Arts 6 Exams
Arts 6 Exams
Arts 6 Exams
1. This paper contains 4printed pages. Please check
2. Write your name in the spaces provided
3. This paper consists oftwo sections A and B
4. Answer all questions in sections A and B. In section B write your answer in the spaces provided
Make sure you have written your name, school name on the question paper in the spaces provided.
Please hand in your filled-in question paper to the invigilator at the end of the examination
1. One of the activities enhancing coordination B. Grass D. Electricity
is 8. Which of the following is the example of
A. Breathing C. Heat beat artwork for communication
B. Jogging D. Pounding A. Dyeing C. Weaving
2. Which of the following districts is the origin of B. Plaiting D. ___ arts
vimbuza 9. Which of the following is one of the rhythmic
A. Nsanje C. Thyolo activities
B. Mulanje D. Chitipa A. Mopping C. Sweeping
3. If the traditional dances are performed by B. Singing D. Swimming
learners are called 10. Which of the following is one of the non –
A. Traditional dances verbal form of communication
B. Learners dances A. Singing C. Performances
C. Educational dances B. Gestures D. Drama
D. Community dances
4. The following are occasions when dances are LIFE SKILLS (20MARKS)
performed except 11. Which of the following is one of the changes
A. Festival C. Funerals in boys physically
B. Swimming D. Weddings A. Develop sexual feelings
5. Which one of the following is the example of B. Wet dreams
mirroring activities C. Voice becomes deeper
A. Aerobics C. Writing D. Have interest in girls
B. Language D. Performances 12. Which of the following is one of the examples
6. Verbal communication involves the use of of bad health habits
A. Gestures C. Signs A. Washing hands
B. Silences D. Words B. Rest and sleep
7. The following are materials for making bath C. Not eating certain food
shelter except D. Cleanings teeth
A. Bamboos C. Hoe