Phenyl Acetonitrile: Health and Senior Services Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet On Hydrogen Cyanide
Phenyl Acetonitrile: Health and Senior Services Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet On Hydrogen Cyanide
Phenyl Acetonitrile: Health and Senior Services Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet On Hydrogen Cyanide
This Fact Sheet is a summary source of information of all Request copies of your medical testing. You have a legal
potential and most severe health hazards that may result from right to this information under OSHA 1910.1020.
exposure. Duration of exposure, concentration of the
substance and other factors will affect your susceptibility to Mixed Exposures
any of the potential effects described below. * Because smoking can cause heart disease, as well as lung
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- cancer, emphysema, and other respiratory problems, it may
worsen respiratory conditions caused by chemical
HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION exposure. Even if you have smoked for a long time,
stopping now will reduce your risk of developing health
Acute Health Effects problems.
The following acute (short-term) health effects may occur
immediately or shortly after exposure to Phenyl Acetonitrile: WORKPLACE CONTROLS AND PRACTICES
* Contact can irritate and burn the skin and eyes. Unless a less toxic chemical can be substituted for a hazardous
* Breathing Phenyl Acetonitrile can irritate the nose and substance, ENGINEERING CONTROLS are the most
throat causing coughing and wheezing. effective way of reducing exposure. The best protection is to
* High exposure to Phenyl Acetonitrile can cause enclose operations and/or provide local exhaust ventilation at
headache, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and confusion. the site of chemical release. Isolating operations can also
Higher levels can cause convulsions and death. reduce exposure. Using respirators or protective equipment is
less effective than the controls mentioned above, but is
Chronic Health Effects sometimes necessary.
The following chronic (long-term) health effects can occur at
some time after exposure to Phenyl Acetonitrile and can last In evaluating the controls present in your workplace, consider:
for months or years: (1) how hazardous the substance is, (2) how much of the
substance is released into the workplace and (3) whether
Cancer Hazard harmful skin or eye contact could occur. Special controls
* According to the information presently available to the should be in place for highly toxic chemicals or when
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, significant skin, eye, or breathing exposures are possible.
Phenyl Acetonitrile has not been tested for its ability to
cause cancer in animals. In addition, the following control is recommended:
The following information is available from:
Medical Evaluation
If you think you are becoming sick because of exposure to
chemicals at your workplace, you may call personnel at the
Department of Health and Senior Services, Occupational
Health Service, who can help you find the information you
Public Presentations
Presentations and educational programs on occupational
health or the Right to Know Act can be organized for labor
unions, trade associations and other groups.
ACGIH is the American Conference of Governmental A mutagen is a substance that causes mutations. A mutation
Industrial Hygienists. It recommends upper limits (called is a change in the genetic material in a body cell. Mutations
TLVs) for exposure to workplace chemicals. can lead to birth defects, miscarriages, or cancer.
A carcinogen is a substance that causes cancer. NAERG is the North American Emergency Response
Guidebook. It was jointly developed by Transport Canada,
The CAS number is assigned by the Chemical Abstracts the United States Department of Transportation and the
Service to identify a specific chemical. Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of Mexico.
It is a guide for first responders to quickly identify the specific
A combustible substance is a solid, liquid or gas that will or generic hazards of material involved in a transportation
burn. incident, and to protect themselves and the general public
during the initial response phase of the incident.
A corrosive substance is a gas, liquid or solid that causes
irreversible damage to human tissue or containers. NCI is the National Cancer Institute, a federal agency that
determines the cancer-causing potential of chemicals.
DEP is the New Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection. NFPA is the National Fire Protection Association. It
classifies substances according to their fire and explosion
DOT is the Department of Transportation, the federal agency hazard.
that regulates the transportation of chemicals.
NIOSH is the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
EPA is the Environmental Protection Agency, the federal Health. It tests equipment, evaluates and approves respirators,
agency responsible for regulating environmental hazards. conducts studies of workplace hazards, and proposes
standards to OSHA.
A fetus is an unborn human or animal.
NTP is the National Toxicology Program which tests
A flammable substance is a solid, liquid, vapor or gas that chemicals and reviews evidence for cancer.
will ignite easily and burn rapidly.
OSHA is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
The flash point is the temperature at which a liquid or solid which adopts and enforces health and safety standards.
gives off vapor that can form a flammable mixture with air.
PEOSHA is the Public Employees Occupational Safety and
HHAG is the Human Health Assessment Group of the federal Health Act, a state law which sets PELs for New Jersey public
EPA. employees.
IARC is the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a ppm means parts of a substance per million parts of air. It is a
scientific group that classifies chemicals according to their measure of concentration by volume in air.
cancer-causing potential.
A reactive substance is a solid, liquid or gas that releases
A miscible substance is a liquid or gas that will evenly energy under certain conditions.
dissolve in another.
A teratogen is a substance that causes birth defects by
mg/m3 means milligrams of a chemical in a cubic meter of damaging the fetus.
air. It is a measure of concentration (weight/volume).
TLV is the Threshold Limit Value, the workplace exposure
MSHA is the Mine Safety and Health Administration, the limit recommended by ACGIH.
federal agency that regulates mining. It also evaluates and
approves respirators. The vapor pressure is a measure of how readily a liquid or a
solid mixes with air at its surface. A higher vapor pressure
indicates a higher concentration of the substance in air and
therefore increases the likelihood of breathing it in.
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