3 Components of Consumer Health

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3 Components of Consumer

1. Health information
2. Health products
3. Health services
Health information=information
that people require to make wise
choices and decisions about their
health or the health of other
= any concept, step, or advice
that various sources give to aid the
health status of an individual.
= the type of information varies
depending on “ diseases, sexual
health, weight loss/gain, drugs and
alcohol, depression/ mental illness,
violence, smoking, eating
disorders, acne/skin care, local
clinics and sexual assault.

=the information is critical as it

may alter the health conditions of
a person.
Health products= are food, drugs,
cosmetics, devices, biologicals,
vaccines, in-vitro diagnostics re-
agents and household/urban
hazardous substances and/or a
combination of and/or a derivative
= these products may be
purchased from various places like
supermarkets, pharmacies, and
= people acquire health
information and products from
various sources like people, media
and technology. It is important to
identify the reliability of these
Who are these reliable sources of
health information and products?

They are the licensed professionals

who took up specialized and
intensive studies in the field. They
are the ones who have the
qualified educational background
and can give scientific explanation
to validate information.

Aside from health information and

products, people also avail of
various health services from
different providers.

Health services= are often

concerned to healthcare. These
programs aim to appraise the
health conditions of individuals
through screening and
examinations, cure and treat
disorders, prevent and control the
spread of diseases, provide safety,
emergency cure and first aid and
ensure a follow-up program for
individuals who have undergone

Health services are usually offered

by healthcare providers.
Healthcare providers= is trained
professional who provides people
with healthcare.

Different Types of Healthcare

1. Health Professionals
2. Healthcare facilities
3. Healthcare insurance

Health Professionals=individuals
who are licensed to practice
medicine and other rallied health
Cardiologist Dermatologist
Gastroenterologist Orthopedist
Geriatrician Ophthalmologist
Gynecologist Pediatrician
Neurologist Pulmonologist
II. Healthcare Facilities= are places
or institutions that offer healthcare

Different Types of Healthcare

a. hospitals
b. walk-in surgery center
c. health center
d. extended healthcare facility
a. Hospital=it is an institution
where people undergo medical
diagnosis, care and treatment.
=It offers different types
of medical care like inpatient and
outpatient care.
Inpatient care= refers to care
given to individuals who need to
stay inside the hospital to receive
proper treatment, monitoring and
Outpatient care= refers to
treatment that does not require an
individual to stay inside the
Kinds of Hospitals
a. private= operated by
individuals to gain profit
b. voluntary=it is owned by
community or an
c. government=being run by
state and the treatment fees
are subsidized
d. teaching=school for
medical students
In the Philippines, there are two
different kinds of hospitals:
a. General=have complete
medical, surgical and maternal
care facilities.
Philippine General Hospitals
Baguio General Hospital
Cebu General Hospital
Davao Medical Hospital
b. Specialty= handle a particular
disease or condition or
deal with only one type of
Philippine Heart Center
Lung Center of the Philippines
National Kidney Transplant
b. Walk-In Surgery Center= a
facility that offers surgery without
the patient being admitted in the
c. Health Center= the services in a
health center to cater to a specific
population with various health
d. Extended Healthcare Facility

III. Health Insurance=is a financial

agreement between an insurance
company and an individual or
group for the payment of
healthcare costs.
This may also pertain to a
“protection that provides benefits
for sickness and injury.

It offers various types of

1. medical insurance
2. major medical insurance
3. surgical insurance
4. disability insurance

Medical insurance= pays for the

fees of the health professionals,
laboratory tests and prescription
Major medical insurance= offers
payment for a long-term or chronic
diseases such as AIDS and cancer.
Hospitalization insurance= pays
for the stay of the patient inside
the hospital.
Surgical insurance= pays for
surgery fees.
Disability insurance= provides
financing for members who meet
accidents or suffer from illnesses.

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