Action Plan For Action Research
Action Plan For Action Research
Action Plan For Action Research
Objectives Programs/ Projects Strategies/ Activities Persons Time Resources Expected Outcome
Involved Frame Needed
A. Pre-implementation Phase
Project based learning a Conduct first meeting December
1. To plan activities and assign focal strategy for better for Master Teachers. Principal 03, 2021 Well-planned
persons on classroom-based understanding of tectonic Master activities and creation
action research. plates Teachers of school action
research committee.
Create a school action
research committee.
Clear and wide
Orient teachers during January 5,
To orient teachers on the Photo-copy dissemination of
the Professional Master 2021
Research Management Guidelines of RMG and information about
Learning Community Teachers
(RMG) BERF research guidelines
(PLC)and to be Teachers by
and funding.
facilitated by the Grade Level
assigned Master Teacher
per level.
January 5,
Conduct second meeting 2021
2. To present action research Finalization of all
for Master Teachers.
proposals Principal action research.
Check action research Master
proposals. Teachers
B. Implementation Phase
Give standardized tests Master Phil-iri Tools Data were collected
1. To conduct standardized tests to respondents. Teachers through standardized
Question- tests given.
(examples: Phil-iri Inventory,
Conduct third Researchers naire
surveys, validated
questionnaire and interview orientation for all Problems were
on their respective Teachers identified.
respondents. Interventions were
successfully done.
Give intervention, ring Tools
2. To monitor progress of
intervention programs and enrichment or
identify problems encountered reinforcement activities
by the researchers to the respondents.
C. Post-implementation Phase
1. To finalize and report the Collect and record all Master First week Results were tabulated
results of all action research the data needed. Teachers of Decem- and analyzed.
conducted. Researchers ber
Increased Mean
Percentage Scores
(MPS) in Mathematics
and Science subjects.
Prepared by:
Action Research Focal Person
Roela C. Badiang
Focal Person
Henry Lumogdang
Petronilo P. Pabuayon
Flordilina I. Torrejos
Amador Ayapana
Elsie M. Mata
Yenyleen M. Villar
Josie M. Dioso