DLL 9 W6
DLL 9 W6
DLL 9 W6
Introduction of Sports Officiating Sports Officiating
Nature First Aid for Injuries and Basketball
Principles emergency situations in Volleyball
Foundation of Sports Officiating Sports Setting
Duroc Integrated School
A. References
B. Other Learning
A. Motivation: A. Motivation: A. Motivation: Motivation: A. Motivation:
The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will give situation The teacher will ask the
students to recall the students to explain about the students what are the safety- in different games and they students what have they
PFT done last week. good characteristics of game first aid that can be given to will identify what rules should learned about their
Reflect their insight officials. injured person in officiating be given in that situation. lessons.
about the activity what officials or players.
are their strength and *Supportive B. Presentation B. Presentation
weakness, how they *Respectful B. Presentation NAME THAT VIOLATION Present the lesson with
improve their *Honesty NAME THAT VIOLATION questions and the students
weaknesses. The teacher will present will answer.
B. Presentation The teacher will present pictures of hand signal for The teacher will give a short
the teacher will discuss the pictures of hand signal for different games and will let talk to the students before
B. Presentation following through powerpoint different games and will let the students identify them . the quiz.
The teacher will present a presentation the students identify them .
video clip. *Basic First Aid C. Lesson Proper C.Evaluation
*Common Injury Encountered by C. Lesson Proper The teacher will discuss The teacher will group the
http://youtube.com/watc h? Officiating Officials and Athletes The teacher will discuss the rules and regulation of learners in to 4 groups let
v=wLS6WJTlrKs the rules and regulation of volleyball them make a Role
C. Lesson Proper basketball game through Playing about safety first
C.Lesson Proper The teacher may present game through powerpoint presentation. aid given in the different
The teacher will discuss different videos for giving powerpoint presentation. injuried officiating officials
Officiating procedures through first aid in the following : D. Drill or athlete .
a PowerPoint Presentation. D. Drill Were the roles of the
*Nature of Sports If there were no officiating officials Group 1- Sprain
Officiating Sprains and strain rules of the game, necessary in the Group 2- Knee
*General Principles of http://youtube.com what do you think smooth conduct of Injuries Group 3-
Officiating /watch?v=BZMD3cf would have the game? Justify Fractures
The teacher will discuss yjVI happened? why? your answer. Group 4- Dislocation
the following: What qualities
Knee injuries E. Generalization should an
*Foundation of Sport http://youtube.com officiating official
Officiating /watch?v=- Sharing ideas on possess? Why do
*Qualities of an VNv9TXmUP the following you say so?
Duroc Integrated School
Officiating Official 8 questions:
-Physical Qualities
-Physical Fitness Fractures E. Generalization
-Emotional Qualities http://youtube.com How did you haring ideas on
-Mental Qualities /watch?v=8- feel about the the following
-Social Qualities Hihv3ZwzI game ? questions:
*Reward and Satisfaction What
D. Drill observations
Injuries may happen anytime, have you How did you
D. Drill anywhere. List at least 3 noticed while feel about the
What are factors that can cause injuries. games were game ?
the fitness Explain why they can going on ? What
components lead to injuries. If there were no observations
being How important is it to rules of the game, have you
developed have knowledge and what do you think noticed while
in skills in applying would have games were
officiating? appropriate first aid happened? why? going on ?
Identify sport- techniques to an If there were no
situation injured officiating IV. Evaluation rules of the game,
where that official or athlete? what do you think
components If you were an would have
in needed. official, which happened? why?
What are the E. Generalization of the values IV. Evaluation
other The student will complete the and
benefits open ended statement characteristics Which of the
of officiating? should you values and
I will give safety first aid to possess fir the characteristics
E. Generalization victims whose suffering Ankle rest of your is the most
Complete the statement sprain by life? Why? important for
. an official to
A healthy Official lives a possess?
healthy lifestyle because I will give safety first aid to Why?
. victims whose suffering
Were the roles of
Fractures by
the officiating
IV. Evaluation .
officials necessary
in the smooth
Injuries may happen I will give safety first aid to
conduct of the
anytime, anywhere. victims whose suffering Knee
game? justify your
List at least 3 factors injuries by
Duroc Integrated School
that can cause . What qualities
injuries. should an
Explain why they can I will give safety first aid to officiating official
lead to injuries victims whose suffering possess? Why do
How important is dislocations by you say so?
knowledge and skills .
in applying IV. Evaluation
appropriates first aid
techniques to an The students will present their
injured officiating work to the class.
official or athlete?
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson works?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Duroc Integrated School