District 6 Year Research Plan
District 6 Year Research Plan
District 6 Year Research Plan
Department of Education
SDO – Laur Annex
4. (CORP) Motivate teachers and Make a follow Encourage Trained Invite resource Invite research
Collaborative school head to engage up research teachers and teachers and speaker about critique to
Research in research training and school head school head research enhance the
Program Invite research seminars produce school will conduct technique that school
experts who will guide about the research at least seminars and will help research with
and teach them on different one for each training for teachers to do the
how to do a research types of year. newly hired a collaborative collaborative
Make a LAC session research They must teachers research. efforts of
about research and Make a produce both about the Make a teachers and
make a collaborative research applied and importance research school head.
output considering all action research. of research. proposal tacled They will
learning areas Continues about the conduct
that can be a collaborative needs of the school to
subject for research school. school
research from Make an research
generation to evaluation an based
generation. research to program.
program from
time to time.
5. Teacher- Encourage personal Invite Teacher- Increase Well trained Make it easy
Researchers growth and research research made teachers school head for teachers to
Engagement development in every experts who is intentional, engagement and teacher’s engage with
Program teacher through can serve as systematic in research. serve as researchers
trainings/workshop speakers inquiry by speakers and with the help
teacher with the facilitators for of internal and
goals of gaining the district external
insights into training support
teaching and
6. Encourage and Each school Require all The Master Each school Strengthened
motivate Master must select Master Teacher Teachers Master culture of
MASTERESEARCH Teachers from the and come up in the District to should Teachers in the research in
district to attend with research submit their publish their District should the district,
training and workshop committee to research work. research promote the developed
about action and check the Conduct and work in a conduct of creativity and
applied research. research implement the national or research to innovative
Invite research proposal of action/ applied international their respective thinking that
experts to serve as the aspiring research journal. school. They promotes
resource speaker. researchers. approved by the must provide professional
Provide guidance and school division. guidance and development
assistance for the technical among
Master Teacher in assistance for teachers.
writing research the teachers.
7. SALIKSIK Regular meeting of all Always find Peer sharing of Develop the Mentoring and Refresh the
KUWENTUHAN school coordinators to time to knowledge and habit of coaching on orders and
address issues and consult school expertise to research research memo from
concerns on research research colleagues kumustahan higher offices
coordinators even in regarding
and have online research to
them platforms sustain the
disseminate programs,
all activities and
information projects
that concerning
transpired in research
meeting to
teachers and
school head
Prepared by:
Principal II/District Research Coordinator