Plantae Activities Memo

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1.1 Algae (1)

1.2 (a) - Moss

- Fern (2)
(Mark first TWO only)

(b) Angiosperms (1)

(c) Gymnosperms and

(Mark first TWO only)

1.3 The xylem tissue has tracheids that enables water to move up the stem.
The phloem has sieve tube cells for food translocation.
Any 1 (2)

2.1 Phylogenetic tree  (1)
2.2 Bryophytes  (1)
2.3 - Development of vascular tissue 
- Development of seeds  (2)
2.4 Green/ Has chloroplast  (1)


3.1 A – Roots 

B - Rhizoids 

C – Stigma  (3)

3.2 The differences between a fern plant and a pine tree in relation to

Fern plant/Plant I Pine plant/Plant IV

Needs water for fertilization No need for water for fertilization

Reproduce by means of spores Reproduce by means of pollen

3.3 a) II 

b) III 

c) III en IV  (3)
Asexual and sexual reproductionn

1 1.1 C 
1.2 D 
1.3 C 
1.4 B 
1.5 A  (5 x 2) (14)

2 2.1 Asexual 
2.2 Vegetative 
2.3 Zygote 
2.4 Offspring  (4)

3 3.1 Both 
3.2 A only 
3.3 B only  (3 x 2) (6)

Name Type of What happens? Example/Drawing

(Asexual or

Binary Fission Asexual  Parent cell divides

resulting in two
identical cells with
the DNA copied
itself. 

Budding Asexual  A bud develops as

an outgrowth due
to repeated cell
division at one
specific point. The
buds when mature
detach from
parent body

Fragmentatio Asexual  An organism splits

n into fragments
and each
fragment develops
into a complete
organism. 



Sexual Asexual

 Two parents  One parent

 Offspring different from Offspring identical

their parents  to their parent 
(blend of parents’ traits)

Offspring have similar structural characteristics to parents. 

Species continue 


6.1 a) Provides for genetic variation 

Organisms are able to adapt and withstand changes in
environmental conditions. 
b) Time consuming 
Energy and time are needed to find a partner/ not possible
for isolated individuals to reproduce.  (6)

6.2 a) Time and energy efficient 

Increase of populations is rapid. 
b) Does not lead to genetic variation. 
Species may only be suited to one environment. 
Flowers as reproductive structures

1.1.1 B  (2)
1.1.2 C  (2)
1.1.3 B  (2)
1.1.4 C  (2)
1.1.5 D  (2)

1.2.1 Anther  (1)

1.2.2 Ovary (1)
1.2.3 Stigma  (1)
1.2.4 Pollination  (1)
1.2.5 Fruit  (1)
1.2.6 Receptacle  (1)

1.3.1 Wind pollinated flower  (1)

1.3.2 A – Stigma 
B – Anther  (2)
1.3.3 Perianth  (1)
1.3.4 a) A  (1)
b) D  (1)
c) B  (1)

2.1.1 Number of visits to the flowers by pollinators  (1)
2.1.2 The duration of the investigation was the same  OR
24 hours for both plant species to get pollinated 
(Mark the first one only) (1)

2.1.3 Same environmental conditions  OR

Same number of flowers for each plant species  OR
Same number of hummingbirds and sunbird  (any (1)
2.1.4 Sunbirds prefer S. greggi flowers while hummingbirds prefer S.
nemorasa flowers  (2)
2.2.1 Pollination by pollinator
a) colourful  (1)
b) held inside the flower (1)
c) inside the flower  (1)
d) sticky pollen  (1)
e) strongly scented  (1)
f) energy spent making nectar and pollen (1)
Wind pollinated
g) protrude from the flower  (1)
h) protrude from the flower  (1)
i) large amount of dry pollen  (1)
j) no scent  (1)
k) large amount of energy wasted on producing pollen  (1)
2.2.2 To get nectar/feed on pollen grains as they move from flower to
flower  ensuring fertilisation and variety  (2)

2.2.3 The seed of angiosperms develop in the ovaries of flowers and are
surrounded by a protective fruit  that prevent it from drying out and
survive in unfavourable conditions 
Angiosperms is competitive due to animal and wind pollination that
can cover a large area therefore ensuring the survival of the
species.  (4)

2.2.4 Tabel = 
Self-pollination Cross pollination
1.Occurs in the same flower of 1.Occurs between two flowers
the same species of the same species
2.It occurs in the flowers which 2.It creates genetic diversity in
are genetically identical flowers
3.Causes inbreeding 3.Causes outbreeding
4.Reduces the gene pool 4.Maintains the gene pool
5.Produces limited amounts of 5.Produces large amounts of
pollen grains pollen grains
Any 2 (2x2) +1 (5)

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