Final - AGM Template Script
Final - AGM Template Script
Final - AGM Template Script
Pre-AGM (11:00-12:00)
The Chat Management / Motions Results Manager (CMM) will let us know when
we have enough registrants logged on to begin and will welcome everyone and
give them instructions. e.g. mute, chat, etc.
Slide 1: Welcome and Call to Order
(Main Presenter)
Welcome to the [number] AGM for [organization name]. We’re so glad you
could join us. My name is [name] and I am Chair of the Board of Directors of
[organization name].
The AGM should last less than 30 minutes. We have a lot of people joining
us today on this webinar, so we’ve muted participant lines to reduce noise
If you experience any issues, you can email [email] or call [phone number].
Chat and Motions Manager to confirm the number of people present and
make a note to the Main Presenter. We need [insert number] present to reach
quorum and start the meeting.
Slide 1: Welcome and Call to Order
(Main Presenter)
It is my pleasure to call our AGM to order.
You will see we will be using “poll questions” for voting purposes. When there
is an opportunity to vote for a motion, you will be asked to vote “in favour,
opposed or abstain”. Use your keyboard to choose the option you prefer.
To make a motion or second a motion, please use the “chat” function on the
side of the screen and type in “I move, or I second” and include your full name
and organization.
All members who were in good standing 45 days in advance of our AGM are
eligible to vote and received an AGM package (the agenda, proxy form, minutes
from last year, and audit financial statements) by email. This package included
all resolutions that will be debated or voted upon today.
Slide 3: Motions #1-2 (Main
Motion #1: May I have a motion to approve the Agenda? A seconder?
Confirm with Chat and Motions Manager.
Approval of AGM Minutes: The [insert year] AGM minutes were sent to all
members by email in advance of this meeting. Are there are any questions,
comments, or corrections?
Wait to see if there are questions, comments, or corrections.
Motion #2: May I have a motion to approve the [insert date] AGM minutes? A
Confirm with Chat and Motions Manager.
Slide 4: Audit and Appointment
of Auditor (Audit Presenter)
We have completed our financial year ending [insert date]. Members received
the audit by email in advance of this meeting. Here are some highlights...
[insert highlights].
This motion has been passed. Thank you. [Insert organization name] would like
to re-appoint [insert company name] as our audit firm for [insert year].
Motion #4: May I have a motion to approve [insert company] as the auditor for
[insert organization name] for fiscal year [insert year]? A seconder?
Confirm with Chat and Motions Manager.
Slide 6-7: Returning Directors
(Main Presenter)
Thank you, Treasurer. Our by-laws allow us to have [insert number] board
members. We current have [insert number] board members who will be
We currently have [insert number] board member[s] who has completed their
[insert number] year term and is not standing for re-election. If applicable,
share name of board member[s] who is not standing for re-election.
Slide 7 [if applicable]: We would like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing
board members for their commitment to [insert organization name] over the
past [insert number] years.
Presenter to add any personal comments about the report and use slides 9 to 11
to highlight the Annual Report.
Slide 12: Adjournment (Main
And that wraps up the official portion of our AGM. We will officially adjourn the
business meeting and move on to the presentation. Thank you for all of your
Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to type them in the chat room
or email or call us at any time.
Wait and confirm with Chat and Motions Manager to see if any questions arise.
Resources and
ONN has created a Virtual AGM Facilitation Guide
and a Virtual AGM Critical Path Template. You can
find these resources and other COVID-19 related
resources at the ONN COVID-19 resource page.
Questions and
We welcome your feedback about this template
script for virtual AGM. Have questions or
additional resources to support nonprofits with