Arts 6 Exams

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(100 MARKS)
Time allowed: ………………
Date: …….../………/2022
NAME OF CANDIDATE: _______________________________________________________________
(Surname first)
NAME OF SCHOOL: ___________________________________________________________________

1. This paper contains 4printed pages. Please check
2. Write your name in the spaces provided
3. This paper consists oftwo sections A and B
4. Answer all questions in sections A and B. In section B write your answer in the spaces provided
 Make sure you have written your name, school name on the question paper in the spaces provided.
 Please hand in your filled-in question paper to the invigilator at the end of the examination

1. One of the activities enhancing coordination B. Grass D. Electricity
is 8. Which of the following is the example of
A. Breathing C. Heat beat artwork for communication
B. Jogging D. Pounding A. Dyeing C. Weaving
2. Which of the following districts is the origin of B. Plaiting D. ___ arts
vimbuza 9. Which of the following is one of the rhythmic
A. Nsanje C. Thyolo activities
B. Mulanje D. Chitipa A. Mopping C. Sweeping
3. If the traditional dances are performed by B. Singing D. Swimming
learners are called 10. Which of the following is one of the non –
A. Traditional dances verbal form of communication
B. Learners dances A. Singing C. Performances
C. Educational dances B. Gestures D. Drama
D. Community dances
4. The following are occasions when dances are LIFE SKILLS (20MARKS)
performed except 11. Which of the following is one of the changes
A. Festival C. Funerals in boys physically
B. Swimming D. Weddings A. Develop sexual feelings
5. Which one of the following is the example of B. Wet dreams
mirroring activities C. Voice becomes deeper
A. Aerobics C. Writing D. Have interest in girls
B. Language D. Performances 12. Which of the following is one of the examples
6. Verbal communication involves the use of of bad health habits
A. Gestures C. Signs A. Washing hands
B. Silences D. Words B. Rest and sleep
7. The following are materials for making bath C. Not eating certain food
shelter except D. Cleanings teeth
A. Bamboos C. Hoe

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13. The following are the problems faced by B. Can cause good health
adolescent except C. Can cause diseases such as cholera
A. Peer pressure D. Can cause injuries
B. Rape 18. Clothes can be taken care by ___
C. Teenage pregnancies A. Brushing them
D. Abstinence B. Cleaning them
14. Which of the following is the waste from C. Washing them
people D. Dyeing them
A. Left over C. Urine 19. Waste means ___
B. Cottonrogs D. Chemical waste A. Wanted product
15. One of the type of toilet is B. Important product
A. Bath shelter C. Pit latrine C. Essential product
B. Bath tub D. Shower D. Unwanted product
16. Which of the following is a factor that can 20. Which of the following is one of the way of
destroy interpersonal relationships disposing wastes
A. Envy C. Empathy A. Using shower
B. Love D. Respect B. Using bath shelter
17. Which of the following is the consequences of C. Using toilets
poor sanitation D. Using rubbish pits
A. Can cause happiness
21. (a) Define traditional dances
(b) List two examples of traditional dances
i. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________2marks
(c) Explain one importance of dancing
22. (a) What are mirroring activities
(b) Mention two values of mirroring activities
i. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________2marks
(c) Describe one importance of rhythmic in dance
(d) Differentiate between verbal and non – verbal form of communication
23. (a) Explain one importance of physical activities

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(b) List two ways of conserving the environment
i. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________2marks
(c) Describe one importance of conserving the environment
Fig 1 shows the artistic item use it to answer the questions that follows

(d) i. Name the artistic item

(ii) What material can be used to make the fig 1?
24. (a) State three examples of sports and games
i. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________________________________________3marks
(b) List a person who officiate netball
(c) Explain one of the musical instruments that can be made locally
(d) List two types of musical instruments
i. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________2marks


25. (a) Give any two physical changes of girls when they grow up
i. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________2marks
(b) Explain one problem which young people face as they grow up
(c) State any two good habits
i. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________2marks
26. (a) List two ways of disposing wastes
i. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________2marks
(b) Define self-awareness

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(c) Explain one way how self-awareness is important
(d) List two factors that influence high self esteem
i. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________2marks
27. (a) Define self confidence
(b) Explain one factor that promote relationships
(c) List one importance of assertiveness
28. (a) Define sanitation
(b) List two ways of caring the clothes
i. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________2marks
(c) Explain two emotional changes of boys when they grow up
i. _______________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________2marks


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