STCW Table A II 3
STCW Table A II 3
STCW Table A II 3
Reporting in accordance
with General Principles for
Ship Reporting Systems and
with VTS procedures
.1 restricted waters
.2 meteorological
.3 ice
.4 restricted visibility
.5 traffic separation
.1 approved training
ship experience
.2 approved ECDIS
simulator training
Table A-II/3 -3-
Knowledge of the
characteristics of the various
weather systems, reporting
procedures and recording
Ability to apply the Meteorological information is
meteorological information evaluated and applied to
available maintain the safe passage of
the vessel
-4- Table A-II/3
.1 emergency steering
.4 assisting a vessel in
.5 appreciation of the
action to be taken when
emergencies arise in
Respond to a Search and rescue Examination and The distress or emergency
distress signal at assessment of evidence signal is immediately
sea Knowledge of the contents obtained from practical recognized
of the International instruction or approved
Aeronautical and Maritime simulator training, Contingency plans and
Search and Rescue where appropriate instructions in standing orders
(IAMSAR) Manual are implemented and
complied with
-6- Table A-II/3
Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the
operational level