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Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

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Linking diagenetic history to depositional attributes in a high-frequency T

sequence stratigraphic framework: A case from upper Jurassic Arab
formation in the central Persian Gulf
Masoud Sharifi-Yazdia, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonaba,∗, Vahid Tavakolia, Maziyar Nazemia,
Mohammad Reza Kamalib
School of Geology, College of Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Curtin, Bentley, Australia


Keywords: The carbonate Arab Formation (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) is one of the most prolific hydrocarbon reservoirs in
Late Jurassic the world. Petrographic studies of this unit in the central Persian Gulf led to identification of eleven sedimentary
Depositional environments facies, and facies are grouped into 5 shore-parallel facies belts (supratidal, tidal flat, lagoon, shoal and mid-
Diagenetic history ramp). Evidences such as the absence of barrier reefs and the low diversity of facies reveals that these facies
Sequence stratigraphy
formed in a ramp-like platform. Postdepositional processes (diagenetic evolution) considerably influenced re-
servoir properties of sedimentary facies. Depositional and diagenetic features in this formation are strongly
controlled by the interplay of glacio-eustasy and climate leading to sea-level fluctuations during the Late
Jurassic. Based on the petrographic analyses and previous studies, four third-order sequences are recognized and
all sequence boundaries are capped by evaporites. The main diagenetic processes impacting the Arab Formation
occurred under marine and hypersaline conditions and burial realms. The hypersaline conditions correspond to
sea-level fall and development of brines and are characterized by dolomitization and moldic dissolution in the
Upper Arab Formation. Vuggy dissolution is another major reservoir improving factor. Generally, vuggy dis-
solution along with anhydrite cementation, occurred extensively in the Upper Arab Formation, while in the
Lower Arab Formation, these processes are limited to just beneath of the sequence boundary (nodular anhydrite
form). Diagenetic features (eogenetic and mesogenetic environments) appear to correlate to depositional en-
vironments in the Arab Formation and are controlled by sea-level changes. Consequently, diagenetic processes
and reservoir properties can be predicted within a sequence stratigraphic framework.

1. Introduction Rahimpour-Bonab et al., 2012; Kordi et al., 2016). Consequently, it

should be possible to predict intra-formational reservoir quality using
Depositional and diagenetic processes are the main factors con- sequence stratigraphy. In this study, we reconstruct the architecture of
trolling reservoir properties (Lucia, 2007; Ahr, 2008; Beigi et al., 2017). the (carbonate) Arab Formation, in the Iranian Persian Gulf, and pro-
Carbonate platform geometry dictates lateral arrangements of deposi- pose a sequence stratigraphic framework for these strata. We then de-
tional facies and hence primary porosity (Lucia, 2007). While diage- termine controls on reservoir properties, resolve the diagenetic history
netic alterations modify limestone depositional properties and lead to of the Arab Formation and its impact on reservoir quality and evolu-
porosity redistribution. Successive modifications and pore rearrange- tion, as well as evaluating the linkage between depositional/diagenetic
ments of carbonate reservoirs can only be understood by studying the processes and RSL changes. Finally, we consider how reservoir quality
diagenetic history of carbonates (Gaupp et al., 1993; Mazzullo, 1994; can be predicted using the proposed sequence stratigraphic framework.
Hiatt and Kyser, 2000; Janjuhah at al., 2017). Spatial trends of diag- The Kimmeridgian-Tithonian (Late Jurassic) carbonate Arab
enesis and its impact on reservoir porosity-permeability patterns, have Formation is regarded as one of the most prolific hydrocarbon-bearing
been shown to relate, at least indirectly, to relative sea-level (RSL) units in the world (Beydoun, 1988; Alsharhan and Magara, 1995;
change and sequence stratigraphic framework (Taghavi et al., 2006; Lindsay, 2006). This formation hosts giant hydrocarbon reservoirs in

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Rahimpour-Bonab).
Received 2 August 2018; Received in revised form 3 February 2019; Accepted 5 February 2019
Available online 20 February 2019
1464-343X/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

Fig. 1. (a) Generalized stratigraphy of Upper Jurassic lithostratigraphic rock units at the Ghawar Field in eastern Saudi Arabia (modified after Cantrell et al., 2001).
The Upper Arab Formation contains the members A to C and the Lower Arab Formation contains the member D member. (b) Location map of the studied area in the
central of the Persian Gulf. The studied oil field and the location of wells is seen.

many parts of the Arabian Plate, including the Persian Gulf, Abu Dhabi, during the Tithonian, led to evaporite deposition overlying the Arab
offshore UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Qatar (Alsharhan and and the Hith platforms (Alsharhan and Magara, 1995).
Kendall, 1986; Alsharhan and Nairn, 1997). In the Iranian waters of the The Arab Formation is equivalent to the upper Surmeh Formation
Persian Gulf, several offshore fields such as Balal, Reshadat and Salman (Khami Group) in the stratigraphic nomenclature of Iran. This forma-
fields produce from the Arab Formation (IOOC Unpublished Report) tion is subdivided into the four members A to D. Each member is cov-
(Fig. 1a and b). ered by an anhydrite layer, and the uppermost member (A) is overlain
Apparently, the frequent RSL fluctuations during the Late Jurassic by the anhydrite of the Hith Formation (Powers, 1962, 1968; Al-
forced changes in the carbonate factory and diagenetic patterns both Husseini, 1997). Generally, the D member is known as the “Lower Arab
spatially and temporally in the Arab Formation. As a result, RSL Formation” and the members A to C are called the “Upper Arab For-
changes indirectly controlled depositional and diagenetic features of mation” (Lapointe, 1991) (Fig. 1a).
this carbonate evaporite succession (Clark et al., 2004; Al-Saad and The study area is located in the central Persian Gulf (Fig. 1b) in the
Sadooni, 2011; Morad et al., 2012; Al-Awwad and Collins, 2013; Nader eastern part of the South Pars Field. This area is controlled by two kinds
et al., 2013; Daraei et al., 2014; Beigi et al., 2017; Marchionda et al., of structural phenomena including the Qatar Arch and salt tectonics
2018). However, linking between various variables including facies (Alsharhan and Nairn, 1997) (Fig. 3). The Qatar Arch formed through
distribution, diagenetic history and sequence stratigraphy have been basement faulting in the Late Precambrian and was active during the
less considered (Morad et al., 2012; Beigi et al., 2017). Herein, we Late Jurassic (Murris, 1980; Alsharhan and Nairn, 1997; Pollastro,
evaluate the Arab Formation with a focus on understanding RSL con- 2003). Regarding the deposition of the Arab Formation in the Rub Al-
trols on reservoir characteristics. Khali basin in the central Persian Gulf during the Late Jurassic
(Handford et al., 2002; Sfidari et al., 2018a), the Qatar Arch as a pa-
leohigh was a main syndepositional structure by establishment of Rub
2. Geological setting and stratigraphy Al-Khali basin. As well, postdepositional movement of the Qatar Arch
influenced the distribution and formation of hydrocarbon reservoirs in
During the Late Permian and, eastern Gondwana's disintegration, the study area (Alsharhan and Nairn, 1997). The Late Precambrian/
the Neotethys Ocean opened (Al-Husseini, 2000; Sharland et al., 2001; Early Cambrian Hormuz Salt also played a major role in the formation
Ziegler, 2001). Following rifting, passive margin platforms developed of hydrocarbon fields, mainly through salt migration (Stöcklin, 1968;
around the margins of Neotethys during the Early to Late Jurassic Edgell, 1996; Perotti et al., 2016; Beigi et al., 2017; Jafarian et al.,
(Fig. 2), along with the contemporaneous Gotnia, Arabia and Rub Al- 2017). In general, the active salt movement was significant during the
Khali intrashelf basins (Ayres et al., 1982a,b; Ziegler, 2001; Pollastro, Permian-Triassic, Cretaceous, Eocene-Oligocene and Neogene (Perroti
2003). This occurrence was concurrent with multiple RSL changes in et al., 2016); however, more stable conditions dominated the Jurassic
the Arabian Platform. During RSL rise in the Early to Late Jurassic, in the Arabian Plate. In spite of this general salt tectonic limitation, the
source rock formed as a result of organic matter accumulations salt dome in the studied area had important local impact on the de-
(Powers, 1962, 1968; Alsharhan and Magara, 1995; Alsharhan and positional system of the Arab Formation (Fig. 3b). This formation is
Nairn, 1997; Ziegler, 2001; Handford et al., 2002). This was followed considered to be the most important reservoir zone in the study area
by deposition of shallowing-upward carbonate cycles of the Arab For- and is capped by the impermeable evaporite of the Hith Formation
mation, and then under the influence of RSL fall, Hith Anhydrite was (Alsharhan and Magara, 1995; Clark et al., 2004; Assadi et al., 2018).
precipitated during the Late Jurassic. The Hith Formation also acts as a As shown, the studied exploration wells were drilled on the flank of the
cap rock (Ziegler, 2001; Haq and Al-Ghahtani, 2005). During deposition salt structure (Ghazban, 2007) (Fig. 3b).
of the Arab Formation, periodic RSL fall coupled with an arid climate
related to the intertropical convergence zone (Sellwood et al., 2000)

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

Fig. 2. Paleofacies map of the Arab Formation during the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian (Compiled with some modification after Al-Hussaini, 1997).

3. Material and methods impregnated with blue-dyed epoxy resin. According to microscopic
examinations, thin section descriptions include texture, size and type of
In order to construct a depositional model and to decipher the di- allochems and diagenetic features. Rock were classified using the
agenetic history of the Arab Formation more than 350 thin sections limestone classifications of Dunham (1962) and Embry and Klovan
were made from samples taken from two wells (B-01 and B-02) from an (1971). Facies interpretations are based on rock characteristics, com-
oil field, located in the central Persian Gulf (Fig. 1). Thin section parison of successions with well-established models (Wilson, 1975;
samples were taken at 0.5 m intervals through the cored intervals. The Buxton and Pedley, 1989; Flügel, 2010). Special emphasis was put on
core from well B-01 intersects members A to D of the Arab Formation, identifying standard ramp microfacies types (RMF) according to Flügel
with a cored interval of 137 m. The core from well B-02 intersects (2010). For evaluation of the energy index of sedimentary facies,
members A to C with a 100 m cored interval. Among the > 350 thin Plumley et al. (1962) classification was used.
sections, 150 were treated with Alizarin Red-S and potassium ferro- In addition to thin section evaluation, oxygen and carbon stable
cyanide, following Dickson's (1965) procedure, and 100 were isotope data (36 samples) were acquired from dolomites in well B-01.

Fig. 3. (a) A cross-section of Phanerozoic successions on the Arabian Plate (modified after Afifi, 2005). The situation of the study area is shown. Seemingly, this area
was geologically under influence of the Qatar-Fars Arch and the regional salt tectonic. (b) Two-dimensional seismic profile of the study area. The influence of the salt
dome on the Arab Formation of the study area and locations of the two drilled wells (B-01 and B-02) on the flank of the salt structure, are shown.

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

The porosity of sedimentary facies was determined using Helium por-

osity on 430 core plug samples. Finally, to identify and correlate sys-
tems tracts, maximum flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries,

petrographic analyses were correlated to gamma-ray (GR) and density
logs (RHOB).
Facies belt

Mid. ramp
Mid. ramp
4. Results and interpretation

4.1. Microfacies

High to medium
Energy level

Detailed paleoenvironmental reconstruction and lithostratigraphic



variations of the Arab Formation throughout the Middle East have been



described in detail in several studies including Alsharhan and Kendall

(1986), Alsharhan and Magara (1995), Alsharhan and Whittle (1995),
Al-Sharhan and Nairn (1997) and Daraei et al. (2014). In the study area,




11 facies are defined in the Arab Formation (Table 1). While some of




them show analogous components, they mostly have different fabrics


and textural attributes, resulting in various petrophysical character-

istics. The 11 facies define five facies belts, including sabkha, tidal flat,
Moderately sorted

Moderately sorted

Moderately sorted
Moderately sorted
Very well sorted

lagoon, shoal and mid-ramp. The main allochems in the Upper Arab
Poorly sorted

Poorly sorted

Formation facies include ooids, peloids, oncoids, and mollusca. Im-

Well sorted

portant allochems in the Lower Arab Formation include benthic for-


aminifera, green algae, mollusca, stromatoporoids and corals as well as


non-skeletal fragments (oncoids, peloids and intraclasts). Ooids are

Benthic foraminifera, oyster, coral, stromatoporoid, green algae, peloid, intraclast

4.1.1. Facies 1 (F1): Anhydrite

This is the most abundant facies in the Upper Arab Formation. It
Facies and facies belts of the Arab Formation in the studied wells. Texture and dominant components are also been shown.

consists mainly of ∼80% anhydrite associated with micrite and fine

crystalline dolomite (< 20 micron) (Fig. 4a). It appears as massive,
layered and nodular (chicken wire) in the core. The chicken wire
Benthic foraminifera, green algae, oyster, stromatoporoid

structure shows syndepositional, interstitial growth of displacive an-

hydrite that expanded in a sabkha (supratidal) setting (Kasprzyk, 2003;
Aleali et al., 2013). This facies corresponds to RMF 25 (peritidal)
Peloid, echinoderm, sponge spicules, ostracoda

(Flügel, 2010), 1 (Peritidal) (Buxton and Pedley, 1989) and 9 (eva-

porative flats) Wilson (1975). It is equivalent with the Type І energy
Ooid, gastropod, oncoid, bivalve, peloid
Peloid, oncoid, gastropod, bivalve, ooid

index (Plumley et al., 1962).

Oncoid, gastropod, bivalve, intraclast
Gastropod, bivalve, peloid, oncoid

4.1.2. Facies 2 (F2): Fine crystalline dolomudstone

Peloid, ooid, gastropod, bivalve

This facies predominantly consists of dolomicrite that replaced the

lime mud (Fig. 4b). In some cases, anhydrite nodules appear in F2,
suggesting deposition during periods of sea-level fall in the arid climate.
Compared with similar facies, it could be ascribed to the intertidal zone
of hypersaline lagoon (Warren, 2006). This facies corresponds to RMF

22 (peritidal) (Flügel, 2010) and 1 (peritidal) (Buxton and Pedley,

1989) and 8 (tidal flats) Wilson (1975). It corresponds to Type І energy

index (Plumley et al., 1962).


Bioclast peloid intraclast packstone-wackestone

4.1.3. Facies 3 (F3): Peloidal stromatolite boundstone

This tidal flat facies includes microbial colonies, containing algal
filaments (∼40%), peloids (∼20%), fine intraclast (∼10%) and some
Peloidal bioclast wackestone-mudstone
Bioclast peloid wackestone-packstone

Oncoid bioclast intraclast grainstone

Peloidal ooid packstone-wackestone

Bioclast peloid intraclast grainstone

impurities such as organic matter (∼13%) (Fig. 4c). Mud cracks and
Peloidal oncoid bioclast packstone
Peloidal stromatolite boundstone

bird's-eyes textures are not present in this facies which could be as-
cribed to their deposition in the lower intertidal setting (Clark et al.,
2004). Seemingly, due to vuggy porosity development, some of the
Ooid oncoid grainstone

fenestral pores have been destroyed. This facies is similar to RMF 22

(peritidal) (Flügel, 2010), 1 (peritidal) (Buxton and Pedley, 1989) and 8

(tidal flats) Wilson (1975). It shows Type І energy index (Plumley et al.,
Facies name


4.1.4. Facies 4 (F4): Peloidal ooid packstone/wackestone

This facies consists of fine-grained peloids and ooids (∼40%) with
Facies code

1 mm in diameter associated by micrite (20–40%). Due to fabric in-

version it is difficult to distinguish peloids from ooids (Fig. 4d).
Table 1


Handford et al. (2002) and Clark et al. (2004) assigned this facies to an

intertidal to supratidal environment. This facies is compatible with RMF

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

4.1.5. Facies 5 (F5): Bioclastic peloid wackestone/packstone

This facies is characterized by wackestone/packstone and muddy
matrix (∼42%) associated with debris of peloids (∼20%), bivalves
(∼10%), gastropods (∼10%), ostracods (∼10%). This facies indicates
a low-energy setting in a restricted lagoon (back shoal) (Wanas and
Sallam, 2016) (Fig. 4e). This facies is similar to RMF 20 (lagoon)
(Flügel, 2010), 2 (inner restricted lagoon) (Buxton and Pedley, 1989)
and 7 (shelf lagoon) Wilson (1975). Type III of Plumley et al. (1962)
classification is equivalent to the energy level of this facies.

4.1.6. Facies 6 (F6): Peloidal oncoid bioclastic packstone

Its main allochems include peloids (∼30%), oncoids (∼20%),
bioclasts (gastropods and bivalves) and ooids (∼10%). Allochems are
moderately sorted and rounded along with some micrite (∼22%) that
indicate a leeward shoal environment located between shoal and la-
goon (Assadi et al., 2018; Sfidari et al., 2018b; Flügel, 2010). Peloids
might have reworked from a low-energy environment to leeward shoal.
This facies represents a transition from low-energy lagoon to high-en-
ergy shoal setting (Fig. 4f) (e.g., Al-Saad and Sadooni, 2011). This facies
is equivalent to RMF 27 (carbonate sand shoals and banks) (Flügel,
2010), 3 (beach facies) (Buxton and Pedley, 1989) and 6 (winnowed
edge sands) Wilson (1975). Its energy index is Type ІV of Plumley et al.

4.1.7. Facies 7 (F7): Ooidal oncoid grainstone

The significant components of this facies include micritized ooids
(∼50%), oncoids (∼15%) associated with some peloids (∼10%) and
gastropods (∼10%) (Fig. 4g). The grains are well sorted signifying
deposition in a high-energy central shoal environment (Schulze et al.,
2005; Blomeier et al., 2009; Cantrell, 2006). This facies corresponds to
RMF 30 (carbonate sand shoals and banks) (Flügel, 2010), 3 (beach
facies) (Buxton and Pedley, 1989) and 6 (winnowed edge sands) Wilson
(1975). Its energy index is Type V of Plumley et al. (1962).

4.1.8. Facies 8 (F8): Oncoid bioclastic intraclast grainstone

This facies consists primarily of micritized allochems including
oncoids (∼40%), gastropods (∼20%), intraclasts (∼15%) and bivalves
(∼10%) (Fig. 4h). Moderately sorted and rounded grains intraclasts
represent seaward shoal environment (Blomeier et al., 2009). This fa-
cies corresponds to RMF 27 (carbonate sand shoals and banks) (Flügel,
2010), 3 (beach facies) Buxton and Pedley (1989) and 6 (winnowed
edge sands) Wilson (1975). Type V of Plumley et al. (1962) classifica-
tion of energy index could be correlatable to this facies.

4.1.9. Facies 9 (F9): Bioclastic peloid intraclast grainstone

Small benthic foraminifera (∼20%), oysters (∼10%), corals
(∼10%), stromatoporoids (∼10%), peloids (∼10%), intraclasts
(∼10%) and green algae (Clypeina, Salpingoporella and
Thaumatoporella) (∼5%) are components of this facies (Fig. 4i). It is
only developed in the Lower Arab Formation. The lack of micrite and
moderate sorting, accompanied with intraclasts suggest a high-energy,
seaward shoal environment. This facies corresponds to RMF 27 (car-
Fig. 4. Thin section photomicrographs, illustrating main facies from the Arab bonate sand shoals and banks) (Flügel, 2010), 3 (beach facies) (Buxton
Formation in the center of the Persian Gulf. (a) Facies 1: anhydrite with chicken and Pedley, 1989) and 6 (winnowed edge sands) Wilson (1975). Type V
wire fabric, (b) Facies 2: dolomudstone, missing bioclast, (c) Facies 3: stro- of Plumley et al. (1962) classification of energy index corresponds to
matolite boundstone, (d) Facies 4: ploid ooid packstone/wackestone, accom- this facies.
panied with anhydrite nodule, (e) Facies 5: bioclastic peloid wackestone/
packstone, (f) Facies 6: peloidal oncoid bioclastic packstone, (g) Facies 7: ooidal 4.1.10. Facies 10 (F10): Bioclastic peloid intraclast packstone/wackestone
oncoid grainstone, (h) Facies 8: oncoid bioclastic intraclast grainstone, (i)
Facies 10 consists of micritized skeletal and non-skeletal grains in-
Facies 9: bioclastic peloid intraclast grainstone. Stromatoporoids (cladocor-
cluding small benthic foraminifera (∼20%), peloids (∼20%), intraclast
opsis) are present in this facies. (j) Facies 10: bioclastic oncoid intraclast
packstone, (k) Facies 11: peloid bioclastic wackestone/mudstone. fragments (15%), echinoderms (∼10%) and green algae (∼10%). The
concurrent presence of high-energy fragments (intraclasts and peloids)
along with micrite (∼20%), indicates textural inversion (Fig. 4j) and a
24 (peritidal) (Flügel, 2010), 1 (peritidal) (Buxton and Pedley, 1989) depositional environment of a proximal mid-ramp near the fair-weather
and 8 (tidal flats) Wilson (1975). It shows Type ІV energy index wave base (Flügel, 2010). This facies is merely observed in the Lower
(Plumley et al., 1962). Arab Formation. This facies is equivalent to RMF 9 (mid-ramp) (Flügel,

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

2010), 4 (seagrass community) (Buxton and Pedley, 1989) and 3 (deep micro-organisms (Riding and Liang, 2005) had an important effect on
shelf margin) Wilson (1975). Type ІV of energy index is suggested for the Arab Formation (Fig. 7a and b). Micritic envelopes are observed in
this facies. facies F3 to F8. This feature has no direct effect on reservoir quality, but
may preserve allochems from further alteration by diagenetic processes.
4.1.11. Facies 11 (F11): Peloidal bioclastic wackestone/mudstone
In this facies, peloids (∼20%) are associated with echinoderms Marine cementation. In the shallow marine high-energy setting
(∼10%), bivalves (∼10%) and green algae (∼10%) fragments and facies, marine calcite cement with LMC (low magnesium calcite)
calcareous sponge spicules in a dark muddy matrix (∼30%) re- mineralogy (Stanley and Hardie, 1998) formed as isopachous acicular
presenting a low-energy environment similar to a distal (outer) ramp to rim cements around various allochems (Fig. 7a and b). This cement is
proximal basin setting (Flügel, 2010) (Fig. 4k). This facies is, similar to only reported from the Lower Arab Formation and due to pervasive
F10, but only present in the Lower Arab Formation. It is known to be dolomitization of the Upper Arab Formation, no traces of it are found.
associated with sedimentary structures such as firm-ground and bur- This cement led to early lithification and prevented compaction during
rows in the Ghawar Field in Saudi Arabia (Handford et al., 2002; Swart later burial and may have helped partial preservation of the
et al., 2005). This facies corresponds to RMF 3 (mid-ramp) (Flügel, interparticle porosity. Furthermore, this porosity may have been
2010), 4 (seagrass community) (Buxton and Pedley, 1989) and 3 (deep partly preserved due to overpressure conditions, which in turn,
shelf margin) Wilson (1975). Its energy index is types III. resulted from sealing by overlying evaporite (Daraei et al., 2014).
Detailed petrographic studies reveal several general trends from the Marine cements are abundant in F9 but rarely seen in F10.
Lower Arab Formation to the Upper Arab Formation that represent, in
part, increasing climate aridity. At the beginning of the Upper Arab Early dolomitization. Early dolomite was identified by euhedral
Formation increasing aridity led to deposition of evaporite deposits and to subhedral crystal dolomite that pervasively formed in the Arab
alteration of depositional facies (Alsharhan and Magara, 1995). Re- Formation. Dolomite crystals are ranging in size from 20 to 100 microns
garding the nature of constituent particles of the Arab Formation, in F1 to F5 and 100 to 400 microns in F6 to F8, both showing fabric
faunal diversity (F8 and F9) decreases from the Lower Arab Formation retentive and fabric destructive fabrics. (Fig. 7e, f, g). This dolomite
toward the Upper Arab Formation and non-skeletal fragments such as shows mesogenetic vuggy dissolution and anhydrite cementation
ooids, oncoids and peloids (F6 and F10) increase in frequency (Fig. 5). suggesting its formation in eogenetic realm.
Absence of siliciclastic components in this formation suggests that the
depositional setting was relatively stable (Alsharhan and Nairn, 1997) Moldic dissolution. Moldic pores in the F4, F5 and occasionally
during the Late Jurassic. in F6 and F7 are seen, which are associated with evaporite facies and
evaporite nodules in the Upper Arab Formation (Fig. 7c and d).
4.2. Field-scale conceptual depositional model Microcrystalline dolomite and anhydrite cement occluded moldic
pores. Petrographic evidence show that fabric selective dissolution
In this study, the lateral distribution of facies belts along the car- (moldic) led to increasing porosity in the Arab carbonates. Moldic
bonate ramp is reconstructed (Fig. 5). Facies belts formed parallel to the porosity dramatically improved of the reservoir in the Arab Platform
shoreline, and extended from peritidal to mid-ramp positions in an open (Alsharhan and Magara, 1995; Morad et al., 2012; Daraei et al., 2014;
marine setting. A ramp-like platform supported for the Arab Formation Beigi et al., 2017).
based in the absence of barrier reefs, the low variability of facies types
and the development of ooidal shoal close to the shoreline (Flügel, 4.3.2. Mesogenesis
1982; Burchette and Wright, 1992; Avrell et al., 1998; Wanas, 2008). Compaction. Features of mechanical compaction are visible in
This interpretation is similar to that of other studies on the Arabian some grain-dominated facies (Fig. 7h), but apparently it partially
Platform (Handford et al., 2002; Lindsay, 2006 and Morad et al., 2012; retarded in the Arab Formation due to the early marine cementation
Daraei et al., 2014; Beigi et al., 2017; Marchionda et al., 2018). Indeed, and overpressure (Daraei et al., 2014) (Fig. 7i and j). In most cases,
arid climate at the time of construction of the Arab Platform inhibited stylolites cross-cut previous features such as dolomite and anhydrite
the biological success of the reef-building organisms and led to ex- cements, suggesting their late diagenetic origin. Facies associations of
pansion of shoal grainstone along with evaporite deposits. In the Lower F1 to F5 and rarely F6 demonstrate pressure-solution features.
Arab Formation, reef buildups are present as coral patch reefs and patch
reefs of organisms with stromatoporoid skeletal morphology. Dolomite cementation. Dolomite cement appears as euhedral
crystals which formed in shallow burial realms (Choquette and Hiatt,
4.3. Diagenetic processes 2008). This type of cement is exclusively observed in the Upper Arab
Formation, growing over coarse crystalline dolomite (such as seen in
The diagenetic processes that overprinted the Arab Formation have F6, F7 and F8), leading to occlusion of intercrystalline porosity and
been previously discussed by several workers (Alsharhan and Magara, pore throats (Clark et al., 2004) (Fig. 7k). In some cases, dolomite
1995; Alsharhan and Whittle, 1995; Al-Saad and Sadooni, 2011; Clark crystal cores are dissolved (skeletal dolomite formation), but the
et al., 2004; Morad et al., 2012; Daraei et al., 2014). Diagenetic events dolomite cement remained intact (Fig. 7l).
had significant effects on the evolution of pores and final reservoir
characteristics (Hollis, 2011; Hosseini et al., 2018; Nazemi et al., 2018, Vuggy dissolution. The non-fabric selective vuggy dissolution is
2019). The diagenetic history of the Arab Formation begins with the an important diagenetic process in the Upper Arab Formation. It plays a
stratigraphic architecture of depositional environments that shifted major role in reservoir improvement in the dolostone units (Fig. 7m).
position as relative sea-level rose and fell, and was followed by the Vuggy pores occur in the early dolomites and dolomite cements. They
hypersaline realm and then burial stage (Fig. 6). The lack of evidence are frequently filled by poikilotopic and pervasive anhydrite cements in
for meteoric diagenesis in the Arab Formation, led to the suggestion the Upper Arab Formation. Vuggy dissolution took place in deep burial
that this platform had no important subaerial exposure during its di- settings.
agenetic history (Wilson, 1981; Mitchell et al., 1988; Cantrell and
Hagerty, 1999). Main diagenetic stages include: Anhydrite cementation. Anhydrite cements occur commonly
with pore-filling, poikilotopic and pervasive textures in the Upper
4.3.1. Eogenesis Arab Formation (Fig. 7c, l and m). Dissolution of overlying anhydrite Micritization. During the Late Jurassic, intensive boring by resulted in development of this cement (Warren, 2006). The pore-filling

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

Fig. 5. (a) Field-scale facies conceptual depositional model, reconstructed for the Jurassic Arab Formation of the study area. Eleven facies types are recognized in this
environment that deposited along the peritidal to mid-ramp settings. Within the shallower part of this carbonate ramp, eight main facies belts can be distinguished. b)
Also shown are the idealized shallowing-upward sequences for this environment.

type formed during hypersaline diagenesis that resulted in decreasing Arab Formation is widely developed, while this diagenetic process only
porosity. The presence of dolomite inclusions, filling of vuggy and developed in the uppermost dolomite of the Lower Arab Formation. In
intracrystalline voids by anhydrite cement reflects its late burial origin, comparison, the presence of anhydrite cement in the uppermost of the
just before pressure-solution initiation. Anhydrite cements in the Upper Lower Arab Formation conforms to observations in the Arab Formation

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

Fig. 6. Diagram showing the general paragenetic sequence of diagenetic events in the studied section of the Arab Formation. Diagenesis occurred in three diagenetic
environments including marine, hypersaline and burial. Influences of each diagenetic events on reservoir properties are illustrated as well. Generally, marine
cementation, dolomitization and dissolution resulted in improving reservoir quality.

of the United Arab Emirates (Kawaguchi, 1991) and Saudi Arabia burial diagenetic realm in the Arab Formation (Alsharhan and Magara,
(Swart et al., 2005). Generally, anhydrite cements acted as a negative 1995; Alsharhan and Whittle, 1995; Morad et al., 2012). This type of
factor in reservoir quality in the Arab Formation of the Arabian dolomite is observed in two populations with varying sizes including
Platform (Alsharhan and Magara, 1995; Morad et al., 2012; Nader medium crystal size (100 microns) and mainly in form of coarse crystal
et al., 2013). size (300–250 microns) (Fig. 7n). Burial dolomitization. This type of dolomite appears as sucrosic 4.4. Sequence stratigraphy. While the vertical stacking patterns of the
crystals with euhedral shapes in the limestone interval (F9 and F10) of sedimentary facies are controlled by sea-level fluctuations, their lateral
the Lower Arab Formation (Fig. 7n and o). This dolomite postdates distribution is affiliated with the depositional environment (Schlager,
compactional (mechanical and chemical) features and created 2005). Sequence stratigraphy displays the position of sedimentary
intercrystalline porosity in the mud-dominated facies of the mid-ramp bodies in fluctuating settings between major stratigraphic boundaries.
in form of partial dolomitization. Seemingly, it has developed in the In the present study, the common transgressive systems tract (TST)-

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

Fig. 7. Diagenetic processes in the Arab Formation. a

and b) micritization of allochems and marine cement
around allochems, c and d) dissolution of aragonite
components and creation of moldic porosity, e)
sabkha dolomitization caused dolomite crystals less
than 20 micron, f) Reflux dolomites. Proximity of
hypersaline brines created fine crystalline dolomite.
(g) Coarse crystalline dolomite caused by seepage-
reflux mechanism. These dolomites formed due to
distance of hypersaline brines in high-energy facies.
(h) Mechanical compaction precluded precipitation
of marine cement and abnormal pressure (i and j)
stylolitization in dolomudstone facies. Notice open
stylolite and sill stylolite. (k) Dolomite cement in
form of overgrowth. (l) Skeletal dolomite, filled by
anhydrite cement. (m) Vuggy pores and filling with
anhydrite cement. Notice dissolution occurred in two
stages before and after anhydrite cementation (n)
stylolite-related dolomite in medium crystalline size
along with recrystallized coarse crystalline dolomite
(o) coarse crystalline dolomite which formed by re-
crystallization. (p) A core sample of moldic dissolu-
tion belonging to B-02 well. (q) A core sample of
vugs, belonging to B-01 well. (r) Core sample with
vugs, filled by anhydrite cement belonging to B-01
well. (s) Core sample with stylolite, belonging to B-01

regressive systems tract (RST) or highstand systems tract (HST) model late TST and early HST and were formed during seal-level rise. Dee-
(Embry, 1993) is used to define the sequences. Integration of petro- pening-upward facies has a retrogradational to aggradational stacking
graphic data and petrophysical logs (gamma-ray and density) led to pattern in TST, and shallowing-upward facies has an aggradational to
identification of various systems tracts and sequence surfaces (max- progradational stacking pattern in the HST. Sequence boundaries
imum flooding surfaces (MFS) and sequence boundaries). Generally, characterized by evaporite sediments (anhydrite layers) which devel-
early HST and late TST are composed of low-energy facies deposited oped in the sabkha environment, caused by sea-level fall. Some of the
during sea-level fall. Whereas high-energy facies generally occur in the studies (McGuire et al., 1993; Handford et al., 2002) reported sequence

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

Fig. 8. Sedimentological log of the Arab Formation in the studied Field (B-01 well). The main stratigraphic subdivisions of the Arab Formation are also depicted along
with the lithology, petrophysical logs, microfacies, facies belts, important diagenetic alterations, depositional sequences, anhydrite content and main pore types
(color legend as Fig. 5). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

boundaries are placed at the below the evaporite deposits while the the top of the thick anhydrite layers were considered as sequence
other studies (Le Nindre et al., 1990; Al-Husseini, 1997; Daraei et al., boundaries that were deposited during the late HST. Due to continuous
2014; Beigi et al., 2017; Sfidari et al., 2018a) indicated that sequence depositional conditions of the Arab formation during the Late Jurassic
boundaries are placed at the top of the evaporite deposits. In this study, evidence of subaerial exposure and erosion are absent. On the other

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

hand, arid climate conditions prevented widespread freshwater features

along the sequence boundaries. Based on this study, glacio-eustasy
(Emery and Meyers, 1996; Catuneanu, 2006) has played a significant
role in the development of depositional sequences (Le Nindre et al.,
1990; Sharland et al., 2001; Haq and Al-Qahtani, 2005). Moreover, arid
climate domination influenced the regional Late Jurassic carbonate
factory (Alsharhan and Magara, 1995). Generally, the Arab Formation
consists of four shallowing-upward cycles, and each cycle includes a
third-order sequence (Figs. 7 and 8). Due to influence of the eustasy as
the main control over sea-level changes, the number of third-order se-
quences are correlated with the other researches in the Arabian Plat-
form (Fig. 10) (Le Nindre et al., 1990; McGuire et al., 1993; Azer and
Peebles, 1995, 1998; Daraei et al., 2014; Beigi et al., 2017). Each se-
quence contains multiple fourth-order sequences, known as high-fre-
quency sequences (HFS) (Catuneanu, 2006). In general, HFS's are
control by glacio-eustasy accompanied by local tectonic deformation
(syndepositional structures) (Miall, 2000). Determination of HFS can
help the precise identification of reservoir heterogeneity in exploration
strategy. This illustrates detailed variations of reservoir characteristics
(sedimentological and diagenetic features) in basin scale influenced by
sea-level fluctuations (Awwad and Pomar, 2015).

4.4.1. Sequence D
This sequence is about 60 m thick. It is only drilled in the well B-01
with 34 m of available core. It consists of a HST and contains two
fourth-order sequences (Fig. 8). Because of the lack of core data, TST
and MFS are not recognized in this sequence. The sequence D is mainly
composed of offshore facies (such as seaward shoal and mid-ramp) with
an aggradational stacking pattern that is sharply capped by the supra-
tidal facies. Diverse allochems including oncoids, intraclasts, mollusca,
algae, foraminifera, stromatoporoids and coral debris constitute the
major components of this sequence. The sequence boundary is char-
acterized by nodular anhydrite (Handford et al., 2002; Meyer and Price,
1993) representing the thinnest observed boundary. Meanwhile, RHOB
logs show an increase and the GR logs display a decreasing trend at the
upper sequence boundary (Fig. 8). Two fourth-order sequence bound-
aries were identified in this sequence. The lower sequence boundary
was highlighted by grainstone facies (F9) as the shallowest facies. Fa-
cies from F9 to F11 with gradual alteration are observed beneath this
boundary. At the top of it, nodular anhydrite is known as the shallowest
facies throughout sequence D (Handford et al., 2002; Swart et al.,
2005). A gradual facies transition from facies F9 to F11 is evident near
the lower boundary while an abrupt facies change occurs from facies F1
to F11 is seen at near the upper boundary.
Eogenetic alterations in this sequence include micritization, marine
cementation and dolomitization. The interparticle porosity, as a char-
acteristic feature, contributes to the distinction of this sequence from
the other sequences. The dolomitic units are observed in the limestone
successions in this sequence and are composed of coarse crystalline
dolomite with intercrystalline porosity, and unlike other sequences of
the Arab Formation, the vuggy dissolution has not been observed. Other
mesogenetic diagenetic features, including stylolitization and burial Fig. 9. Sedimentological log of the Arab Formation in the studied Field (B-02
well). The main stratigraphic subdivisions of the Arab Formation are also de-
dolomitization, are recorded in the mid-ramp facies. Vuggy porosity is
picted along with the lithology, petrophysical logs, microfacies, facies belts,
seen in the uppermost interval of the HST in dolomite lithology of this
important diagenetic alterations, depositional sequences, anhydrite content and
sequence which is occluded by poikilotopic anhydrite cement. main pore types (color legend as Fig. 5). (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this
4.4.2. Sequence C article.)
This sequence is placed at the base of the Upper Arab Formation
with a total thickness of 33–36 m (Figs. 8 and 9). This sequence is
rise in RHOB and decreasing GR values (Figs. 8 and 9). This sequence is
subdivided into three fourth-order sequences (Figs. 8 and 9). Sequence
bounded by two sequence boundaries marked by nodular anhydrite
C begins with a TST, represented by high-energy shoal facies. High rate
(lower boundary) and an anhydrite layer (upper boundary). In contrast
of dolomitization led to destruction of primary fabrics. Most sedimen-
to sequence D, sedimentary facies (peritidal to shoal facies) gradually
tary facies are assigned to the late TST and early HST. The MFS is
shift to the upper sequence boundary. In the early TST, intertidal facies
characterized by seaward shoal facies, equivalent to the J80 according
(F2) (the shallowest facies) is considered as fourth-order sequence
to Sharland et al. (2001). The late HST is associated with the deposition
boundary. In the late HST, evaporite deposits are known as fourth-
of evaporites, and the sequence boundary is identified by a remarkable

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

Fig. 10. Sequence stratigraphic correlation between wells (B-01 and B-02) (color legend as Fig. 5). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

sequence boundary. sequence.

Diagenetic processes such as reflux dolomitization, vuggy dissolu-
tion and anhydrite cementation in several systems tracts are visible. 4.4.3. Sequence B
Stylolites and solution seams are seen in early TST and late HST. The thickness of this sequence measures 31–45 m. This sequence is
Dolomite cementation abundantly occurred in different positions of this composed of two fourth-order sequences (Figs. 8 and 9). The TST is

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

composed of tidal flat and lagoon facies. The MFS is distinguished by history and sequence stratigraphy, a model is suggested to predict re-
seaward shoal facies, containing bioclasts, oncoids and intraclasts. The servoir properties controlling factors in a temporal and spatial frame-
maximum flooding surface can be correlated with the J90 of Sharland work. Various depositional and postdepositional processes occurred in
et al. (2001) in other areas in the Arabian Platform. The HST interval is the studied unit as successive phases (marine, hypersaline and shallow
recognized by the central shoal facies which displays an aggradational to deep burial) and some of them were controlled by the sea-level
stacking patterns. Close to the sequence boundary, the pattern trans- fluctuations. Generally, marine and hypersaline diagenetic processes
forms into a lagoonal and intertidal facies with a progradational geo- (calcite marine cementation, early dolomitization and moldic dissolu-
metry. The sequence boundary is characterized by an anhydrite layer tion) are syndepositional, sensitive to sea-level changes, and follow
belonging to a sabkha environment which is associated with reduced depositional patterns (e.g. grain size, fabric, composition). But burial
GR and increased RHOB logs (Figs. 8 and 9). This sequence is bounded diagenetic modifications, that occurred during the late postdepositional
by two anhydrite layers at the top and bottom. Two fourth-order se- conditions, are not directly connected to sea-level fluctuations.
quence boundaries were recognized in the early TST and late HST in However, among diagenetic events, mesogenetic alterations follow fa-
which facies (F1 to F8) changed together gradually. cies geometry and so show some relationship with the sequence dis-
The main diagenetic alterations affecting this sequence include: tributions.
micritic envelopes in shoal and lagoon facies, reflux dolomitization
with various crystal sizes, moldic pores in the tidal flat and leeward
5.2.1. Linking facies distribution, diagenetic history and sequence
shoal facies, dolomite cementation in the grain-dominated facies, sty-
stratigraphy in normal marine conditions
lolitization in the mud-dominated facies, vuggy dissolution and anhy-
In marine conditions, the sedimentary facies assigned to various
drite cementation in various facies.
sub-environments dynamically accumulated in response to sea-level
changes (Fig. 12). In the syndepositional diagenetic realm, early di-
4.4.4. Sequence A
agenetic processes influenced by sea-level fluctuations, developed in
The thickness of this sequence ranges from 20 to 29 m and contains
the Arab carbonate platform. The transgressive systems tract (TST) is
two fourth-order sequences (Figs. 8 and 9). The TST begins with an
accompanied by retrogradational geometry. Owing to the increase of
anhydrite facies, followed by stromatolite boundstone, lagoon and
the accommodation space, facies aggradationally repeated in the late
shoal facies in a retrogradational geometry. The MFS is characterized
TST and early HST. It is composed of grain-dominated facies (F9) along
by seaward shoal facies which corresponds to the J100 of Sharland
with marine calcite cement which is only found in the Lower Arab
et al. (2001) in other parts of the Arabian Platform. The early HST facies
Formation. Periods of low sedimentation rate resulted in marine calcite
are dominated by central shoal facies, which accumulated with ag-
cementation under the arid climate. High-energy shoal complexes (F9)
gradational geometry, passing upward into supratidal facies that in-
are associated with circumgranular isopachous calcite cement as the
cludes the Hith anhydrite (as known sequence boundary). By ap-
first generation of cement, suggesting that high-energy conditions were
proaching to this boundary, RHOB increases but GR shows a decreasing
dominant in the Arab Formation (Handford et al., 2002; Daraei et al.,
trend (Figs. 8 and 9). Alternative evaporite deposits formed two fourth-
2014). This cement shows a decreasing trend in volume toward below
order sequence boundaries (in the early TST and the late HST) that
the fair-weather wave base (FWWB) in the mid-ramp facies (F10 and
include F1 to F8 facies. Gradual alteration among these facies is similar
F1) because of a reducing hydrodynamic energy level. Poor early ce-
to that of the other sequences.
mentation allowed for further compaction in the mud-dominated facies.
Micritization is frequently seen in the shallow facies of this se-
This cement has partially preserved interparticle porosity and notice-
quence. Early dolomitization and moldic dissolution are prevalent in
ably enhanced the reservoir quality in the grain-dominated facies (F9)
this sequence. Vugs and anhydrite cement similar to that of sequence C
in the limestone intervals of the Lower Arab Formation. At the same
and B cross-cuts different facies. Solution seams postdate previous
time, low sedimentation rate had different effects on the mud-domi-
features (early dolomite, dolomite cement, dissolution and anhydrite
nated facies and resulted in development of bioturbation in suboxic
cement) in the mud-dominated facies. The dolomite cement similar to
conditions of the lagoon (F5) and distal mid-ramp (F11) settings. Mi-
that of the sequence C, is found in the early TST.
critic envelopes frequently occur in the shallow facies such as intertidal
(F4) and lagoon (F5) environments at the early TST and late HST
5. Discussion
(Fig. 12a 12d,). These environments have high a potential for activity of
micro-organisms. In comparison, high-energy environments such as
5.1. Sequence model
shoal were less subjected to micritization.
Our proposed conceptual dynamic depositional model for the Arab
Formation in the studied sections represents facies variations from A to 5.2.2. Linking facies distribution, diagenetic history and sequence
D members as a response to sea-level fluctuations (Fig. 11). In the stratigraphy in hypersaline conditions
Lower Arab Formation (Member D), the facies sharply transformed Increasing aridity during the late Jurassic led to prevalence of hy-
from mid-ramp to peritidal, but in the Upper Arab Formation (members persaline diagenesis. The relative sea-level fall (late HST) resulted in
A, B and C) facies are transitionally transformed from peritidal to shoal development of hypersaline diagenesis, involving evaporite precipita-
facies. As previously mentioned, two parameters including sea-level fall tion, dolomitization and fabric selective dissolution. Overlying eva-
and arid climate during late HST controlled the development of eva- porite deposits represent sequence boundaries with variable thickness.
porite deposits at the top of the Lower Arab Formation and within the Percolation of Mg-rich hypersaline fluids through underlying succes-
Upper Arab Formation (in form of inter-layers). According to the sions caused seepage-reflux dolomitization. The main mechanisms
Burchette and Wright (1992) model, supratidal environments sur- suggested for dolomitization in the Arab Formation are sabkha and
rounded the intrashelf basin. This suggests that regression occurred seepage-reflux (Alsharhan and Whittle, 1995; Cantrell et al., 2001;
rapidly between the Lower Arab Formation and the Upper Arab For- Swart et al., 2005; Lu and Cantrell, 2016). These two mechanisms are
mation while this transformation is gradually within the sequences of hydrologically and hydrochemically linked (Machel, 2004). Reflux
the Upper Arab Formation (A to C members). dolomitization is observed throughout the Upper Arab Formation and
shows pure dolostone (Swart et al., 2005) in the Lower Arab Formation
5.2. Linking facies distribution, diagenetic history and sequence stratigraphy through lime successions.
To estimate dolomitization temperatures, stable oxygen isotope data
By an integration of sedimentary facies distribution, digenetic are employed using Land's (1985) equation:

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

Fig. 11. A conceptual dynamic depositional model for the Arab Formation in the studied section. This model represents facies variations from A to D members as
response to sea-level fluctuations (color legend as Fig. 5). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version
of this article.)

T °C = 16.4 – 4.3 ([δ18Odolomite − 3.8] − δ water ) seawater (SMOW). Accordingly, low temperature of dolomite succes-
sions of the Upper Arab Formation (35 °C–41 °C) revealed that these
+ 0.14 ([δ18Odolomite − 3.8] − δ water )2
dolomites formed near the surface (considering −1.2 SMOW of Jurassic
Where: T: temperature (°C); δ18Odolomite (PDB); δwater of Jurassic seawater (Sellwood et al., 2000)) by evaporative fluids, as well as

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

Fig. 12. Model for carbonate ramp in response to sea-level fluctuation, (a) normal marine conditions during deposition of the Lower Arab Formation led to
widespread growth of coral and stromatoporoid patch reefs, micritization, marine cementation and bioturbation (in lagoon and basin settings). (b) Hypersaline
diagenetic realm in the Lower Arab Formation. Hypersaline fluids circulated through permeable deposits and created dolostones in the limestone successions. (c)
Burial diagenetic realm in the Lower Arab Formation led to formation of stylolite, burial dolomite and vugs. (d) Normal marine conditions during deposition of the
Upper Arab Formation are similar to the Lower Arab Formation. (e) Hypersaline diagenetic realm caused sabkha and reflux dolomitization in the Upper Arab
Formation. Fine crystalline dolomite formed in vicinity of hypersaline brines, and coarse crystalline dolomite formed farther away from the source of the hypersaline
brines. Moldic porosity was also formed by undersaturated hypersaline brines in proximity of hypersaline brines. (f) Burial diagenetic realm in the Upper Arab
Formation. Vuggy dissolution, anhydrite cementation, dolomite cementation and stylolitization formed in the burial diagenetic stage.

elevating salinity. These can result in a slight enrichment of oxygen isolated this zone from the Upper Arab Formation. Recrystallization in
isotopes (Swart et al., 2005) (Fig. 13a). the burial realm led to δ18O depletion (−4.5 to −4.9) in dolomite
Depleted δ18O of dolomite in the Lower Arab Formation could be (Cantrell et al., 2001; Swart et al., 2005). Heavy carbon isotopes
the result of recrystallization during burial when evaporite deposits (1.2–3.1 δ13C) throughout the dolomites of the Arab Formation also

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

In fourth-order depositional sequences, fine crystalline dolomite (mud

dominated facies including F1 to F5) formed in a peritidal area at the
vicinity of the sequence boundary due to abundant nucleation, whereas
in grain-dominated facies (F6, F7 and F8) (late TST and early HST)
coarse crystalline dolomite was formed. It can be concluded that the
size of dolomite crystal is related to the distance from the source of
hypersaline fluids, as well as sedimentary texture. In other words, the
saturation of magnesium decreases as a result of downward percolation
of hypersaline brines into the underlying deposits which led to the
formation of coarse crystalline dolomite in the grain-dominated facies
(Lucia, 1999; Warren, 2000). Increasing size of dolomite plays a sig-
nificant role in the improving reservoir quality of the Arab Formation
(Fig. 12b and e).
Moldic pores occur below the evaporite facies that are known as
sequence boundaries of fourth-order and third-order sequences.
Commonly, the interplay of freshwater and mineralogically metastable
components (aragonite) leads to development of moldic porosity
(Tucker and Wright, 1990; Moore, 2001). Although the Arab carbonate
formed in the Calcite Sea (Husinec and Read, 2007) aragonitic frag-
ments such as ooids and mollusca were abundant in the Upper Arab
Formation (Alsharhan and Whittle, 1995; Cantrell and Hagerty, 1999;
Cantrell, 2006; Hollis et al., 2017). This may have been caused by in-
creasing salinity during the late Jurassic. Domination of the arid cli-
mate during deposition of the Upper Arab Formation is reflected by the
presence of evaporite layers and absence of hyposaline diagenetic
products (Wilson, 1981; Mitchell et al., 1988; Cantrell and Hagerty,
1999). The association of moldic pores with evaporite deposits, implies
porosity formation in a hypersaline regime, as suggested by Sun and
Esteban (1994). Seemingly, dissolution of some aragonitic fragments by
brines was followed by precipitation of fine crystalline dolomite re-
sulted in porosity inversion. This denotes that dolomitization occurred
coeval with dissolution of allochems (Alsharhan and Whittle, 1995).
Similar mechanism have been found in the Permian-Triassic Kangan
and Dalan formations in the central Persian Gulf as reported by Mehrabi
et al. (2014). Later pore-filling anhydrite cements occluded some of this
porosity during the burial stages. Undersaturated hypersaline brines
(with respect to aragonite) resulted in dissolution of aragonite frag-
ments (Fig. 12e.). Significant dissolution in the form of moldic porosity
is observed in F4, F5 and F6 due to proximity to hypersaline brines.
Shoal facies (F6 and F7) show lesser moldic dissolution because of
distance to the source of the hypersaline brines. The seaward shoal
facies (F8) shows a lesser degree of dissolution. Generally, frequency
and volume of this type of porosity decrease downward, through the
early HST and late TST, owing to increasing normal salinity of sea-
water. Later diagenetic processes such as anhydrite cementation
plugged moldic porosity during the hypersaline stage destroying re-
servoir quality. Moldic pores are absent in the sequence D and C owing
Fig. 13. (a) δ18O values of the Arab succession. This figure depicts heavy δ18O to development of reflux dolomitization (before dissolution) which
values of the Lower Arab Formation and lighter δ18O values of the Upper Arab prevented dissolution of allochems. Moldic porosity development in
Formation.(b) Cross-plot of δ18O andδ13C values of samples from the Arab ooid fragments beneath the sequence boundary of the Lower Arab
Formation. Based on geochemical data, dolomites of the Upper Arab Formation Formation has been described by Cantrell and Hagerty (1999), Swart
formed as early dolomite near the surface from the Jurassic seawater but the et al. (2005) and Cantrell (2006). They suggest that it could be due to
Lower Arab dolomites recrystallized in higher temperatures. Red points are
leaching of allochems during subaerial conditions in the calcite li-
burial dolomites of the Lower Arab Formation that show negative δ18O values.
thology. In contrast to the present study, dolomite was not seen in the
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
uppermost interval of the Lower Arab Formation in the studies.
referred to the Web version of this article.)

5.2.3. Linking facies distribution, diagenetic history and sequence

indicate a lack of meteoric diagenesis (Swart et al., 2005) (Fig. 13b). stratigraphy under burial conditions
Along with evaporation, as a main factor for reflux dolomite formation, In the Upper Arab Formation, dolomite cement occurs as over-
anaerobic bacteria also facilitated dolomitization by sulfate ion elim- growth in shallow to medium burial diagenetic conditions (Fig. 12f.)
ination (by sulfate reduction mechanism) in greenhouse periods. Burns predating burial dissolution events. This dolomite cement is mostly
et al. (2000) demonstrated that the activity of anaerobic microbes could observed as overgrowth for the coarse dolomite crystals. The grain-
result in development of dolomites in periods of decreased oxygen le- dominated facies (F6 to F8) in the late TST and the early HST of the
vels such as the Late Jurassic. Apparently, during the Late Jurassic, fourth-order sequences show larger dolomite crystals than the mud-
integration of micro-organism activity (Riding and Liang, 2005) and dominated facies. Among sequences of the Upper Arab Formation,
evaporative pumping led to early dolomitization in the Arab Formation. widespread dolomite cementation mainly occurred in the early TST of

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

Fig. 14. Correlation between sedimentological logs of this study with other areas of Arabian Platform, including Daraei et al. (2014) (central Persian Gulf), Azer and
Peebles (1995) (UAE) and Al-Awwad and Collins (2013) (Saudi Arabia).

the A and C sequences. This is due to the presence of shoal facies and pores and anhydrite cement reflects the complexity of the diagenetic
coarse crystalline dolomites in this position immediately above tidal history. Accordingly, Mazzullo (1994) pointed out that mesogenetic
facies. dissolution cannot be placed in the sequence stratigraphic framework.
Vuggy dissolution and anhydrite cementation are not limited to Nevertheless, a relatively logical relationship is seen between the
special facies or system tracts. Genetically, the relationship of vuggy thickness of evaporite deposit and volume of vuggy pore space. It could

M. Sharifi-Yazdi, et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153 (2019) 91–110

be related to high sensitivity of dolomite crystals to Ca2+ increase that processes (diagenetic evolution) considerably influenced sedimentary
occurred by dissolving overlying Ca2+-bearing evaporites (dedolomi- facies and reservoir characteristics. Based on the petrographic analyses
tization). Most commonly, dedolomitization is a process which con- and other studies (Le Nindre et al., 1990; McGuire et al., 1993; Azer and
cerns with dissolution of dolomite at first, and then this follows by Peebles, 1995, 1998; Daraei et al., 2014), four third-order sequences are
calcite cementation of pore spaces. Depending on fluid saturation, recognized in this formation (Fig. 14), and all sequence boundaries are
vuggy pores could be filled by anhydrite cement in carbonate-evaporite characterized by evaporite capping. Diagenetic processes in marine,
successions (Baker and Kastner, 1981; Morad et al., 2012). Where ce- hypersaline and burial settings overprinted the carbonates of the Arab
ment is absent, there is a potential for the development of vuggy por- Formation. Diagenetic evolution modified depositional features in
osity (Raines and Dewers, 1997). Basinal fluids by dissolution of eva- various phases. The development of marine calcite cement and micri-
porite sediments provide an important source for Ca2+-rich fluids that tization were concurrent with establishment of a carbonate factory in
may lead to dissolution of dolomite successions (in burial realm). The the early HST. Sea-level fall resulted in hypersaline conditions and
observed late anhydrite cement, occluding the vuggy porosity, indicates prevalence of hypersaline brines. Although this phase is associated with
dedolomitizing fluids (rich in Ca2+), which originated from sulfate-rich deposition of low-energy facies, hypersaline brines intensely affected
fluids in the burial diagenetic environment. Thus, the evaporite sedi- the underlying successions, as well. The hypersaline diagenetic regime
ments (equivalent to the sequence boundaries) significantly induced is characterized by dolomitization and moldic dissolution in the Upper
and enhanced dedolomitizing in the Arab Formation. Incidentally, there Arab Formation. Just underneath of the sequence boundary, moldic
is a direct relationship between abundance and thickness of overlying porosity and fine crystalline dolomite formed. Farther away from the
evaporite and propagation of this late burial (mesogenetic) vuggy sequence boundary, moldic pores are fading but intercrystalline por-
porosity. Therefore, frequent evaporite layers in the Upper Arab For- osity was enhanced by coarse crystalline dolomite. Dolomite cementa-
mation led to creation of vuggy dissolution and reservoir quality im- tion occurred in the shallow to medium burial environment. This event
provement. On the contrary, vuggy dissolution is limited to below of was found close to the MFS facies (containing high-energy facies) due to
the sequence boundary (beneath of the nodular anhydrite) in the Lower the presence of intercrystalline porosity in the coarse crystal dolomite.
Arab Formation (due to low thickness of evaporites related to the se- Vuggy dissolution, caused by destabilization of dolomite in response to
quence boundary in the form of nodular anhydrite). Pervasive and fluids rich in Ca2+, crossed through various facies, system tracts and
poikilotopic anhydrite cements, and vugs, show a clear relationship sequence surfaces in the Upper Arab Formation. Anhydrite cement has
with the low thickness of evaporite in the sequence boundaries. Hence, the same sequence position as the vuggy dissolution in the Upper Arab
the maximum anhydrite cement is observed in the Upper Arab For- Formation. Nevertheless, these diagenetic features indicate a clear re-
mation, whereas in the Lower Arab Formation, due to lower evaporite lationship with the sequence boundaries by linking diagenesis to de-
content, anhydrite cement occurs just beneath the evaporites of the velopment of evaporite deposits (F1). In this regard, the frequency and
sequence boundary. thickness of the evaporite overlaying in the Upper Arab Formation are
Intertidal (F2 to F4), lagoon (F5) and mid-ramp (F10 and F11) facies higher than in the Lower Arab Formation. Consequently, vuggy dis-
are dominated by stylolites and solution seams. These facies are located solution (mesogenetic) along with anhydrite cementation, occur ex-
close to the sequence boundaries of fourth-order sequences (early TST tensively in the Upper Arab Formation, while these processes are lim-
and late HST), and stylolites diminish toward the MFS facies (shoal ited to just beneath of the sequence boundary (nodular anhydrite form)
facies) in the Upper Arab Formation. Conversely, stylolitization in- in the Lower Arab Formation. In deep burial conditions, stylolitization
creases toward the MFS of the fourth-order sequence, belonging to the and burial dolomitization occurred in the mud-dominated facies in the
mid-ramp facies in the Lower Arab Formation. Low hydrodynamic en- Lower Arab Formation. These facies developed during maximum
ergy governing depositional setting, resulted in development of mud- flooding surfaces and belong to the Lower Arab Formation. They also
dominated facies, and further compaction led to accumulation of im- occurred in the early TST and late HST of the Upper Arab Formation. In
purities (Fig. 12d). summary, this study reveals some important diagenetic features (eo-
Development of the sucrosic burial dolomites in the deeper facies genetic and mesogenetic environments) which have sensible relation-
(F10 and F11) of the Lower Arab Formation, associated with the sty- ships with the depositional processes in the Arab Formation and hence
lolites, implies that Mg-rich clay minerals were available for stylolite can be correlated within the sequence stratigraphic framework. This is
formation in the deeper facies which supplied enough magnesium for evident in the relationships between facies characteristics (e.g. grain
dolomitization (Anan and Wanas, 2015) under burial conditions size, fabric, composition) and diagenetic alterations. Furthermore,
(Fig. 12c). This process is chiefly found at the near MFS of the fourth- identification of these features within this framework would enable us
order in sequence D. The burial dolomites occur as crystals with a bi- to create a basic conceptual 3D model for the reservoir characteristics
modal grain sizes distribution. Seemingly, medium crystalline dolomite and its spatial and temporal variations.
(100 microns), associated with stylolites, formed during burial, and
later recrystallization increased crystal sizes from 300 to 250 micron. Acknowledgments
δ18O values of these dolomites are negative, similar to that of reflux
dolomites in the Lower Arab Formation which may be due to re- The authors are grateful to the University of Tehran provided fa-
crystallization processes. Recrystallization generated coarse crystalline cilities for this study. We also thank the IOOC (Iranian Offshore Oil
dolomite and also resulted in increasing porosity. Company) for data preparation. The authors also thank SH Dashtgard
and AH Enayati for invaluable suggestion and comments. We also
6. Conclusions greatly appreciate reviews and important comments and corrections by
H. Wanas and an anonymous reviewer.
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positional and diagenetic features are controlled by the effect of glacio- Appendix A. Supplementary data
eustasy and climate. Petrographic studies of the Arab Formation in the
central Persian Gulf led to the recognition of 11 sedimentary facies Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
were deposited in five facies zones, including supratidal, tidal flat, la-
goon, shoal and mid-ramp belts. Analyses of sedimentary facies pre-
liminarily indicate that the Arab Formation was deposited in the ramp- References
type platform. This is evident by the lack of barrier reefs, the low di-
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