In Partial Fulfillment of
Avelis, Jonalyn
Phones have become an almost essential part of daily life since their rapid growth
now a day. A nationwide survey conducted in 2017 shows that mobile phones are the
most necessary medium of communication for adolescents. It has virtually affected the
society’s accessibility, security, safety and coordination of business and social activities
and has hence become a part of culture of the whole world. Apart from the information
abundance, the fast pace of people’s lives leaves critically little room for education. In
our generation today, there’s no denying that using phone has become a significant part
of many people especially in student’s everyday lives. But many of us are still
wondering on how these phone using affects on the student’s learning and what are good
and bad effects of it.
Using phone has greatly improved people’s lives through different fields such
medicine, work, industry and especially education. For the students, we know the
benefits of using phone such as making student more interested and excited about the
lesson. It also increased the student’s level of interaction and it brought us new
perspectives and knowledge in class. Also, mobile phone is a device that can basically
make and receive calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area.
(Pew Research center, 2010). It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by
a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. The ancient
types of mobile phones support limited services and for example calling, sending
messages and very few for taking pictures. However, the modern phones support very
wide range variety of other services apart from making and receive calls and text
messaging, MMS, e-mail, internet access, short range wireless communications
[(Infrared, Bluetooth, Files, Transfer Protocol, (FTP)], business applications, alarm,
gaming and photography.
In conclusion, Using phone is a versatile and valuable tool for learning and becoming a
way of life. In the classroom it would beneficial to the students. It creates new ways of
obtaining and presenting information and give us new ways of analyzing and
understanding the world around us.
These inspired the researcher to conduct a study about using phone. We focused on how
students should interact of using phone in order to attain learning with the help of it. The
purpose of this study is to evaluate phone usage learning acceptance among grade 12
ABM students, the applied method was a descriptive survey.
The general problem of the study is: “How does relationship between using
phone and the Academic performance in business finance in Grade 12 ABM students?
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions.
1.1 Age,
1.2 Sex,
4. Is there a significant relationship between the length of time in using phone and the
Academic performance of Grade 12 ABM students in business finance?
Related to the research problem no. 4, the research Hypothesis State: There is no
significant relationship between using phone and the Academic Performance in business
finance in Grade 12 Accountancy Business and Management students in Speaker
Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School.
This study focuses only to the Grade 12 ABM students of Speaker Eugenio
Perez National Agricultural School who are using phones, are the subject of the
investigation. Same set of questionnaires will be given to the respondents. It is limited to
the objective of the Study since the researcher only wanted to determine the relationship
between phone usage and the academic performance in Grade12 Accountancy, Business
and Management students. The attainment of this study is dependent to the answers of the
respondents. The respondents are composed of Students in ABM strand in Speaker
Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School. The study will be conducted in this school
Year 2022-2023. The researcher will use online survey questioner in gathering data.
This research sought a relationship between phone usage and the academic
performance in Business Finance in grade 12 ABM students. It is hoped that the findings
of this research would be beneficial to the following:
Students . This study may serve as reminder for the student to limit their phone usage.
Parents. This study will serve as a basis for the parents to monitor their son/ daughter in using
Teachers. This study may help the teachers to design activities that would promote proper
usage of phone.
School administrators. This study will benefit from the results of the study by applying
the proposed action plan which will help minimize the students of using phones.
Future researchers. This study will benefit from the study because this will serve as
their source and guide for the future study.
The review of the literature of this study focuses on The Relationship between phone
usage and academic performance in business finance among G12 ABM Students.
It explains further the relationship of the taken literatures and studies to the present
research studies. These materials provided the researchers more understanding and wider
comprehension regarding the problem.
Related literature
This study was designed to determine the relationship between phone usage and
academic performance. Good phone usage in study can lead to good academic
performance but if you use the phone usage all into a game is result to poor academic
According to Pew Research Center (PRC, 2018),they defined here as a mobile
phone that performs many of the functions of a computer. In addition, a survey conducted
in 2019 showed that 46 percentage of students reported that they could not live without
their smartphone. Similar numbers can be observed in other parts of the Western world.
Therefore, it should come as no surprise that in recent years discussions about the
potential consequences of heavy smartphone use have earned an important place in
societal debates. Simultaneously, the possible effects of smartphone use received
increasing interest from scientists in different disciplines. As such, scholars have
investigated associations between smartphone use and smartphone addiction and, for
example, poor academic performance, sleep quality and quantity, anxiety, loneliness, and
depression, satisfaction with life social relationships, substance addictions and attention
deficit and hyperactivity disorder.
According to Chen and Tzeng (2010) found that among heavy Internet phone users
information seeking was associated with better academic performance, while playing
video game on phone was associated with lower levels of academic performance.
The main problem noted was found that relationship between phone usage and academic
performance was many of the students among G12 ABM have not learned how manage
time for studying and using phone in academic performance (cited by Sancez-Martinez
and Otero 2009).
A study conducted by Hawi and Samaha, 2016 the aforementioned arguments suggest
good reasons to expect an association between G12 ABM students Phone usage and their
academic performance. Smartphones can be supportive in the academic setting by
providing easy and fast communication and to search for relevant information. However,
the potential negative influence of smartphones through distraction, multitasking, and/or
health implications are dominantly advanced in the literature to date.
According to Ling and Krumpal (2013) says combined a paper and pencil survey with
objective logged data, which is a strong point for these studies as Boase and Ling
reported a limited correlation between self-reported smartphone use and actual logged
data—we return to this point below. Four of the five studies reporting no significant
association between smartphone use and academic performance are relying on data
gathered by a paper and pencil questionnaire. A possible explanation might be that those
questionnaires are filled in during a course and therefore participants are surrounded by
peers which might increase the tendency to social desirable answers.
Based on Samuel (2017) we focus on divergences in the empirical findings—ergo,
aspects in which there is no consensus in the literature—and (methodological) limitations
of existing studies, we explicitly provide scholars with directions for fruitful future
research. Secondly, while in several countries interventions have been developed to
discourage heavy smartphone use in class because it is believed to obstruct knowledge
acquisition, it is unclear whether these popular perceptions correspond with a consensus
in the related scientific literature.
According to Lepp (2014), the scientific literature to date on the relationship between
phone usage and academic performance in tertiary education. Our analysis of the
literature reveals a predominance of empirical results supporting a negative association.
However, this predominance is less outspoken in studies analyzing data gathered by
paper and pen questionnaires (compared with studies on data gathered by online surveys)
and studies relying on self-reported grade point averages (compared with studies using
actual grades). In general, when scholars use methods of data gathering which are more
susceptible to social desirable behavior, a non-significant association is found more often.
According to Felisoni and Godoi (2018), The main limitation identified in the literature is
that the existing studies all conduct correlational analyses and/or linear or logistic
regression analyses on cross-sectional data so that their results cannot be given a causal
interpretation. We suggest two different forms of analysis to counter this indigeneity
problem that could be explored in further research. Firstly, longitudinal data could be
collected in view of regression analyses controlling for individual fixed effects. By
integrating fixed effects into the analysis, it is possible to control for time-invariant
unobserved characteristics of G12 ABM students that may affect both phone usage and
academic performance.
Related Studies
The study also found that smartphones addiction sidetracks students on their
studies. Extended the same issue to Bangladesh and determined the effect of smart phone
usage on the students’ performance in Jahangirnagar University. Results of the study
depicted that continuous application usage during study time, spending more time on
mobile phone, and marital status has negatively affecting the academic performance of
the students.
According to Niroshanth (2021), Nowadays, mobile phones have become an
integral part of our daily lives, whether you are at home, going to college, or doing other
daily activities. Even the casual view of today’s college students will find that mobile
phones are used explicitly and secretly in a variety of possible campus living
environments (including classroom environments). Advances in technology have made
mobile phones a basic tool for communication and communication in the 21st century.
Previous studies that investigated the relationship between phone usage and
academic performance relied on self-reported cellphone usage time, which carries
significant bias for two main reasons. Firstly, most people give imprecise information,
because it is rather difficult in practice to estimate how much of one’s day was dedicated
to any particular activity. In fact, comparing self-reported cellphone usage time assessed
in the questionnaire we applied to our sample of 47 students to the actual usage time
obtained through the monitoring applications, the latter was on average 48.5% higher,
which indicates that not only people are imprecise, but also tend to significantly
underestimate this variable. Secondly, when self-reporting usage time, there is little
assurance that the concept of usage is the same among participants. While one may
believe that only calling and texting amount as phone usage, for instance, another may
consider only gaming, or surfing the internet.
The focus of this study was undertaken by the following conceptual framework which
has a three part process: the input, process and output.
Input- This includes the profile of the students, Phone brand, spend time of using phone
and the academic performance of G12 ABM students in business finance.
Process – In the research process, this includes determining The Relationship between
phone usage and the academic performance of business finance among G12 ABM
Output- This study is the result about the relationship between phone usage and the
academic performance of business finance among G12 ABM student in Speaker Eugenio
Perez National Agricultural School.
Figure 1.
To avoid confusion and misunderstanding, the following terms will be defined and
explained conceptually and operationally:
ABM student. Students that enter the field of (ABM) Accountancy, Business and
Management. They are the respondents of Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural
Academic Performance. Is the extent to which a student has achieved their short or
long term educational goals.
Business Finance. Refers to the subject of respondents or students.
Phones/ Mobile Phones. A smart phone or mobile phone is a wireless handheld device
that allows users to make and receive calls and to send text messages, among other
features. The earliest generation of smart phones or mobile phones could only make and
receive calls. A smart phone/ mobile phone may also be known as a cellular phone or
simply a cellphone.
Phone Usage. The students use of mobile devices like cellphones and smartphones
within the school.
Socio demographic profile. Refers to a gender, sex, socio economic status, and phone
This chapter presents a discussion of the methods of research that will includes the
Research Design, Research locale, Research respondents, and the Data Gathering
Instrument and the different statistical techniques that will be used in the study.
This research is a descriptive -correlation method of research was used by the
researchers. It is used to describe the characteristics of a population or phenomenon being
studied. The type of study determining the relationship between phone usage and the
academic performance in business finance among grade 12 accountancy, business and
Management in Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School.
This study was conduct in San Carlos City Pangasinan in school of Speaker Eugenio
Perez National Agricultural School of grade 12 Accounting Business and Management.
The respondents were students of grade12 Accounting, Business and Management. The
researchers chose this location as the locale of the study since they were only able to
access the total number of the students in relationship between phone usage and
Academic performance. This locale also gave them enough information that they need
from student and their relationship between phone usage and Academic performance.
The respondents of this study were ninety four (94) grade 12 Accountancy, Business and
Management of Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School in the
school year 2022-2023.In order to come up with the sample population of the study
coming from each grade 12 ABM students, the following formula was used:
n = number of samples
N = total population; and
e = margin of error = 0.05
The current population of Grade 12 ABM students at Speaker Eugenio Perez National
Agricultural School. and its estimated sample (based on margin of error) is given in
Table 1.
Distribution of the Population and Estimated Sample of all students
The stratified sampling was used to get the estimated sample of the population and every
second person from the population would be included in the sample. Table 1 presents the
total population of grade 12 ABM students.
Table 2.
Population and Estimated Sample per Section
GRADE 12 ABM A 47 50% 38
GRADE 12 ABM B 47 50% 38
TOTAL 94 100% 76
In order to distribute this sample size evenly per G12 ABM section, the population size of
per section was divided by the total population. Table 2 presents the population of ABM
per section and its estimated sample size.
The researcher conduct online survey questionnaire to collect data regarding in academic
performance of ABM Students. The items include an array of phone-usage related in
Academic performance of Grade 12 ABM students designed to elicit, responses regarding
daily time used in phone and how it affects their academic studies using mobile phone.
The questionnaire contains of Ten(10) questions. The questionnaires will be distributed to
the respondent. The questionnaire determined by using likert scales model which
indicated, Always (A), Often (O), Sometimes (S), Rarely (R) or Never (N) with each
statement responded by the students to a series statement.
The designed questionnaire submit to the instructor or project supervisor for approval
before distributing it to the respondents. The validity of the results in this study on how
does the difference in relationship of a phone usage to the academic performance of
Grade 12 accountancy, business and management students in Speaker Eugenio Perez
National Agricultural School are critical since there has no fixed pattern to determine the
data representation. The reasons which the research is only focusing only to the selected
participant's opinion regarding the relations of phone usage to the academic performance
of the Grade 12 in particular to accountancy, business and management students only.
According to the data has been gathered, the reliability of the study is uncertain since
there's only needed to emphasize the relationship between phone usage and the academic
performances of Grade 12 ABM students.
The researcher used Correlational design, for the data to have some explanations.
Tabular, for the data be presented using tables. Textual, so that there is a correlation for
all the data that has been collect through online, to make it easier for the readers to
understand the data in the tabular.
The first part of the questionnaire consists of the profile of the respondents:
Phone Brand:
PART II – This second part to get the students perception on the Relationship between
using my phone.
front of phone.
the class.
phone to remind me of
involving calculator.