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1 more processes need to use the stored data

in a later time.
What is a Data Flow Diagram (DFD)? ● Notation
• Data flow diagrams are used to o Data can be written into the data store,
graphically represent the flow of data in which is depicted by an outgoing arrow
a business information system. o Data can be read from a data store, which
• It describes the processes that are is depicted by an incoming arrow.
involved in a system to transfer data ● External Entity
from the input to the file storage and • It is a person, department, outside
reports generation. organization, or other information system
• The visual representation makes it a good that provides data to the system or receives
communication tool between User and outputs from the
System designer. system.

DFD Symbols Top-Down Decomposition Techniques

• There are four basic symbols that are • Top-down decomposition, also called
used to represent a data-flow leveling, is a technique used to show more
Diagram. detail in lower-level DFDs. Leveling is done
by drawing a series of increasingly detailed
● Process diagrams until the desired degree of detail
• A process receives input data and is reached.
produces output with a different content or
form. 3.2
● Data Flow What is a Use Case Diagram?
• A data-flow is a path for data to move from • Use case diagram is the primary form of
one part of the information system to system/software requirements for a new
another. software program underdeveloped.
• A data-flow may represent a single data • It specifies the expected behavior (what),
element such the Customer ID and not the exact method of making it
or it can represent a set of data element (or happen (how).
a data structure) (e.g. Customer_info
(LastName, FirstName, SS#, Tel #, etc.) and
Order_info (OrderId, Item#, OrderDate, Actor - Someone who Interacts with the
CustomerID, etc.)). functions
Use Case - It is a system function (process
● Rule of Data Flow automated or manual) It is a system
o One of the rule for developing DFD is that function (process
all data flow must begin with and end at a Communication Link - It connects actor to
processing step. This is quite logical, a use case through a solid link.
because data can't transform on its own Boundary of System - It is the entire
with being process. By system as defined in the system
● Data Store requirements.
• It is used to represent a situation when the
system must retain data because one or
Extends - Indicates that a use case may o Each flow should be preceded with a
include (subject to specified in the scenario name.
extension) the behavior specified by base o List the user actions and system
use case. responses for the alternate
Include - Indicates that an instance of the scenario.
base use case will include the behavior as
specified in the child use case.
Generalization - Indicates a parent-child 3.3
relationship between use cases wherein What is an ER diagram (ERD)? - Entity
child use case is an enhancement of the Relationship Diagram, also known as ERD,
parent use case. ER Diagram or ER model, is a type of
structural diagram for use in database
Use Case Description design.
• Components
1. Use case name - It is a results-oriented Entities - in ERD are referring to business
name for the use case as it appears in the objects such as people/roles (e.g. Student),
use case diagram. tangible business objects (e.g. Product),
intangible business objects (e.g. Log), etc.
2. Use case ID - A unique identifier, as Relationship - is about how these entities
specified by the organization so that relate to each other within the system.
functional requirements can be tracked.
Database design - Depending on the scale
3. Use case description - It is a description of change, it can be risky to alter a database
of the reason for and outcome of the use structure directly in a DBMS.
4. Primary Actor - Actors that triggers/ Database debugging - To debug database
initiates the use case (initiator) issues can be challenging, especially when
5. Secondary - Actors that interact with the the database contains many tables, which
use case after it is triggered (participator). require writing complex SQL in getting the
6. Preconditions - List any activities that information you need.
must have been taken place, or any Database creation and patching – There
conditions that must be true, before the use is an ERD tool that supports a database
case can be started generation tool that can automate the
7. Postconditions - List the state of the database creation and patching process by
system at the conclusion of the use case means of ER diagrams.
execution. Aid in requirements gathering -
8. Main Flow - List the user actions and Determine the requirements of an
system responses that will take place information system by drawing a conceptual
during execution of the use case under ERD that depicts the high-level business
normal, expected conditions. objects of the system.
9. Alternative Flows - Document other,
legitimate usage scenarios that can take
place within the use case. Entity - An ERD entity is a definable thing
or concept within a system, such as a
person/role (e.g. Student), object (e.g. How Data Dictionaries are Used?
Invoice), concept (e.g. Profile) or event (e.g. • Documentation - provide data structure
Transaction) (note: In ERD, the term "entity" details for users, developers, and other
is often used instead of "table", but they are stakeholders
the same). • Communication - equip users with a
Attributes - Also known as a column, an common vocabulary and definitions for
attribute is a property or characteristic of the shared data, data standards, data flow and
entity that holds it. exchange, and help developers gage
Primary Key - Also known as PK, a primary impacts of schema changes
key is a special kind of entity attribute that • Application Design - help application
uniquely defines a record in a database developers create forms and reports with
table. In proper data types and controls, and ensure
Foreign Key - Also known as FK, a foreign that navigation is consistent with data
key is a reference to a primary key in a relationships
table. • Systems Analysis - enable analysts to
Relationship - A relationship between two understand overall system design and data
entities signifies that the two entities are flow, and to find where data interact with
associated with each other somehow. various processes or components
Cardinality - Cardinality defines the
possible number of occurrences in one • Data Integration - clear definitions of data
entity which is associated with the number elements provide the contextual
of occurrences in another. understanding needed when deciding how
to map one data system to another, or
3.4 whether to subset, merge, stack, or
What is Database Normalization? transform data for a specific use
• Database Normalization - is a technique • Decision Making - assist in planning data
of organizing the data in the database. collection, project development, and other
Normalization - is a systematic approach of collaborative efforts
decomposing tables to eliminate data
redundancy(repetition) and undesirable Types of Data Dictionary
characteristics like Insertion, Update and
Deletion Anomalies. • Active Data Dictionary - The DBMS
software manages the active data dictionary
3.5 automatically. The modification is an
What is Data Dictionary - Data dictionary automatic task and most RDBMS has active
is the textual description of data objects and data dictionary. It is also known as
their inter- relationships. integrated data dictionary.
Data dictionaries store and communicate • Passive Data Dictionary - Managed by
metadata about data in a database, a the users and is modified manually when
system, or data used by applications. the database structure changes. Also
It is commonly used in confirming data known as non- integrated data dictionary.
requirements and for database developers
to create and maintain a database system.
What is System Architecture? 4.1
• System architecture translates the logical
design of a system into a physical structure Project management includes planning,
that includes hardware, software, network scheduling, monitoring and controlling, and
support, processing methods, and security. reporting on system development.
• A successful project must be completed on
Mainframe Architecture – A multi-user time, within budget, and deliver
environment where the server is a quality product that satisfies users and
significantly more powerful than the clients. meets requirements.
In this architecture, the server performs all Project scheduling involves the creation of
the processing. a specific timetable, usually in the form of
• The mainframe performed all data input charts that show tasks,
and output at a central location, also known Project monitoring requires guiding,
as a data processing center. supervising, and coordinating the project
Stand-alone Computing - The workstation team’s workload.
performs all the functions of a server by Project reporting includes regular progress
storing, accessing, and processing data, as reports to management, users, and the
well as providing a user interface. project team itself.
Computer Network - A set of computers
connected together for the purpose of
sharing resources. Factors Affecting Duration
Company-wide systems that connect one or o Project size - A project manager must
more LANs or WANs are called distributed estimate the time required to complete each
systems. project phase.
Human resources - A project manager
Client/ Server Architecture must assemble and guide a development
• Client/ Server Architecture is a team that has the skill and experience to
distributed computing strategy which handle the project.
refers to systems that divide processing Experience with Similar Projects - A
between one or more networked clients and project manager can develop time and cost
a central server. estimates based on the resources used for
• Client handles the entire user interface, similar, previously developed information
including data entry, data query, and screen systems.
presentation logic. Constraints - A constraint is a condition,
• Server stores the data and provides data restriction, or requirement that the system
access and database management must satisfy. For example, a constraint
functions. might involve maximums for one or more
Two-tier design - the user interface resides
on the client, all data resides on the server,
Three-tier design - the user interface runs
on the client and the data is stored on the
server, just as with a two-tier design.

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