Cabelleza, Riz (Trends WK1 and 2)
Cabelleza, Riz (Trends WK1 and 2)
Cabelleza, Riz (Trends WK1 and 2)
Department of Education
Pulo ni SaraIntegrated School
Pantihan IV,Maragondon, Cavite
Detailed Lesson Plan in Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21 st Century
Grade 12
Content Standard The learner understands the emergence of trends and patterns.
Performance standard The learner will be able to derive an idea from instances and present this
idea through a 100-word essay, artwork, and other graphic
Learning Competencies Differentiate a trend from a fad
Explain the process on how to spot a trend
Point out the elements that make up a trend
Describe the different characteristics of a trend
Identify parts of a whole
Identify and explain an emerging pattern
Identify causes and consequences
Objectives At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
A. define and discuss the trends, fads and emerging patterns;
B. participates actively on the lesson recapitulation.
C. appreciates the importance of understanding trends, fads and
emerging patterns.
Reference/s Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Learning Material
Materials Laptop, TV
Pedagogical Approach Collaborative approach
Learning Task
Routinary Activities:
Classroom Amen.
Checking of Class monitor kindly report the class Ma’am, we have three
Attendance attendance. absentees for today’s
Thank you Jezia. Give me the list of
absentees later after our class. Yes, Ma’am
Okay next.
Trends (student answers)
(Oral Review)
Student answers
Very good!
I n the pictures we can see the
The students will answer
repeating pattern, designs and
based on what they
Same with trends, there are patterns
that we can see if the trends are
increasing or decreasing.
1. What is a trend?
2. What is a fad? The students do the task.
3. What are the similarities of trends and
4. Elements of trends that showing that there
are no trends without changes?
5. Being able to be creative or innovative to
create new products, services and
6. Element of trends that focuses on the
human behavior or necessity.
7. Give one out of two drivers of change
8-10. The three categories of trends.
11-14. Characteristics of Trends
15. It refers to the data that are repeating.
16- 23. Types of emerging pattern in
connection to trends
24. Give example of trends
25. Give example of Fads.