COT 2022 2023 Layers of Atmosphere

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Santa Barbara National Comprehensive High School

Santa Barbara, Iloilo


Schools Division: ILOILO Grade Level: Grade 7

Teacher: April Glory A. Patadon Learning Area: Earth and Space

Teaching Dates and March 10, 2023 Quarter: 4 (1 hour)*


A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the different phenomena that occur
in the atmosphere

B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to develop a plan on how to take care of the Earth’s
C. Learning Competencies/ Objective discuss how energy from the Sun
interacts with the layers of the
atmosphere (S7ES-IVd-5)
II. CONTENT (Physics)) Layers of the Atmosphere
In this lesson, the learners
1. Discuss the importance of the Earth’s atmosphere and ozone layer.
2. Identify the layers of the atmosphere.

III. LEARNING RESOURCES For teacher observation:

Activity 1: What is the Basis for dividing Earth’s atmosphere into layers!

Possible Materials to be used by the teacher:

 Graph Fig.1
 Ruler
 Activity Sheets

Note: There should 8 groups with 5 members each with a leader and presenter.
A. References
1. Teaching Guide pages

2. Learner’s materials pages Learning Material for Grade 7 Science pp. 119-121
3. Textbook pages Science Links: Worktext for Scientific and Technological Literacy pp. 313-317
4. Additional materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal Curriculum Guide Grade 7 Science

B. Other Learning Resources

Science 7 Learners’ Module
Powerpoint Presentation
Video showing

A. Reviewing previous lesson or A game of 4 pics-1-Word relating to the topic will be flashed on screen. The Formative Assessment
presenting the new lesson teacher will give her mobile number and the learners are expected to give a text  Listing of students’ answers
message. The first to message the answer correctly will be called by the teacher
and given reward. Correct spelling should be observed like in your English
(Indicator #1: Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum
teaching areas.)
(Indicator #2: Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.)

Students are expected to give correct answers. Misbehaviors will be disqualified

from the game.
(Indicator #5: Managed learner behavior constructively by applying positive and
non-violent to ensure learning-focused environments.)

B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the learners the following questions.  Question and Answer
lesson  Like our skin, atmosphere covers the Earth. Why is atmosphere important to our
(Indicator #3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and
creative thinking as well as other higher order thinking skills.)

C. Presenting examples/instances of Teacher Demonstration: (5 min) KWL:

the new lesson 1. Learners will form 8 groups with 5-6 members each with a leader and presenter. What What What they
(Elicit) 2. Perform the Activity 1, Science 7 Learners’ material pgs. 312-313 they they have
3. After 5 minutes, each group will present their work and develop a report of each know want to learned
layer of the atmosphere. know
Assigned topic for each Group:
1-2 Troposphere, 3-Stratosphere, 4-Ozone Layer, 5-6Mesosphere, 7-
Thermosphere, 8-Exosphere,
(Indicator #4: Managed classroom structure to engage learners, individually or
in groups, in meaningful explorations, discovery and hands-on activities with-in
a range of physical learning environments)

D. Discussing the new concepts and a. Let the representative discuss the report made. Formative Assessment
practicing new skills #1  Question and answer method
(Engage) Ask this question:
 What is the chemical composition of the particular layer?  Group Discussion/
 Why is that particular layer important? Brainstorming
(Indicator #3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and
creative thinking as well as other higher order thinking skills.) Rubrics will be utilized to mark the
 Using a line graph, indicate the change in temperature of the layers. plan presented and inquiry skills.
(Indicator #1: Applied knowledge and content within and across curriculum
teaching areas.

E. Discussing new concepts and Let the learner discuss reported updates heard from TV, radio, or internet about  Question and answer method
practicing new skills #2 the ozone layer and its reported depletion over the years like what they do in their
(Explore) Social Studies subject current events. (Indicator #7: Planned, managed and  Group Discussion/
implemented developmentally sequenced teaching and learning process to meet Brainstorming
curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts)

Ask the following question:

Why do you think ozone layer depletes?
Who are responsible for the depletion?
Why do we need to save our ozone layer?

(Indicator #3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and

creative thinking as well as other higher order thinking skills.)
F. Developing mastery (Leads to  The different groups present and report their knowledge about current events in Rubrics for reporting activity
Formative Assessment 3) the Earth’s Ozone Layer. (10 min). results- peer rating.
Possible expected parameters to be reported:
[Araling Panlipunan]
 Using Globe as basis for changes in Ozone layer in different countries
 Reaction on Video showing of the Layers of the atmosphere
Note: Accept all results to be processed. Drawing of conclusion based on
(Indicator #8: Selected, developed, organized and used appropriate teaching and students’ answers.
learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goals.)
G. Finding practical applications of Discussion:
concepts and skills in daily living 1. The importance of layers of the Earth and the Ozone layer
(Elaborate) Valuing [Values Education]
 Develops love for the Mother Nature and our Earth by doing practices that
take care of our Ozone layer.
(Indicator #1: Applied knowledge and content within and across curriculum
teaching areas.)
H. Making generalizations and From the discussions, ask the learners Giving Explanation
abstractions about the lesson  How would you take care of our atmosphere and ozone layer?
 Explain how important atmosphere and ozone layer to us humans in
everyday living.
(Indicator #3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and
creative thinking as well as other higher order thinking skills.)
I. Evaluating learning Learners will answer a Summative Assessment with TOS: Summative Assessment with TOS
(Evaluate) (Indicator #9: Designed, selected, organized, and used diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements.)
J. Additional activities for application Learners will choose from the following:
or remediation (Differentiated Instruction) Rubrics for scoring
(Extend)  Make a poem or song on how to take care our atmosphere and ozone layer.
 Research additional trivia ad latest updates about our atmosphere and make
a report.
 Make a poster about how to take care our atmosphere and ozone layer.
(Indicator #6: Used differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning
experiences to address learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. With of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or superior can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized The extended activity was focused on the practices to take care of atmosphere and
materials did I use/discover which I ozone layer in their barangay of the town of Santa Barbara. This can help learners
wish to share with other teachers? understand clearly and learn meaningfully using a learning material locally found
in their place.

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