Table A-Ll/1 (Continued) Function: Navigation at The Operational Level (Continued)

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Standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers

Table A-ll/1 (continued)

Function: Navigation at the operational level (continued)

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating competence evaluating competence
Plan and Compass - magnetic and gyro
conduct a
passage and Knowledge of the principles of
determine magnetic and gyro-compasses
position Ability to determine errors of the Errors in magnetic and
(continued) magnetic and gyro-compasses, gyro-compasses are determined
using celestial and terrestrial and correctly applied to courses
means, and to allow for such and bearings
Steering control system

Knowledge of steering control The selection of the mode of

systems, operational procedures steering is the most suitable for
and change-over from manual the prevailing weather, sea and
to automatic control and vice traffic conditions and intended
versa. Adjustment of controls for manoeuvres
optimum performance

Ability to use and interpret Measurements and observations
information obtained from of weather conditions are
shipborne meteorological accurate and appropriate to the
instruments passage

Knowledge of the characteristics

of the various weather systems,
reporting procedures and
recording systems

Ability to apply the Meteorological information is

meteorological information correctly interpreted and applied


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