Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4: Ii. Content Iii. Learning Resources
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4: Ii. Content Iii. Learning Resources
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4: Ii. Content Iii. Learning Resources
B. Establishing a purpose for the Let’s Investigate! Tell the students on what they are about to learn Remind the students that process
lesson Ask the students to Imagine that they are focus on the five basic characteristics of refers to a series of steps or actions
are a police inspector assigned to research. taken to achieve a particular end or
solve a crime. There are four (4) clues goal.
in the crime scene. It is their job to
decode the clues using the alphabet
and symbols in order to identify who
is the culprit.
C. Presenting Examples/instances B. Analysis B. Analysis B. Analysis
of new lesson 1. What the statements all about? Ask the Students the following questions: Ask the students the following
2. What is the research experience? 1. What are the five basic characteristics of questions:
3. What is knowledge? research? 1. Why do you need to undergo
4. Why research is important in our 2. Why research should be objective and a process in conducting
life? systematic? research?
5. Give another example of product 3. Why research should be empirical, 2.
of research and state how it becomes a feasible and clear?
product of research.
D. Discussing new concepts and C. Abstraction C. Abstraction C. Abstraction
practicing new skills #1 Reading altogether Reading by Pair Discuss the research process in class
Research is a careful consideration of Ask the students to read the definition of the using Socratic method
study regarding a particular concern or characteristics of research and tell them to share
problem using a process of inquiry. their ideas on them.
According to the American sociologist
Earl Robert Babbie, “Research is a
systematic inquiry to describe,
explain, predict, and control the
observed phenomenon.
F. Developing mastery Jumble the process and ask the
(Leads to Formative Assessment) students to arrange them.
G. Finding Practical applications of D. Application D. Application D. Application
concepts and skills Activity – Deal or No Deal: Provide statements and ask the students what Ask the students to categorize the
Directions: Say “DEAL” if the given characteristics is being disregarded and ask them steps in which phase of the research
statement is true and “NO DEAL” if also on how those statements can be improved? process they belong to.
Provide statements to students
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating Learning E. Assessment E. Assessment
Provide short quiz to students Provide short quiz