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EE2006D Topic 11

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Course: EE2006D ELECTRICAL MACHINES I Semester: Winter/ 2021-’22

Topic 11
Transformers-Sample Questions

1. A 2200/ 220V, 50Hz, single-phase transformer is to be operated at a maximum flux density of 1.5T.
What should be the effective cross-sectional area of the core and the number of turns in its windings, if
the emf per turn is 12V?
E1 = 4.44fN1Φm = 4.44fN1BmA and E2 = 4.44fN2Φm = 4.44fN2BmA.
emf per turn = E1/ N1 = E2/ N2.
Given that emf per turn = 12V, E1 ≈ V1 =2200V, E2 ≈ V2 =220V and Bm = 1.5T. So,
N1 = 2200/ 12 = 183, N2 = 220/ 12 = 18 and
A = 2200/ (4.44 x 50 x 183 x 1.5) = 0.0361sq.m = 361 sq.cm.

2. The resistances of the hv and lv windings of a 50Hz, single phase transformer with a turns-ratio of 6 are
0.90 and 0.03 respectively while the reactances of the same are 5 and 0.13 respectively. What
voltage is to be applied to the hv winding to obtain full load current of 200A in the lv winding on short
circuit? What will be the power factor on short circuit?
r1 and r2 be the resistances of the hv and lv windings respectively.
x1 and x2 be the reactances of the hv and lv windings respectively.
k be the turns-ratio = N2/ N1.
Total impedance referred to hv side, Z01 = R01 + j X01 = (r1 + r2/ k2) + j (x1 + x2/ k2).
Given that r1 = 0.90, r2 = 0.03, x1 = 5, x2 = 0.13 and k = 1/6. So,
Z01 = R01 + j X01 = (1.98 + j 9.68).
When V1 is the voltage applied to the hv winding to obtain a current I2 = 200A in the lv winding on
short circuit, current drawn from the supply will be given by
I2' = I2 x k = 200 x 1/6 = 33.33A which is equal to V1/ Z01 = V1/ (1.98 + j 9.68), since ZL‛= ZL/ k2 =0.
Hence V1 = 33.33 x (1.98 + j 9.68) = 329.35V and
power factor = Cos (tan-1 (9.68/1.98)) = 0.2.

3. The resistance and leakage reactance of the hv winding of a 50kVA, 4400/220V, 50Hz, single phase
transformer are 3.45 and 5.2 respectively while the resistance and leakage reactance of its lv
winding are 0.009 and 0.015 respectively. Calculate (i) its equivalent resistance and reactance
referred to high voltage side and (ii) the total copper losses at rated load.
As in (2) above,
Total impedance referred to hv side, Z01 = R01 + j X01 = (r1 + r2/ k2) + j (x1 + x2/ k2).
P Ananthakrishnan, EED, NIT Calicut
Course: EE2006D ELECTRICAL MACHINES I Semester: Winter/ 2021-’22

Given that r1 = 3.45, r2 = 0.009, x1 = 5.2, x2 = 0.015 and k = 220/4400 = 0.05. So,
Z01 = R01 + j X01 = (7.05 + j 11.2) or R01 = 7.05 and X01 = 11.2.
Total copper losses at rated load = (I1 rated)2 R01, where I1 rated = S/ V1 = 50 x 1000/ 4400 = 11.36A.
Then, total copper losses at rated load = 11.362 x 7.05 = 910W.

4. The resistance and leakage reactance of the hv winding of a 30kVA, 2400/120V, 50Hz, single phase
transformer are 0.1 and 0.22 respectively while the resistance and leakage reactance of its lv
winding are 0.035 and 0.012 respectively. Calculate its equivalent resistance, reactance and
impedance referred to high voltage side.
As in (2) above,
Total impedance referred to hv side, Z01 = R01 + j X01 = (r1 + r2/ k2) + j (x1 + x2/ k2).
Given that r1 = 0.1, r2 = 0.035, x1 = 0.22, x2 = 0.012 and k = 120/2400 = 0.05. So,
Z01 = R01 + j X01 = (14.1 + j 5.02) or R01 = 14.1, X01 = 5.02 and Z01 = [R012 + X012]1/2 = 14.97.

5. If a transformer has copper loss of 1.7% and reactance of 3.8% on full load, calculate its full load voltage
regulation at (i) unity power factor, (ii) a power factor of 0.8 lagging and (iii) a power factor of 0.8 leading.
% Voltage regulation = (𝜀r Cos Φ ± 𝜀x Sin Φ), where 𝜀r = % copper loss, 𝜀x = % reactance, + for lagging
power factor and – for leading power factor.
Given that 𝜀r = % copper loss = 1.7 and 𝜀x = % reactance = 3.8. Hence,
(i) unity power factor
% Voltage regulation = 1.7 x 1 + 3.8 x 0 = 1.7%.
(ii) a power factor of 0.8 lagging
% Voltage regulation = 1.7 x 0.8 + 3.8 x 0.6 = 3.64%.
(iii) a power factor of 0.8 leading.
% Voltage regulation = 1.7 x 0.8 - 3.8 x 0.6 = (-) 0.92%.

6. Calculate the full load efficiency of a 100kVA, 6600/250V, 50Hz, single phase transformer at a power
factor of 0.8 lagging if its maximum efficiency of 98% occurs on half load at unity power factor.
Efficiency = (x S Cos Φ)/ (x S Cos Φ + W const + Wcopper), where W copper at any load is x2 times full load
copper loss, the condition for maximum efficiency being W const = W copper.
Given that maximum efficiency = 98%, S = 100kVA, x at maximum efficiency = 0.5 and pf = 1.
0.98 = (0.5 x 100000 x 1)/ (0.5 x 100000 x 1 + 2 W const)
Wconst = 510.2W = W copper (for x = 0.5)

P Ananthakrishnan, EED, NIT Calicut

Course: EE2006D ELECTRICAL MACHINES I Semester: Winter/ 2021-’22

Hence full load copper loss = 510.2/ 0.52 = 2040.8W

Full load efficiency at a power factor of 0.8 lagging
= (1 x 100000 x 0.8)/ (1 x 100000 x 0.8 + 510.2 + 2040.8) = 96.91%.

7. A 6600/384V, 200kVA, single phase transformer has the same efficiency of 98% while delivering full
load and half load at unity power factor. Its no-load power factor is 0.2 and the full load voltage
regulation at a power factor of 0.8 lagging is 4%. Draw the equivalent circuit of the transformer referred
to low voltage side and insert the parameter values.
Efficiency = (x S Cos Φ)/ (x S Cos Φ + W const + Wcopper), where W copper at any load is x2 times full load
copper loss, the condition for maximum efficiency being W const = W copper.

Given that efficiency = 98%, S =200kVA, x at this efficiency = 1 & 0.5 and pf = 1. Hence,

0.98 = (1 x 200000 x 1)/ (1 x 200000 x 1 + W const + W copper-fl) ………………………………………….… (1)

0.98 = (0.5 x 200000 x 1)/ (0.5 x 200000 x 1 + W const + W copper-fl x 0.52) ……………………..…………. (2)

Solving (1) & (2),

Wconst = 1360.54W and Wcopper-fl = 2721.09W.

The equivalent circuit parameters referred to low voltage side are to be obtained here.

Since S = Vhv x Ihv rated = Vlv x Ilv rated and Vlv = 384V,

Ilv rated = 200000/384 = 520.83A.

R02 = W copper-fl/ (Ilv rated)2 = 2721.09/ 520.832 = 0.01.

Now, the % Voltage regulation = (𝜀r Cos Φ ± 𝜀x Sin Φ), where 𝜀r = (I2 R02/ V2)x100, 𝜀x = (I2 X02/ V2)x100,
+ for lagging power factor and - for leading power factor.

Given that the full load voltage regulation at a power factor of 0.8 lagging is 4%. Hence,

4 = (200000/384) (0.01/384) (100) 0.8 + (200000/384) (X02/384) (100) 0.6 or X02 = 0.036.

Now, W const = Vlv2/ R0‛. Hence, R0‛ = 3842/ 1360.54 = 108.38.

R0' = Vlv/ (I0 Cos Φ0).

Given that Cos Φ0 = 0.2. So I0 = 384/ (108.38 x 0.2) = 17.7154.


X0' = Vlv/ (I0 sin Φ0) = 384/ (17.7154 x 0.9798) = 22.1.

P Ananthakrishnan, EED, NIT Calicut
Course: EE2006D ELECTRICAL MACHINES I Semester: Winter/ 2021-’22

8. A 20kVA, 2000/200V, 50Hz, single phase transformer gave the following data on test. OC test (low
voltage side): 200V, 4A & 120W and SC test (high voltage side): 60V, 10A & 300W. Draw the equivalent
circuit of the transformer referred to low voltage side and insert the parameter values.

OC test data on lv side, V0, I0 and W 0 provide the parameters R0'and X0'.

Given that V0 = 200V, I0 = 4A and W 0 = 120W.

Cos Φ0 = W 0/ V0I0 = 120/ (200 x 4) = 0.15; sin Φ0 = 0.9887

R0' = (V0/ I0 Cos Φ0) = 200/ (4 x 0.15) = 333.3 and

X0 = (V0/ I0 Sin Φ0) = 200/ (4 x 0.9887) = 50.57.
SC test data on hv side, Vsc, Isc and W sc provide the parameters R01 and X01.
Given that Vsc = 60V, Isc = 10A, W sc = 300W and k = V2/ V1 = 200/ 2000 = 0.1.
R01 = W sc/ Isc2 = 300/ 102 = 3. Then, R02 = R01 x k2 = 3 x 0.12 = 0.03.
Z01 = Vsc/ Isc = 60/ 10 = 6.
X01 = [Z012 - R012]1/2 = [62 - 32]1/2 = 5.196. Then, X02 = X01 x k2 = 5.196 x 0.12 = 0.052.

9. Find the all-day efficiency of a 100kVA distribution transformer, the iron loss and full load copper loss of
which are 1.5kW each, if it operates on full-load for 3hours, half-load for 4hours and no-load for 17hours.
All-day efficiency of a distribution transformer = Output in kWh for 24 hours/ (Output in kWh for 24 hours
+ iron loss in kWh for 24 hours + copper loss in kWh for 24 hours).
Given that iron loss = full load copper loss = 1.5kW
Loading: full-load for 3hours, half-load for 4hours and no-load for 17hours.
Output in kWh for 24 hours = 100x1x3 + 0.5x100x1x4 + 0x17 = 500kWh
iron loss in kWh for 24 hours = 1.5x24 = 36kWh
copper loss in kWh for 24 hours = 1.5x3 + 0.52x1.5x4 + 0 = 6 kWh
All-day efficiency = 500x100/ (500+36+6) = 92.25%.

10. Find the all-day efficiency of a 500kVA distribution transformer, the full load copper loss and iron loss of
which are 4.5kW and 3.5kW respectively, if the loading on the same during a day is as given below. No.
of hours/ Load in kW/ Power factor: 6/ 400/ 0.8, 10/ 300/ 0.75, 4/ 100/ 0.8 and 4/ 0/ -.

All-day efficiency of a distribution transformer = Output in kWh for 24 hours/ (Output in kWh for 24 hours
+ iron loss in kWh for 24 hours + copper loss in kWh for 24 hours).
Given that iron loss = 3.5kW and full load copper loss = 4.5kW
Loading: hours/ kW/ Pf: 6/ 400/ 0.8, 10/ 300/ 0.75, 4/ 100/ 0.8 and 4/ 0/ -

P Ananthakrishnan, EED, NIT Calicut

Course: EE2006D ELECTRICAL MACHINES I Semester: Winter/ 2021-’22

Output in kWh for 24 hours = 400x6 + 300x10 + 100x4 + 0x4 = 5800kWh

iron loss in kWh for 24 hours = 3.5x24 = 84kWh
copper loss in kWh for 24 hours
= 4.5x6x[400/(0.8x500)]2 + 4.5x10x[300/(0.75x500)]2 + 4.5x4x[100/(0.8x500)]2 + 0x4 = 56.92kWh
All-day efficiency = 5800x100/ (5800+84+56.92) = 97.6%

11. Find the all-day efficiency of a distribution transformer, the maximum efficiency of which is 98% at
15kVA at upf, if it is loaded as given below during a day. No. of hours/ Load in kW/ Power factor: 12/ 2/
0.5, 6/ 12/ 0.8 and 6/ 18/ 0.9.
All-day efficiency of a distribution transformer = Output in kWh for 24 hours/ (Output in kWh for 24 hours
+ iron loss in kWh for 24 hours + copper loss in kWh for 24 hours).
As the efficiency at 15kVA at upf is 98%, total losses at 15kVA = (15x1/.98)-15x1 = 306.1W.
As this is the maximum efficiency,
iron loss = 306.1/2 = 153.05W and copper loss at 15kVA = 306.1/2 = 153.05W.
Loading: hours/ kW/ Pf: 12/ 2/ 0.5, 6/ 12/ 0.8 and 6/ 18/ 0.9.
Output in kWh for 24 hours = 2x12 + 12x6 + 18x6 = 204kWh.
iron loss in kWh for 24 hours = 153.05x24/1000 = 3.6732kWh
copper loss in kWh for 24 hours = {153.05x12x[2/(0.5x15)]2 + 153.05x6x[12/(0.8x15)]2 +
153.05x6x[18/(0.9x15)]2}/1000 = 2.681kWh
All-day efficiency = 204x100/ (204+3.6732+2.681) = 96.98%

12. Two single phase transformers A and B, the impedances of which are (1 + j6) and (1.2 + j4.8)
respectively are connected in parallel to supply a load of 500kVA at a power factor of 0.8 lagging.
Compute the real and reactive power shared by each machine.
Sharing of transformers will be
SA = S ZB/ (ZA + ZB) and SB = S ZA/ (ZA + ZB) when the voltage ratio is equal.
Given that S = 500kVA, ZA = (1 + j6) and ZB = (1.2 + j4.8).
Hence ,
SA = S ZB/ (ZA + ZB) = 500-36.87 x (1.2 + j4.8)/ (1 + j6 + 1.2 + j4.8)
= 224.59-39.4 = (173.5-j142.6)kVA.
Therefore the real and reactive power share of transformers A: 173.5kW & 142.6kVAR.
SB = S ZA/ (ZA + ZB) = 50036.87 x (1 + j6)/ (1 + j6 + 1.2 + j4.8)
= 275.86-34.8 = (226.5-j157.4)kVA.
Therefore the real and reactive power share of transformers B: 226.5kW & 157.4kVAR.
P Ananthakrishnan, EED, NIT Calicut
Course: EE2006D ELECTRICAL MACHINES I Semester: Winter/ 2021-’22

13. Two transformers A and B, the impedances in secondary terms of which are (0.15 + j0.5) and (0.1 +
j0.6) respectively are connected in parallel to supply a load of (2 + j1.5). Calculate the power output
and the power factor of each transformer, if their no-load terminal voltages are 2070V & 2050V
Sharing of power supplied to a load (ZL) by two transformers of impedances ZA and ZB will be governed
by the following equations:
IA = [EA ZB + (EA - EB) ZL]/ [ZA ZB + ZL (ZA + ZB)],
IB = [EB ZA - (EA - EB) ZL]/ [ZA ZB + ZL (ZA + ZB)] and
V2 = I ZL = (IA + IB) ZL, when the voltage ratio is unequal
Given that ZA = (0.15 + j0.5), ZB = (0.1 + j0.6), ZL = (2 + j1.5), EA = 2070V and EB = 2050V.
Substituting these values in the above equations, IA, IB and V2 are obtained.
Then, SA = V2 IA and SB = V2 IB.
Output and the power factor of transformer A: 6.548kw, 0.818 lagging. (For verification)
Output and the power factor of transformer B: 4.9kW, 0.776 lagging. (For verification)

P Ananthakrishnan, EED, NIT Calicut


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