Safety Hazard: Biological/Natural Hazards
Safety Hazard: Biological/Natural Hazards
Safety Hazard: Biological/Natural Hazards
Safety Hazard
Wet floors and other slick surfaces are among the primary causes of store and other
DINNING property accidents. They have the potential to cause someone to trip and fall.
ROOM When there is too much carbon monoxide in the air, your body substitutes carbon
monoxide for oxygen in your red blood cells. This can result in significant tissue
damage or even death.
Wood burning stoves that are old or improperly installed are more likely to emit
smoke, pollute the air, and cause house fires.
Slippery floors are one of the most common causes of slips and falls. Excessive water
or badly applied wax or polish can make floors slick.
Biological/Natural Hazards
Flowing water in a fountain can cause bacteria, which can lead to dengue
fever or other diseases.
If poisonous plants oils come into touch with the skin, they might induce
allergic reactions. When these plants are burned and their poisons are
inhaled, they can be extremely hazardous.