The document summarizes the minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more. It outlines four competencies: [1] plan and conduct a passage and determine position, [2] use celestial and terrestrial navigation methods to determine position, [3] use electronic systems, charts, and publications to determine position and conduct navigation, [4] operate echo-sounding equipment and apply information correctly. For each competency it lists the required knowledge, methods for demonstrating competence, and criteria for evaluating competence.
The document summarizes the minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more. It outlines four competencies: [1] plan and conduct a passage and determine position, [2] use celestial and terrestrial navigation methods to determine position, [3] use electronic systems, charts, and publications to determine position and conduct navigation, [4] operate echo-sounding equipment and apply information correctly. For each competency it lists the required knowledge, methods for demonstrating competence, and criteria for evaluating competence.
The document summarizes the minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more. It outlines four competencies: [1] plan and conduct a passage and determine position, [2] use celestial and terrestrial navigation methods to determine position, [3] use electronic systems, charts, and publications to determine position and conduct navigation, [4] operate echo-sounding equipment and apply information correctly. For each competency it lists the required knowledge, methods for demonstrating competence, and criteria for evaluating competence.
The document summarizes the minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more. It outlines four competencies: [1] plan and conduct a passage and determine position, [2] use celestial and terrestrial navigation methods to determine position, [3] use electronic systems, charts, and publications to determine position and conduct navigation, [4] operate echo-sounding equipment and apply information correctly. For each competency it lists the required knowledge, methods for demonstrating competence, and criteria for evaluating competence.
STCW Code, as amended: Part A, Chapter II - Master and deck department
Table A-ll/1 Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more
Function: Navigation at the operational level
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for Competence and proficiency demonstrating competence evaluating competence Plan and Celestial navigation Examination and assessment of The information obtained from conduct a evidence obtained from one or nautical charts and publications passage and Ability to use celestial bodies to more of the following: is relevant, interpreted correctly determine determine the ship's position and properly applied. All .1 approved in-service position experience potential navigational hazards are Terrestrial and coastal navigation accurately identified .2 approved training ship Ability to determine the ship's experience The primary method of fixing position by use of: .3 approved simulator training, the ship's position is the most .1 landmarks where appropriate appropriate to the prevailing .2 aids to navigation, including .4 approved laboratory circumstances and conditions lighthouses, beacons and equipment training The position is determined buoys using chart catalogues, charts, within the limits of acceptable .3 dead reckoning, taking into instrument/system errors nautical publications, radio account winds, tides, currents navigational warnings, sextant, and estimated speed The reliability of the information azimuth mirror, electronic obtained from the primary navigation equipment, method of position fixing is echo-sounding equipment, checked at appropriate intervals compass Calculations and measurements of navigational information are accurate Thorough knowledge of and The charts selected are the ability to use nautical charts, largest scale suitable for the and publications, such as sailing area of navigation, and charts directions, tide tables, notices and publications are corrected to mariners, radio navigational in accordance with the latest warnings and ships' routeing information available information
Electronic systems o f position
fixing and navigation Ability to determine the ship's Performance checks and tests to position by use of electronic navigation systems comply with navigational aids manufacturer's recommendations and good navigational practice Echo-sounders
Annex A Curriculum Mapping of The Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation Based On The 1978 STCW Convention and Code Including The 2010 Manila Amendments