Agg Tech
Agg Tech
Agg Tech
March 2004
Chapters 4 & 5 of this manual are adopted from the National Stone Sand
and Gravel Associations Aggregate Handbook, and used with their
This test washes the fine particles through the 75 µm (No. 200) sieve to
give an accurate determination of minus 75 µm (No. 200) portion in the sample.
The determination of minus 75 µm (No. 200) material is used to compare
material performance with gradation specifications, and indirectly to gauge such
properties as plasticity, permeability, and soils classifications.
procedure can be adapted to fit the design sieves for aggregate mixtures that are
defined by each state’s specifications.
This procedure defines the method for determining the Unit Weight and
Voids in Aggregates containing particles not exceeding a nominal maximum size
of five inches (125 mm). The unit weight is necessary for selecting proper
proportions in concrete mix designs. Calculation of voids in fine, coarse, or
mixed aggregate is based upon the determination of the unit weight.
This procedure establishes a uniform test method for pan-drying soils and
aggregate samples on the project.
This method determines the Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregates that have
been soaked for a period of 15 -19 hours. The determinations made from this
procedure are identical to those under AASHTO T 85 (Specific Gravity and
Absorption of Coarse Aggregate).
This method determines the Liquid Limit of Soils. The Liquid Limit is the
moisture content at which a specific soil moves from a plastic to a liquid state.
Generally, soils with high Liquid Limits are clays with poor engineering
properties. Soils with a high clay content are cohesive (stick together), plastic
(moldable), compressible (able to be consolidated), and nearly impervious
(impenetrable by water).
This method determines the Plastic Limit of Soils. The minimum moisture
content at which a soil behaves as a plastic is called the Plastic Limit. This
method, in conjunction with the Liquid Limit Method, also determines the
Plasticity Index of a material. The Plasticity Index is a calculated value derived by
subtracting the Plastic Limit from the Liquid Limit;
i.e. PI = LL - PL
This Method addresses rounding off of numbers from test results and
If the number following the last number to be retained is less than 5, the
last number to be retained is left unchanged and the number(s) following the last
number to be retained is/are discarded (e.g. 14.649 = 14.6, 14.749 = 14.7).
If the number following the last number to be retained is 5, and there are
no numbers beyond 5, only zeros, the last number to be retained is increased by
1 if odd, or left unchanged if even. The number(s) following the last number to
be retained is/are discarded (e.g. 14.750 = 14.8, 14.650 = 14.6).
Test samples should represent the total amount of the material being
produced or used. This is normally accomplished by random sampling. All
material should have an equal chance of being tested. Random samples are
taken when the plant or operation is processing at the usual rate. During
production at the source, care must be taken to assure that the virgin material
being processed is normal to the overall consistency of the available material.
Clay pockets, boulders or varying seams in a gravel pit, mine, or quarry may
create short-term variations in the consistency of the product.
It must be pointed out that not all samples are random samples. At times
the technician must choose the time of sampling, especially during the production
phase. Control samples may be needed during start-up, equipment changes or
changes in the material. These circumstances will directly affect the gradation of
the material and must be checked to keep the material within proper limits.
During a normal day’s operation, all samples taken may be random samples if all
operations are running consistently. Random samples may not be taken every
day, such as the first days run to establish crusher settings, etc. A combination
of random and control check samples may be taken on the same day. The
technician should sample based on random sampling techniques and not by
Keep in mind that, during normal and steady operations, samples should
be selected in a random method prescribed by state specifications.
sampling tube or other suitable device. When practical, more increments should
be taken to build the field sample. Taking more increments provides a better
cross-section of the total material.
Figure 2 - Conveyor Belt
Figure 4 - Roadway (Bases and Subbases)
Field sample size must be based on the type and number of tests to be
run on the aggregate. Standard acceptance and control tests are covered by
AASHTO/ASTM Standards and specify the portion of the field sample required
for each specific test. Generally speaking, the masses shown in the following
table will provide sufficient material for routine grading and quality analysis.
Extract test portions from the field sample according to AASHTO T 248.
Fine Aggregates
Coarse Aggregates
* For processed aggregate the nominal maximum size of particles is the largest sieve
size listed in the applicable specification, upon which any material is permitted to be
** For combined coarse and fine aggregates, minimum mass shall be equal to the
coarse aggregate minimum plus 10 kg (25 lb.).
Transport the aggregate samples in bags made for that purpose or other
suitable containers constructed so as to prevent loss, contamination or damage
to the sample during handling and shipping.
Before taking a sample, you must first gather all equipment necessary to
obtain the sample. To obtain a sample using the aggregate streamflow, you will
need the following:
· Sampling device designed for use at each particular plant. This device
consists of a pan of sufficient size to intercept the entire cross section
of the discharge stream and retain the required quantity of material
without overflowing. In some situations, a set of rails may be necessary
to support the pan as it is passed through the streamflow.
· Safety equipment such as hard hat, glasses, etc.
· Sample containers, tags, etc.
Pass the sampling device through the streamflow, being sure to cut
through the entire cross section of the material as it is being discharged. Care
must be taken to pass the device through the stream rapidly enough to prevent
any overflow of material during the sampling procedure. Obtain a minimum of
three increments for each sample. Be sure to obtain equal increments. Obtain
the appropriate size to accommodate all tests to be performed on the sample.
Allow an amount of time to elapse between passes to get a representative
sample of the material. When sampling aggregate from a loaded bin, increments
should not be obtained when the belt first starts or when the bin is nearly empty.
This minimizes the natural segregation that may occur as the material exits the
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Figure 3 - Cleaning fines from belt.
Insert the template into the aggregate on the stopped conveyor belt.
Make sure the template passes through the aggregate and rests on the surface
of the belt. Do not sample the portions of material first discharged on the belt or
material discharged as the bin empties. These areas are normally segregated
and the sample will not be representative. Using the small scoop or trowel,
remove the aggregate from the belt. Brush the remaining fines into the sample
container. A dustpan may be useful in some applications to collect the fines.
Obtain at least three increments for each field sample being sure to collect the
minimum size needed to perform all required tests. When possible, allow the belt
to run awhile between each increment. This will aid in obtaining a sample
representative of the lot of material being tested.
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three increments from approximately equally spaced points along each trench
should be taken by pushing the shovel downward into the material.
· Square-nosed shovel.
· Square or rectangular template.
· Sample containers, tags, etc.
· Safety equipment, such as hard hats, gloves, glasses, etc.
Obtain at least three increments from the unit being sampled. Combine
them to form a field sample with a size that meets or exceeds the minimum
amount required for the type of material being sampled. Increments taken from
the roadway must be from the full depth of the material. Care must be taken to
avoid contaminating the sample with underlying material. A square or
rectangular template placed over the area to be sampled aids in securing
approximately equal amounts of material. A square-nosed shovel may also be
used to aid in defining the sample area.
When sampling in a
construction zone, always
be aware of the activities
around you.
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Figure 1a Figure 1b
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Method A - Mechanical Splitters (continued)
Figure 1c Figure 1d
Method B - Quartering
Figure 2a Figure 2b
Figure 3a Figure 3b
1 - 18
Method C - Miniature Stockpile (continued)
Figure 3c Figure 3d
1 - 19
Mechanical Splitter Quartering Miniature Stockpile*
* Note: Obtain a sample for each test by selecting at least five increments of
material at random locations from the miniature stockpile.
· Failure to obtain a field sample using the methods and guidelines given
in AASHTO T 2.
· Failure to select proper method for sample reduction based on
aggregate moisture content.
· When using a mechanical splitter, failure to uniformly distribute the
field sample from edge to edge while placing it in the hopper or pan
prior to pouring it through the chutes.
Use Current
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Figure 6 - Sample not spread uniformly in splitter
· Failure to control the rate at which the materials are poured through
the chutes of a mechanical splitter such that the material is free flowing
into the receptacle pans below. This includes using a hopper or
straight-edged pan that, per AASHTO T 248, has a width equal to or
slightly less than the overall width of the chute assembly.
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· Failure to use mechanical splitters which meet the applicable
requirements for the number of chute openings and chute width.
Spaced Opening
1 - 23
· When using the quartering method, failure to brush the cleared spaces
clean of fines after removing the two diagonally opposite quarters from
the flattened field sample.
· When using the miniature stockpile method, failure to obtain the five
(minimum) increments of material from random locations in the
miniature stockpile. Do not take all five samples from the same
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1. Dry sample to a constant mass. Record this as the dry mass of the material
to the nearest 0.1 % of the mass of the test sample. Allow sample to air cool.
2. Place sample into a wash container large enough to mix the sample with
water (Figure 2). Cover the sample with water (with wetting agent if required),
and agitate it with sufficient movement so that the particles finer than the
75 µm (No. 200) sieve become suspended in the water. A spoon or other
instrument may be used to stir and agitate the sample. Care should be taken
not to lose any portion of the sample.
3. Pour the water with the suspended fines through nested sieves. Nested
sieves, with openings of 2.36 mm (No. 8) or 1.18 mm (No. 16) above the75
mm (No. 200) sieve are required. Take care to pour only the water with
suspended fines and not the sample itself, since samples with larger size
1 - 26
aggregates might damage or clog the fine screen on the 75 mm (No. 200)
sieve (Figure 3). NOTE: Occasionally inspect the 75 µm (No. 200) sieve for
cracks along the seam or holes in the screen, as any imperfections will affect
the final wash sieve results.
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Figure 4
4. Continue washing the sample with additional water a nd agitate. When the
washed sample is near completion, the water should be relatively clear
(Figure 4).
5. Give the sample a final rinse, pouring as much of the remaining water as
possible out of the sample and into the nest of sieves. Transfer the remaining
sample into a pan for oven drying.
6. Any fines remaining on the 75 µm (No. 200) sieve must be included in the
sample for drying (Figures 5 & 6).
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Figure 6 - A water bottle may be used to rinse the material from the
75 µm (No. 200) sieve to the drying pan.
7. Place the container with the washed sample (Figure 7) into an oven (Figure 1)
regulated at 110 ± 5 °C (230 ± 9 °F) and dry to a constant mass. Record the dry
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8. Perform calculations in accordance with AASHTO T 11.
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The sieve analysis, commonly known as the gradation test, is a basic and
essential test. The sieve analysis determines the gradation (the distribution of
aggregate particles, by size, within a given sample) in order to verify compliance
with design, production control requirements and specifications. This data can
be used to calculate relationships between various aggregates and to predict
trends during production by plotting gradation curves graphically. Used in
conjunction with other tests, the sieve analysis is a quality control and quality
acceptance tool. EQUIPMENT
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· Mechanical sieve shaker - if used, must provide a vertical or lateral and
vertical motion to the sieve. Sieve shaker must provide sieving
thoroughness within a reasonable time.
Table 1.2
AASHTO Sample Sizes for Aggregate Gradation
Nominal, Maximum Size Agg. Minimum Mass of Test Sample
mm (in.) kg (lb)
9.5 (3/8) 1 (2)
12.5 (1/2) 2 (4)
19.0 (3/4) 5 (11)
25.0 (1) 10 (22)
37.5 (1 1/2) 15 (33)
50.0 (2) 20 (44)
63.0 (2 1/2) 35 (77)
75.0 (3) 60 (130)
90.0 (3 1/2) 100 (220)
Aggregate with at least 95% passing a 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve..................................100 g
Aggregate with at least 85% passing a 4.75 mm (No. 4)
and more than 55 retained on a 2.36 mm (No. 8) ..................................................…300 g
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into several “sub-samples” that will comprise the final test. For example, a
gradation test on a material with a nominal maximum size of 75 mm (3 in.), which
requires 60 kg (130 lb.) sample size, would not fit into a large tray shaker in one
increment. PROCEDURE
1. Weigh the sample to the nearest 0.1% by total mass of sample (e.g. 130 lb ±
sample recorded to nearest 0.1 lb, 1 kg ± sample recorded to nearest 0.001
kg or 1 g). This mass will be used to check for any loss of material after the
sample has been graded. Select suitable sieve sizes in accordance with
agency specifications. Standard sieve sizes recognized by AASHTO may
differ from region to region. Always consult agency specifications in order to
determine the proper sieve sizes.
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2. Nest the sieves in order of decreasing size from top to bottom and begin
shaking the sample for a sufficient amount of time. For coarse aggregate, the
large tray shaker is most commonly used (Figure 1 & 1a). This device
provides a clamping mechanism, which holds the sieve in place during
shaking. Shakers of this make usually need to be run a minimum of 7
minutes to adequately grade the sample.
For fine aggregate, round 203.2 mm (8 in.) sieves are commonly used (Figure
2). These sieves are self-nesting and supported in a shaking mechanism at
the top and bottom by a variety of clamping and/or holding mechanisms.
Small shakers of this type usually require shaking times of 10 minutes to
adequately grade the fine aggregate sample.
3. For coarse aggregates, after the material has been sieved, remove each tray,
weigh and record the mass to the nearest 0.1% of total mass. Be sure to
remove any aggregate trapped within the sieve openings by gently working
from either or both sides with your hands until the aggregate is freed.
Banging the sieve on the floor or hitting it with hammer will damage the sieve.
The final total of the masses retained on each sieve should be within 0.3% of
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the original mass of the sample prior to grading. Particles larger than 75 mm
(3 in.) should be hand-sieved. When passing large stones through sieves, do
not force the aggregate through the sieve openings.
4. For fine aggregates, weigh the material retained on each sieve size to the
nearest 0.1% by total mass (e.g. 300 g ± sample recorded to nearest 0.1 g).
Insure that all material entrapped within the openings of the sieve is cleaned
out and included in the mass retained. This can be done using brushes to
gently dislodge entrapped materials. The 203.2 mm (8 in.) round sieves need
to be handled with special care due to the delicate nature of their screen
mesh. As a rule, use coarse wire brushes to clean the 203.2-mm (8-in.)
sieves down through the 600 µm (No. 30) sieve (Figure 3). Any sieve with an
opening size smaller then the 600 µm (No. 30) should be cleaned with a soft
cloth hairbrush (Figure 4). The final total of the masses retained on each
sieve should be within 0.3% of the original mass of the sample prior to
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Periodically check sieves for signs of wear and tear to avoid possible biasing
of test results. In particular, inspect the sieve screens for holes, tears and
cracks along the outer rim (Figure 5). Sieves with bowed screens that are
not taut need to be discarded or re-screened.
Weigh the material that has passed through the sieve and into the pan. If the
mass exceeds more than 0.5% of the total mass of the sample, the sieving
thoroughness for that sieve (and shaker) is inadequate, and it is possible that
increased shaking times are required. For example, a 300 g sample should
lose no more than 1.5 g on any sieve.
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Figure 6 - Checking thoroughness of sieving CALCULATION
Cumulative Method
1. In the cumulative method (percent retained), material from the largest sieve is
placed in a tared pan and weighed. The contents of the next smaller sieve
are then added to the pan and the accumulated weight is recorded. This is
repeated until the weights of the material from all the sieves and the bottom
pan if required, have been recorded. Do not tare the scale until the entire
cumulative mass has been recorded. The final mass on the scale is the total
mass of the sample. In this example, the total mass of the sample is 414.9 g
(Figure 7).
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Initial Dry Mass of Sample414.9 g
Figure 8 48.4 grams retained on the 4.75 mm sieve, divided by the total mass
(414.9g) and multiplied by 100, is 11.7%
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3. Percentage passing is determined for each sieve by taking the cumulative
percent retained on that sieve and subtracting it from 100%. In this example,
100 - 11.7 = 88.3 % passing the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve (Figure 9). This
process is repeated for the remainder of the sieves.
4. The advantage to the cumulative method (Figure 10) is that the technician
does not have to empty out or tare the pan on the scale, saving time. Some
technicians find the cumulative calculation easier to use as well. However, if
a sieve is overloaded, the sample must be discarded and the test repeated.
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Non - Cumulative Method:
1. Tare the pan on the scale. Weigh the material retained on each sieve (from
top to bottom). After the material from each sieve is weighed, empty the tared
pan and go to the next sieve. Once all the sieves have been weighed, total
the mass (Figure 11).
Sieve Size Mass (g) Percent Retained
4.75 mm (No. 4) 48.4
2.00 mm (No. 10) 191.7
850 mm (No. 20) 354.6
600 mm (No. 30) 387.2
425 mm (No. 40) 400.8
180 mm (No. 80) 410.2
75 mm (No. 200) 413.3
Pan 414.9
Total 48.4
Figure 11 - Record mass of material on each sieve individually, and record the
total the mass.
2. Calculate the percent retained by dividing the mass retained on each sieve by
the total and multiply by 100 (Figure 12). Example: for the 4.75 mm (No. 4)
sieve, (48.4 ÷ 414.9) x 100 = 11.7 %. Calculate the percentage retained for
each sieve using the above method.
Percent Percent
Sieve Size Mass (g)
Retained Passing
4.75 mm (No. 4) 48.4 11.7
2.00 mm (No. 10) 143.3 34.5
850 mm (No. 20) 162.9 39.3
600 mm (No. 30) 32.7
425 mm (No. 40) 13.6
180 mm (No. 80) 9.4
75 mm (No. 200) 3.0
Pan 1.6
Total 414.9
1 - 40
3. Once you have calculated the “percent retained” column, add the
percentages to make sure they equal 100. In this example, they total 100.1
%. In cases where odd percentages occur (either 99.9 or 100.1), increase or
decrease the largest percentage in the gradation by 0.1%. In this example,
39.3 was decreased to 39.2 in order to sum up to an even 100. (Figure 13).
Sieve Size Mass (g) Percent Passing
4.75 mm (No. 4) 48.4 11.7
2.00 mm (No. 10) 143.3 34.5
850 mm (No. 20) 162.9 39.3 ¬ change to 39.2
600 mm (No. 30) 32.7 7.9
425 mm (No. 40) 13.6 3.3
180 mm (No. 80) 9.4 2.3
75 mm (No. 200) 3.0 0.7
Pan 1.6 0.4
Total 414.9 100.1 ¬ change to 100.0
Figure 13 - When the percent retained does not add up to 100, change the
percentage by 0.1 on the sieve which retained the most material.
Sieve Size Mass (g) Percent Passing
9.5 mm (3/8”) 0.0 0.0 100.0
4.75 mm (No. 4) 48.4 11.7 88.3
2.00 mm (No. 10) 143.3 34.5 53.8
850 µm (No. 20) 162.9 39.2 14.6
600 µm (No. 30) 32.7 7.9 6.7
425 µm (No. 40) 13.6 3.3 3.4
180 µm (No. 80) 9.4 2.3 1.1
75 µm (No. 200) 3.0 0.7 0.4
Pan 1.6 0.4
Total 414.9 100.0
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5. Continue the cumulative subtraction down through the last sieve (Figure 15).
The percent passing the last sieve should be almost equal to the percent
retained in the pan.
The calculation for the sieve analysis applies to both coarse and fine
aggregate samples.
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Maximum Allowable Quantity of Material Retained on a Sieve,
Nominal Dimensions of SieveA
203.2-mm 254-mm 304.8-mm 350 by 350 372 by 580
Sieve diaB diaB diaB mm mm
Opening (8 in) (10 in) (12 in) (14 x 14 in) (16 x 24 in)
Size, mm Sieving Area, m2
0.0285 0.0457 0.0670 0.1225 0.2158
125 67.4
100 30.6 53.9
90 15.1 27.6 48.5
75 8.6 12.6 23.0 40.5
63 7.2 10.6 19.3 34.0
50 3.6 5.7 8.4 15.3 27.0
37.5 2.7 4.3 6.3 11.5 20.2
25.0 1.8 2.9 4.2 7.7 13.5
19.0 1.4 2.2 3.2 5.8 10.2
12.5 0.89 1.4 2.1 3.8 6.7
9.5 0.67 1.1 1.6 2.9 5.1
4.75 0.33 0.54 0.80 1.5 2.6
Sieve frame dimensions in inch units: 8.0-in. diameter; 10.0-in. diameter; 12.0-in. diameter; 13.8 by 13.8
in. (14 by 14 in. nominal); 14.6 by 22.8 in. (16 by 24 in nominal).
The sieve area for round sieve frames is based on an effective diameter 12.7 mm (1/2 in.) less than the
nominal frame diameter, because Specification M92 permits the sealer between the sieve cloth and the
frame to extend 6.35 mm (1/4 in.) over the sieve cloth. Thus the effective sieving diameter for a 203.2-
mm (8.0-in.) diameter sieve frame is 190.5 mm (7.5 in.). Some manufactures of sieves may not infringe
on the sieve cloth by the full 6.35 mm (1/4 in.).
Sieves indicated have less than five full openings and should not be used for sieve testing except as
provided in 8.6.
1 - 43 Fineness Modulus
Fineness Modulus (FM) is defined as an index to the particle size, not to
the gradation. Fineness Modulus is calculated from the sieve analysis. It is
defined mathematically as the sum of the cumulative percentages retained on the
standard sieves divided by 100. The standard size sieves are 6" (150 mm), 3"
(75 mm), 1 1/2" (37.5 mm), 3/4" (19.0 mm), 3/8" (9.5 mm), No. 4 (4.75 mm), No.
8 (2.36 mm), No. 16 (1.18 mm), No. 30 (600 µm), No. 50 (300µm), and No. 100
(150 µm).
In fineness modulus, the finer the material the more the water demand is.
It is used for the purpose of estimating the quantity of coarse aggregate to be
used in the concrete mix design. Generally, the FM of fine aggregates should
not be less than 2.3 or more than 3.1, or vary by more than 0.2 between batches
of concrete.
Procedure for Determining the Fineness Modulus
Add the Cumulative % Retained on all of the sieves except the No. 200
(75 µm) and the Pan. Then divide by 100.
Sieve Cumulative Cumulative
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This test procedure is used to determine the unit weight of oven dried
aggregates in a compacted or loose condition using a calibrated measure. After
the unit weight has been determined, the void content (the space between the
aggregate particles) can be calculated. The main reason for determining the
void content is to establish accurate material proportions for designing concrete
This test method is often used to determine unit weight values, which are
necessary for many methods of selecting proportions for concrete mixtures. - EQUIPMENT
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Figure 1 - 1/3 cubic foot measure.
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Figure 2 - 1/10 cubic foot measure.
1. Determine the mass of the measure to the nearest 50 grams (0.1 lb).
2. Determine the mass of the measure with plate glass to the nearest 50
grams (0.1 lb).
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Table 1.5
TEMPERATURE kg/m3 lb/ft3
ºC ºF
15.6 60 999.01 62.366
18.3 65 998.54 62.336
21.1 70 997.97 62.301
(23.0) (73.4) (997.54) (62.274)
23.9 75 997.32 62.261
26.7 80 996.59 62.216
29.4 85 995.83 62.166
6. Calculate the volume of the measure by dividing the mass of the water
required to fill the measure, by the density of water.
M1 – M2
Volume =
Measure Factor = Dw ÷ M3
· Sample size should be 125 – 200% more than the capacity of your
calibrated measure.
· Fill the calibrated measure in thirds. After each third, rod or jig as
explained below.
Rodding – rod each layer with the tamping rod 25 strokes distributed
equally over the entire layer surface. On the first layer do not allow the
rod to forcibly strike the bottom of the measure. On the second and third
layers use only enough force for the rod to reach but not penetrate the
previous layer.
Jigging – jig each layer 50 times, 25 times each side by raising the
opposite sides alternately about 50 mm (2 in.) and letting the measure
drop in such a manner to sharply hit the base.
The final layer should overflow the top of the measure before and after the
rodding/jigging procedure. Level the surface of the aggregate with a straight
edge, by hand or rolling a rod in a manner such that slight projections of
aggregate above the rim are balanced with the voids below the rim.
1 - 51
Aggregate Moisture Content Test Sample Sizes
Nominal Maximum Size, mm (in.) Minimum Sample Mass, kg (lbs.)
4.75 (No. 4) 0.5 (1.1)
9.5 (3/8) 1.5 (3.3)
12.5 (1/2) 2.0 (4.4)
19.0 (3/4) 3.0 (6.6)
25.0 (1) 4.0 (8.8)
37.5 (1 ½) 6.0 (13.2)
50.0 (2) 8.0 (17.6)
All Soil Moisture Content Sample Sizes must be a minimum of 500 grams
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4. Place the container on the stove or hot plate and, while drying, mix the
sample continuously to expedite drying and prevent burning of the
aggregate. Always use a low flame or heat setting.
5. When the sample looks dry, remove it from the stove, cool, and weigh. Put
sample back on the stove, continue drying for another two to three minutes,
cool, and re-weigh. When a constant mass has been achieved, the sample
is dry. Record the mass of the sample and container.
Note: Care must be taken to avoid losing any portion of the sample. CALCULATIONS
(Wwet – Wdry )
w, % = x 100
(Wdry – Wcon)
w, % = percent moisture
Wwet = mass of wet aggregate and container
Wdry = mass of dry aggregate and container
Wcon = mass of container REPORT
1 - 53
Specific gravity is critical information for the Hot Mix Asphalt Design
Engineer. It is used in calculating air voids, voids in mineral aggregate (VMA),
and voids filled by asphalt. In Superpave mixes, it is used to determine the fine
aggregate angularity. All are critical to a well performing and durable asphalt
mix. Water absorption can also be an indicator of asphalt absorption. A highly
absorptive aggregate could lead to a low durability asphalt mix.
This method determines the specific gravity of fine aggregates soaked for
a period of 15 -19 hours. The determinations made from this procedure are
identical to those made using AASHTO T 85 (Specific Gravity and Absorption of
Coarse Aggregate). – EQUIPMENT
1 - 54
· Tamper - a metal tamper having a mass of 340 ±15 g and having a flat
circular tamping face of 25 ± 3 mm in diameter.
1. Thoroughly mix the material and reduce it to a sample size in accordance with
AASHTO T 248. The sample size for this procedure is approximately 1 kg of
material passing the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve.
2. Dry the test sample to a constant mass in an oven regulated at 110 ± 5°C
(230 ± 9°F). Cool the sample to a comfortable handling temperature. After
the cooling period, immerse the sample in water at room temperature for a
period of 15 to 19 hours.
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3. Decant water from sample, avoiding loss of fines. Spread sample on a flat,
non-absorbent surface. Stir sample frequently to assist in uniform drying. A
current of warm air may be used to assist in the drying process (Figure 2).
Figure 2
4. Determine the SSD condition of the sample using the Cone Test.
4.1 Cone Test Procedure - Throughout the process of drying in Step 3, test
the sample for SSD condition using the cone method. Place the cone with
the large diameter down on a smooth, non-absorbent surface. Fill cone to
overflowing with the sample. Lightly tamp the sample into the mold with 25
light drops of the tamper (Figure 3). Each drop should start about 5 mm
above the top surface of the sample. Remove loose material from the base
and carefully lift the mold vertically. If surface moisture is still present, the
sample will retain its molded shape. When the sample achieves an SSD
condition, it will slump slightly (Figure 4). If the sample slumps on the first
trial, moisture must be re-added and the sample allowed to sit in a covered
container for thirty minutes, and the drying process repeated.
1 - 56
Figure 3 - Tamping sample using the Cone Method to
determine SSD
1 - 57
5. Place 500 ± 10 g of the SSD sand into the pycnometer partially filled with
distilled water (Figure 5). Fill with water to 90% of pycnometer capacity.
1 - 58
Figure 6 - Rolling of pycnometer
6. Roll, invert, and agitate the pycnometer to eliminate all air bubbles (Figure 6).
This process usually takes 15 to 20 minutes.
8. Bring the pycnometer to its calibrated capacity with additional water (Figure 7)
If bubbles prevent the proper filling of the pycnometer, adding a few drops of
isopropyl alcohol is recommended to disperse the foam.
9. Determine the total mass of pycnometer, specimen, and water. Record the
mass to the nearest 0.1g.
1 - 59
Figure 7 - Filling pycnometer – CALCULATIONS
A. Bulk Specific Gravity (Gsb): The ratio of the mass (in air) of a unit volume of
aggregate to the mass (in air) of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at
a stated temperature.
Gsb = A / (B – C)
B. Bulk SSD Specific Gravity (Gsb SSD): The ratio of the mass (in air) of a unit
volume of aggregate * to the mass (in air) of an equal volume of gas-free
distilled water at a stated temperature.
* This includes the mass of water within the voids achieved by immersing
the aggregate in water for approximately 15 hours.
Gsb SSD = B / (B – C)
1 - 60
C. Apparent Specific Gravity (Gsa): The ratio of the mass, in air, of a unit volume
of the “impermeable” portion of aggregate (does not include the permeable
pores in aggregate) to the mass, in air, of an equal volume of gas-free
distilled water at a stated temperature.
Gsa = A / (A – C)
• Excess airflow near the test sample resulting in uneven drying of the
1 - 61
1.2.9 - AASHTO T 85 - Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregates - Summary of Procedure
Specific gravity is critical information for the asphalt mix design Engineer.
It is used in calculating air voids, voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) and voids
filled by asphalt (VFA). All are critical in the performance of an asphalt mix. Water
absorption can also be an indicator of asphalt absorption. A highly absorptive
aggregate could affect the durability of an asphalt mix. – EQUIPMENT
1 - 62
1 - 63
Figure 4 - Water tank: large enough to completely immerse
basket containing aggregate and equipped with an
overflow valve to keep water at a constant level.
1 - 64
· Sieves: 4.75 mm (No. 4) or other sizes as needed, conforming to
AASHTO M 92. - Procedure
1. Thoroughly mix the sample and reduce to test size (Figures 6a & 6b) in
accordance with AASHTO T 248 (Reducing Field Samples of Aggregate to
Test Size). Use sample sizes as indicated in Table 1.
1 - 65
2. Dry sieve the sample through a 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve and discard any
material that passes the sieve. NOTE: if a substantial amount of material
passes the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve, you may need to use a 1.18 mm (No. 8)
sieve instead of the 4.75 mm (No. 4) or you may need to perform a specific
gravity on minus 4.75 mm (No. 4) material. Wash the aggregate retained on
the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve.
Nominal Maximum Size Minimum Sample Mass
12.5 mm (1/2 in.) 2 kg (4.4 lbs.)
19 mm (3/4 in.) 3 kg (6.6 lbs.)
25 mm (1 in.) 4 kg (8.8 lbs.)
37.5 mm (1 ½ in.) 5 kg (11 lbs.)
50 mm (2 in.) 8 kg (18 lbs.)
63 mm (2 ½ in.) 12 kg (26 lbs.)
75 mm (3 in.) 18 kg (40 lbs.)
3. Dry test sample to constant mass in an oven regulated at 110 ± 5°C (230 ±
9°F). Cool the sample at room temperature for 1 to 3 hours. After the cooling
period, immerse the aggregate in water at room temperature for a period of 15
to 19 hours.
4. Remove the sample from soaking and drain any excess water from the
aggregate. Place the aggregate on an absorbent towel and then shake and roll
the aggregate from side to side. This procedure is usually effective in reducing
the sample to the SSD (saturated, surface-dry) condition (Figure 7).
Figure 7
1 - 66
The sample may be contained in the rolled towel and shaken until it achieves
SSD condition. The SSD condition is one in which the aggregate has no “free”
water on its surface (Figures 8 & 9).
Figure 8
Figure 9
1 - 67
5. Weigh the SSD sample to the nearest gram.
6. After weighing, place the entire sample in a container and immerse in water.
Shake container to release any entrapped air, hook onto scale and weigh.
Insure that the overflow is working properly to compensate for the water
displaced by the sample (Figure 10 & 10A). Record the mass of the sample
and container in water to the nearest gram.
7. Remove the sample and container from the water. Re move sample from the
container and dry in a pan to a constant mass in an oven. Cool in air at room
temperature for 1 to 3 hours (until the aggregate can be comfortably handled).
Record mass to the nearest 1.0 g as oven dry mass.
1 - 68
There are four determina tions that may be made from this procedure. They are
as follows:
I. Bulk specific Gravity (Gsb) (also known as Bulk Dry Specific Gravity)
The ratio of the mass (in air) of a unit volume of aggregate to the mass (in air) of
an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature (Figure 11).
This unit volume of aggregates is composed of the solid particle, permeable
voids and impermeable voids.
Gsb = A / (B – C)
The ratio of the mass (in air) of a unit volume of aggregate* to the mass (in air) of
an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature (Figure 12).
* This includes the mass of water within the voids achieved by immersing the
aggregate in water for approximately 15 hours.
1 - 69
III. Apparent Specific Gravity (Gsa)
This ratio of the mass (in air) of a unit volume of the “impermeable” portion of
aggregate (does not include the permeable pores in aggregate) to the mass (in
air) of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature
(Figure 13).
The increase in mass of aggregate due to water in the pores of the material, but
not including water adhering to the outside surface of the particles (Figure 14.)
%Abs. = (B – A) / A ] x 100
Where: A = Mass (grams) of Oven Dry Specimen in Air
B = Mass (grams) of SSD Specimen in Air
1 - 70 - Calculations:
Gsb = A / (B-C)
Gsa = A / (A-C)
4. Absorption (%Abs.)
1 - 71
Gsa (apparent specific gravity) will always be the highest, since the volume
calculated concerns only the “solid” aggregate particle (i.e., does not include
those voids permeable to water). When running this test, check to make sure the
values calculated are realistic.
1 - 72
Earth materials form the foundation of all transportation facilities. The final
structure will be no more durable than the foundation upon which it rests. In order to
ensure that these materials function as intended, it is necessary for all designers to have
basic information about them. Designers use this information to decide if naturally
occurring materials can support the anticipated traffic load or if they will require
modification (e.g., stabilization, lime treatment or treatment with fly ash) to enable it to
perform as a highway foundation.
Several laboratory tests are performed that provide information to the designer
about materials which may be used as the foundation for a roadway. The Atterberg Limits
are among these tests. In 1911, a Swedish scientist, A. Atterberg, developed some
simple tests for determining the moisture contents of a soil at which the soil moves from a
solid to a semisolid, to a plastic and to a liquid state. The moisture contents generated by
these tests are used to quantitatively describe the effect of varying water contents on the
fines of a material. As the moisture content of a material increases, the properties of the
fine fraction (passing No. 40 sieve) material will eventually change from a solid to a liquid
1 - 73
After exceeding the optimum moisture necessary to achieve compaction, material
becomes less stable as moisture increases (moving from left to right on the diagram). A
material whose moisture content is greater than the Liquid Limit is soft and unstable.
The Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit are used to determine the Plasticity Index. The
Plasticity Index is not an Atterberg Limit. It is a number that is derived by subtracting the
Plastic Limit of a soil from its Liquid Limit.
PI = LL – PL
The Shrinkage Limit is not used in determining the Plasticity Index and is not used
as widely in highway construction specifications. The point at which a material moves
from a solid to a semisolid state is not as significant as the Liquid Limit in determining the
material’s suitability for highway construction.
When samples are received by the laboratory, they may be identified by a field
classification (e.g., plastic, non-plastic, hard, friable, etc.) based on moisture content and
consistency at the time of sampling. This field classification provides an indication of a
material’s suitability for use in construction. However, a more accurate determination of
the material’s behavior at varying moisture contents is needed to ensure that materials
will perform as necessary in a pavement structure. It is critical that the tests for Atterberg
Limits be properly performed. These values are used to classify a soil in terms of its
suitability for a specific use.
The Liquid Limit is the moisture content at which a specific material moves from a
plastic to a liquid state. Generally, soils with high Liquid Limits are clays with poor
engineering properties. Soils with a high clay content are cohesive (stick together), plastic
(moldable), compressible (able to be consolidated), and nearly impervious (impenetrable
by water). Their compressibility leads to rutting under load and can even cause the soil
structure to shear under its own weight, causing embankment failure.
Clay soils may become unstable when they absorb water. Materials with high clay
content also are subject to swelling and shrinking during normal changes in moisture
content. The swell/shrinkage cycle may also lead to foundation failure. Swelling and
shrinkage are directly related to shear failure. When clay soils are disturbed by
construction, they lose their shear strength and are subject to failure.
1 - 74
The Liquid Limit is used in conjunction with the Plasticity Index to identify materials
with a clay content high enough to keep them from performing well in construction.
There are two methods (A and B) approved by AASHTO to determine the Liquid
Limit of a material. The basic test steps are the same for both methods. The differences
are in the initial quantity of water added to the test specimen, the number of specimens
which are tested, the mandatory blow count range and the calculations involved.
If using Method B or using tap water results in questionable test values, Method A
with special parameters must be used to establish the validity of the values.
The Liquid Limit test is performed on material passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40)
sieve. First mix the test specimen with water, alternately stirring and chopping the
sample. Continue adding water until it is at a uniform stiff consistency. You will need
some experience to recognize when you have reached the correct consistency for each
material. Place some of the test specimen in the cup of the Liquid Limit device. Use the
spatula to press and spread the material to the correct thickness. Be careful not to trap air
bubbles in the test specimen when spreading it in the cup.
Use the grooving tool to divide the test specimen in the cup through its center.
Move the tool from back to front only one time for each stroke. Be sure to form a clean,
sharp groove. Use no more than six strokes of the grooving tool to divide the specimen.
Only the last stroke of the grooving tool is to scrape the bottom of the cup.
If you are using a manual device, turn the crank approximately 2 revolutions per
second. If you are using an automatic device, turn on the machine. Count the number of
blows of the machine or use the automatic counter if the device is equipped with one.
When the groove closes to 13 mm (0.5 inch), stop the device. Record the number of
blows required to close the groove.
1 - 75
For Method A, repeat these steps two more times until you have blow counts
within the following ranges:
There must be a diffe rence of at least ten blows between the high and low blow count for
the test result to be valid.
For Method B, the blow count must be within the range of 22-28, and only one
specimen is used for testing. A second specimen is run to verify the blow count.
From each test specimen, remove a slice of material approximately the width of
the spatula, extending from edge to edge of the specimen at right angles to the groove.
Be sure to take that portion of the groove in which the material flowed together.
Determine the moisture content of each specimen in accordance with AASHTO T 265.
The Liquid Limit is a mathematical calculation based on the moisture content and number
of blows at closure.
Liquid Limits vary widely. It is possible to obtain values as high as 80 - 100. Values
between 40 - 60 are typical of clay soils. For silty soils, typical values are between 25 -
50. The Liquid Limit test will not produce a result for granular and non-plastic materials. EQUIPMENT
Before beginning any procedure, you must first assemble all the equipment you will need
to perform the test. To determine the Liquid Limit of the fines portion of a material, you will
need the following.
1 - 76
· Gage - Conforming to AASHTO T 89 or a metal bar 10.0 ±0.2 mm
(0.394 ±0.008 inches) thick and approximately 50 mm (2 inches) long
· Stable, flat surface - Support for testing apparatus to ensure uniform impact
and base stability of device
· Check that the pin connecting the cup is not worn to the point of allowing side
· Check that the screws connecting the cup to the hanger arm are tight. Loose
screws allow excessive cup movement and cause erratic blow counts.
· Check that the points of contact on the cup and base are not excessively worn.
Excessive wear is defined as exceeding approximately 13 mm (0.5 inches) in
· Check the lip of the cup for excessive wear. Excessive wear is defined as any
point on the cup rim which is worn to approximately one half the original
· Check the center of the cup to ensure that use has not worn a groove into the
cup. (Replace any cup in which there is a pronounced groove.)
· Check the cam follower. It should not be worn beyond the tolerance allowed
nor allow any rocking on the height gage when checking height of drop.
· Check the adjusting screws. All screws in the adjusting assembly must be tight
with no noticeable movement.
· Check the dimensions of the grooving tool to ensure that the tool conforms to
the tolerances of AASHTO T 89.
1 - 78
Figure 2 - Placing Masking Tape on Cup Bottom
2. Adjust the height of drop so that the point on the cup that contacts the base
rises to a height of 10.0 ± 0.2 mm (0.394 ± 0.008 in.)
· Mark the point of contact of the cup with the base. Facing the front of the cup,
raise the cup by hand. Place a piece of masking tape across the outside bottom
of the cup. Place the tape parallel to the pivot pin with the top edge of the tape
bisecting the wear mark on the cup where it contacts the base.
NOTE: When a cup is new, place a piece of carbon paper on the base, carbon
side up, then allow the cup to drop several times to mark the contact spot.
· Turn the crank and raise the cup to its maximum height.
· Slide the height gage under the cup from the front until the gage contacts the
edge of the tape on the cup. If the gage contacts the cup at the edge of the
tape, the adjustment is approximately correct.
NOTE: You may remove the cup from the device to apply the tape. If this was
done, place cup on device and install pivot pin.
1 - 79
Figure 3 - Checking Contacts with Height Gage
· If the gage does not contact the cup at the edge of the tape, use the adjusting
screw device to adjust the height until the cup is in proper position. Lock the
adjustment assembly into proper position.
· Leave the gage in position. Check the adjustment by turning the handle at two
revolutions per second. If the cup does not move and a ringing or clicking
sound is heard, the adjustment is correct. If no sound is heard or if the cup
rises from the gage, re-adjust the height of the drop.
Test Specimen
1 - 80
Figure 4 - Weighing Test Specimen
1) Place the test specimen in the mixing dish. Add 15 - 20 mL of water. Mix thoroughly
by alternately stirring, kneading, and chopping with the spatula. Add enough water to
form a material mass with a stiff consistency. After the initial addition of 15 - 20 mL of
water, add subsequent water in increments of 1 - 3 mL. Mix each increment of water
thoroughly into the soil mass before adding the next increment.
2) Do not use the cup of the Liquid Limit device to mix the material and
1 - 81
2) If too much water is added, either discard the test specimen or continue to
mix and knead the material until natural evaporation lowers the moisture
content to the proper consistency.
NOTE: Some soils (fine silts and clays) are slow to absorb water. When testing
these soils, allow additional mixing time to ensure water absorption. If water is
added too quickly to these soils, it is possible to obtain a false value for the liquid
5) Place this specimen in the cup of the liquid limit device directly above the point where
the cup rests on the base.
6) Use the spatula to press, spread, and level the specimen so that the material
is no more than 10 mm (0.4 in.) thick at its maximum depth and is centered as
close as possible over the contact point of the cup and the base. Use as few
spatula strokes as possible. Do not trap air bubbles within the mass.
7) Trim excess soil from the specimen during Step 6. Return the excess to the
mixing dish and immediately cover to prevent moisture loss.
1 - 82
Figure 7 - Grooving the Soil Specimen
8) Use the grooving tool to make a smooth firm stroke through the soil pat. Move the
groovi ng tool from back to front though the center of the soil pat.
Note: Do not allow the soil pat to tear or slide in the cup while making the groove. If
the soil pat tears or slides, the soil is too dry or may be non-plastic. Add more water
and try again.
Increase the depth of the groove with each stroke, but do not allow the tool to touch
the bottom of the cup, except on the last stroke. Use no more than six strokes to
complete the division. While grooving the material, you can use the curved end of the
grooving tool to determine if the pat is the proper thickness. When the grooving tool
touches the cup, the top of the soil cake should be level with the top of the curved
portion of the grooving tool. The curved portion of the grooving tool is 10 mm (0.4 in.)
9) Apply blows. If the device is automatic, turn on the device. If the device is manual, turn
the crank at approximately two revolutions per second. Continue applying blows until
the two sides of the material come in contact at the bottom of the groove along a
distance of about 13 mm (0.5 in.).
NOTE: Do not hold the base of the device with the free hand while turning the
1 - 83
Figure 8 - Applying Blows by Turning the Handle
NOTE: Some soils tend to slide on the surface of the cup instead of flowing
together. If this occurs, remix the material with additional water and repeat the
procedure. If the soil continues to slide at fewer than 25 blows, the Liquid Limit test
is not applicable. Record that the Liquid Limit could not be determined.
10) Record the number of blows needed to close the groove to 13 mm (0.5 in.)
11) Use the spatula to take a slice of soil from the specimen in the cup. Remove the
slice from edge to edge of the soil cake at right angles to the groove. Include that
portion of the groove where the soil has flowed together. Place the slice in a drying
1 - 84
Figure 9 - Removing the Moisture Content Specimen
13) Put the remaining part of the soil cake back into the mixing dish and cover it. Wash
and dry the cup and grooving tool.
14) Add more water to the material in the mixing dish and remix, making the material
more fluid. The intent is to increase the fluidity of the soil by 5 shocks (blows).
15) Repeat Steps 2 through 14 at least twice, until at least one determination is made in
each of the following ranges. The range of the three determinations must be at least
10 blows.
1 - 85
Figure 10 Weighing test sample
1) Prepare semi-logarithmic graph paper by labeling the x and y axes for moisture
content and number of shocks respectively.
2) For each test specimen, plot the point corresponding to the blow count and moisture
3) Draw a flow curve (a straight line drawn as nearly as possible to all plotted points)
Blow counts
N = 25
w = 32.8%
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Water content (%)
1 - 86
4) Determine the Liquid Limit: The moisture content at the intersection of the flow curve
and the 25-blow line is the Liquid Limit. Record the Liquid Limit to the nearest whole
NOTE: The lower point, although recorded, was outside the 25 - 35 range. The
course developers, unlike AASHTO directions, prefer that all points be recorded.
When performing Method A as a reference test, use the following time schedule:
· Placing the material in the brass cup and testing: 3 minutes maximum
· Calculator
1 - 87
Obtain a test specimen of approximately 50g and perform in accordance with Method A
except as noted.
1) Prepare the test specimen and perform the test exactly like Method A, with the
following exception. Use approximately 8 - 10 mL of water for initial specimen
3) After the blow count is in the correct range, return the material from the cup to
the mixing dish. Remix quickly, being sure to avoid moisture loss. Repeat the blow
count procedure without adding additional water to reaffirm the blow count.
4) When blow count is acceptable, obtain the slice of soil from the specimen in the cup
and determine moisture content in accordance with AASHTO T 265.
NOTE: The discussion in this training package for Method B will be limited to the
Corps of Engineers Nomograph and the determination of Liquid Limit by formula.
Use one of the methods shown in AASHTO T 89 to determine the Liquid Limit. In this
training package only the formula and nomograph are shown as examples.
· Moisture content test specimen not representative of Liquid Limit test specimen.
· Adding water too quickly for the soil to absorb it during the mixing process.
1 - 90
As the moisture content of a material moves below the Liquid Limit, the material
can be considered plastic. External force is needed to make the soil deform. Its bearing
capacity begins to increase. Material is considered to be in a plastic state when it can be
molded or worked into a new shape without crumbling. The minimum moisture content at
which a material is in the plastic state is called the Plastic Limit. The Plastic Limit is
determined by a simple test where the material is repeatedly rolled into threads
approximately 3 mm in diameter. During the repeated rolling, the material gradually loses
moisture until it reaches the point where it will no longer hold together and breaks into
short pieces. The moisture content at which the material begins to break up is identified
as the Plastic Limit.
PI = LL – PL
The Plasticity Index is an indicator of the suitability of the clay or silt fraction of a
material for use in highway construction. The Plasticity Index is used in classifying soils,
the quality control of aggregates and in specifications by many highway departments.
When the Plasticity Index of the binder fraction of a material is too high, the material will
tend to soften under wet conditions. Pavement structures constructed with material
having a high PI tend to have problems with rutting, shifting and shoving. They may
develop a washboard surface or other failures that are caused by foundation failures.
When such materials are used, they tend to become slippery in wet weather. When the
Plasticity Index is too low or the soil fraction is non-plastic, the material will tend to
become friable in dry weather. It may ravel at the edges and abrade under traffic.
Surfaces constructed with low PI material tend to be dusty and may lose much of their
binder during dry periods.
1 - 91
The Plasticity Index is the numerical range of moisture contents through which a
material behaves plastic. Materials become less stable as the moisture content increases
through this range (moves left to right on the graph).
It is possible for a material to have a PI of zero, if the Plastic Limit and Liquid Limit
are the same. Such a material is considered non-plastic, since the range of moisture
contents at which the material behaves as a plastic is so severely limited that the range
cannot be determined by standard laboratory tests. Non-plastic materials are almost
totally free of clay particles. Non-plastic materials never reach a cohesive state, but
change abruptly from a viscous liquid state to a dry granular state. A non-plastic material
will not solidify. It will not form clods or other solid masses. It cannot be rolled into a
thread as small as 3 mm (1/8 inch), ergo; the material cannot be tested for a Plastic Limit.
To determine the Plastic Limit of a material, you will first add water to a dried
sample and mix it thoroughly. When the moisture content is uniform, place the test
specimen on a flat smooth impermeable surface and with the heel of the hand roll it into a
thin thread. Remold the test specimen without adding additional water. Repeat the
procedure until the specimen crumbles. The moisture content of the test specimen is
determined in accordance with AASHTO T 265. The moisture content obtained is the
Plastic Limit. Finally, determine the Plasticity Index by subtracting the Plastic Limit from
the Liquid Limit.
The Plastic Limit test was designed to be performed on silts and clays. Normally,
silty soils have lower Plastic Limits than clay soils. The Plastic Limit usually falls in the
range of 5 - 30. Non-plastic materials (e.g., sand) cannot be tested by this procedure.
Non-plastic materials lack the cohesiveness to be rolled into a thread. The Plasticity Index
can range as high as 70 or 80 for very plastic clays. However, most clays have a PI of 20
- 40 and silts have a PI of 10 - 20.
1 - 92
Before beginning any procedure, you must first assemble all the equipment you will need
to perform the test. To determine the Plastic Limit of a specimen, you will need the
1 - 93
Figure 1 - Equipment for Plastic Limit
Test Specimen
1 - 94
Figure 2 - Weighing Material for Test Specimen PROCEDURE
2) Select a 1.5 – 2.0 g portion and place on the rolling surface. Applying just enough
pressure to cause the specimen to move, roll it back and forth with your hand until it
forms a thread of uniform diameter throughout its length. Roll it back and forth at a
speed of approximately 80 – 90 strokes per minute being sure to apply pressure
uniformly during the procedure. A stroke equals one complete motion back and
forward to the starting point.
1 - 95
Figure 4 - Rolling sample
2) When the diameter of the thread becomes 3 mm (1/8 inch), stop rolling.
Break the thread into six or eight reasonably equal-sized pieces.
1 - 96
5) Repeat Steps 2 - 4, until the thread crumbles under the pressure required for rolling
and the specimen can no longer be rolled into a thread.
6) Gather the pieces of the crumbled thread together. Place them in a tared container to
determine the moisture content.
8) Determine the moisture content in accordance with AASHTO T 265 and record the
NOTE: The test specimen may crumble when the thread has a diameter greater than 3
mm (1/8 inch). It is acceptable to end the rolling procedure at this point if the
specimen has previously been rolled to the 3 mm diameter. CALCULATIONS
1. Determine the Plastic Limit using the following formula and report the result to the
nearest whole number.
Mass of Water
PL = x 100
Mass of Oven - Dry Soil
PL = X 100
PL = 0.2426 x 100
PL = 24.26 = 24
1 - 97
2. Determine the Plasticity Index using the following formula and report the result to the
nearest whole number.
PI = LL – PL
Example: LL = 70
PL = 24
PI = 70 – 24
PI = 46
· Contaminated water
1 - 98
This chapter introduces the use of geology for the exploration and evaluation of
naturally occurring construction materials for use as concrete aggregate, rip-rap,
quarry stone, fill, and filter materials in the Mid-Atlantic Region. The Mid-Atlantic
Region includes Pennsylvania (PA), New Jersey (NJ), West Virginia (WV),
Maryland (MD), Delaware (DE), and Virginia (VA)
Geologists are used to thinking of millions of years in the same way normal
people think in terms of days. Geologic time encompasses the interval from the
formation of the Earth and Solar System (approximately 4.5 billion years ago) to
now. It is measured by using radioactive isotopes (tha t decay at constant rates)
and by fossils. The consolidated rocks in the Mid-Atlantic Region range in age
from 1 billion to 200 million years old, and unconsolidated sediment ranges in
age from 70 million years old to the present.
The geologic time scale is divided into the Precambrian Era (4.9 billion to 590
million years ago), Paleozoic Era (590 to 250 million years ago), Mesozoic Era
(250 to 67 million years ago), and Cenozoic Era (67 million years ago to the
present). The Mid-Atlantic Region has rocks or unconsolidated sediment
representing portions of all the Eras (see Figure 1). The Eras are subdivided into
Periods. Periods are generally named after the place where their rocks were first
described. Thus, the Devonian Period is named after Devonshire in the UK, the
Permian Period is named after the Perm region in Russia, the Jurassic Period is
named after the Jura Mountains in Europe, and the Pennsylvanian Period is
named after Pennsylvania.
The rock record is not continuous in any one place. The geologic story is put
together from bits and pieces of rocks preserved across the globe. The gaps in
the local rock record occur because of non-deposition or erosion. The rocks in
the Mid-Atlantic Region record a fairly large portion of the Paleozoic Era (Figure
2.1), but the earth’s story is incomplete even in this stack of rocks. The rocks
have been mapped, described, and analyzed by geologists, paleontologists, and
geochemists from the state geological surveys, the state transportation
departments, universities, the United States Geological Survey, and industry
Billions of Millions of
Years Ago Years Ago ERA PERIOD
2.2.2 Law of Superposition
One of the primary tools of the geologist is the Law of Superposition, which
simply states that rocks or sediment on the bottom of a pile are older than rocks
or sediment at the top of the pile (assuming that the pile has not been intruded,
tipped, folded, or faulted).
2.2.3 Paleoenvironments
The latitude, configuration, and size of the continents and oceans have changed
over geologic time because of Plate Tectonics. Plate Tectonics is the mechanism
that has driven the migration of the continents across the Earth’s surface. Plate
Tectonics is the theory that the Earth’s surface consists of a group of solid
lithologic (rocky) plates that slide on more ductile or molten material at depth.
These plates underlie the oceans and continents. Their motion gives Earth the
most dynamic planetary surface in the Solar System.
The Mid-Atlantic Region is on the North American Plate. It was on the eastern
edge of the plate for much of the Early Paleozoic Era. The North American Plate
presently extends from the center of the Atlantic Ocean to the San Andreas Fault
in California. The North American Plate only extended east to the cities of
Newark, NJ- Philadelphia- Baltimore- Richmond during the early Paleozoic.
Islands, small continents, and the African and European plates were welded to
2 - 12
the North American Plate at various times during the Middle and Late Paleozoic.
The welding occurred when the continental plates collided. Each collision
resulted in compression or squeezing at the suture, and the pushing up of lofty
mountain ranges. Portions of the adjacent continents were left behind on the
North American Plate when the continents subsequently split apart during the
Triassic Period. Thus, the region contains pieces of islands, micro-continents,
Africa, and Europe because of earlier collisions and fissioning.
The cha nging latitude of the continents has controlled climatic changes. During
the Early Paleozoic, the Mid-Atlantic Region was near the Equator and the
mountain ranges plowed up by the plate collisions were eroded by tropical rains
and rivers.
The rocks of the region can be divided into three basic types: igneous,
sedimentary, and metamorphic. The distribution of the basic rock types in the
region is depicted on Figure 2.2. The rocks are composed of one or more
minerals- naturally occurring elements or compounds formed by inorganic
chemical reactions. Minerals have relatively consistent chemical compositions
and physical properties.
There are over 4,000 described minerals, but only nine rock-forming minerals or
mineral groups are common:
Feldspar Group
Clay Group
Mica Group
Pyroxene Group
Amphibole Group
Carbonates (calcite and dolomite)
Iron Oxides (limonite, hematite, and magnetite)
Igneous rocks are derived from molten rock or lava. They are composed of
minerals such as feldspars, pyroxenes, amphiboles, mica, quartz, and/or metal
oxides. Igneous rocks that solidify slowly at depth are coarsely crystalline, while
igneous rocks that crystallize rapidly at shallow depths or at the Earth’s surface
are finely crystalline. Granite, granodiorite, and gabbo are typical coarsely
crystalline rocks. Basalt and diabase are generally finely crystalline rocks.
2 - 12
Quaternary sedimentary deposits. Shown only where deposits are thick enough to cover the bedrock.
Marine and fluvial sediments are present along the coast.
Tertiary formations. Sedimentary deposits of fluvial and marine origin along the coast.
Early Mesozoic formations.Triassic and Jurassic fluvial and lake sediments plus igneous rocks in
Upper Paleozoic formations. Mississipian, Pennsylvanian, and Permian marine and continental deposits.
Metamorphic rocks. Mostly Mostly precambrian with considerable infolded Paleozoic metamorphic rocks.
2 - 12
Figure 2.4
2 - 12
Figure 2.5
2 - 13
Figure 2.6
2 - 13
Figure 2.7
2 - 13
Figure 2.8
2 - 13
Sedimentary rocks are either derived from older rocks (clastic sedimentary rocks)
or from biochemical or chemical precipitates in aqueous solutions (chemical
sedimentary rocks). Clastic rocks include conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone,
and shale, based on decreasing grain size. They were derived from gravel, sand,
silt, and clay, respectively. The clastic sedimentary rocks are cemented with
various materials, such as quartz or silica, clay, carbonate, or iron oxides. Clay-
cemented sandstones or siltstones are graywackes. Carbonate-
cemented sandstones are calcareous. Quartz-cemented sandstones are
quartzose sandstone or quartzite .
The chemically precipitated rocks include gypsum and salt, the silicate chert, and
the carbonates limestone and dolomite. Gypsum and salt are highly soluble and
soft, and rarely are exposed at the Earth’s surface. They are not used in road
construction (although gypsum is used in wallboard). The carbonates are the
primary chemically derived rocks used in aggregates because they are harder
and less soluble. Chert is generally a minor constituent in rocks, although it can
cause deleterious chemical reactions in concrete if it is too plentiful.
Metamorphic rocks are pre-existing igneous or sedimentary rocks that have been
chemically or texturally altered by heat and pressure. Metamorphic rocks are
composed of many of the same minerals that occur in igneous rocks.
Metamorphic sedimentary rocks include quartzite, which was originally
conglomerate or sandstone; gneiss, which was originally clay-rich sandstones
and siltstones; argillite, phyllite, schist, or slate, which were derived from siltstone
and shale; and marble, derived from limestone or dolomite. Gneiss can also be
derived from diabase, granite, and granodiorite. Serpentine is a serpentine,
chlorite, and mica-rich rock that was derived from oceanic sediment that has
been squeezed and injected by water-rich magmas in the suture between
colliding continents or between colliding oceanic and continental plates.
Serpentine rich areas form greenstone belts. Greenstone Belts are common in
central VA and eastern MD and PA.
2 - 13
cobble, and boulders, based on increasing grain size. Organic matter tends to
behave somewhat like clay, it increases the compressibility and plasticity of the
soil. Organic soils are not suitable for highway construction or most other
engineering purposes.
The common rock forming minerals break down into the following soil forming
Mass movements, water, ice, and air, transport the soils created by physical and
chemical weathering.
Residual soil: derived from bedrock that has weathered and remained in place.
Residual soils occur in most of the region, particularly the south of the limit of the
glacial soils.
2 - 13
Alluvial soil: derived from soil particles that have been transported and
redeposited by running water. Alluvial soils are found along most of the streams
and rivers of the region.
Colluvial soil: derived from materials transported downslope by gravity and water
(mass movement). The colluvial soils are deposited along the base of steep
slopes. They are found throughout the mountainous regions of the region.
Glacial soils: were transported and redeposited by glacial ice. They range from
non-stratified, unsorted glacial till to well-washed and sorted kame, esker, and
outwash sand and gravel. Glacial soils are common in PA and NJ.
Aeolian soils: are formed by material transported and redeposited by the wind.
Aeolian soils te nd to be sand (dune) and silt (loess) sized. Aeolian soils are
locally abundant along the Lake Erie and Atlantic coasts and along the valleys of
large rivers or shorelines of extinct glacial lakes.
2 - 13
the sea, and rising and disintegration of the mountains resulted in the migration
or shifting of shorelines and deltas, and in repeating sequences of coarse- to
fine-grained sedimentary rock. The changing sea level resulted in sequences of
shale and siltstone alternating or interfingering with sandstone and conglomerate.
The rocks are metamorphosed when they are subjected to heating by deep
burial, by intrusions of molten rock, and by intense pressure during plate
collisions. Argillites and slates were shales and siltstones that were
metamorphosed by diabase intrusions during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras.
The Physiographic Provinces of the region are the Atlantic Coastal Plain,
Piedmont, Blue Ridge, New England Uplands, Ridge and Valley, Appalachian
Plateau, and Central Lowlands (Figure 2.10). The provinces form southwest to
northeast trending bands across the region.
2 - 13
Figure 2.9
2 - 13
Figure 2.10 Mid-Atlantic Region Physiographic Provinces
2 - 13
Figure 2.11
2 - 13
Figure 2.12 Physiographic Provinces of Virginia
2 - 13
sediment. The present coastline is quite dynamic, and is presently subject to
radical alteration by storms and slow sea level rise.
Engineering soils in the Coastal Plain include residual soils, aeolian soils, alluvial
soils, and beach and tidal soils. Glacial soils occur in northernmost PA and NJ.
The Piedmont Province underlies portions of NJ, PA, DE, MD, and VA (Figures
2.9 and 2.10). It bordered on the east by the Fall Line and on the west by the
rugged topography of the Blue Ridge Province. The Piedmont Province is
characterized by gently rolling topography that is developed on folded
Precambrian and Early Paleozoic igneous and metamorphic rock and interior
basins of relatively undeformed Early Mesozoic sedimentary and igneous rock
(Triassic Lowlands).
The soils of the Piedmont Province are mainly residual, except for alluvial soils
along the streams and rivers and extensive glacial soils in northern NJ,
northwestern PA, and northeastern PA.
The Blue Ridge and New England Uplands provinces are both rugged areas
underlain by metamorphosed Precambrian and Early Paleozoic igneous and
sedimentary rock (Figures 2.2 and 2.10). The Blue Ridge Province underlies
portions of VA, MD, and southern PA, the New England Uplands Province
underlies northeastern PA and NJ.
The soils of the Blue Ridge are predominantly colluvium , with thin ribbons of
alluvium along rivers. The soils of the New England Uplands are colluvium,
limited alluvium, and thin glacial soils. The colluvium has accumulated at the
base of the Blue Ridge and southern New England Uplands. They are unstable
and susceptible to sudden mass movements caused by earthquakes,
precipitation events, and construction. The lower slopes of the northern New
England Uplands are mantled by thick glacial soils; many of these soils contain
sources of gravel.
2 - 13
The Ridge and Valley Province underlies portions of eastern WV, VA, MD, PA,
and NJ (Figure 2.10). The Ridge and Valley Province includes the Great Valley of
VA, MD, and PA. It is underlain by highly folded and faulted Early to Middle
Paleozoic sedimentary rock (Figure 2.2).
The Great Valley is developed over Ordovician shale, slate, and Cambrian and
Ordovician carbonates. The shale and slate stand higher in elevation than the
carbonates. Minor variations in lithology control the locations of low ridges in this
province. Sandy beds form linear ridges in the shales, and cherty or silicified
zones form ridges in the carbonates. The carbonate area contains many
sinkholes, springs, caves, and disappearing streams because of solution by
acidic rain water.
The northern portion of the Ridge and Valley has been glaciated, and is
blanketed by glacial soils, especially lacustrine clay and silt and glacial till. The
Great Valley contains abundant alluvium, and the ridges are mantled with
residual soils. Colluvium occurs along the bases of slopes.
The Appalachian Plateau Province underlies portions of WV, VA, MD, and PA
(Figure 2.10). The Appalachian Plateau Province includes the Cumberland
Plateau in VA. It is underlain by relatively flat-lying Middle through Late
Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (Figure 2.2). Most of the coal deposits of the region
occur in this province, and strip mines are common. The province is deeply
dissected by rivers and streams, and contains deep valleys with moderate to
steep sideslopes and flat-bottomed valleys. The intervening uplands are gently
The Central Lowland Province occupies a small portion of PA along the Lake
Erie shoreline (Figure 2.10). It is developed on nearly flat-lying Devonian rocks,
which are covered by 25 to 100 feet of glacial deposits (Figure 2.2). Beach and
aeolian soils are developed along the Lake Erie shoreline
2 - 13
2.4 Controls on Aggregate Quality
2.4.1 Durability, Erosion Resistance, and Skid Resistance
The Mohs Hardness Scale is a measure of the relative hardness of minerals (and
rocks) based on the ability of selected common minerals and objects to scratch
each other. The hardness scale ranges from 1 to 10, with 10 the hardest, and is
as follows:
Your fingernail has a hardness of 2+ (it will scratch talc, serpentine, or gypsum,
and be scratched by calcite), a copper penny of 3, a steel knife blade has a
hardness of 5, glass of 5 ½, and a steel file of 6 ½. Thus, you can amuse
yourself by scratching a window with a quartz crystal or a diamond ring. Your
Significant Other might not be amused, however, if you try this experiment at
home or in the car.
The Mohs Hardness Scale can be used to make general predictions on the
relative resistance to erosion and the durability of common rocks in the region.
The minerals comprising igneous rocks tend to have a narrow range of hardness,
from 6 for feldspars, pyroxenes, and amphiboles to 7 for quartz. Secondary
minerals, such as the micas, are significantly softer (hardness of 2 to 3). The
igneous rocks tend to be erosion resistant, particularly if they have low iron and
magnesium contents. The iron and magnesium rich minerals are somewhat less
resistant to chemical erosion than quartz or iron-poor minerals. The igneous
rocks usually hold up hills and mountains. They make durable aggregates in
2 - 13
roads, but have low skid resistance because their minerals wear evenly due to
the similar hardness. They contain variable amounts of micas. The mica group
is composed of platy minerals that easily split apart, and can weaken igneous
(and metamorphic) rocks if they are too plentiful.
Metamorphic rocks also vary widely in resistance to erosion, skid resistance, and
hardness. Fine -grained rocks are usually rich in micas and chlorite (hardness
from 2 to 3), while coarser rocks contain quartz and feldspars (hardness from 6
to 7). Gneiss and hornfels have similar composition, but the crystals in gneiss
are distinctly banded or layered, while the quartz and feldspar crystals in hornfels
are randomly oriented. Both rock types are resistant to erosion and hold up
ridges. The micas and chlorite in schist and serpentine are easily eroded,
resulting in valleys developing over these rocks. Marble is both soft (hardness of
3 to 4) and easily chemical weathered, so it usually underlies valleys.
2 - 13
3. What are the different types of rock listed on the Rock Cycle?
4. Silt is formed by .
2 - 13
Geyer, A.R. and Wilshusen, J.P., 1982. Engineering Characteristics of the Rocks
of Pennsylvania: PA Geological Survey (DCNR), Environmental Geology Report
1, 300 p.
Hunt, C.B., 1974. Natural Regions of the United States and Canada: W.H.
Freeman and Co., 725 p.
Langer, W.H. and Glanzman, V.M., 1993. Natural Aggregate- Building America’s
Future: United States Geological Survey, Public Issues in Earth Science,
U.S.G.S. Circular 1110, 39 p.
Pough, F.H., 1960. A Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals: The Peterson Field
Guide Series, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston
2 - 13
Absorbed Water: Water that fills the voids of a soil.
Adsorbed Water: Water that is held in a film on the surface of soil particles.
Air Dry: When the material appears to be dry, but still has some
absorbed moisture in its pore structure.
Aggregate: Aggregate, the particles of which possess well-defined
edges formed at the intersection of roughly planar faces.
Arid: Dry.
Count: The naturally occurring radiation from lights, the sun and
many other sources.
Basalt: Igneous rock that has been ejected by volcanic activity to the
surface of the earth’s crust.
Bell Jar: Glass container used for vacuum testing, which is strong
enough to resist collapsing.
Borrow: Material that has been excavated from one area to be used
as fill in another.
Brittle: A material, such as shell, which will break easily during
preparation, resulting in reduced particle size.
Weathering: Deterioration of parent rock into soil through chemical
changes (e.g., carbonation, leaching, and oxidation).
(Cobblestone): A rock fragment usually rounded or semi-rounded, with an
average dimension between 75 and 305 mm (3 and 12 in.).
Cohesionless Soil: A soil that when unconfined has little or no strength when
air-dried and that has little or no cohesion when submerged.
Cohesive Soil: A soil that when unconfined has considerable strength when
air-dried and that has significant cohesion when submerged.
Colluvial Soil: Rock detritus and soil accumulated at the foot of a slope.
Compaction Curve: The curve showing the relationship between the dry unit
weight (density) and the water content of a soil for a given
compactive effort.
Deposition: The process carried out by wind, ice, and water moving
material from one location to another.
Detritus: Loose material (e.g. rock fragments) that results directly from
Diameter: D10, particle diameter corresponding to 10% fine on the
grain size curve.
Entrapped Air: Air that occupies some of the voids within the soil.
Extrusion: Molten material (magma) from deep within the earth, which
has been ejected onto the surface through volcanic activity.
Fast Neutron
Source: Each atom has a nucleus comprised of varying numbers of
Protons and Neutrons. When a high-energy electron strikes
a nuclei, one or more Protons or Neutrons are released.
These Neutrons are used to measure moisture content by a
nuclear gauge.
Geology: The science that deals with the history of the earth,
especially the study of rock forms.
Homogeneous: Of uniform structure and composition throughout.
Moisture: Moisture still remaining in soil after it has been air-dried.
Mantle: The layer of the earth’s structure lying immediately below the
earth’s crust.
Mass Wasting: The movement of rock debris downslope under the direct
influence of gravity.
Dry Density: The dry unit mass of a soil when it is compacted with
standard compactive effort and at optimum moisture content.
Content: The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the mass of the
water in a given soil mass to the mass of the solid particles.
The mass of the soil remaining after oven drying is used as
the mass of the solid particles.
Moisture-Density A smooth line connecting the points obtained from this test
Curve: procedure when plotted on a graph with moisture on the x-
axis and density on the y-axis.
Relationships: The interrelationship between density and changing moisture
contents in a soil.
Maximum Size: The largest sieve size listed in the applicable specification
upon which any material may be retained.
Representative: A sample that does not exhibit the same characteristics as
the in-situ material from which it was taken.
Moisture Content: The percent of moisture at which a soil or aggregate can
reach its maximum density with standard compactive effort.
Organic: Plant and animal residue in the soil in various stages of
Organic Clay: Clay with sufficient organic content to influence the soil
Organic Silt: Silt with sufficient organic content to influence the soil
Parent Rock: The original rock formation: either the original rock mass or
the Clastic material in which soil or aggregate forms.
Compaction: The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the dry density of a
soil or aggregate to its maximum dry density.
Weathering: Degradation caused by agents such as wind, water, and ice.
Plastic Limit: An Atterberg Limit. It is the moisture content corresponding
to an arbitrary limit at which a soil moves from a plastic state
to a semisolid state of consistency.
Plate Tectonics: The movement of the earth’s crust, divided into large pieces,
which float on a viscous material in the mantle.
Assurance: The independent monitoring, testing and documenting
process verifying that materials meet appropriate
Sampling: Procedure for obtaining non-biased representative samples.
Compaction: The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the dry density of a
soil or aggregate to its maximum dry density.
Retained: Material fragments that do not fall through a sieve during
sieving operations.
Saturated Surface
Dry (SSD): An aggregate is considered to be in a saturated surface dry
condition when there is no free moisture present, but the
aggregate is in a nonabsorbent state. In other words, the
aggregate has all the moisture it can absorb and the surface
of the aggregate is dry.
Rock: Formed from materials transported by moving water, air, ice,
or chemically precipitated.
Silt: Soil passing a 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve that is non-plastic
or very slightly plastic and that exhibits little or no strength
when air-dried.
Thermal Neutron
Detector: An electronic device that counts Neutrons as they pass
through a special gas.
Volumetric Flask: A large glass bottle of known volume, with an etched
calibration line on its stem.
Zero Air Voids The curve showing the zero air voids unit weight as a
Curve: function of water content. Also known as the Saturation
4.1 Introduction
The primary function of this chapter is to describe the extraction system in
terms of how its various components interrelate and how the system as a whole
interacts with the remainder of the aggregate production operation. The term
extraction includes the planning and design for removal of rock, sand, and
gravel from the ground. The term extraction also includes the actual removal or
mining process, and then reclamation of the land after mining is complete. A
simplified description of the extraction process consists of the removal of rock,
sand or gravel from its natural state and delivery of this material to the primary
crushing or sizing facility in the optimum physical dimensions for continued
4.2.1 Planning
Before any extraction system can be implemented, significant short and
long range planning must be performed. This planning may range from a simple
statement of, “I think the quarry should be about here,” to a complex, computer-
aided analysis of numerous alternatives. The final result is a design, optimizing
all pertinent factors influencing the economics of the proposed project, including
post-mining land use or reclamation. Computer-aided planning and design
methods can aid in application of data collected for purposes of mine planning,
but do not replace the necessity for adequate exploration and analysis of
geological data.
When a pit or quarry design is complete and the necessary permits have
been obtained, the operator begins the detailed equipment selection and
procurement process, as specified in the “long and short term plans.” The long-
term plan covers approximately five or more years. The short-term plan normally
addresses the specific decisions to be made within a one-year time frame.
causing the removal of the overburden at the immediate contact with the deposit
to be very costly and difficult. Whatever method is chosen, care should be taken
to separate the organic topsoil from the remainder of the overburden.
Fig 4.2 Down The Hole Hammer Drill. Blasting
The goal is to achieve the desired level of rock fragmentation using the
least amount of explosives while minimizing vibration. The blast hole drill pattern
can be held constant for several blasts using different types of explosives. The
rock fragmentation results and vibration levels are monitored until the most
efficient explosive is found for the existing condition. The important concept to
remember is that fragmentation of rock by primary blasting is more cost effective
than fragmentation by mechanical crushing or secondary breaking. The
aggregate industry includes plants that vary in production capacity from 100,000
tons to 10 million tons or more per year. The typical aggregate operation
normally produces approximately 450,000 tons each year.
4.2.6 Equipment
Figures 4.3 through 4.6 show typical equipment used in quarry operations
Fig 4.3 Front end loader loading off road vehicle from muck pile.
Fig. 4.5 Front end loader.
4.2.7 Secondary Breaking
Secondary breaking is the reduction in size of rock in the quarry following
primary blasting. Secondary breakage is required when portions of the shot rock
produced from primary production blasting are too large for loading, hauling or
processing. These pieces of rock, commonly referred to as over-size, setbacks
or drop ball rock, are undesirable when additional cost must be incurred to
reduce them to a manageable size.
Figures 4.8 and 4.9 show additional impact equipment that may also be
used in secondary breaking operations.
Fig. 4.7 Drop cross (drop ball).
Fig 4.8 Backhoe mounted hydraulic impact hammer.
Fig 4.9 Concentrated impact device.
4.3.2 Access
Once the decision is made to use the underground mining method, the
means must be determined for accessing the deposit. In the majority of
underground quarries, the bedding of the deposit is nearly horizontal or lies at a
shallow dip angle.
If the deposit is exposed at the surface, a tunnel excavated horizontally into the
deposit provides access. If the deposit lies at some depth below the surface,
access can be achieved by sinking a shaft to the deposit. This may require
mechanical hoisting of extracted material. Use of a ramp excavated from the
surface to the deposit is another possibility. If a ramp is used, off road trucks or
conveyors can be employed to haul the material to the surface.
Fig 4.10 Room and pillar mining sequence.
4.3.4 Drilling and blasting:
The type of extraction method used in underground quarries determines
the method of drilling and blasting as well as the required equipment. In the
majority of underground quarries, a conventional room and pillar approach is
employed as described in the previous section. If the deposit is thin (up to 25 ft),
it is normally drilled horizontally from the floor using a standard drill jumbo
(Figs.4.11 & 4.11a.). In a thin deposit, extraction is accomplished in one pass,
which is referred to as a lift. If the deposit is thick (greater than 25 ft), the initial
pass is drilled with a jumbo, and bench drilling, similar to surface mining
operations, is used to extract subsequent layers as illustrated in Fig.4.12.
Fig. 4.11a Drill jumbo.
5.1 Definition
Quality Control (QC) is the process of controlling the quality of the
aggregate. This process includes plant design, processing techniques, materials
handling, testing, documentation, stockpiling, and loadout. Quality Assurance
(QA) is the independent monitoring, testing and documentation process to assure
that the products shipped meet appropriate aggregate specifications. The scope
of QC and QA in this section is limited to the processing plant. The gradations,
cleanliness, and particle shape of the products are controlled in the processing
plant. Segregation and degradation of the products are factors to consider in the
stockpiling and handling of materials prior to shipping.
Sampling and testing the finished product stockpiles and the loadout
station are necessary to meet state and other agencies’ QA requirements and to
protect the producer. Many companies have implemented a computerized
statistical analysis program to monitor and document their QC program.
5- 1
5.2.2 Marginal Materials
5.3 Segregation
Segregation is defined as the tendency of a graded aggregate to separate
into individual particle size groupings. Segregation is caused by the methods
used to mix, transport, handle or store the aggregate under conditions favoring
non-random distribution of the aggregate sizes.
5- 2
Figure 5-1 Ascending Surge Pile
Material Removal: In Figures 5-2 through 5 -5, the primary plant is not
operating, but removal of material from the pile continues. The reclaimed feed to
the secondary plant goes from a relatively fine feed to the coarsest feed.
5- 3
Figure 5-3 Feed from Live Surge
Figure 5-4 Reclaiming Plant Feed From Dead Surge Pile Area
Figure 5-5 Reclaiming Plant Feed From Coarsest Dead Surge Pile Area
5- 4
Segregation is best controlled using the arrangement shown in Figures 5 -
6 and 5-7. Figure 5-6 has a multi-feeder arrangement of the reclaiming tunnel
that is at right angles to the conveyor. Figure 5-7 has a single feeder
arrangement of the reclaiming tunnel that is in line with the primary conveyor.
5- 5
Figure 5-8 Inverted Cone
An inverted cone results when the production from the primary plant is
slightly less than or approximately equal to the reclaim rate to the secondary
plant, as shown in Figure 5 -8. This condition results in a more uniform feed to
the secondary plant.
5.4 Degradation
Degradation is the breakdown of an aggregate into smaller particles.
Degradation can also result in dust formation. Dozers operating on coarse
aggregate stockpiles and multiple handling of the aggregate both cause
degradation. Although hard rock quarries have limited problems, degradation is
a concern in quarries having softer and more friable aggregate. Some aggregate
producers compensate for degradation by producing the aggregate slightly on
the coarse side of the specifications. Experience and documentation from the in-
plant testing (QC) program can guide producers in controlling their products.
5- 6