Student Behaviour Profile Form
Student Behaviour Profile Form
Student Behaviour Profile Form
Student name:
Completed by:
The purpose of the interview is to get more information about the child’s reinforcers
(likes/dislikes), his/her social behaviour, communication problems, self-help skills, task
persistence and additional information. The information gathered will be useful in planning
the individual educational plan and in helping both parents and teachers to work together as
a team in implementing the child’s program successfully.
10. How does your child express/shows sad emotion towards others?
12. How does your child express/shows anger emotion towards others?
13. Does your child express/shows fear emotion towards others?
14. How does your child express/shows fear emotion towards others?
16. Do you let your child have freedom to behave /do activity anyway they choose at
17. Did you bring your child with you to any events?
18. When attending the events, how does s/he act or behave?
19. Does s/he participate in cooperative play with other kids, siblings, or adults?
24. What usually works best to calm her/him down when she/he is upset or crying?
25. Does s/he react to sound that are within the range of typical speaking volume?
31. Does s/he take very good care of her/his toys? (clean up after playing, keep them
1. How does your child make requests when s/he need something?
3. What language are the parents using at home to speak/communicate with the child?
1. What kind of food would s/he be able to eat? (Can s/he chew, consume solid food, or
only soft food?
Yes No
7. How will your child let you know if s/he has to use the restroom/toilet?
14. Will s/he perform basic housework tasks like sweeping the floor, setting things in
their proper places, washing the dishes?
Yes No
Yes No
9. What is the biggest accomplishment you hope for your child following the NASOM
intervention programme?
10. Will you cooperate with NASOM to make your child's accomplishment a reality?