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policy noun a way of doing things that has been officially agreed and
chosen by a political party, business, or organization
principle noun a moral rule or set of ideas about what is right and
wrong, that influences how you behave; the basic idea
that a plan or system is based on; a rule that explains the
way something works
proceed verb to continue to do something that has already been
planned or started
process noun a series of actions, developments, or changes that happen
naturally; a series of actions that someone does to
achieve a particular result
require verb to need something
research noun serious study of a subject that is intended to discover
new facts about it
respond verb to react to something that has been said or done
role noun the position, job, or function, of someone or something
has in a particular situation or activity
section noun one of the parts that an object, group, place, etc. is divid-
ed into
sector noun a part of an area of activity, especially of business, in-
dustry, or trade
significant adjective noticeable or important
similar adjective almost the same but not exactly the same
source noun the thing, place, person, etc. that you get something
from; the cause of a problem, or the place where it starts;
a person place, or document that you get information
specific adjective detailed and exact
structure noun the way something is set up or organized; organization
theory noun an idea that explains how something works, why some-
thing happens, etc., especially something that has not yet
been proven true
vary verb if several things of the same type vary, they are all dif-
ferent from each other
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals: English Language Department
positive adjective if you are positive about things, you are hopeful and confident,
and think about what is good in a situation rather than what is