Hours) :: DMMCA (.1t

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Roll No. Total Pages : 3

DMMCA{.1t 1 0573
Paper: CS-DE-ll

Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80

Note : Attemptytve questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit. Question No. 1 is compulsory. All questions
carry equal marks.

Compulsory Question

1. Answer all pans briefly :

(a) Differentiate between Hardware and Software.

(b) What is norrralized floating-point representation of

(c) Distinguish between SOP and POS form.

(d) What is the difference between synchronous and
asynchronous flip-flops?

(e) Define XOR, and NAND gates.

(f) State distibutive and comrrutative propenies of Boolean

(g) What is the difference between Internet and Intranet?

(h) What is Domain Name System? (8x2=16)

L0573t900tKD/t339 [P.r.o.


2. (a) How do you classify computers? Explain Flynn's 6. What do you mean by shift registers? Explain various types
classification of computers. 8
of shift registers in detail. 16

O) What are optical storage devices? Explain working of 7, (a) What is the difference between sequential and
DVD. 8 combinational circuits? 4

3. (a) Convert the following: (b) What is D-flip-flop? Explain its working with
(i) (46.355)8 = Ore. characteristic table. 4

(ii) (101010.0101)2=( )ro.

(c) Explain the working of asynchronous binary counters
with suitable diagram. 8
(iii) (A864)ro=( )2.
(iv) (62.5),r=( )s. 8 T.]NIT-IV
(b) Perform the following operations in I's complement E. (a) What do you mean by computer network? Explain
form: different network topologies. 8
(i) (45)ro + (65),0. (b) What do you mean by tansmission media? Differentiate
(ii) (76)ro- (54)ro. 8 between twisted pair, coaxial and optical fiber
tansmission media. 4
UNIT-II (c) Write down short note on bridges and routers. 4
4. (a) State Boolean postulates and explain principle of duality. 9. (a) What is meant by IP address? Explain different IP address
classes in detail.
(b) What is meant by Karnaugh map? State its limitations (b) Write short notes on FTP and TELNET. 8
and simplify the following expression using it.

F(ABCD) = Em(l, 3,5,7,8, 9, 10, 11, 13' l5). 8

5. (a) What do you mean by combinational circuits? Design

and implement a full-adder circuit. 8

O) What do you mean by encoder? Explain octal to binary

encodsr. 8

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