A4 - Final Assessment

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COURSE NAV 6 – Operational Use of ECDIS

Title A4 – Final Assessment

Allocated Time for Briefing 10 minutes
Allocated Time for the Creation of
15 minutes
Voyage Plan
Duration Allocated Time for the Monitoring of 15 minutes
Voyage Plan
Allocated Time for Debriefing 15 minutes
Total Time of Simulation 55 minutes
Table A – II/1
STCW Table Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a
navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more
Alignment to Function Competence KUP
Navigation at Use of ECDIS to Proficiency in operation, interpretation,
the operational maintain the safety and analysis of information obtained
level of navigation from ECDIS, including:
a. use of functions that are integrated
with other navigation systems in
various installations, including
proper functioning and adjustment
to desired settings
b. safe monitoring and adjustment of
information, including own position,
sea area display, mode and
orientation, chart data displayed,
route monitoring, user-created
information layers, contacts (when
interfaced with AIS and/or radar
tracking) and radar overlay functions
(when interfaced)
Exercise  Create a route plan in ECDIS
Outcome  Monitor the prepared route plan in ECDIS
Ship Bridge Simulator with ECDIS or Standalone ECDIS with Ship Data
Scenario The Port State Control officer wanted every deck officer to demonstrate the use of
Description ECDIS by activating different functions.
Ship Model: BULKC12B (Ballast)
Initial Conditions Ship Particulars Dimensions: L = 289.0 m; B = 45.0 m; D = 8.97 m
Deadweight: 177,173 t
Geographical Area Singapore Strait
Initial Position Lat 1°15.440’N, Long 103°52.180'E
Local Time 10:50
Navigational Status At anchor/Engine stopped
Wind NIL
Current NIL
Weather Conditions Calm Seas
Loading condition Ballast Condition
o Orientation: North-up, Relative Display
o Scale: Nominal
o Palette: Day
Navigational Equipment
o Target: OFF
 Echosounder: ON
 Doppler Log: ON
 Radar/ARPA: TX
Voyage Plan NIL
Instructor’s Simulation Preparations:
Actions 1. Proceed to the simulation room and check all stations are working
2. Load and verify the pre-configured exercise.
3. Set-up bridge stations according to their initial navigational equipment
4. Set-up TightVNC Viewer for all ECDIS stations from the instructor’s

5. Verify Student’s Attendance.
6. Remind the students about the policies and procedures on the use of the
7. Distribute the exercise plan to the students.
8. Explain the relevance of the scenario and the competency being assessed
taking into consideration the bearing of the exercise to shipboard
9. Explain the significance of the performance standards and criteria.
10. Explain the scenario description.
11. State critical performance requirements, passing criteria / marks and the
“failure state” and critical criterion and the final rating of the exercise.
12. State a that the simulation can be repeated till the learner has grasp the
intend objective of the outcome.
13. State the monitoring procedures of the exercise.
14. State that the simulation will be recorded and monitored through.
15. Ask comments and verification from students, if none let the students
proceed to the simulations area.

16. Assign students to their corresponding bridge stations.
17. Allocate time for preparation.
18. When everything is ready, simultaneously start the simulation.
19. Monitor the students’ progress through the TightVNC. Alternatively, the
instructor can monitor the student’s progress by individual checking every
bridge station.
20. Each performance task has 1-minute time allocation.
21. Stop the scenario after 12 minutes.
22. Save the exercises in the system for objective evidences for the conduct
of the simulation exercise.
23. Instruct the students to proceed to the briefing room.

Remind students the duration of the Exercise scenario.
1. During the debriefing phase, the start with providing a general review of
how the students performed during the scenario by revisiting the
instructions from the briefing phase.
2. Randomly call out a student that has executed the exercise properly and
let him or her explain.
3. Cite errors during the exercise and explain how it should be done.
1. Conduct the exercise safely.
2. Follow instructions.
3. Demonstrate the required performance within allocated time.

Performance Criteria Performance Standard Score

1. Setup ECDIS parameter Display Themes: Standard Display

for voyage planning
Display other chart layers:
 Depth contours
 Soundings, including deep soundings
 Cables/Wrecks
 Land details
 Place names
 Seabed text
Set depth contours:
 Safety depth: 12 metres
 Safety contour: 12 metres 4
 Shallow contours: 10 metres
 Deep contours: 20 metres
Set the default route setting:
 Cruise speed: 15 knots
 Maximum speed: 17.2 knots 4
 Turn radius: 5 cables
 Offtrack limit: 5 cables
Set route display parameters for editing mode: 6
 Waypoint name: ON
 Planned speed: ON
 Next course: ON
 Turn point: ON
 Offtrack limit: ON
Performance Criteria Performance Standard Score

 Distance tags: ON
 All other parameters: OFF
2. Create a voyage plan by  Departure: Lat 1°15.4'N, Long 103°46.9’E
alphanumeric inputs and  Arrival: Lat 01° 14.2289' N 103° 53.3179' E
graphical editor (Eastern Holding B Anchorage, AEHB)

 Route plan is SAFE for navigation:

o Followed the general direction of the traffic
and within the limits of the traffic lanes. 3
o Track avoids shallow areas.
o Track avoids hazards to navigation.
 Each waypoint and leg have appropriate settings:
o Planned speed
o Turning radius
o Offtrack limit
 Route plan is properly validated.
o Save route as [LASTNAME-SECTION]
o Acceptable warnings only.
o No grounding errors.
3. Setup ECDIS parameter Display Themes: Standard Display 1
for route monitoring
Display other chart layers: 3
 Depth contours
 Soundings, including deep soundings
 Cables/Wrecks
Set depth contours: 4
 Safety depth: 12 metres
 Safety contour: 12 metres
 Shallow contours: 10 metres
 Deep contours: 20 metres
Set route display parameters for route monitoring: 5
 Planned speed: ON
 Next course: ON
 Turn point: ON
 Distance tags: ON
 All other parameters: OFF
 Monitor planned route 1

 Display Route Monitor 1

4. Maintain safe navigation  Navigate the ship according to the planned route 1
with ECDIS
 Obtain position fix by Radar range and bearing 1
within ± 100 metres from GPS position
 Display AIS and ARPA targets 1

 Maintain safe distance of 0.1 nm from all ships and 1

50 m from buoys
Performance Criteria Performance Standard Score

 Add Text Notes to the chart: As instructed 1

 Maintain speed between 5 to 15 knots. 1

 Stop engine / Astern propulsion (Penalty) -1

Failure State: The examinee will be rated “FAILED” when any of the following is committed.

1. The student was not able to obtain passing marks by the end of the scenario.

Result: After the exercise, the result of the exercise will be advised by instructor.

Total Marks 14 points or 100 %

Grade Passing Marks (Competent) 14 pts or 100 %

Failing Marks (Not Yet Competent) 13 pts and Below or Below 100 %

Simulator The simulator is configured with the following:

Configurations  Separate Bridges

Re-Sit Refer to School’s Assessment Manual

Appeals and
Objections Refer to School’s Assessment Manual

Prepared by: Validated by: Approved by:

PERIOD: Capt. Alvin Selisana Capt. Edmundo Laurente C/E Christalyn Chiong

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