RFP MICs Approach Services Providers
RFP MICs Approach Services Providers
RFP MICs Approach Services Providers
Request for Proposals for working with Service Providers to provide global and / or
multi-country Technical Assistance to support the objectives of the Gavi Middle
Income Countries (MICs) Approach
RFP Opening Date: 15 February 2023 RFP Closing Date: 20 March 2023
Gavi is a unique organisation that aligns public and private resources in a global effort to create
greater access to the benefits of immunisation. It does this with precision and in creative, innovative
ways to ensure that donor contributions efficiently save lives and help build self-sufficiency in the
world’s poorest communities and regions.
RFP Timelines:
Procurement Activity Responsible Party Due Date
15 Feb. 23 Error: Reference source
RFP Issue Date Gavi
not found
Bid submission deadline (CET) Bidder Error: Reference source not found
The proposed timeline set out above indicates the process Gavi intends to follow. If there are any
changes to this time plan, Gavi will notify all Bidders of this in writing.
1. Gavi Project
As part of the Gavi Middle Income Countries (MICs) Approach, Gavi is seeking to work with
qualified Service Providers1 for providing global and / or multi-country Technical Assistance from Q3
2023 through end 2025. This Technical Assistance is one tool to build a stronger enabling
environment for countries eligible for support under the MICs Approach through addressing shared
barriers to new vaccine introductions and common risk factors for backsliding across multiple
Gavi is inviting Service Providers to submit proposals for global and / or multi-country Technical
Assistance support that work towards identifying, mitigating and, to the best extent possible,
removing common and systematic barriers for new vaccine introductions in countries eligible under
the MICs Approach that are missing PCV, RV and/or HPV vaccines and/or risks for backsliding in
vaccine coverage in former Gavi countries and thereby benefit multiple countries.
Service providers are invited to submit proposals for two (2) lots in response to this RFP:
Lot 1: Global Technical Assistance to address macro-level issues that, if resolved, would
then benefit multiple countries. This may include “proof of concept” activities in one or more
countries that, if successful, could be scaled to benefit multiple countries.
Lot 2: Multi-country Technical Assistance, where the work being proposed is for activities
across a named set of countries to address common or “system-level” issues across multiple
countries. The proposal should highlight the added value of working across these multiple
countries in parallel because of the synergies and efficiencies expected (as opposed to just
working in each country individually).
This Technical Assistance should be framed with the MICs Approach Theory of Change, aligned with
the Technical Assistance Guiding Principles (see Annex 3) and tangibly contribute to the MICs
Approach objectives and learning agenda. The list of MICs Approach eligible countries is available in
Annex 4.
Including, but not limited to, non-governmental organisations, advocacy organisations, professional and
community associations, faith-based organisations and academia.
Request For Proposal
It is expected that the work by Service Providers will complement that already being done by core
Alliance partners; therefore, Gavi is requesting proposals from Service Providers related to following
three (3) Intermediate Outcomes of the MICs Approach:
Request For Proposal
To this purpose, Service Providers are invited to submit proposals for Lot 1: Global Technical
Assistance and/or Lot 2: Multi-country Technical Assistance that are intended to address common
or systematic issues across countries, while still recognizing country-specific contexts and needs.
Service providers may develop new, practical tools or expand access to proven, successful
tools to support aspects of decision making (e.g., product landscape / product choice) and
planning for domestic resource requirements for a new vaccine introduction and promote their
use in countries.
Service providers may develop tools and share learnings related to demand generation.
Service providers may design advocacy training activities for civil society partners to address
barriers to new vaccine introductions and risk factors for backsliding within countries.
Service providers may develop a unique technical solution to address a shared barrier or risk
that is piloted in one or several countries.
As noted above, it is expected that proposals will include activities that can be implemented at a
system-level and/or in multiple countries (e.g., addressing systematic barriers experienced by more
than one country); however due to the footprint of the partner, the activities may be
piloted/implemented in specific countries as part of the proposal. Therefore, Gavi expects that Service
Providers have demonstrated working relationships in the countries where country-specific activities
are proposed. Gavi is also interested in “proof of concept” approaches that can be piloted in one or
more countries and subsequently scaled to other countries based on learnings and results.
Additionally, Gavi encourages consortia that bring together other global, regional and/or local
Services Providers, such as CSOs, NGOs, academia, and faith-based organizations. Regional Service
Request For Proposal
Providers based in a MICs Approach eligible country as well as working with in-country civil society
organisations3 are particularly encouraged4.
Gavi will not fund a pool of funding to be deployed for work in-country, when and if needed, or work
in specific countries where there is not a sufficient rationale to do so or that are better suited for
country-specific technical assistance.
1.3. Deliverables
In addition to the agreed workplan and Accountability Framework resulting from the proposal, the
following deliverables are expected during the duration of the contract:
Reference the Sustainability Goal of Gavi 5.0 for working with civil society organisations.
Request For Proposal
Note: Actual dates to be agreed based on the content and duration of the proposal.
Request For Proposal
2. Bid Submission
Each Bidder must complete the Conflict of Interest online declaration and must immediately inform
Gavi should a Conflict of Interest arise during the RFP process. A Conflict of Interest may result in
the Bidder being disqualified from participating further in the RFP. This declaration must be provided
to Gavi no later than the Due Date for Preliminary Information set out at ANNEX 1 – RFP Timeline
and Key Dates.
The Intent to Participate and Conflict of Interest Declaration form can be accessed via the following
link: Gavi Supplier Declaration Form
3. Technical Proposal
3.1. Technical Proposal Format
Bidders must submit their Technical proposals filling the below document and sending it to
procurement@gavi.org before the Bid submission deadline:
Request For Proposal
Please note that there should be one technical proposal for each Lot proposed. A minimum
technical score of 60 points is required for each lot.
d) Monitoring and learning plan, including clear targets and indicators that will be used to
inform an Accountability Framework and monitor progress for the duration of the work.
e) Plan for development of at least one (1) learning product, including initial scope and
f) If “proof of concept” activities are proposed to be piloted: alignment with government
counterparts for implementing these activities, how these activities will be evaluated and
plan to scale up activities that have worked well.
2. Expertise and Qualifications of Bidder Personnel 10%
a) Quality and strategic capacity of Team Leader, with strong communication and
relationship building skills.
b) Quality of core team members, with ability to identify real country-contexts and adapt
activities accordingl .
3. Proposed Team Structure 10%
a) Proposed team structure, including description of lead and other partners, should a
consortium be proposed. Roles and responsibilities should be defined.
b) Extent to which the project team brings together global, regional and/or local partners,
including CSOs.
4. Experience and Capabilities 20%
a) Track record of delivering effective and successful Technical Assistance in the area of
immunisation and if relevant, in countries proposed (for “proof of concept” activities)
b) Demonstrable ability (backed by supporting evidence) to learn from prior performance
and adapt as needed.
c) Demonstratable ability to develop learning materials based on actual experiences in order
to share activities and learnings with other countries and contribute to the MICs Approach
Learning Agenda.
d) Two (2) reference projects that demonstrate the ability to deliver a similar scope of work.
5. Corporate Social Responsibility 5%
Total Weight: 70/100
Request For Proposal
Request For Proposal
4. Financial Proposal
Bidders must submit their Financial proposals filling the below document and sending it to
procurement@gavi.org before the Bid submission deadline:
Please note that there should be one financial proposal for each Lot proposed.
Bidders must submit a copy of their Proposal to Gavi by email to: procurement@gavi.org
The subject heading of the email shall be “019-2023-GAVI-RFP – Technical Proposal - [Bidder
Name]” and “019-2023-GAVI-RFP Error: Reference source not found – Financial Proposal -
[Bidder Name]”. Bidders may submit multiple emails (suitably annotated – e.g. Email 1 of 3) if the
attached files are too large to suit a single email transmission.
Please ensure that the different Proposal elements are returned in either MS Office Format or PDF.
Request For Proposal
All questions and requests for clarification must be submitted in writing to procurement@gavi.org.
Direct communications with Gavi personnel are not permitted and Gavi reserves the right to
disqualify Proposals that do not comply with this requirement. Questions should be submitted by the
deadline set out in ANNEX 1 – RFP Timeline and Key Dates. Gavi will respond to submitted
questions and share responses (anonymously) with all Bidders who have submitted their Intent to
Participate , to ensure transparency and fairness. Gavi retains the right to answer questions received
after the deadline, when deemed necessary and beneficial for the outcome of the RFP.
6. Submission Checklist
Document Checklist
Cover Letter which includes:
- Name and address of the Service Provider
- Name, title, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person authorized to commit the Service
☐ Provider to a contract
- Name, title, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person to be contacted regarding the
content of the proposal, if different from above
- A signature of this letter done by a duly authorized representative of your company
☐ Financial Stability
Format Checklist
Technical proposal separates from commercial All files are of the accepted type (PDF or MS Office
☐ ☐
proposal (Two-Envelope System). applications).
Separate emails prepared with subject names “019-2021-GAVI-RFP– Technical Proposal - [Bidder Name]” and
“019-2023-GAVI-RFP– Financial Proposal - [Bidder Name]”.
Request For Proposal
Request For Proposal
In deciding which Bidders/s to shortlist Gavi will consider the results of the evaluation of each
Proposal and the following additional information:
i. Each Bidder’s understanding of the Requirements, capability to fully deliver the Requirements
and willingness to meet the terms and conditions of the Proposed Contract; and
ii. The best value-for-money over the whole-of-life of the goods or services.
In deciding which Bidder/s, to shortlist Gavi may consider any of the following additional
i. The results from past performance reference checks, site visits, product testing and any other due
ii. The ease of negotiations with a Bidder based on that Bidder’s feedback on the Proposed
Contract (where these do not form part of the weighted criteria);
iii. Any matter that materially impacts on Gavi’s trust and confidence in the Bidder; and
iv. Any other relevant information that Gavi may have in its possession;
Gavi will advise Bidders if they have been shortlisted. Being shortlisted does not constitute
acceptance by Gavi of the Bidder’s Proposal, or imply or create any obligation on to Gavi to enter
into negotiations with, or award a Contract for delivery of the Requirements to any shortlisted
Request For Proposal
Request For Proposal
Request For Proposal
1.12. Ethics
Bidders must not attempt to influence or provide any form of personal inducement, reward or benefit
to any representative of Gavi in relation to the RFP. Gavi reserves the right to require additional
declarations, or other evidence from a Bidder, or any other person, throughout the RFP process to
ensure probity of the RFP process.
Request For Proposal
1.20. Acceptance
By submitting a Proposal, the Bidder accepts that it is bound by the Instructions and rules set out in
ANNEX 2 of this RFP.
Request For Proposal
Request For Proposal
Results-oriented Based on a clear need or problem statement, the expected outputs and
outcomes should drive the activities, be clear and measurable with a
follow-up plan and clear accountability
Differentiated While addressing common barriers or risks, the activities and interventions
should be driven by the specific challenges that countries are facing and
responsive to their country contexts and needs with a focus on addressing
inter- and intra-country differences
Equitable and gender Approaches should identify and address barriers to immunisation for
focused vulnerable and/or missed communities. They should consider ways to
assess and mitigate gender-related barriers in immunisation programmes.
Targeted, prioritised Address specific gaps in current approaches to mitigate risk or seize
opportunities leading to a strengthening of the immunisation programme.
Prioritise interventions that are expected to have the greatest impact on
immunisation outcomes.
Innovative Utilise innovative approaches to solve problems and mitigate risks, try
new approaches and methods e.g., finding ways to have meaningful
engagement of subnational government and local level organisations
where effective relationships can be established.
Sustainable The interventions should have a long-term view with continued impact
past the end of the Gavi grant period, including through addressing
systematic barriers and/or supporting capacity building of country-level
Request For Proposal