Rheological and Basic Mechanical Properties: 4.1 Flow Requirements of SCC

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Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) is highly flowable which can be spread into place
fill the framework including the narrow spacing between the reinforcement without any need
for vibration. After designing the SCC mix it should be tested for its flow properties. The
characteristics of SCC like utility to fill a mould resisting segregation (stability), ability to
flow through reinforcing bars without segregation and without mechanical vibration and
surface quality and finishing surfaces are to be tested.
ACI 237 R-07[227] has given the details of test methods developed to measure the
characteristics of SCC. slump flow test for filling ability, visual stability index for resistance
to segregation, T50 test for filling ability, J-Ring test for passing ability, L-box test for passing
and filling ability column segregation test for resistance to segregation. The report presented
the summary of tests along with interpretation of results.
As per European Federation of National Association Representing for Concrete
(EFNARC) guidelines, the following are the details of tests conducted to measure the flow
characteristics of SCC
4.3.1 Slump flow and T500 time for SCC
The slump flow and T500 time is a test to assess the flowability and the flow rate of
Self Compacting Concrete in the absence of obstructions. The result is an indication of the
filling ability of SCC. The T 500 time is also measure of the speed of flow and hence the
viscosity of the SCC
In this test, the fresh concrete is poured into a cone as in the case of slump test, when
the cone is withdrawn upwards the time from commencing upward movement of the cone to
when the concrete has flowed to a diameter of 500 mm is measured as T500 time. The largest
diameter of the flow spread of the concrete and the diameter of the spread at right angles to it
are thus measured and the mean is the slump of the flow. It is suggested that a slump flow
value between 450 to 760 mm and a T500 time between 2 to 5 seconds are suitable for SCC.

Photograph 4.1 Slump flow test and T500 time for SCC
4.3.2 V-Funnel Test
In this test a V shaped funnel is filled with fresh concrete and the time taken to flow
out of the tunnel is measured and recorded as the V funnel flow time. The V funnel is made
to the dimensions as indicated in the specifications. The test assesses the viscosity and filling
ability. For normal SCC the time taken by concrete to flow out of the funnel is between 6 to
12 seconds.

Photograph 4.2 V-Funnel Test for SCC

4.3.3 L-box Test
In this test, an L-box of rigid construction with smooth surfaces is used. The set up
consists of a vertical hopper and a horizontal section with specified dimensions. The concrete
is poured into the vertical hopper when the bottom gate is closed. After checking for any
signs of segregation, the gate is lifted and concrete flows through the mesh into the horizontal
section and stops. The ratio between the heights of the concrete layer at the ends of the
horizontal sections H1, and H2 is found and expressed as passing ability (P.A)
P.A = -----

P.A should be equal to 0.8 for the flow and the maximum is 1.0

Photograph 4.3 L-box Test for SCC

4.3.4 Other Tests for Flow Properties.
Other test for SCC like J-Ring test for passing ability, U-Box test for passing and
filling ability, sieve segregation test has also been given by the specifications. In the present
experimental investigations, the three main tests like 1) Slump flow and T 500 test 2) V-Funnel
test 3) L-box test have been conducted to test the flow properties of the various SCC mixes
used. The test results of the design SCC with and without mineral admixtures, with and
without fibers are given as follows.

Photograph 4.4 U-Box Test for SCC


In the present thesis, various combinations of SCC mixes were tried in the various
experimental investigations. In addition to the basic SCC mix, mineral admixtures of
flyash(FA), Condensed Silica fume (CSF), Metakaolin (MK) etc were employed as
replacements to OPC. Steel fibers, glass and polypropylene fibers were also employed at
certain stages. Whenever any additional ingredients are employed in the basic mix,
workability tests were conducted as above and flow properties were checked.

4.4.1 Flow Properties of SCC with different Mineral Admixtures (Supplementary
Cementatious Materials)
In the present research investigations carried out on SCC Composites, various mineral
admixtures like fly ash, Condensed Silica fume (CSF) and Metakaolin were used as part
replacement of OPC. The physical and chemical properties of these admixtures have been
given in Chapter 3. Four types of SCC mixes with varying percentages of these admixtures
used as part replacement of OPC by weight were tried and the flow properties were studied
and the resulting values are given in table 4.4.1
Table 4.4.1 Flow Properties of various Combinations of SCC with Mineral admixtures
Silica Slump V- L-Box
S. OPC Flyash Metakaolin
Fume Flow Funnel Ratio
No Percent percent Percent
Percent mm in Sec H2/H1
1 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 610 9.0 0.88
2 70 30.0 0.0 0.0 630 7.0 0.90
3 70 20.0 10.0 0.0 680 6.0 0.92
4 70 20.0 0.0 10.0 650 7.0 0.91

Photograph 4.5 flowability of SCC

Photograph 4.6 Flow ability and Passing Ability of SCC

Photograph 4.7 Passing ability and Segregation Resistance

Note: The recommended values (as per EFNARC) for the above tests are 450 to 700 mm for
slump flow, 6 to 12 seconds for V-funnel and H2/H1 ratio between 0.8 to 1.0 respectively for
SCC. Mineral admixtures of 20% fly ash and 10% silica fume or 20% fly ash with 10%
metakaolin as replacement to OPC are considered in all the experimental investigations on
SCC. These percentages are optimum and with them SCC is satisfying the flow requirements
as already shown in table 4.4.1.
4.4.2 Flow Properties of SCC with steel Fibers
Investigations are carried out on SCC Composites using metallic (steel) fibers to
determine various properties. Steel fibers are heavier and interfere with the flow of SCC thus
causing workability loss. As such, flow tests were carried out with steel fibers of various
percentages and aspect ratios to arrive at their limitations on the use in SCC. The following
table gives the flow properties of SCC with steel fibers. Mineral admixtures of flyash at 20%
and silica fume at 10% are present in the mix. Ordinary steel wire of diameter 1mm was cut
into various lengths depending upon their aspect ratios of 20, 30 and 40 by using the steel

fiber cutting machine. The values shown in the table 4.4.2 were obtained for a maximum
aspect ratio of 40.

Photograph 4.8 Steel Fiber Cutting Machine

Table: 4.4.2 Flow Properties of SCC with various percentages of steel fibers
S. Percentages Percentage Percentage Funnel L-Box
Flow Remarks
No of steel fiber of SP* of VMA** Passing (H2/H1)
in mm
in Sec
1 0.0 1.0 0.10 690 3.0 0.95 Satisfy
2 0.20 1.0 0.10 685 4.0 0.94 these
3 0.40 1.10 0.10 660 4.5 0.92 limits as
4 0.60 1.20 0.20 655 4.8 0.90 per
5 0.80 1.20 0.20 650 5.0 0.88 EFNARC

*SP: Superplasticizer percentages by weight of binder

**VMA: Viscosity modifying agent by weight of binder
4.4.3 Flow Properties of SCC with mixed Fibers (Metallic and Non-Metallic)
Investigations were also carried out on SCC with mixed fibers. Non-metallic fibers
such as glass and Polypropylene were mixed with steel fibers and keeping the total fiber
percentage at 0.8, the individual percentages of glass and similarly of polypropylene were
varied and the flow properties were checked. When the non-metallic fibers were present in
the mix replacing steel fibers by certain percentage, the flow properties were found to be
better than the 0.8% maximum percentage of steel fibers alone.

4.4.4 Regression Equations for flow properties of SCC with Steel Fibers

On the basis of tests conducted and the results obtained (Table 4.4.2), the regression
equations have been developed as follows.

a) Flowability(y)
From the results of slump flow the flowability of fibrous SCC can be expressed as
y = 24.194 (p) 2 - 71.129(p) + 690----------------- Equation (4.4.1)
R² = 0.9243
‘y’ is slump flow in mm and ‘p’ is percentage of steel fiber.

b) The passing ability(y1) as exhibited by the V-funnel test results can be expressed as
y1 = -3.3871(p)2 + 5.1581(p) + 3----------------- Equation (4.4.2)
R² = 0.9927
`y1 ’ is the passing ability in seconds and `p’ is percentage of steel fiber.

(c) The segregation resistances (y2) given by L-box test results is expressed as
y2 = -0.0403(p)2 - 0.0565(p) + 0.95------------ Equation (4.4.3)
R² = 0.9961
Where ` y2’ is H2/H1; H2/H1 is the ratio of the heights of SCC at the ends of vertical and
horizontal sections of the L-box after the flow and ‘p’ is percentage of steel fiber.
The percentage of error between the experimental and the mathematical values is
found as R2 = 0.99 where `R2’ is a statistical measure of error. The results of workability tests
are plotted and shown in figs 4.1 to 4.3

y = 24.194x2 - 71.129x + 690

R² = 0.9243
690 690
685 685
Flowability in mm

660 660
655 655
650 650
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
percentage of steel fiber(p)

Fig 4.1 The variation of Slump Flow with percentage of steel fibers

y1 = -3.3871(p)2 + 5.1581(p) + 3
R² = 0.9927
Passing ability in seconds

5 5
4 4

3 3

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Percentage of steel fiber(p)

Fig 4.2 The variation of passing ability in seconds with percentage of steel fibers

y2 = -0.0403x2 - 0.0565x + 0.95

R² = 0.9961
(H2/H1 ratio )

0.94 0.94
0.92 0.92
0.9 0.9
0.88 0.88
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Percentage of steel fiber(p)

Fig 4.3 The variation of H2/H1 ratio with percentage of steel fibers

For the evaluation of the basic mechanical properties of the triple blended steel fiber
self-compacting concrete, required numbers of standard specimens were prepared. The
photograph 4.6 shows the curing of the specimens. The photograph 4.10 to 4.13 show testing
of the specimens for compression, split tensile and flexural strengths respectively.

Photograph 4.9 Curing of the Specimens

4.5.1 Compressive Strength
The basic compressive strength of the SCC composite was determined following the
standard specifications of IS: 516-2004[215]. Standard cube specimens of size 150 x150x150
mm were cast, cured and tested at the age of 28 days. Standard procedures were followed in
mixing casting, curing and testing in the digital compression testing machine of capacity

Photograph 4.10 Compressive Strength Test for Cube

4.5.2 Split Tensile Strength

Split tensile strength was determined by splitting standard cylinders of 150 mm
diameter and 300 mm height by testing them in the digital compression testing machine.

Photograph 4.11 Split Tensile Strength Test for Cylinder

4.5.3 Flexure Strength

By testing standard prisms of dimensions 100x100x500 mm in the flexure testing
machine the flexural strength (Modulus of rupture) was determined.

Photograph 4.12 Flexure Strength test for prism

In the coarse of various investigations conducted on SCC Composites, the basic

mechanical properties as determined above are given in the respective chapters.


The flow properties of the SCC Composites were determined and shown in the
previous sections. The requirements as per EFNARC are also given
4.6.1 SCC with Mineral Admixtures
In most of the SCC Composites studied mineral admixtures of flyash at 20% and
Silica fume at 10% were used as part replacement of OPC in the mix. Metakaolin at 10% was

also tried instead of silica fume for comparison. In total, OPC is replaced by 30% by the
mineral admixtures as shown in table 4.4.1.
The results of tests conducted for workability, have shown that they satisfy the
EFNARC requirements. Superplasticizer at 1.0 to 1.2 percent and viscosity modifying agent
at 0.10 to 0.20 percent were used in obtaining the required flow characteristics. The mineral
admixtures which consist of fine amorphous particles are found to help in smooth flow of
4.6.2 SCC with Steel Fibers
Steel fibers with varying percentages up to a maximum of 0.8% of the volume of
concrete were mixed with SCC to study the various properties of this fibrous SCC. Various
aspect ratios of the fibers like 20, 30 and 40 were also tried. The results of flow properties
obtained with a maximum aspect ratio of 40 for various percentages of steel fibers are given
in table 4.4.2. It is observed that higher percentages of steel fibers in SCC are adversely
affecting the flow by causing obstruction to the flow of SCC due to a higher density of steel
fiber. Similarly, if the aspect ratio is high, the fibers tend to entangle and the flow is affected.
On the basis of the tests conducted, it is found that the optimum percentage of steel fiber that
can be used in SCC is 0.8% and the optimum aspect ratio is 40. As shown in table 4.4.2 even
the percentages of the super plasticizer (SP) and the viscosity modifying agent (VMA) are to
be increased to satisfy the flow requirements as the percentages of steel fiber is increased.
4.6.3 SCC with Mixed Fibers
Investigations were carried out on SCC Composites using mixed fibers. Combination
of fibers like steel with glass (photograph 4.8) and steel with polypropylene were used. In
these combinations the total percentage of mixed fiber is kept constant at 0.8. The non
metallic fiber percentage is kept constant at 0.8. The non metallic fibers have a fixed aspect
ratio and they are very much lighter than the steel fibers. With mixed fibers in SCC, there
was no problem in the flow.

Photograph 4.13 Mixed Fibers (Glass-Steel fibers)

For the determination of the mechanical properties, triple blended SCC mixes were
first tried. In addition to flyash (FA), mineral admixtures like condensed Silica fume (CSF)
and Metakaolin (MK) were also tried in the mix and the basic mechanical properties like
Compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength were studied. The improvement
in rheological properties with the addition of these admixtures has been discussed in
Chapter 4.


A total of four different SCC Composites have been tried to determine the influence
of mineral admixtures used as part replacement of OPC. A maximum total replacement of
30% has been adopted.
The mixes include,
1) The basic mix without any replacement,
2) With 30% flyash,
3) With 20% flyash and 10% Metakaolin and
4) 20% flyash and 10% Condensed Silica fume as replacements. The details of the mixes
studied are shown in table 5.2.1

Table 5.2.1 Quantities of materials of SCC with Admixtures per cubic meter of concrete

Fine Coarse SP VMA

Mix Aggregate Aggregate Percentage Percentage
(Kg) (Kg) (Kg) (Kg)
(Kg) (Kg) of cement of cement
M1 455 1065 625 0 0 0 1.0 0.1
M2 318 1065 625 136 0 0 1.0 0.1
M3 316 1065 625 91 0 46 1.0 0.1
M4 318 1065 625 91 46 0 1.0 0.1

Table 5.2.2 Compressive and split tensile strengths over different curing periods for
different combinations of mineral admixtures employed as replacement to OPC in SCC
Replacement of OPC Compressive Tensile strength
Mix Notation by percentage strength N/mm2 N/mm2
FA CSF MK 3d 14d 28d 3d 14d 28d
M1 FA0CSF0MK0 0 0 0 15 30 45 3.00 3.50 4.20
M2 FA30CSF0MK0 30 0 0 17 32 46 3.50 3.70 4.30
M3 FA20CSF0MK10 20 0 10 17 32 46 3.60 3.80 4.50
M4 FA20CSF10MK0 20 10 0 18 36 48 3.75 4.45 4.70

Previous investigations indicated that the optimum percentages of these admixtures as 10-15
percent when used as replacements to OPC in the Concrete mix. As such, silica fume and
metakaolin (MK) were used at 10% with 20% flyash in the SCC mixes. The results of
Compressive and tensile strengths obtained with the four combinations of the SCC mixes are
shown in table 5.2.2. The variations of strength with the curing period are given in the same
5.2.1 Regression Analysis for best fit of the Results
The best fit curve after the regression analysis for 28 days compressive strength for
mix M4 has been arrived as
fcc= 13.141ln (t )+3.0325------------ Equation (5.2.1)
Where `fcc’ is the Compressive Strength in N/mm2 for the mix M4 (FA20 and CSF10) and `t’ is
the age of specimen in days.
In the case of Split Tensile Strength the corresponding best fit equation,
fct = 0.4302ln(t) + 3.2863--------------Equation(5.2.2)
`fct’ is the split tensile strength for the mix M4. The results of Compressive strength together
with best fitting curve are plotted in fig.5.1 and the split tensile strength results are shown in

Compressive Strength in MPa
50 48

40 36
30 M1

18 M2
fcc = 13.141ln(t) + 3.0325
R² = 0.9899 M3
0 5 10 15 20 25
Age of the concrete in dats (t)

Fig 5.1 The variation of the compressive strength with different percentages of

Split Tensile Strength in MPa


4 3.75

3 M3
fct = 0.4302ln(t) + 3.2863 M4
2.5 R² = 0.9974
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age of the Concrete in days (t)

Fig 5.2 The variation of the Split tensile strength with different percentages of
To improve the strength and structural behavior of SCC metallic fibers have been
incorporated at various percentages in the mix. Steel fibers of 1 mm diameter at four
percentages varying from 0.2 to a maximum of 0.8 were incorporated in the mix. Three
aspect ratios of 20, 30 and 40 of the fibers were tried for each percentage. Considering all the
aspects, the mineral admixtures of flyash at 20% and CSF at 10% were employed as common

to all the mixes. This study gives valid information about the effect of fiber percentage
together with the aspect ratio on the basic strength characteristics of the SCC mix.Under
rheological properties in Chapter 4, the limitations on the fiber percentage and aspect ratio
have been already discussed. The 0.80 percentage of steel fiber and an aspect ratio of 0.40 are
the optimum values in SCC so as not to affect the flow limitations of SCC.
5.3.1 Compressive, Split tensile and flexural Strengths of Steel Fiber Reinforced SCC

The 28 day Compressive, Split tensile and flexural strengths of steel fiber reinforced
SCC are shown in table 5.3.1. The results are also plotted in figs 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5.
Table 5.3.1. Compressive, Split tensile and flexural strengths of steel fiber SCC at 28
Average Average
Fiber split
Fiber Compressive flexural
S.No Mix No aspect tensile
Percentage strength strength
Ratio strength
N/mm2 N/mm2
1 M0 0 -- 44.50 4.25 6.25
2 M1 0.20 20 47.25 4.55 6.85
3 M2 0.20 30 48.15 4.80 7.20
4 M3 0.20 40 49.82 4.90 7.50
5 M4 0.40 20 50.25 5.25 7.70
6 M5 0.40 30 51.25 6.45 7.85
7 M6 0.40 40 54.25 7.20 8.00
8 M7 0.60 20 55.25 7.50 8.25
9 M8 0.60 30 58.30 7.70 8.50
10 M9 0.60 40 60.74 8.10 9.20
11 M10 0.80 20 61.90 8.50 12.00
12 M11 0.80 30 63.72 9.00 12.80
13 M12 0.80 40 68.50 9.50 13.50
(All the above mixes have 20% flyash and 10% CSF employed as replacement to OPC)
5.3.2 Regression Equations for the Strength Results with Steel Fibers
Regression equations are arrived from the results of Compressive, tensile and flexural
strengths and the best fit second degree polynomial equations are drawn for various fiber
percentages and aspect ratios as follows. The validity of the strengths checked with the

experimental values. R2 is the statistical measure, which indicates how close the value is from
the experimental data.
A) Regression Equations for Compressive Strength (fcc)
For different percentage of steel fibers (0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8)
a). For aspect ratio 20,
Regression equation is
fcc = K1(p)2 +K2 (p) + 44.5-----------------------Equation (5.3.1)
Where K1= 16.815 and K2 = 8.1403, p=percentage of steel fiber
R² = 0.99,
R2 indicates the a statistical measure indicating how close the experimental data is
with the theoretical.
b). For aspect ratio 30,
Equation (5.3.1) is valid with K1=13.23 and K2 =13.75
R² = 0.98
c). For aspect ratio 40
Equation (5.3.1) is valid with K1=11.306 and K2 =20.719
R² = 0.99
Table 5.3.2 Compassion of experimental and theoretical values for compressive
steel fiber Compressive strength in MPa Percentage
S no Aspect ratio
percentage Experimental Regression equation difference
1 20 47.25 46.80 0.95
2 30 48.15 47.77 0.77
3 40 49.82 49.09 1.45
4 20 50.25 50.44 0.39
5 30 51.25 52.11 1.69
6 40 54.25 54.59 0.58
7 20 55.25 55.43 0.33
8 30 58.30 57.51 1.35
9 40 60.74 61.00 0.43
10 20 61.90 61.77 0.20
11 30 63.72 63.96 0.38
12 40 68.50 68.31 0.27

B) Regression Equations for split tensile strength (fct)

For different percentage of steel fibers (0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8)
fct= K1(p)2+K2(p)+4.25 --- Equation (5.3.2)

a) For aspect ratio 20, Equation (5.3.2) is valid with K1=5.7056, K2=1.0379, R² = 0.95

b) For aspect ratio 30, Equation (5.3.2) is valid with K1= 2.50, K2=4.05, R² = 0.98

c) For aspect ratio 40, Equation (5.3.2) is valid with K1=-0.9274, K2= 5.8984, R² = 0.97

Table 5.3.3 Comparison of experimental and theoretical values for split tensile strengths
S steel fiber Split tensile strength in MPa
Aspect ratio Percentage difference
no percentage Experimental Regression equation
1 20 4.55 4.68 2.85
2 30 4.80 5.16 7.50
3 40 4.90 5.46 11.42
4 20 5.25 5.57 6.09
5 30 6.45 6.27 2.79
6 40 7.20 6.75 6.25
7 20 7.50 6.92 7.73
8 30 7.70 7.58 1.55
9 40 8.10 8.12 0.24
10 20 8.50 8.73 2.70
11 30 9.00 9.09 1.00
12 40 9.50 9.56 0.63

C) Regression Equations for flexural strength (For aspect ratios 20, 30 and 40)
For different percentage of steel fibers (0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8)

fbt=K1 ( p)2+K2 (p) +6.25--------Equation (5.3.3)

a) For aspect ratio 20,Equation (5.3.3) is valid with K1=12.016, K2 = -2.82,R² = 0.94

b) For aspect ratio 30, Equation (5.3.3) is valid with K1=12.50, K2 = -2.35,R² = 0.92

c) For aspect ratio 40,Equation (5.3.3) is valid with K1=10.645, K2 = 0.003,R2=0.92

Table 5.3.4 Comparison of experimental and theoretical values for flexural strengths

steel fiber Aspect Flexural strength in MPa Percentage

S no
(p) ratio Experimental Regression equation difference
1 20 6.85 6.16 10.00
2 30 7.20 6.28 12.77
3 40 7.50 6.67 11.06
4 20 7.70 7.04 0.57
5 30 7.85 7.31 0.82
6 40 8.00 7.95 0.62
7 20 8.25 8.87 7.51
8 30 8.50 9.34 9.88
9 40 9.20 10.08 9.56
10 20 12.00 11.67 2.75
11 30 12.80 12.37 3.35
12 40 13.50 13.06 3.25

Note: From the tables 5.3.2, 5.3.3 and 5.3.4, it can be seen that the percentage error involved
between the experimental results and the theoretical results is well within the permissible
limits. There is a significant agreement between both the experimental and mathematical
model results.
Compressive strength MPa

70 68.5

65 Aspect Ratio of
steel fiber
54.25 20
55 30
50 40


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
percentage of steel fiber (p)

Fig 5.3 The variation of the compressive strength with different percentages of steel

28d Split Tensile Strength in
Aspect Ratio of
9.5 9.5 steel fiber
7.5 20

5.5 4.9

4.5 40
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Percentage of steel fiber (p)

Fig 5.4 The variation of the Split tensile strength with different percentages of steel fiber

28d Flexural strength in

Aspect Ratio
12 of steel fiber

10 20

8 30
8 7.5

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Percentage of steel fiber (p)

Fig 5.5 The variation of the Flexural strength with different percentages of steel fiber


5.4.1 Combinations of mixed Fibers.
After investigating the effect of steel fiber on the properties of Fiber Reinforced SCC,
mixed fiber reinforcement is tried in the present experimental investigation. In addition to
steel fiber, non metallic fibers like glass and polypropylene were also incorporated in the
SCC mix. Two sets of SCC composites one with steel fiber mixed with glass fiber and the
other with steel and polypropylene fibers were studied for mechanical properties. The basic

physical properties of fibers being employed have been given in Chapter 2. Considering the
flow property of SCC the percentage of total fiber in the SCC mix is kept at 0.80 by volume.
Total percentages of fibers were tried from 0.20 to 0.80 in steps of 0.2. The aspect ratios of
steel fibers are also varied as 20, 30 and 40. In each total percentage, five types of mixes
were tried. The individual percentages of metallic and non metallic fibers were kept at 0%,
25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the total fiber content. Thus for each total mixed percentage
five combinations of metallic and non-metallic fibers were tried. These combinations were
represented for each aspect ratio of steel fibers which are 20, 30 and 40. Thus three are 15
numbers of combinations for one total mixed fiber percentage.
There are three aspect ratios of steel fibers which are 20, 30 and 40. The same
combinations of mixed fibers for these aspect ratios of steel fiber were tried with both of
glass and polypropylene separately. The non metallic fibers of glass and polypropylene have
constant aspect ratio and hence the aspect ratio of only steel fiber is varied.
5.4.2 Tests for Mechanical Properties of Mixed Fiber Reinforced SCC
Standard Specimens of mixed fiber SCC were prepared for both steel – glass, steel -
polypropylene mixtures, cured and tested at the age of 28 days for basic mechanical
properties like Compressive Strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength. Standard
procedures were followed in mixing, casting, curing and testing. The test results are given in
tables 5.4.1 to 5.4.4 (Glass + Steel) for total percentage up to 0.80. Tables 5.5.4 to 5.5.7
represent the test results for (Polypropylene + Steel) upto total percentage of 0.8.The
variations of compressive, split tensile and flexural strengths for total percentage of mixed
fiber 0.8 (Glass + Steel), for three aspect ratio of steel fiber are shown in fig 5.6 to 5.8. For
mixed fibers of 0.80 (Polypropylene + Steel), compressive, split tensile and flexural strengths
are shown by bar charts in figs 5.9 to 5.11.
The details of various tests conducted on SCC are analyzed as follows.
5.5.1 Flow properties of SCC composites with Mineral Admixtures.
The various workability tests performed on SCC Composites have been given in
detail in Chapter 4. From the flow properties, it is clear that when mineral admixtures are
incorporated in SCC, the flow properties are improved. The mineral admixtures like
Condensed Silica Fume (CSF), Metakaoline (MK) are having high degree of fineness and
help in the smooth flow of SCC. Out of the combinations of SCC with mineral admixtures
20% flyash with 10% CSF employed as replacement to OPC has shown better flow

characteristics and hence the same, combination is continued for all the investigations carried
out on SCC.
Table 5.4.1 28 days strength results with 0.2 percentage of mixed fiber (Glass and steel)

Average Cube Average
% of % of split
Aspect ratio % of Compressive flexural
mixed steel tensile
of steel fiber glass Strength strength
fiber fiber strength
N/mm2 N/mm2
0.00 0.20 47.25 4.55 6.85
0.05 0.15 47.00 4.50 6.70
20 0.10 0.10 46.75 4.45 6.55
0.15 0.05 46.25 4.40 6.25
0.20 0.00 46.00 4.35 6.40
0.00 0.20 48.15 4.80 7.20
0.05 0.15 47.85 4.72 7.00
30 0.10 0.10 47.50 4.50 6.75
0.15 0.05 46.75 4.40 6.50
0.20 0.20 0.00 46.00 4.35 6.40
0.00 0.20 49.82 4.90 7.50
0.05 0.15 49.50 4.85 7.20
40 0.10 0.10 49.25 4.50 7.00
0.15 0.05 48.90 4.30 6.50
0.20 0.00 46.00 4.35 6.40

Table 5.4.2 28 days strength results with 0.4 percentage of mixed fiber (Glass and steel)

Average split Average

% of Aspect % of Average Cube
% of tensile flexural
mixed ratio of steel Compressive
glass strength strength
fiber steel fiber fiber Strength N/mm2
N/mm2 N/mm2
0.00 0.40 50.25 5.25 7.70
0.10 0.30 48.00 4.75 6.80
0.20 0.20 47.50 4.60 6.75
20 0.30 0.10 47.00 4.55 6.55
0.40 0.00 46.75 4.50 6.60
0.00 0.40 51.25 6.45 7.85
0.40 0.10 0.30 50.15 6.30 7.00
0.20 0.20 50.00 6.10 6.85
0.30 0.10 48.90 5.80 6.75
0.40 0.00 46.75 4.50 6.60
0.00 0.40 54.25 7.20 8.00
0.10 0.30 53.00 6.95 7.50
0.20 0.20 52.50 6.50 7.10
40 0.30 0.10 50.15 5.50 6.65
0.40 0.00 48.25 4.50 6.60

Table 5.4.3 28 days strength results with 0.6 percentage of mixed fiber (Glass and steel)

Average split Average

% of Aspect % of Average Cube
% of tensile flexural
mixed ratio of steel Compressive
glass strength strength
fiber steel fiber fiber Strength N/mm2
N/mm2 N/mm2
0.00 0.60 55.25 7.50 8.25
0.20 0.40 52.00 6.25 8.50
20 0.30 0.30 51.25 6.00 8.20
0.40 0.20 50.15 5.80 8.00
0.60 0.00 50.25 5.50 7.50
0.00 0.60 58.30 7.70 8.50
0.20 0.40 56.75 6.80 8.25
30 0.30 0.30 55.50 6.60 7.75
0.40 0.20 52.25 6.00 7.50
0.60 0.00 50.25 5.50 9.20
0.60 0.00 0.60 60.74 8.10 9.20
0.20 0.40 58.75 7.00 8.75
40 0.30 0.30 55.75 6.50 8.50
0.40 0.20 53.00 6.25 7.95
0.60 0.00 50.25 5.50 7.50

Table 5.4.4 28 days strength results with 0.8 percentage of mixed fiber (Glass and steel)

Average split Average

% of Aspect % of Average Cube
% of tensile flexural
mixed ratio of steel Compressive
glass strength strength
fiber steel fiber fiber Strength N/mm2
N/mm2 N/mm2
0.00 0.80 61.90 8.50 12.00
0.20 0.60 57.5 7.85 10.75
20 0.40 0.40 55.5 6.50 10.00
0.60 0.20 54.00 6.25 9.75
0.80 0.00 52.00 5.95 8.00
0.00 0.80 63.72 9.00 12.80
0.20 0.60 62.00 8.00 11.00
30 0.40 0.40 60.00 7.40 10.50
0.60 0.20 58.25 7.00 9.95
0.80 0.00 52.00 5.95 8.00
0.80 0.00 0.80 68.50 9.50 13.50
0.20 0.60 66.25 8.50 11.25
40 0.40 0.40 62.00 7.85 10.80
0.60 0.20 60.25 7.20 10.00
0.80 0.00 52.00 5.95 8.00

Compressive Strength in MPa
70 68.5
60 62 60.25
Aspect Ratio
of steel fiber
50 52

44.5 20
(0.0,0.0) (0.0,0.8) (0.2,0.6) (0.4,0.4) (0.6,0.2) (0.8,0.0)
Comination of percentage of mixed fiber(glass,steel)

Fig 5.6 The variation of the Compressive strength with mixed fibers (Glass, Steel) at 0.8
percentage of fiber

Split Tensile Strength in MPa

8.5 Aspect Ratio
8 7.85 of steel fiber
7 7.2
6 5.95
4 4.25

3 40
(0.0,0.0) (0.0,0.8) (0.2,0.6) (0.4,0.4) (0.6,0.2) (0.8,0.0)

Combinaton of percentage of mixed fiber (Glass,Steel)

Fig 5.7 The variation of the Split tensile strength with mixed fibers (Glass, Steel) at 0.8
percentage of fiber



11 11.25
10.8 Aspect Ratio
Flexural Strength in MPa

10 10 of steefiber

8 8

6 6.25 40

(0.0,0.0) (0.0,0.8) (0.2,0.6) (0.4,0.4) (0.6,0.2) (0.8,0.0)

Comnination of percentage of mixed fiber(Glass,Steel)

Fig 5.8 The variation of the Flexural strength with mixed fibers (Glass, Steel) at 0.8
percentage of fiber

5.5.2 Flow Properties of Fiber Reinforced SCC.

In the present experimental investigation, steel fibers were incorporated in SCC. Fiber
percentages from 0.20 to 0.80 in steps of 0.2 were tried. Aspect ratios of 20, 30 and 40 were
adopted. Steel fibers are heavier and when percentage is higher fibers interfere with the flow
of SCC. Particularly when the aspect ratio of the fiber is more, the fibers entangle themselves
and cause interferences to the smooth and homogenous flow of SCC. Hence, the optimum
values of 0.80 percent with 40 aspect ratio were obtained after the studies on flow properties.
Even for these optimal values the chemical admixtures of superplasticizer (SP) and viscosity
modifying agent (VMA) were increased in their dosages. Beyond 0.80 percentages and with
higher aspect ratios beyond 40, it is difficult to use metallic fibers in SCC because of flow
interference problems.

Table 5.4.5 28 days strength results with 0.2 percentage of mixed fiber (Polypropylene
and steel)

Aspect Average Average

% of % of % of Average Cube
ratio of split tensile flexural
mixed Polypropylene steel Compressive
steel strength strength
fiber (PP) fiber Strength N/mm2
fiber N/mm2 N/mm2
0.00 0.20 47.25 4.55 6.85
0.15 0.15 46.75 4.40 6.70
20 0.10 0.10 46.25 4.30 6.55
0.15 0.05 45.50 4.25 6.45
0.20 0.00 45.20 4.20 6.40
0.00 0.20 48.15 4.80 7.20
0.05 0.15 47.75 4.60 7.00
0.2 30 0.10 0.10 47.15 4.50 6.75
0.15 0.05 46.50 4.40 6.50
0.20 0.00 46.50 4.20 6.40
0.00 0.20 49.82 4.90 7.50
0.05 0.15 49.25 4.80 6.75
40 0.10 0.10 49.00 4.70 6.25
0.15 0.05 48.78 4.60 6.00
0.20 0.00 45.20 4.20 6.40

Table 5.4.6 28 days strength results with 0.4 percentage of mixed fiber (Polypropylene
and steel)

Aspect Average Average

% of % of % of Average Cube
ratio of split tensile flexural
mixed Polypropylene steel Compressive
steel strength strength
fiber PP fiber Strength N/mm2
fiber N/mm2 N/mm2
0.00 0.40 50.25 5.25 7.70
0.10 0.30 47.75 4.70 6.75
0.20 0.20 47.00 4.60 6.65
20 0.30 0.10 46.25 4.50 6.55
0.40 0.00 46.00 4.40 6.50
0.00 0.40 51.25 6.45 7.85
0.10 0.30 49.75 6.30 7.00
0.4 30 0.20 0.20 49.00 6.00 6.85
0.30 0.10 48.25 5.75 6.75
0.40 0.00 46.00 4.40 6.50
0.00 0.40 54.25 7.20 8.00
0.10 0.30 52.25 5.90 7.50
40 0.20 0.20 51.75 5.60 7.25
0.30 0.10 49.25 5.25 7.15
0.40 0.00 46.00 4.40 6.50

Table 5.4.7 28 days strength results with 0.6 percentage of mixed fiber (Polypropylene
and steel)

Average Cube Average
% of Aspect % of split
Compressive flexural
mixed ratio of Polypropylene % of SF tensile
Strength strength
fiber steel fiber PP strength
N/mm2 N/mm2
0.00 0.60 55.25 7.50 8.25
0.20 0.40 51.75 5.50 7.60
20 0.30 0.30 50.25 5.35 7.45
0.40 0.20 49.75 5.25 7.25
0.60 0.00 49.00 5.20 6.85
0.00 0.60 58.30 7.70 8.50
0.20 0.40 56.75 5.65 8.00
0.6 30 0.30 0.30 54.50 5.50 7.85
0.40 0.20 52.25 5.35 7.50
0.60 0.00 49.00 5.20 6.85
0.00 0.60 60.74 8.10 9.20
0.20 0.40 58.75 6.15 8.75
40 0.30 0.30 56.25 5.85 8.15
0.40 0.20 54.00 5.60 7.80
0.60 0.00 49.00 5.20 6.85

Table 5.4.8 28 days strength results with 0.8 percentage of mixed fiber (Polypropylene
and steel)

Average Average
% of An aspect % of Cube split
mixed ratio of Polypropylene % of SF Compressive tensile
fiber steel fiber PP Strength strength
N/mm2 N/mm2
0.00 0.80 61.90 8.50 12.00
0.20 0.60 58.25 6.00 9.75
20 0.40 0.40 54.50 5.80 9.25
0.60 0.20 52.50 5.55 9.00
0.80 0.00 50.25 5.50 7.85
0.00 0.80 63.72 9.00 12.80
0.20 0.60 60.00 6.50 10.50
30 0.40 0.40 58.25 6.00 10.00
0.60 0.20 55.00 5.75 9.25
0.80 0.00 50.25 5.50 7.85
0.00 0.80 68.50 9.50 13.50
0.20 0.60 65.50 6.60 11.25
40 0.40 0.40 61.25 6.25 10.00
0.60 0.20 56.75 5.95 9.25
0.80 0.00 50.25 5.50 7.85

Compressive strength in MPa

70 65.5
Aspect Ratio
of steel fiber
60 56.75

50 20

40 30


(0.0,0.0) (0.0,0.8) (0.2,0.6) (0.4,0.4) (0.6,0.2) (0.8,0.0)
Percentage of mixed fiber(Polypropylenee,Steel)

Fig 5.9 The variation of the Compressive Strength with mixed fibers (Polypropylene,
Steel) at 0.8 percentage of fiber

10 9.5
Split Tensile Strength in MPa

8 Aspect Ratio
7 6.6 of steel fiber
6 5.5 20
5 30
4 40

0,0 (0.0.8) (0.2,0.6) (0.4,0.4) (0.6,0.2) (0.8,0.0)
Percentage of mixed fiber(Polypropylene,Steel)

Fig 5.10 The variation of the Split tensile Strength with mixed fibers (Polypropylene,
Steel) at 0.8 percentage of fiber

13 13.5
Flexural strength in MPa

12 11.25 Ratio of
11 steel fiber
10 9.25
9 20
8 30
7 6.25 40
(0.0,0.0) (0.0,0.8) (0.2,0.6) (0.4,0.4) (0.6,0.2) (0.8,0.0)

Percentage of mixed fiber(Polypropylene,Steel)

Fig 5.11 The variation of the Flexural Strength with mixed fibers (Polypropylene, Steel)
at 0.8 percentage of fiber
5.5.3 Flow properties of SCC with Mixed Fibers
Non metallic fibers like glass and polypropylene (PP) are relatively lighter compared
to steel fibers and they have a constant aspect ratio. In the mixed fiber reinforced SCC, part
of steel fiber is replaced either by glass or polypropylene fiber and no interference was
caused to the flow of SCC in this case.
5.5.4. Compressive and split tensile strengths of SCC with Mineral Admixtures.
Out of the four sets of mineral admixtures tried in SCC (Table 5.2.2) the mix with
30% fly ash is only showing insignificant increase in the compressive and tensile strengths
compared to mix without any mineral admixtures. Out of the remaining two mixes the mix
with 20% flyash and 10% CSF is showing the highest increases in the strengths. Compared to
the mix without mineral admixtures, there is an increase of nearly 2.3% in Compressive
strength and 12% in split tensile strength. This mix is found to be even superior to the mix
having 20% flyash and 10% Metakaoline. Hence it is clear that the above mineral admixtures
not only help in the flow of SCC but also contribute towards strength increase. The variations
are shown in figs 5.1 and 5.2. The same optimum mix of SCC with 20% flyash and 10% CSF
has been adopted for all the other investigations conducted on SCC composites.
The regression equations developed for strengths of this mix closely agree with those of
experimental results (Figs 5.1 and 5.2)

5.5.5 Strength Behavior of Fiber Reinforced SCC with only steel fibers
The compressive strength of steel fiber reinforced SCC is increasing with increased
percentages and aspect ratios. Compared to basic SCC (without fiber and with mineral
admixtures of 20% flyash and 10% silica fume) the Compressive strength of SCC with 0.8%
fiber and an aspect ratio of 20 is increased by nearly 40%. The same values are further
increased to 54% compared to the basic mix when the aspect ratio is 40. It is clear from this,
that when the steel fiber percentage together with aspect ratio is increased the compressive
strength increases.
In the case of split tensile strength the values are increased with increased percentage
and aspect ratio. Compared to basic mix, the maximum increase in split tensile strength in
SCC with 0.8% steel fiber at aspect ratio of 40 is nearly 61%. On the similar lines, the
flexural strength of SCC with 0.8% of steel fiber at aspect ratio 40 is increased by 116% .It
can be stated that steel fibers contribute more towards split tensile and flexural strengths. The
variations of compressive, split tensile and flexural strengths are shown in figs 5.3, 5.4 and
5.5 respectively.
5.5.6 Limitations on the percentage and aspect ratio of steel fibers.

By studying the rheological properties it has become clear that steel fibers when
added to SCC, there is interference to the smooth flow. Because of high density steel fiber, it
tends to get precipitated at the bottom without moving with the homogenous flow of SCC. In
the present investigation, it is found that beyond 0.8% of steel fiber, the flow properties of
SCC are not getting satisfied. Hence, 0.8% has been considered as optimum percentage.
Similarly there is limitation on the maximum aspect ratio that can be adopted for steel fiber in
the mix. It is found that beyond an aspect ratio of 40, fibers are getting entangled with each
other leading to balling phenomenon resulting in non homogeneous flow of SCC. Hence,
because of these limitations, optimal values of percentage and aspect ratio of steel fibers are
adopted as 0.8% and 40 respectively.
5.5.7 Strength Behavior of Mixed Fiber Reinforced SCC.
The strength results of the mixed fiber SCC are given in tables 5.4.1 to 5.4.4 for Glass
–Steel .Tables 5.5.4 to 5.5.7 indicate strengths for Polypropylene-Steel.
In the case of Compressive strength, in general, the strength is increasing with
increase in the percentage of steel fiber. In a given total percentage the compressive strength
is maximum when steel fiber is 100% and without non metallic fiber (glass or
polypropylene). This is true in all the total percentages tried (0.20 to 0.80). As the aspect ratio

of steel fiber is increased the strength also increases. As already stated the maximum limits of
percentage and aspect ratio for steel fibers are 0.8 and 40 respectively. Non-metallic fibers
either glass or polypropylene have constant aspect ratio. For percentage of 0.8 with maximum
aspect ratios of 40 for steel fibers, when steel fiber is 100% in the total percentage the highest
compressive strength of 68.50 N/mm2. It recorded while the corresponding strength with only
glass fiber at 100% is 52.00 N/mm2 showing an increase of nearly 32% between the two. It is
true at all the percentages and aspect ratios of steel fiber. Similarly with 100% polypropylene
fiber, in a total fiber percentage of 0.80, the difference is nearly 36%. This shows that glass
fiber is performing marginally better than the polypropylene fiber in compressive strength of
mixed fiber SCC.The variation is shown in figs 5.6 and 5.9.
In the case of split tensile strength, the variation of strength (Fig 5.7, Fig 5.10) occurs
in similar lines as compressive strength. The split tensile strength with 100% glass fiber in a
total fiber content of 0.8% is 5.95 N/mm2 and it is 5.50 N/mm2 with 100% polypropylene
fiber. With 100% steel fiber at an aspect of 40 the corresponding value is 9.5N/mm 2. Hence,
when non-metallic fiber content is increased in the total fiber content, the split tensile
strength is decreasing. Compared to 100% steel fiber at an aspect ratio of 40 in total fiber of
0.8%, with 100% glass fiber, the increase in split tensile strength from glass to steel is 59%,
whereas from polypropylene to steel it is 72 %. Glass fiber is found to be superior to
polypropylene fiber in split tensile strength also.
The flexural strength (Figs 5.8 and 5.11) is optimum with 0.8% steel fiber
(13.5N/mm2) in the total mixed fiber content of 0.8%. With 0.8% glass fiber the strength is
8.0 N/mm2. Thus there is an increase of nearly 69% in flexural strength from glass to steel.
The other percentages are shown in between. In the mixed fiber Combination of steel and
polypropylene, the increase in flexural strength from 0.8% polypropylene to 0.8% steel fiber
is 72%. Hence, glass fiber is found to be superior to polypropylene in the mixed fiber
combinations with steel fiber. The compressive strength is maximum when steel fiber is
100%. As the percentages of non-metallic fiber are increased, the compressive strength is
decreased and becomes least with 100% non metallic fiber (glass or polypropylene). This is
true in all the total percentage tried (0.20 to 0.80). As the aspect ratio of steel fiber is
increased the strength also increased. As already stated the maximum limits of percentage
and aspect ratio for steel fibers are 0.8 and 40 respectively. Non-metallic fibers either glass or
polypropylene have constant aspect ratio. This shows that glass fiber is performing
marginally better than the polypropylene fiber in mixed fiber SCC. The typical failure of the
specimen for compression were shown in photograph 5.1 for only steel fiber and photograph

5.2 for mixed fiber (Glass+Steel).The failure of the standard cylinder for split tensile strength
were shown in photograph 5.3 and 5.4 for only steel fiber and mixed (Glass+Steel). fiber
respectively. Photograph 5.5 and 5.6 show the failure specimen for flexure both for steel fiber
and mixed fiber.
5.5.8 Comparison between glass and polypropylene fibers
Glass and polypropylene fibers are non metallic and when used in SCC are
contributing towards increase in the strength properties though they are lesser when
compared to the strengths produced by steel fibers. Out of the two non metallic fibers glass is
found to be superior to polypropylene.
5.5.9 Advantages of non metallic fibers
Non-metallic fibers like glass and polypropylene can be advantageously used in
combination with steel fiber in SCC. A judicious mixed fiber combination would give
sufficient strength, lesser obstruction to the flow of SCC. Because of very less size they
adhere well to concrete particles closing all the gaps and as a result even micro cracks are
avoided. With the addition of both the types of non metallic fibers, it is found that the beam
specimens have exhibited better ductile behavior. There is better crack resistance and crack
propagation is slower.

Photograph 5.1 : Typical failure of the cube sample under compression with only
steel fiber

Photograph 5.2 :Typical failure of the cube sample under compression with mixed
fiber- (Glass+Steel)

Photograph 5.3 : Typical failure of the split tensile strength for cylinder sample
under compression with Steel only

Photograph 5.4 : Typical failure of the split tensile strength for cylinder sample
under compression with mixed fiber (Glass+Steel)

Photograph 5.5 : Typical failure of the flexural strength for beam with only steel

Photograph 5.6 : Typical failure of the flexural strength for beam with mixed fiber


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