Thistle and Clover Shawl: SKILL LEVEL: Advanced Intermediate SIZE: 70 Inches Long X 17 Inches Wide Materials
Thistle and Clover Shawl: SKILL LEVEL: Advanced Intermediate SIZE: 70 Inches Long X 17 Inches Wide Materials
Thistle and Clover Shawl: SKILL LEVEL: Advanced Intermediate SIZE: 70 Inches Long X 17 Inches Wide Materials
Row 3: Ch 1, turn. Sc in each st and ch across. (97 sc) (last sc will be placed in the 3rd ch of the beg ch 4 of
previous row)
Row 4: Ch 6 (counts as dc, ch 3), turn. * Sk 3 sts, dc in next st, ch 3. Repeat from * across. Dc in last st.
(25 dc, 24 ch 3 sps)
Row 5: Ch 1, turn. Sc in first st, *3 sc in ch 3 sp, sc in next st. Repeat from * across. (Last sc will be placed
in the 3rd ch of beg ch 6 of previous row).
Row 6: Ch 1, turn. Sc, * Sk 3 sts, 7 trc in next st, sk 3 sts, sc in next st. Repeat from * across. (12-7trc
shells, 13 sc)
Row 7: Ch 4 (counts as first trc), turn. 3 trc in 1st st. * Sk 3 sts, sc in next st, sk 3 sts, ** 7 trc in next st.
Repeat from * across ending at ** on last repeat. 4 trc in last st. (2-4trc shells, 11-7trc shells, 12 sc)
Row 10: Ch 4 (counts as dc, ch 1), turn. (Dc in next st, ch 1) 2 times.
* (sk 1 st, dc next st) 5 times. Ch 1, sk 1 st **, (dc next st, ch 1) 5
times. Repeat from * across ending at ** on the last repeat. (Dc
next st, ch 1) 2 times. Dc in top of beg ch 4 of previous row. (61 dc,
36 ch 1 sps)
Row 11: Ch 1, turn. Sc in each st and ch across. (97 sc) (Last sc will
be placed in the 3rd ch of the beg ch 4 of previous row)
Row 12: Ch 1, turn. Sc in first 3 sts. * Hdc next st, dc next 2 sts, trc
next 5 sts, dc next 2 sts, hdc next st **, sc next 5 sts. Repeat from *
across ending at ** on the last repeat. Sc in last 3 sts. (31 sc, 12
hdc, 24 dc, 30 trc)
Row 13: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc), turn. Hdc in each st across. (97
Row 14: Repeat row 12. Last st worked in top of beg ch 2 of previous row.
Row 15: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), turn. (Sk 1 st, dc next st) 2 times, * ch 1, sk 1 st, (dc next st, ch 1) 5
times **. (sk 1 st, dc next st) 5 times. Repeat from * across ending at ** on the last repeat. (Sk 1 st, dc
next st) 3 times. (61 dc, 36 ch 1 sps)
Row 16: Ch 1, turn. Sc in each st across. Last sc worked in top of beg ch 3 of previous row. (97 sc)
Row 17: Ch 4 (counts as first trc), turn. 3 trc in 1st st, * sk 3 sts, sc
in next 9 sts, sk 3 sts **, 7 trc in next st. Repeat from * across
ending at ** on the last repeat. 4 trc in last st. (2-4trc shells, 5-
7trc shells, 54 sc)
Row 18: Ch 1, turn. Sc in 1st st, * sk 3 sts, 7 trc in next st, sk 3 sts,
sc in next st. Repeat from * across. Last sc worked in beg ch 4 of
previous row. (12-7trc shells, 13 sc)
Row 19: Ch 4 (counts as first trc), turn. 3 trc in 1st st. * Sk 3 sts, sc
in next st, sk 3 sts, ** 7 trc in next st. Repeat from * across
ending at ** on last repeat. 4 trc in last st. (2-4 trc shells, 11-7trc
shells, 12 sc)
Row 23: Ch 1, turn. Sc in each st and ch across. Last sc will be in the 3rd ch of beg ch 4 of previous row.
(97 sc)
Row 32: Ch 1, turn. Sc in first 5 sts, sk 3 sts, * 7 trc in next st, sk 3 sts **, sc in next 9 sts, sk 3 sts. Repeat
from * across ending at ** on the last repeat. Sc in last 5 sts. (6-7trc shells, 55 sc)
Repeat Row 6-32 FIVE more times (or until shawl measures approx. 60 inches with fingering weight yarn,
or desired length).
Repeat from Row 6 to Row 20 ONE more time, DO NOT FINISH OFF.
Row 1: Ch 1, turn. Hdc first st. * Ch 3, sk 3 sts, sc next st, ch 3, sk 3 sts, hdc next st. Repeat from * across.
(13 hdc, 12 sc, 24 ch3 sps)
Row 2: Ch 1, turn. Sc in first st, *3 sc in ch 3 sp, sc in next st. Repeat from * across. (97 sc)
Row 3: Ch 6 (counts as dc, ch 3), turn. * Sk 3 sts, dc in next st, ch 3. Repeat from * across. Dc in last st.
(25 dc, 24 ch3 sps)
Row 4: Ch 1, turn. Sc in first st, *3 sc in ch 3 sp, sc in next st. Repeat from * across. Last 4 sc, work 3 into
ch3 sp, last sc will be worked into the 3rd ch of beg ch 6 of
previous row. (97 sc)