HCM Hcm-Wacs Setup Guide
HCM Hcm-Wacs Setup Guide
HCM Hcm-Wacs Setup Guide
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Configurations for Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Integration to Oracle
Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service, Release 20C
December 2020
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Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
PREFACE .................................................................................................. 5
AUDIENCE........................................................................................................................................... 5
DOCUMENTATION AND ACCESSIBILITY ...................................................................................................... 5
ACCESS TO ORACLE SUPPORT ................................................................................................................. 5
ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 5
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
BUSINESS RULES ................................................................................................................................ 40
ORACLE HCM CLOUD EMPLOYEE UNAVAILABILITY ................................................................................... 41
EXTRACT UPLOAD .............................................................................................................................. 41
VERIFY RUN SCREEN ........................................................................................................................... 42
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Welcome to the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM
Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service Setup Guide. This document
focuses on the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud configurations.
• Audience
• Abbreviations
This document is intended for anyone implementing the integration between Oracle Human
Capital Management Cloud and Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service.
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or
Terms Expanded Form
HCM Oracle Human Capital Management
WACS Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
OIC Oracle Integration Cloud
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Chapter 1: Configuration Overview
To configure Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud in the integration, perform the
following steps in the order mentioned:
This chapter focuses on the Employee integration and configuration details of employees in
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud. It includes the following:
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Chapter 2: Employee Integration
This chapter focuses on the Employee integration and configuration details of employees in
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud. It includes the following:
• Integration Overview
• Oracle HCM Cloud Configuration for Employee
Integration Overview
This section covers basic integration overview for employee integration. Oracle Human Capital
Management Cloud (Employee) is the central repository of Employee records.
Key attributes will be captured from Oracle HCM Cloud and synced with Oracle Utilities Work
and Asset Cloud Service in two modes:
This seamless integration between Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud and Oracle
Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service helps to maintain the same Employee definition across
both platforms.
For information about implementing Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud, see:
Bulk Upload
Bulk Upload is an initial upload from Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud to Oracle
Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service where all Employee definitions are exported to UCM in
XML format through Data Exchange that is inbuilt functionality of ERP. Use the filter to select an
employee in the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud module. The business may choose
to import records based on filter as per business requirement. Only Active employees in the
system are part of the integration.
A few examples of attributes that will be passed to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud
Service in this integration are Personal Number, Legal Entity, Address, email ID, Employee type,
rate, assignment, job role. Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud schema will need a
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
mapping with Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service and each field attribute will be
mapped to the corresponding value in Oracle Integration Cloud. These values will have a DVM
for mapping between Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Human Capital
Management Cloud.
Incremental Update
The incremental upload will be a specific scenario, where Atom Feeds handle sync for a set of
changes made within employee definition. Filter Criterion for Increment will be similar to bulk,
where it will only send data Applied in the bulk filter.
• Empassignment
• EmpUpdate
• Newhire
• termination
• Creating a Profile
• Value Sets
• Extract Upload
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Creating a Profile
A user profile is a set of changeable options that affect the way Oracle applications appear and
how they function. Oracle applications use a set of user profile options that are common to all
the applications. In addition, each module has its own unique set of user profile options.
Step 1
1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Search > Manage Profile Options.
2. Click + to create a profile.
Profile Display Name:: "HCM : WACS Job Rate Annual Hours"
Application: Fast Formula
Module: Global Human Resources
Description: Global Human Resources
*Start Date: 1/1/51
3. Click Save.
4. Select the Record under “Search Results : Profile Options”
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
5. Enable the levels as shown in the figure below.
Step 2
1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Search > Manage Administrator Profile Values and
search for the “HCM_WACS_JOB_RATE_ANNUAL_HRS_PRF” profile.
2. Select the record under “Search Results : Profile Options”
3. Click + in the Profile Values section. Add the annual hours value.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
4. Select Site in the Profile Level drop-down list. Profile Value indicates the number of
working hours in an Organization Year.
This profile value is used for the salary annual rate calculation. The above figure shows the
default value 2080; it is the number of working hours in a year. Note that the hours vary based
on the working days in an organization (to be used as per business case).
Value Sets
Step 3
1. Login to the system with appropriate user/role.
2. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Search > Manage Value Sets for Global Human
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
3. Search on Manage Value Sets for Global Human Resources (Workforce Structures).
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
b. To create the Annual Rate Value Sets:
i. Log into the system with appropriate user/role.
ii. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Search.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
iii. Search for “Manage Value Sets for Global Human Resources” (Workforce
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Description HCM : WACS Get profile Job Annual Hours
* Module Global Human Resources
Validation Type Table
Value Data Type Number
*FROM Clause
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
4. Navigate to the “HCM_WACS_MANAGER_TYPE_VS” Value Set page.
5. Create a new value set and provide the details as below.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
3. Search for Setup and maintenance > Search > Manage Value Sets for Global Human
Resources” (Workforce Structures).
4. Create new value set and provide the details as below.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Extract Upload
Make sure to upload the extract after all the configuration are done for all the
Employee/Craft/Absence sections.
Important! Verify that Profile, Value sets and Fast formula are uploaded before running the
extract upload process.
To extract upload:
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
5. Compile the extract. After successful compilation, click Validate.
6. Save the extract.
7. Query the extract. Navigate to Advanced and click Extract execution Tree. When the status
is green, validate it. Save and close.
9. Enter a definition to lock the extract. After successful lock, save and close.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
To verify the Run page:
1. Check all the value sets and mandatory fields set. The Lookup values also are reflected in
the window.
2. To refine the extract, search for extract and navigate to Parameters > Edit.
3. Click Legal Entity. Search and add the Legal Entity “LegalEmployerPVO” Smart LOV.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
4. Verify if the Submit Extract page is populated with the values in the respective fields.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
5. Verify if the Manager Type, Legal Entity and Annual Rate fields are populated with values
as per the configuration.
Note that after the report is submitted, the report extract is available in UCM for the Oracle
Integration Cloud process.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Chapter 3: Craft Integration
This chapter focuses on the overview and configuration for Craft/Jobs integration. It includes
the following:
• Integration Overview
• Oracle HCM Cloud Configuration for Craft
Integration Overview
This section covers basic integration overview for Craft/Jobs integration. Oracle Human Capital
Management Cloud (Jobs) is the central repository for the Jobs records.
The key attributes are captured from Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud and synced
with Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service using two modes:
This seamless integration between Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud and Oracle
Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service helps to have the same Jobs and Grades rates
(summarized) defined across both platforms.
The goal of this integration is to create a central depository of Jobs in Oracle Human Capital
Management Cloud which is primarily mapped to Principle Craft in Oracle Utilities Work and
Asset Cloud Service. The integration has the ability to synchronize crafts and related craft rates
from Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud
Bulk Upload
Bulk Upload will be an initial upload from Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud to Oracle
Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service, where all Job/Craft information is extracted in UCM
using XML format through Data Exchange that is the inbuilt functionality of ERP. The selection
of the craft/jobs in the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud module is done using an
extensible flexfeild that stores a value if it is Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service job or
not. Only Active Jobs in the system are part of the integration.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Incremental Update
The incremental upload will handle sync for a set of changes made within job information.
Jobs extract report has the listed mandatory parameters (Job Set, Annual Rate and Effective
This report extract will have both Crafts and corresponding rates, which will be handled in
Oracle Integration Cloud using one service. (This is one-way integration from Oracle Human
Capital Management Cloud to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service.)
• The integration timeline needs to be decided by a business that can be scheduled in the
BI report setup. (Incremental report will take only the changes from
last run date - delta and new records).
• Filter criteria in Job extract:
o Job-status is ACTIVE (Bulk), INACTIVE/INACTIVE (Incremental)
o Initial load , only active jobs are interfaced and incremental load both Active and
Inactive jobs are interfaced.
o WACS JOB (Flexfield is set to YES)
o Job Set (Based on Legislative Unit - can be global or specific to one legislative
unit): Mandatory
o Effective Date: Mandatory
JOB HCM Extract extracts the data based on the effective date and need to be
decided before executing /scheduling the report.
Business Rules
• Craft rate is derived from the grades linked to Job.
• If multiple rates (Hourly, weekly, yearly, etc.) are attached to the single grade then
maximum annual factor (hourly) grade is considered for the average calculation.
• After the initial run, for all next report run:
o Check if there is a change in Craft rate (If X=X go to step2, X !=X- Go to Step3).
o If no change = Effective date should be the same
o If the rate is changed, update the rate with an effective date of the assignment.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Sample Craft Rate
The craft rate will be average from all the average grades of the Job. (In the following example,
the average rate will be 15 that will be sync to craft rate in Oracle Utilities Work and Asset
Cloud Service.
• Manual addition of expense account for Craft and attach at the craft level. This is a
prerequisite to the integration.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
4. Click Edit.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
7. Click Add (+).
Enabled: YES
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
9. Click Save.
10. Navigate to Context Sensitive Segments and click + to add a segment. Fill the data as shown
in the figure below.
Prompt: WACS_JOB
BI Enabled: Yes
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
11. Click Save and Close.
12. Select the search result and click Add.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
13. Search for “WACS_JOB”. Click Apply and then click OK. The Associate page is shown as
below after the Associated context is attached.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
14. Click Save and Close.
15. Deploy Flexfield as shown below and make sure that the deployment status is highlighted in
1. Query any job that needs to be attached. Filter WACS JOB and attach EFF.
2. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance> Search > Manage Jobs.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
4. Click the job name and edit it.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Fast formula
To use the Fast Formula file from the package available for Job extract:
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
3. Take the text file (HCM_WACS_JOB_RATE_FF.txt) from the accelerator package and paste
the code to Fast Formulas.
Type: Extract Rule
Effective Start Date: 1/1/51
Description: HCM : WACS JOB Rate Calculation
4. Save it and click Compile.
Use the “.xdo.calatalog” file from package to a specified folder: Shared > Custom >
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
4. Use the files in the package with an extension of “xdo.catalog”.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Extract Upload
To extract an upload:
1. Navigate to Tools > Report and Analytics > Data Exchange > HCM Extract.
2. Click Upload and Browse.
3. Upload the extract file “HCM_JOB_WACS”.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
4. Click Compile and Validate.
5. Query the extract. Navigate to Advanced and click Extract Execution Tree.
6. After the Compile Status is green, click Save and Close.
7. Click the extract definition. Lock and save it.
8. Check all the value sets and mandatory fields are set.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
11. On the Submit Extracts page, search for the job extract.
12. Click the Extract Name and verify the Legislative Group and Job Set values.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Chapter 4: Employee Unavailability Integration
This chapter focuses on the overview and Oracle HCM Employee Unavailability integration. It
includes the following:
• Integration Overview
• Oracle HCM Cloud Employee Unavailability
Integration Overview
This section provides an overview of Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud absence
integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service (Employee Unavailability). It
focuses on integration requirements and the business standpoint of the functionality.
• Sync absence from Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud to Oracle Utilities Work
and Asset Cloud system for employees
Oracle Cloud Absences Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud provides the
features to satisfy the following basic business needs.
This seamless integration between Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud and Oracle
Utilities Work and Asset Cloud helps to have the same Employee absence across both
The integration will support Bulk upload and incremental updates to Oracle Utilities Work and
Asset Cloud Service.
The scope of the absence integration is bulk data (initial) and incrementally based on the
following approach. Bulk data is part of initial run and changes are synchronized using the
incremental flow (changes/new/updated).
• External Leave Details (Sick, Vacation, etc.) are integrated to Oracle Utilities Work and
Asset Cloud system. This type of leave would mean the employee is not available to
assign an activity in Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service.
Internal Absence details are handled in Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service: Training,
Meeting, etc.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud passes the completed leaves in case an employee
applies in the system after taking leave. Example: An employee returning after a sick day can
also apply for leave which will be sent to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service.
When an employee applies for leave in Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud, the system
generates a Unique Absence ID for the record. Incremental will capture new Absence and also
record changed for existing approved absence data.
Bulk Upload
Oracle HCM Absence Data (Bulk)
Bulk Absence data will be interfaced from Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud to Oracle
Utilities Work and Asset Cloud so that the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service team
can plan and assign the tasks accordingly to the employee/workers.
Incremental Update
Oracle HCM Incremental (Delta)/Changes
Incremental Absence data is be interfaced form Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud to
Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud so that the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
team can plan and assign the tasks accordingly to the employee/workers.
The incremental update will use same extract used for bulk but with different parameter to
interface the delta data based on the last run date and time. Any change from that will be
captured in the new Extract.
Business Rules
• Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud (Data Exchange) should be available for the
absence design/extract/schedule.
• Oracle Integration Cloud should be available for the integration activities.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
• Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service system should be up and running for the
interface and validate the absence data.
• Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service team should have other tools/reports to
validate the interfaced data.
Extract Upload
To extract an upload:
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
4. Query the extract. Navigate to Advanced > Extract Execution Tree > Compile.
5. Verify if the Compile Status is green. Save and close.
6. Lock the extract definition.
1. Check that all Value Sets and Mandatory fields are set.
2. Click the extract name.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service
4. On the Submit Extracts page, search the Job Extract.
5. Click the Extract Name. Verify the Legislative Group and Job Set values.
Oracle HCM Cloud Configurations for Oracle HCM Cloud Integration to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service