ME-6041 (C) Renawable Energy Technology-2
ME-6041 (C) Renawable Energy Technology-2
ME-6041 (C) Renawable Energy Technology-2
Objective TypeQuestions
Note- Choose the correct Answers 10×1 = 10
(1) Which Parameter is used as an Index for the standard of living of the people of country?
(a)Industrial production (b)Number of vehicles per hours
(c)Per capita energy consumption (d) Population density
(3) The Rankine cycle efficiency of a good steam power plant may be in the range.
(a) 35- 45% (b) 90-95%
(c) 15-20% (d) 70-80%
(4) What is the approximate energy recovery efficiency of pumped storage?
(a)90 % (b)5%
(c) 70% (d) 20%
(5) In a Reversible chemical energy storage the input energy is in the form of ?
(a) Electrically energy (b) Thermal Energy
(c) Chemical Energy (d) Mechanical Energy