Gre Eec C 99 CL P 07822 12 029 02
Gre Eec C 99 CL P 07822 12 029 02
Gre Eec C 99 CL P 07822 12 029 02
Egineering & Construction 1 di/of 2
Structural calculation
File: GRE.EEC.C.99.CL.P.07822.12.029.02
Sergio Saavedra Nicolas Burdiles
GRE EEC C 9 9 C L P 0 7 8 2 2 1 2 0 2 9 0 2
This document is property of Enel Green Power S.p.A. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce this document, in whole or in part, and to provide to others any related information
without the previous written consent by Enel Green Power S.p.A.
Antofagasta District
1. SYNTHETIC ILLUSTRATION OF THE PROJECT PATH ........................................................................... 4
1.1. PLACEMENT OF THE STRUCTURE .................................................................................................. 4
1.2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE ................................................................................ 5
1.3. TECHNICAL REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................ 6
1.4. PROJECT PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................. 6
1.5. TYPEAND CHARACTERISTICS OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ........................................................ 12
1.6. CALCULATION CODE.................................................................................................................... 13
1.7. DESIGN AND MODELING CRITERIA ............................................................................................. 13
1.8. LOAD COMBINATIONS ................................................................................................................ 14
1.9. ANALYSIS METHOD ..................................................................................................................... 15
1.10. LOADS, INTERNAL STRESSES AND MODAL ANALYSIS DEFORMATIONS ..................................... 21
2. PROJECT AND VERIFICATION OF THE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS ..................................................... 49
2.1. UPLIFT CONDITION VERIFICATION .............................................................................................. 55
2.1.1. EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL WALL VERIFICATION ..................................................................... 55
2.1.2. LAMINATED BASE PROFILES .................................................................................................... 66
2.1.3. BENDED PROFILES ................................................................................................................... 74
2.1.4. DEFORMATIONS IN LIFTING CONDITION ................................................................................ 79
2.2. WIND CONDITION VERIFICATION ............................................................................................... 80
2.1.1. EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL WALL VERIFICATION ..................................................................... 80
2.1.2. LAMINATED BASE PROFILES .................................................................................................... 92
2.1.3. BENDED PROFILES ................................................................................................................. 101
2.2. SEISMIC CONDITION VERIFICATION .......................................................................................... 106
2.2.1. EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL WALL VERIFICATION ................................................................... 106
2.2.2. LAMINATED BASE PROFILES .................................................................................................. 117
2.2.3. BENDED PROFILES ................................................................................................................. 125
3. CHECK BASIC CONNECTION .......................................................................................................... 130
The object of this report relates to the structural design of a cabin that contains systems serving a photovoltaic
camp called Sol de Lila solar camp.
The project will be located in the Antofagasta District.
This project relates to the calculation of a cabin with a single-plane steel structure with a maximum size of
2050x5500 mm in plan and 2600 mm in height. It consists of vertical walls in sandwich panels: external and
internal panel 5 cm thick and steel structural coating with a minimum thickness of 0.5 mm. The walls are
connected to each other by bent steel profiles. The roof is made by bent steel profiles, sandwich panels and
external steel sheet 2 mm thick.
The basement has the perimetric profiles in UPN and centrally IPE profiles. The other intermediate profiles are
U-folded with a thickness of 4 mm.
The metal structure will be laid and fixed on a suitable reinforced concrete foundation not calculated in this
The structure is calculated in three configurations: lifting from four points, earthquake and wind.
An image is provided which better clarifies the structural model used for the calculation.
Steel 78,50 kN/m
Wall panels (dead load) 0,20 kN/m
Roof panels and profiles (dead load) 0,45 kN/m
Roof live load 1.00 kN/m
Internal live load 2.00 kN/m
snow load for the area where the instruments will be located are equal to 0 kN/m , therefore no snow is
Wind speed distribution is calculated with the formula indicated by the regulation in point 7.10.
qz = 0.613 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * V * I
2 2
qz = 0.613 * 1.03 * 1 * 1 * 30 * 1 = 569 N/m
The previously calculated pressure must be multiplied by pressure coefficients that depend on the shape of the
structure. The structural typology can be classified as a partially open building. This structural typology is
explained in chapter 7.12 of the NCh 432 standard.
For the coverage, in the worst condition there is a depression coefficient of 1.3.
For this structure they are not considered exceptional actions such as collisions, fires and explosions. The
structural concept, the structural details and the materials used do not allow the structure to suffer damage
disproportionate to the possible causes related to this type of event.
If particular fire resistance characteristics of the structures are required and they cannot guarantee them, it is
necessary to provide them with adequate protection.
Chilean regulation NCh 433 and following, NCh 2369 and following.
The seismic action is calculated by dynamic modal analysis, according to the formula:
The parameters that determine the seismic action are the following:
Calculation response spectrum:
The Numerical Modeling of the structure, the re-elaboration of the results of the Finite Elements analysis, the
design-verification of the structural elements were carried out using the CMP program developed and distributed
by Namirial s.p.a. of Senigallia (AN). The finite element solver used is XFINEST of Ce.A.S. from Milan.
Geometry modeling
The structure is modeled by means of single-dimensional Beam elements with 2 nodes for the perimeter profiles
and two-dimensional Shell-like elements having 4 nodes for the corrugated sheet.
The XYZ global reference system is a Cartesian right-hand triplet with the vertical Z-axis facing upwards.
The local reference system 123 of the Beam-type elements is a Cartesian right-handed triplet with axis 1 having
the direction of the element, axis 2 definable by the user and axis 3 having the direction which completes the
The structure and its behavior under static and dynamic actions has been adequately evaluated, interpreted and
transferred to the model that is characterized by its completely three-dimensional approach.
The analysis of the structure is carried out according to the finite element method with approach in the
displacements, discretizing the structure in connected elements at the nodes, and assuming the components of
nodal displacement (translations and rotations) as unknowns of the problem. The solution to the problem is
obtained by solving a system of linear equations:
The elements not included in the calculation model have been sized using partial simplified schemes, estimating
the acting loads according to the relative areas of influence and imposing appropriate boundary constraints.
The determination of internal actions is conducted through "typical" formulas available in the literature. The
verification of the safety of the structural elements takes place according to the methods of Science and
Construction Technique, using manual formulas, ie spreadsheets.
The verification of the safety of the structural elements occurs with the methods of Construction Science.
Structural typology
The structural typology is that of structures having laminated metal profiles, press-folded profiles and sandwich
wall panels.
Limit states investigated
In general, for the purposes of safety, the criteria contemplated by the semi probabilistic method to the limit
states have been adopted. In particular, the requirements for safety at the ultimate limit state, at the operational
limit state, have been met for possible exceptional actions.
All structural elements have a hinge or joint constraint.
Static schemes
The classical static patterns of Construction Science have been used: hinge joint beam, stuck joint beam.
Modeling action
The weight of the Beam and Shell type elements is calculated automatically based on the characteristics of the
materials, the geometry of the elements and the following parameters:
1) 1,4 D
2) 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5 Lr
3) 1,2 D + 1,6 Lr + L
4) 1,2 D + 1,6 Lr + 0,8 W
5) 1,2 D + 1,6 W + L + 0,5 Lr
6) 1,2 D + 1,4 E + L
7) 0,9 D + 1,6 W
8) 0,9 D + 1,4 E
D = dead load
L = internal live load
Lr = roof live load
E = seismic load
W = wind load
The numerical analysis was carried out using the calculation program. For the seismic analysis, a dynamic linear
analysis was used in compliance with the standards indicated above. The verification procedures adopted follow
the calculation method to the ultimate limit / exercise limits.
The program performs dynamic analysis with the response spectrum method.
The system to be analyzed is seen as an oscillator with n degrees of freedom, whose own modes of vibration
must be identified. The number of frequencies to consider is an entry data that the user must assign. In general,
note that the number of vibration modes can not exceed the number of degrees of freedom of the system.
The procedure implements the dynamic analysis in two distinct phases: the first one deals with calculating the
own vibration frequencies, the second calculates displacements and stresses consequent to the response
spectrum assigned in input.
In the spectral analysis, the program uses the response spectrum assigned in input, in line with the provisions of
the law. Any spectrum in the global direction Z is unitary. The amplitude of the response spectra is determined
by the seismic parameters required by the regulations and assigned by the user.
The procedure initially calculates the modal participation coefficients for each direction of the earthquake and for
each frequency. These coefficients can be seen as the dynamic contribution of each vibration mode in the
assigned directions. It will therefore be possible to note in which direction the single mode of vibration has
predominant effects.
Then, for each vibration mode, the displacements and the stresses relative to each dynamic direction activated
are calculated. For each dynamic direction the global effect is calculated, due to the individual modes of
vibration, by the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual effects. A specific printing phase is
foreseen for these results. The last elaboration concerns the calculation of the total effects, obtained considering
all the dynamic directions applied.
The following are all the parameters used for modal analysis:
Calculation method used: LANCZOS
Mass matrices: CONSISTENT complete mass matrix
STURM Sequence Enabled
Rigid motion not allowed
Tolerance for eigenvalue calculation 0
Maximum number of iterations for the eigenvalue calculation 24
The modal analysis was carried out considering the model in phase 1.
CdC Launch Nome Tipo Spettro di Risposta ag/g Molt.X Molt.Y Molt.Z
1 1 Sisma SLV X Dx Sisma SLU X (Dy) CHILE 0.4 1 0 0
SottoTipo: SLV
2 2 Sisma SLV X Sx Sisma SLU X (Dy) CHILE 0.4 1 0 0
SottoTipo: SLV
3 3 Sisma SLV Y Dx Sisma SLU Y (Dy) CHILE 0.4 0 1 0
SottoTipo: SLV
4 4 Sisma SLV Y Sx Sisma SLU Y (Dy) CHILE 0.4 0 1 0
SottoTipo: SLV
Cabin in site condition
Structural calculation model
Moving Masses
The moved mass is calculated as a percentage of the total mass. The non-moval mass is removed:
Mass direction X = “Base”
Mass direction Y = “Base”
Pitch n°1:
n. Rate Phase (sec.) Tot. X % Parz. X % Tot. Y % Parz. Y % Tot. Z % Parz. Z %
1 0.19593 0.000 0.000 21.716 21.716 0.000 0.000
2 0.16726 0.000 0.000 42.678 20.962 0.000 0.000
3 0.15919 0.000 0.000 42.678 0.000 1.160 1.160
4 0.15351 0.000 0.000 42.678 0.000 2.200 1.040
5 0.14272 17.695 17.695 42.678 0.000 2.210 0.010
6 0.13943 17.695 0.000 42.678 0.000 3.100 0.890
7 0.13478 17.695 0.000 42.678 0.000 3.900 0.800
8 0.12157 82.642 64.947 42.729 0.050 3.900 0.000
9 0.11123 82.642 0.000 72.136 29.407 3.900 0.000
10 0.090907 84.804 2.162 72.287 0.151 3.910 0.010
11 0.080172 90.685 5.881 72.337 0.050 3.950 0.040
12 0.07513 90.685 0.000 72.387 0.050 58.460 54.510
n. Rate Phase (sec.) Tot. X % Parz. X % Tot. Y % Parz. Y % Tot. Z % Parz. Z %
13 0.07359 90.685 0.000 72.387 0.000 58.460 0.000
14 0.072566 90.886 0.201 84.653 12.266 59.060 0.600
15 0.066328 90.886 0.000 84.653 0.000 59.090 0.030
16 0.065444 90.886 0.000 90.182 5.530 59.400 0.310
17 0.062309 90.886 0.000 90.182 0.000 59.420 0.020
18 0.060051 90.936 0.050 92.595 2.413 59.460 0.040
Pitch n°2:
n. Rate Phase (sec.) Tot. X % Parz. X % Tot. Y % Parz. Y % Tot. Z % Parz. Z %
1 0.19637 0.000 0.000 21.716 21.716 0.000 0.000
2 0.16611 0.000 0.000 42.779 21.063 0.000 0.000
3 0.16433 0.000 0.000 42.779 0.000 1.240 1.240
4 0.15885 0.000 0.000 42.779 0.000 2.350 1.110
5 0.14718 26.391 26.391 42.779 0.000 2.360 0.010
6 0.13439 26.391 0.000 42.779 0.000 3.190 0.830
7 0.12959 26.391 0.000 42.779 0.000 3.930 0.740
8 0.11757 82.541 56.150 43.080 0.302 3.930 0.000
9 0.11147 82.843 0.302 72.236 29.156 3.930 0.000
10 0.094048 85.306 2.463 72.437 0.201 3.930 0.000
11 0.077799 90.987 5.680 72.890 0.452 5.350 1.420
12 0.075179 91.137 0.151 72.890 0.000 58.240 52.890
13 0.07359 91.137 0.000 72.890 0.000 58.240 0.000
14 0.072436 91.439 0.302 84.653 11.763 58.480 0.240
15 0.066328 91.439 0.000 84.653 0.000 59.010 0.530
16 0.065448 91.489 0.050 88.624 3.971 59.300 0.290
17 0.062893 91.489 0.000 89.328 0.704 59.330 0.030
18 0.059769 91.540 0.050 93.098 3.770 59.380 0.050
Pitch n°3:
n. Rate Phase (sec.) Tot. X % Parz. X % Tot. Y % Parz. Y % Tot. Z % Parz. Z %
1 0.19548 0.000 0.000 22.772 22.772 0.000 0.000
2 0.15943 0.000 0.000 44.689 21.917 0.000 0.000
3 0.15804 0.000 0.000 44.689 0.000 1.250 1.250
4 0.15804 0.000 0.000 44.689 0.000 2.250 1.000
5 0.1411 2.564 2.564 44.689 0.000 2.260 0.010
6 0.13286 2.564 0.000 44.689 0.000 3.050 0.790
7 0.12599 82.944 80.380 44.739 0.050 3.050 0.000
8 0.12386 82.944 0.000 44.739 0.000 3.740 0.690
9 0.11397 82.944 0.000 73.493 28.754 3.740 0.000
10 0.087279 83.195 0.251 73.795 0.302 3.750 0.010
11 0.082945 90.182 6.987 73.795 0.000 3.880 0.130
12 0.075122 90.182 0.000 73.795 0.000 57.940 54.060
13 0.07359 90.182 0.000 73.795 0.000 57.940 0.000
14 0.071062 90.182 0.000 85.809 12.014 58.160 0.220
15 0.066245 90.182 0.000 85.809 0.000 58.770 0.610
16 0.063529 90.283 0.101 89.830 4.022 59.000 0.230
17 0.060324 90.383 0.101 92.193 2.363 59.000 0.000
18 0.057703 96.215 5.831 92.294 0.101 59.000 0.000
Pitch n°4:
n. Rate Phase (sec.) Tot. X % Parz. X % Tot. Y % Parz. Y % Tot. Z % Parz. Z %
1 0.20164 0.000 0.000 21.716 21.716 0.000 0.000
2 0.16967 0.000 0.000 21.716 0.000 1.300 1.300
3 0.16827 0.000 0.000 42.125 20.409 1.300 0.000
n. Rate Phase (sec.) Tot. X % Parz. X % Tot. Y % Parz. Y % Tot. Z % Parz. Z %
4 0.15817 0.000 0.000 42.125 0.000 2.430 1.130
5 0.13919 2.513 2.513 42.125 0.000 2.440 0.010
6 0.13574 2.513 0.000 42.125 0.000 3.240 0.800
7 0.13574 2.513 0.000 42.125 0.000 4.090 0.850
8 0.12442 81.787 79.274 42.125 0.000 4.090 0.000
9 0.11025 81.888 0.101 70.980 28.854 4.090 0.000
10 0.09083 82.692 0.804 70.980 0.000 4.100 0.010
11 0.085496 90.233 7.540 71.332 0.352 4.100 0.000
12 0.075277 90.233 0.000 71.633 0.302 57.330 53.230
13 0.073834 90.233 0.000 85.457 13.824 59.360 2.030
14 0.07359 90.233 0.000 85.457 0.000 59.360 0.000
15 0.066403 90.233 0.000 85.507 0.050 59.370 0.010
16 0.066042 90.233 0.000 89.629 4.122 59.780 0.410
17 0.06313 90.484 0.251 91.741 2.111 59.790 0.010
18 0.059911 93.048 2.564 91.891 0.151 59.800 0.010
Applied loads, stress diagrams and modal analysis deformations most significant are shown below.
Applied loads
Dead Load
Electrical components
Live load
Roof live load
Wind x1
Wind x2
Wind y1
Wind y2
Stress diagrams in static analisys
Minimum axial stress (kN)
Minimum bending moment in x direction for pillars and bending moment out plane for beams (kNm)
Maximum bending moment in x direction for pillars and bending moment out plane for beams (kNm)
Minimum bending moment in y-direction for pillars and bending moment in vertical plane for beams (kNm)
Maximum bending moment in y-direction for pillars and bending moment in vertical plane for beams (kNm)
Minimum shear stress in x direction for pillars and shear stress out plane for beams (kN)
Maximum shear stress in x direction for pillars and shear stress out plane for beams (kN)
Minimum shear stress in y-direction for pillars and shear stress in vertical plane for beams (kN)
Maximum shear stress in y-direction for pillars and shear stress in vertical plane for beams (kN)
Stress diagrams in uplift analisys
Minimum bending moment in x direction for pillars and bending moment out plane for beams (kNm)
Maximum bending moment in x direction for pillars and bending moment out plane for beams (kNm)
Minimum bending moment in y-direction for pillars and bending moment in vertical plane for beams (kNm)
Maximum bending moment in y-direction for pillars and bending moment in vertical plane for beams (kNm)
Minimum shear stress in x direction for pillars and shear stress out plane for beams (kN)
Maximum shear stress in x direction for pillars and shear stress out plane for beams (kN)
Maximum shear stress in y-direction for pillars and shear stress in vertical plane for beams (kN)
Minimum shear stress in y-direction for pillars and shear stress in vertical plane for beams (kN)
Stress diagrams in seismic analisys
Minimum bending moment in x direction for pillars and bending moment out plane for beams (kNm)
Maximum bending moment in x direction for pillars and bending moment out plane for beams (kNm)
Minimum bending moment in y-direction for pillars and bending moment in vertical plane for beams (kNm)
Maximum bending moment in y-direction for pillars and bending moment in vertical plane for beams (kNm)
Minimum shear stress in x direction for pillars and shear stress out plane for beams (kN)
Maximum shear stress in x direction for pillars and shear stress out plane for beams (kN)
Minimum shear stress in y-direction for pillars and shear stress in vertical plane for beams (kN)
Maximum shear stress in y-direction for pillars and shear stress in vertical plane for beams (kN)
Modal analysis deformation
Modal analysis deformation in y direction
Constraint reactions
For each Static Elementary Load Condition, Seismic Condition, the resultant of the constraint reactions with the
calculated moments with respect to the origin are reported:
Uplift condition
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S 0. 0 11.021154 0 0 0
2S 0. 0 29.522500 0 0 0
3S 0. 0 41.901999 0 0 0
On site condition
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S -4.41e-09 -9.61e-09 11.021154 11.545917 -29.03515 -2.00e-08
2S -3.34e-09 -4.57e-09 29.522500 30.888625 -76.75850 -7.43e-09
3S -1.03e-07 8.382e-09 41.902000 44.980750 -108.0767 1.305e-07
4S -2.20e-08 9.555e-10 23.100001 24.255001 -60.06000 2.462e-08
5S 3.077e-09 4.072e-09 11.550001 12.127501 -30.03000 7.893e-09
6S -3.543800 -9.21e-08 -10.58200 -11.11313 22.906259 3.7292317
7S -3.536000 6.020e-09 -4.290000 -4.505325 6.5572001 3.6873330
8S 0.9074000 -7.847600 -10.58200 -0.911255 28.692820 -20.46387
9S 0.0078000 -9.193200 -4.290000 7.4458349 11.164141 -23.89890
Seismic condition
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S -4.41e-09 -9.61e-09 11.021154 11.545917 -29.03515 -2.00e-08
2S 2.994e-08 -7.38e-10 41.072501 43.016126 -106.7885 -3.09e-08
3S -1.03e-07 8.382e-09 41.902000 44.980750 -108.0767 1.305e-07
4S -2.20e-08 9.555e-10 23.100001 24.255001 -60.06000 2.462e-08
1D -12.92597 -1.198740 0.1883621 0.3160778 -34.13449 10.348702
2D -12.44109 -1.200102 -0.158585 -0.489529 -32.59087 9.2773693
3D -0.081214 -10.04018 -0.231766 25.007306 4.5605154 -28.25784
4D 0.1400207 -10.50783 0.3993352 26.226958 -1.373785 -25.01875
53 37 46 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Trave porta
54 45 41 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Trave porta
55 46 40 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Trave porta
56 41 48 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete ext
57 35 47 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete ext
58 42 51 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete ext
59 33 53 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete ext
60 47 40 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete ext
61 48 35 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete ext
62 12 48 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete ext1 [Rectangular 10x105 cm s=0.05 cm]
63 10 47 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete ext1 [Rectangular 10x105 cm s=0.05 cm]
64 51 33 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete ext
65 52 17 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
66 52 51 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete ext2 [Rectangular 10x97 cm s=0.05 cm]
67 53 39 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete ext
68 54 4 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
69 54 53 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete ext3 [Rectangular 10x113 cm s=0.05 cm]
72 38 67 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
73 36 34 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
74 36 69 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
75 33 55 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
76 55 56 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
77 56 57 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
78 57 34 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
79 36 58 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
80 58 59 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
81 59 60 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
82 60 35 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
83 61 60 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]
84 62 59 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]
85 63 58 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]
86 64 57 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]
87 25 56 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]
88 66 55 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]
89 68 67 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete int v1 [Rectangular 5x97 cm s=0.05 cm]
90 9 69 Asse +X 0 0 Sez.: pannello parete int v2 [Rectangular 5x105 cm s=0.05 cm]
93 63 62 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
94 66 111 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
95 12 8 Asse -X 0 180 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
96 68 122 Asse -X 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
97 64 103 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
98 25 96 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
99 67 34 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
100 69 37 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Sopra parete int
101 62 61 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
102 61 73 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
103 71 90 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
106 73 81 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
107 31 89 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
108 62 80 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
109 77 91 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
110 79 82 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
111 82 80 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
112 80 81 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
113 85 83 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
114 83 84 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
115 88 86 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
116 86 87 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
117 91 89 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
118 89 90 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
119 93 99 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
120 94 101 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
121 96 98 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
122 97 100 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
123 99 98 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
124 101 100 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
125 103 106 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
126 21 107 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
127 107 106 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
128 109 108 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
129 110 117 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
130 112 119 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
131 113 116 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
132 115 118 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
133 117 116 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
134 119 118 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
135 116 11 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
136 118 122 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
137 110 27 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
138 92 30 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
139 79 63 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
140 78 32 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
141 77 31 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
142 93 66 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
143 114 64 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
144 102 6 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
145 113 5 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
146 95 26 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
147 72 3 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
148 71 2 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: Profilo 180 [UPN 180]
149 111 25 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
150 122 16 Asse -X 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
151 103 16 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
152 96 21 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
153 73 8 Asse +Y 0 180 Sez.: IPE [IPE 140]
154 90 87 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
155 81 84 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
156 89 86 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
157 80 83 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
158 91 88 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
159 82 85 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
160 99 94 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
161 101 92 Asse +Y 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
162 98 97 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
163 100 95 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
164 106 108 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
165 107 109 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
166 117 112 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
167 119 111 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
168 116 115 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
169 118 114 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
170 87 73 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
171 84 72 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
172 86 62 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
173 83 32 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
174 88 79 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
175 85 78 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
176 108 102 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
177 109 26 Asse -X 0 0 Sez.: Pavimento
51 M13
52 M13
53 M13
54 M13
55 M13
56 M13
58 M13
60 M13
62 M12 M12
63 M12 M12
66 M12 M12
67 M13
69 M12 M12
72 M13
75 M13
78 M13
79 M13
82 M13
83 M13 M13
84 M13 M13
85 M13 M13
86 M13 M13
87 M13 M13
88 M13 M13
89 M12 M12
90 M12 M12
100 M13
The external walls are made of sandwich panels with a thickness of 5 cm and a structural coating in steel with a
thickness of 0.5 mm. The table shows the maximum stresses acting on these walls.
6 envelope that determines the shear 1-3 maximum positive
7 envelope that determines the maximum negative torque
8 envelope that determines the maximum positive torque
9 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum negative
10 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum positive
11 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum negative
12 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum positive
17 envelope that determines S1 maximum negative
18 envelope that determines S1 maximum positive
19 envelope that determines S2 maximum negative
20 envelope that determines S2 maximum positive
21 envelope that determines S3 maximum negative
22 envelope that determines S3 maximum positive
23 envelope that determines S4 maximum negative
24 envelope that determines S4 maximum positive
The symbols S1, S2, S3, S4 indicate the "combined sigma" and refer to the calculation of the fictitious stress
evaluated in hypothesis of linearity of the behavior of the material and indefinite resistance, whose maximization
identifies the most probable worst verification to buckling, evaluated with the formula (positive sigma indicates
N M12 M13
A W12 W13
(W are the resistance modules) on the four corners of the ideal rectangle with resistance modules equal to those
of the base section of the rod.
Dist: indicates the distance from the starting point of the tested section
Verification solicitations:
N = normal stress acting in the direction of the local axis 1
V12, V13 = cuts in direction 2 and 3
M12, M13 = bending moments acting in floors 12 and 13
MT = torque
ArmNMT = indicates the armature section involved in the verification of deflected pressure, shear and
torsion resistance
CoeffRes = exploitation coefficient of equal strength, for Classs 1 and 2, at most between CoeffMN,
CoeffV and CoeffT, while for Classs 3 and 4 is calculated as an elastic tension ratio.
CoeffMN = exploitation coefficient of biaxial bending moment and compression resistance
CoeffV = exploitation coefficient of shear strength (par.6.2.6 EC3); the shear strength tests are
differentiated between the case of sections of class 1 and 2, for which coeffV is calculated as the
sum of the ratio between the cutting agent and resistant in direction 2 and 3, and the sections of
class 3 and 4, for which coeffV is calculated as a stress ratio.
CoeffT = exploitation coefficient of torsion resistance
Class = classification of the section
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffMN>1, CoeffV>1, CoeffT>1)
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffN> 1, CoeffNM12> 1, CoeffNM13> 1)
Resistance of materials for Class 1-2-3-4 sections for SLU checks (t = section thickness)
fy (t<40mm) fy (t>40mm)
Material ID Material name M0
(N/mm²) (N/mm²)
n.2 S 250 pannelli 250 250 1.05
The CoeffV, for the sections of class 1 and 2 and different from tubular and double T is also evaluated with the
elastic tangential tension ratio.
NOTE: the class 4 sections are forced to be considered as class 3 sections.
Beam n.62 - Section “pannello parete ext1 [Rectangular 5x105 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N V12 V13 M12 M13 MT ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
CoeffRes CoeffMN CoeffV CoeffT Class
Max CoeffMN:
1 0.00 -0.37 0.00 1.55 0.00 -3.96 -0.01 0
0.0808 0.0808 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffT:
1 0.00 -0.37 0.00 1.55 0.00 -3.96 -0.01 0
0.0808 0.0808 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffV:
1 0.00 -0.37 0.00 1.55 0.00 -3.96 -0.01 0
0.0808 0.0808 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffRes:
1 0.00 -0.37 0.00 1.55 0.00 -3.96 -0.01 0
0.0808 0.0808 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.66 - Section “pannello parete ext2 [Rectangular 5x97 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Max CoeffRes:
1 0.00 -0.39 0.00 -1.25 0.00 3.22 -0.00 0
0.0576 0.0576 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.83 - Section “pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
0.2795 0.2795 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.90 - Section “pannello parete int v2 [Rectangular 5x105 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Description Plan 1-2 Plan 1-3 Twist
Constraint coefficients 1 1 1
Effective rod lengths 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm
Free lengths of inflection 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm
Retention for buckling
starting Beam present present present (A)
(node 12)
Retention for buckling
ending Beam present present present (A)
(node 48)
Ver Dist N M12 M13 CoeffN CoeffNM12 CoeffNM13 Class
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Max CoeffN:
1 1.30 -0.35 0.00 -3.42 0.0026 0.0605 0.0825 4
Max CoeffNM13:
1 1.30 -0.35 0.00 -3.42 0.0026 0.0605 0.0825 4
Max CoeffNM12:
1 1.30 -0.35 0.00 -3.42 0.0026 0.0605 0.0825 4
Beam n.69 - Section “pannello parete ext3 [Rectangular 5x113 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Beam n.85 - Section “pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
NOTE: in the parts of the text dedicated to the indication of the presence or absence of
disengagement for the heeling, if a restraint has been identified automatically by CMP appears
also the writing “(A)”:
Steel checks at ultimate limit state
Parameters meaning:
Ver: assumes the following meaning:
1 envelope that determines the maximum negative normal stress
2 envelope that determines the maximum positive normal stress
3 envelope that determines the shear 1-2 maximum negative
4 envelope that determines the shear 1-2 maximum positive
5 envelope that determines the shear 1-3 maximum negative
6 envelope that determines the shear 1-3 maximum positive
7 envelope that determines the maximum negative torque
8 envelope that determines the maximum positive torque
9 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum negative
10 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum positive
11 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum negative
12 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum positive
17 envelope that determines S1 maximum negative
18 envelope that determines S1 maximum positive
19 envelope that determines S2 maximum negative
20 envelope that determines S2 maximum positive
21 envelope that determines S3 maximum negative
22 envelope that determines S3 maximum positive
23 envelope that determines S4 maximum negative
24 envelope that determines S4 maximum positive
The symbols S1, S2, S3, S4 indicate the "combined sigma" and refer to the calculation of the fictitious stress
evaluated in hypothesis of linearity of the behavior of the material and indefinite resistance, whose maximization
identifies the most probable worst verification to buckling, evaluated with the formula (positive sigma indicates
N M12 M13
A W12 W13
(W are the resistance modules) on the four corners of the ideal rectangle with resistance modules equal to those
of the base section of the rod.
Dist: indicates the distance from the starting point of the tested section
Verification solicitations:
N = normal stress acting in the direction of the local axis 1
V12, V13 = cuts in direction 2 and 3
M12, M13 = bending moments acting in floors 12 and 13
MT = torque
The following verification method is adopted:
Compact sections: Classs 1-2, plastic verification
Slightly slender sections: Class 3, elastic check
Slender sections: Class 4, unverified; they can be forced to be considered as class 3 sections, with consequent
elastic verification.
The slender sections are subject to local buckling phenomena, therefore local analyzes must be performed on the
single elements making up the section, these checks are not carried out automatically by CMP.
ArmNMT = indicates the armature section involved in the verification of deflected pressure, shear and
torsion resistance
CoeffRes = exploitation coefficient of equal strength, for Classs 1 and 2, at most between CoeffMN,
CoeffV and CoeffT, while for Classs 3 and 4 is calculated as an elastic tension ratio.
CoeffMN = exploitation coefficient of biaxial bending moment and compression resistance
CoeffV = exploitation coefficient of shear strength (par.6.2.6 EC3); the shear strength tests are
differentiated between the case of sections of class 1 and 2, for which coeffV is calculated as the
sum of the ratio between the cutting agent and resistant in direction 2 and 3, and the sections of
class 3 and 4, for which coeffV is calculated as a stress ratio.
CoeffT = exploitation coefficient of torsion resistance
Class = classification of the section
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffMN>1, CoeffV>1, CoeffT>1)
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffN> 1, CoeffNM12> 1, CoeffNM13> 1)
Resistance of materials for Class 1-2-3-4 sections for SLU checks (t = section thickness)
fy (t<40mm) fy (t>40mm)
Material ID Material name M0
(N/mm²) (N/mm²)
n.28 S 235 235 215 1.05
The CoeffV, for the sections of class 1 and 2 and different from tubular and double T is also evaluated with the
elastic tangential tension ratio.
NOTE: the class 4 sections are forced to be considered as class 3 sections.
Beam n.19 - Section “IPE [IPE 140]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: laminated
NOTE: in the parts of the text dedicated to the indication of the presence or absence of
disengagement for the heeling, if a restraint has been identified automatically by CMP appears
also the writing “(A)”:
Slendiness of heelinging plan 12: 68.3333
Slendiness of heelinging plan 13: 8.07475
Ver Dist N M12 M13 CoeffN CoeffNM12 CoeffNM13 Class
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Max CoeffN:
1 0.11 -3.23 0.01 -6.48 0.0114 0.2317 0.3494 1
Beam n.141 - Section “Profile 180 [UPN 180]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: laminated
ArmNM = indicates the portion of reinforcement involved in the deviated bending check, followed by the
position of the bars on the positive and negative; checks are carried out with positions that are
lower or equal to positive positions and greater or equal to negative.
ArmT = indicates the armature section affected by the check, followed by the number of the bracketing
ArmNMT = indicates the portion of reinforcement involved in the deflected press-deflection check,
followed by the position of the bars in the positive, negative and bracket length
d2, d3 = heights useful for shear checks in direction 2 and 3
bw2, bw3 = widths useful for shear checks in direction 2 and 3
nst2, nst3 = number of arms useful for the shear checks V12 and V13 acting in direction 2 and 3
corr. = current longitudinal reinforcement
Pos = position of the longitudinal reinforcement bars
CoeffMN: indicates the coefficient of flexure and normal effort; given the stress triplet N, M12, M13, the
following ratio is defined as the exploitation coefficient (with the subscript "r" the last resistance
values are indicated):
CoeffMN 12 13
Nr Mr12 Mr13
CoeffV12, CoeffV13: indicate the shear exploitation ratios in direction 2 and 3. CoeffV12 is given by the
ratio between the computational shear V12 acting in direction 2 and the shear strength Vr12 in
direction 2. The same is true for CoeffV13. Vr12 and Vr13 are calculated according to par.6.2 of
EN 1992-1-1: 2005. For parameters not indicated in this paragraph, see the parameters of the
shear checks in the characteristics of the materials.
Type: this column may contain information on the type of verification
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfactory checks (CoeffMN> 1, CoeffV12> 1 and CoeffV13> 1).
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
1 0.00 -2.26 4.19 0.35 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.4411 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.45 - Section “Montante3”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
1 0.00 -2.24 -4.07 0.40 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.4236 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.46 - Section “Montante2”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
1 0.00 -2.25 -4.03 -0.42 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.4180 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.47 - Section “Montante1”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
1 0.00 -2.22 3.53 -0.37 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.3669 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.49 - Section “Trave porta”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
1 1.37 0.86 0.01 0.42 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.1988 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.64 - Section “Sopra parete ext”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
1 0.00 -1.45 0.02 -0.03 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.1259 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.78 - Section “Sopra parete int”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
2 0.00 3.08 -0.03 0.12 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.4818 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.107 - Section “Pavimento”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
2 0.42 0.00 -0.02 1.14 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.7151 0.0000 0.0000
The maximum deformation in the lifting condition is equal to 3 mm. The technician considers this deformation
acceptable for the structure.
The external walls are made of sandwich panels with a thickness of 5 cm and a structural coating in steel with a
thickness of 0.5 mm. The table shows the maximum stresses acting on these walls.
5 envelope that determines the shear 1-3 maximum negative
6 envelope that determines the shear 1-3 maximum positive
7 envelope that determines the maximum negative torque
8 envelope that determines the maximum positive torque
9 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum negative
10 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum positive
11 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum negative
12 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum positive
17 envelope that determines S1 maximum negative
18 envelope that determines S1 maximum positive
19 envelope that determines S2 maximum negative
20 envelope that determines S2 maximum positive
21 envelope that determines S3 maximum negative
22 envelope that determines S3 maximum positive
23 envelope that determines S4 maximum negative
24 envelope that determines S4 maximum positive
The symbols S1, S2, S3, S4 indicate the "combined sigma" and refer to the calculation of the fictitious stress
evaluated in hypothesis of linearity of the behavior of the material and indefinite resistance, whose maximization
identifies the most probable worst verification to buckling, evaluated with the formula (positive sigma indicates
N M12 M13
A W12 W13
(W are the resistance modules) on the four corners of the ideal rectangle with resistance modules equal to those
of the base section of the rod.
Dist: indicates the distance from the starting point of the tested section
Verification solicitations:
N = normal stress acting in the direction of the local axis 1
V12, V13 = cuts in direction 2 and 3
M12, M13 = bending moments acting in floors 12 and 13
MT = torque
ArmNMT = indicates the armature section involved in the verification of deflected pressure, shear and
torsion resistance
CoeffRes = exploitation coefficient of equal strength, for Classs 1 and 2, at most between CoeffMN,
CoeffV and CoeffT, while for Classs 3 and 4 is calculated as an elastic tension ratio.
CoeffMN = exploitation coefficient of biaxial bending moment and compression resistance
CoeffV = exploitation coefficient of shear strength (par.6.2.6 EC3); the shear strength tests are
differentiated between the case of sections of class 1 and 2, for which coeffV is calculated as the
sum of the ratio between the cutting agent and resistant in direction 2 and 3, and the sections of
class 3 and 4, for which coeffV is calculated as a stress ratio.
CoeffT = exploitation coefficient of torsion resistance
Class = classification of the section
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffMN>1, CoeffV>1, CoeffT>1)
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffN> 1, CoeffNM12> 1, CoeffNM13> 1)
Resistance of materials for Class 1-2-3-4 sections for SLU checks (t = section thickness)
fy (t<40mm) fy (t>40mm)
Material ID Material name M0
(N/mm²) (N/mm²)
n.2 S 250 pannelli 250 250 1.05
The CoeffV, for the sections of class 1 and 2 and different from tubular and double T is also evaluated with the
elastic tangential tension ratio.
NOTE: the class 4 sections are forced to be considered as class 3 sections.
Beam n.62 - Section “pannello parete ext1 [Rectangular 5x105 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N V12 V13 M12 M13 MT ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
CoeffRes CoeffMN CoeffV CoeffT Class
Max CoeffMN:
2 0.00 -0.21 -0.68 -0.54 0.00 1.37 -0.01 0
0.1055 0.1055 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffT:
1 0.00 -0.35 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.04 0.03 0
0.0049 0.0049 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffV:
1 0.00 -0.35 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.04 0.03 0
0.0049 0.0049 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffRes:
2 0.00 -0.21 -0.68 -0.54 0.00 1.37 -0.01 0
0.1055 0.1055 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.66 - Section “pannello parete ext2 [Rectangular 5x97 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Beam n.83 - Section “pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N V12 V13 M12 M13 MT ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
CoeffRes CoeffMN CoeffV CoeffT Class
Max CoeffMN:
3 0.00 -0.93 -5.08 0.00 12.88 0.00 -0.01 0
0.3367 0.3367 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffT:
1 0.00 -1.81 -4.16 0.00 10.48 0.00 -0.01 0
0.2787 0.2787 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffV:
1 0.00 -1.81 -4.16 0.00 10.48 0.00 -0.01 0
0.2787 0.2787 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffRes:
3 0.00 -0.93 -5.08 0.00 12.88 0.00 -0.01 0
0.3367 0.3367 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.89 - Section “pannello parete int v1 [Rectangular 5x97 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N V12 V13 M12 M13 MT ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
CoeffRes CoeffMN CoeffV CoeffT Class
Max CoeffMN:
6 0.00 -0.34 0.00 4.25 0.00 -10.82 -0.01 0
0.2532 0.2532 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffT:
1 0.00 -0.36 0.00 3.46 0.00 -8.81 -0.01 0
0.2066 0.2066 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffV:
1 0.00 -0.36 0.00 3.46 0.00 -8.81 -0.01 0
0.2066 0.2066 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffRes:
6 0.00 -0.34 0.00 4.25 0.00 -10.82 -0.01 0
0.2532 0.2532 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.90 - Section “pannello parete int v2 [Rectangular 5x105 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N V12 V13 M12 M13 MT ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
CoeffRes CoeffMN CoeffV CoeffT Class
Max CoeffMN:
5 0.00 -0.35 0.00 -5.41 0.00 13.80 -0.01 0
0.2781 0.2781 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffT:
1 0.00 -0.38 0.00 -3.45 0.00 8.81 -0.01 0
0.1781 0.1781 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffV:
1 0.00 -0.38 0.00 -3.45 0.00 8.81 -0.01 0
0.1781 0.1781 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffRes:
5 0.00 -0.35 0.00 -5.41 0.00 13.80 -0.01 0
0.2781 0.2781 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.62 - Section “pannello parete ext1 [Rectangular 5x105 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Retention for buckling
starting Beam present present present (A)
(node 12)
Retention for buckling
ending Beam present present present (A)
(node 48)
Beam n.63 - Section “pannello parete ext1 [Rectangular 5x105 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Beam n.66 - Section “pannello parete ext2 [Rectangular 5x97 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
NOTE: in the parts of the text dedicated to the indication of the presence or absence of
disengagement for the heeling, if a restraint has been identified automatically by CMP appears
also the writing “(A)”:
Beam n.83 - Section “pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Retention for buckling
ending Beam present present present (A)
(node 60)
Description Plan 1-2 Plan 1-3 Twist
Constraint coefficients 1 1 1
Effective rod lengths 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm
Free lengths of inflection 260 cm 260 cm 260 cm
Retention for buckling
starting Beam present present present (A)
(node 9)
Retention for buckling
ending Beam present present present (A)
(node 69)
Steel checks at ultimate limit state
Parameters meaning:
Ver: assumes the following meaning:
1 envelope that determines the maximum negative normal stress
2 envelope that determines the maximum positive normal stress
3 envelope that determines the shear 1-2 maximum negative
4 envelope that determines the shear 1-2 maximum positive
5 envelope that determines the shear 1-3 maximum negative
6 envelope that determines the shear 1-3 maximum positive
7 envelope that determines the maximum negative torque
8 envelope that determines the maximum positive torque
9 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum negative
10 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum positive
11 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum negative
12 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum positive
17 envelope that determines S1 maximum negative
18 envelope that determines S1 maximum positive
19 envelope that determines S2 maximum negative
20 envelope that determines S2 maximum positive
21 envelope that determines S3 maximum negative
22 envelope that determines S3 maximum positive
23 envelope that determines S4 maximum negative
24 envelope that determines S4 maximum positive
The symbols S1, S2, S3, S4 indicate the "combined sigma" and refer to the calculation of the fictitious stress
evaluated in hypothesis of linearity of the behavior of the material and indefinite resistance, whose maximization
identifies the most probable worst verification to buckling, evaluated with the formula (positive sigma indicates
N M12 M13
A W12 W13
(W are the resistance modules) on the four corners of the ideal rectangle with resistance modules equal to those
of the base section of the rod.
Dist: indicates the distance from the starting point of the tested section
Verification solicitations:
N = normal stress acting in the direction of the local axis 1
V12, V13 = cuts in direction 2 and 3
M12, M13 = bending moments acting in floors 12 and 13
MT = torque
The following verification method is adopted:
Compact sections: Classs 1-2, plastic verification
Slightly slender sections: Class 3, elastic check
Slender sections: Class 4, unverified; they can be forced to be considered as class 3 sections, with consequent
elastic verification.
The slender sections are subject to local buckling phenomena, therefore local analyzes must be performed on the
single elements making up the section, these checks are not carried out automatically by CMP.
ArmNMT = indicates the armature section involved in the verification of deflected pressure, shear and
torsion resistance
CoeffRes = exploitation coefficient of equal strength, for Classs 1 and 2, at most between CoeffMN,
CoeffV and CoeffT, while for Classs 3 and 4 is calculated as an elastic tension ratio.
CoeffMN = exploitation coefficient of biaxial bending moment and compression resistance
CoeffV = exploitation coefficient of shear strength (par.6.2.6 EC3); the shear strength tests are
differentiated between the case of sections of class 1 and 2, for which coeffV is calculated as the
sum of the ratio between the cutting agent and resistant in direction 2 and 3, and the sections of
class 3 and 4, for which coeffV is calculated as a stress ratio.
CoeffT = exploitation coefficient of torsion resistance
Class = classification of the section
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffMN>1, CoeffV>1, CoeffT>1)
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffN> 1, CoeffNM12> 1, CoeffNM13> 1)
Resistance of materials for Class 1-2-3-4 sections for SLU checks (t = section thickness)
fy (t<40mm) fy (t>40mm)
Material ID Material name M0
(N/mm²) (N/mm²)
n.28 S 235 235 215 1.05
The CoeffV, for the sections of class 1 and 2 and different from tubular and double T is also evaluated with the
elastic tangential tension ratio.
NOTE: the class 4 sections are forced to be considered as class 3 sections.
Beam n.22 - Section “IPE [IPE 140]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N V12 V13 M12 M13 MT ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
CoeffRes CoeffMN CoeffV CoeffT Class
Max CoeffT:
2 0.00 1.96 0.63 -1.30 -0.03 -4.37 0.08 0
0.2252 0.2252 0.0194 0.1670 1
Coefficient for distortion stability (only Steel World-EN15512 checks) db: 1
NOTE: in the parts of the text dedicated to the indication of the presence or absence of
disengagement for the heeling, if a restraint has been identified automatically by CMP appears
also the writing “(A)”:
Slendiness of heelinging plan 12: 26.0652
Slendiness of heelinging plan 13: 7.54533
Ver Dist N M12 M13 CoeffN CoeffNM12 CoeffNM13 Class
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Max CoeffNM13:
11 0.26 0.00 0.00 1.26 0.0000 0.0129 0.0283 1
Parameters for stability verification:
Retention for buckling
starting Beam present (A) absent (A) present (A)
(nodo 61)
Retention for buckling
ending Beam absent (A) present (A) absent (A)
(nodo 73)
ArmNM = indicates the portion of reinforcement involved in the deviated bending check, followed by the
position of the bars on the positive and negative; checks are carried out with positions that are
lower or equal to positive positions and greater or equal to negative.
ArmT = indicates the armature section affected by the check, followed by the number of the bracketing
ArmNMT = indicates the portion of reinforcement involved in the deflected press-deflection check,
followed by the position of the bars in the positive, negative and bracket length
d2, d3 = heights useful for shear checks in direction 2 and 3
bw2, bw3 = widths useful for shear checks in direction 2 and 3
nst2, nst3 = number of arms useful for the shear checks V12 and V13 acting in direction 2 and 3
corr. = current longitudinal reinforcement
Pos = position of the longitudinal reinforcement bars
CoeffMN: indicates the coefficient of flexure and normal effort; given the stress triplet N, M12, M13, the
following ratio is defined as the exploitation coefficient (with the subscript "r" the last resistance
values are indicated):
CoeffMN 12 13
Nr Mr12 Mr13
CoeffV12, CoeffV13: indicate the shear exploitation ratios in direction 2 and 3. CoeffV12 is given by the
ratio between the computational shear V12 acting in direction 2 and the shear strength Vr12 in
direction 2. The same is true for CoeffV13. Vr12 and Vr13 are calculated according to par.6.2 of
EN 1992-1-1: 2005. For parameters not indicated in this paragraph, see the parameters of the
shear checks in the characteristics of the materials.
Type: this column may contain information on the type of verification
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfactory checks (CoeffMN> 1, CoeffV12> 1 and CoeffV13> 1).
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
2 0.00 -0.29 0.33 0.57 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.0914 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.45 - Section “Montante3”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
2 0.00 -0.35 0.47 0.57 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.1062 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.46 - Section “Montante2”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
21 0.00 -1.77 0.08 0.76 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.1366 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.47 - Section “Montante1”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
19 0.00 -1.74 0.01 0.76 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.1380 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.49 - Section “Trave porta”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
18 1.37 -0.22 -0.03 1.22 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.5828 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.56 - Section “Sopra parete ext”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
1 0.00 -1.54 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.3097 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.81 - Section “Sopra parete int”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
5 0.91 -4.55 0.01 -0.26 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.8946 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.124 - Section “Pavimento”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
18 0.60 -0.01 -0.00 1.28 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.7948 0.0000 0.0000
The external walls are made of sandwich panels with a thickness of 5 cm and a structural coating in steel with a
thickness of 0.5 mm. The table shows the maximum stresses acting on these walls.
6 envelope that determines the shear 1-3 maximum positive
7 envelope that determines the maximum negative torque
8 envelope that determines the maximum positive torque
9 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum negative
10 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum positive
11 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum negative
12 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum positive
17 envelope that determines S1 maximum negative
18 envelope that determines S1 maximum positive
19 envelope that determines S2 maximum negative
20 envelope that determines S2 maximum positive
21 envelope that determines S3 maximum negative
22 envelope that determines S3 maximum positive
23 envelope that determines S4 maximum negative
24 envelope that determines S4 maximum positive
The symbols S1, S2, S3, S4 indicate the "combined sigma" and refer to the calculation of the fictitious stress
evaluated in hypothesis of linearity of the behavior of the material and indefinite resistance, whose maximization
identifies the most probable worst verification to buckling, evaluated with the formula (positive sigma indicates
N M12 M13
A W12 W13
(W are the resistance modules) on the four corners of the ideal rectangle with resistance modules equal to those
of the base section of the rod.
Dist: indicates the distance from the starting point of the tested section
Verification solicitations:
N = normal stress acting in the direction of the local axis 1
V12, V13 = cuts in direction 2 and 3
M12, M13 = bending moments acting in floors 12 and 13
MT = torque
ArmNMT = indicates the armature section involved in the verification of deflected pressure, shear and
torsion resistance
CoeffRes = exploitation coefficient of equal strength, for Classs 1 and 2, at most between CoeffMN,
CoeffV and CoeffT, while for Classs 3 and 4 is calculated as an elastic tension ratio.
CoeffMN = exploitation coefficient of biaxial bending moment and compression resistance
CoeffV = exploitation coefficient of shear strength (par.6.2.6 EC3); the shear strength tests are
differentiated between the case of sections of class 1 and 2, for which coeffV is calculated as the
sum of the ratio between the cutting agent and resistant in direction 2 and 3, and the sections of
class 3 and 4, for which coeffV is calculated as a stress ratio.
CoeffT = exploitation coefficient of torsion resistance
Class = classification of the section
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffMN>1, CoeffV>1, CoeffT>1)
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffN> 1, CoeffNM12> 1, CoeffNM13> 1)
Resistance of materials for Class 1-2-3-4 sections for SLU checks (t = section thickness)
fy (t<40mm) fy (t>40mm)
Material ID Material name M0
(N/mm²) (N/mm²)
n.2 S 250 pannelli 250 250 1.05
The CoeffV, for the sections of class 1 and 2 and different from tubular and double T is also evaluated with the
elastic tangential tension ratio.
NOTE: the class 4 sections are forced to be considered as class 3 sections.
Beam n.62 - Section “pannello parete ext1 [Rectangular 5x105 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N V12 V13 M12 M13 MT ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
CoeffRes CoeffMN CoeffV CoeffT Class
Max CoeffMN:
5 0.00 -0.31 0.00 -1.90 0.00 4.86 0.17 0
0.1019 0.1019 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffT:
1 0.00 -0.32 0.00 0.27 0.00 -0.69 0.28 0
0.0424 0.0424 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffV:
1 0.00 -0.32 0.00 0.27 0.00 -0.69 0.28 0
0.0424 0.0424 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffRes:
5 0.00 -0.31 0.00 -1.90 0.00 4.86 0.17 0
0.1019 0.1019 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.66 - Section “pannello parete ext2 [Rectangular 5x97 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Max CoeffRes:
6 0.00 -0.33 0.00 2.19 0.00 -5.63 0.18 0
0.1027 0.1027 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.83 - Section “pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N V12 V13 M12 M13 MT ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
CoeffRes CoeffMN CoeffV CoeffT Class
Max CoeffMN:
3 0.00 -1.48 -6.58 0.00 16.67 0.00 -0.16 0
0.4382 0.4382 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffT:
1 0.00 -1.51 -2.38 0.00 5.99 0.00 0.23 0
0.1659 0.1659 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffV:
1 0.00 -1.51 -2.38 0.00 5.99 0.00 0.23 0
0.1659 0.1659 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffRes:
3 0.00 -1.48 -6.58 0.00 16.67 0.00 -0.16 0
0.4382 0.4382 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.89 - Section “pannello parete int v1 [Rectangular 5x97 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N V12 V13 M12 M13 MT ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
CoeffRes CoeffMN CoeffV CoeffT Class
Max CoeffMN:
6 0.00 -0.37 0.00 7.75 0.00 -19.73 -0.00 0
0.4604 0.4604 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffT:
1 0.00 -0.37 0.00 7.59 0.00 -19.32 0.14 0
0.4518 0.4518 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffV:
1 0.00 -0.37 0.00 7.59 0.00 -19.32 0.14 0
0.4518 0.4518 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffRes:
6 0.00 -0.37 0.00 7.75 0.00 -19.73 -0.00 0
0.4604 0.4604 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.90 - Section “pannello parete int v2 [Rectangular 5x105 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N V12 V13 M12 M13 MT ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
CoeffRes CoeffMN CoeffV CoeffT Class
Max CoeffMN:
5 0.00 -0.37 0.00 -8.01 0.00 20.45 -0.19 0
0.4129 0.4129 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffT:
1 0.00 -0.37 0.00 -7.80 0.00 19.90 -0.01 0
0.4006 0.4006 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffV:
1 0.00 -0.37 0.00 -7.80 0.00 19.90 -0.01 0
0.4006 0.4006 0.0000 0.0000 4
Max CoeffRes:
5 0.00 -0.37 0.00 -8.01 0.00 20.45 -0.19 0
0.4129 0.4129 0.0000 0.0000 4
Beam n.62 - Section “pannello parete ext1 [Rectangular 5x105 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Retention for buckling
starting Beam present present present (A)
(node 12)
Retention for buckling
ending Beam present present present (A)
(node 48)
Beam n.66 - Section “pannello parete ext2 [Rectangular 5x97 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 CoeffN CoeffNM12 CoeffNM13 Class
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Max CoeffN:
1 1.30 -0.30 0.00 -1.93 0.0022 0.0345 0.0472 4
Max CoeffNM13:
12 1.30 -0.29 0.00 4.64 0.0022 0.0813 0.1104 4
Max CoeffNM12:
12 1.30 -0.29 0.00 4.64 0.0022 0.0813 0.1104 4
Beam n.69 - Section “pannello parete ext3 [Rectangular 5x113 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Beam n.83 - Section “pannello parete int [Rectangular 91.7x5 cm s=0.05 cm]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
NOTE: in the parts of the text dedicated to the indication of the presence or absence of
disengagement for the heeling, if a restraint has been identified automatically by CMP appears
also the writing “(A)”:
Steel checks at ultimate limit state
Parameters meaning:
Ver: assumes the following meaning:
1 envelope that determines the maximum negative normal stress
2 envelope that determines the maximum positive normal stress
3 envelope that determines the shear 1-2 maximum negative
4 envelope that determines the shear 1-2 maximum positive
5 envelope that determines the shear 1-3 maximum negative
6 envelope that determines the shear 1-3 maximum positive
7 envelope that determines the maximum negative torque
8 envelope that determines the maximum positive torque
9 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum negative
10 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-2 maximum positive
11 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum negative
12 envelope that determines the bending moment 1-3 maximum positive
17 envelope that determines S1 maximum negative
18 envelope that determines S1 maximum positive
19 envelope that determines S2 maximum negative
20 envelope that determines S2 maximum positive
21 envelope that determines S3 maximum negative
22 envelope that determines S3 maximum positive
23 envelope that determines S4 maximum negative
24 envelope that determines S4 maximum positive
The symbols S1, S2, S3, S4 indicate the "combined sigma" and refer to the calculation of the fictitious stress
evaluated in hypothesis of linearity of the behavior of the material and indefinite resistance, whose maximization
identifies the most probable worst verification to buckling, evaluated with the formula (positive sigma indicates
N M12 M13
A W12 W13
(W are the resistance modules) on the four corners of the ideal rectangle with resistance modules equal to those
of the base section of the rod.
Dist: indicates the distance from the starting point of the tested section
Verification solicitations:
N = normal stress acting in the direction of the local axis 1
V12, V13 = cuts in direction 2 and 3
M12, M13 = bending moments acting in floors 12 and 13
MT = torque
The following verification method is adopted:
Compact sections: Classs 1-2, plastic verification
Slightly slender sections: Class 3, elastic check
Slender sections: Class 4, unverified; they can be forced to be considered as class 3 sections, with consequent
elastic verification.
The slender sections are subject to local buckling phenomena, therefore local analyzes must be performed on the
single elements making up the section, these checks are not carried out automatically by CMP.
ArmNMT = indicates the armature section involved in the verification of deflected pressure, shear and
torsion resistance
CoeffRes = exploitation coefficient of equal strength, for Classs 1 and 2, at most between CoeffMN,
CoeffV and CoeffT, while for Classs 3 and 4 is calculated as an elastic tension ratio.
CoeffMN = exploitation coefficient of biaxial bending moment and compression resistance
CoeffV = exploitation coefficient of shear strength (par.6.2.6 EC3); the shear strength tests are
differentiated between the case of sections of class 1 and 2, for which coeffV is calculated as the
sum of the ratio between the cutting agent and resistant in direction 2 and 3, and the sections of
class 3 and 4, for which coeffV is calculated as a stress ratio.
CoeffT = exploitation coefficient of torsion resistance
Class = classification of the section
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffMN>1, CoeffV>1, CoeffT>1)
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfied checks (CoeffN> 1, CoeffNM12> 1, CoeffNM13> 1)
Resistance of materials for Class 1-2-3-4 sections for SLU checks (t = section thickness)
fy (t<40mm) fy (t>40mm)
Material ID Material name M0
(N/mm²) (N/mm²)
n.28 S 235 235 215 1.05
The CoeffV, for the sections of class 1 and 2 and different from tubular and double T is also evaluated with the
elastic tangential tension ratio.
NOTE: the class 4 sections are forced to be considered as class 3 sections.
Beam n.22 - Section “IPE [IPE 140]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: thin wall profile
Ver Dist N V12 V13 M12 M13 MT ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
CoeffRes CoeffMN CoeffV CoeffT Class
Max CoeffT:
8 0.00 1.73 1.24 -11.31 -0.08 -3.64 0.07 0
0.1895 0.1895 0.1330 0.1614 1
Coefficient for distortion stability (only Steel World-EN15512 checks) db: 1
NOTE: in the parts of the text dedicated to the indication of the presence or absence of
disengagement for the heeling, if a restraint has been identified automatically by CMP appears
also the writing “(A)”:
Retention for buckling
ending Beam present (A) present (A) present
(nodo 6)
Beam n..147 - Section “Profile 180 [UPN 180]”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Summary of armor on the rod:
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: laminated
ArmNM = indicates the portion of reinforcement involved in the deviated bending check, followed by the
position of the bars on the positive and negative; checks are carried out with positions that are
lower or equal to positive positions and greater or equal to negative.
ArmT = indicates the armature section affected by the check, followed by the number of the bracketing
ArmNMT = indicates the portion of reinforcement involved in the deflected press-deflection check,
followed by the position of the bars in the positive, negative and bracket length
d2, d3 = heights useful for shear checks in direction 2 and 3
bw2, bw3 = widths useful for shear checks in direction 2 and 3
nst2, nst3 = number of arms useful for the shear checks V12 and V13 acting in direction 2 and 3
corr. = current longitudinal reinforcement
Pos = position of the longitudinal reinforcement bars
CoeffMN: indicates the coefficient of flexure and normal effort; given the stress triplet N, M12, M13, the
following ratio is defined as the exploitation coefficient (with the subscript "r" the last resistance
values are indicated):
CoeffMN 12 13
Nr Mr12 Mr13
CoeffV12, CoeffV13: indicate the shear exploitation ratios in direction 2 and 3. CoeffV12 is given by the
ratio between the computational shear V12 acting in direction 2 and the shear strength Vr12 in
direction 2. The same is true for CoeffV13. Vr12 and Vr13 are calculated according to par.6.2 of
EN 1992-1-1: 2005. For parameters not indicated in this paragraph, see the parameters of the
shear checks in the characteristics of the materials.
Type: this column may contain information on the type of verification
An asterisk next to a record identifies the unsatisfactory checks (CoeffMN> 1, CoeffV12> 1 and CoeffV13> 1).
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
17 0.00 -2.82 3.47 -0.05 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.3972 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.45 - Section “Montante3”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
23 0.00 -2.70 -3.65 -0.17 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.4267 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.46 - Section “Montante2”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
21 0.00 -2.72 -3.23 0.04 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.3693 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.47 - Section “Montante1”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
19 0.00 -2.59 2.84 0.18 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.3367 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.49 - Section “Trave porta”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
9 1.37 0.20 -0.86 1.01 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.6393 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.61 - Section “Sopra parete ext”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
3 0.53 0.11 -0.98 0.01 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.6331 0.0000 0.0000
Beam n.124 - Section “Pavimento”
Coord. Effort application point N (local plane 2-3): 0 m; 0 m
Basic Section up to the end of the rod
Section Type: bended profile
Ver Dist N M12 M13 V12 V13 ArmNMT
(m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
CoeffMN CoeffV12 CoeffV13 Type
Max CoeffMN:
3 0.60 0.14 0.00 1.16 0.00 0.00 0 (0,0,0)
0.7244 0.0000 0.0000
The cabin will be laid on a suitable reinforced concrete foundation. There are four anchor plates shown in the
attached drawing. The single connection is made by 10 mm thick L-shaped plate, two 10 mm diameter threaded
bars towards the cabin and one 16 mm diameter threaded bar towards the foundation.
Total constraint reaction
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S -4.41e-09 -9.61e-09 11.021154 11.545917 -29.03515 -2.00e-08
2S 2.994e-08 -7.38e-10 41.072501 43.016126 -106.7885 -3.09e-08
3S -1.03e-07 8.382e-09 41.902000 44.980750 -108.0767 1.305e-07
4S -2.20e-08 9.555e-10 23.100001 24.255001 -60.06000 2.462e-08
1D -12.92597 -1.198740 0.1883621 0.3160778 -34.13449 10.348702
2D -12.44109 -1.200102 -0.158585 -0.489529 -32.59087 9.2773693
3D -0.081214 -10.04018 -0.231766 25.007306 4.5605154 -28.25784
4D 0.1400207 -10.50783 0.3993352 26.226958 -1.373785 -25.01875
The verification of the basic anchorage to the foundation is performed by attributing all the seismic shear action
to a single anchorage. There are four anchors, therefore a multiplication coefficient is applied to the verification
equal to 4, higher than required by the regulations.
Check foundation side
In this paragraph, only the resistance check of the threaded bar an the resi stance of steel plate. The concrete
calculations is a referencial one and must be checked during the foundation design.
The connection is made by means of suitably prepared 16 mm diameter anchor bolts.
The screenshot of the calculation software shows Italian text. The result of the calculation is translated.
Shear strength of a single M16 bolt is 60.29 kN. Bearing resistance of plate is 33.28 kN.
These values are higher than the calculation values for the cabin.
The single connection is made by means of an 10 mm thick L-shaped plate, two 10 mm diameter threaded bars
towards the cabin and one 16 mm diameter threaded bar towards the foundation.
The checks performed are: shear verification of single bolt M10 class 8.8. Bearing resistance of plate.
The screenshot of the calculation software shows Italian text. The result of the calculation is translated.
Shear strength of a single M10 bolt is 22.27 kN. Bearing resistance of plate is 68.57 kN.
These values are higher than the calculation values for the cabin.
Antofagasta District
1. SYNTHETIC ILLUSTRATION OF THE PROJECT PATH ........................................................................... 4
1.1. PLACEMENT OF THE STRUCTURE .................................................................................................. 4
1.2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE ................................................................................ 5
1.3. TECHNICAL REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................ 5
1.4. PROJECT PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................. 5
1.5. TYPEAND CHARACTERISTICS OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ........................................................ 12
1.6. LOAD COMBINATIONS ................................................................................................................ 13
1.7. ANALYSIS METHOD ..................................................................................................................... 13
2. CALCOLO DELLE SOLLECITAZIONI AL PIEDE .................................................................................... 14
2.1. TRASFORMATORE ....................................................................................................................... 14
2.1.1. STATIC LOAD ........................................................................................................................... 16
2.1.2. WIND LOAD ............................................................................................................................. 17
2.1.3. SEISMIC ACTION ...................................................................................................................... 21
3. CHECK BASIC CONNECTIONS........................................................................................................... 24
The object of this report relates to the structural design of a cabin that contains systems serving a photovoltaic
camp called Sol de Lila solar camp.
The project will be located in the Antofagasta District.
This project relates to the calculation of the stresses at the base and the ground connections of some
instruments that will be housed on suitably prepared foundations which are not the subject of this report.
In particular, the instruments are:
Transformer with total weight 11350 kg.
Concreet 25,00 kN/m
Steel 78,50 kN/m
Own weight 11350 kg = 113.5 kN
Variable see next calculation
According to the regulation Nch 1537, paragraph 2, no additional overloads of use are to be considered since
the type of product does not fall within the scope of application of the regulation.
snow load for the area where the instruments will be located are equal to 0 kN/m , therefore no snow is
Wind speed distribution is calculated with the formula indicated by the regulation in point 7.10.
qz = 0.613 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * V * I
2 2
qz = 0.613 * 1.03 * 1 * 1 * 30 * 1 = 569 N/m
The previously calculated pressure must be multiplied by pressure coefficients that depend on the shape of the
structure. The structural typology can be classified as a partially open building. This structural typology is
explained in chapter 7.12 of the NCh 432 standard.
For the coverage, in the worst condition there is a depression coefficient of 1.3.
For this structure they are not considered exceptional actions such as collisions, fires and explosions. The
structural concept, the structural details and the materials used do not allow the structure to suffer damage
disproportionate to the possible causes related to this type of event.
If particular fire resistance characteristics of the structures are required and they cannot guarantee them, it is
necessary to provide them with adequate protection.
Chilean regulation NCh 433 and following, NCh 2369 and following.
The parameters that determine the seismic action are the following:
Due to the Chilean Seismic code, all equipment must have shear key or seismic stop, unless only 1/3 of the
anchor bolt resist the total shear force. This means that the shear force must be considered amplified by 3 in
order to avoid shear keys or seismic stop.
Bolt checks and steel side checks of the single connection are performed. Checks on the concrete side must be
performed by the foundation designer.
1) 1,4 D
2) 1,2 D + 0,5 S
3) 1,2 D + 1,6 S
4) 1,2 D + 1,6 W + 0,5 S
5) 1,2 D + 1,4 E + 0,2 S
6) 0,9 D + 1,6 W
7) 0,9 D + 1,4 E
D = dead load
L = internal live load
Lr = roof live load
E = seismic load
W = wind load
The calculation of the stresses acting at the instruments base and the relative anchors is using the simple
formulas of construction science. In particular, the geometric dimensions of the elements, the support and fixing
points, the mass and the position of the center of gravity of the masses will be considered.
The own weight will unload on the ground uniformly on all the support points, the wind will be applied uniformly
on all the surfaces with the previously calculated exposure coefficients. The earthquake will be applied as a
concentrated force in the center of gravity of the masses.
The height of the main body affected by the wind is 1900 mm.
It is considered a coincidence between the geometric center of gravity used for the calculation of the wind
resultant and the center of gravity of the masses used for the calculation of the resultant of the seismic actions.
The load condition in which only the static load is present is:
1) 1,4 D = 1.4 * 113.5 kN = 158.9 kN
This load is divided on 4 support points, therefore each single point is stressed with 39.7 kN.
A table is reported with the reactions to the foot of each individual support point schematized below.
2.1.2. WIND LOAD
The wind direction that produces the worst stress condition is that which affects the 2960 mm long wall. In favor
of safety, the same wind value is considered for both main directions.
Agent pressure: qz = 495 N / m
Pressure coefficients
Windward wall: 0.8
Leeward wall: -0.5
Sidewalls: 0.7 (this pressure is generally canceled because it acts simultaneously on the two sidewalls with
opposite directions)
Coverage -1.3 (lifting). We also consider a zero coefficient that maximizes vertical loads.
The forces acting on the surfaces are of constant value, therefore the resultant is applied to the geometric center
of gravity of the surface itself. The global coefficient deriving from the sum of the windward and leeward walls is
calculated. Cp_tot = 1.3
The acting loads are unloaded on the ground on four points positioned in a 1000 x 1000 mm square.
1.2 D = 1.2 * 113.5 kN = 136.2 kN
1.6 Wh = 1.6 * 3.62 kN = 5.80 kN (horizontal force)
1.6 Wv = 1.6 * 3.05 kN = 4.90 kN (vertical uplift force)
Two conditions are considered: condition with no uplift wind and condition with uplift wind.
The vertical force of the permanent load only is divided over 4 feet => every single foot unloads a stress equal to
34.05 kN downwards.
The horizontal wind creates a pair of vertical forces at the points of support given by the relationship:
5.80 * 1.20 / 1.00 = 6.96 kN
The pair of forces is released on two feet, therefore two points will have a downward force of 3.48 kN and two
points will have an upward force of 3.48 kN.
The horizontal wind creates a shear force at the support points which is divided into four points with a value of
1.45 kN.
Condition with uplift wind
The vertical force of the permanent load only is divided over 4 feet => every single foot unloads a stress equal to
32.8 kN downward.
The horizontal wind creates a pair of vertical forces at the points of support given by the relationship:
5.80 * 1.20 / 1.00 = 6.96 kN
The pair of forces is released on two feet, therefore two points will have a downward force of 3.48 kN and two
points will have an upward force of 3.48 kN.
The horizontal wind creates a shear force at the support points which is divided into four points with a value of
1.45 kN.
0.9 D = 0.9 * 113.5 kN = 102.2 kN
1.6 Wh = 1.6 * 3.62 kN = 5.80 kN (horizontal force)
1.6 Wv = 1.6 * 3.05 kN = 4.90 kN (vertical uplift force)
Two conditions are considered: condition with no uplift wind and condition with uplift wind.
The vertical force of the permanent load only is divided over 4 feet => every single foot unloads a stress equal to
25.6 kN downward.
The horizontal wind creates a pair of vertical forces at the points of support given by the relationship:
5.80 * 1.20 / 1.00 = 6.96 kN
The pair of forces is released on two feet, therefore two points will have a downward force of 3.48 kN and two
points will have an upward force of 3.48 kN.
The horizontal wind creates a shear force at the support points which is divided into four points with a value of
1.45 kN.
The vertical force of the permanent load only is divided over 4 feet => every single foot unloads a stress equal to
24.3 kN downward.
The horizontal wind creates a pair of vertical forces at the points of support given by the relationship:
5.80 * 1.20 / 1.00 = 6.96 kN
The pair of forces is released on two feet, therefore two points will have a downward force of 3.48 kN and two
points will have an upward force of 3.48 kN.
The horizontal wind creates a shear force at the support points which is divided into four points with a value of
1.45 kN.
The combination loads in which the earthquake appears are the following:
5) 1,2 D + 1,4 E
7) 0,9 D + 1,4 E
1.2 D = 1.2 * 113.5 kN = 136.2 kN
1.4 E = 1.4 * 45.4 kN = 63.56 kN horizontal earthquake
1.4 E = 1.4 * 30.27 kN = 42.38 kN vertical earthquake
The vertical force of the permanent load only is divided over 4 feet => every single foot unloads a stress equal to
34.1 kN downward.
The vertical earthquake force is divided over 4 feet => every single foot unloads a stress equal to 10.6 kN
upwards to the ground (worst condition).
The horizontal seismic action creates a pair of vertical forces at the points of support given by the relationship:
63.56 * 1.20 / 1.00 = 76.3 kN
The pair of forces is released on two feet, therefore two points will have 38.1 kN downward force and two points
will have 38.1 kN upward force.
The horizontal seismic action creates a cutting force at the support points that is divided over four points with a
value of 15.9 kN.
Due to the Chilean Seismic code, all equipment must have shear key or seismic stop, unless only 1/3 of the
anchor bolt resist the total shear force. This means that the shear force must be considered amplified by 3 in
order to avoid shear keys or seismic stop.
So seismic shear force is = 47.7 kN
0.9 D = 0.9 * 113.5 kN = 102.2 kN
1.4 E = 1.4 * 45.4 kN = 63.56 kN horizontal earthquake
1.4 E = 1.4 * 30.27 kN = 42.38 kN vertical earthquake
The vertical force of the permanent load only is divided over 4 feet => every single foot unloads a stress equal to
25.6 kN downward.
The vertical earthquake force is divided over 4 feet => every single foot unloads a stress equal to 10.6 kN
upwards to the ground (worst condition).
The horizontal seismic action creates a pair of vertical forces at the points of support given by the relationship:
63.56 * 1.20 / 1.00 = 76.3 kN
The pair of forces is released on two feet, therefore two points will have 38.1 kN downward force and two points
will have 38.1 kN upward force.
The horizontal seismic action creates a cutting force at the support points that is divided over four points with a
value of 15.9 kN.
Due to the Chilean Seismic code, all equipment must have shear key or seismic stop, unless only 1/3 of the
anchor bolt resist the total shear force. This means that the shear force must be considered amplified by 3 in
order to avoid shear keys or seismic stop.
So seismic shear force is = 47.7 kN
Positive downwards, negative upwards.
The transformer will be laid on a suitable reinforced concrete foundation. The design of the foundation and the
concrete side connection must be carried out by the designer of the reinforced concrete works.
The base element will have a larger hole of 34.3 mm in diameter to allow easier positioning of the element in
correspondence with the anchor bolts. The oversized hole must be filled with resin in order to have a perfect
solidarity between the anchor bolt and the transformer.
The worst tensile and shear stresses are considered agents at the same time.
N = -23.1 kN
T = 47.67 kN
The traction and shear verification of the 16 mm diameter anchor bolt is satisfied.
Antofagasta District
1. SYNTHETIC ILLUSTRATION OF THE PROJECT PATH ........................................................................... 4
1.1. PLACEMENT OF THE STRUCTURE .................................................................................................. 4
1.2. DESCRIZIONE GENERALE DELLA STRUTTURA................................................................................ 5
1.3. TECHNICAL REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................ 5
1.4. PROJECT PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................. 5
1.5. TYPEAND CHARACTERISTICS OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ........................................................ 13
1.6. CALCULATION CODE.................................................................................................................... 14
1.7. DESIGN AND MODELING CRITERIA ............................................................................................. 14
1.8. COMBINAZIONI DI CARICO.......................................................................................................... 15
1.9. ANALYSIS METHOD ..................................................................................................................... 16
2. BASIC STRESS CALCULATION ........................................................................................................... 18
2.1. WIND ........................................................................................................................................... 18
2.2. EARTHQUAKE .............................................................................................................................. 20
2.3. WIND ........................................................................................................................................... 20
3. CHECK BASIC CONNECTIONS........................................................................................................... 22
The object of this report is related to the structural design of the ground connection of a roof that covers a
transformer serving a photovoltaic system called Sol de Lila solar camp.
The Project will be located in the Antofagasta Region.
The present project relates to the calculation of the basic connections of a metal roofing structure for a
transformer which is independent of the metal cabin having an above ground floor. The metal structure will be
laid and fixed on a suitable reinforced concrete foundation not calculated in this report.
The structure is made with folded profiles that constitute pillars and beams. The roof is made with corrugated
sheet. The pillars have a hinge constraint at the base and a joint at the top.
Steel 78,50 kN/m
Roof panels (dead load) 0,10 kN/m
Roof live load 1.00 kN/m
snow load for the area where the instruments will be located are equal to 0 kN/m , therefore no snow is
Wind speed distribution is calculated with the formula indicated by the regulation in point 7.10.
qz = 0.613 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * V * I
2 2
qz = 0.613 * 1.03 * 1 * 1 * 30 * 1 = 569 N/m
The previously calculated pressure must be multiplied by pressure coefficients that depend on the shape of the
structure. The structural typology can be classified as a completely open building. This structural typology is
explained in chapter 7.13 of the NCh 432 standard.
The presence of the transformer produces an obstruction greater than 50%
Table to be used for wind incident perpendicular to the long side of the canopy.
Table to be used for wind incident perpendicular to the short side of the canopy.
The canopy has a wall fence that will have a specific drilling mesh. In favor of safety, a wind is considered acting
on the walls as if it were a full wall.
External pressure coefficients.
For this structure they are not considered exceptional actions such as collisions, fires and explosions. The
structural concept, the structural details and the materials used do not allow the structure to suffer damage
disproportionate to the possible causes related to this type of event.
If particular fire resistance characteristics of the structures are required and they cannot guarantee them, it is
necessary to provide them with adequate protection.
Chilean regulation NCh 433 and following, NCh 2369 and following.
The seismic action is calculated by dynamic modal analysis, according to the formula:
The parameters that determine the seismic action are the following:
Building category II I = 1.0
Seismic zone 3 A0 = 0.4g
The reduction factor R * is considered equal to 1 (no reduction)
Soil parameters category C
The Numerical Modeling of the structure, the re-elaboration of the results of the Finite Elements analysis, the
design-verification of the structural elements were carried out using the CMP program developed and distributed
by Namirial s.p.a. of Senigallia (AN). The finite element solver used is XFINEST of Ce.A.S. from Milan.
Geometry modeling
The structure is modeled by means of single-dimensional Beam elements with 2 nodes for the perimeter profiles
and two-dimensional Shell-like elements having 4 nodes for the corrugated sheet.
The XYZ global reference system is a Cartesian right-hand triplet with the vertical Z-axis facing upwards.
The local reference system 123 of the Beam-type elements is a Cartesian right-handed triplet with axis 1 having
the direction of the element, axis 2 definable by the user and axis 3 having the direction which completes the
The structure and its behavior under static and dynamic actions has been adequately evaluated, interpreted and
transferred to the model that is characterized by its completely three-dimensional approach.
The analysis of the structure is carried out according to the finite element method with approach in the
displacements, discretizing the structure in connected elements at the nodes, and assuming the components of
nodal displacement (translations and rotations) as unknowns of the problem. The solution to the problem is
obtained by solving a system of linear equations:
The elements not included in the calculation model have been sized using partial simplified schemes, estimating
the acting loads according to the relative areas of influence and imposing appropriate boundary constraints.
The determination of internal actions is conducted through "typical" formulas available in the literature. The
verification of the safety of the structural elements takes place according to the methods of Science and
Construction Technique, using manual formulas, ie spreadsheets.
The verification of the safety of the structural elements occurs with the methods of Construction Science.
Structural typology
The structural typology is that of structures having laminated metal profiles, press-folded profiles and sandwich
wall panels.
Limit states investigated
In general, for the purposes of safety, the criteria contemplated by the semi probabilistic method to the limit
states have been adopted. In particular, the requirements for safety at the ultimate limit state, at the operational
limit state, have been met for possible exceptional actions.
All structural elements have a hinge or joint constraint.
Static schemes
The classical static patterns of Construction Science have been used: hinge joint beam, stuck joint beam.
Modeling action
The weight of the Beam and Shell type elements is calculated automatically based on the characteristics of the
materials, the geometry of the elements and the following parameters:
1) 1,4 D
2) 1,2 D + 1,6 Lr
3) 1,2 D + 1,6 Lr + 0,8 W
4) 1,2 D + 1,6 W + 0,5 Lr
5) 1,2 D + 1,4 E
6) 0,9 D + 1,6 W
7) 0,9 D + 1,4 E
D = carico permanente
E = carico sismico
W = carico Wind
Lr = carico d’uso della copertura
The numerical analysis was carried out using the calculation program. For the seismic analysis, a dynamic linear
analysis was used in compliance with the standards indicated above. The verification procedures adopted follow
the calculation method to the ultimate limit / exercise limits.
The program performs dynamic analysis with the response spectrum method.
The system to be analyzed is seen as an oscillator with n degrees of freedom, whose own modes of vibration
must be identified. The number of frequencies to consider is an entry data that the user must assign. In general,
note that the number of vibration modes can not exceed the number of degrees of freedom of the system.
The procedure implements the dynamic analysis in two distinct phases: the first one deals with calculating the
own vibration frequencies, the second calculates displacements and stresses consequent to the response
spectrum assigned in input.
In the spectral analysis, the program uses the response spectrum assigned in input, in line with the provisions of
the law. Any spectrum in the global direction Z is unitary. The amplitude of the response spectra is determined
by the seismic parameters required by the regulations and assigned by the user.
The procedure initially calculates the modal participation coefficients for each direction of the earthquake and for
each frequency. These coefficients can be seen as the dynamic contribution of each vibration mode in the
assigned directions. It will therefore be possible to note in which direction the single mode of vibration has
predominant effects.
Then, for each vibration mode, the displacements and the stresses relative to each dynamic direction activated
are calculated. For each dynamic direction the global effect is calculated, due to the individual modes of
vibration, by the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual effects. A specific printing phase is
foreseen for these results. The last elaboration concerns the calculation of the total effects, obtained considering
all the dynamic directions applied.
The following are all the parameters used for modal analysis:
Calculation method used: LANCZOS
Mass matrices: CONSISTENT complete mass matrix
STURM Sequence Enabled
Rigid motion not allowed
Tolerance for eigenvalue calculation 0
Maximum number of iterations for the eigenvalue calculation 24
The modal analysis was carried out considering the model in phase 1.
CdC Launch Nome Tipo Spettro di Risposta ag/g Molt.X Molt.Y Molt.Z
1 1 Sisma SLV X Dx Sisma SLU X (Dy) CHILE 0.4 1 0 0
SottoTipo: SLV
2 2 Sisma SLV X Sx Sisma SLU X (Dy) CHILE 0.4 1 0 0
SottoTipo: SLV
3 3 Sisma SLV Y Dx Sisma SLU Y (Dy) CHILE 0.4 0 1 0
SottoTipo: SLV
4 4 Sisma SLV Y Sx Sisma SLU Y (Dy) CHILE 0.4 0 1 0
SottoTipo: SLV
The pillars are modeled with a hinge at the base and interlocking at the top.
2.1. WIND
For each Static Elementary Load Condition, Seismic Condition, Load Combination for Non-Linear
Analysis, the constraint reactions in the constrained nodes are reported
Rz = Force in the Z direction
Mx = Moment around the X axis
My = Moment around the Y axis
Mz = Moment around the Z axis
Node 1
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S 0.002090 0.050617 0.480493 0. 0. 0.
2S 0.004898 0.097555 0.565453 0. 0. 0.
3S 0.032332 0.650365 2.465924 0. 0. 0.
4S 0.506055 0.268835 1.016960 0. 0. 0.
5S 0.495074 0.157407 0.508501 0. 0. 0.
6S -0.35993 -1.60681 -3.70680 0. 0. 0.
7S -0.34731 -1.33393 -2.68552 0. 0. 0.
Node 2
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S 0.002090 -0.05062 0.480493 0. 0. 0.
2S 0.004898 -0.09755 0.565453 0. 0. 0.
3S 0.032332 -0.65037 2.465924 0. 0. 0.
4S 0.506055 -0.26883 1.016960 0. 0. 0.
5S 0.495074 -0.15741 0.508501 0. 0. 0.
6S -0.58569 -0.40612 -3.06226 0. 0. 0.
7S -0.57308 -0.67900 -2.04097 0. 0. 0.
Node 3
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S -5.0e-05 -0.00022 0.256692 0. 0. 0.
2S -0.00016 -0.00045 0.547265 0. 0. 0.
3S 5.47e-09 4.97e-05 1.052702 0. 0. 0.
4S 0.828579 1.035809 -0.66867 0. 0. 0.
5S 0.850876 1.035803 -0.67010 0. 0. 0.
6S -0.54804 -1.18992 -0.58749 0. 0. 0.
7S -0.54804 -1.18990 -0.17486 0. 0. 0.
Node 4
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S -5.0e-05 0.000215 0.256692 0. 0. 0.
2S -0.00016 0.000454 0.547265 0. 0. 0.
3S 5.47e-09 -5.0e-05 1.052702 0. 0. 0.
4S 0.828579 -1.03581 -0.66867 0. 0. 0.
5S 0.850876 -1.03580 -0.67010 0. 0. 0.
6S -0.92716 -0.58795 -0.59547 0. 0. 0.
7S -0.92716 -0.58797 -0.18283 0. 0. 0.
Node 5
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S -0.00215 0.009484 0.368555 0. 0. 0.
2S -0.00509 0.014847 0.640943 0. 0. 0.
3S -0.03233 0.098223 0.960378 0. 0. 0.
4S 1.395434 0.444250 -2.39005 0. 0. 0.
5S 1.384118 0.461038 -2.13817 0. 0. 0.
6S -1.06978 -1.28683 -1.10932 0. 0. 0.
7S -1.08240 -1.24561 -0.71971 0. 0. 0.
Node 6
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S 0.000219 -1.4e-18 0.409829 0. 0. 0.
2S 0.000709 1.33e-17 1.051645 0. 0. 0.
3S -2.0e-07 3.33e-17 3.011094 0. 0. 0.
4S 1.819864 -4.0e-15 -1.66387 0. 0. 0.
5S 1.819863 -5.7e-15 -1.14784 0. 0. 0.
6S -1.59588 -1.13875 -2.13056 0. 0. 0.
7S -1.59588 -1.13875 -0.86721 0. 0. 0.
Node 7
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S -0.00215 -0.00948 0.368555 0. 0. 0.
2S -0.00509 -0.01485 0.640943 0. 0. 0.
3S -0.03233 -0.09822 0.960378 0. 0. 0.
4S 1.395434 -0.44425 -2.39005 0. 0. 0.
5S 1.384118 -0.46104 -2.13817 0. 0. 0.
6S -1.29752 -0.86763 2.877700 0. 0. 0.
7S -1.31014 -0.90885 3.267307 0. 0. 0.
They will be combined according to the load combinations previously reported obtaining the
following maximum stresses.
2.3. WIND
For each Static Elementary Load Condition, Seismic Condition, Load Combination for Non-Linear
Analysis, the constraint reactions in the constrained nodes are reported
Node 1
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S 0.002090 0.050617 0.480493 0. 0. 0.
2S 0.004898 0.097555 0.565453 0. 0. 0.
3S 0.032332 0.650365 2.465924 0. 0. 0.
1D -3.10139 0.155347 -11.3542 0. 0. 0.
2D -1.79087 -0.16783 -6.67319 0. 0. 0.
3D 0.461648 -2.19910 -1.50105 0. 0. 0.
4D 0.818032 -2.39973 -1.05809 0. 0. 0.
Node 2
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S 0.002090 -0.05062 0.480493 0. 0. 0.
2S 0.004898 -0.09755 0.565453 0. 0. 0.
3S 0.032332 -0.65037 2.465924 0. 0. 0.
1D -1.78885 0.165891 -6.65862 0. 0. 0.
2D -3.09889 -0.15701 -11.3383 0. 0. 0.
3D -0.46165 -2.19910 1.501049 0. 0. 0.
4D -0.81803 -2.39973 1.058091 0. 0. 0.
Node 3
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S -5.0e-05 -0.00022 0.256692 0. 0. 0.
2S -0.00016 -0.00045 0.547265 0. 0. 0.
3S 5.47e-09 4.97e-05 1.052702 0. 0. 0.
1D -5.18740 -3.2e-05 -0.00623 0. 0. 0.
2D -2.99409 2.88e-05 0.005463 0. 0. 0.
3D 0.763246 -0.00035 -0.05201 0. 0. 0.
4D 1.359601 -0.00034 -0.04639 0. 0. 0.
Node 4
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S -5.0e-05 0.000215 0.256692 0. 0. 0.
2S -0.00016 0.000454 0.547265 0. 0. 0.
3S 5.47e-09 -5.0e-05 1.052702 0. 0. 0.
1D -2.99072 -3.0e-05 0.005552 0. 0. 0.
2D -5.18319 3.08e-05 -0.00609 0. 0. 0.
3D -0.76325 -0.00035 0.052010 0. 0. 0.
4D -1.35960 -0.00034 0.046389 0. 0. 0.
Node 5
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S -0.00215 0.009484 0.368555 0. 0. 0.
2S -0.00509 0.014847 0.640943 0. 0. 0.
3S -0.03233 0.098223 0.960378 0. 0. 0.
1D -3.10247 -0.45790 10.46675 0. 0. 0.
2D -1.78977 0.443485 7.450816 0. 0. 0.
3D 0.451322 -2.72414 -8.13866 0. 0. 0.
4D 0.808226 -2.21970 -8.21011 0. 0. 0.
Node 6
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S 0.000219 3.20e-18 0.409829 0. 0. 0.
2S 0.000709 -3.3e-18 1.051645 0. 0. 0.
3S -2.0e-07 6.33e-17 3.011094 0. 0. 0.
1D -0.00038 -0.79583 -0.03186 0. 0. 0.
2D -0.00038 0.785715 -0.03146 0. 0. 0.
3D 1.72e-15 -4.81440 -2.2e-13 0. 0. 0.
4D -2.8e-16 -3.93453 -9.1e-13 0. 0. 0.
Node 7
CdC Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
1S -0.00215 -0.00948 0.368555 0. 0. 0.
2S -0.00509 -0.01485 0.640943 0. 0. 0.
3S -0.03233 -0.09822 0.960378 0. 0. 0.
1D -1.78775 -0.44924 7.451181 0. 0. 0.
2D -3.09993 0.452132 10.46887 0. 0. 0.
3D -0.45132 -2.72414 8.138659 0. 0. 0.
4D -0.80823 -2.21970 8.210113 0. 0. 0.
They will be combined according to the load combinations previously reported obtaining the
following maximum stresses.
The worst shear and traction stresses are in the Wind condition.
The basic connection checks are performed with the maximum stresses acting in all directions.
Nmax = 5 kN (traction)
Tx max = 2.91 kN
Ty max = 2.44 kN
The two shear components are composed in a single value equal to 5.35 kN
Each pillar is connected to the base by means of a steel plate with a minimum thickness of 4 mm and
2 threaded bars with a diameter of 8 mm.
The resistance test of the threaded rod is carried out and the base plate is checked again. The
verification of the anchor on the concrete side is not performed and will be borne by the designer of
the foundation works.
In this paragraph, only the resistance check of the threaded bar an the resi stance of steel plate. The
concrete calculations is a referencial one and must be checked during the foundation design.
The screenshot of the calculation software shows Italian text. The result of the calculation is
Shear strength of a single M8 bolt is 14.82 kN. Bearing resistance of plate is 12.8 kN. Traction resi
stance of single M8 bolt is 22.23 kN.
These values are higher than the calculation values for the cabin.