2023 Primary Science Mock STD 8

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EXAMINATION NUMBER: _____________________



(100 MARKS)

NAME OF CANDIDATE: _____________________________________________________

NAME OF SCHOOL: ______________________________________________________________.

TIME ALLOWED: 2 HOURS DATE: _______________________.

INSTRUCTIONS: Question Tick questions Do not write in

1. This paper contains 8 printed pages. Number 21-30 if answered these columns
Please check
2. This paper has two sections A and B.
Section A consists of 40 multiple choice 41
questions carrying one mark each. Encircle 42
a letter of your choice representing the right
answer to each question. Section B has 11
structured questions. Write your answer to 44
this section on the paper provided. The
maximum number of marks for each answer
is indicated against the question. 46
3. Answer all questions.
4. Make sure you have written your name 48
and examination number on the question
paper in the spaces provided. 49
5. Hand in your question paper to the
invigilator when time is called to stop
writing. 51

Page 1 of 9
1. Which of the following is a way of
preventing coccidiosis in rabbits?
A. Vaccinating the rabbits
B. Dusting the rabbits 5. Which risk is shown in the figure 2
C. Deworming the rabbits above?
D. Keeping the cage dry A. Weather changes
Figure 1 is a diagram showing one of B. Floods
the marketing functions. Use it to C. Fire
answer question 2 D. Pest and diseases
6. Which of the following ways can
manage the risk?
A. Contract production
B. Market research
C. Enterprise
D. Insurance
7. Which of the following is not a
2. What marketing function is being
physical farm record?
involved here?
A. Field operations records
A. Buying
B. Labour record
B. Advertising
C. Crop record
C. Transporting
D. Sale record
D. Storage
8. Which of the following types of soil
3. Which of the following is not the aim
is suitable for growing vegetables?
of agriculture as a business?
A. Loam soil
A. Increasing yield per unit area
B. Sandy soil
B. Growing crops mainly for sale
C. Sandy loan soil
C. Reducing cost per area
D. Clay soil
D. Maximizing profit
9. Why is it important to water
4. To which sub branch of agriculture
vegetables in the field crops?
does the growing of maize belong?
A. To reduce weed growth
A. Agronomy
B. To dissolve soil nutrients
B. Floriculture
C. To reduce spread of diseases
C. Olericulture
D. To control soil pests
D. Silviculture
10. Which of the following is a
Figure 2 is a diagram showing a risk
characteristic of a natural forest?
associated with farm business. Use it
A. Trees are grown for a purpose
to answer questions 5 and 6.
B. Trees grow without uniformity
C. Trees are cared for
D. Trees are properly spaced
11. Which system of agro forestry
involves planting Trees and shrubs

Page 2 of 9
along the boundaries of arable 16. Which of the following activities
crops? take place during land preparation?
A. Fodder bank A. Ploughing
B. Live fence B. Weeding
C. Alley cropping C. Banding
D. Improved D. Thinning
17. Why should a farmer paint a wheel
12. Which of the following is a A. To reduce friction
characteristic of loam soil? B. To prevent rusting
A. It holds moderate amount of C. To make it strong
water D. To attract customers
B. It has small air space 18. To which class of vegetables do
C. It is difficult to kill bean belong?
D. It has little amount of nutrients A. Root
13. Which the following indigenous farm B. Leaf
machinery and technology control C. Legumes
weevils in stored grains? D. Fruit
A. Planting frame 19. The principle of substitution of
B. Quern inputs help to solve the problem?
C. Leaf bag A. How to produce
D. Soot B. What to produce
Figure 3 is a diagram showing a C. Where to sell
common pest of ground nuts. Use it D. When to sell
to answer questions 14 and 15 20. Which of the following can improve
soil fertility?
A. Cultivating land every year
B. Practicing mono cropping
C. Making ridges along the slope
D. Practicing crop rotation
Figure 4 is a diagram showing a
14. What is the name of the pest?
foetus. Use it to answer questions
A. Termite
21 and 22.
B. Grasshopper
21. Identify the part market X
C. Aphids
A. Foetus
D. Beetle
B. Amniotic fluids
15. Which of the following crop diseases
C. Placenta
is spread by the pest?
D. Umbilical cord
A. Leaf spot
22. What is the function of the part
B. Rosette
marked Y?
C. Leaf bright
A. Dissolve food substances
D. Black rot
B. Protecting the foetus
C. Enclosing the fostus
Page 3 of 9
D. Produces eggs B. Brewing beer
23. Which of the following methods can C. Forming rain
separate a mixture of iron filling and D. Preserving food
flour? 29. Which of the foolwing is not a
A. Filtration composition of blood?
B. Magnetism A. Platelets
C. Distillation B. Veins
D. Winnowing C. Red blood cells
24. Which of the following can conduct D. White blood cells
electricity? 30. Which of the following crop has an
A. Salt solution erect atem?
B. Sugar solution A. Pawpaw
C. Paraffin B. Sweet potatoes
D. Milk C. Granadilla
25. Which of the following diseases can D. Pumpkin
be prevented by washing fruits 31. Which of the following is the main
before eating? way of contracting HIV and AIDS?
A. Goiter A. Sexual intercourse
B. Malaria B. Sharing tooth brushes
C. Anaemia C. Using unsterilized needles
D. Diarrhea D. Sharing un screened blood
26. Airing clothes is done immediately
Figure 6 is a diagram of a worm. Use
after pressing in order to:
it to answer questions 32 and 33
A. loosen the dirt
B. kill lice
C. dry them completely
D. to make them look nice

Figure 4 is a diagram showing

changes of states of matter. Use it to
answer questions 36 and 37. 32. Identify the warm.
A. Round worm
X B. Tape worm
Solid Liquid C. Hook worm
Y D. Pin worm
33. Which of the following is a way of
27. What process is presented by letter preventing the worm?
X? A. Cooking meat thoroughly
A. Melting B. Wearing shoes
B. Freezing C. Washing fruits
C. Condensation D. Keeping finger nails short
D. Evaporation 34. Which of the following is a
28. How could change of state of matter characteristic of wind pollinated
labelled Y be useful to human being? flower?
A. Drying clothes
Page 4 of 9
A. Have no nector 37. What is the name of the ray marked
B. Have bright petal M?
C. Produce scent A. Reflected ray
D. Anthers are help firmly B. Refracted ray
35. Which of the following diseases can C. Incident ray
be prevented by draining stagnant D. Emergent ray
A. Bilharzia
B. Sleeping sickness 38. Which of the following angles is the
C. Cholera value of angle N if angle O is 450?
D. Malaria A. 500
36. Which of the following is a non- B. 900
flowering plant? C. 300
A. Rice D. 450
B. Ferns
C. Tobacco
D. Peas 39. Which of the following technologies
can help to conserve the
Figure 7 is a diagram showing A. Solar panel
reflection of light. Use it to answer B. Mortor and pestle
questions 37 and 38. C. Bow and arrow
D. Canoe
40. Which of the following animal is a
A. Grasshopper
B. Fish
C. Ant
D. Butterfly

41. a. Define the term “farm record”
________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark
b. Mention two reasons why farm records are important.

_______________________________________________________________________2 marks

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c. Give any two types of farm records
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
42. a. State any two characteristics of goat suitable for breeding.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
b. Classify the following breeds of goats into meat and milk as their function: Saanem,
Somali, Boer, Toggnburg and Malawian goat
i. Meat _______________________________________________________________
ii. Milk __________________________________________________________ 5 marks

43. a. Mention any two characteristics of agro forestry tree species.

_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
b. Name any two factors which are considered when designing an agro forestry plot.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
Figure 8 is a diagram of a soil profile

44. a. name the parts labelled Y and Z

Y. __________________________________ Z ___________________________2 marks
b. give any two reasons why crops are mostly grown in part labeled A
_______________________________________________________________________ 2 marks
45. a. Give any two risks in a farm business.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
b. State any two ways in which agriculture is important.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks

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46. a. Give any two end product that can be made from hoofs.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
b. Name any two methods which are used to improve cattle production.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
c. State any two characteristics of the Malawian Zebu.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks


47. a. give any tow characteristics of wind pollinated flowers.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
b. list any two agents of seed dispersal
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
c. Give two reasons why seed dispersal is important.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
48. a. Name any two groups of vertebrate animals.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
b. Give any one feature that assist fish to move rapidly in water.
_______________________________________________________________________1 mark
c. List any two ways in which some vertebrate protect themselves from enemies.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
49. a. give the meaning of the following symbols in an electric circuit.
2 marks
i. _________________________________________

ii. ___________________________________
b. explain how hydro power produce electricity.

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_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
50. a. Give any two reasons for taking packed meals to school.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
b. List any two suitable materials used for carrying packed meals.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
c. Mention any two factors which are considered when planning packed meals.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
51. a. Give any two examples of natural fibres.
_______________________________________________________________________2 marks
b. State any two uses of table linen.
_______________________________________________________________________ 2 marks
c. Give any one reason for washing clothes.
________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark
Figure 9 is a diagram showing a method of cooking food

51. a. name the method of cooking.

________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark
b. state two advantages of the method of cooking above.

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_______________________________________________________________________ 2 marks
c. Give any two reasons for cooking food.
_______________________________________________________________________ 2 marks

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