Analysis of Mutual Coupling, Correlations, and Tarc in Wibro Mimo Array Antenna
Analysis of Mutual Coupling, Correlations, and Tarc in Wibro Mimo Array Antenna
Analysis of Mutual Coupling, Correlations, and Tarc in Wibro Mimo Array Antenna
6, 2007
Abstract—This paper presents the evaluation of multiple- tics, and enough wide bandwidth to cover 200 MHz, which is
input–multiple-output (MIMO) arrays by analyzing the mutual required for the WiBro system.
coupling, correlation coefficient, and total active reflection co- This paper investigates the mutual coupling, correlation, and
efficient. The meaning and analysis of the three parameters are
TARC in three different types of two-array antennas.
demonstrated in this paper. We show the effect of spatial and
pattern diversity on MIMO arrays. We also attempt to achieve
optimization of the array antenna’s allocation for wireless broad- II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND
band MIMO applications by performance evaluation.
The MIMO system can be modeled as
Index Terms—Correlation coefficient, multiple-input–multiple-
output (MIMO), mutual coupling, radiation pattern, total active (1)
reflection coefficient (TARC).
where is an 1 vector, which represents the transmitted
signal by the antennas. Likewise, the received signal and ad-
I. INTRODUCTION ditive noise vector are represented by and vectors.
represents the path gain between transmitter and receiver,
which is induced by the MIMO channel.
The instananeous channel capacity of MIMO has been shown
I NFORMATION theory has shown that an upper limit exists
for the average spectral efficiency using a single transmitter
and single receiver [1]. Thus, multiple-input–multiple-output
to be [2]
(MIMO) antennas have received great attention for their ability (2)
to overcome the limits of single-input single-output channel
capacity [2]. or in terms of the eigenvalues of as
In order to study the performance of the MIMO antenna, some
parameters need to be considered. Mutual coupling is one of the
important factors because higher mutual coupling means lower (3)
antenna efficiency. The correlation coefficient between the two
antennas is another important parameter since it is associated
with the loss of spectral efficiency and degradation of perfor- where denotes the complex conjugate and
mance of a MIMO system [3]. Total active reflection coefficient .
(TARC) must also be considered. We use TARC rather than the Since is random, the capacity is randomly varying with .
traditional scattering matrix because the scattering matrix does In the correlated Rayleigh-fading case, the following covari-
not accurately characterize the radiating efficiency and band- ance structure is valid [5]:
width of an antenna array [4].
The proposed antenna arrays are composed of printed in- (4)
verted-F antenna (PIFA) with U-shaped slot. The antenna is
designed for wireless broadband (WiBro) application in the where represents transmit correlation between transmit an-
United States and Canada (2.5–2.7 GHz), which is based on the tenna and . Likewise, represents receive correlation be-
IEEE 802.16e technical standard. WiBro is a mobile broadband tween receive antenna and . These two correlations are in-
access technology being developed and deployed in South dependent of each other. Thus, can be factorized in form as
Korea. It provides not only large coverage and fast mobility follows:
but also data rates as high as wireless local-area network. The
proposed antenna has low profiles, good radiation characteris- (5)
Fig. 2. Measured and simulated return losses of single PIFA.
Using (14), TARC for the 2 2 antenna array can be directly
calculated from the scattering matrix.
and is a minor determinant of , which III. TWO ANTENNA ARRAYS
implies a determinant of the matrix lying in the This paper proposes a novel PIFA with U-slot. The antenna
rows and columns of [7]. volume measures 15 15 4 mm . The structure of the an-
For the case of (2 2 case), (6) becomes tenna is described in Fig. 1. The single antenna with ground size
of 45 85 mm has resonance at 2.6 GHz covering the band-
(7) width of 200 MHz in voltage standing-wave ratio 2:1. The pro-
posed antenna is an electrically small antenna , so it
is suitable for MIMO implementation in handsets. CST Micro
and for high SNR case Wave Studio is employed to simulate the scattering parameters
and radiation patterns. The comparison results between the mea-
(8) sured and simulated return losses are shown in Fig. 2. The mea-
sured and simulated copolarized and cross-polarized radiation
where is a 2 2 correlation matrix. patterns at 2.6 GHz are plotted in Fig. 3.
As shown in (7) and (8), the capacity loss increases due to In order to analyze the effect of parameters with variation of
spatial correlation between receive antennas. The elements of separation distance (spatial diversity) and the pattern of the an-
correlation matrix can be obtained by the following equations tennas (pattern diversity), we propose three different structures
[8]: of two antenna elements as shown in Fig. 4. By comparing Type
2 1 with Type 2 2, we can find the effect of pattern diversity.
(9) And, from Type 2 1 and Type 2 3, the influence of spatial di-
(10) versity can be discovered.
As shown in Fig. 5, in all cases, dual array covers 200 MHz
for or . bandwidth. The center frequency of Type 2 1 is slightly in-
The correlation coefficient is usually calculated from the creased compared to the original antenna. In the case of Type
three-dimensional radiation patterns. However, this process 2 2, the distance is identical with Type 2 1 but one of the an-
requires complex and advanced calculation. Recent studies tennas is rotated by 90 so that the return loss characteristic of
show that in some cases, such as a uniform random field, the the rotated antenna is slightly different from the original one.
Fig. 5. Scattering parameters of three dual arrays. (a) Type 2 1. (b) Type 2 2.
(c) Type 2 2.
Fig. 6. Measured mutual coupling for dual antenna array. Fig. 9. Measured TARC for dual antenna array.
This paper investigates two antenna arrays in handsets
by considering mutual coupling, correlation coefficient, and
The results show that these three parameters are not merely
dependent on antenna spacing. However, they are directly af-
Fig. 7. Measured correlation coefficient for dual antenna array. fected by radiation patterns. From these points, we can conclude
that the antenna pattern is a more considerable factor than the
separation distance when the ground size is small and the two
antennas are located in the array. Thus, it is better for us to re-
alize pattern diversity rather than spatial diversity to reduce the
correlation in the case of compact antenna arrays.
Since the variation of is much higher than , mutual
coupling determines the correlation and TARC.
Evaluating array antenna performance in terms of the MIMO
communication environment is important. This paper attempts
to optimally allocate the two PIFA elements in the MIMO
antenna array. The performance evaluation methodology can
apply any type of antenna arrays.
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