RFP MICs Approach Services Providers

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GAVI The Vaccine Alliance


Request for Proposals for working with Service Providers to provide global and / or
multi-country Technical Assistance to support the objectives of the Gavi Middle
Income Countries (MICs) Approach
RFP Opening Date: 15 February 2023 RFP Closing Date: 20 March 2023

Address Technical, Financial Proposals and required documents via email to



Background and Introduction:
Gavi Alliance’s (“Gavi”) mission is to save children’s lives and protect people’s health by increasing
access to immunisation in poor countries.

Gavi is a unique organisation that aligns public and private resources in a global effort to create
greater access to the benefits of immunisation. It does this with precision and in creative, innovative
ways to ensure that donor contributions efficiently save lives and help build self-sufficiency in the
world’s poorest communities and regions.

For more information please visit the Gavi website: http://www.gavi.org/about/mission

RFP Timelines:
Procurement Activity Responsible Party Due Date
15 Feb. 23 Error: Reference source
RFP Issue Date Gavi
not found

Intent to Participate due Bidder 28 Feb. 23

Final date for submitting Questions Bidder 28 Feb. 23

Gavi Response to Questions Gavi 08 Mar. 23

Pre-Bid Meeting/site visit [optional] Bidder/Gavi As needed

Bid submission deadline (CET) Bidder Error: Reference source not found

Shortlisted Meetings [optional] Gavi/Bidder As needed

Estimated Contract Award Date Gavi 01 Jun. 23

Request For Proposal

Estimated Contract Start Date Gavi 03 Jul. 23

The proposed timeline set out above indicates the process Gavi intends to follow. If there are any
changes to this time plan, Gavi will notify all Bidders of this in writing.

1. Gavi Project
As part of the Gavi Middle Income Countries (MICs) Approach, Gavi is seeking to work with
qualified Service Providers1 for providing global and / or multi-country Technical Assistance from Q3
2023 through end 2025. This Technical Assistance is one tool to build a stronger enabling
environment for countries eligible for support under the MICs Approach through addressing shared
barriers to new vaccine introductions and common risk factors for backsliding across multiple

Gavi is inviting Service Providers to submit proposals for global and / or multi-country Technical
Assistance support that work towards identifying, mitigating and, to the best extent possible,
removing common and systematic barriers for new vaccine introductions in countries eligible under
the MICs Approach that are missing PCV, RV and/or HPV vaccines and/or risks for backsliding in
vaccine coverage in former Gavi countries and thereby benefit multiple countries.

Service providers are invited to submit proposals for two (2) lots in response to this RFP:

 Lot 1: Global Technical Assistance to address macro-level issues that, if resolved, would
then benefit multiple countries. This may include “proof of concept” activities in one or more
countries that, if successful, could be scaled to benefit multiple countries.
 Lot 2: Multi-country Technical Assistance, where the work being proposed is for activities
across a named set of countries to address common or “system-level” issues across multiple
countries. The proposal should highlight the added value of working across these multiple
countries in parallel because of the synergies and efficiencies expected (as opposed to just
working in each country individually).

This Technical Assistance should be framed with the MICs Approach Theory of Change, aligned with
the Technical Assistance Guiding Principles (see Annex 3) and tangibly contribute to the MICs
Approach objectives and learning agenda. The list of MICs Approach eligible countries is available in
Annex 4.

Including, but not limited to, non-governmental organisations, advocacy organisations, professional and
community associations, faith-based organisations and academia.

Request For Proposal

Figure 1: MICs Approach Theory of Change2

1.1. Work Context

The tasks shall be performed for the Middle Income Countries (MICs) Team under the supervision of
Director, MICs and the MICs Strategic Engagement Team.

1.2. Scope of Work

Global and multi-country Technical Assistance is one of the ‘Foundational Building Blocks’ of the
MICs Approach, which aim to strengthen the enabling environment for sustainable immunisation
programs and new vaccine introductions. Through this funding modality, Gavi will support selected
Service Providers to conduct activities that remove shared, systemic barriers to successful, sustainable
and equitable new vaccine introductions and reduce and remove risks to sustainable immunisation

It is expected that the work by Service Providers will complement that already being done by core
Alliance partners; therefore, Gavi is requesting proposals from Service Providers related to following
three (3) Intermediate Outcomes of the MICs Approach:

MICs Community demand for & confidence in vaccines and immunisation

Approach services, including among missed communities
Intermediate Sufficient, sustained, and reliable domestic resources for immunisation
outcomes programmes
Political commitment to & accountability for equitable immunisation
(including zero-dose agenda) at national & subnational levels
Gavi MICs Approach Theory of Change is available here and supporting narrative is available here.

Request For Proposal

To this purpose, Service Providers are invited to submit proposals for Lot 1: Global Technical
Assistance and/or Lot 2: Multi-country Technical Assistance that are intended to address common
or systematic issues across countries, while still recognizing country-specific contexts and needs.

Some examples of Technical Assistance include:

Lot 1: Global Technical Assistance

 Service providers may develop new, practical tools or expand access to proven, successful
tools to support aspects of decision making (e.g., product landscape / product choice) and
planning for domestic resource requirements for a new vaccine introduction and promote their
use in countries.
 Service providers may develop tools and share learnings related to demand generation.
 Service providers may design advocacy training activities for civil society partners to address
barriers to new vaccine introductions and risk factors for backsliding within countries.
 Service providers may develop a unique technical solution to address a shared barrier or risk
that is piloted in one or several countries.

Lot 2: Multi-country Technical Assistance

 Service providers may adapt and support implementation of guidance or tools in multiple
countries where there are shared barriers or risks and a clear benefit of a multi-country
 Service providers may design, implement and coordinate advocacy training activities for civil
society partners in multiple countries.
While not pre-defining specific activities, Gavi is seeking proposals from Service Providers that have
a clearly articulated problem statement and related activities, that directly contribute to the MICs
Approach’s Long-term Objectives, Intermediate Outcomes are aligned with the Guiding Principles
(see Annex 3). It is not expected that all activities will align with all the Guiding Principles; however,
Gavi is particularly interested in activities that are results-oriented, differentiated, innovative and
create sustainable impact (in the extent to which they address shared, systematic barriers and build
local government and/or partner capacity, where relevant).

As noted above, it is expected that proposals will include activities that can be implemented at a
system-level and/or in multiple countries (e.g., addressing systematic barriers experienced by more
than one country); however due to the footprint of the partner, the activities may be
piloted/implemented in specific countries as part of the proposal. Therefore, Gavi expects that Service
Providers have demonstrated working relationships in the countries where country-specific activities
are proposed. Gavi is also interested in “proof of concept” approaches that can be piloted in one or
more countries and subsequently scaled to other countries based on learnings and results.

Additionally, Gavi encourages consortia that bring together other global, regional and/or local
Services Providers, such as CSOs, NGOs, academia, and faith-based organizations. Regional Service

Request For Proposal

Providers based in a MICs Approach eligible country as well as working with in-country civil society
organisations3 are particularly encouraged4.

Gavi will not fund a pool of funding to be deployed for work in-country, when and if needed, or work
in specific countries where there is not a sufficient rationale to do so or that are better suited for
country-specific technical assistance.

These activities are to be undertaken in accordance with the below standards:

 MICs Approach Theory of Change

 MICs Technical Assistance Guiding Principles (Annex 3)
 Gavi Code of Conduct and Core Values5

1.3. Deliverables
In addition to the agreed workplan and Accountability Framework resulting from the proposal, the
following deliverables are expected during the duration of the contract:

Lot 1: Global Technical Assistance

 Finalized approach and workplan
 Production of at least one (1) learning material based on learnings from implementation that can
support peer-to-peer learning and contribute to the MICs Approach Learning Agenda. It is
expected that the learning material will be shared through the Linked Immunisation Action
 If “proof of concept” activities are proposed, evaluation of results and impact and recommendation
for scaling activities. Should taking “proof of concept” activities to scale be included in the
proposals, a decision about how to proceed will be taken upon this deliverable.
 A final report on activities and learnings from implementing this Technical Assistance and their
contribution to the identified problem statement and the MICs Approach Intermediate and Long-
Term Objectives

Lot 2: Multi-country Technical Assistance

 Finalized approach and workplan. This should include a plan for building capacity of government
counterparts and/or local CSOs in the countries proposed and indicate a clear exit strategy which
contributes to sustainability of the interventions proposed.
 Production of at least one (1) learning material based on learnings from implementation that can
support peer-to-peer learning and contribute to the MICs Approach Learning Agenda. It is
expected that the learning material will be shared through the Linked Immunisation Action
 A report on capacity building activities and results
 A final report on activities and learnings from implementing this Technical Assistance and their
contribution to the identified problem statement and the MICs Approach Intermediate and Long-
Term Objectives

Reference the Sustainability Goal of Gavi 5.0 for working with civil society organisations.

Request For Proposal

1.4. Key Dates

The following key (indicative) dates apply.

Note: Actual dates to be agreed based on the content and duration of the proposal.

Lot 1: Global Technical Assistance

 03/07/2023 – Start of contract
 01/08/2023 – Kick off meeting, including review of approach and workplan, followed by 6-
monthly implementation and monitoring meetings, including review of the Accountability
 01/06/2024 (date may be adjusted depending on workplan) – If “proof of concept” activities are
proposed, evaluation of results and impact and recommendation for scaling activities. Should
taking “proof of concept” activities to scale be included in the proposals, a decision to proceed will
be taken upon this deliverable.
 01/06/2025 (latest) – Learning material based on learnings from implementation that can support
peer-to-peer learning and contribute to the MICs Approach Learning Agenda
 01/09/2025 (latest) – Final report on activities and learnings from implementing this Technical
Assistance and their contribution to the identified problem statement and the MICs Approach
Intermediate and Long-Term Objectives
 31/12/2025 – End of Gavi 5.0

Lot 2: Multi-country Technical Assistance

 03/07/2023 – Start of contract
 01/08/2023 – Kick off meeting, including review of approach and workplan, followed by 6-
monthly implementation and monitoring meetings, including review of the Accountability
 01/06/2025 (latest) – Learning material based on learnings from implementation that can support
peer-to-peer learning and contribute to the MICs Approach Learning Agenda
 01/09/2025 (latest) – Report on capacity building activities and results
 01/09/2025 (latest) – Final report on activities and learnings from implementing this Technical
Assistance and their contribution to the identified problem statement and the MICs Approach
Intermediate and Long-Term Objectives
 31/12/2025 – End of Gavi 5.0

1.5. Duration of the Work

The scope of work is expected to be implemented from contract signature through until latest

1.6. Location of the Work

The scope of shall be performed remotely and / or in the countries in which organisations have
successfully proposed for TA support.  

Request For Proposal

2. Bid Submission

2.1. Preliminary Information

This section sets out the necessary preliminary information for Bidders to submit in consideration for
delivering the Requirement against any resultant Contract.
2.2. Intent to Participate, Acceptance of Confidentiality requirements and
Conflict of Interest Declaration
Bidders’ are required to acknowledge their acceptance of the instructions and rules pertaining to this
tender. Bidders are also required to provide the contract information for a representative who will be
the point of contact for all matters relating to the RFP, no later than the Due Date for submission of
Preliminary Information set out at Part 1 – RFP Timeline and Key Dates. Bidders are required to
maintain confidentiality in all matters relating to this RFP and shall not disclose confidential
information in connection with the RFP to any third party without prior written consent of Gavi.

Each Bidder must complete the Conflict of Interest online declaration and must immediately inform
Gavi should a Conflict of Interest arise during the RFP process. A Conflict of Interest may result in
the Bidder being disqualified from participating further in the RFP. This declaration must be provided
to Gavi no later than the Due Date for Preliminary Information set out at ANNEX 1 – RFP Timeline
and Key Dates.

The Intent to Participate and Conflict of Interest Declaration form can be accessed via the following
link: Gavi Supplier Declaration Form

3. Technical Proposal
3.1. Technical Proposal Format
Bidders must submit their Technical proposals filling the below document and sending it to
procurement@gavi.org before the Bid submission deadline:

Lot 1 Technical Proposal Template:

Lot 2 Technical Proposal Template:

Request For Proposal

Please note that there should be one technical proposal for each Lot proposed. A minimum
technical score of 60 points is required for each lot.

3.2. Technical Proposal Evaluation

Lot 1: Global Technical Assistance to address shared barriers and risks
No. Criteria / Sub-Criteria Sub-Weight (%)
1. Technical Approach 25%
a) Understanding of the requirements
b) Clear articulation of a problem statement, desired outcomes and activities that logically
contribute to the desired outcomes. This should include description of how these activities
and desired outcomes meaningfully contribute to the MICs Approach Intermediate and
Long-Term outcomes and the Guiding Principles.
c) Proposed workplan, including activities, implementing partners and timeline, that is
clearly linked to the problem statement and desired outcomes (noted in 1.b)

d) Monitoring and learning plan, including clear targets and indicators that will be used to
inform an Accountability Framework and monitor progress for the duration of the work.
e) Plan for development of at least one (1) learning product, including initial scope and
f) If “proof of concept” activities are proposed to be piloted: alignment with government
counterparts for implementing these activities, how these activities will be evaluated and
plan to scale up activities that have worked well.
2. Expertise and Qualifications of Bidder Personnel 10%
a) Quality and strategic capacity of Team Leader, with strong communication and
relationship building skills.
b) Quality of core team members, with ability to identify real country-contexts and adapt
activities accordingl .
3. Proposed Team Structure 10%
a) Proposed team structure, including description of lead and other partners, should a
consortium be proposed. Roles and responsibilities should be defined.
b) Extent to which the project team brings together global, regional and/or local partners,
including CSOs.
4. Experience and Capabilities 20%
a) Track record of delivering effective and successful Technical Assistance in the area of
immunisation and if relevant, in countries proposed (for “proof of concept” activities)
b) Demonstrable ability (backed by supporting evidence) to learn from prior performance
and adapt as needed.
c) Demonstratable ability to develop learning materials based on actual experiences in order
to share activities and learnings with other countries and contribute to the MICs Approach
Learning Agenda.
d) Two (2) reference projects that demonstrate the ability to deliver a similar scope of work.
5. Corporate Social Responsibility 5%
Total Weight: 70/100

Lot 2: Multi-country Technical Assistance

Request For Proposal

No. Criteria / Sub-Criteria Sub-Weight (%)

1. Technical Approach 25%
a) Understanding of the requirements
b) Clear articulation of a problem statement, desired outcomes and activities that logically
contribute to the desired outcomes. This should include description of how these activities and
desired outcomes meaningfully contribute to the MICs Approach Intermediate and Long-Term
outcomes and the Guiding Principles.
c) Clear identification of proposed countries, including description of how specific countries are
identified, shared barriers / risks across these countries and why a multi-country approach is
considered beneficial.
d) Proposed workplan, including activities, implementing partners and timeline, that is clearly
linked to the problem statement and desired outcomes (noted in 1.b)
e) Alignment and agreement with government counterparts for activities in the proposed countries.
f) Monitoring and learning plan, including clear targets and indicators that will be used to inform
an Accountability Framework and monitor progress for the duration of the work.
g) Plan for development of at least one (1) learning product, including initial scope and timeline
h) Plan for capacity building of government counterparts and/or local organizations and exit
2. Expertise and Qualifications of Bidder Personnel 10%
a) Quality and strategic capacity of Team Leader, with strong communication and relationship
building skills.
b) Quality of core team members, with ability to identify real country-contexts and adapt activities
3. Proposed Team Structure 10%
a) Proposed team structure, including description of lead and other partners, should a consortium
be proposed. Roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined
b) Extent to which the project team brings together global, regional and/or local partners, including
c) Proption of work allocated to in-country organisations.
4. Experience and Capabilities 20%
a) Track record of delivering effective and successful Technical Assistance in the area of
b) Demonstrated ability to deliver work in the area of immunisation and/or other programme areas
in the proposed countries. Note: if the country relationship is not in the area of immunisation, a
clear for plan for engaging with immunisation counterparts at the country level needs to be
c) Demonstrable ability (backed by supporting evidence) to learn from prior performance and
adapt as needed.
d) Demonstratable ability to develop learning materials based on actual experiences in order to
share activities and learnings with other countries and contribute to the MICs Approach
Learning Agenda.
e) Two (2) reference projects that demonstrate the ability to deliver a similar scope of work.
5. Corporate Social Responsibility 5%

Total Weight: 70/100

Request For Proposal

4. Financial Proposal
Bidders must submit their Financial proposals filling the below document and sending it to
procurement@gavi.org before the Bid submission deadline:

Lot 1 Financial Proposal Template:

Lot 2 Financial Proposal Template:

Please note that there should be one financial proposal for each Lot proposed.

4.1. Financial Proposal Evaluation

No. Criteria / Sub-Criteria Sub-Weight (%)
1. Financial evaluation points
Points for the Financial Proposal being evaluated = [Maximum number of points for the 30%
Financial Proposal] x [Lowest price] / [Price of proposal being evaluated]
Total Weight: 30/100

Bidders must submit a copy of their Proposal to Gavi by email to: procurement@gavi.org
The subject heading of the email shall be “019-2023-GAVI-RFP – Technical Proposal - [Bidder
Name]” and “019-2023-GAVI-RFP Error: Reference source not found – Financial Proposal -
[Bidder Name]”. Bidders may submit multiple emails (suitably annotated – e.g. Email 1 of 3) if the
attached files are too large to suit a single email transmission.
Please ensure that the different Proposal elements are returned in either MS Office Format or PDF.

5. Requests for Clarification

Bidders may submit requests for clarification of the solicitation documents and direct any questions
regarding the RFP content or process to procurement@gavi.org using the subject line“019-2023-
GAVI-RFP – Clarification - [Bidder Name]” using the below Q&A template

Request For Proposal

All questions and requests for clarification must be submitted in writing to procurement@gavi.org.
Direct communications with Gavi personnel are not permitted and Gavi reserves the right to
disqualify Proposals that do not comply with this requirement. Questions should be submitted by the
deadline set out in ANNEX 1 – RFP Timeline and Key Dates. Gavi will respond to submitted
questions and share responses (anonymously) with all Bidders who have submitted their Intent to
Participate , to ensure transparency and fairness. Gavi retains the right to answer questions received
after the deadline, when deemed necessary and beneficial for the outcome of the RFP.

6. Submission Checklist
Document Checklist
Cover Letter which includes:
- Name and address of the Service Provider
- Name, title, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person authorized to commit the Service
☐ Provider to a contract
- Name, title, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person to be contacted regarding the
content of the proposal, if different from above
- A signature of this letter done by a duly authorized representative of your company

☐ Gavi Declaration Form ☐ Financial Proposal

☐ Technical Proposal ☐ Corporate Social Responsibility documents

☐ Financial Stability

Format Checklist
Technical proposal separates from commercial All files are of the accepted type (PDF or MS Office
☐ ☐
proposal (Two-Envelope System). applications).

Separate emails prepared with subject names “019-2021-GAVI-RFP– Technical Proposal - [Bidder Name]” and

“019-2023-GAVI-RFP– Financial Proposal - [Bidder Name]”.

7. Proposed Contract and Gavi’s Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions for the proposed Contract under 019-2023-GAVI-RFP can be found here:
Gavi Alliance General Terms and Conditions for Services Agreements.

Request For Proposal

Gavi Services Agreement can be found below:


Request For Proposal

ANNEX 2: Rules of RFP

1. Rules of Gavi RFP
1.1. Scoring Approach
Gavi will base its initial evaluation on the Proposals submitted in response to the RFP.

In deciding which Bidders/s to shortlist Gavi will consider the results of the evaluation of each
Proposal and the following additional information:

i. Each Bidder’s understanding of the Requirements, capability to fully deliver the Requirements
and willingness to meet the terms and conditions of the Proposed Contract; and
ii. The best value-for-money over the whole-of-life of the goods or services.

In deciding which Bidder/s, to shortlist Gavi may consider any of the following additional

i. The results from past performance reference checks, site visits, product testing and any other due
ii. The ease of negotiations with a Bidder based on that Bidder’s feedback on the Proposed
Contract (where these do not form part of the weighted criteria);
iii. Any matter that materially impacts on Gavi’s trust and confidence in the Bidder; and
iv. Any other relevant information that Gavi may have in its possession;
Gavi will advise Bidders if they have been shortlisted. Being shortlisted does not constitute
acceptance by Gavi of the Bidder’s Proposal, or imply or create any obligation on to Gavi to enter
into negotiations with, or award a Contract for delivery of the Requirements to any shortlisted

1.2. Evaluation Committee

Gavi will convene an evaluation committee comprising members chosen for their relevant expertise
and experience. In addition, Gavi may invite independent advisors to evaluate any Proposal, or any
aspect of any Proposal.

1.3. Evaluation Model

The evaluation model is based on the weighting under sections 3.2 and 4.1 (Evaluation Criteria).
i. Bidders will be evaluated against the Technical Evaluation criteria in section 3.2. Proposals
must meet the minimum threshold defined in Section 3.2
ii. Bidders passing the minimum Technical score will then be evaluated against the Financial
Evaluation criteria in Section 4.1 The maximum number of financial evaluation points will be
allocated to the lowest priced financial proposal. Financial Proposals from other bidders will
receive points in reverse proportion according to the following formula: [Maximum number
of points for the Financial Proposal] x [Lowest price] / [Price of proposal being evaluated]

Request For Proposal

1.4. Two-Envelope System

Members of the technical evaluation committee will score each Proposal based on the weighted
Technical Criteria listed in Section 3.2 Proposals will then be ranked according to their technical
scores. Proposals that meet the required technical minimum shall then be progressed to the financial
evaluation stage whereby different members of the tender evaluation committee shall conduct an
assessment based on the weighted Financial Criteria shown below. Collectively the tender evaluation
committee will then determine which Proposals to shortlist/select based on best value-for-money over
the whole-of-life of the Contract.

1.5. Gavi Clarifications

Gavi may, at any time, request any Bidder to clarify their Proposal or provide additional information
about any aspect of their Proposal. Gavi is not required to request the same clarification or
information from each Bidder.
Bidders must provide the clarification or additional information in the format requested. Bidders will
endeavour to respond to requests in a timely manner. Gavi may take such clarification or additional
information into account in evaluating the Proposal.
Where a Bidder fails to respond adequately or within a reasonable time to a request for clarification or
additional information, Gavi may cease evaluating the Bidders ’s Proposal and may exclude the
Proposal from the RFP process.

1.6. Acceptance of Proposals

Proposals may be for all or part of the Requirement and may be accepted by Gavi either wholly or in
Gavi is under no obligation to accept the lowest priced Proposal or any Proposal and reserves the right
to reject any Proposal including incomplete, conditional or proposals which do not comply with the

1.6.1. Late Proposals

Bidders are responsible for submitting their Proposals on or before the RFP closing date and time
in accordance with ANNEX 1 – RFP Timeline and Key Dates. Any Proposal received by Gavi
later than the stipulated RFP closing date and time will not be evaluated by Gavi.
1.6.2. Withdrawal
Proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to the RFP closing date and time by written notice
to the Gavi.
1.6.3. Alternative Proposals
Bidders may submit alternative Proposals it they feel it may offer Gavi additional benefits whilst still
complying with the RFP requirements. Gavi reserves the right to accept or reject any proposed
alternative either wholly or in part.

Request For Proposal

1.6.4. Validity of Proposals

Proposals submitted in response to this RFP are to remain valid for a period of no less than ninety
(90) days from the RFP closing date.
1.7. No representation or Warrantee
Gavi shall take all reasonable care to ensure that the RFP is accurate, however the Gavi gives no
representation or warranty as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the contained information and that all
Bidders will receive the same information. Bidders are required to read and fully understand all
conditions, risks and other circumstances relating to the proposed contract prior to submitting a
1.8. Costs of Preparing Proposals
The issuance of this RFP in no way commits Gavi to make an award nor commits Gavi to pay any
costs or expenses incurred in the preparation or submission of Proposals or quotations. Bidders are
solely responsible for their own expenses, if any, in preparing and submitting a Proposal to this tender
1.9. Confidentiality
Bidders must not, without Gavi prior written consent, disclose to any third party any of the contents of
the RFP documents. Bidders must ensure that their employees, consultants and agents also are bound
and comply with this condition of confidentiality.
This entire RFP and all related discussions, meetings, exchanges of information, and subsequent
negotiations that may occur are confidential and are subject to the confidentiality terms and conditions
of the Intent to Participate.
Gavi and Bidder will each take reasonable steps to protect Confidential Information and without
limiting any confidentiality undertaking agreed between them, will not disclose Confidential
Information to a third party without the other’s prior written consent. Gavi and Bidder may each
disclose Confidential Information to any person who is directly involved in the RFP process on its
behalf, such as officers, employees, consultants, contractors, professional advisors, evaluation panel
members, partners, principals or directors, but only for the purpose of participating in the RFP.
1.10. Ownership of documents
Ownership of contents within the successful Proposal remain the property of Gavi or its licensors.
However, the selected bidder grants to Gavi a non-exclusive, non-transferable, perpetual licence to
retain, use, copy and disclose information contained in the Proposal for any purpose related to the
RFP process.
1.11. Third party information
Each Bidder authorises Gavi to collect additional information, except commercially sensitive pricing
information, from any relevant third party (such as a referee or a previous or existing client) and to
use that information as part of its evaluation of the Bidder’s Proposal. Each Bidder is to ensure that
all referees listed in support of its Proposal agree to provide a reference. To facilitate discussions
between Gavi and third parties each Bidder waives any confidentiality obligations that would
otherwise apply to information held by a third party, with the exception of commercially sensitive
pricing information.

Request For Proposal

1.12. Ethics
Bidders must not attempt to influence or provide any form of personal inducement, reward or benefit
to any representative of Gavi in relation to the RFP. Gavi reserves the right to require additional
declarations, or other evidence from a Bidder, or any other person, throughout the RFP process to
ensure probity of the RFP process.

1.13. Anti-collusion and bid rigging

Bidders must not engage in collusive, deceptive or improper conduct in the preparation of their
Proposals or other submissions or in any discussions or negotiations with Gavi. Such behaviour will
result in the Bidder being disqualified from participating further in the RFP process. In submitting a
Proposal, the Bidder warrants that its Proposal has not been prepared in collusion with a competitor.
Gavi reserves the right, at its discretion, to report suspected collusive or anticompetitive conduct by
Bidders to the appropriate authority and to give that authority all relevant information including a
Bidders Proposal.

1.14. No binding legal relations

Neither the RFP, nor the RFP process, creates a process contract or any legal relationship between
Gavi and any Bidder, except in respect of:
i. The Bidder’s declaration in its Proposal
ii. The Proposal Validity Period
iii. The Bidder’s statements, representations and/or warranties in its Proposal and in its
correspondence and negotiations with Gavi
No legal relationship is formed between Gavi and any Bidder unless and until a Contract is entered
into between those parties.
1.15. Exclusion
Gavi may exclude a Bidder from participating in the RFP if Gavi has evidence of any of the
following, and is considered by Gavi to be material to the RFP:
i. The Bidder has failed to provide all information requested, or in the correct format, or materially
breached a term or condition of the RFP.
ii. The Proposal contains a material error, omission or inaccuracy.
iii. The Bidder is in bankruptcy, receivership or liquidation.
iv. The Bidder has made a false declaration.
v. There is a serious performance issue in a historic or current contract delivered by the Bidder.
vi. The Bidder has been convicted of a serious crime or offence.
vii. There is professional misconduct or an act or omission on the part of the Respondent which
adversely reflects on the integrity of the Bidder.
viii. The Bidder has failed to pay taxes, duties or other levies.
ix. The Bidder represents a threat to national security or the confidentiality of sensitive government
information; and/or
x. The Bidder is a person or organisation designated as a terrorist by any authority.

Request For Proposal

1.16. Gavi’s additional rights

Despite any other provision in the RFP Gavi may, on giving due notice to Bidders:
i. Amend, suspend, change the closing date or time, cancel or re-issue the RFP, or any part of the
RFP without prior notice, explanation or reasoning.
ii. Make any material change to the RFP (including any change to the RFP dates, Gavi’s
Requirements or Evaluation and Scoring Approach). Bidders shall be given a reasonable time
within which to respond to the change.
iii. Award a contract on the basis of initial offers received, without discussions or requests for best
and final offers.
iv. In exceptional circumstances, accept a late Proposal where it considers that it will not affect the
fairness of the RFP process to other Bidders.
v. Accept or reject any non-compliant, non-conforming or alternative Proposal.
vi. At its discretion does not provide a response to any question arising submitted by a bidder.
vii. Waive irregularities or requirements in or during the RFP process where it considers it
appropriate and reasonable to do so.
viii. Select any individual element/s of the requirements that is offered in a Proposal and capable of
being delivered separately.
ix. Selecting two or more Bidders to deliver the requirements in the RFP.
1.17. Governing Law
The terms of this RFP shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with their true meaning and
intended effect independently of any system of national law, whether federal or state law. If a dispute
or complaint is submitted to any mode of resolution and there is a need to refer to any law, the
relevant Swiss law shall apply. No legal relationship is formed between Gavi and any Bidder unless a
contract is entered into with a successful bidder.

1.18. Settlement of Disputes

Any Disputes arising out of this RFP shall be settled through a neutral mediator/conciliator in
accordance with the conciliation rules adopted by the United Nations Commission of International
Trade Law (UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules) presently in force, unless agreed otherwise determined
by Gavi. The finding of the mediator/conciliator shall be final.

1.19. Protests and complaints

A Bidder may, in good faith, raise with Gavi any complaint about the RFP, or the RFP process at any
time by email to procurement@gavi.org using the subject line “019-2023-GAVI-RFP – Complaint –
[Bidder Name]”.
Gavi will consider and respond promptly to the complaint. Both the Bidder and Gavi shall agree to
act in good faith and use their best endeavours to resolve any complaint that may arise in relation to
the RFP. The fact that a Bidder has raised an issue or complaint shall not to be used by Gavi to
unfairly prejudice the Bidder’s ongoing participation in the RFP process or future contract
For complaints of serious nature, please refer to the Gavi Alliance Whistle-blower Policy

1.20. Acceptance
By submitting a Proposal, the Bidder accepts that it is bound by the Instructions and rules set out in
ANNEX 2 of this RFP.

Request For Proposal

Request For Proposal

ANNEX 3: MICs TA Guiding Principles

Aligned with the MICs Theory of Change, global and multi-country Technical Assistance is guided
by the following principles

Guiding Principle Definition

Results-oriented Based on a clear need or problem statement, the expected outputs and
outcomes should drive the activities, be clear and measurable with a
follow-up plan and clear accountability

Differentiated While addressing common barriers or risks, the activities and interventions
should be driven by the specific challenges that countries are facing and
responsive to their country contexts and needs with a focus on addressing
inter- and intra-country differences

Equitable and gender Approaches should identify and address barriers to immunisation for
focused vulnerable and/or missed communities. They should consider ways to
assess and mitigate gender-related barriers in immunisation programmes.

Targeted, prioritised Address specific gaps in current approaches to mitigate risk or seize
opportunities leading to a strengthening of the immunisation programme.
Prioritise interventions that are expected to have the greatest impact on
immunisation outcomes.

Innovative Utilise innovative approaches to solve problems and mitigate risks, try
new approaches and methods e.g., finding ways to have meaningful
engagement of subnational government and local level organisations
where effective relationships can be established.

Collaborative, Collaboration with stakeholders, including Governments and partners at

accountable the regional and/or country level, including with civil society
organisations, in an accountable manner.

Sustainable The interventions should have a long-term view with continued impact
past the end of the Gavi grant period, including through addressing
systematic barriers and/or supporting capacity building of country-level

Request For Proposal

ANNEX 4: Countries and economies eligible

under the MICs Approach


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