R/W Transmit End Interrupt Enable
When this bit is set to 1, TEI interrupt request is enabled.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
1 CKE1 0 R/W Clock Enable 0 and 1
0 CKE0 0 R/W Selects the clock source.
• Asynchronous mode
00: On-chip baud rate generator
01: On-chip baud rate generator
Outputs a clock of the same frequency as the bit rate
from the SCK3 pin.
10: External clock
Inputs a clock with a frequency 16 times the bit rate
from the SCK3 pin.
• Clock synchronous mode
00: On-chip clock (SCK3 pin functions as clock output)
01: Reserved
10: External clock (SCK3 pin functions as clock input)
11: Reserved
SSR is a register containing status flags of the SCI3 and multiprocessor bits for transfer. 1 cannot
be written to flags TDRE, RDRF, OER, PER, and FER; they can only be cleared.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 TDRE 1 R/W Transmit Data Register Empty
Indicates whether TDR contains transmit data.
[Setting conditions]
• When the TE bit in SCR3 is 0
• When data is transferred from TDR to TSR
[Clearing conditions]
• When 0 is written to TDRE after reading TDRE = 1
• When the transmit data is written to TDR
6 RDRF 0 R/W Receive Data Register Full
Indicates that the received data is stored in RDR.
[Setting condition]
• When serial reception ends normally and receive data
is transferred from RSR to RDR
[Clearing conditions]
• When 0 is written to RDRF after reading RDRF = 1
• When data is read from RDR
5 OER 0 R/W Overrun Error
[Setting condition]
• When an overrun error occurs in reception
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written to OER after reading OER = 1
4 FER 0 R/W Framing Error
[Setting condition]
• When a framing error occurs in reception
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written to FER after reading FER = 1
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
3 PER 0 R/W Parity Error
[Setting condition]
• When a parity error is detected during reception
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written to PER after reading PER = 1
2 TEND 1 R Transmit End
[Setting conditions]
• When the TE bit in SCR3 is 0
• When TDRE = 1 at transmission of the last bit of a 1-
frame serial transmit character
[Clearing conditions]
• When 0 is written to TDRE after reading TDRE = 1
• When the transmit data is written to TDR
1 MPBR 0 R Multiprocessor Bit Receive
MPBR stores the multiprocessor bit in the receive
character data. When the RE bit in SCR3 is cleared to 0,
its state is retained.
0 MPBT 0 R/W Multiprocessor Bit Transfer
MPBT stores the multiprocessor bit to be added to the
transmit character data.
BRR is an 8-bit register that adjusts the bit rate. The initial value of BRR is H'FF. Table 16.3
shows the relationship between the N setting in BRR and the n setting in bits CKS1 and CKS0 of
SMR in asynchronous mode. Table 16.4 shows the maximum bit rate for each frequency in
asynchronous mode. The values shown in both tables 16.3 and 16.4 are values in active (high-
speed) mode. Table 16.5 shows the relationship between the N setting in BRR and the n setting in
bits CKS1 and CKS0 of SMR in clock synchronous mode. The values shown in table 16.5 are
values in active (high-speed) mode. The N setting in BRR and error for other operating
frequencies and bit rates can be obtained by the following formulas:
[Asynchronous Mode]
N= × 106 – 1
64 × 22n–1 × B
φ × 106
Error (%) = – 1 × 100
(N + 1) × B × 64 × 22n–1
N= × 106 – 1
8 × 22n–1 × B
B: Bit rate (bit/s)
N: BRR setting for baud rate generator (0 ≤ N ≤ 255)
φ: Operating frequency (MHz)
n: CSK1 and CSK0 settings in SMR (0 ≤ n ≤ 3)
Table 16.3 Examples of BRR Settings for Various Bit Rates (Asynchronous Mode) (1)
Table 16.3 Examples of BRR Settings for Various Bit Rates (Asynchronous Mode) (2)
Table 16.3 Examples of BRR Settings for Various Bit Rates (Asynchronous Mode) (3)
Table 16.4 Maximum Bit Rate for Each Frequency (Asynchronous Mode)
Table 16.5 Examples of BRR Settings for Various Bit Rates (Clock Synchronous Mode) (1)
Table 16.5 Examples of BRR Settings for Various Bit Rates (Clock Synchronous Mode) (2)
Serial Start Parity Mark state
Transmit/receive data Stop bit
data bit bit
16.4.1 Clock
Either an internal clock generated by the on-chip baud rate generator or an external clock input at
the SCK3 pin can be selected as the SCI3’s serial clock, according to the setting of the COM bit in
SMR and the CKE0 and CKE1 bits in SCR3. When an external clock is input at the SCK3 pin, the
clock frequency should be 16 times the bit rate used.
When the SCI3 is operated on an internal clock, the clock can be output from the SCK3 pin. The
frequency of the clock output in this case is equal to the bit rate, and the phase is such that the
rising edge of the clock is in the middle of the transmit data, as shown in figure 16.3.
1 character (frame)
Figure 16.3 Relationship between Output Clock and Transfer Data Phase
(Asynchronous Mode) (Example with 8-Bit Data, Parity, Two Stop Bits)
Before transmitting and receiving data, you should first clear the TE and RE bits in SCR3 to 0,
then initialize the SCI3 as described below. When the operating mode, or transfer format, is
changed for example, the TE and RE bits must be cleared to 0 before making the change using the
following procedure. When the TE bit is cleared to 0, the TDRE flag is set to 1. Note that clearing
the RE bit to 0 does not initialize the contents of the RDRF, PER, FER, and OER flags, or the
contents of RDR. When the external clock is used in asynchronous mode, the clock must be
supplied even during initialization.
Set value in BRR [3] [2] Set the data transfer format in SMR.
1. The SCI3 monitors the TDRE flag in SSR. If the flag is cleared to 0, the SCI3 recognizes that
data has been written to TDR, and transfers the data from TDR to TSR.
2. After transferring data from TDR to TSR, the SCI3 sets the TDRE flag to 1 and starts
transmission. If the TIE bit is set to 1 at this time, a TXI interrupt request is generated.
Continuous transmission is possible because the TXI interrupt routine writes next transmit data
to TDR before transmission of the current transmit data has been completed.
3. The SCI3 checks the TDRE flag at the timing for sending the stop bit.
4. If the TDRE flag is 0, the data is transferred from TDR to TSR, the stop bit is sent, and then
serial transmission of the next frame is started.
5. If the TDRE flag is 1, the TEND flag in SSR is set to 1, the stop bit is sent, and then the “mark
state” is entered, in which 1 is output. If the TEIE bit in SCR3 is set to 1 at this time, a TEI
interrupt request is generated.
6. Figure 16.6 shows a sample flowchart for transmission in asynchronous mode.
LSI TXI interrupt TDRE flag TXI interrupt request generated TEI interrupt request
operation request cleared to 0 generated
User Data written
processing to TDR
TEND = 1
[3] Break output?
Figure 16.7 shows an example of operation for reception in asynchronous mode. In serial
reception, the SCI3 operates as described below.
1. The SCI3 monitors the communication line. If a start bit is detected, the SCI3 performs
internal synchronization, receives receive data in RSR, and checks the parity bit and stop bit.
2. If an overrun error occurs (when reception of the next data is completed while the RDRF flag
is still set to 1), the OER bit in SSR is set to 1. If the RIE bit in SCR3 is set to 1 at this time, an
ERI interrupt request is generated. Receive data is not transferred to RDR.
3. If a parity error is detected, the PER bit in SSR is set to 1 and receive data is transferred to
RDR. If the RIE bit in SCR3 is set to 1 at this time, an ERI interrupt request is generated.
4. If a framing error is detected (when the stop bit is 0), the FER bit in SSR is set to 1 and receive
data is transferred to RDR. If the RIE bit in SCR3 is set to 1 at this time, an ERI interrupt
request is generated.
5. If reception is completed successfully, the RDRF bit in SSR is set to 1, and receive data is
transferred to RDR. If the RIE bit in SCR3 is set to 1 at this time, an RXI interrupt request is
generated. Continuous reception is possible because the RXI interrupt routine reads the receive
data transferred to RDR before reception of the next receive data has been completed.
Start Receive Parity Stop Start Receive Parity Stop Mark state
bit data bit bit bit data bit bit (idle state)
Serial 1 0 D0 D1 D7 0/1 1 0 D0 D1 D7 0/1 0 1
1 frame 1 frame
Table 16.6 shows the states of the SSR status flags and receive data handling when a receive error
is detected. If a receive error is detected, the RDRF flag retains its state before receiving data.
Reception cannot be resumed while a receive error flag is set to 1. Accordingly, clear the OER,
FER, PER, and RDRF bits to 0 before resuming reception. Figure 16.8 shows a sample flow chart
for serial data reception.
Start reception
[1] Read the OER, PER, and FER flags in
SSR to identify the error. If a receive
error occurs, performs the appropriate
error processing.
Read OER, PER, and
[1] [2] Read SSR and check that RDRF = 1,
FER flags in SSR
then read the receive data in RDR.
The RDRF flag is cleared automatically.
Yes [3] To continue serial reception, before the
OER+PER+FER = 1 stop bit for the current frame is
received, read the RDRF flag and read
No Error processing RDR.
The RDRF flag is cleared automatically.
(Continued on next page) [4] If a receive error occurs, read the OER,
[2] PER, and FER flags in SSR to identify
Read RDRF flag in SSR the error. After performing the
appropriate error processing, ensure
No that the OER, PER, and FER flags are
RDRF = 1
all cleared to 0. Reception cannot be
resumed if any of these flags are set to
1. In the case of a framing error, a
break can be detected by reading the
Read receive data in RDR value of the input port corresponding to
the RxD pin.
All data received? [3]
(A) No
Figure 16.8 Sample Serial Reception Data Flowchart (Asynchronous Mode) (1)
Error processing
OER = 1
FER = 1
PER = 1
Figure 16.8 Sample Serial Reception Data Flowchart (Asynchronous Mode) (2)
8 bits
16.5.1 Clock
Either an internal clock generated by the on-chip baud rate generator or an external
synchronization clock input at the SCK3 pin can be selected, according to the setting of the COM
bit in SMR and CKE0 and CKE1 bits in SCR3. When the SCI3 is operated on an internal clock,
the synchronization clock is output from the SCK3 pin. Eight synchronization clock pulses are
output in the transfer of one character, and when no transfer is performed the clock is fixed high.
Before transmitting and receiving data, the SCI3 should be initialized as described in a sample
flowchart in figure 16.4.
Figure 16.10 shows an example of SCI3 operation for transmission in clock synchronous mode.
In serial transmission, the SCI3 operates as described below.
1. The SCI3 monitors the TDRE flag in SSR, and if the flag is 0, the SCI3 recognizes that data
has been written to TDR, and transfers the data from TDR to TSR.
2. The SCI3 sets the TDRE flag to 1 and starts transmission. If the TIE bit in SCR3 is set to 1 at
this time, a transmit data empty interrupt (TXI) is generated.
3. 8-bit data is sent from the TxD pin synchronized with the output clock when output clock
mode has been specified, and synchronized with the input clock when use of an external clock
has been specified. Serial data is transmitted sequentially from the LSB (bit 0), from the TxD
4. The SCI3 checks the TDRE flag at the timing for sending the MSB (bit 7).
5. If the TDRE flag is cleared to 0, data is transferred from TDR to TSR, and serial transmission
of the next frame is started.
6. If the TDRE flag is set to 1, the TEND flag in SSR is set to 1, and the TDRE flag maintains
the output state of the last bit. If the TEIE bit in SCR3 is set to 1 at this time, a TEI interrupt
request is generated.
7. The SCK3 pin is fixed high at the end of transmission.
Figure 16.11 shows a sample flow chart for serial data transmission. Even if the TDRE flag is
cleared to 0, transmission will not start while a receive error flag (OER, FER, or PER) is set to 1.
Make sure that the receive error flags are cleared to 0 before starting transmission.
Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 6 Bit 7
1 frame 1 frame
LSI TXI interrupt TDRE flag TXI interrupt request generated TEI interrupt request
operation request cleared generated
generated to 0
User Data written
processing to TDR
Start transmission [1] Read SSR and check that the TDRE flag is
set to 1, then write transmit data to TDR.
When data is written to TDR, the TDRE flag
[1] Read TDRE flag in SSR
is automatically cleared to 0 and clocks are
output to start the data transmission.
No [2] To continue serial transmission, be sure to
TDRE = 1 read 1 from the TDRE flag to confirm that
writing is possible, then write data to TDR.
Yes When data is written to TDR, the TDRE flag
is automatically cleared to 0.
Write transmit data to TDR
[2] All data transmitted?
TEND = 1
Figure 16.12 shows an example of SCI3 operation for reception in clock synchronous mode. In
serial reception, the SCI3 operates as described below.
1. The SCI3 performs internal initialization synchronous with a synchronization clock input or
output, starts receiving data.
2. The SCI3 stores the receive data in RSR.
3. If an overrun error occurs (when reception of the next data is completed while the RDRF flag
in SSR is still set to 1), the OER bit in SSR is set to 1. If the RIE bit in SCR3 is set to 1 at this
time, an ERI interrupt request is generated, receive data is not transferred to RDR, and the
RDRF flag remains to be set to 1.
4. If reception is completed successfully, the RDRF bit in SSR is set to 1, and receive data is
transferred to RDR. If the RIE bit in SCR3 is set to 1 at this time, an RXI interrupt request is
Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 6 Bit 7
1 frame 1 frame
LSI RXI interrupt RDRF flag RXI interrupt request generated ERI interrupt request
operation request cleared generated by
generated to 0 overrun error
Reception cannot be resumed while a receive error flag is set to 1. Accordingly, clear the OER,
FER, PER, and RDRF bits to 0 before resuming reception. Figure 16.13 shows a sample flow
chart for serial data reception.
Start reception
[1] Read the OER flag in SSR to determine if
there is an error. If an overrun error has
Read OER flag in SSR [1] occurred, execute overrun error processing.
[2] Read SSR and check that the RDRF flag is
set to 1, then read the receive data in RDR.
OER = 1 When data is read from RDR, the RDRF
[4] flag is automatically cleared to 0.
No [3] To continue serial reception, before the
Error processing
MSB (bit 7) of the current frame is received,
(Continued below) reading the RDRF flag and reading RDR
should be finished. When data is read from
Read RDRF flag in SSR [2] RDR, the RDRF flag is automatically
cleared to 0.
[4] If an overrun error occurs, read the OER
RDRF = 1 flag in SSR, and after performing the
appropriate error processing, clear the OER
flag to 0. Reception cannot be resumed if
the OER flag is set to 1.
All data received? [3]
Figure 16.14 shows a sample flowchart for simultaneous serial transmit and receive operations.
The following procedure should be used for simultaneous serial data transmit and receive
operations. To switch from transmit mode to simultaneous transmit and receive mode, after
checking that the SCI3 has finished transmission and the TDRE and TEND flags are set to 1, clear
TE to 0. Then simultaneously set TE and RE to 1 with a single instruction. To switch from receive
mode to simultaneous transmit and receive mode, after checking that the SCI3 has finished
reception, clear RE to 0. Then after checking that the RDRF and receive error flags (OER, FER,
and PER) are cleared to 0, simultaneously set TE and RE to 1 with a single instruction.
Start transmission/reception [1] Read SSR and check that the TDRE
flag is set to 1, then write transmit
data to TDR.
Read TDRE flag in SSR [1] When data is written to TDR, the
TDRE flag is automatically cleared to
TDRE = 1 [2] Read SSR and check that the RDRF
flag is set to 1, then read the receive
data in RDR.
When data is read from RDR, the
RDRF flag is automatically cleared to
Write transmit data to TDR 0.
[3] To continue serial transmission/
reception, before the MSB (bit 7) of
the current frame is received, finish
Read OER flag in SSR reading the RDRF flag, reading RDR.
Also, before the MSB (bit 7) of the
current frame is transmitted, read 1
Yes from the TDRE flag to confirm that
OER = 1
[4] writing is possible. Then write data to
No Error processing
When data is written to TDR, the
TDRE flag is automatically cleared to
0. When data is read from RDR, the
Read RDRF flag in SSR [2]
RDRF flag is automatically cleared to
No [4] If an overrun error occurs, read the
RDRF = 1 OER flag in SSR, and after
performing the appropriate error
Yes processing, clear the OER flag to 0.
Transmission/reception cannot be
resumed if the OER flag is set to 1.
Read receive data in RDR For overrun error processing, see
figure 16.13.
All data received? [3]
Figure 16.14 Sample Flowchart of Simultaneous Serial Transmit and Receive Operations
(Clock Synchronous Mode)
The SCI3 uses the MPIE bit in SCR3 to implement this function. When the MPIE bit is set to 1,
transfer of receive data from RSR to RDR, error flag detection, and setting the SSR status flags,
RDRF, FER, and OER, to 1, are inhibited until data with a 1 multiprocessor bit is received. On
reception of a receive character with a 1 multiprocessor bit, the MPBR bit in SSR is set to 1 and
the MPIE bit is automatically cleared, thus normal reception is resumed. If the RIE bit in SCR3 is
set to 1 at this time, an RXI interrupt is generated.
When the multiprocessor format is selected, the parity bit setting is rendered invalid. All other bit
settings are the same as those in normal asynchronous mode. The clock used for multiprocessor
communication is the same as that in normal asynchronous mode.
Serial transmission line
H'01 H'AA
(MPB = 1) (MPB = 0)
Figure 16.16 shows a sample flowchart for multiprocessor serial data transmission. For an ID
transmission cycle, set the MPBT bit in SSR to 1 before transmission. For a data transmission
cycle, clear the MPBT bit in SSR to 0 before transmission. All other SCI3 operations are the same
as those in asynchronous mode.
Start transmission
[1] Read SSR and check that the TDRE
flag is set to 1, set the MPBT bit in
[1] Read TDRE flag in SSR SSR to 0 or 1, then write transmit
data to TDR. When data is written to
TDR, the TDRE flag is automatically
TDRE = 1 cleared to 0.
[2] To continue serial transmission, be
Yes sure to read 1 from the TDRE flag to
confirm that writing is possible, then
write data to TDR. When data is
Set MPBT bit in SSR
written to TDR, the TDRE flag is
automatically cleared to 0.
[3] To output a break in serial
Write transmit data to TDR transmission, set the port PCR to 1,
clear PDR to 0, then clear the TE bit
in SCR3 to 0.
[2] All data transmitted?
TEND = 1
[3] Break output?
Figure 16.17 shows a sample flowchart for multiprocessor serial data reception. If the MPIE bit in
SCR3 is set to 1, data is skipped until data with a 1 multiprocessor bit is sent. On receiving data
with a 1 multiprocessor bit, the receive data is transferred to RDR. An RXI interrupt request is
generated at this time. All other SCI3 operations are the same as those in asynchronous mode.
Figure 16.18 shows an example of SCI3 operation for multiprocessor format reception.
RDRF = 1 [5]
Error processing
(Continued on
Read receive data in RDR next page)
All data received?
OER = 1
FER = 1
No [A]
16.7 Interrupts
SCI3 creates the following six interrupt requests: transmission end, transmit data empty, receive
data full, and receive errors (overrun error, framing error, and parity error). Table 16.7 shows the
interrupt sources.
The initial value of the TDRE flag in SSR is 1. Thus, when the TIE bit in SCR3 is set to 1 before
transferring the transmit data to TDR, a TXI interrupt request is generated even if the transmit data
is not ready. The initial value of the TEND flag in SSR is 1. Thus, when the TEIE bit in SCR3 is
set to 1 before transferring the transmit data to TDR, a TEI interrupt request is generated even if
the transmit data has not been sent. It is possible to make use of the most of these interrupt
requests efficiently by transferring the transmit data to TDR in the interrupt routine. To prevent the
generation of these interrupt requests (TXI and TEI), set the enable bits (TIE and TEIE) that
correspond to these interrupt requests to 1, after transferring the transmit data to TDR.
When framing error detection is performed, a break can be detected by reading the RxD pin value
directly. In a break, the input from the RxD pin becomes all 0s, setting the FER flag, and possibly
the PER flag. Note that as the SCI3 continues the receive operation after receiving a break, even if
the FER flag is cleared to 0, it will be set to 1 again.
When the TXD or TXD2 bit in PMR1 is 1, the TxD pin is used as an I/O port whose direction
(input or output) and level are determined by PCR and PDR. This can be used to set the TxD pin
to mark state (high level) or send a break during serial data transmission. To maintain the
communication line at mark state until TE is set to 1, set both PCR and PDR to 1, and then set the
TXD bit to 1. At this point, the TxD pin becomes an I/O port, and 1 is output from the TxD pin.
To send a break during serial transmission, first set PCR to 1 and clear PDR to 0, and then set the
TXD bit to 1. At this point, the TxD pin becomes an I/O port regardless of the current
transmission state, and 0 is output from the TxD pin.
16.8.3 Receive Error Flags and Transmit Operations (Clock Synchronous Mode Only)
Transmission cannot be started when a receive error flag (OER, PER, or FER) is set to 1, even if
the TDRE flag is cleared to 0. Be sure to clear the receive error flags to 0 before starting
transmission. Note also that receive error flags cannot be cleared to 0 even if the RE bit is cleared
to 0.
16.8.4 Receive Data Sampling Timing and Reception Margin in Asynchronous Mode
In asynchronous mode, the SCI3 operates on a basic clock with a frequency of 16 times the
transfer rate. In reception, the SCI3 samples the falling edge of the start bit using the basic clock,
and performs internal synchronization. Receive data is latched internally at the rising edge of the
8th pulse of the basic clock as shown in figure 16.19. Thus, the reception margin in asynchronous
mode is given by formula (1) below.
1 D – 0.5
M = (0.5 – )– – (L – 0.5) F × 100(%)
2N N
N: Ratio of bit rate to clock (N = 16)
D: Clock duty (D = 0.5 to 1.0)
L: Frame length (L = 9 to 12)
F: Absolute value of clock rate deviation
Assuming values of F (absolute value of clock rate deviation) = 0 and D (clock duty) = 0.5 in
formula (1), the reception margin can be given by the formula.
However, this is only the computed value, and a margin of 20% to 30% should be allowed for in
system design.
16 clocks
8 clocks
0 7 15 0 7 15 0
Internal basic
sampling timing
Data sampling
Section 17 I C Bus Interface 2 (IIC2)
2 2
The I C bus interface 2 conforms to and provides a subset of the Philips I C bus (inter-IC bus)
interface functions. The register configuration that controls the I C bus differs partly from the
Philips configuration, however.
Figure 17.1 shows a block diagram of the I C bus interface 2.
17.1 Features
• Selection of I C format or clock synchronous serial format
• Continuous transmission/reception
Since the shift register, transmit data register, and receive data register are independent from
each other, the continuous transmission/reception can be performed.
I C bus format
• Start and stop conditions generated automatically in master mode
• Selection of acknowledge output levels when receiving
• Automatic loading of acknowledge bit when transmitting
• Bit synchronization/wait function
In master mode, the state of SCL is monitored per bit, and the timing is synchronized
If transmission/reception is not yet possible, set the SCL to low until preparations are
• Six interrupt sources
Transmit data empty (including slave-address match), transmit end, receive data full (including
slave-address match), arbitration lost, NACK detection, and stop condition detection
• Direct bus drive
Two pins, SCL and SDA pins, function as NMOS open-drain outputs when the bus drive
function is selected.
Clock synchronous format
• Four interrupt sources
Transmit-data-empty, transmit-end, receive-data-full, and overrun error
Transfer clock
Transmission/ ICCR1
Output control circuit
Noise canceler
Output ICDRS
Bus state
decision circuit
decision circuit ICSR
[Legend] Interrupt request
ICCR1: I C bus control register 1
ICCR2: I2C bus control register 2
ICMR: I2C bus mode register
ICSR: I2C bus status register
ICIER: I2C bus interrupt enable register
ICDRT: I2C bus transmit data register
ICDRR: I2C bus receive data register
ICDRS: I2C bus shift register
SAR: Slave address register
Figure 17.1 Block Diagram of I C Bus Interface 2
Vcc Vcc
SCL in
SCL out
SDA in
SDA out
SCL in SCL in
SCL out SCL out
SDA in SDA in
SDA out SDA out
(Slave 1) (Slave 2)
17.3.1 I C Bus Control Register 1 (ICCR1)
ICCR1 enables or disables the I C bus interface 2, controls transmission or reception, and selects
master or slave mode, transmission or reception, and transfer clock frequency in master mode.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 ICE 0 R/W I C Bus Interface Enable
0: This module is halted. (SCL and SDA pins are set to
port function.)
1: This bit is enabled for transfer operations. (SCL and
SDA pins are bus drive state.)
6 RCVD 0 R/W Reception Disable
This bit enables or disables the next operation when TRS
is 0 and ICDRR is read.
0: Enables next reception
1: Disables next reception
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
5 MST 0 R/W Master/Slave Select
4 TRS 0 R/W Transmit/Receive Select
In master mode with the I C bus format, when arbitration
is lost, MST and TRS are both reset by hardware,
causing a transition to slave receive mode. Modification
of the TRS bit should be made between transfer frames.
After data receive has been started in slave receive
mode, when the first seven bits of the receive data agree
with the slave address that is set to SAR and the eighth
bit is 1, TRS is automatically set to 1. If an overrun error
occurs in master mode with the clock synchronous serial
format, MST is cleared to 0 and slave receive mode is
Operating modes are described below according to MST
and TRS combination. When clock synchronous serial
format is selected and MST is 1, clock is output.
00: Slave receive mode
01: Slave transmit mode
10: Master receive mode
11: Master transmit mode
3 CKS3 0 R/W Transfer Clock Select 3 to 0
2 CKS2 0 R/W These bits should be set according to the necessary
1 CKS1 0 R/W transfer rate (see table 17.2) in master mode. In slave
mode, these bits are used for reservation of the setup
0 CKS0 0 R/W time in transmit mode. The time is 10 tcyc when CKS3 = 0
and 20 tcyc when CKS3 = 1.
17.3.2 I C Bus Control Register 2 (ICCR2)
ICCR1 issues start/stop conditions, manipulates the SDA pin, monitors the SCL pin, and controls
reset in the control part of the I C bus interface 2.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 BBSY 0 R/W Bus Busy
This bit enables to confirm whether the I C bus is
occupied or released and to issue start/stop conditions in
master mode. With the clock synchronous serial format,
this bit has no meaning. With the I C bus format, this bit is
set to 1 when the SDA level changes from high to low
under the condition of SCL = high, assuming that the start
condition has been issued. This bit is cleared to 0 when
the SDA level changes from low to high under the
condition of SCL = high, assuming that the stop condition
has been issued. Write 1 to BBSY and 0 to SCP to issue
a start condition. Follow this procedure when also re-
transmitting a start condition. Write 0 in BBSY and 0 in
SCP to issue a stop condition. To issue start/stop
conditions, use the MOV instruction.
6 SCP 1 W Start/Stop Issue Condition Disable
The SCP bit controls the issue of start/stop conditions in
master mode.
To issue a start condition, write 1 in BBSY and 0 in SCP.
A retransmit start condition is issued in the same way. To
issue a stop condition, write 0 in BBSY and 0 in SCP.
This bit is always read as 1. If 1 is written, the data is not
5 SDAO 1 R/W SDA Output Value Control
This bit is used with SDAOP when modifying output level
of SDA. This bit should not be manipulated during
0: When reading, SDA pin outputs low.
When writing, SDA pin is changed to output low.
1: When reading, SDA pin outputs high.
When writing, SDA pin is changed to output Hi-Z
(outputs high by external pull-up resistance).
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
4 SDAOP 1 R/W SDAO Write Protect
This bit controls change of output level of the SDA pin by
modifying the SDAO bit. To change the output level, clear
SDAO and SDAOP to 0 or set SDAO to 1 and clear
SDAOP to 0 by the MOV instruction. This bit is always
read as 1.
3 SCLO 1 R This bit monitors SCL output level. When SCLO is 1, SCL
pin outputs high. When SCLO is 0, SCL pin outputs low.
2 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1, and cannot be modified.
1 IICRST 0 R/W IIC Control Part Reset
This bit resets the control part except for I C registers. If
this bit is set to 1 when hang-up occurs because of
2 2
communication failure during I C operation, I C control
part can be reset without setting ports and initializing
0 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1, and cannot be modified.
17.3.3 I C Bus Mode Register (ICMR)
ICMR selects whether the MSB or LSB is transferred first, performs master mode wait control,
and selects the transfer bit count.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 MLS 0 R/W MSB-First/LSB-First Select
0: MSB-first
1: LSB-first
Set this bit to 0 when the I C bus format is used.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
6 WAIT 0 R/W Wait Insertion Bit
In master mode with the I C bus format, this bit selects
whether to insert a wait after data transfer except the
acknowledge bit. When WAIT is set to 1, after the fall of
the clock for the final data bit, low period is extended for
two transfer clocks. If WAIT is cleared to 0, data and
acknowledge bits are transferred consecutively with no
wait inserted.
The setting of this bit is invalid in slave mode with the I C
bus format or with the clock synchronous serial format.
5, 4 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1, and cannot be modified.
3 BCWP 1 R/W BC Write Protect
This bit controls the BC2 to BC0 modifications. When
modifying BC2 to BC0, this bit should be cleared to 0 and
use the MOV instruction. In clock synchronous serial
mode, BC should not be modified.
0: When writing, values of BC2 to BC0 are set.
1: When reading, 1 is always read.
When writing, settings of BC2 to BC0 are invalid.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
2 BC2 0 R/W Bit Counter 2 to 0
1 BC1 0 R/W These bits specify the number of bits to be transferred
0 BC0 0 R/W next. When read, the remaining number of transfer bits is
indicated. With the I C bus format, the data is transferred
with one addition acknowledge bit. Bit BC2 to BC0
settings should be made during an interval between
transfer frames. If bits BC2 to BC0 are set to a value
other than 000, the setting should be made while the SCL
pin is low. The value returns to 000 at the end of a data
transfer, including the acknowledge bit. With the clock
synchronous serial format, these bits should not be
I C Bus Format Clock Synchronous Serial Format
000: 9 bits 000: 8 bits
001: 2 bits 001: 1 bits
010: 3 bits 010: 2 bits
011: 4 bits 011: 3 bits
100: 5 bits 100: 4 bits
101: 6 bits 101: 5 bits
110: 7 bits 110: 6 bits
111: 8 bits 111: 7 bits
17.3.4 I C Bus Interrupt Enable Register (ICIER)
ICIER enables or disables interrupt sources and acknowledge bits, sets acknowledge bits to be
transferred, and confirms acknowledge bits to be received.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 TIE 0 R/W Transmit Interrupt Enable
When the TDRE bit in ICSR is set to 1, this bit enables or
disables the transmit data empty interrupt (TXI).
0: Transmit data empty interrupt request (TXI) is disabled.
1: Transmit data empty interrupt request (TXI) is enabled.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
6 TEIE 0 R/W Transmit End Interrupt Enable
This bit enables or disables the transmit end interrupt
(TEI) at the rising of the ninth clock while the TDRE bit in
ICSR is 1. TEI can be canceled by clearing the TEND bit
or the TEIE bit to 0.
0: Transmit end interrupt request (TEI) is disabled.
1: Transmit end interrupt request (TEI) is enabled.
5 RIE 0 R/W Receive Interrupt Enable
This bit enables or disables the receive data full interrupt
request (RXI) and the overrun error interrupt request
(ERI) with the clock synchronous format, when a receive
data is transferred from ICDRS to ICDRR and the RDRF
bit in ICSR is set to 1. RXI can be canceled by clearing
the RDRF or RIE bit to 0.
0: Receive data full interrupt request (RXI) and overrun
error interrupt request (ERI) with the clock
synchronous format are disabled.
1: Receive data full interrupt request (RXI) and overrun
error interrupt request (ERI) with the clock
synchronous format are enabled.
4 NAKIE 0 R/W NACK Receive Interrupt Enable
This bit enables or disables the NACK receive interrupt
request (NAKI) and the overrun error (setting of the OVE
bit in ICSR) interrupt request (ERI) with the clock
synchronous format, when the NACKF and AL bits in
ICSR are set to 1. NAKI can be canceled by clearing the
NACKF, OVE, or NAKIE bit to 0.
0: NACK receive interrupt request (NAKI) is disabled.
1: NACK receive interrupt request (NAKI) is enabled.
3 STIE 0 R/W Stop Condition Detection Interrupt Enable
0: Stop condition detection interrupt request (STPI) is
1: Stop condition detection interrupt request (STPI) is
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
2 ACKE 0 R/W Acknowledge Bit Judgment Select
0: The value of the receive acknowledge bit is ignored,
and continuous transfer is performed.
1: If the receive acknowledge bit is 1, continuous transfer
is halted.
1 ACKBR 0 R Receive Acknowledge
In transmit mode, this bit stores the acknowledge data
that are returned by the receive device. This bit cannot be
0: Receive acknowledge = 0
1: Receive acknowledge = 1
0 ACKBT 0 R/W Transmit Acknowledge
In receive mode, this bit specifies the bit to be sent at the
acknowledge timing.
0: 0 is sent at the acknowledge timing.
1: 1 is sent at the acknowledge timing.
17.3.5 I C Bus Status Register (ICSR)
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 TDRE 0 R/W Transmit Data Register Empty
[Setting conditions]
• When data is transferred from ICDRT to ICDRS and
ICDRT becomes empty
• When TRS is set
• When a start condition (including re-transfer) has
been issued
• When transmit mode is entered from receive mode in
slave mode
[Clearing conditions]
• When 0 is written in TDRE after reading TDRE = 1
• When data is written to ICDRT with an instruction
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
6 TEND 0 R/W Transmit End
[Setting conditions]
When the ninth clock of SCL rises with the I C bus
format while the TDRE flag is 1
• When the final bit of transmit frame is sent with the
clock synchronous serial format
[Clearing conditions]
• When 0 is written in TEND after reading TEND = 1
• When data is written to ICDRT with an instruction
5 RDRF 0 R/W Receive Data Register Full
[Setting condition]
• When a receive data is transferred from ICDRS to
[Clearing conditions]
• When 0 is written in RDRF after reading RDRF = 1
• When ICDRR is read with an instruction
4 NACKF 0 R/W No Acknowledge Detection Flag
[Setting condition]
• When no acknowledge is detected from the receive
device in transmission while the ACKE bit in ICIER is
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written in NACKF after reading NACKF = 1
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
3 STOP 0 R/W Stop Condition Detection Flag
[Setting conditions]
• In master mode, when a stop condition is detected
after frame transfer
• In slave mode, when a stop condition is detected after
the following events:
A general call is invoked
A start condition is detected
The first byte in the slave address matches the
address set in the SAR
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written in STOP after reading STOP = 1
2 AL/OVE 0 R/W Arbitration Lost Flag/Overrun Error Flag
This flag indicates that arbitration was lost in master
mode with the I C bus format and that the final bit has
been received while RDRF = 1 with the clock
synchronous format.
When two or more master devices attempt to seize the
bus at nearly the same time, if the I C bus interface
detects data differing from the data it sent, it sets AL to 1
to indicate that the bus has been taken by another
[Setting conditions]
• If the internal SDA and SDA pin disagree at the rise of
SCL in master transmit mode
• When the SDA pin outputs high in master mode while
a start condition is detected
• When the final bit is received with the clock
synchronous format while RDRF = 1
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written in AL/OVE after reading AL/OVE=1
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
1 AAS 0 R/W Slave Address Recognition Flag
In slave receive mode, this flag is set to 1 if the first frame
following a start condition matches bits SVA6 to SVA0 in
[Setting conditions]
• When the slave address is detected in slave receive
• When the general call address is detected in slave
receive mode.
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written in AAS after reading AAS=1
0 ADZ 0 R/W General Call Address Recognition Flag
This bit is valid in I C bus format slave receive mode.
[Setting condition]
• When the general call address is detected in slave
receive mode
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written in ADZ after reading ADZ=1
SAR selects the communication format and sets the slave address. When the chip is in slave mode
with the I C bus format, if the upper 7 bits of SAR match the upper 7 bits of the first frame
received after a start condition, the chip operates as the slave device.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 1 SVA6 to All 0 R/W Slave Address 6 to 0
SVA0 These bits set a unique address in bits SVA6 to SVA0,
differing form the addresses of other slave devices
connected to the I C bus.
0 FS 0 R/W Format Select
0: I C bus format is selected.
1: Clock synchronous serial format is selected.
17.3.7 I C Bus Transmit Data Register (ICDRT)
ICDRT is an 8-bit readable/writable register that stores the transmit data. When ICDRT detects the
space in the shift register (ICDRS), it transfers the transmit data which is written in ICDRT to
ICDRS and starts transferring data. If the next transfer data is written to ICDRT during
transferring data of ICDRS, continuous transfer is possible. If the MLS bit of ICMR is set to 1
and when the data is written to ICDRT, the MSB/LSB inverted data is read. The initial value of
17.3.8 I C Bus Receive Data Register (ICDRR)
ICDRR is an 8-bit register that stores the receive data. When data of one byte is received, ICDRR
transfers the receive data from ICDRS to ICDRR and the next data can be received. ICDRR is a
receive-only register, therefore the CPU cannot write to this register. The initial value of ICDRR
is H’FF.
17.3.9 I C Bus Shift Register (ICDRS)
ICDRS is a register that is used to transfer/receive data. In transmission, data is transferred from
ICDRT to ICDRS and the data is sent from the SDA pin. In reception, data is transferred from
ICDRS to ICDRR after data of one byte is received. This register cannot be read directly from the
17.4 Operation
2 2
The I C bus interface can communicate either in I C bus mode or clock synchronous serial mode
by setting FS in SAR.
17.4.1 I C Bus Format
2 2
Figure 17.3 shows the I C bus formats. Figure 17.4 shows the I C bus timing. The first frame
following a start condition always consists of 8 bits.
1 m1 1 m2
Figure 17.3 I C Bus Formats
Figure 17.4 I C Bus Timing
S: Start condition. The master device drives SDA from high to low while SCL is high.
SLA: Slave address
R/W: Indicates the direction of data transfer: from the slave device to the master device when
R/W is 1, or from the master device to the slave device when R/W is 0.
A: Acknowledge. The receive device drives SDA to low.
DATA: Transfer data
P: Stop condition. The master device drives SDA from low to high while SCL is high.
In master transmit mode, the master device outputs the transmit clock and transmit data, and the
slave device returns an acknowledge signal. For master transmit mode operation timing, refer to
figures 17.5 and 17.6. The transmission procedure and operations in master transmit mode are
described below.
1. Set the ICE bit in ICCR1 to 1. Set the MLS and WAIT bits in ICMR and the CKS3 to CKS0
bits in ICCR1 to 1. (Initial setting)
2. Read the BBSY flag in ICCR2 to confirm that the bus is free. Set the MST and TRS bits in
ICCR1 to select master transmit mode. Then, write 1 to BBSY and 0 to SCP using MOV
instruction. (Start condition issued) This generates the start condition.
3. After confirming that TDRE in ICSR has been set, write the transmit data (the first byte data
show the slave address and R/W) to ICDRT. At this time, TDRE is automatically cleared to 0,
and data is transferred from ICDRT to ICDRS. TDRE is set again.
4. When transmission of one byte data is completed while TDRE is 1, TEND in ICSR is set to 1
at the rise of the 9th transmit clock pulse. Read the ACKBR bit in ICIER, and confirm that the
slave device has been selected. Then, write second byte data to ICDRT. When ACKBR is 1,
the slave device has not been acknowledged, so issue the stop condition. To issue the stop
condition, write 0 to BBSY and SCP using MOV instruction. SCL is fixed low until the
transmit data is prepared or the stop condition is issued.
5. The transmit data after the second byte is written to ICDRT every time TDRE is set.
6. Write the number of bytes to be transmitted to ICDRT. Wait until TEND is set (the end of last
byte data transmission) while TDRE is 1, or wait for NACK (NACKF in ICSR = 1) from the
receive device while ACKE in ICIER is 1. Then, issue the stop condition to clear TEND or
7. When the STOP bit in ICSR is set to 1, the operation returns to the slave receive mode.
(Master output) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2
(Master output) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 7 Bit 6
User [2] Instruction of start [4] Write data to ICDRT (second byte)
processing condition issuance
[3] Write data to ICDRT (first byte) [5] Write data to ICDRT (third byte)
(Master output) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(Master output) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(Slave output)
ICDRT Data n
ICDRS Data n
User [5] Write data to ICDRT [6] Issue stop condition. Clear TEND.
[7] Set slave receive mode
In master receive mode, the master device outputs the receive clock, receives data from the slave
device, and returns an acknowledge signal. For master receive mode operation timing, refer to
figures 17.7 and 17.8. The reception procedure and operations in master receive mode are shown
1. Clear the TEND bit in ICSR to 0, then clear the TRS bit in ICCR1 to 0 to switch from master
transmit mode to master receive mode. Then, clear the TDRE bit to 0.
2. When ICDRR is read (dummy data read), reception is started, and the receive clock is output,
and data received, in synchronization with the internal clock. The master device outputs the
level specified by ACKBT in ICIER to SDA, at the 9th receive clock pulse.
3. After the reception of first frame data is completed, the RDRF bit in ICST is set to 1 at the rise
of 9th receive clock pulse. At this time, the receive data is read by reading ICDRR, and RDRF
is cleared to 0.
4. The continuous reception is performed by reading ICDRR every time RDRF is set. If 8th
receive clock pulse falls after reading ICDRR by the other processing while RDRF is 1, SCL is
fixed low until ICDRR is read.
5. If next frame is the last receive data, set the RCVD bit in ICCR1 to 1 before reading ICDRR.
This enables the issuance of the stop condition after the next reception.
6. When the RDRF bit is set to 1 at rise of the 9th receive clock pulse, issue the stage condition.
7. When the STOP bit in ICSR is set to 1, read ICDRR. Then clear the RCVD bit to 0.
8. The operation returns to the slave receive mode.
(Master output) A
A Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 7
(Slave output)
ICDRS Data 1
ICDRR Data 1
(Master output) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(Master output) A A/A
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(Slave output)
processing [5] Read ICDRR after setting RCVD [7] Read ICDRR, [6] Issue stop
and clear RCVD condition [8] Set slave
receive mode
In slave transmit mode, the slave device outputs the transmit data, while the master device outputs
the receive clock and returns an acknowledge signal. For slave transmit mode operation timing,
refer to figures 17.9 and 17.10.
The transmission procedure and operations in slave transmit mode are described below.
1. Set the ICE bit in ICCR1 to 1. Set the MLS and WAIT bits in ICMR and the CKS3 to CKS0
bits in ICCR1 to 1. (Initial setting) Set the MST and TRS bits in ICCR1 to select slave receive
mode, and wait until the slave address matches.
2. When the slave address matches in the first frame following detection of the start condition,
the slave device outputs the level specified by ACKBT in ICIER to SDA, at the rise of the 9th
clock pulse. At this time, if the 8th bit data (R/W) is 1, the TRS and ICSR bits in ICCR1 are
set to 1, and the mode changes to slave transmit mode automatically. The continuous
transmission is performed by writing transmit data to ICDRT every time TDRE is set.
3. If TDRE is set after writing last transmit data to ICDRT, wait until TEND in ICSR is set to 1,
with TDRE = 1. When TEND is set, clear TEND.
4. Clear TRS for the end processing, and read ICDRR (dummy read). SCL is free.
5. Clear TDRE.
(Master output)
(Slave output)
A Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 7
(Slave output)
[2] Write data to ICDRT (data 1) [2] Write data to ICDRT (data 2) [2] Write data to ICDRT (data 3)
Slave receive
Slave transmit mode
(Master output) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(Master output)
(Slave output)
ICDRS Data n
processing [3] Clear TEND [4] Read ICDRR (dummy read) [5] Clear TDRE
after clearing TRS
In slave receive mode, the master device outputs the transmit clock and transmit data, and the
slave device returns an acknowledge signal. For slave receive mode operation timing, refer to
figures 17.11 and 17.12. The reception procedure and operations in slave receive mode are
described below.
1. Set the ICE bit in ICCR1 to 1. Set the MLS and WAIT bits in ICMR and the CKS3 to CKS0
bits in ICCR1 to 1. (Initial setting) Set the MST and TRS bits in ICCR1 to select slave receive
mode, and wait until the slave address matches.
2. When the slave address matches in the first frame following detection of the start condition,
the slave device outputs the level specified by ACKBT in ICIER to SDA, at the rise of the 9th
clock pulse. At the same time, RDRF in ICSR is set to read ICDRR (dummy read). (Since the
read data show the slave address and R/W, it is not used.)
3. Read ICDRR every time RDRF is set. If 8th receive clock pulse falls while RDRF is 1, SCL is
fixed low until ICDRR is read. The change of the acknowledge before reading ICDRR, to be
returned to the master device, is reflected to the next transmit frame.
4. The last byte data is read by reading ICDRR.
(Master output) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
(Master output) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 7
(Slave output)
(Slave output)
ICDRR Data 1
[2] Read ICDRR (dummy read) [2] Read ICDRR
(Master output) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(Master output) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
(Slave output)
(Slave output)
ICDRR Data 1
processing [3] Set ACKBT [3] Read ICDRR [4] Read ICDRR
This module can be operated with the clock synchronous serial format, by setting the FS bit in
SAR to 1. When the MST bit in ICCR1 is 1, the transfer clock output from SCL is selected. When
MST is 0, the external clock input is selected.
The transfer data is output from the rise to the fall of the SCL clock, and the data at the rising edge
of the SCL clock is guaranteed. The MLS bit in ICMR sets the order of data transfer, in either the
MSB first or LSB first. The output level of SDA can be changed during the transfer wait, by the
SDAO bit in ICCR2.
Transmit Operation
In transmit mode, transmit data is output from SDA, in synchronization with the fall of the transfer
clock. The transfer clock is output when MST in ICCR1 is 1, and is input when MST is 0. For
transmit mode operation timing, refer to figure 17.14. The transmission procedure and operations
in transmit mode are described below.
1. Set the ICE bit in ICCR1 to 1. Set the MST and CKS3 to CKS0 bits in ICCR1 to 1. (Initial
2. Set the TRS bit in ICCR1 to select the transmit mode. Then, TDRE in ICSR is set.
3. Confirm that TDRE has been set. Then, write the transmit data to ICDRT. The data is
transferred from ICDRT to ICDRS, and TDRE is set automatically. The continuous
transmission is performed by writing data to ICDRT every time TDRE is set. When changing
from transmit mode to receive mode, clear TRS while TDRE is 1.
SCL 1 2 7 8 1 7 8 1
processing [3] Write data [3] Write data [3] Write data [3] Write data
[2] Set TRS
Receive Operation
In receive mode, data is latched at the rise of the transfer clock. The transfer clock is output when
MST in ICCR1 is 1, and is input when MST is 0. For receive mode operation timing, refer to
figure 17.15. The reception procedure and operations in receive mode are described below.
1. Set the ICE bit in ICCR1 to 1. Set the MST and CKS3 to CKS0 bits in ICCR1 to 1. (Initial
2. When the transfer clock is output, set MST to 1 to start outputting the receive clock.
3. When the receive operation is completed, data is transferred from ICDRS to ICDRR and
RDRF in ICSR is set. When MST = 1, the next byte can be received, so the clock is
continually output. The continuous reception is performed by reading ICDRR every time
RDRF is set. When the 8th clock is risen while RDRF is 1, the overrun is detected and
AL/OVE in ICSR is set. At this time, the previous reception data is retained in ICDRR.
4. To stop receiving when MST = 1, set RCVD in ICCR1 to 1, then read ICDRR. Then, SCL is
fixed high after receiving the next byte data.
SCL 1 2 7 8 1 7 8 1 2
Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit 1
processing [2] Set MST [3] Read ICDRR [3] Read ICDRR
(when outputting the clock)
The signal levels on the SCL and SDA pins are internally latched via the noise filter. Figure 17.16
shows a block diagram of the noise filter circuit.
The noise filter consists of two cascaded latches and a match detector. The SCL (or SDA) input
signal is sampled on the system clock. When both outputs of the latches match, its level is output
to other blocks by the match detector. If they do not match, the previous value is held.
Sampling clock
SCL or SDA Internal
input signal Match detector SCL or SDA
Latch Latch signal
System clock
Initialize [1] Test the status of the SCL and SDA lines.
Write transmit data [4] [6] Test the acknowledge transferred from the specified slave device.
[7] Set the second and subsequent bytes (except for the final byte) of transmit data.
No [8]
TDRE=1 ? [14] Wait for the creation of stop condition.
[15] Set slave receive mode. Clear TDRE.
Last byte?
Write transmit data in ICDRT
No [10]
TEND=1 ?
Write 0 to BBSY
and SCP
STOP=1 ?
Set MST to 1 and TRS
to 0 in ICCR1
Last receive Yes [9] Wait for the last byte to be receive.
- 1?
No [10] Clear the STOP flag.
Read ICDRR [6]
[11] Issue the stop condition.
No [9]
RDRF=1 ?
Clear STOP in ICSR. [10]
Write 0 to BBSY
and SCP
No [12]
STOP=1 ?
Read ICDRR [13]
End Note: Do not activate an interrupt during the execution of steps [1] to [3].
Supplementary explanation: When one byte is received, steps [2] to [6] are
skipped after step [1], before jumping to step [7].
The step [8] is dummy-read in ICDRR.
Clear AAS in ICSR [1] [2] Set transmit data for ICDRT (except for the last data).
Read TDRE in ICSR [5] Wait for the last byte to be transmitted.
No [6] Clear the TEND flag .
TDRE=1 ?
Yes [4]
[9] Clear the TDRE flag.
Write transmit data
Clear TEND in ICSR [6]
Read RDRF in ICSR [5] Check whether it is the (last receive - 1).
No [4] [6] Read the receive data.
RDRF=1 ?
[7] Set acknowledge of the last byte.
Last receive Yes [8] Read the (last byte - 1) of receive data.
- 1?
No [9] Wait the last byte to be received.
Read ICDRR [6]
[10] Read for the last byte of receive data.
No [9]
RDRF=1 ?
Read ICDRR [10]
Supplementary explanation: When one byte is received, steps [2] to [6] are skipped after step [1],
before jumping to step [7]. The step [8] is dummy-read in ICDRR.
Clock Synchronous
Interrupt Request Abbreviation Interrupt Condition I C Mode Mode
Transmit Data Empty TXI (TDRE=1) • (TIE=1) { {
When interrupt conditions described in table 17.3 are 1 and the I bit in CCR is 0, the CPU
executes an interrupt exception processing. Interrupt sources should be cleared in the exception
processing. TDRE and TEND are automatically cleared to 0 by writing the transmit data to
ICDRT. RDRF are automatically cleared to 0 by reading ICDRR. TDRE is set to 1 again at the
same time when transmit data is written to ICDRT. When TDRE is cleared to 0, then an excessive
data of one byte may be transmitted.
Figure 17.21 shows the timing of the bit synchronous circuit and table 17.4 shows the time when
SCL output changes from low to Hi-Z then SCL is monitored.
SCL monitor
timing reference
Internal SCL
In master mode, when the start/stop conditions are issued (retransmitted) at the specific timing
under the following condition 1 or 2, such conditions may not be output successfully. To avoid
this, issue (retransmit) the start/stop conditions after the fall of the ninth clock is confirmed. Check
the SCLO bit in the I C control register 2 (IICR2) to confirm the fall of the ninth clock.
1. When the rising of SCL falls behind the time specified in section 17.6, Bit Synchronous
Circuit, by the load of the SCL bus (load capacitance or pull-up resistance)
2. When the bit synchronous circuit is activated by extending the low period of eighth and ninth
clocks, that is driven by the slave device
17.7.2 WAIT Setting in I C Bus Mode Register (ICMR)
If the WAIT bit is set to 1, and the SCL signal is driven low for two or more transfer clocks by the
slave device at the eighth and ninth clocks, the high period of ninth clock may be shortened. To
avoid this, set the WAIT bit in ICMR to 0.
(2) Restriction on Use of Bit Manipulation Instructions to Set MST and TRS
When master transmission is selected by consecutively manipulating the MST and TRS bits in
multi-master usage, an arbitration loss during execution of the bit-manipulation instruction for
TRS leads to the contradictory situation where AL in ICSR is 1 in master transmit mode (MST =
1, TRS = 1).
• Use the MOV instruction to set MST and TRS in multi-master usage.
• When arbitration is lost, confirm that MST = 0 and TRS = 0. If the setting of MST = 0 and
TRS = 0 is not confirmed, set MST = 0 and TRS = 0 again.
In master receive mode, when SCL is fixed low on the falling edge of the 8th clock while the
RDRF bit is set to 1 and ICDRR is read around the falling edge of the 8th clock, the clock is only
fixed low in the 8th clock of the next round of data reception. The SCL is then released from its
fixed state without reading ICDRR and the 9th clock is output. As a result, some receive data is
• Read ICDRR in master receive mode before the rising edge of the 8th clock.
• Set RCVD to 1 in master receive mode and perform communication in units of one byte.
18.1 Features
• 10-bit resolution
• Eight input channels
• Conversion time: at least 3.5 µs per channel (at 20-MHz operation)
• Two operating modes
Single mode: Single-channel A/D conversion
Scan mode: Continuous A/D conversion on 1 to 4 channels
• Four data registers
Conversion results are held in a data register for each channel
• Sample-and-hold function
• Two conversion start methods
External trigger signal
• Interrupt request
An A/D conversion end interrupt request (ADI) can be generated
Bus interface
Successive approximations
10-bit D/A D D D D C C
AN1 +
Analog multiplexer
ADCR: A/D control register
ADCSR: A/D control/status register
ADDRA: A/D data register A
ADDRB: A/D data register B
ADDRC: A/D data register C
ADDRD: A/D data register D
There are four 16-bit read-only ADDR registers; ADDRA to ADDRD, used to store the results of
A/D conversion. The ADDR registers, which store a conversion result for each analog input
channel, are shown in table 18.2.
The converted 10-bit data is stored in bits 15 to 6. The lower 6 bits are always read as 0.
The data bus width between the CPU and the A/D converter is 8 bits. The upper byte can be read
directly from the CPU, however the lower byte should be read via a temporary register. The
temporary register contents are transferred from the ADDR when the upper byte data is read.
When reading ADDR, read the upper byte first then the lower one, or read in word units. The
ADDR is initialized to H'0000.
ADCSR consists of the control bits and conversion end status bits of the A/D converter.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 ADF 0 R/W A/D End Flag
[Setting conditions]
• When A/D conversion ends in single mode
• When A/D conversion ends once on all the channels
selected in scan mode
[Clearing condition]
• When 0 is written after reading ADF = 1
6 ADIE 0 R/W A/D Interrupt Enable
A/D conversion end interrupt request (ADI) is enabled by
ADF when this bit is set to 1
5 ADST 0 R/W A/D Start
Setting this bit to 1 starts A/D conversion. In single mode,
this bit is cleared to 0 automatically when conversion on
the specified channel is complete. In scan mode,
conversion continues sequentially on the specified
channels until this bit is cleared to 0 by software, a reset, or
a transition to standby mode.
4 SCAN 0 R/W Scan Mode
Selects single mode or scan mode as the A/D conversion
operating mode.
0: Single mode
1: Scan mode
3 CKS 0 R/W Clock Select
Selects the A/D conversions time.
0: Conversion time = 134 states (max.)
1: Conversion time = 70 states (max.)
Clear the ADST bit to 0 before switching the conversion
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
2 CH2 0 R/W Channel Select 2 to 0
1 CH1 0 R/W Select analog input channels.
0 CH0 0 R/W When SCAN = 0 When SCAN = 1
000: AN0 000: AN0
001: AN1 001: AN0 and AN1
010: AN2 010: AN0 to AN2
011: AN3 011: AN0 to AN3
100: AN4 100: AN4
101: AN5 101: AN4 and AN5
110: AN6 110: AN4 to AN6
111: AN7 111: AN4 to AN7
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 TRGE 0 R/W Trigger Enable
A/D conversion is started at the falling edge and the rising
edge of the external trigger signal (ADTRG) when this bit is
set to 1.
The selection between the falling edge and rising edge of
the external trigger pin (ADTRG) conforms to the WPEG5
bit in the interrupt edge select register 2 (IEGR2)
6 to 1 — All 1 — Reserved
These bits are always read as 1.
0 — 0 R/W Reserved
Do not set this bit to 1, though the bit is readable/writable.
18.4 Operation
The A/D converter operates by successive approximation with 10-bit resolution. It has two
operating modes; single mode and scan mode. When changing the operating mode or analog input
channel, in order to prevent incorrect operation, first clear the bit ADST in ADCSR to 0. The
ADST bit can be set at the same time as the operating mode or analog input channel is changed.
In single mode, A/D conversion is performed once for the analog input of the specified single
channel as follows:
1. A/D conversion is started when the ADST bit in ADCSR is set to 1, according to software or
external trigger input.
2. When A/D conversion is completed, the result is transferred to the corresponding A/D data
register of the channel.
3. On completion of conversion, the ADF bit in ADCSR is set to 1. If the ADIE bit is set to 1 at
this time, an ADI interrupt request is generated.
4. The ADST bit remains set to 1 during A/D conversion. When A/D conversion ends, the ADST
bit is automatically cleared to 0 and the A/D converter enters the wait state.
In scan mode, A/D conversion is performed sequentially for the analog input of the specified
channels (four channels maximum) as follows:
1. When the ADST bit in ADCSR is set to 1 by software or external trigger input, A/D
conversion starts on the first channel in the group (AN0 when CH2 = 0, AN4 when CH2 = 1).
2. When A/D conversion for each channel is completed, the result is sequentially transferred to
the A/D data register corresponding to each channel.
3. When conversion of all the selected channels is completed, the ADF flag in ADCSR is set to 1.
If the ADIE bit is set to 1 at this time, an ADI interrupt requested is generated. A/D conversion
starts again on the first channel in the group.
4. The ADST bit is not automatically cleared to 0. Steps [2] and [3] are repeated as long as the
ADST bit remains set to 1. When the ADST bit is cleared to 0, A/D conversion stops.
The A/D converter has a built-in sample-and-hold circuit. The A/D converter samples the analog
input when the A/D conversion start delay time (tD) has passed after the ADST bit is set to 1, then
starts conversion. Figure 18.2 shows the A/D conversion timing. Table 18.3 shows the A/D
conversion time.
As indicated in figure 18.2, the A/D conversion time includes tD and the input sampling time. The
length of tD varies depending on the timing of the write access to ADCSR. The total conversion
time therefore varies within the ranges indicated in table 18.3.
In scan mode, the values given in table 18.3 apply to the first conversion time. In the second and
subsequent conversions, the conversion time is 128 states (fixed) when CKS = 0 and 66 states
(fixed) when CKS = 1.
Address (2)
Write signal
Input sampling
(1): ADCSR write cycle
(2): ADCSR address
tD: A/D conversion start delay time
tSPL: Input sampling time
tCONV: A/D conversion time
CKS = 0 CKS = 1
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
A/D conversion start delay time tD 6 — 9 4 — 5
Input sampling time tSPL — 31 — — 15 —
A/D conversion time tCONV 131 — 134 69 — 70
Note: All values represent the number of states.
A/D conversion can also be started by an external trigger input. When the TRGE bit in ADCR is
set to 1, external trigger input is enabled at the ADTRG pin. A falling edge at the ADTRG input
pin sets the ADST bit in ADCSR to 1, starting A/D conversion. Other operations, in both single
and scan modes, are the same as when the bit ADST has been set to 1 by software. Figure 18.3
shows the timing.
A/D conversion
• Resolution
The number of A/D converter digital output codes
• Quantization error
The deviation inherent in the A/D converter, given by 1/2 LSB (see figure 18.4).
• Offset error
The deviation of the analog input voltage value from the ideal A/D conversion characteristic
when the digital output changes from the minimum voltage value 0000000000 to 0000000001
(see figure 18.5).
• Full-scale error
The deviation of the analog input voltage value from the ideal A/D conversion characteristic
when the digital output changes from 1111111110 to 1111111111 (see figure 18.5).
• Nonlinearity error
The deviation from the ideal A/D conversion characteristic as the voltage changes from zero to
full scale. This does not include the offset error, full-scale error, or quantization error.
• Absolute accuracy
The deviation between the digital value and the analog input value. Includes offset error, full-
scale error, quantization error, and nonlinearity error.
Digital output
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FS
8 8 8 8 8 8 8
input voltage
This LSI's analog input is designed such that conversion accuracy is guaranteed for an input signal
for which the signal source impedance is 5 kΩ or less. This specification is provided to enable the
A/D converter's sample-and-hold circuit input capacitance to be charged within the sampling time;
if the sensor output impedance exceeds 5 kΩ, charging may be insufficient and it may not be
possible to guarantee A/D conversion accuracy. However, for A/D conversion in single mode with
a large capacitance provided externally, the input load will essentially comprise only the internal
input resistance of 10 kΩ, and the signal source impedance is ignored. However, as a low-pass
filter effect is obtained in this case, it may not be possible to follow an analog signal with a large
differential coefficient (e.g., 5 mV/µs or greater) (see figure 18.6). When converting a high-speed
analog signal or converting in scan mode, a low-impedance buffer should be inserted.
Adding capacitance results in coupling with GND, and therefore noise in GND may adversely
affect absolute accuracy. Be sure to make the connection to an electrically stable GND.
Care is also required to ensure that filter circuits do not interfere with digital signals or act as
antennas on the mounting board.
BGR supplies a reference voltage to the on-chip oscillator and low-voltage detection circuit.
Figure 19.1 shows the block diagram of how BGR is allocated.
The low-voltage detection (LVD) circuit consists of two circuits: LVDI (interrupt by low voltage
detection) and LVDR (reset by low voltage detection) circuits.
This circuit is used to prevent abnormal operation (program runaway) from occurring due to the
power supply voltage fall and to recreate the state before the power supply voltage fall when the
power supply voltage rises again.
Even if the power supply voltage falls, the unstable state when the power supply voltage falls
below the guaranteed operating voltage can be removed by entering standby mode when
exceeding the guaranteed operating voltage and during normal operation. Thus, system stability
can be improved. If the power supply voltage falls more, the reset state is automatically entered. If
the power supply voltage rises again, the reset state is held for a specified period, then active mode
is automatically entered.
Figure 19.2 is a block diagram of the power-on reset circuit and the low-voltage detection circuit.
19.1 Features
• BGR circuit
Supplies stable reference voltage covering the entire operating voltage range and the operating
temperature range.
• Power-on reset circuit
Uses an external capacitor to generate an internal reset signal when power is first supplied.
• Low-voltage detection circuit
LVDR: Monitors the power-supply voltage, and generates an internal reset signal when the
voltage falls below a given value.
LVDI: Monitors the power-supply voltage, and generates an interrupt when the voltage falls
below or rises above respective given values.
Two detection levels for reset generation voltage are available: when only the LVDR circuit is
used, or when the LVDI and LVDR circuits are both used.
• Reset source decision
The source of a reset can be decided by reading the reset source decision register in the reset
exception handler.
Step-down circuit
LVD (low-voltage
detection circuit)
Vcc: Power supply
VCL: Internal power supply generated from Vcc by the step-down circuit
VBGR: Reference voltage from BGR
VCLSEL: Select signal for the source of the on-chip oscillator power supply
RCSTP: On-chip oscillator stop signal
150 kΩ
RES Internal
Noise filter Q reset signal
circuit S
CRES Power-on reset circuit
Noise filter
supply LVDCR
Interrupt request
PSS: Prescaler S
LVDCR: Low-voltage-detection control register
LVDSR: Low-voltage-detection status register
VBGR: Reference voltage from BGR
ExtD: Compared voltage for falling external input voltage
ExtU: Compared voltage for rising external input voltage
Figure 19.2 Block Diagram of Power-On Reset Circuit and Low-Voltage Detection Circuit
LVDCR selects the compared voltage of the LVDI circuit, sets the detection levels for the LVDR
circuit, enables or disables the LVDR circuit, and enables or disables generation of an interrupt
when the power-supply voltage rises above or falls below the respective levels.
Table 19.1 shows the relationship between the LVDCR settings and functions to be selected.
LVDCR should be set according to table 19.1.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7, 6 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1 and cannot be modified.
5 VDDII 1* R/W LVDR External Compared Voltage Input Inhibit
0: Use external voltage as LVDI compared voltage
1: Use internal voltage as LVDI compared voltage
4 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1 and cannot be modified.
3 LVDSEL* 1 R/W LVDR Detection Level Select
0: Reset detection voltage is 2.3 V (Typ.)
1: Reset detection voltage is 3.6 V (Typ.)
When the falling or rising voltage detection interrupt is
used, the reset detection voltage of 2.3 V (Typ.) should
be used. When only a reset detection interrupt is used,
reset detection voltage of 3.6 V (Typ.) should be used.
2 1 Reserved
This bit is always read as 1 and cannot be modified.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
1 LVDDE 0 R/W Voltage-Fall-Interrupt Enable
0: Interrupt on the power-supply voltage falling disabled
1: Interrupt on the power-supply voltage falling enabled
0 LVDUE 0 R/W Voltage-Rise-Interrupt Enable
0: Interrupt on the power-supply voltage rising disabled
1: Interrupt on the power-supply voltage rising enabled
Notes: 1. Not initialized by an LVDR but initialized by a power-on reset or a watchdog timer reset.
2. For 3.3-V-specification models, this bit 3 of this register is a reserved bit (initial value is
0) and the reset detection voltage is 2.3 V (typ.).
* 1 0 0 √ √
* 0 1 0 √ √ √
* 0 1 1 √ √ √ √
Note: * Set these bits if necessary.
LVDSR indicates whether the power-supply voltage falls below or rises above the respective
given values.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 2 All 1 Reserved
These bits are always read as 1 and cannot be modified.
1 LVDDF 0* R/W LVD Power-Supply Voltage Fall Flag
[Setting condition]
• When the power-supply voltage falls below Vint (D)
(Typ. = 3.7 V)
[Clearing condition]
• When writing 0 to this bit after reading it as 1
0 LVDUF 0* R/W LVD Power-Supply Voltage Rise Flag
[Setting condition]
• When the power supply voltage falls below Vint (D)
while the LVDUE bit in LVDCR is set to 1 and then
rises above Vint (U) (Typ. = 4.0 V) before falling
below Vreset1 (Typ. = 2.3 V)
[Clearing condition]
• When writing 0 to this bit after reading it as 1
Note: * Initialized by an LVDR.
Bit Bit Name Value R/W Description
7 to 2 Reserved
The read value is undefined and these bits cannot be
1 PRST * R/W POR/LVDR Detection
[Setting conditions]
• When a power-on reset has occurred
• When an LVDR has occurred
[Clearing condition]
When writing 0
0 WRST * R/W WDT Reset Detection
[Setting condition]
• When a reset by the WDT has occurred
[Clearing conditions]
• When a power-on reset has occurred
• When an LVDR has occurred
• When an reset signal input on the external pin has
• When writing 0
Notes: 1. The initial value depends on the condition when the PRST bit is set or cleared.
2. The initial value depends on the condition when the WRST bit is set or cleared.
19.3 Operations
Figure 19.3 shows the timing of the operation of the power-on reset circuit. As the power-supply
voltage rises, the capacitor which is externally connected to the RES pin is gradually charged via
the internal pull-up resistor (Typ. 150 kΩ). While the RES signal is driven low, the prescaler S and
the entire chip retains the reset state. When the level on the RES signal reaches the specified value,
the prescaler S is released from its reset state and it starts counting. The OVF signal is generated to
release the internal reset signal after the prescaler S has counted 131,072 cycles of the φ clock. The
noise filter circuit which removes noise with less than 400 ns (Typ.) is included to prevent the
incorrect operation of this LSI caused by noise on the RES signal.
To achieve stable operation of this LSI, the power supply needs to rise to its full level and settles
within the specified time. The maximum time required for the power supply to rise and settle
(tPWON) is determined by the oscillation frequency (fOSC) and capacitance which is connected to RES
pin (CRES). Where tPWON is assumed to be the time required to reach 90 % of the full level of the
power supply, the power supply circuit should be designed to satisfy the following formula.
(tPWON ≤ 3000 ms, CRES ≥ 0.22 µF, and fOSC = 10 in 2-MHz to 10-MHz operation)
Note that the power supply voltage (Vcc) must fall below Vpor = 100 mV to remove charge on the
RES pin. After that, it can be risen. To remove charge on the RES pin, it is recommended that the
diode should be placed to Vcc. If the power supply voltage (Vcc) rises from the point above Vpor,
a power-on reset may not occur.
Internal reset
signal 131,072 cycles
Figure 19.4 shows the timing of the operation of the LVDR circuit. The LVDR circuit is kept
enabled during the LSI's operation.
When the power-supply voltage falls below the Vreset voltage (the value selected by the LVDSEL
bit: Typ. = 2.3 V or 3.6 V), the LVDR circuit clears the LVDRES signal to 0, and resets prescaler
S. The low-voltage detection reset state remains in place until a power-on reset is generated. When
the power-supply voltage rises above the Vreset voltage (Typ. = 3.6 V) regardless of LVDSEL bit
setting) again, the LVDR circuit sets the LVDRES signal to 1 and prescaler S starts counting.
When 131,072 clock (φ) cycles have been counted, the internal reset signal is released. In this
case, the LVDSEL bit in LVDCR is initialized (the Vreset voltage: Typ. = 3.6 V) though the
VDDII bit is not initialized.
If the power supply voltage (Vcc) falls below Vpor = 100 mV, a power-on reset occurs.
Internal reset
signal 131,072 cycles
Figure 19.5 shows the timing of the operation of the LVDI circuit.
The LVDI circuit is enabled after a power-on reset, however, the interrupt request is disabled. To
enable the LVDI, the LVDDF bit and LVDUF bit in LVDSR must be cleared to 0 and then the
LVDDE bit or LVDUE bit in LVDCR must be set to 1. After that, the output settings of ports
must be made.
When the power-supply voltage falls below Vint (D) (Typ. = 3.7 V) voltage, the LVDI circuit
clears the LVDINT signal to 0 and sets the LVDDF bit to 1. If the LVDDE bit is 1 at this time, an
IRQ0 interrupt request is generated. In this case, the necessary data must be saved in the external
EEPROM and a transition to standby mode or subsleep mode must be made. Until this processing
is completed, the power supply voltage must be higher than the lower limit of the guaranteed
operating voltage.
When the power-supply voltage does not fall below the Vreset1 (Typ. = 2.3 V) voltage and rises
above the Vint (U) (Typ. = 4.0 V) voltage, the LVDI circuit sets the LVDINT signal to 1. If the
LVDUE bit is 1 at this time, the LVDUF bit in LVDSR is set to 1 and an IRQ0 interrupt request is
simultaneously generated.
If the power supply voltage (Vcc) falls below the Vreset1 (Typ. = 2.3 V) voltage, this LSI enters
low voltage detection reset operation (when LVDRE = 1).
Vint (U)
Vint (D)
Figure 19.6 shows the timing of the LVDI circuit. The LVDI circuit is enabled after a power-on
reset, however, the interrupt request is disabled. To enable the LVDI, the LVDDF and LVDUF
bits in LVDSR must be cleared to 0 and the LVDDE or LVDUE bit in LVDCR must be set to 1.
When using external compared voltage, write 0 to the VDDII bit in LVDCR, and wait for 50 µs
(tLVDON) given by a software timer until the detection circuit has settled. Then clear the LVDDF and
LVDUF bits to 0 and set the LVDDE or LVDUE bit to 1. After that, the output settings of ports
must be made. The initial value of the external compared voltages input on the ExtU and ExtD
pins must be higher than the Vexd voltage.
When the external comparison voltage of ExtD pin falls below the Vexd (D) (Typ. = 1.15 V)
voltage, the LVDI clears the LVDINT signal to 0 and sets the LVDDF bit in LVDSR to 1. If the
LVDDE bit is 1 at this time, an IRQ0 interrupt request is generated. In this case, the necessary
data must be saved in the external EEPROM, and a transition to standby mode or subsleep mode
must be made. Until this processing is completed, the power supply voltage must be higher than
the lower limit of the guaranteed operating voltage.
When the power-supply voltage does not fall below the Vreset1 (Typ. = 2.3 V) voltage and the
input voltage of the ExtU pin rises above Vexd (Typ. = 1.15 V) voltage, the LVDI circuit sets the
LVDINT signal to 1. If the LVDUE bit is 1 at this time, the LVDUF bit in LVDSR is set to 1 and
an IRQ0 interrupt request is generated.
If the power supply voltage falls below the Vreset1 (Typ. = 2.3 V) voltage, this LSI enters low-
voltage detection reset operation. When the voltages input on the ExtU and ExtD pins are used as
the compared voltage, ensure to use the LVDR (reset detection voltage: Typ. = 2.3 V) circuit.
External power
supply voltage
ExtD input voltage
ExtU input voltage
(2) Vexd
Figure 19.6 Operational Timing of LVDI Circuit (When Compared Voltage is Input
through ExtU and ExtD Pins)
The source of a reset can be decided by reading the reset source decision register (LVDRF) in the
reset exception handler (see table 19.2). After that, writing 0 to the bit can clear the flag and can be
ready to decide the next reset source.
PRST WRST Reset Source
1 0 Power-on reset or LVDR occurred
0 0 Reset signal input on external reset pin
0 1 WDT reset occurred
Set by
WDT reset
Read and
(0 is written)
WRST bit
when an external power supply is used at 3.0 V or above can be held down to virtually the same
low level as when used at approximately 3.0 V.
between V and V , as shown in figure 20.1. The internal step-down circuit is made effective
simply by adding this external circuit. In the external circuit interface, the external power supply
voltage connected to V and the GND potential connected to V are the reference levels. For
example, for port input/output levels, the V level is the reference for the high level, and the V
level is that for the low level. The A/D converter analog power supply is not affected by the
internal step-down circuit.
Step-down circuit
Internal Stabilization
Internal capacitor (approx. 0.1 µF)
supply voltage must be within a range of 3.0 to 3.6 V. Otherwise, correct operation is not
Step-down circuit
2. Register bits
• Bit configurations of the registers are described in the same order as the register addresses.
• Reserved bits are indicated by in the bit name column.
• When registers consist of 16 bits, bits are described from the MSB side.
Note: Access to undefined or reserved addresses should not take place. Correct operation of the
access itself or later operations is not guaranteed when such a register is accessed.
Abbre- Module Bus Access
Register viation Bit No Address Name Width State
Timer control register_0 TCR_0 8 H'F700 Timer Z 8 2
Timer I/O control register A_0 TIORA_0 8 H'F701 Timer Z 8 2
Timer I/O control register C_0 TIORC_0 8 H'F702 Timer Z 8 2
Timer status register_0 TSR_0 8 H'F703 Timer Z 8 2
Timer interrupt enable register_0 TIER_0 8 H'F704 Timer Z 8 2
PWM mode output level control POCR_0 8 H'F705 Timer Z 8 2
Timer counter_0 TCNT_0 16 H'F706 Timer Z 16 2
General register A_0 GRA_0 16 H'F708 Timer Z 16 2
General register B_0 GRB_0 16 H'F70A Timer Z 16 2
General register C_0 GRC_0 16 H'F70C Timer Z 16 2
General register D_0 GRD_0 16 H'F70E Timer Z 16 2
Timer control register_1 TCR_1 8 H'F710 Timer Z 8 2
Timer I/O control register A_1 TIORA_1 8 H'F711 Timer Z 8 2
Timer I/O control register C_1 TIORC_1 8 H'F712 Timer Z 8 2
Timer status register_1 TSR_1 8 H'F713 Timer Z 8 2
Timer interrupt enable register_1 TIER_1 8 H'F714 Timer Z 8 2
PWM mode output level control POCR_1 8 H'F715 Timer Z 8 2
Timer counter_1 TCNT_1 16 H'F716 Timer Z 16 2
General register A_1 GRA_1 16 H'F718 Timer Z 16 2
General register B_1 GRB_1 16 H'F71A Timer Z 16 2
Abbre- Module Bus Access
Register viation Bit No Address Name Width State
General register C_1 GRC_1 16 H'F71C Timer Z 16 2
General register D_1 GRD_1 16 H'F71E Timer Z 16 2
Timer start register TSTR 8 H'F720 Timer Z 8 2
Timer mode register TMDR 8 H'F721 Timer Z 8 2
Timer PWM mode register TPMR 8 H'F722 Timer Z 8 2
Timer Z, for common use TFCR 8 H'F723 Timer Z 8 2
Timer output master enable TOER 8 H'F724 Timer Z 8 2
Timer output control register TOCR 8 H'F725 Timer Z 8 2
H'F726, Timer Z
Second data register/free running RSECDR 8 H'F728 RTC 8 2
counter data register
Minute data register RMINDR 8 H'F729 RTC 8 2
Hour data register RHRDR 8 H'F72A RTC 8 2
Day-of-week data register RWKDR 8 H'F72B RTC 8 2
RTC control register 1 RTCCR1 8 H'F72C RTC 8 2
RTC control register 2 RTCCR2 8 H'F72D RTC 8 2
Clock source select register RTCCSR 8 H'F72F RTC 8 2
Low-voltage-detection control LVDCR 8 H'F730 LVDC* 8 2
Low-voltage-detection status LVDSR 8 H'F731 LVDC* 8 2
Reset source decision register LVDRF 8 H'F732 LVDC* 8 2
Clock control/status register CKCSR 8 H'F734 CPG 8 2
RC control register RCCR 8 H'F735 On-chip 8 2
RC trimming data protect register RCTRMDPR 8 H'F736 On-chip 8 2
Abbre- Module Bus Access
Register viation Bit No Address Name Width State
RC trimming data register RCTRMDR 8 H'F737 On-chip 8 2
H'F738 to
Serial mode register_2 SMR_2 8 H'F740 SCI3_2 8 3
Bit rate register_2 BRR_2 8 H'F741 SCI3_2 8 3
Serial control register 3_2 SCR3_2 8 H'F742 SCI3_2 8 3
Transmit data register_2 TDR_2 8 H'F743 SCI3_2 8 3
Serial status register_2 SSR_2 8 H'F744 SCI3_2 8 3
Receive data register_2 RDR_2 8 H'F745 SCI3_2 8 3
H'F746, SCI3_2
I2C bus control register 1 ICCR1 8 H'F748 IIC2 8 2
I2C bus control register 2 ICCR2 8 H'F749 IIC2 8 2
I2C bus mode register ICMR 8 H'F74A IIC2 8 2
I2C bus interrupt enable register ICIER 8 H'F74B IIC2 8 2
I2C status register ICSR 8 H'F74C IIC2 8 2
Slave address register SAR 8 H'F74D IIC2 8 2
I2C bus transmit data register ICDRT 8 H'F74E IIC2 8 2
I2C bus receive data register ICDRR 8 H'F74F IIC2 8 2
H'F750 to
Timer mode register B1 TMB1 8 H'F760 Timer B1 8 2
Timer counter B1 TCB1 8 H'F761 Timer B1 8 2
Timer load register B1 TLB1 8 H'F761 Timer B1 8 2
H'F762 to
Flash memory control register 1 FLMCR1 8 H'FF90 ROM 8 2
Flash memory control register 2 FLMCR2 8 H'FF91 ROM 8 2
Flash memory power control FLPWCR 8 H'FF92 ROM 8 2
Abbre- Module Bus Access
Register viation Bit No Address Name Width State
Erase block register 1 EBR1 8 H'FF93 ROM 8 2
H'FF94 to ROM
Flash memory enable register FENR 8 H'FF9B ROM 8 2
Timer control register V0 TCRV0 8 H'FFA0 Timer V 8 3
Timer control/status register V TCSRV 8 H'FFA1 Timer V 8 3
Time constant register A TCORA 8 H'FFA2 Timer V 8 3
Time constant register B TCORB 8 H'FFA3 Timer V 8 3
Timer counter V TCNTV 8 H'FFA4 Timer V 8 3
Timer control register V1 TCRV1 8 H'FFA5 Timer V 8 3
Serial mode register SMR 8 H'FFA8 SCI3 8 3
Bit rate register BRR 8 H'FFA9 SCI3 8 3
Serial control register 3 SCR3 8 H'FFAA SCI3 8 3
Transmit data register TDR 8 H'FFAB SCI3 8 3
Serial status register SSR 8 H'FFAC SCI3 8 3
Receive data register RDR 8 H'FFAD SCI3 8 3
A/D data register ADDRA 16 H'FFB0 A/D 8 3
A/D data register ADDRB 16 H'FFB2 A/D 8 3
A/D data register ADDRC 16 H'FFB4 A/D 8 3
A/D data register ADDRD 16 H'FFB6 A/D 8 3
A/D control/status register ADCSR 8 H'FFB8 A/D 8 3
Abbre- Module Bus Access
Register viation Bit No Address Name Width State
A/D control register ADCR 8 H'FFB9 A/D 8 3
PWM data register L PWDRL 8 H'FFBC 14-bit PWM 8 2
PWM data register U PWDRU 8 H'FFBD 14-bit PWM 8 2
PWM control register PWCR 8 H'FFBE 14-bit PWM 8 2
H'FFBF 14-bit PWM
Timer control/status register WD TCSRWD 8 H'FFC0 WDT* 8 2
Timer counter WD TCWD 8 H'FFC1 WDT* 8 2
Timer mode register WD TMWD 8 H'FFC2 WDT* 8 2
Address break control register ABRKCR 8 H'FFC8 Address break 8 2
Address break status register ABRKSR 8 H'FFC9 Address break 8 2
Break address register H BARH 8 H'FFCA Address break 8 2
Break address register L BARL 8 H'FFCB Address break 8 2
Break data register H BDRH 8 H'FFCC Address break 8 2
Break data register L BDRL 8 H'FFCD Address break 8 2
Break address register E* BARE 8 H'FFCF Address break 8 2
Port pull-up control register 1 PUCR1 8 H'FFD0 I/O port 8 2
Port pull-up control register 5 PUCR5 8 H'FFD1 I/O port 8 2
H'FFD2, I/O port
Port data register 1 PDR1 8 H'FFD4 I/O port 8 2
Port data register 2 PDR2 8 H'FFD5 I/O port 8 2
Port data register 3 PDR3 8 H'FFD6 I/O port 8 2
H'FFD7 I/O port
Port data register 5 PDR5 8 H'FFD8 I/O port 8 2
Abbre- Module Bus Access
Register viation Bit No Address Name Width State
Port data register 6 PDR6 8 H'FFD9 I/O port 8 2
Port data register 7 PDR7 8 H'FFDA I/O port 8 2
Port data register 8 PDR8 8 H'FFDB I/O port 8 2
H'FFDC I/O port
Port data register B PDRB 8 H'FFDD I/O port 8 2
Port data register C PDRC 8 H'FFDE I/O port 8 2
H'FFDF I/O port
Port mode register 1 PMR1 8 H'FFE0 I/O port 8 2
Port mode register 5 PMR5 8 H'FFE1 I/O port 8 2
Port mode register 3 PMR3 8 H'FFE2 I/O port 8 2
H'FFD3 I/O port
Port control register 1 PCR1 8 H'FFE4 I/O port 8 2
Port control register 2 PCR2 8 H'FFE5 I/O port 8 2
Port control register 3 PCR3 8 H'FFE6 I/O port 8 2
H'FFE7 I/O port
Port control register 5 PCR5 8 H'FFE8 I/O port 8 2
Port control register 6 PCR6 8 H'FFE9 I/O port 8 2
Port control register 7 PCR7 8 H'FFEA I/O port 8 2
Port control register 8 PCR8 8 H'FFEB I/O port 8 2
H'FFEC, I/O port
Port control register C PCRC 8 H'FFEE I/O port 8 2
H'FFEF I/O port
System control register 1 SYSCR1 8 H'FFF0 Low power 8 2
System control register 2 SYSCR2 8 H'FFF1 Low power 8 2
Interrupt edge select register 1 IEGR1 8 H'FFF2 Interrupt 8 2
Interrupt edge select register 2 IEGR2 8 H'FFF3 Interrupt 8 2
Interrupt enable register 1 IENR1 8 H'FFF4 Interrupt 8 2
Interrupt enable register 2 IENR2 8 H'FFF5 Interrupt 8 2
Interrupt flag register 1 IRR1 8 H'FFF6 Interrupt 8 2
Abbre- Module Bus Access
Register viation Bit No Address Name Width State
Interrupt flag register 2 IRR2 8 H'FFF7 Interrupt 8 2
Wakeup interrupt flag register IWPR 8 H'FFF8 Interrupt 8 2
Module standby control register 1 MSTCR1 8 H'FFF9 Low power 8 2
Module standby control register 2 MSTCR2 8 H'FFFA Low power 8 2
H'FFEB Low power
Notes: 1. WDT: Watchdog timer
2. Only provided for microcontrollers that supports advanced mode.
Register Module
Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name
Register Module
Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name
Register Module
Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name
Register Module
Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name
Register Module
Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name
PDR2 P24 P23 P22 P21 P20 I/O port
Register Module
Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name
Notes: 1. The LVDSEL bit is only provided for the 5.0-V specification products.
2. WDT: Watchdog timer
3. The BARE register is only provided for microcontrollers that support advanced mode.
4. The bit configuration of EBR1 differs according to products. For the bit configuration of
each product, see the list below.
• H8/36079G, H8/36079L
Register Module
Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name
• H8/36074G, H8/36074L
Register Module
Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name
TIORA_0 Initialized
TIORC_0 Initialized
TSR_0 Initialized
TIER_0 Initialized
POCR_0 Initialized
TCNT_0 Initialized
GRA_0 Initialized
GRB_0 Initialized
GRC_0 Initialized
GRD_0 Initialized
TCR_1 Initialized
TIORA_1 Initialized
TIORC_1 Initialized
TSR_1 Initialized
TIER_1 Initialized
POCR_1 Initialized
TCNT_1 Initialized
GRA_1 Initialized
GRB_1 Initialized
GRC_1 Initialized
GRD_1 Initialized
TSTR Initialized
TMDR Initialized
TPMR Initialized
TFCR Initialized
TOER Initialized
TOCR Initialized
Name Reset Active Sleep Subactive Subsleep Standby Module
RTCCSR Initialized
LVDCR Initialized LVDC*
LVDSR Initialized
RCTRMDR Initialized
ICCR2 Initialized
ICMR Initialized
ICIER Initialized
ICSR Initialized
SAR Initialized
ICDRT Initialized
ICDRR Initialized
TCB1 Initialized
TLB1 Initialized
Name Reset Active Sleep Subactive Subsleep Standby Module
FLMCR1 Initialized Initialized Initialized Initialized ROM
FLMCR2 Initialized
FLPWCR Initialized
FENR Initialized
PWDRU Initialized
PWCR Initialized
TCWD Initialized
TMWD Initialized
ABRKSR Initialized
Name Reset Active Sleep Subactive Subsleep Standby Module
BARH Initialized Address break
BARL Initialized
BDRH Initialized
BDRL Initialized
PUCR5 Initialized
PDR1 Initialized
PDR2 Initialized
PDR3 Initialized
PDR5 Initialized
PDR6 Initialized
PDR7 Initialized
PDR8 Initialized
PDRB Initialized
PDRC Initialized
PMR1 Initialized
PMR5 Initialized
PMR3 Initialized
PCR1 Initialized
PCR2 Initialized
PCR3 Initialized
PCR5 Initialized
PCR6 Initialized
PCR7 Initialized
PCR8 Initialized
PCRC Initialized
SYSCR2 Initialized
Name Reset Active Sleep Subactive Subsleep Standby Module
IEGR1 Initialized Interrupt
IEGR2 Initialized
IENR1 Initialized
IENR2 Initialized
IRR1 Initialized
IRR2 Initialized
IWPR Initialized
MSTCR2 Initialized
4.0 4.096
φ (kHz)
(3) Analog Power Supply Voltage and A/D Converter Accuracy Guaranteed Range
φ (MHz)
(4) Range of Power Supply Voltage and Oscillation Frequency when Low-Voltage
Detection Circuit is Used
φosc (MHz)
Vcc (V)
3.0 4.5 5.5
22.2.2 DC Characteristics
VCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = –20 to +75°C/–40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Item Symbol Applicable Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Input high VIH RES, NMI, VCC × 0.8 — VCC + 0.3 V
voltage WKP0 to WKP5,
IRQ0 to IRQ3,
to FTIOD0,
RXD, RXD_2, VCC × 0.7 — VCC + 0.3 V
P10 to P12,
P14 to P17,
P20 to P24,
P30 to P37,
P50 to P57,
P60 to P67,
P70 to P72
P74 to P76,
P85 to P87,
PC0, PC1
PB0 to PB7 AVCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V AVCC × 0.7 — AVCC + 0.3 V
OSC1 VCC – 0.5 — VCC + 0.3 V
Input low VIL RES, NMI, –0.3 — VCC × 0.2 V
voltage WKP0 to WKP5,
IRQ0 to IRQ3,
to FTIOD0,
Note: Connect the TEST pin to Vss.
Item Symbol Applicable Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Input low VIL RXD, RXD_2, –0.3 — VCC × 0.3 V
voltage SCL, SDA,
P10 to P12,
P14 to P17,
P20 to P24,
P30 to P37,
P50 to P57,
P60 to P67,
P70 to P72,
P74 to P76,
P85 to P87,
PC0, PC1
PB0 to PB7 AVCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V –0.3 — AVCC × 0.3 V
OSC1 –0.3 — 0.5 V
Output VOH P10 to P12, –IOH = 1.5 mA VCC – 1.0 — — V
high P14 to P17,
voltage P20 to P24,
P30 to P37,
P50 to P55, –IOH = 0.1 mA VCC – 0.5 — —
P60 to P67,
P70 to P72,
P74 to P76,
P85 to P87,
PC0, PC1
P56, P57 –IOH = 0.1 mA VCC – 2.5 — — V
Output VOL P10 to P12, IOL = 1.6 mA — — 0.6 V
low P14 to P17,
voltage P20 to P24,
P30 to P37,
P50 to P57, IOL = 0.4 mA — — 0.4
P70 to P72,
P74 to P76,
P85 to P87
PC0, PC1
P60 to P67 IOL = 20.0 mA — — 1.5 V
IOL = 10.0 mA — — 1.0
IOL = 1.6 mA — — 0.4
IOL = 0.4 mA — — 0.4
SCL, SDA IOL = 6.0 mA — — 0.6
IOL = 3.0 mA — — 0.4
Item Symbol Applicable Pins Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit Notes
Input/ | IIL | OSC1, TMIB1, VIN = 0.5 V to — — 1.0 µA
output RES, NMI, (VCC – 0.5 V)
leakage WKP0 to WKP5,
current IRQ0 to IRQ3,
SCK3, RXD_2,
SCK3_2, SCL,
P10 to P12, VIN = 0.5 V to — — 1.0 µA
P14 to P17, (VCC – 0.5 V)
P20 to P24,
P30 to P37,
P50 to P57,
P60 to P67,
P70 to P72,
P74 to P76,
P85 to P87,
PC0, PC1
PB0 to PB7 VIN = 0.5 V to — — 1.0 µA
(AVCC – 0.5 V)
Pull-up –Ip P10 to P12, VCC = 5.0 V, 50.0 — 300.0 µA
MOS P14 to P17, VIN = 0.0 V
current P50 to P55
Input Cin All input pins f = 4 MHz, — — 15.0 pF
capaci- except power VIN = 0.0 V,
tance supply pins Ta = 25°C
Active IOPE1 VCC Active mode 1 — 19.0 28.0 mA *
mode VCC = 5.0 V,
supply fOSC = 20 MHz
current Active mode 1 — 11.0 — *
VCC = 5.0 V, Reference
fOSC = 10 MHz value
IOPE2 VCC Active mode 2 — 3.0 5.5 mA *
VCC = 5.0 V,
fOSC = 20 MHz
Active mode 2 — 2.5 — *
VCC = 5.0 V, Reference
fOSC = 10 MHz value
Item Symbol Applicable Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Sleep ISLEEP1 VCC Sleep mode 1 — 12.0 20.0 mA *
mode VCC = 5.0 V,
supply fOSC = 20 MHz
current Sleep mode 1 — 6.5 — *
VCC = 5.0 V, Reference
fOSC = 10 MHz value
ISLEEP2 VCC Sleep mode 2 — 2.5 4.0 mA *
VCC = 5.0 V,
fOSC = 20 MHz
Sleep mode 2 — 2.2 — *
VCC = 5.0 V, Reference
fOSC = 10 MHz value
Subactive ISUB VCC VCC = 5.0 V — 95.0 145.0 µA *
mode 32-kHz crystal
supply resonator
current (φSUB = φW/2)
VCC = 5.0 V — 85.0 — *
32-kHz crystal Reference
resonator value
(φSUB = φW/8)
Subsleep ISUBSP VCC VCC = 5.0 V — 85.0 140.0 µA *
mode 32-kHz crystal
supply resonator
current (φSUB = φW/2)
Standby ISTBY VCC 32-kHz crystal — — 135.0 µA *
mode resonator not
supply used
RAM data VRAM VCC 2.0 — — V
Note: * Pin states during supply current measurement are given below (excluding current in the
pull-up MOS transistors and output buffers).
Mode RES Pin Internal State Other Pins Oscillator Pins
Active mode 1 VCC Operates VCC Main clock:
ceramic or crystal
resonator, and on-chip
Active mode 2 Operates Subclock:
(φOSC/64) Pin X1 = VSS
Sleep mode 1 VCC Only timers operate VCC
Sleep mode 2 Only timers operate
Subactive mode VCC Operates VCC Main clock:
ceramic or crystal
resonator, and on-chip
Subsleep mode VCC Only timers operate VCC Subclock:
crystal resonator
Standby mode VCC CPU and timers VCC Main clock:
both stop ceramic or crystal
resonator, and on-chip
Pin X1 = VSS
VCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = –20 to +75°C/–40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Applicable Values
Item Symbol Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Permissible output IOL Output pins — — 2.0 mA
low current (per pin) except port 6,
SCL, and SDA
Port 6 — — 20.0
Permissible output ∑IOL Output pins — — 40.0 mA
low current (total) except port 6,
SCL, and SDA
Port 6, SCL, and — — 80.0
Permissible output –IOH All output pins — — 5.0 mA
high current (per pin)
Permissible output –∑IOH All output pins — — 50.0 mA
high current (total)
22.2.3 AC Characteristics
VCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Applicable Reference
Item Symbol Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
System clock fOSC OSC1, OSC2 4.0 — 20.0 MHz *1
System clock (φ) tcyc 1 — 64 tOSC *2
cycle time — — 12.8 µs
Subclock fW X1, X2 — 32.768 — kHz
Watch clock (φW) tW X1, X2 — 30.5 — µs
cycle time
Subclock (φSUB) tsubcyc 2 — 8 tW *2
cycle time
Instruction cycle 2 — — tcyc
time tsubcyc
Oscillation trc OSC1, — — 10.0 ms
stabilization time OSC2
(crystal resonator)
Oscillation trc OSC1, — — 5.0 ms
stabilization time OSC2
(ceramic resonator)
Oscillation trc — — 500 µs
stabilization time
(on-chip oscillator)
Oscillation trcx X1, X2 — — 2.0 s
stabilization time
External clock high tCPH OSC1 20.0 — — ns Figure 22.1
External clock low tCPL OSC1 20.0 — — ns
External clock rise tCPr OSC1 — — 10.0 ns
time — — 15.0
External clock fall tCPf OSC1 — — 10.0 ns
time — — 15.0
Applicable Reference
Item Symbol Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
RES pin low tREL RES At power-on and in trc — — ms Figure 22.2
width modes other than
those below
In active mode and 2500 — — ns
sleep mode
Input pin high tIH NMI, TMIB1, 2 — — tcyc Figure 22.3
width IRQ0 to IRQ3, tsubcyc
WKP0 to
Input pin low tIL NMI, TMIB1, 2 — — tcyc
width IRQ0 to IRQ3, tsubcyc
WKP0 to
Applicable Reference
Item Symbol Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
On-chip oscillator fRC Vcc = 5.0 V, 19.70 20.0 20.30 MHz
oscillation Ta = 25°C,
frequency FSEL = 1,
FSEL = 1, 19.40 20.0 20.60
Ta = -20 to +75°C,
FSEL = 1, 19.20 20.00 20.80
Ta = -40 to +85°C,
Vcc = 5.0 V, 15.76 16.0 16.24
Ta = 25°C,
FSEL = 0,
FSEL = 0, 15.52 16.0 16.48
Ta = -20 to +75°C,
FSEL = 0, 15.36 16.0 16.64
Ta = -40 to +85°C,
Notes: 1. When an external clock is input, the minimum frequency of the external clock oscillator
is 4.0 MHz.
2. Determined by MA2 to MA0, SA1, and SA0 in system control register 2 (SYSCR2).
Table 22.4 I C Bus Interface Timing
VCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Test Reference
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
SCL input cycle time tSCL 12tcyc + 600 — — ns Figure 22.4
SCL input high width tSCLH 3tcyc + 300 — — ns
SCL input low width tSCLL 5tcyc + 300 — — ns
SCL and SDA input tSf — — 300 ns
fall time
SCL and SDA input tSP — — 1tcyc ns
spike pulse removal
SDA input bus-free tBUF 5tcyc — — ns
Start condition input tSTAH 3tcyc — — ns
hold time
Repeated start tSTAS 3tcyc — — ns
condition input setup
Setup time for stop tSTOS 3tcyc — — ns
condition input
Data-input setup time tSDAS 1tcyc+20 — — ns
Data-input hold time tSDAH 0 — — ns
Capacitive load of cb 0 — 400 pF
SCL and SDA output tSf — — 250 ns
fall time
VCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Applicable Reference
Item Symbol Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
Input Asynchro- tScyc SCK3 4 — — tcyc Figure 22.5
clock nous
cycle Clock 6 — —
Input clock pulse tSCKW SCK3 0.4 — 0.6 tScyc
Transmit data delay tTXD TXD — — 1 tcyc Figure 22.6
time (clock
Receive data setup tRXS RXD 50.0 — — ns
time (clock
Receive data hold tRXH RXD 50.0 — — ns
time (clock
VCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Applicable Test Reference
Item Symbol Pins Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
Analog power supply AVCC AVCC 4.5 VCC 5.5 V *1
Analog input voltage AVIN AN0 to VSS – 0.3 — AVCC + 0.3 V
Analog power supply AIOPE AVCC AVCC = 5.0 V — — 2.0 mA
current fOSC =
20 MHz
AISTOP1 AVCC — 50 — µA *2
AISTOP2 AVCC — — 5.0 µA *3
Analog input CAIN AN0 to — — 30.0 pF
capacitance AN7
Permissible signal RAIN AN0 to — — 5.0 kΩ
source impedance AN7
Resolution 10 10 10 bit
(data length)
Conversion time AVCC = 4.5 to 70 — — tcyc
(single mode) 5.5 V
Nonlinearity error — — ±7.5 LSB
Offset error — — ±7.5 LSB
Full-scale error — — ±7.5 LSB
Quantization error — — ±0.5 LSB
Absolute accuracy — — ±8.0 LSB
Applicable Test Reference
Item Symbol Pins Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
Conversion time AVCC = 4.5 to 134 — — tcyc
(single mode) 5.5 V
Nonlinearity error — — ±3.5 LSB
Offset error — — ±3.5 LSB
Full-scale error — — ±3.5 LSB
Quantization error — — ±0.5 LSB
Absolute accuracy — — ±4.0 LSB
Notes: 1. Set AVCC = VCC when the A/D converter is not used.
2. AISTOP1 is the current in active and sleep modes while the A/D converter is idle.
3. AISTOP2 is the current at reset and in standby, subactive, and subsleep modes while the
A/D converter is idle.
VCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Applicable Test Reference
Item Symbol Pins Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
On-chip tOVF 0.2 0.4 — s *
Note: * Time until an internal reset is generated after the counter counts from 0 to 255 when the
on-chip oscillator is selected
VCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Programming time (per 128 bytes)*1*2*4 tP — 7.0 200.0 ms
Erase time (per block) *1*3*6 tE — 10.0 20.0 ms
Reprogramming count NWEC 1000 10000 — Times
Programming Wait time after setting SWE x 1 — — µs
Wait time after setting PSU y 50 — — µs
Wait time after setting P bit z1 1≤n≤6 28 30 32 µs
** 4
z2 7 ≤ n ≤ 1000 198 200 202 µs
z3 Additional- 8 10 12 µs
Wait time after clearing P α 5 — — µs
Wait time after clearing PSU β 5 — — µs
Wait time after setting PV γ 4 — — µs
Wait time after dummy ε 2 — — µs
Wait time after clearing PV η 2 — — µs
Wait time after clearing SWE θ 100 — — µs
Maximum programming N — — 1000 Times
count *1*4*5
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Erasing Wait time after setting SWE x 1 — — µs
Wait time after setting ESU y 100 — — µs
Wait time after setting E z 10 — 100 ms
Wait time after clearing E α 10 — — µs
Wait time after clearing ESU β 10 — — µs
Wait time after setting EV γ 20 — — µs
Wait time after ε 2 — — µs
dummy write*1
Wait time after clearing EV η 4 — — µs
Wait time after clearing SWE θ 100 — — µs
Maximum erase count *1*6*7 N — — 120 Times
Notes: 1. Make the time settings in accordance with the program/erase algorithms.
2. The programming time for 128 bytes. (Indicates the total time for which the P bit in flash
memory control register 1 (FLMCR1) is set. The program-verify time is not included.)
3. The time required to erase one block. (Indicates the time for which the E bit in flash
memory control register 1 (FLMCR1) is set. The erase-verify time is not included.)
4. Programming time maximum value (tP(max.)) = wait time after P bit setting (z) ×
maximum programming count (N)
5. Set the maximum programming count (N) according to the actual set values of z1, z2,
and z3 so that it does not exceed the programming time maximum value (tP(max.)). The
wait time after setting P bit (z1, z2) should be changed as follows according to the value
of the programming count (n).
Programming count (n)
1≤n≤6 z1 = 30 µs
7 ≤ n ≤ 1000 z2 = 200 µs
6. Erase time maximum value (tE(max.)) = wait time after E bit setting (z) × maximum
erase count (N)
7. Set the maximum erase count (N) according to the actual set value of (z) so that it does
not exceed the erase time maximum value (tE(max.)).
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Power-supply falling detection Vint (D) LVDSEL = 0 3.4 3.7 — V
Power-supply rising detection Vint (U) LVDSEL = 0 — 4.0 4.4 V
Reset detection voltage 1* Vreset1 LVDSEL = 0 — 2.3 2.6 V
Reset detection voltage 2* Vreset2 LVDSEL = 1 3.3 3.6 3.9 V
Lower-limit voltage of LVDR VLVDRmin 1.0 — — V
Notes: 1. This voltage should be used when the falling and rising voltage detection function is
2. Select the low-voltage reset 2 when only the low-voltage detection reset is used.
Vcc = 4.5 to 5.5 V, AVcc = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
ExtD/ExtU input detection voltage Vexd 1.0 1.15 1.30 V
ExtD/ExtU input voltage range VextD/VextU VextD > VextU −0.3 Lower V
of AVcc
+ 0.3 or
Vcc +
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max Unit
Pull-up resistance of RES pin RRES 100 150 — kΩ
Power-on reset start voltage* Vpor — — 100 mV
Note: * The power-supply voltage (Vcc) must fall below Vpor = 100 mV and then rise after
charge of the RES pin is removed completely. In order to remove charge of the RES
pin, it is recommended that the diode be placed in the Vcc side. If the power-supply
voltage (Vcc) rises from the point over 100 mV, a power-on reset may not occur.
4.0 4.096
(3) Analog Power Supply Voltage and A/D Converter Accuracy Guaranteed Range
φ (MHz)
22.3.2 DC Characteristics
VCC = 3.0 to 3.6 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Item Symbol Applicable Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Input high VIH RES, NMI, VCC × 0.9 — VCC + 0.3 V
voltage WKP0 to WKP5,
IRQ0 to IRQ3,
to FTIOD0,
RXD, RXD_2, VCC × 0.8 — VCC + 0.3 V
P10 to P12,
P14 to P17,
P20 to P24,
P30 to P37,
P50 to P57,
P60 to P67,
P70 to P72
P74 to P76,
P85 to P87,
PC0, PC1
PB0 to PB7 AVCC = 3.0 to 3.6 V AVCC × 0.8 — AVCC + 0.3 V
OSC1 VCC – 0.3 — VCC + 0.3 V
Input low VIL RES, NMI, –0.3 — VCC × 0.1 V
voltage WKP0 to WKP5,
IRQ0 to IRQ3,
to FTIOD0,
Note: Connect the TEST pin to Vss.
Item Symbol Applicable Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Input low VIL RXD, RXD_2, –0.3 — VCC × 0.2 V
voltage SCL, SDA,
P10 to P12,
P14 to P17,
P20 to P24,
P30 to P37,
P50 to P57,
P60 to P67,
P70 to P72,
P74 to P76,
P85 to P87,
PC0, PC1
PB0 to PB7 AVCC = 3.0 to 3.6 V –0.3 — AVCC × 0.2 V
OSC1 –0.3 — 0.3 V
Output VOH P10 to P12, –IOH = 1.5 mA VCC – 1.0 — — V
high P14 to P17,
voltage P20 to P24,
P30 to P37,
P50 to P55, –IOH = 0.1 mA VCC – 0.5 — —
P60 to P67,
P70 to P72,
P74 to P76,
P85 to P87,
PC0, PC1
P56, P57 –IOH = 0.1 mA VCC – 2.0 — — V
Output VOL P10 to P12, IOL = 1.6 mA — — 0.6 V
low P14 to P17,
voltage P20 to P24,
P30 to P37,
P50 to P57, IOL = 0.4 mA — — 0.4
P70 to P72,
P74 to P76,
P85 to P87
PC0, PC1
P60 to P67 IOL = 20.0 mA — — 1.5 V
IOL = 10.0 mA — — 1.0
IOL = 1.6 mA — — 0.4
IOL = 0.4 mA — — 0.4
SCL, SDA IOL = 6.0 mA — — 0.6
IOL = 3.0 mA — — 0.4
Item Symbol Applicable Pins Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit Notes
Input/ | IIL | OSC1, TMIB1, VIN = 0.5 V to — — 1.0 µA
output RES, NMI, (VCC – 0.5 V)
leakage WKP0 to WKP5,
current IRQ0 to IRQ3,
SCK3, RXD_2,
SCK3_2, SCL,
P10 to P12, VIN = 0.5 V to — — 1.0 µA
P14 to P17, (VCC – 0.5 V)
P20 to P24,
P30 to P37,
P50 to P57,
P60 to P67,
P70 to P72,
P74 to P76,
P85 to P87,
PC0, PC1
PB0 to PB7 VIN = 0.5 V to — — 1.0 µA
(AVCC – 0.5 V)
Pull-up –Ip P10 to P12, VCC = 3.3 V, — 60.0 — µA
MOS P14 to P17, VIN = 0.0 V
current P50 to P55
Input Cin All input pins f = 4 MHz, — — 15.0 pF
capaci- except power VIN = 0.0 V,
tance supply pins Ta = 25°C
Active IOPE1 VCC Active mode 1 — 15.0 22.0 mA *
mode VCC = 3.3 V,
current fOSC = 16 MHz
consump- Active mode 1 — 11.0 — *
tion VCC = 3.3 V, Reference
fOSC = 10 MHz value
IOPE2 VCC Active mode 2 — 2.8 4.0 mA *
VCC = 3.3 V,
fOSC = 16 MHz
Active mode 2 — 2.5 — *
VCC = 3.3 V, Reference
fOSC = 10 MHz value
Item Symbol Applicable Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Sleep ISLEEP1 VCC Sleep mode 1 — 9.0 14.0 mA *
mode VCC = 3.3 V,
supply fOSC = 16 MHz
current Sleep mode 1 — 6.5 — *
VCC = 3.3 V, Reference
fOSC = 10 MHz value
ISLEEP2 VCC Sleep mode 2 — 2.2 3.5 mA *
VCC = 3.3 V,
fOSC = 16 MHz
Sleep mode 2 — 2.0 — *
VCC = 3.3 V, Reference
fOSC = 10 MHz value
Subactive ISUB VCC VCC = 3.3 V — 95.0 145.0 µA *
mode 32-kHz crystal
supply resonator
current (φSUB = φW/2)
VCC = 3.3 V — 85.0 — *
32-kHz crystal Reference
resonator value
(φSUB = φW/8)
Subsleep ISUBSP VCC VCC = 3.3 V — 85.0 140.0 µA *
mode 32-kHz crystal
supply resonator
current (φSUB = φW/2)
Standby ISTBY VCC 32-kHz crystal — — 135.0 µA *
mode resonator not
supply used
RAM data VRAM VCC 2.0 — — V
Note: * Pin states during supply current measurement are given below (excluding current in the
pull-up MOS transistors and output buffers).
Mode RES Pin Internal State Other Pins Oscillator Pins
Active mode 1 VCC Operates VCC Main clock:
ceramic or crystal
resonator, and on-chip
Active mode 2 Operates Subclock:
(φOSC/64) Pin X1 = VSS
Sleep mode 1 VCC Only timers operate VCC
Sleep mode 2 Only timers operate
Subactive mode VCC Operates VCC Main clock:
ceramic or crystal
resonator, and on-chip
Subsleep mode VCC Only timers operate VCC Subclock:
crystal resonator
Standby mode VCC CPU and timers VCC Main clock:
both stop ceramic or crystal
resonator, and on-chip
Pin X1 = VSS
VCC = 3.0 to 3.6 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Applicable Values
Item Symbol Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Permissible output IOL Output pins — — 2.0 mA
low current (per pin) except port 6,
SCL, and SDA
Port 6 — — 20.0
Permissible output ∑IOL Output pins — — 40.0 mA
low current (total) except port 6,
SCL, and SDA
Port 6, SCL, and — — 80.0
Permissible output –IOH All output pins — — 5.0 mA
high current (per pin)
Permissible output –∑IOH All output pins — — 50.0 mA
high current (total)
22.3.3 AC Characteristics
VCC = 3.0 to 3.6 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Applicable Reference
Item Symbol Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
System clock fOSC OSC1, 4.0 — 16.0 MHz *1
oscillation OSC2
System clock (φ) tcyc 1 — 64 tOSC *2
cycle time — — 12.8 µs
Subclock fW X1, X2 — 32.768 — kHz
Watch clock (φW) tW X1, X2 — 30.5 — µs
cycle time
Subclock (φSUB) tsubcyc 2 — 8 tW *2
cycle time
Instruction cycle 2 — — tcyc
time tsubcyc
Oscillation trc OSC1, — — 10.0 ms
stabilization time OSC2
(crystal resonator)
Oscillation trc OSC1, — — 5.0 ms
stabilization time OSC2
(ceramic resonator)
Oscillation trc — — 500 µs
stabilization time
(on-chip oscillator)
Oscillation trcx X1, X2 — — 2.0 s
stabilization time
External clock high tCPH OSC1 23.8 — — ns Figure 22.1
External clock low tCPL OSC1 23.8 — — ns
External clock rise tCPr OSC1 — — 15.0 ns
External clock fall tCPf OSC1 — — 15.0 ns
Applicable Reference
Item Symbol Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
RES pin low tREL RES At power-on and in trc — — ms Figure 22.2
width modes other than
those below
In active mode and 2500 — — ns
sleep mode
Input pin high tIH NMI, TMIB1, 2 — — tcyc Figure 22.3
width IRQ0 to tsubcyc
WKP0 to
Input pin low tIL NMI, TMIB1, 2 — — tcyc
width IRQ0 to tsubcyc
WKP0 to
Applicable Reference
Item Symbol Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
On-chip oscillator fRC Vcc = 3.3 V 19.70 20.00 20.30 MHz
oscillation Ta = 25°C
frequency FSEL= 1
FSEL = 1, 19.40 20.00 20.60
Ta = -20 to +75°C,
FSEL = 1, 19.2 20.0 20.8
Ta = -40 to 85°C,
Vcc = 3.3 V, 15.76 16.00 16.24
Ta = 25°C,
FSEL = 0,
FSEL = 0, 15.52 16.0 16.48
Ta = -20 to +75°C
FSEL = 0, 15.36 16.0 16.64
Ta = -40 to +85°C,
Notes: 1. When an external clock is input, the minimum frequency of the external clock oscillator
is 4.0 MHz.
2. Determined by MA2 to MA0, SA1, and SA0 in system control register 2 (SYSCR2).
Table 22.14 I C Bus Interface Timing
VCC = 3.0 to 3.6 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Test Reference
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
SCL input cycle time tSCL 12tcyc + 600 — — ns Figure 22.4
SCL input high width tSCLH 3tcyc + 300 — — ns
SCL input low width tSCLL 5tcyc + 300 — — ns
SCL and SDA input tSf — — 300 ns
fall time
SCL and SDA input tSP — — 1tcyc ns
spike pulse removal
SDA input bus-free tBUF 5tcyc — — ns
Start condition input tSTAH 3tcyc — — ns
hold time
Repeated start tSTAS 3tcyc — — ns
condition input setup
Setup time for stop tSTOS 3tcyc — — ns
condition input
Data-input setup time tSDAS 1tcyc+20 — — ns
Data-input hold time tSDAH 0 — — ns
Capacitive load of cb 0 — 400 pF
SCL and SDA output tSf — — 250 ns
fall time
VCC = 3.0 to 3.6 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Applicable Reference
Item Symbol Pins Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
Input Asynchro- tScyc SCK3 4 — — tcyc Figure 22.5
clock nous
cycle Clock 6 — —
Input clock pulse tSCKW SCK3 0.4 — 0.6 tScyc
Transmit data delay tTXD TXD — — 1 tcyc Figure 22.6
time (clock
Receive data setup tRXS RXD 50.0 — — ns
time (clock
Receive data hold tRXH RXD 50.0 — — ns
time (clock
VCC = 3.0 to 3.6 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Applicable Test Reference
Item Symbol Pins Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
Analog power supply AVCC AVCC 3.0 VCC 3.6 V *1
Analog input voltage AVIN AN0 to VSS – 0.3 — AVCC + 0.3 V
Analog power supply AIOPE AVCC AVCC = 3.6 V — — 2.0 mA
current fOSC =
16 MHz
AISTOP1 AVCC — 50 — µA *2
AISTOP2 AVCC — — 5.0 µA *3
Analog input CAIN AN0 to — — 30.0 pF
capacitance AN7
Permissible signal RAIN AN0 to — — 5.0 kΩ
source impedance AN7
Resolution 10 10 10 bit
(data length)
Conversion time AVCC = 3.0 to 134 — — tcyc
(single mode) 3.6 V
Nonlinearity error — — ±7.5 LSB
Offset error — — ±7.5 LSB
Full-scale error — — ±7.5 LSB
Quantization error — — ±0.5 LSB
Absolute accuracy — — ±8.0 LSB
Notes: 1. Set AVCC = VCC when the A/D converter is not used.
2. AISTOP1 is the current in active and sleep modes while the A/D converter is idle.
3. AISTOP2 is the current at reset and in standby, subactive, and subsleep modes while the
A/D converter is idle.
VCC = 3.0 to 3.6 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Applicable Test Reference
Item Symbol Pins Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Figure
On-chip tOVF 0.2 0.4 — s *
Note: * Time until an internal reset is generated after the counter counts from 0 to 255 when the
on-chip oscillator is selected
VCC = 3.0 to 3.6 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C, unless otherwise indicated.
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Programming time (per 128 bytes)*1*2*4 tP — 7.0 200.0 ms
Erase time (per block) *1*3*6 tE — 10.0 20.0 ms
Reprogramming count NWEC 1000 10000 — Times
Programming Wait time after setting SWE x 1 — — µs
Wait time after setting PSU y 50 — — µs
Wait time after setting P bit z1 1≤n≤6 28 30 32 µs
** 4
z2 7 ≤ n ≤ 1000 198 200 202 µs
z3 Additional- 8 10 12 µs
Wait time after clearing P α 5 — — µs
Wait time after clearing PSU β 5 — — µs
Wait time after setting PV γ 4 — — µs
Wait time after dummy ε 2 — — µs
Wait time after clearing PV η 2 — — µs
Wait time after clearing SWE θ 100 — — µs
Maximum programming N — — 1000 Times
count *1*4*5
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Erasing Wait time after setting SWE x 1 — — µs
Wait time after setting ESU y 100 — — µs
Wait time after setting E z 10 — 100 ms
Wait time after clearing E α 10 — — µs
Wait time after clearing ESU β 10 — — µs
Wait time after setting EV γ 20 — — µs
Wait time after ε 2 — — µs
dummy write*1
Wait time after clearing EV η 4 — — µs
Wait time after clearing SWE θ 100 — — µs
Maximum erase count *1*6*7 N — — 120 Times
Notes: 1. Make the time settings in accordance with the program/erase algorithms.
2. The programming time for 128 bytes. (Indicates the total time for which the P bit in flash
memory control register 1 (FLMCR1) is set. The program-verify time is not included.)
3. The time required to erase one block. (Indicates the time for which the E bit in flash
memory control register 1 (FLMCR1) is set. The erase-verify time is not included.)
4. Programming time maximum value (tP(max.)) = wait time after P bit setting (z) ×
maximum programming count (N)
5. Set the maximum programming count (N) according to the actual set values of z1, z2,
and z3 so that it does not exceed the programming time maximum value (tP(max.)). The
wait time after setting P bit (z1, z2) should be changed as follows according to the value
of the programming count (n).
Programming count (n)
1≤n≤6 z1 = 30 µs
7 ≤ n ≤ 1000 z2 = 200 µs
6. Erase time maximum value (tE(max.)) = wait time after E bit setting (z) × maximum
erase count (N)
7. Set the maximum erase count (N) according to the actual set value of (z) so that it does
not exceed the erase time maximum value (tE(max.)).
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Power-supply falling detection Vint (D) 2.8 2.9 3.05 V
Power-supply rising detection Vint (U) 2.9 3.0 3.15 V
Reset detection voltage 1* Vreset1 — 2.3 2.6 V
Lower-limit voltage of LVDR VLVDRmin 1.0 — — V
Note: * This voltage should be used when the falling and rising voltage detection function is
Vcc = 3.0 to 3.6 V, AVcc = 3.0 to 3.6 V, VSS = 0.0 V, Ta = -20 to +75°C/-40 to +85°C
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
ExtD/ExtU input detection voltage Vexd 0.95 1.15 1.35 V
ExtD/ExtU input voltage range VextD/VextU VextD > VextU −0.3 Lower V
of AVcc
+ 0.3 or
Vcc +
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max Unit
Pull-up resistance of RES pin RRES 100 150 — kΩ
Power-on reset start voltage* Vpor — — 100 mV
Note: * The power-supply voltage (Vcc) must fall below Vpor = 100 mV and then rise after
charge of the RES pin is removed completely. In order to remove charge of the RES
pin, it is recommended that the diode be placed in the Vcc side. If the power-supply
voltage (Vcc) rises from the point over 100 mV, a power-on reset may not occur.
t CPr t CPf
WKP0 to WKP5
P* S* Sr* P*
tSf tSr tSDAS
Figure 22.4 I C Bus Interface Input/Output Timing
t Scyc
t Scyc
VIH or VOH *
(transmit data) *
(receive data)
2.4 kΩ
30 pF 12 k Ω
Symbol Description
Rd General destination register
Rs General source register
Rn General register
ERd General destination register (address register or 32-bit register)
ERs General source register (address register or 32-bit register)
ERn General register (32-bit register)
(EAd) Destination operand
(EAs) Source operand
PC Program counter
SP Stack pointer
CCR Condition-code register
N N (negative) flag in CCR
Z Z (zero) flag in CCR
V V (overflow) flag in CCR
C C (carry) flag in CCR
disp Displacement
→ Transfer from the operand on the left to the operand on the right, or transition from
the state on the left to the state on the right
+ Addition of the operands on both sides
– Subtraction of the operand on the right from the operand on the left
× Multiplication of the operands on both sides
÷ Division of the operand on the left by the operand on the right
∧ Logical AND of the operands on both sides
∨ Logical OR of the operands on both sides
⊕ Logical exclusive OR of the operands on both sides
¬ NOT (logical complement)
( ), < > Contents of operand
Note: General registers include 8-bit registers (R0H to R7H and R0L to R7L) and 16-bit registers
(R0 to R7 and E0 to E7).
Symbol Description
Changed according to execution result
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
#xx:8 → Rd8
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
MOV MOV.B #xx:8, Rd B 2 — — 0 — 2
MOV.B Rs, Rd B 2 Rs8 → Rd8 — — 0 — 2
MOV.B @ERs, Rd B 2 @ERs → Rd8 — — 0 — 4
MOV.B @(d:16, ERs), Rd B 4 @(d:16, ERs) → Rd8 — — 0 — 6
MOV.B @(d:24, ERs), Rd B 8 @(d:24, ERs) → Rd8 — — 0 — 10
MOV.B @ERs+, Rd B 2 @ERs → Rd8 — — 0 — 6
ERs32+1 → ERs32
@aa:8 → Rd8
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
MOV.B @aa:8, Rd B 2 — — 0 — 4
MOV.B @aa:16, Rd B 4 @aa:16 → Rd8 — — 0 — 6
MOV.B @aa:24, Rd B 6 @aa:24 → Rd8 — — 0 — 8
MOV.B Rs, @ERd B 2 Rs8 → @ERd — — 0 — 4
MOV.B Rs, @(d:16, ERd) B 4 Rs8 → @(d:16, ERd) — — 0 — 6
MOV.B Rs, @(d:24, ERd) B 8 Rs8 → @(d:24, ERd) — — 0 — 10
MOV.B Rs, @–ERd B 2 ERd32–1 → ERd32 — — 0 — 6
Rs8 → @ERd
Rs8 → @aa:8
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
MOV.B Rs, @aa:8 B 2 — — 0 — 4
MOV.B Rs, @aa:16 B 4 Rs8 → @aa:16 — — 0 — 6
MOV.B Rs, @aa:24 B 6 Rs8 → @aa:24 — — 0 — 8
MOV.W #xx:16, Rd W 4 #xx:16 → Rd16 — — 0 — 4
MOV.W Rs, Rd W 2 Rs16 → Rd16 — — 0 — 2
MOV.W @ERs, Rd W 2 @ERs → Rd16 — — 0 — 4
MOV.W @(d:16, ERs), Rd W 4 @(d:16, ERs) → Rd16 — — 0 — 6
MOV.W @(d:24, ERs), Rd W 8 @(d:24, ERs) → Rd16 — — 0 — 10
MOV.W @ERs+, Rd W 2 @ERs → Rd16 — — 0 — 6
ERs32+2 → @ERd32
@aa:16 → Rd16
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
MOV.W @aa:16, Rd W 4 — — 0 — 6
MOV.W @aa:24, Rd W 6 @aa:24 → Rd16 — — 0 — 8
MOV.W Rs, @ERd W 2 Rs16 → @ERd — — 0 — 4
MOV.W Rs, @(d:16, ERd) W 4 Rs16 → @(d:16, ERd) — — 0 — 6
MOV.W Rs, @(d:24, ERd) W 8 Rs16 → @(d:24, ERd) — — 0 — 10
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
ERd32–2 → ERd32
MOV MOV.W Rs, @–ERd W 2 — — 0 — 6
Rs16 → @ERd
Rs16 → @aa:16
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
MOV.W Rs, @aa:16 W 4 — — 0 — 6
MOV.W Rs, @aa:24 W 6 Rs16 → @aa:24 — — 0 — 8
MOV.L #xx:32, Rd L 6 #xx:32 → Rd32 — — 0 — 6
MOV.L ERs, ERd L 2 ERs32 → ERd32 — — 0 — 2
MOV.L @ERs, ERd L 4 @ERs → ERd32 — — 0 — 8
MOV.L @(d:16, ERs), ERd L 6 @(d:16, ERs) → ERd32 — — 0 — 10
MOV.L @(d:24, ERs), ERd L 10 @(d:24, ERs) → ERd32 — — 0 — 14
MOV.L @ERs+, ERd L 4 @ERs → ERd32 — — 0 — 10
ERs32+4 → ERs32
@aa:16 → ERd32
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
MOV.L @aa:16, ERd L 6 — — 0 — 10
MOV.L @aa:24, ERd L 8 @aa:24 → ERd32 — — 0 — 12
MOV.L ERs, @ERd L 4 ERs32 → @ERd — — 0 — 8
MOV.L ERs, @(d:16, ERd) L 6 ERs32 → @(d:16, ERd) — — 0 — 10
MOV.L ERs, @(d:24, ERd) L 10 ERs32 → @(d:24, ERd) — — 0 — 14
MOV.L ERs, @–ERd L 4 ERd32–4 → ERd32 — — 0 — 10
ERs32 → @ERd
ERs32 → @aa:16
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
MOV.L ERs, @aa:16 L 6 — — 0 — 10
MOV.L ERs, @aa:24 L 8 ERs32 → @aa:24 — — 0 — 12
POP POP.W Rn W 2 @SP → Rn16 — — 0 — 6
SP+2 → SP
4 @SP → ERn32
POP.L ERn L — — ↔ 0 — 10
SP+4 → SP
2 SP–2 → SP
PUSH PUSH.W Rn W — — 0 — 6
Rn16 → @SP
4 SP–4 → SP
PUSH.L ERn L — — 0 — 10
ERn32 → @SP
2. Arithmetic Instructions
Addressing Mode and No. of
Instruction Length (bytes) States*1
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
Rd8+#xx:8 → Rd8
↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
ADD ADD.B #xx:8, Rd B 2 — 2
ADD.B Rs, Rd B 2 Rd8+Rs8 → Rd8 — 2
ADD.W #xx:16, Rd W 4 Rd16+#xx:16 → Rd16 — (1) 4
ADD.W Rs, Rd W 2 Rd16+Rs16 → Rd16 — (1) 2
ADD.L #xx:32, ERd L 6 ERd32+#xx:32 → — (2) 6
ERd32+ERs32 →
ADD.L ERs, ERd L 2 — (2) 2
Rd8+#xx:8 +C → Rd8
↔ ↔
↔ ↔
↔ ↔
↔ ↔
ADDX ADDX.B #xx:8, Rd B 2 — (3) 2
ADDX.B Rs, Rd B 2 Rd8+Rs8 +C → Rd8 — (3) 2
ADDS ADDS.L #1, ERd L 2 ERd32+1 → ERd32 — — — — — — 2
ADDS.L #2, ERd L 2 ERd32+2 → ERd32 — — — — — — 2
ADDS.L #4, ERd L 2 ERd32+4 → ERd32 — — — — — — 2
Rd8+1 → Rd8
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
INC INC.B Rd B 2 — — — 2
INC.W #1, Rd W 2 Rd16+1 → Rd16 — — — 2
INC.W #2, Rd W 2 Rd16+2 → Rd16 — — — 2
INC.L #1, ERd L 2 ERd32+1 → ERd32 — — — 2
INC.L #2, ERd L 2 ERd32+2 → ERd32 — — — 2
DAA DAA Rd B 2 Rd8 decimal adjust — * * 2
→ Rd8
Rd8–Rs8 → Rd8
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
SUB SUB.B Rs, Rd B 2 — 2
SUB.W #xx:16, Rd W 4 Rd16–#xx:16 → Rd16 — (1) 4
SUB.W Rs, Rd W 2 Rd16–Rs16 → Rd16 — (1) 2
SUB.L #xx:32, ERd L 6 ERd32–#xx:32 → ERd32 — (2) 6
SUB.L ERs, ERd L 2 ERd32–ERs32 → ERd32 — (2) 2
Rd8–#xx:8–C → Rd8
↔ ↔
DEC DEC.B Rd B 2 — — — 2
DEC.W #1, Rd W 2 Rd16–1 → Rd16 — — — 2
DEC.W #2, Rd W 2 Rd16–2 → Rd16 — — — 2
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
ERd32–1 → ERd32
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔
DEC DEC.L #1, ERd L 2 — — — 2
DEC.L #2, ERd L 2 ERd32–2 → ERd32 — — — 2
DAS DAS.Rd B 2 Rd8 decimal adjust — * * — 2
→ Rd8
MULXS MULXS. B Rs, Rd B 4 — — — — 16
(signed multiplication)
MULXS. W Rs, ERd W 4 — — — — 24
(signed multiplication)
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
0–Rd8 → Rd8
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
NEG NEG.B Rd B 2 — 2
NEG.W Rd W 2 0–Rd16 → Rd16 — 2
NEG.L ERd L 2 0–ERd32 → ERd32 — 2
EXTU EXTU.W Rd W 2 0 → (<bits 15 to 8> — — 0 0 — 2
of Rd16)
0 → (<bits 31 to 16>
EXTU.L ERd L 2 — — 0 0 — 2
of ERd32)
EXTS EXTS.W Rd W 2 — — 0 — 2
(<bits 15 to 8> of Rd16)
(<bit 15> of ERd32) →
EXTS.L ERd L 2 — — 0 — 2
(<bits 31 to 16> of
3. Logic Instructions
Addressing Mode and No. of
Instruction Length (bytes) States*1
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
Rd8∧#xx:8 → Rd8
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
AND AND.B #xx:8, Rd B 2 — — 0 — 2
AND.B Rs, Rd B 2 Rd8∧Rs8 → Rd8 — — 0 — 2
AND.W #xx:16, Rd W 4 Rd16∧#xx:16 → Rd16 — — 0 — 4
AND.W Rs, Rd W 2 Rd16∧Rs16 → Rd16 — — 0 — 2
AND.L #xx:32, ERd L 6 ERd32∧#xx:32 → ERd32 — — 0 — 6
AND.L ERs, ERd L 4 ERd32∧ERs32 → ERd32 — — 0 — 4
OR OR.B #xx:8, Rd B 2 Rd8⁄#xx:8 → Rd8 — — 0 — 2
OR.B Rs, Rd B 2 Rd8⁄Rs8 → Rd8 — — 0 — 2
OR.W #xx:16, Rd W 4 Rd16⁄#xx:16 → Rd16 — — 0 — 4
OR.W Rs, Rd W 2 Rd16⁄Rs16 → Rd16 — — 0 — 2
OR.L #xx:32, ERd L 6 ERd32⁄#xx:32 → ERd32 — — 0 — 6
OR.L ERs, ERd L 4 ERd32⁄ERs32 → ERd32 — — 0 — 4
XOR XOR.B #xx:8, Rd B 2 Rd8⊕#xx:8 → Rd8 — — 0 — 2
XOR.B Rs, Rd B 2 Rd8⊕Rs8 → Rd8 — — 0 — 2
XOR.W #xx:16, Rd W 4 Rd16⊕#xx:16 → Rd16 — — 0 — 4
XOR.W Rs, Rd W 2 Rd16⊕Rs16 → Rd16 — — 0 — 2
XOR.L #xx:32, ERd L 6 ERd32⊕#xx:32 → ERd32 — — 0 — 6
XOR.L ERs, ERd L 4 ERd32⊕ERs32 → ERd32 — — 0 — 4
NOT NOT.B Rd B 2 ¬ Rd8 → Rd8 — — 0 — 2
NOT.W Rd W 2 ¬ Rd16 → Rd16 — — 0 — 2
NOT.L ERd L 2 ¬ Rd32 → Rd32 — — 0 — 2
4. Shift Instructions
Addressing Mode and No. of
Instruction Length (bytes) States*1
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
SHAL SHAL.B Rd B 2 — — 2
C 0
SHAL.W Rd W 2 — — 2
SHAL.L ERd L 2 MSB LSB — — 2
SHAR SHAR.B Rd B 2 — — 0 2
SHAR.W Rd W 2 — — 0 2
SHAR.L ERd L 2 MSB LSB — — 0 2
SHLL SHLL.B Rd B 2 — — 0 2
C 0
SHLL.W Rd W 2 — — 0 2
SHLL.L ERd L 2 MSB LSB — — 0 2
SHLR SHLR.B Rd B 2 — — 0 2
0 C
SHLR.W Rd W 2 — — 0 2
SHLR.L ERd L 2 MSB LSB — — 0 2
ROTXL ROTXL.B Rd B 2 — — 0 2
ROTXL.W Rd W 2 — — 0 2
ROTXL.L ERd L 2 MSB LSB — — 0 2
ROTXR ROTXR.B Rd B 2 — — 0 2
ROTXR.W Rd W 2 — — 0 2
ROTXR.L ERd L 2 MSB LSB — — 0 2
ROTL ROTL.B Rd B 2 — — 0 2
ROTL.W Rd W 2 — — 0 2
ROTL.L ERd L 2 MSB LSB — — 0 2
ROTR ROTR.B Rd B 2 — — 0 2
ROTR.W Rd W 2 — — 0 2
ROTR.L ERd L 2 MSB LSB — — 0 2
5. Bit-Manipulation Instructions
Addressing Mode and No. of
Instruction Length (bytes) States*1
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
(#xx:3 of @ERd) → C
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
BLD BLD #xx:3, @ERd B 4 — — — — — 6
BLD #xx:3, @aa:8 B 4 (#xx:3 of @aa:8) → C — — — — — 6
BILD BILD #xx:3, Rd B 2 ¬ (#xx:3 of Rd8) → C — — — — — 2
BILD #xx:3, @ERd B 4 ¬ (#xx:3 of @ERd) → C — — — — — 6
BILD #xx:3, @aa:8 B 4 ¬ (#xx:3 of @aa:8) → C — — — — — 6
BST BST #xx:3, Rd B 2 C → (#xx:3 of Rd8) — — — — — — 2
BST #xx:3, @ERd B 4 C → (#xx:3 of @ERd24) — — — — — — 8
BST #xx:3, @aa:8 B 4 C → (#xx:3 of @aa:8) — — — — — — 8
BIST BIST #xx:3, Rd B 2 ¬ C → (#xx:3 of Rd8) — — — — — — 2
BIST #xx:3, @ERd B 4 ¬ C → (#xx:3 of @ERd24) — — — — — — 8
BIST #xx:3, @aa:8 B 4 ¬ C → (#xx:3 of @aa:8) — — — — — — 8
C∧(#xx:3 of Rd8) → C
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
BAND BAND #xx:3, Rd B 2 — — — — — 2
BAND #xx:3, @ERd B 4 C∧(#xx:3 of @ERd24) → C — — — — — 6
BAND #xx:3, @aa:8 B 4 C∧(#xx:3 of @aa:8) → C — — — — — 6
BIAND BIAND #xx:3, Rd B 2 C∧ ¬ (#xx:3 of Rd8) → C — — — — — 2
BIAND #xx:3, @ERd B 4 C∧ ¬ (#xx:3 of @ERd24) → C — — — — — 6
BIAND #xx:3, @aa:8 B 4 C∧ ¬ (#xx:3 of @aa:8) → C — — — — — 6
BOR BOR #xx:3, Rd B 2 C∨(#xx:3 of Rd8) → C — — — — — 2
BOR #xx:3, @ERd B 4 C∨(#xx:3 of @ERd24) → C — — — — — 6
BOR #xx:3, @aa:8 B 4 C∨(#xx:3 of @aa:8) → C — — — — — 6
BIOR BIOR #xx:3, Rd B 2 C∨ ¬ (#xx:3 of Rd8) → C — — — — — 2
BIOR #xx:3, @ERd B 4 C∨ ¬ (#xx:3 of @ERd24) → C — — — — — 6
BIOR #xx:3, @aa:8 B 4 C∨ ¬ (#xx:3 of @aa:8) → C — — — — — 6
BXOR BXOR #xx:3, Rd B 2 C⊕(#xx:3 of Rd8) → C — — — — — 2
BXOR #xx:3, @ERd B 4 C⊕(#xx:3 of @ERd24) → C — — — — — 6
BXOR #xx:3, @aa:8 B 4 C⊕(#xx:3 of @aa:8) → C — — — — — 6
BIXOR BIXOR #xx:3, Rd B 2 C⊕ ¬ (#xx:3 of Rd8) → C — — — — — 2
BIXOR #xx:3, @ERd B 4 C⊕ ¬ (#xx:3 of @ERd24) → C — — — — — 6
BIXOR #xx:3, @aa:8 B 4 C⊕ ¬ (#xx:3 of @aa:8) → C — — — — — 6
6. Branching Instructions
Addressing Mode and No. of
Instruction Length (bytes) States*1
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
Condition I H N Z V C
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
CCR ← @SP+
RTE RTE — 10
PC ← @SP+
SLEEP SLEEP — Transition to power- — — — — — — 2
down state
#xx:8 → CCR
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
LDC LDC #xx:8, CCR B 2 2
LDC Rs, CCR B 2 Rs8 → CCR 2
LDC @ERs, CCR W 4 @ERs → CCR 6
LDC @(d:16, ERs), CCR W 6 @(d:16, ERs) → CCR 8
LDC @(d:24, ERs), CCR W 10 @(d:24, ERs) → CCR 12
LDC @ERs+, CCR W 4 @ERs → CCR 8
ERs32+2 → ERs32
@aa:16 → CCR
↔ ↔
↔ ↔
↔ ↔
↔ ↔
↔ ↔
↔ ↔
LDC @aa:16, CCR W 6 8
LDC @aa:24, CCR W 8 @aa:24 → CCR 10
STC STC CCR, Rd B 2 CCR → Rd8 — — — — — — 2
STC CCR, @ERd W 4 CCR → @ERd — — — — — — 6
STC CCR, @(d:16, ERd) W 6 CCR → @(d:16, ERd) — — — — — — 8
STC CCR, @(d:24, ERd) W 10 CCR → @(d:24, ERd) — — — — — — 12
STC CCR, @–ERd W 4 ERd32–2 → ERd32 — — — — — — 8
CCR → @ERd
STC CCR, @aa:16 W 6 CCR → @aa:16 — — — — — — 8
STC CCR, @aa:24 W 8 CCR → @aa:24 — — — — — — 10
CCR∧#xx:8 → CCR
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
Condition Code
Operand Size
Mnemonic Operation
@(d, ERn)
@(d, PC)
Notes: 1. The number of states in cases where the instruction code and its operands are located
in on-chip memory is shown here. For other cases see appendix A.3, Number of
Execution States.
2. n is the value set in register R4L or R4.
(1) Set to 1 when a carry or borrow occurs at bit 11; otherwise cleared to 0.
(2) Set to 1 when a carry or borrow occurs at bit 27; otherwise cleared to 0.
(3) Retains its previous value when the result is zero; otherwise cleared to 0.
(4) Set to 1 when the adjustment produces a carry; otherwise retains its previous value.
(5) The number of states required for execution of an instruction that transfers data in
synchronization with the E clock is variable.
(6) Set to 1 when the divisor is negative; otherwise cleared to 0.
(7) Set to 1 when the divisor is zero; otherwise cleared to 0.
(8) Set to 1 when the quotient is negative; otherwise cleared to 0.
Instruction code: 1st byte 2nd byte Instruction when most significant bit of BH is 0. Table A.2
Instruction when most significant bit of BH is 1.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Table A.2 Table A.2 Table A.2 Table A.2 Table A.2 Table A.2 Table A.2 Table A.2
(2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
Operation Code Map
Table A.2
BOR BXOR BAND BLD Table A.2 Table A.2 Table A.2
Table A.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Table A.2 Table A.2 Table A.2
(3) (3) (3)
Operation Code Map (2)
Rev. 3.00 Sep. 10, 2007 Page 475 of 528
Table A.2
Instruction code: 1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte 4th byte Instruction when most significant bit of DH is 0.
Instruction when most significant bit of DH is 1.
AH 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
7Cr06 * 1 BTST
7Eaa6 * 2 BTST
Execution states = I × SI + J × SJ + K × SK + L × SL + M × SM + N × SN
Examples: When instruction is fetched from on-chip ROM, and an on-chip RAM is accessed.
When instruction is fetched from on-chip ROM, branch address is read from on-chip ROM, and
on-chip RAM is used for stack area.
JSR @@ 30
Access Location
Execution Status
(Instruction Cycle) On-Chip Memory On-Chip Peripheral Module
Instruction fetch SI 2 —
Branch address read SJ
Stack operation SK
Byte data access SL 2 or 3*
Word data access SM 2 or 3*
Internal operation SN 1
Note: * Depends on which on-chip peripheral module is accessed. See section 21.1, Register
Addresses (Address Order).
ADD.B Rs, Rd 1
ADD.W #xx:16, Rd 2
ADD.W Rs, Rd 1
ADDX Rs, Rd 1
AND.B Rs, Rd 1
AND.W #xx:16, Rd 2
AND.W Rs, Rd 1
BHI d:8 2
BLS d:8 2
BNE d:8 2
BEQ d:8 2
BVC d:8 2
BVS d:8 2
BPL d:8 2
BMI d:8 2
BGE d:8 2
BGT d:8 2
BLE d:8 2
BHI d:16 2 2
BLS d:16 2 2
BNE d:16 2 2
BEQ d:16 2 2
BVC d:16 2 2
BVS d:16 2 2
BPL d:16 2 2
BMI d:16 2 2
BGE d:16 2 2
BLT d:16 2 2
BGT d:16 2 2
BLE d:16 2 2
BCLR Rn, Rd 1
BNOT Rn, Rd 1
BSET Rn, Rd 1
BSR d:16 2 1 2
BTST Rn, Rd 1
CMP.B Rs, Rd 1
CMP.W #xx:16, Rd 2
CMP.W Rs, Rd 1
DEC.W #1/2, Rd 1
INC.W #1/2, Rd 1
JMP @aa:24 2 2
JMP @@aa:8 2 1 2
JSR @aa:24 2 1 2
JSR @@aa:8 2 1 1
LDC@ERs, CCR 2 1
LDC@(d:24,ERs), CCR 5 1
LDC@ERs+, CCR 2 1 2
LDC@aa:16, CCR 3 1
LDC@aa:24, CCR 4 1
MOV.B Rs, Rd 1
MOV.B @ERs, Rd 1 1
MOV.B @ERs+, Rd 1 1 2
MOV.B @aa:8, Rd 1 1
MOV.B @aa:16, Rd 2 1
MOV.B @aa:24, Rd 3 1
MOV.W #xx:16, Rd 2
MOV.W Rs, Rd 1
MOV.W @ERs, Rd 1 1
MOV.W @(d:16,ERs), Rd 2 1
MOV.W @(d:24,ERs), Rd 4 1
MOV.W @ERs+, Rd 1 1 2
MOV.W @aa:16, Rd 2 1
MOV.W @aa:24, Rd 3 1
MOV.L ERs,@ERd 2 2
NEG.W Rd 1
NOT.W Rd 1
OR OR.B #xx:8, Rd 1
OR.B Rs, Rd 1
OR.W #xx:16, Rd 2
OR.W Rs, Rd 1
POP POP.W Rn 1 1 2
POP.L ERn 2 2 2
PUSH PUSH.W Rn 1 1 2
PUSH.L ERn 2 2 2
RTE RTE 2 2 2
RTS RTS 2 1 2
STC CCR,@-ERd 2 1 2
SUB.W #xx:16, Rd 2
SUB.W Rs, Rd 1
SUBX. Rs, Rd 1
XOR.B Rs, Rd 1
XOR.W #xx:16, Rd 2
XOR.W Rs, Rd 1
Notes: 1. n: Specified value in R4L and R4. The source and destination operands are accessed
n+1 times respectively.
2. Cannot be used in this LSI.
Functions Instructions
transfer POP, PUSH — — — — — — — — — — — — WL
MOVFPE, — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Arithmetic ADD, CMP BWL BWL — — — — — — — — — — —
operations SUB WL BWL — — — — — — — — — — —
ADDX, SUBX B B — — — — — — — — — — —
ADDS, SUBS — L — — — — — — — — — — —
INC, DEC — BWL — — — — — — — — — — —
DAA, DAS — B — — — — — — — — — — —
MULXU, — BW — — — — — — — — — — —
NEG — BWL — — — — — — — — — — —
EXTU, EXTS — WL — — — — — — — — — — —
Logical AND, OR, XOR — BWL — — — — — — — — — — —
operations NOT — BWL — — — — — — — — — — —
Shift operations — BWL — — — — — — — — — — —
Bit manipulations — B B — — — B — — — — — —
Branching BCC, BSR — — — — — — — — — — — — —
instructions JMP, JSR — — — — — — — — — —
RTS — — — — — — — — — — —
System TRAPA — — — — — — — — — — — —
control RTE — — — — — — — — — — — —
SLEEP — — — — — — — — — — — —
LDC B B W W W W — W W — — —
STC — B W W W W — W W — — — —
ANDC, ORC, B — — — — — — — — — — — —
NOP — — — — — — — — — — — —
Block data transfer instructions — — — — — — — — — — — — BW
Pull-up MOS
PUCR: Port pull-up control register
PMR: Port mode register
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
Pull-up MOS
PUCR: Port pull-up control register
PMR: Port mode register
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
Pull-up MOS
PUCR : Port pull-up control register
PMR : Port mode register
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
Pull-up MOS
PUCR : Port pull-up control register
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
Pull-up MOS
14-bit PWM
PUCR : Port pull-up control register
PMR : Port mode register
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
Pull-up MOS
PUCR : Port pull-up control register
PMR : Port mode register
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
PMR : Port mode register
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
PMR : Port mode register
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
Internal data bus
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
Internal data bus
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
PMR : Port mode register
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
Pull-up MOS
PUCR: Port pull-up control register
PMR: Port mode register
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
Pull-up MOS
PUCR: Port pull-up control register
PMR: Port mode register
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
Timer Z
Output control
signals A to D
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
Timer V
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
Timer V
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
Timer V
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
PMR : Port mode register
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
Internal data bus
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
PDR : Port data register
PCR : Port control register
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
A/D converter
CH3 to CH0 DEC
Low voltage
detection circuit
ExtD, ExtU
A/D converter
CH3 to CH0
Internal data bus
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
Internal data bus
PDR: Port data register
PCR: Port control register
Product Classification
Voltage Temperature (Package
1 2 3
Product Group Specification* Specification* Product Code* Model Marking Code)
Notes: 1. Operating voltage range: 4.5 to 5.5 V (5.0-V models), 3.0 to 3.6 V (3.3-V models)
2. Operating temperature range: Regular specifications: -20 to +75°C, wide-range
specifications: -40 to +85°C
3. The table includes products that are yet to be released. For details, please contact one
of our sales representatives.
48 33
49 32 NOTE)
1. DIMENSIONS "*1" AND "*2"
Reference Dimension in Millimeters
64 Min Nom Max
17 Terminal cross section
D 9.9 10.0 10.1
E 9.9 10.0 10.1
1 16
Index mark A2 1.4
ZD HD 11.8 12.0 12.2
HE 11.8 12.0 12.2
F A 1.7
A1 0.05 0.1 0.15
*3 L c1 0.125
e bp
x L1 0° 8°
e 0.5
Detail F
x 0.08
y 0.08
ZD 1.25
ZE 1.25
L 0.35 0.5 0.65
L1 1.0
JEITA Package Code RENESAS Code Previous Code MASS[Typ.]
P-QFP64-14x14-0.80 PRQP0064GB-A FP-64A/FP-64AV 1.2g
49 32
Reference Dimension in Millimeters
Terminal cross section Symbol
Min Nom Max
D 14
64 E 14
A2 2.70
HD 16.9 17.2 17.5
1 16
HE 16.9 17.2 17.5
A 3.05
A1 0.00 0.10 0.25
b1 0.35
c 0.12 0.17 0.22
Detail F c1 0.15
e *3
bp θ 0° 8°
y x M
e 0.8
x 0.15
y 0.10
ZD 1.0
ZE 1.0
L 0.5 0.8 1.1
L1 1.6
Rev. 3.00 Sep. 10, 2007 Page 517 of 528
: : :
EBR1* EB7 :
4. The bit configuration of EBR1 differs according to products. For the bit
configuration of each product, see the list below.
Name Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Name
Register Module
Name Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Name
Register Module
Name Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Name
Reset detection voltage 2* 3.3 3.6 3.9
: : : : : :
: : : : : :
— 2.5 —
Product Group Voltage Temperature
Specificat Specification
ion*1 *2
Group (FP-64A)
Wide range HD64F36079GHW HD64F36079GHW
Wide range HD64F36079GFZW HD64F36079GFZW
Wide range HD64F36079LHW HD64F36079LHW
Wide range HD64F36079LFZW HD64F36079LFZW
Wide range HD64F36078GHW HD64F36078GHW
Wide range HD64F36078GFZW HD64F36078GFZW
Wide range HD64F36078LHW HD64F36078LHW
Wide range HD64F36078LFZW HD64F36078LFZW
Product Voltage
Group Specification
Group (FP-64A)
Wide range HD64F36077GHW HD64F36077GHW
Wide range HD64F36077GFZW HD64F36077GFZW
Wide range HD64F36077LHW HD64F36077LHW
Wide range HD64F36077LFZW HD64F36077LFZW
Wide range HD64F36074GHW HD64F36074GHW
Wide range HD64F36074GFZW HD64F36074GFZW
Wide range HD64F36074LHW HD64F36074LHW
A/D converter ......................................... 367 E
Absolute address....................................... 31 Effective address ....................................... 33
Acknowledge .......................................... 346 Effective address extension....................... 29
Address break ........................................... 63 Erase/erase-verify ................................... 124
Addressing modes..................................... 30 Erasing units ........................................... 107
Arithmetic operations instructions............ 21 Error protection....................................... 126
Asynchronous mode ............................... 303 Event counter operation .......................... 183
Auto-reload timer operation.................... 183 Exception handling ................................... 45
Bit manipulation instructions.................... 24 Flash memory.......................................... 107
Bit rate .................................................... 296 Framing error .......................................... 307
Bit synchronous circuit ........................... 363
Block data transfer instructions ................ 28
Boot mode............................................... 117 G
Boot program.......................................... 117 General registers ....................................... 13
Branch instructions ................................... 26
Break....................................................... 326
Buffer operation...................................... 254 H
Hardware protection................................ 126
Clock synchronous mode........................ 311 I
Clock synchronous serial format ............ 354
I/O port block diagrams .......................... 489
Complementary PWM mode .................. 244
I/O ports .................................................. 131
Condition field .......................................... 29
I2C bus format ......................................... 345
Condition-code register (CCR)................. 14
I2C bus interface 2 (IIC2)........................ 329
CPU ............................................................ 9
Immediate ................................................. 32
Initial setting procedure .......................... 176
Input capture function ............................. 229
Instruction set............................................ 19
Memory indirect ....................................... 32 R
Memory map ............................................ 11 Realtime clock (RTC) ............................. 167
Module standby function ........................ 106 Register direct ........................................... 30
Multiprocessor communication Register field............................................. 29
function................................................... 318 Register indirect ........................................ 31
Register indirect with displacement .......... 31
Register indirect with post-increment ....... 31
N Register indirect with pre-decrement ........ 31
NMI interrupt............................................ 56 Register settings ...................................... 284
Noise canceler ........................................ 357 Registers
ABRKCR ...................... 64, 400, 406, 411
ABRKSR ...................... 67, 400, 406, 411
ADCR ......................... 372, 400, 406, 411
ADCSR ....................... 371, 399, 406, 411
On-board programming modes............... 117
ADDRA ...................... 370, 399, 406, 411
Operation field.......................................... 29
ADDRB ...................... 370, 399, 406, 411
Overrun error .......................................... 307
ADDRC ...................... 370, 399, 406, 411
ADDRD ...................... 370, 399, 406, 411
BARE............................ 67, 400, 406, 412
BARH ........................... 67, 400, 406, 412
Sample-and-hold circuit ......................... 374 W
Scan mode .............................................. 373
Watchdog timer....................................... 275
Serial communication
Waveform output .................................... 284
interface 3 (SCI3) ................................... 285
Waveform output by compare match...... 227
Shift instructions....................................... 23
WKP5 to WKP0 interrupts ....................... 56
Single mode ............................................ 373
Colophon 6.0
H8/36079 Group, H8/36077 Group
Hardware Manual