Grade 5 Term 1 Artcraft Schemes
Grade 5 Term 1 Artcraft Schemes
Grade 5 Term 1 Artcraft Schemes
10 1 Collage: By the end of the lesson What should be Learner guide: Digital devices • Question and
Samples of the learner should be able to considered when - In groups to observe and Samples of collages answer
collage a. Identify actual and virtual selecting adhesive to identify actual and virtual having landscape Portfolio
Pictorial samples of collage pictures for stick heavy or light samples of collage pictures. pictorialfeatures, Discussion,
composition motivation to create theirown. material in collage? - Individually collect varied samples of materials Observation
b. State factors considered when textured materials from the for making collage Demonstration
selecting adhesive to stick What should be environment for example Bookmark Art and
heavy or light materialin considered when Sand, grass, leaves, tree bark, Craft Learners Bk.
collage selecting a support to inedible seeds. Grade 5 Pg. 25
c. Appreciate own and others stick on heavy or light - Arrange, paste and stick the
collage composition. material in collage? materials to create a Bookmark Art and
composition on a landscape. Craft Grade 5 TGPg.
- Display and critique about 34-36
own and others work.
2 Collage: By the end of the lesson What should be Learner guide: Mixed media • Question and
Making a mixed the learner should be able to considered when - In groups to observe and identify material, a stiff answer Portfolio
mediacollage selecting adhesive tostick actual and virtual samples of surface Discussion,
landscape a. Define the term collage heavy or light material in Adhesive e.g. glue
collage pictures. Observation
composition b. Create a mixed media collage collage? Cutting tools Painting Demonstration
composition basedon a - Individually collect varied brush Bookmark Art
landscape for self- expression textured materials from the
What should be and Craft
c. Appreciate own and others environment for example Sand,
considered when Learners Bk.
grass, leaves, tree bark, inedible
collage composition. selecting a support tostick Grade 5 Pg. 25
on heavy or
light material in
- Arrange, paste and stick the
materials to create a composition
on a landscape.
- Display and critique about Bookmark Art and
own and others work. Craft Grade 5 TG
Pg. 34-36
11 1 Collage: By the end of the lesson What should be Learner guide: Mixed media • Question
Making a the learner should be able to considered when - In groups to observe and material, a stiff and
mixed media a. Define the term collage selecting adhesive to identify actual and virtual surface answer
collage b. Create a mixed media stick heavy or light samples of collage pictures. Adhesive e.g. glue Portfolio
landscape collagecomposition material in collage? - Individually collect varied Cutting tools Discussio
composition based on a landscape for textured materials from the Painting brush n,
self-expression. What should be environment for example Bookmark Art Observati
c. Appreciate own and considered when Sand, grass, leaves, tree and Craft on
otherscollage selecting a support to bark, inedible seeds. Learners Bk. Demonstr
composition. stick on heavy or - Arrange, paste and stick the Grade 5 Pg. 25 ation
light material in materials to create a
collage? composition on a landscape. Bookmark Art and
- Display and critique about Craft Grade 5 TG
own and others work. Pg. 34-36
2 Collage: By the end of the lesson What should be Learner guide: Completed • Question
Display of the learner should be able to considered when - In groups to observe and landscape collages and
work done a. Define the term collage selecting adhesive to identify actual and virtual Display surface answer
b. Create a mixed media stick heavy or light samples of collage pictures. Bookmark Art Portfolio
collagecomposition material in collage? - Individually collect varied and Craft Discussio
based on a landscape for textured materials from the Learners Bk. n,
self-expression. What should be environment for example Grade 5 Pg. 28 Observati
c. Appreciate own and considered when Sand, grass, leaves, tree on
otherscollage selecting a support to bark, inedible seeds. Bookmark Art and Demonstr
composition. stick on heavy or - Arrange, paste and stick the Craft Grade 5 TG ation
light material in materials to create a Pg. 38-39
collage? composition on a landscape.
- Display and critique about
own and others work.
12 1 INDEGINOUS Weaving: By the end of the lesson How do you prepare Learners guided: Cutting tools • Question
KENYAN the learner should be able to stiff materials for - In groups to observe actual Sisal stripping and
CRAFT a. Observe actual and weaving? and virtual samples of items tools, weaving answer
virtualsamples of made using plain and materials, maize Portfolio
items made using How do you prepare twined techniques. stalk, reeds and Discussio
plain techniques flexible materials for - In groups to select twigs n,
b. Explain how to weaving? appropriate natural weaving Bookmark Art and Observati
prepare stiffmaterials materials from the locality Craft Learners Bk. on
for weaving How do you ensure - In groups to prepare the Grade 5 Pg. 29 Demonstr
c. Critique own and the weave structure is selected natural weaving ation
other’swork compacted during materials (stiff materials or Bookmark Art and
waving process? flexible materials) in Craft Grade 5 TG
groups. Pg. 42
- Display and talk about own
and other’s work
2 Weaving: By the end of the lesson How do you prepare Learners guided: Cutting tools • Question
weaving the learner should be able to stiff materials for - In groups to observe actual Sisal stripping and
materials a. Observe actual and weaving? and virtual samples of items tools, weaving answer
virtualsamples of made using plain and materials, maize Portfolio
items made using How do you prepare twined techniques. stalk, reeds and Discussio
plain techniques flexible materials for - In groups to select twigs n,
b. Select and prepare weaving? appropriate natural weaving Bookmark Art and Observati
appropriate natural materials from the locality Craft Learners Bk. on
materials from the How do you ensure - In groups to prepare the Grade 5 Pg. 30-32 Demonstr
localityfor weaving the weave structure is selected natural weaving ation
c. Critique own and compacted during materials (stiff materials or Bookmark Art and
other’swork waving process? flexible materials) in Craft Grade 5 TG
groups. Pg. 42-43
- Display and talk about own
and other’s work
& 14 Assessment and closing