1–20, 2017
Ó 2017 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
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d Review
Abstract—Ultrasound is widely used for medical diagnosis and increasingly for therapeutic purposes. An under-
standing of the bio-effects of sonography is important for clinicians and scientists working in the field because per-
manent damage to biological tissues can occur at high levels of exposure. Here the underlying principles of thermal
mechanisms and the physical interactions of ultrasound with biological tissues are reviewed. Adverse health effects
derived from cellular studies, animal studies and clinical reports are reviewed to provide insight into the in vitro
and in vivo bio-effects of ultrasound. (E-mail: z.izadifar@gmail.com or zai206@mail.usask.ca) Ó 2017 World
Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
Key Words: Ultrasound, Mechanical effect, Biological effect, Cavitation.
2 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume -, Number -, 2017
beam size and the ultrasound probe has a concave shape, grading the accuracy of HIFU devices are necessary to
the ultrasound beam can be focused into small, clinically improve the safety profile of this technique.
relevant volumes of tissue. The energy absorption raises
the temperature at the focus point but increases it only BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THERMAL AND NON-
to non-cytotoxic levels outside the region (Haar and THERMAL INTERACTIONS OF ULTRASOUND
HIFU is applied from sources placed either outside
Thermal and non-thermal physical and biological
the body for treatment of liver, kidney, breast, uterus,
effects of ultrasound in tissues are the basis of various
pancreas and bone cancer or inside the body through
therapeutic applications. The thermal effects of ultra-
the rectum for treatment of prostate cancer (Haar and
sound that arise from the absorption of ultrasonic energy
Coussios 2007). HIFU is gaining rapid clinical accep-
and creation of heat depend on ultrasound exposure pa-
tance for non-invasive tissue heating and ablation for
rameters, tissue properties and beam configuration
various applications. However, there are complications
(Dalecki 2004). Acoustic radiation force, radiation tor-
and side effects of the HIFU treatment of tumors. For
que, acoustic streaming, shock waves and cavitation are
example, second-degree skin burns have been reported
considered non-thermal effects of ultrasound. Radiation
in all patients (Jung et al. 2011) and third-degree skin
force that results from a transfer of momentum from the
burn in 3% of patients (Xiong et al. 2009) during HIFU
ultrasound field to the object (Rooney and Nyborg
treatment of pancreatic tumors. Adverse effects such as
1972) is the cause of contrast agent displacement to the
tumor or vessel rupture during HIFU can lead to metas-
walls of blood vessels in laboratory animals (Dayton
tasis via the bloodstream. Serious adverse effects such
et al. 1999). Radiation force is itself an underlying mech-
as intrahepatic metastasis (Xin 2008), lung embolism,
anism of radiation torque and acoustic streaming effects.
deterioration of liver function, renal failure and death
Acoustic streaming occurs when acoustic field propaga-
can result from HIFU treatment (Yu and Luo 2011).
tion in a fluid causes a rise in fluid flow. Acoustic stream-
The rates of adverse events in both malignant and benign
ing has been used as a diagnostic method to identify cysts
lesions during HIFU depend largely on the disease type
non-invasively (Nightingale et al. 1995). Cavitation is
and the HIFU device used (Yu and Luo 2011). HIFU ther-
perhaps the most widely studied non-thermal mechanism
apy involves both thermal effects and cavitation, which
of ultrasound and is often the basis for new therapeutic
may lead to adverse effects and lesions. Skin burn is
applications (Kooiman et al. 2014). Considering that
considered a thermal lesion and arises from the thermal
the therapeutic and imaging mechanisms of ultrasound
effects of HIFU. Adverse effects such as tumor or vessel
are based on the interaction of sound waves with tissue,
rupture and bleeding, ectopic embolism and metastasis
cavitation could also have hazardous bio-effects on tis-
arise from cavitation during HIFU. The mechanical effect
sues. The cavitation that occurs is largely unpredictable,
of cavitation can rupture vessel walls at the primary tu-
and the bio-effects of ultrasound could be hazardous to
mor site and at the same time detach cancerous cells/
healthy tissues. Cavitation is recognized as a major cause
emboli and lead to their release into circulation, where
of ultrasound-induced mechanical and thermal effects
they may cause a metastasis or embolism (Miller and
and can be accentuated by the presence of ultrasound
Dou 2006; Yi et al. 2005). For example, intrahepatic
contrast agents in the tissue.
metastasis (Xin 2008) and rupture of esophageal varices
have been reported (Wang et al. 2004; Yongjian et al.
2002) after HIFU treatment. Cavitation gives rise to
sensitivity of tissue to heat and causes lesions to extend Ultrasound cavitation is described as the formation
beyond the HIFU focal point (Yu et al. 2006), which and oscillation of a gas bubble. Such bubbles can form
can lead to severe events if the lesion is in the vicinity from a pre-existing stabilized gas body or nuclei. Gas
of vital structures (Yu and Luo 2011). Peripheral nerve in- nuclei can be stabilized in crevices of impurities in the
juries after bone cancer treatment (reversible or irrevers- liquid, and as the pressure in the liquid drops, the gas in
ible) (Chen et al. 2004), ischiadic or sacral nerve damage the crevice expands and forms a microbubble (Dalecki
and hematuria during uterine fibroid treatment (poten- 2004). A variety of biological effects, both in vivo and
tially reversible) (Ren et al. 2009) are some other adverse in vitro, can be attributed to acoustic cavitation. The
effects of HIFU treatment. Adverse effects of HIFU non-thermal effects of ultrasound, including cavitation,
frequently occur in tissues adjacent to the target focus may play a more important role in treatment of soft tissue
as well as in the pathway of the HIFU beam. Therefore, lesions than thermal effects (Speed 2001), but this
selecting the appropriate delivery pathway for the HIFU strongly depends on the type of cavitation. Non-inertial
beam (Yu and Luo 2011) and, more importantly, cavitation occurs when a bubble is exposed to an acoustic
improving cavitation monitoring techniques toward up- field and goes through repetitive oscillations around its
Mechanical and biological effects of US d Z. IZADIFAR et al. 3
equilibrium radius over many acoustic cycles. The oscil- addressing some of the major challenges of high-
lation of the bubble can result in heat generation, micro- intensity focused ultrasound (Coussios and Roy 2008).
streaming of nearby fluid and localized shear stresses In the context of drug delivery, both inertial and non-
(Dalecki 2004). Inertial cavitation, known as microbub- inertial cavitation bubbles play roles. When ultrasound
ble formation and collapse, is induced by ultrasound is applied in vivo, cavitation can occur anywhere that
waves traveling through tissue fluids during ultrasound appropriate microbubbles are present, such as the lung,
therapy. When the acoustic field is at higher amplitudes, intestine or tissue containing ultrasound contrast agents.
the radius of a bubble may grow to a maximum and
then collapse. This kind of bubble is called an inertial
(transient) cavitation bubble. Inertial cavitation bubbles
can expand and collapse violently during a single ultra- Ultrasound contrast agents are gas-filled microbub-
sound exposure on the order of 1 ms (Flynn 1982). bles encapsulated by a protein, lipid or polymer shell, sta-
Extremely high pressure and temperature, high-speed mi- bilized from dissolution and injected intravenously
crostreaming (Doinikov and Bouakaz 2010; Wu 2002) (Lammertink et al. 2015). These ultrasound contrast
and high-speed liquid microjets (Ohl et al. 2006; agents are used clinically to enhance diagnostic images
Postema et al. 2005) are induced as a result of and have new applications in the areas of molecular imag-
cavitation processes. The high pressure and temperature ing, drug delivery and gene therapy (Klibanov 1999;
generated are localized at the minimum radius of the Unger et al. 2002). The application of ultrasound
inertial bubble collapse and are temporally limited to contrast agents facilitates drug delivery because of the
the duration of collapse (Dalecki 2004). The motion of formation of temporary pores in the cell membrane by
the bubble wall during inertial collapse produces a spher- ultrasound. Deng et al. (2004) report that ultrasound rai-
ically diverging shock wave in the liquid surrounding the ses the transmembrane current as a direct result of pore
collapsing bubble. Inertial cavitation close to a solid sur- formation, which leads to a decline in membrane resis-
face (such as metal, tissue, cell wall and stone) generates tance (Deng et al. 2004).
a high-speed liquid microjet that drives into the solid sur- Microbubbles have also been used as a new thera-
face and results in pitting of the surface (Bekeredjian peutic method for direct deposition of stem cells at the
et al. 2007). This mechanical outcome of cavitation is site of injury after acute myocardial infarction
used for fragmentation of kidney stones during (Woudstra et al. 2016). In this new stem cell therapy tech-
lithotripsy. nique, stem cell–microbubble complexes (StemBells) are
One parameter that can directly change the bubble assembled by binding dual-targeted microbubbles to
response from non-inertial to inertial cavitation is the adipose-derived stem cells. These complexes target the
acoustic pressure amplitude. The acoustic pressure at myocardial infarct area of the heart via microbubbles;
which this transition occurs is called the threshold for in- specifically, the StemBells were injected into the body
ertial cavitation (Dalecki 2004). Another parameter used of a rat acute myocardial infarction–reperfusion model
to determine the likelihood of cavitation is the mechani- and unloaded via ultrasound. The effect of ultrasound
cal index (MI). The MI is based on the derated peak rare- on directing StemBells to the vessel wall was illustrated
factional pressure and defined as the maximum value of in an in vitro flow model. The feasibility of improving
the negative peak pressure divided by the root square of cardiac function was successfully illustrated in a rat
the acoustic center frequency (Nelson et al. 2009). model (Woudstra et al. 2016).
The mechanical effect of cavitation can cause sub- Another efficient use of microbubbles and ultra-
stantial injury to cells when ultrasound-induced micro- sound is therapeutic gas delivery through microbubbles
bubbles expand and then collapse (micro-explosion) and liposomes. Gaseous molecules of nitric oxide (NO),
close to them. Non-inertial cavitation (or stable cavitation carbon monoxide (CO), xenon (Xe), oxygen (O2) and
in which the microbubble does not violently collapse and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) mediate cell signaling pathways,
instead oscillates for many cycles around its resonance play an important role is physiology and biological re-
size) is considered more beneficial to injured tissue, sponses and have great therapeutic potential. However,
whereas inertial cavitation (transient) causes tissue dam- controlled delivery is a significant challenge for therapeu-
age (Sun et al. 2015; Wells 1977). Many therapeutic tic techniques using these gases. Researchers are using
applications of ultrasound rely on the ability of microbubbles and liposomes in novel therapeutic gas de-
ultrasound to focus within tissues at the focal point livery methods (Fix et al. 2015). Extensive studies have
where the beam converges and to use the energy for been performed on microbubble gaseous delivery in mi-
non-invasive thermal or mechanical effects. A quantita- crobubble oxygenation therapy of hypoxic tumors
tive analysis of the amount of heat deposited by ultra- (McEwan et al. 2015) in a rabbit model of hypoxemia
sound revealed that inertial cavitation is key in (Legband et al. 2015), in rats with acute respiratory
4 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume -, Number -, 2017
distress syndrome (Legband et al. 2016) and for pancre- microvascular injury caused by ultrasound. Rats were
atic cancer (McEwan et al. 2016). Tissues that naturally examined in a water bath using a 1.7-MHz diagnostic ultra-
contain gas, such as the lung and intestine, as well as ves- sound system and bolus doses of three different ultrasound
sels containing ultrasound contrast agents are more sus- contrast agents (Optison; Mallinckrodt Inc., St. Louis,
ceptible to ultrasound bio-effects. Mechanical damage MO), Imagent (Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp., San
(related to cavitation) to the microvasculature in the Diego, CA) and Definity (Bristol-Myers Squibb Medical
lung and intestine has been observed in several mamma- Imaging, Inc., N. Billerica, MA). Li et al. detected pete-
lian laboratory studies (Child et al. 1990; Dalecki et al. chiae on the heart surface and microvascular leakage by in-
1996). jecting Evans blue dye before scanning. The results of their
Application of an ultrasound contrast agent (suspen- study indicate that the contrast agent delivery mode and
sions of stabilized bubbles) seems to give rise to biolog- dose, as well as the ultrasound parameters, have a consider-
ical effects through gas–body activation (Miller 2007). able effect on cardiomyocytes. Vascular damage might be
Brayman et al. (1999) observed that the contrast agent physiologic and not accompanied by irreversible cellular
in suspension adjacent to orientation of the monolayer injury (Zachary et al. 2006). In fact, the dynamics of micro-
(i.e., simulating the sites of ultrasound entry or exit bubbles both in vitro and in vivo reveal that the oscillation
from a blood vessel) gave rise to damage and erosion of of microbubbles increases vascular permeability and even
cells. They modeled the endothelial layer of blood vessels locally injured vasculature (Hwang et al. 2005; Stieger
using fibroblast monolayers in vitro and conducted ultra- et al. 2007). Depending on the degree to which
sound treatment at 1.0, 2.1 and 3.5 MHz. The lysis or temperature rises during ultrasound application, the
breaking open of erythrocytes leads to the release of he- effects on the vasculature can be either reversible/
moglobin into the surrounding fluid. The frequency repairable or irreversible. In reversible cases, the effects
dependence of hemolysis with a first-generation ultra- are temporary, and no permanent vascular occlusion is
sound contrast agent (Albunex; Mallinckrodt Medical, produced. In irreversible cases, the energy deposition is
St. Louis, MO, USA) in whole blood and with a sufficient to produce long-term damage with persistent ef-
second-generation perfluorocarbon-based ultrasound fects of vascular spasm, obstructed blood flow and
contrast agent (Optison; Molecular Biosystems Inc., increasing endothelial destruction that lead to a loss of
San Diego, CA) was studied by Miller et al. (Miller and vascular relaxation responses (Shaw et al. 2014). There-
Gies 1998a, 1998b, 1998c; Miller et al. 1997). Miller fore, appropriate strategies need to be designed to mini-
and Gies (1998a, 1998b, 1998c) reported that Optison mize irreversible damage to capillaries (Stieger et al.
caused more hemolysis than Albunex, especially when 2007).
ultrasound exposure was in pulsed mode. The Kobayashi et al. (2002, 2003) studied the
ultrasound contrast agent gas bodies can nucleate microvascular injury in rat mesentery caused by
inertial cavitation (Miller and Thomas 1995a; 1995b) as applying a phased array ultrasound system at a
there is good correlation between the amount of frequency of 1.8 MHz. Endothelial cells were damaged
hemolysis induced by ultrasound and inertial cavitation in capillaries and venules under all conditions at
activity (Chen et al. 2003a, 2003b; Everbach et al. 0.82 MPa. The influence of contrast-enhanced diagnostic
1997; Miller et al. 2001a, 2001b). Ultrasonically ultrasound (Optison and several experimental agents) in
induced hemolysis strongly depends on the frequency kidneys of rat at three different frequencies of 1.8, 4
(Brayman et al. 1997; Miller et al. 2001a, 2001b, and 6 MHz was studied by Wible et al. (2002). Glomer-
2003), with overall biological effects decreasing with ular capillary hemorrhage was driven from the glomer-
frequency (Health Protection Agency 2010). ular tuft into Bowman’s capsule and proximal
Contrast agent injection may enhance the risk of convoluted tubules. Shigeta et al. (2004) reported that
capillary rupture by diagnostic ultrasound (Health platelet aggregation in the liver sinusoids of rats occurred
Protection Agency 2010). Miller and Quddus (2000) after exposure of the liver to diagnostic ultrasound at 8
anaesthetized hairless mice, injected them with Optison and 12 MHz with an ultrasound contrast agent (Levovist).
(5 mL kg21) and scanned them using a 2.5-MHz trans- They also observed endothelial cell damage in samples
ducer (610-ns pulses with 3.6-kHz repetition frequency taken 5 h after acoustic exposure. On the basis of exper-
and 61-Hz frame rate); this resulted in an increasing num- iments by Stroick et al. (2006) and Hardig et al. (2003) in
ber of petechiae (capillary ruptures with erythrocyte an animal model, the extent of intracerebral hemorrhage
extravasation) in the intestine and abdominal muscle was found not to be enhanced by ultrasound exposure in
(Miller and Quddus 2000). The increase in petechiae was the presence of an ultrasound contrast agent. The effect of
considerable above 0.64 MPa for muscle and 1 MPa for in- ultrasound exposure on rat heart was detected using diag-
testine (Health Protection Agency 2010). Li et al. (2003, nostic imaging with an experimental ultrasound contrast
2004) used the rat heart as a model system to examine agent by Vancraeynest et al. (2006). Findings of
Mechanical and biological effects of US d Z. IZADIFAR et al. 5
histologically definable injuries in rat hearts were method can be harmful especially in therapeutic applica-
confirmed by Miller et al. (2005a, 2005b) and indicate tions for brain disease (Health Protection Agency 2010).
that elevating the parameters for therapeutic efficacy Hynynen et al. (2003) studied the effect on brain tis-
results in severe microscale injury and functional sue of the burst mode of ultrasound in the presence of an
impairment of the heart (Vancraeynest et al. 2006). ultrasound contrast using contrast-enhanced MRI and
New techniques have been developed with respect to histology. Brain tissue damage, including vascular wall
the use of ultrasound, and especially designed contrast damage, hemorrhage and sometimes necrosis, was
agents, to aid drug delivery across the blood–brain barrier induced at a pressure amplitude of 6.3 MPa (exposure
(BBB) (Health Protection Agency 2010). It was first conditions: 1.5 MHz, 10-ms bursts repeated at a frequency
thought that opening of the BBB was induced by inertial of 1 kHz for 20 s). At all pressures tested, occasional
cavitation, although disruption in the absence of indica- smooth vascular damage in almost 50% of the sonicated
tors of inertial cavitation has been observed (Health locations was observed without any signs of ischemia.
Protection Agency 2010). In almost every study featuring Fatar et al. (2005) studied the effects of ultrasound
a combination of ultrasound and ultrasound contrast (at 2 MHz, peak negative pressure of 1052 kPa and tem-
agent, some BBB injury has been observed (Health poral intensity of 37.3 W cm22) and microbubbles (Sono-
Protection Agency 2010). Mesiwala et al. (2002) reported Vue) on brain infarct volume, apoptosis, interleukin-6
that HIFU resulted in selective and non-destructive and tumor necrosis factor a levels and disruption of the
disruption of the BBB in a rat model. It is possible that BBB in a middle cerebral artery occlusion model in
the BBB is opened at the focal point without sharp rats. They observed a reduction in infarct volume in
neuronal damage if microbubbles are introduced into treated samples compared with controls. The results indi-
the bloodstream before exposure to focused ultrasound cated no additional BBB disruption and no rise in
(Hynynen et al. 2001). Therefore, limiting the effect of ul- apoptosis outside the infarction area. Another study
trasound on the vasculature and decreasing the intensity found that exposure of rabbit brain to low-intensity ultra-
required to produce BBB opening can be achieved by sound (at 1.7 MHz for 30 s) and close to the threshold for
introduction of cavitation nuclei into the bloodstream. tissue damage gave rise to apoptotic cells over 48 h, but
This also reduces the risk of damage to tissue (Health the lesions were dominated by necrosis (Vykhodtseva
Protection Agency 2010). BBB disruption was also de- et al. 2001). Addition of an ultrasound contrast agent (Op-
tected by Hynynen et al. (2001) and Kinoshita et al. tison) to the treatment process (at 1.5 MHz, 1.4–8.8 MPa,
(2006) after using contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance and for 20 s) resulted in domination of lesions by
imaging (MRI) at the desired location, as well as by apoptosis, with the number of apoptotic cells approxi-
Mesiwala et al. (2002) and Kinoshita et al. (2006) in post- mately six times that of necrotic cells (Vykhodtseva
mortem histology. Hynynen et al. (2005) studied the local- et al. 2006). Another study on the short-term tolerability
ized effects of ultrasound exposure on rabbit brains using of BBB opening using focused ultrasound and an ultra-
contrast-enhanced MRI. Their study indicated BBB sound contrast agent (Baseri 2010) reported the feasi-
disruption for pressure amplitudes above 0.4 MPa, with bility of tolerable BBB opening under a specific set of
10 ms exposure at a frequency level of 690 kHz, a repeti- sonication parameters. In this study, a short-term (30-
tion frequency of 1 Hz and total exposure time of 20 s. The min or 5-h survival) histologic assessment was performed
results of a histologic study 4 h after exposure revealed on 49 mice with an intravenously injected ultrasound
about 70% to 80% brain tissue necrosis at pressure ampli- contrast agent. Mice were exposed to ultrasound at a fre-
tude levels greater than 2.3 MPa. Small areas of erythro- quency of 1.525 MHz, pulse length of 20 ms, pulse repe-
cyte extravasation were also observed at lower pressure tition frequency of 10 Hz, peak rare factional acoustic
amplitude levels. Another study reported that when rabbit pressure of 0.15–0.98 MPa and two 30-s sonication inter-
brain was exposed to ultrasound at 1.63 MHz, a pulse vals with an intermediate 30-s delay. The BBB opening
length of 100 ms and a pulse repetition frequency of threshold and the most tolerable acoustic pressure were
1 Hz at 0.7 to 1.0 MPa for 20 s, only a few cells in some reported to be 0.15–0.3 and 0.3–0.46 MPa, respectively
of the sonicated areas underwent ischemia or apoptosis, (Baseri 2010). Another study indicated that repeated
but no ischemic region that would indicate a compromised opening of the BBB through FUS and ultrasound contrast
blood supply was observed. MRI or histology up to 4 wk agents at the basal ganglia of non-human primates is safe
after sonication revealed no delayed effect (McDannold for up to 20 mo with no long-term negative physiologic or
et al. 2005). Therefore, it is possible that BBB disruption neurologic effects (Downs et al. 2015). This study was
after ultrasound may occur without any basic vascular conducted using ultrasound parameters of 500 kHz,
damage; however, red blood cell extravasation into tissue 200–400 kPa, administration of 4- to 5-mm microbubbles
indicates BBB injury has occurred, and as such, the and 2 min sonication, resulting in repeated opening of the
6 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume -, Number -, 2017
BBB. These results showed promise for clinical and basic 1995). A study in humans reported a lack of lung
scientific applications (Downs et al. 2015). damage after intra-operative transesophageal echocardi-
ography with ultrasound exposure (Meltzer et al. 1998).
ULTRASOUND BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS Lung hemorrhage may result from the thermal, mechan-
ical or cavitational effects of ultrasound. Ultrasound-
Discussion of cavitation behavior usually assumes
related lung hemorrhage is a function of frequency
the pre-existence of bubbles or bubble nuclei with the po-
(Child et al. 1990; Zachary et al. 2001), pulse duration
tential to grow in a medium propagated by the ultrasound
(Child et al. 1990; O’Brien et al. 2003a, 2003b), pulse
beam. Although liquids can be saturated with gas, suitable
repetition frequency (Child et al. 1990; O’Brien et al.
cavitation nuclei might not always be present. In some
2001) and duration of exposure (Hartman et al. 1990;
cases, an ultrasound contrast agent is used and injected
O’Brien et al. 2001). Cavitation-related bio-effects are
into the body to improve diagnosis via ultrasound. It is
more dependent on frequency (Child et al. 1990;
very doubtful if either inertial or non-inertial cavitation
Zachary et al. 2001).
occurs at diagnostic levels of ultrasound within soft tis-
Child et al. (1990) observed hemorrhage in mouse
sues or fluids in the body in the absence of contrast agents
lung tissue after ultrasound exposure (at 1.2 MHz, pulse
(Health Protection Agency 2010). A number of studies of
average intensity 1 mW cm22, 10-ms pulse, peak positive
ultrasound biological effects related to the presence of
pressure 0.7 MPa, 3-min exposure) (Child et al. 1990).
cavitation/microbubbles during ultrasound exposure in
Since then, ultrasound-induced lung hemorrhage has
different organs, in body fluid and microvasculature, in
been reported in vivo in mice (Child et al. 1990; Dalecki
cells and prenatally are reviewed below.
et al. 1997a, 1997b, 1997c, 1997d, 1997e; O’Brien et al.
2000, 2001; Zachary et al. 2001), rat (Kramer et al.
2001, O’Brien et al. 2001, 2003a, 2003b, 2005), rabbits
Lung (O’Brien and Zachary 1997; Zachary and O’Brien 1995)
Tissues naturally containing gas bodies, such as the and pigs (Harrison et al. 1995; O’Brien and Zachary
lung and intestine, are more sensitive to the bio-effects of 1997; O’Brien et al. 2003a, 2003b, Zachary and O’Brien
ultrasound exposure because of the presence of gas. 1995).
Because fetal lungs are gas free, they do not exhibit any Lung damage manifests as localized lesions on the
sign of the lung damage evident in air-filled adult lungs lung surface, but there has been no report of damage to
(Hartman et al. 1990). The trauma at the surface of the adult or neonatal human lungs so far (Health Protection
lung and in the intestines has been interpreted to result Agency 2010). The reason for this effect of ultrasound
from cavitation-like processes in the body (Dalecki on the lung surface is not fully understood and is still un-
et al. 1996; Hartman et al. 1990). To explore the der investigation. The presence of gas in the lung and in-
hypothesis of cavitation-based bio-effects of diagnostic testines is thought to result in mechanical trauma to
ultrasound on the lungs of mammals, rat lung was adjacent soft tissues as a result of the cavitation process.
exposed to 4.0-MHz (the threshold of lung damage in
rat) pulsed Doppler and color Doppler ultrasound; then,
by use of a 30-MHz active cavitation detection scheme, Intestines
the first in vivo evidence of cavitation from diagnostic ul- Acoustic cavitation can be generated in a wide range
trasound pulses was reported (Holland et al. 1996). Dam- of intestinal environments, as these contain gas bodies
age to the microvasculature of the lung was characterized located in a fluid-like medium (Dalecki 2004).
by extravasation of red blood cells from capillaries into Cavitation-related damage is more certain in the intestines
the alveolar space (Penney et al. 1993). Although this and microvasculature with the presence of microbubbles
extravasation of red blood cells was reversible, and appar- than in the lung (Dalecki 2004). Mammalian studies
ently occurred during exposure without rise in severity in reveal the occurrence of intestinal hemorrhage when the
the subsequent 5 min, exposure of the lung to pulsed ul- thermal effects of ultrasound have been minimized
trasound was deleterious to the lung (Penney et al. (Dalecki et al. 1995a, 1995b, 1995c, 1996; Miller and
1993). Lung damage was first reported in situ and under Thomas 1995a, 1995b). Petechial hemorrhage in the
exposure conditions of about 1 MPa peak positive pres- intestines of laboratory animals exposed to a lithotripter
sure, 2 MHz frequency, 10 ms pulse duration, for 3 min field has been reported in several studies (Dalecki et al.
(Child et al. 1990) and has since been reported in mice, 1995a, 1995b, 1995c; Miller and Thomas 1995a, 1995b;
monkey, pigs, rabbits and rats (Baggs et al. 1996; Raeman et al. 1994). The threshold of pressure for
Dalecki et al. 1997a, 1997b, 1997c, 1997d, 1997e; intestinal hemorrhage in mice ranges from 1 to 3 MPa
Holland et al. 1996; O’Brien and Zachary 1997; (Dalecki et al. 1995a, 1995b, 1995c; Miller and Thomas
Tarantal and Canfield 1994; Zachary and O’Brien 1995a, 1995b).
Mechanical and biological effects of US d Z. IZADIFAR et al. 7
Further evidence revealing cavitation as a mecha- mice whose anterior abdomen had been exposed to ultra-
nism underlying the effects of ultrasound on the intestines sound (at 8 MHz for 15 min; spatial peak temporal average
relies on studies using ultrasound contrast agents. The intensity [ISPTA] 5 1120 mW/cm2; PMAX 5 420 mW) re-
area of murine intestinal hemorrhage significantly vealed that the number of cells undergoing mitosis was
increased when the vasculature was filled with ultrasound considerably decreased 4.5 h after exposure, and the num-
contrast agents and exposed to ultrasound (Miller and ber of apoptotic cells was significantly increased (Stanton
Gies 1998a, 1998b, 1998c 2000). The threshold of intesti- et al. 2001). Overall, investigations on ultrasound-related
nal damage in the presence of a contrast agent was about intestinal damage indicate that cavitation is the mecha-
3 MPa at 2.4 MHz with a pulse duration of 10 ms (Miller nism responsible.
and Gies 2000). The effect of ultrasound on intestinal
damage increases with increasing frequency and Urinary tract system
decreasing pulse duration (Miller and Gies 1998a, The application of lithotripsy as a clinical treatment
1998b, 1998c, 2000). The response of microbubbles to for urinary calculosis, or kidney stones, has revolution-
negative pressure is greater than the response to positive ized the non-invasive treatment of this disease. During a
pressure. More damage was noted in the intestines as lithotripsy procedure, high-amplitude acoustic pulses
well as other tissues of mice exposed to negative versus are generated at the site of the kidney stone using short
positive pressure of a lithotripter field in the presence of pulses of high-acoustic-pressure ultrasound. The litho-
microbubbles (Dalecki et al. 2000). Lehmann and tripter shock wave is a short pulse of about 5- ms duration
Herrick (1953) observed vascular damage in the wall of with a near-instantaneous jump to a peak positive pres-
the intestines; this was followed by an investigation by sure that typically varies between 30 and 110 MPa.
Dalecki et al. (1995a, 1995b, 1995c) that noted areas of This fast transition in the waveform is called ‘‘shock.’’
hemorrhage at several abdominal sites of mice exposed The pressure then falls to zero about 1 ms thereafter and
to pulsed ultrasound (10 ms, 100 Hz) at 0.7–3.6 MHz. is followed by a negative pressure between 25 and
The hemorrhage occurred at a level of exposure above 215 MPa. This negative pressure drives the cavitation
the threshold of about 1 MPa; lower frequency levels are bubbles that are critical for stone destruction. Most of
more effective at producing hemorrhage than higher the energy in the shock wave is between 100 kHz and
frequency levels. Using a piezoelectric lithotripter, 1 MHz (Cleveland and McAteer 2007).
Dalecki et al. (1995a, 1995b, 1995c) determined the Cavitation induced by lithotripters behaves as a clus-
threshold of ultrasonically-induced hemorrhage to be ter of bubbles rather than individual bubbles, and the
about 1–3 MPa. In addition, they found gas-body activa- coherent collapse of the cluster may give rise to its
tion to be important by observing a very extensive hemor- destructive power (Pishchalnikov et al. 2003; Pittomvils
rhage in the (gas-containing) intestines of adult mice and et al. 1995; Tanguay and Colonius 2002). Almost all
almost no effect in the (gas-free) intestines of their fetuses patients who receive at least an average dose of shock
(at a pressure amplitude of 10 MPa) (Dalecki et al. 1996). waves (2000 shock waves at midrange or higher power)
Petechiae and hemorrhage in the intestines were also experience some form of tissue trauma, and some
observed by Miller and Gies (1998a, 1998b, 1998c). patients can experience severe, even catastrophic,
They found the threshold level for petechiae to be adverse effects (Tuteja et al. 1997), including capillary
0.28 MPa (spatial average, temporal average intensity damage and bleeding around the outside of the kidney
[ISATA] 5 2.6 W cm22) and that for hemorrhage to be (Evan et al. 1998). The clinical implications of such
0.65 MPa (ISATA 5 14.2 W cm22) for the longest side effects are still under investigation. Mechanisms
exposure (up to 1000 s) of the sample (hairless mice) to that may contribute to tissue injury include shear stress
0.4-MHz continuous ultrasound at 37 C. Pulsed expo- and cavitation. In lithotripsy, cavitation is more likely
sures or higher bath temperatures affect the threshold level to create injury within blood vessels and to cause me-
of hemorrhage and particularly petechiae. The threshold chanical damage to organs such as the kidney. However,
level of petechiae increased with pulse exposure. In addi- severe full skin burns after extracorporeal shock wave
tion, application of ultrasound contrast agent, in both lithotripsy for renal calculi (Rao et al. 2014) or second-
continuous and pulsed modes of ultrasound exposure, degree burns after shock wave lithotripsy (Rangarajan
increased the number of petechiae and hemorrhages et al. 2012) are often reported. Some patients also face
(Miller and Gies 1998a, 1998b, 1998c, 2000). Stanton post-operative side effects such as pain, vomiting and
et al. (2001) reported the effect of diagnostic ultrasound skin wounds.
on the progression of epithelial cells in the crypts of the Experiments with lithotripsy indicate that damage to
small intestine through the cell cycle. Histologic examina- in vitro cells and in vivo tissue is considerably decreased
tion of the distal portion of the intestines of adult CD 1 when cavitation is reduced or eliminated (Evan et al.
8 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume -, Number -, 2017
2002; Williams et al. 1999). The cavitation cycle time 1997b, 1997c, 1997d, 1997e). A series of experimental
(time for a bubble to grow and collapse) is on the order studies suggest that radiation force is responsible for
of 300 ms in a free field and about 600 ms on the this effect (Dalecki et al. 1997a, 1997b, 1997c, 1997d,
surface of the stone (Bailey et al. 1999). On the basis of 1997e). Animal studies (frog) revealed that the direct
recent studies, it has been found that the cavitation bub- aortic pressure effect of ultrasound is related to the
bles produced by one lithotripsy pulse can be manipu- magnitude of the radiation force exerted on the heart
lated by a second pulse (Sokolov et al. 2001, 2003). (Dalecki et al. 1997a, 1997b, 1997c, 1997d, 1997e).
The role of radiation force alone in this effect was
Heart confirmed by a study in which an acoustic reflector was
Premature ventricular contractions are another ef- placed on the surface of the heart to preclude the
fect that results from exposure to a lithotripter ultrasound possibility of heating and cavitation and instead
field (Dalecki et al. 1991; Delius et al. 1994); cardiac maximize the radiation force delivered (Dalecki et al.
rhythm can be affected by even a single high-amplitude 1997a, 1997b, 1997c, 1997d, 1997e).
pulse. The threshold required to generate premature car-
diac contractions is below the pressure amplitudes Bone
applied in clinical lithotripsy (positive pressure between Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (e.g., 0.5–50
30 and 110 MPa and negative pressure between 25 and mW/cm2) has a favorable effect on bone fracture healing
215 MPa). To avoid affecting the cardiac rhythm during (Busse et al. 2002). Several studies have found that low-
lithotripsy, the clinical delivery of lithotripter pulses is intensity ultrasound increases the rate of tissue repair after
synchronized with an electrocardiogram (Dalecki injuries, especially those associated with bone fracture
2004). To cause premature contractions, long ultrasound (Dijkman et al. 2009; Mundi et al. 2009). The reasons
pulse durations and high-pressure amplitudes (e.g., a why ultrasound can give rise to tissue repair and the
5-ms pulse and 2–5 MPa, which is the threshold to cause functional significance of changes in neuronal migration
a premature contraction in mice and frogs at 1.2 MHz) are in the developing brains of mice are not known.
required, but these are not the exposure characteristics of In physiotherapy, hyperthermia treatment and pulsed
diagnostic ultrasound (Dalecki 2004). Therefore, prema- Doppler exposure at its maximum output power, one of the
ture ventricular contractions should not occur during main concerns and problems has been pain induction
diagnostic ultrasound imaging. caused by heating of the highly innervated periosteum.
Investigations using ultrasound contrast agents sug- Biologically relevant temperature increases (.2 C) in
gest that cavitation may be responsible for ultrasound- the skull bone of laboratory animals have been recorded
related premature cardiac contractions. The threshold for during ultrasound exposure (Health Protection Agency
this effect of ultrasound is considerably lower in the pres- 2010). Smith et al. (2001) reported that ultrasound expo-
ence of ultrasound contrast agents and at shorter pulse du- sure at high intensities (.ISATA 5 40 W cm22) in thermal
rations (e.g., the threshold for production of a premature ablation therapy can lead to osteocyte damage and thermal
contraction in the presence of contrast agents in mice necrosis. Evidence indicates that very low intensity ultra-
exposed to a single 10-ms ultrasound pulse at 1.2 MHz sound (ISATA 5 12–100 mW cm22) can influence bone
was about 1 MPa [Dalecki et al. 2005]) (Dalecki et al. regeneration (Claes and Willie 2007) and, for this reason,
2005; Li et al. 2003; van der Wouw et al. 2000; Zachary is used for treatment of fractures. These effects are due
et al. 2002). Premature ventricular contractions have predominantly to a non-thermal mechanism that critically
been reported in humans with ultrasound contrast agents depends on the intensity applied (Health Protection
in their blood and exposed to diagnostic ultrasound (van Agency 2010). The temperature increase for
der Wouw et al. 2000). The threshold conditions for such ISATA 5 20–50 mW cm22 was below 1 C (Chang et al.
an effect in laboratory animals is a 10-ms pulse of 2002). Duarte (1983) also reported negligible increases
1-MHz ultrasound and peak pressure amplitudes (positive in temperature (0.01 6 0.005 C) in rabbit fibula osteoto-
and negative) on the order of 1 MPa (Dalecki et al. 2005; Li mies after treatment at ISATA 5 50 mW cm22 for 15 min
et al. 2003). Microvasculature damage has also been per day. However, even a small rise in temperature
reported in hearts exposed to ultrasound in the presence (,1 C) can influence some enzymes, such as matrix met-
of ultrasound contrast agents, but without any certain alloproteinase 1, which has been reported to be very sen-
relationship to the generation of arrhythmia (Li et al. sitive to temperature (Welgus et al. 1981, 1985).
2003; Zachary et al. 2002). The biophysical process behind bone regeneration
The other mechanical bio-effect of ultrasound on the stimulation remains unknown. However, several studies
heart is cardiac contractility, which can be generated by a suggest that low-intensity ultrasound can affect cell mem-
single pulse of high-amplitude ultrasound (peak positive brane permeability (Dyson and Brookes 1983; Chen et al.
pressure of about 1 MPa) (Dalecki et al. 1993, 1997a, 2013a, 2013b; Dinno et al. 1989; Hu et al. 2014; Lim
Mechanical and biological effects of US d Z. IZADIFAR et al. 9
et al. 2013; Montalti et al. 2013; Mortimer and Dyson that of the focused shock wave (Cleveland and James
1988; Rawool et al. 2003; Ryaby 1991; Ryaby et al. 2007). The liquid microjets are forceful enough to easily
1989; Sun et al. 2001) and increase hydrostatic pressure puncture the fragile wall of a capillary or other blood
(Rawool et al. 2003) or can induce mechanical stimula- vessel. Vessel walls may also rupture during the expan-
tion of micromotion (Wolff 1892) and cause acceleration sion phase of the bubble cavitation cycle (Cleveland
of fracture healing. Relative to an untreated control, high- and James 2007). When a bubble undergoes explosive
intensity ultrasound (ISATA 5 0.2–3 W cm22) gives rise to growth in the vessel, it pushes the vessel outward and rup-
callus formation and accelerates fracture healing in rabbit tures it. Experiments using capillary phantoms in an
radii (Corradi and Cozzolino 1953; De Nunno 1952) and in vitro system confirm this hypothesis (Zhong et al.
tibias (Klug et al. 1986) and guinea pig ulnas (Murolo and 1998, 2001).
Claudio 1952). High-intensity ultrasound treatment The bubble expansion mechanism may also lead to
(ISATA 5 0.5 W cm22) of limbs resulted in a 36% increase other tissue damage. When blood vessels rupture and
in new bone formation and an 80% increase in torsional blood is collected in pools (e.g., in a hematoma), the po-
stiffness compared with controls (Chang et al. 2002). tential for cavitation increases because the pooling of
blood provides a fluid-filled space in which cavitation
can occur (Cleveland and James 2007). Although cavita-
tion is the primary mechanism of tissue injury studied,
much more investigation is still required (Cleveland and
The rupture or destruction of blood cells in the pres- James 2007).
ence of ultrasound contrast agents at diagnostic levels of Damage to the microvasculature in tissues such as
ultrasound has occurred in in vivo studies with laboratory the kidney and liver in laboratory animals after exposure
animals (Miller et al. 2008). Fetal red blood cells are even to lithotripter high-amplitude ultrasound has been re-
more susceptible to lysis from exposure to ultrasound in ported in several studies (Delius et al. 1990a, 1990b;
the presence of contrast agents in vitro (Miller et al. Mayer et al. 1990; Raeman et al. 1994). Damage to the
2001a, 2001b). However, this is not known to occur in microvasculature is considerably increased in the
mammals at diagnostic levels of ultrasound in the presence of ultrasound contrast agents in the vasculature
absence of ultrasound contrast agents (Dalecki 2004). (Dalecki et al. 1997a, 1997b 1997c, 1997d, 1997e;
In an in vivo study, hemolysis occurred when mice were Miller and Gies 1999). In the presence of ultrasound
exposed to ultrasound at a frequency of 1.1 MHz (10-ms contrast agents and an amplitude of only 2 MPa, reversible
pulse duration) and 2-MPa negative pressure with ultra- microvasculature damage has been observed in several
sound contrast agents (Dalecki et al. 1997a, 1997b, soft tissues of mice, including muscle, mesentery, kidney,
1997c, 1997d, 1997e). stomach, bladder and fat, with persistent sensitivity to lith-
To study the effects of ultrasound and contrast agents otripter exposure for several hours (Dalecki et al. 1997a,
on microvasculature, isolated rabbit hearts were treated 1997b, 1997c, 1997d, 1997e). In the absence of
using a cardiac ultrasound system at 1.8 MHz with 1-Hz ultrasound contrast agents, minimal damage occurs at
triggering of imaging frames (Ay et al. 2001). Capillary amplitudes up to 40 MPa. High-amplitude-pressure litho-
damage and red blood cell (erythrocyte) extravasation tripter pulses can cause cavitation in vivo, and in the pres-
were observed at an MI of 1.6 when the treated heart ence of contrast agents, inertial cavitation can cause
was examined. Chen et al. (2002) examined the injurious microvasculature damage. This understanding relies on
effects of ultrasound contrast agents (Optison or Definity) the fact that hemorrhage in tissue (as a sign of response
in rat heart in vivo and observed elevation of troponin T in of microbubbles) at negative pressures is much greater
blood plasma as evidence of myocardial damage. than at positive pressures, as reported in different studies
Cavitation is more likely to cause injury within (Dalecki 2004; Dalecki et al. 2000).
blood vessels than in the surrounding tissue because a Evidence indicates that pulsed ultrasound can also
bubble surrounded by tissue is constrained and cannot un- produce capillary damage in the presence of ultrasound
dergo the violent growth and collapse cycle compared contrast agents in the blood. Capillary rupture has been
with a bubble in a fluid environment such as a blood observed in muscle (Miller and Quddus 2000; Price
vessel. Bubbles can cause mechanical damage to organs et al. 1998), kidney (Wible et al. 2002) and cardiac tissues
such as the kidney by at least two mechanisms: collapse (Li et al. 2003) of laboratory animals exposed to diag-
and expansion. The asymmetric collapse of cavitation nostic levels of ultrasound. Considering that no damage
bubbles forms high-velocity microjets of fluid that travel has been reported in these tissues from exposure to ultra-
at speeds close to 111 m/s (Chemat et al. 2004), as well as sound in the absence of an ultrasound contrast agent, it
the emission of secondary shock waves that are radiated can be concluded that normal tissue may contain no cavi-
into the bubble and have an amplitude comparable to tation nuclei (Dalecki 2004).
10 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume -, Number -, 2017
The effect of ultrasound on tissues in the presence of illustrated (Dalecki et al. 1997a, 1997b, 1997c, 1997d,
ultrasound contrast agents can be decreased by increasing 1997e; Deng et al. 1996; Poliachik et al. 1999;
the applied frequency, as well as decreasing pressure am- Williams et al. 1977). In experiments by Dalecki et al.
plitudes and the amount of contrast agent in the tissue (1997a, 1997b, 1997c, 1997d, 1997e), a clinically
(Dalecki 2004). In general, the mechanical effect of ultra- insignificant level of hemolysis (0.46%) was detected in
sound increases in the presence of contrast agent micro- mice exposed to ultrasound through the chest wall at a
bubbles, which have potential utility in future frequency of 2.35 MHz and a peak positive pressure
therapeutic applications of ultrasound. For example, the amplitude of 10 MPa.
capillary damage effect of ultrasound in the presence of
ultrasound contrast agents facilitates the process of mi-
crobubble drug or gene delivery, in which microbubbles
are loaded with a drug or gene and then unloaded in a spe-
cific localized area of body (Aryal et al. 2015; Chu et al. At lower levels of ultrasound, such as for diagnostic
2016; Meairs and Alonso 2007; Price et al. 1998; Song purposes, ultrasound does not induce cavitation in the
et al. 2002a, 2002b); it also facilitates arteriogenesis absence of pre-existing gas bubbles and does not gener-
(Chen et al. 2013a, 2013b; Song et al. 2002a, 2002b) ally cause heating beyond the normal physiologic range
and tumor therapy (Aryal et al. 2015; Ji et al. 2016; (Health Protection Agency 2010). Prenatal exposure to
Simon et al. 1993; Zhang et al. 2016). a diagnostic level of ultrasound produces changes in
VanBavel (2007) reviewed the effects of ultrasoni- neuronal migration in the developing brains of mice
cally induced shear stresses on endothelial cells and noted (Ang et al. 2006). Significant concerns in the study of
that a major stimulus for many endothelial responses is side effects of ultrasound in humans are related to in utero
provided by the shear stress associated with normal blood exposure to diagnostic ultrasound. Based on available ev-
flow. For example, normal shear stress found in large ar- idence, there are no effects on perinatal mortality and
teries away from branches is on the order of 2–4 Pa childhood malignancies; however, some observational
(Davies 1995) and very rarely exceeds 8 Pa. The shear studies have found an increased prevalence of non-
stress that veins experience is around 0.1–0.6 Pa right-handedness in males with prenatal ultrasound expo-
(VanBavel 2007). Microstreaming associated with an ul- sure (Health Protection Agency 2010). This might reflect
trasonic field induces shear stresses that may be expected confounding effects rather than causation; however,
to increase biological effects. These shear stresses are random comparisons of individuals who had prenatal ul-
higher than normal physiologic levels and can occur on trasound exposure with those who did not provides weak
a membrane, rupture it or alter its permeability (Health evidence for an ultrasound effect on non-right-
Protection Agency 2010). handedness (Health Protection Agency 2010). At high
Studies on the effect of ultrasound on blood have levels of exposure, ultrasound is capable of causing per-
focused on platelets, the most fragile component. manent damage to biological tissue as a result of heating,
In vitro experiments indicate that ultrasound exposure acoustic cavitation and radiation force (Health Protection
can lead to platelet activation. In the presence of stable Agency 2010), which can disturb the development of an
bubbles (those that do not collapse violently and instead embryo or fetus (i.e., teratogenic effects).
oscillate for several cycles around their resonance size), In work by Williams et al. (1978), therapeutic ultra-
a pressure amplitude of 10 MPa and low average ultra- sound was found to decrease the recalcification time of
sound intensity of ISATA 5 0.8 W cm22 can cause platelet anticoagulated whole blood in vitro. Therapeutic ultra-
disruption (Miller et al. 1979). Although erythrocytes sound has also been found to be capable of inducing
seem to be more resistant than platelets to ultrasound platelet aggregation and releasing the platelet-specific
damage, hemolysis has been reported when inertial cavi- protein b-thromboglobulin (b-TG), indicating that the
tation occurs (Rooney 1970; Williams et al. 1970; Wong platelet is the probable site of interaction and damage
and Watmough 1980). Williams and Miller (1980) sug- (Williams et al. 1978). Their study also suggested that ul-
gest that adenosine-50 -triphosphate may be released at trasound interacts with blood platelets (the exceptionally
lower intensities when inertial cavitation occurs. fragile cells that play an important role in the early stages
Because of the continual filtration of impurities in of clot formation) possibly via the occurrence of cavita-
whole blood in vivo, the probability of cavitation nuclei tion processes at megahertz frequency levels. Further-
is reduced, and therefore, under normal conditions, cavi- more, their in vivo study reported the production of
tation is unlikely to occur (Health Protection Agency platelet thrombi and true clots within the intact vascular
2010). However, Brayman et al. (1996) reported that system of mice as a result of acoustic microstreaming,
cavitation may occur at sufficiently high pressures. Dam- similar to that developed around oscillating gas bubbles
age to blood components in vivo has not been clearly (Williams et al. 1978).
Mechanical and biological effects of US d Z. IZADIFAR et al. 11
Concerns regarding the effect of ultrasound on fetal have been observed in some studies, whereas others do
and embryonic development (teratogenic effects) have not report any firm exposure-related effects in either dam
generated a large number of studies using different ani- or child (Brown et al. 2004; Carnes et al. 1991; Devi
mal species and various exposure conditions. The proba- et al. 1995; Fisher et al. 1994, 1996; Gu et al. 2002;
bility of adverse effects of ultrasound on fetal and Hande and Devi 1992, 1995; Jia et al. 2005; Karag€ oz
embryonic development has been reviewed by Ziskin et al. 2007; Norton et al. 1991; Oh et al. 1999; Ryo et al.
and Barnett (2001), Miller et al. (2002) and Church and 2001; Tarantal et al. 1993). These studies used different
Miller (2007). Non-thermal interactions of pulsed ultra- endpoints, pregnancy ages, species and ultrasonic
sound, especially cavitational mechanisms in the pres- exposure conditions, making direct comparisons of
ence of an ultrasound contrast agent, may have adverse results problematic. No considerable treatment-related
effects on the integrity of maternal and developing tissue. effects were observed on reproductive outcome or
However, there is a low possibility of occurrence of these maternal weight during gestation, on viability or weight
interactions in the fetus (Abramowicz 2005; Sienkiewicz of offspring or on the morbidity of skeletal or visceral mal-
2007). In addition, the teratogenic effects of heat as a formations when rats were exposed to 3-MHz continuous
result of probable localized hyperthermia during wave (Vorhees et al. 1991, 1994) or pulsed (Fisher et al.
pregnancy ultrasound scans have been extensively 1994, 1996) ultrasound up to 30 W cm22 (ISPTA).
reviewed by Miller and Ziskin (1989), Miller et al. Statistically considerable decreases in weight of
(2002) and Edwards et al. (2003). High maternal or fetal offspring were observed after frequent exposure of
temperatures can have adverse effects on many devel- cynomolgus macaques to ultrasound (at 7.5 MHz and
oping tissues, particularly the brain and nervous system ISATA 5 0.28–12 mW cm22) (Tarantal and Hendrickx
(Miller et al. 2002). 1989a, 1989b; Tarantal et al. 1993); this effect occurred
The teratogenic effect of heat on mammals is well during the first 3 mo of life and not the subsequent 9 mo.
accepted, and among all organs and tissues, developing In a study in which contrast-enhanced ultrasound
central nervous systems manifest the greatest sensitivity imaging and Doppler were used to quantitatively monitor
(Health Protection Agency 2010). Miller and Ziskin uteroplacental perfusion in rat pregnancies, Arthuis et al.
(1989), Miller et al. (2002) and Edwards et al. (2003) con- (2013) detected no microbubbles in the umbilical vein or
ducted animal studies on the possible pathogenic mecha- fetal components. The absence of contrast agents in the
nisms and thermal effects on the embryo and fetus. fetal compartment would suggest the innocuity of
Embryo death, growth retardation, internal and external ab- contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging on fetal develop-
normalities, developmental deficits and behavioral changes ment (Arthuis et al. 2013). Overall, there may be no
that persist into adulthood are some of consequences of real tolerability concerns with respect to common clinical
fetal hyperthermia (Edwards et al. 2003). The occurrence use of sonography; however, caution must be exercised
of these thermal effects depends on three main parameters: when high-output regimes such as pulsed Doppler are
the grade of normal core temperature promotion, the dura- applied in obstetrics (ter Haar 2010). Considering the dif-
tion of the elevation in temperature and the specific phase ficulty in establishing the thresholds for biological ef-
of development (pre-implantation, organogenesis or fetal fects, it is suggested that as-low-as-reasonably-possible
period) in which the heating occurred (Health Protection scanner outputs be used to collect the required diagnostic
Agency 2010). Edwards et al. (2003) reported that the information. Unnecessary examinations (non-medical so-
sensitivity of the embryo and fetus to heat changes consid- nography) during pregnancy are not advised because of
erably during development and depends on the particular the large number of remaining unknowns (ter Haar 2010).
cell cycle, for example, cell proliferation, differentiation,
or migration. They also described the teratogenic or biolog-
ical effects of heat at different steps of development. Higher
temperatures for a shorter time may raise the risk of a To study the interaction of ultrasound with biolog-
certain defect; the best estimate by Miller et al. (2002) is ical systems, experimental studies with cells and animals
a threshold of 1.5 C to 2.5 C above normal body tempera- have been performed under a variety of exposure condi-
ture for approximately an hour in pregnant animals, tions. Studies that describe ultrasonically induced biolog-
acknowledging that each type of defect and species has ical changes in cells in vivo and in vitro have been
its own temperature threshold. reviewed by Feril and Kondo (2004a, 2004b), Miller
In addition to the thermal effect of ultrasound, pulsed (2007), ter Haar (2007), the National Council on
and continuous-wave ultrasound can affect reproduction Radiation Protection and Measurements (Nyborg et al.
and prenatal development of the embryo and fetus (Jensh 2002) and the American Institute of Ultrasound in Med-
and Brent 1999; Sikov 1986). Notable ultrasound effects icine (Holland 2000). The most important representative
such as increased malformation rates and weight changes examples of potential adverse effects on cells are cell
12 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume -, Number -, 2017
lysis, changes in cell division capability, ultrastructural cavitation, Harvey et al. (1975) observed dilated rough
changes, chromosomal and cytogenetic effects and func- endoplasmic reticulum and some irregular lesions.
tional changes (Health Protection Agency 2010). The ef- Generally, the cell nucleus seems unaffected by ultra-
fects of ultrasound on cells fall into two categories: gross sound exposure; the only type of lesion observed is slit-
effects, such as lysis, effects on cell division capability like vacuoles at the nuclear membrane (Ter Haar et al.
and damage to cellular ultrastructure; and subtle effects, 1979). Watmough et al. (1977) hypothesized that ultra-
such as chromosomal changes, functional changes and sound may produce cavitation microbubbles within cells
altered growth patterns (Health Protection Agency 2010). and that nuclear, mitochondrial and granular endoplasmic
There is extensive and unequivocal evidence that reticulum membranes act as nucleation sites; thus, when
exposure of cells in suspension to ultrasound leads to these organelles are affected, damage might manifest as
cell lysis (Health Protection Agency 2010). Several lesions next to the membrane.
studies, including, for example, Kaufman et al. (1977), Cytogenetic studies on the effect of ultrasound on
Morton et al. (1982), Hallow et al. (2006) and Lai et al. chromosomes clearly indicate that high-intensity ultra-
(2006), have found that cavitation is a major mechanism sound can cause degradation of DNA in solution. Damage
resulting in this sort of complete cellular disruption; how- appears to be caused by hydrodynamic shear stresses, free
ever, it is not clear if ultrasound is able to produce lysis in radical formation or excessive heating resulting from cavi-
the absence of cavitation effects (Health Protection tation (Miller and Thomas 1995a, 1995b, 1996; Thacker
Agency 2010). Apart from the ultrasound exposure condi- 1973). A large amount of evidence indicates that high-
tions, the amount of cell lysis can depend on the concen- intensity ultrasound up to ISATA 5 100 W cm22 does not
tration of cells in suspension (Brayman et al. 1996; produce chromosomal damage (European Federation of
Ellwart et al. 1988) as well as cell size (Brayman and Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 1994;
Miller 1993; Nyborg and Miller 1982). Lysis appears to Rott 1981). However, when exposure to ultrasound at an
be an immediate consequence of ultrasound exposure intensity of 3 W cm22 and frequency of 810 kHz is
effects on cells and may affect cells in mitosis more than followed by (not preceded by) X-irradiation to 1 Gy,
other cell cycle stages (Clarke and Hill 1969). Colono- some synergistic interactions may result in chromosomal
genic assays enable assessment of cell division capability aberrations (Kunze-M€uhl 1981). Diagnostic ultrasound,
after a specific insult. Based on studies performed by even up to ISATA 5 3.0 W cm22 (3.15 MHz), does not pro-
Bleaney et al. (1972) and Morton et al. (1982), cells that duce sister chromatid exchanges in vitro (Liebeskind et al.
survive ultrasound exposure and stay intact will continue 1979). Whether ultrasound may result in chromosomal
producing progeny in the same way as their untreated damage is not certain; however, the most carefully docu-
counterparts. However, there are exceptions for mented studies have returned negative results. It must
ultrasound-exposed cells that remain at elevated tempera- also be considered that these were in vitro studies, and
tures (Feril and Kondo 2004a, 2004b; ter Haar et al. 1980). the interaction mechanism in vitro may be different from
The interaction of ultrasound with the cell membrane that in intact tissue in vivo.
has been of interest with respect to ultrasound-mediated Overall, ultrasound may cause epigenetic changes,
drug delivery and sonoporation (de Jong et al. 2000; such as modification of histone protein structure, that
Escoffre et al. 2010; ter Haar 2007) and extraction of can have a long-term influence on gene expression
medicinal compounds from biological resources (Health Protection Agency 2010). Ultrasound may also
(Izadifar 2013). Change in permeability to ions is one of lead to stimulation of cellular functions that mostly
the usual changes that occurs in cells exposed to ultra- involve interactions at the cell membrane level (Health
sound. Research by Chapman (1974) indicated that acous- Protection Agency 2010). Taylor and Newman (1972) re-
tic exposure at 1.8 MHz and ISATA 5 1 W cm22 in vitro ported that ultrasound exposure under treatment condi-
resulted in sublethal alteration in the thymocyte plasma tions of 1 MHz, ISATA 5 10 W cm22, pulses of 20 ms to
membrane, which leads to a decrease in potassium con- 10 ms, for more than 2.5 min influenced the electropho-
tent. A reversible rise in calcium ion uptake in fibroblasts retic mobility of cells, which reflects a cell surface charge
was observed by Mortimer and Dyson (1988) at an ultra- density change as a result of volume changes (Mummery
sound frequency of 1 MHz and ISATA of 0.5–1 W cm22. 1978). The Time-lapse photomicrography of cellular
Results of electron microscopy of cells and tissues movements in vitro revealed ultrasonically induced
after exposure to ultrasound reveal damage to a variety changes that may last for several generations of cells
of subcellular organelles, primarily mitochondria, and (Liebeskind et al. 1982); however, such results are far
damage to lysosomes with consequent release of lyso- from clear in vivo (Health Protection Agency 2010).
somal enzymes in tissue (Dvorak and Hrazdira 1966; To obtain a clearer indication of the biological ef-
Hrazdira 1971; Taylor and Pond 1972). In addition to fects of ultrasound, various studies focusing on biological
the membrane and mitochondrial damage caused by systems such as bone, blood, vasculature and lung, as
Mechanical and biological effects of US d Z. IZADIFAR et al. 13
well as effects on the fetus and embryo, have been con- in lithotripsy, may promote acoustic cavitation in liquid
ducted using small animal models. media (Health Protection Agency 2010).
Passive cavitation detection has been used in several
studies of ultrasound ablation (Coussios et al. 2007;
Farny et al. 2009; Hoerig et al. 2014; Li et al. 2014;
Mast et al. 2008; McLaughlan et al. 2010) and
lithotripsy-induced cavitation detection (Cleveland
The interaction of ultrasound with biological sys- et al. 2000). Measurements using passive cavitation
tems has been the subject of a considerable body of detection in both human and pig have revealed the pres-
research. The potential biological changes associated ence of bubbles in the perirenal fat, the collecting system,
with clinical applications of ultrasound, especially in ob- the parenchyma and subcapsular hematomas. The onset
stetrics and gynecology, have been studied in a wide va- of detectable cavitation in the parenchyma of a pig model
riety of in vitro and in vivo models and ultrasound required delivery of approximately 1000 shock waves
exposure conditions. However, sufficient caution must with a Dornier HM3 lithotripter (Cleveland and James
be exercised when extrapolating in vitro results to 2007). In addition to acoustic exposure conditions, the
in vivo conditions. For example, the mechanism of inter- maturity of the individuals being exposed is an important
action of sound waves with cells in vitro (in the liquid consideration, as biological damage to a few cells of the
environment), where cell cultures are in suspension in a developing embryo is much more significant than that to a
nutrient liquid medium or attached to a coated surface, small volume of adult cells. The acoustic properties of the
may be very different from that in the in vivo environ- early embryo are very similar to those of water. There-
ment, which features more solid structures such as tissue fore, bulk heating effects may be unimportant in the early
and bone (Health Protection Agency 2010). embryo, whereas heating at the bone surface may occur in
The effect of ultrasound in cell suspensions is also a third trimester fetus in which bone mineralization has
different from that in monolayers of cells attached to a occurred (Health Protection Agency 2010).
surface (Health Protection Agency 2010). In the liquid
environment, the most dominant physical mechanisms
for biological effects of ultrasound are acoustic cavitation
and streaming; substantial heating is unlikely because of Ultrasound interacts with tissue through both ther-
the low acoustic absorption coefficient (Health Protection mal and non-thermal mechanisms (mostly attributed to
Agency 2010). When tissue is exposed to ultrasound cavitation and radiation force) and generates a variety
in vivo, high acoustic absorption energy in tissue causing of biological effects at the cellular or intact tissue level
thermal effects becomes more important compared with (structural or functional changes). Three main factors
in vitro systems, whereas the probability of cavitation can result in bio-effects caused by ultrasound: heating, ra-
occurring in tissue is less than that in liquid. However, diation pressure and the presence of gas (ter Haar 2010).
the probability of cavitation occurring in intact tissue de- The ultrasound beam’s energy and frequency, as well as
pends on temperature, the tissue state and gas content the properties of the medium through which the ultra-
(Health Protection Agency 2010). sound beam passes, play important roles in the biological
Acoustic exposure conditions, as well as the mode of effects. Heating is related mostly to absorption of ultra-
energy deposition, are also very important for studying sound energy by tissue. The mechanical effects that arise
the biological effects of ultrasound. Two acoustic expo- from cavitation are related primarily to bubbles created
sure conditions with the same exposure time and energy during the rarefactional cycle of acoustic pressure; the
but different modes of energy deposition (one in contin- presence of gas in the solution that turns into microbub-
uous mode and the other in short pulses at a low repetition bles via the negative pressure of ultrasound; naturally
rate) may result in very different effects in tissue. Cavita- gaseous body tissues, such as lung alveoli and intestines;
tion activity and its associated characteristic cell damage or introduction of stabilized gas-filled microbubbles (ul-
are more probable with short pulses at a low repetition trasound contrast agent) into the bloodstream by
rate, whereas thermal effects are more likely in contin- extravasation.
uous mode (Health Protection Agency 2010). Therefore, Evidence from cellular and animal studies has indi-
in diagnostic ultrasound that features short exposures and cated that high-power devices used in therapeutic and
relatively low temporal average intensities, thermal ef- surgical applications, the purpose of which is to deliver
fects may not be very important in soft tissue; heating high-intensity ultrasound to a target tissue, can clearly
is more likely in tone burst and continuous exposure in cause potential biological effects in the body. However,
therapeutic applications. However, high-pressure ampli- these biological effects have brought about unique oppor-
tude with even short pulse mode exposure, such as used tunities for non-invasive ultrasound therapy; apart from
14 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume -, Number -, 2017
tolerability, the main concerns relate to accurate targeting sound beam (ter Haar 2010). Therefore, having the
of ultrasound in the desired target volume without more appropriate model size and measuring the attenua-
damaging other tissues. tion caused by the intervening tissue can ensure the find-
At lower levels of exposure, such as diagnostic ultra- ings are relevant with respect to effects in humans.
sound, there is no established evidence of any specific Although ultrasound bio-effects reported in animal
harmful effect; however, too few research data are avail- models occur under conditions similar to those used in
able to draw firm conclusions, especially with respect to humans, we cannot confidently relate these results to hu-
the long-term use of ultrasound. The subtle effects of mans. The absence of human studies on the bi-effects of
diagnostic ultrasound, such as neuronal migration or diagnostic ultrasound does not necessarily mean there are
changes in membrane permeability, are not completely no effects, but, rather, there is a lack of techniques to
understood. detect them. Cavitation thresholds are usually determined
Although the application of ultrasound in fetal imag- experimentally through acoustic emission, broadband
ing has evolved beyond medical practice to commercial noise and subharmonic signals from bubbles. Because
souvenir scans, detailed 3-D facial imaging and recording of the attenuation of signals in tissue, detection of signals
of the baby’s movement in the womb via 4-D sonography arising from deep in tissue is more difficult than detection
(in which the image is continuously updated with time of those arising from the surface. This makes the detec-
and becomes like a movie), which require prolonged tion of cavitation in tissue very difficult. Detection and
and more intense ultrasound exposure, there are uncon- visualization of cavitation responses in the body under
firmed indications from the biological and epidemiologic different operating conditions would be very helpful in
literature of possible neurologic effects on in utero ultra- threshold determination, as well as characterization and
sound exposure. Therefore, diagnostic ultrasound should analysis of cavitation in the human body.
be used wisely, especially with respect to newer equip- A complete understanding of the interaction of ultra-
ment, which can have higher acoustic output levels than sound with ultrasound contrast agents is required to
earlier models. Furthermore, for continued safety, there develop the full potential of ultrasound contrast agents
is a great need to further study the long-term hazards of in biomedical ultrasound applications such as drug/gene
exposure, especially in utero exposure, to diagnostic ul- delivery, tumor therapy and arteriogenesis. More infor-
trasound. In addition, a better understanding of the direct mation regarding the location of microbubbles in the
physical effect of ultrasound (acoustic cavitation) is body, as well the area where microbubbles are in contact
required to determine the cause of any biological effects with tissue and cells are subjected to ultrasound exposure,
in humans (e.g., trauma to lung or intestines, capability to is necessary.
improve healing of bone and soft tissue, platelet damage Further advances in the use of ultrasound in medi-
caused by cavitation) as well as improve the quality of ul- cine require better knowledge of the cellular and molec-
trasound applications in many clinical practices (e.g., ular events interfering with physical mechanisms of
drug delivery, tumor ablation). ultrasound combined with their related biological effects.
A literature review by ter Haar (2010) presented In addition, more effort is required to visualize, detect and
from the viewpoint of diagnostic safety revealed that monitor ultrasound-induced cavitation bubbles combined
most bio-effects from clinically relevant practices arise with ultrasound contrast agents deep inside the body to
from short, high-amplitude ultrasonic pulses at high repe- have more control over the biological effects of
tition rates. However, until recently, most studies have ultrasound.
focused on continuous-wave (long-tone-burst) exposures.
Furthermore, most in vitro studies have investigated the Acknowledgments—This work was supported in part by a Natural Sci-
ences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery grant,
effect of ultrasound on either suspended culture cells or the Canada Research Chairs program and the University of
monolayers, yet the way ultrasound interacts with cells Saskatchewan.
in an aqueous environment is different from the way it in-
teracts with intact tissues (ter Haar 2010). Because ther- REFERENCES
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