Valiant Sayer Campus Journ
Valiant Sayer Campus Journ
Valiant Sayer Campus Journ
Flood-hit towns
in Isabela receive
financial assis-
tance from gov’t
ISU Cabagan wraps up as Univ Week over-all champ
Remsbee A. Baccay
7.3 magnitude
hits Ilocos,
warns for after-
April Joy B. Fernandez
DOH detects... from page 2 Russian Foreign Minister: we didn’t invade Ukraine
Jhudy-Ann S. Paccarangan
vaccinated,” she Russian Foreign Minis- town of Yahidne for 28 days
in a school basement, re-
ternal stage also reiterated
the unfounded assertion that
Meanwhile, Press ter Sergei Lavrov has
made several claims sulting in the deaths of ten Russian soldiers were aiming
Secretary Trixie Cruz- individuals. to "de-Nazify" Ukraine.
Angeles said on a press about the war in Ukraine
in an interview with the “It’s a great pity but “We didn’t invade
briefing that monkeypox is international diplomats, in- Ukraine. We declared a spe-
not particularly fatal, but it is BBC journalist Steve Ros-
enberg last June 2022. cluding the UN High Com- cial military operation be-
of concern. missioner for Human Rights, cause we had absolutely no
Angeles also said Speaking to the
BBC, Mr. Lavrov alleged the UN Secretary-General other way of explaining to the
that President “Bongbong” and other UN representa- West that dragging Ukraine
Marcos’ primary concern was that the invasion of Ukraine
by Russia, which has result- tives, are being put under into Nato was a criminal act,”
to get the information out to pressure by the West. And Lavrov added
increase public awareness ed in thousands of civilian
deaths since February 24, very often they’re being In other sections, he
about monkeypox and the used to amplify fake news said that the prime minister's
measures taken by the gov- had been the subject of
"false news" propagated by spread by the West.Russia pro-war rhetoric was to blame
ernment. is not squeaky clean. Rus- for the low point in ties be-
DOH advised the western nations.
Mr. Lavrov was sia is what it is. And we are tween the UK and Russia.
public to continue to be vigi- not ashamed of showing “I don’t think there’s
lant, to follow health proto- asked by the BBC’s Steve
Rosenberg about a UN re- who we are,” he answered. even room for manoeuvre
cols, and to get right infor- Mr. Lavrov, who has anymore because both
mation only from the depart- port that described how
Russian soldiers had impris- 18 years of experience rep- [Prime Minister Boris] John-
ment and its partner agen- resenting Russia on the in- son and [Liz] Truss say
cies. | VS oned 360 inhabitants of the continue to page 4
ISU Cabagan wraps up... from page 1
Cabagan students The Geyser, the offi- nalo, nasa kanila,” Ronald
reaped the fruits of their cial student publication of Apostol, Stage Director said.
intellect, dedication, and ISUC, also finished strong
service to the university as after bagging awards in the Furthermore, the cam-
MU org to allow they proudly stepped on the first-ever Journalympics pus also snatched Pasiklaban
stage of the 2022 Search where the journ tilt con- 2022, a competition for faculty
married women
Remsbee A. Baccay for University Student verged the participants from and staff, second place for
Awards at ICON Cauayan,
The new rule made by the
the nine different campuses
in various genres of journal-
festival booth competition led
by SSC officers, and ISUC
Miss Universe Organization
ism. prides for Mr. and Miss ISU
(MUO) allowing married Due to the collabora-
2022 finish second-runners
women to join the most tive efforts of student- Meanwhile, having up.
prestigious beauty pag- leaders, students journal- demonstrated a outstanding
eant drew mixed reactions ists, awardees, performers, performance, ISUC team “Nag-enjoy lang kami,
around the world; some debaters, teachers, faculty, named as the first place in nagperform as a representa-
agreed with the said rule staff and others, the cam- the 2022 ISU variety show tive of our campus and fortu-
and some opposed. pus has earned the highest and talent showdown com- nately ang efforts naming
People who agreed honor for the first university petition. nacompensate,” Sanyboyboy
said that it shows “equality”— week festival, besting seven Beltran, the director of ISUC
giving the opportunity to those other campuses. “Nakakaproud siyem-
pre. Hindi lang sa amin Office of the Student Affairs
married women ages 18 to and Services (OSAS) said in
28 in joining the competition Cabagan students bilang coach pati sa mga
reaped the fruits of their bata kasi nakita ko yung an interview.
will give them the chance to
showcase their beauty and intellect, dedication, and dedikasyon nila, lahat ng
service to the university as pawis, pagod at puyat nara- Added to the vision of
talent to the world. ISUC were the awards given
While people who they proudly stepped on the nasan nila para lang
stage of the 2022 Search maibigay ang best nila. So to the sound and bright stu-
challenged said that the new dents and organizations of
rule will “violate” the preced- for University Student wala sa akin yung pagkapa-
Awards at ICON Cauayan, the campus reaping most of
ing rule which only single the contested recognitions.
women were eligible to join Isabela.
the competition. PCFMI backs... from page 3
The preceding Miss Russian... from page 3
Universe rules stated,
Only four of the seven
“contestants may not be mar-
ried or pregnant. They must sugar refineries in the openly that we should de-
country, can provide major feat Russia, we should force
not have ever been married,
not had a marriage annulled food producers with refined Russia to its knees. Go on,
sugar, and also PCFMI then, do it!” he expressed.
nor given birth to, or parented
revealed that its refined In other reports,
a child. The titleholders are
also required to remain un- sugar suppliers had alerted during 17th of June Friday
them of decreased stocks morning, two people were 7.3 magnitude... from page 3
married throughout their
reign.” due to the impact of Ty- killed and 20 were injured
phoon Odette in Decem- when missiles fired by Rus- the big one comes, and have
The previous rules an engineer inspect houses
were carried out for 70 years ber. sian forces hit the city of
According to SRA sta- Mykolayiv in southern and infrastructures to declare
in operation and many beauty if they will still be used or not
tistics cited by PCFMI, the Ukraine.
queens were dethroned be- to ensure if is it still safe to
average price of refined Four residential
cause the committee found live in their houses.
sugar in the first week of structures and an infrastruc-
out about their status. “The last historical
For the past years, February is now P3,321.5 ture facility were destroyed
per 50-kg bag, which is a in the attack, regional gov- earthquake was recorded
MUO now realized that they with a magnitude of 4 or less
practiced discrimination 25 percent increase over ernor Vitaliy Kim revealed
the P2,664.5 per 50-kg bag on Telegram. than 5 in Abra River in 1868
against women and decided and this strong earthquake
to make small rule changes to recorded price in the same According to region-
period of previous year. al governor Maksym was recorded hundreds of
allow more inclusion and less years before it moved again,”
In comparison, PCFMI Marchenko, the Ukrainian
discrimination. Director Renato Solidum
Anyone from the age said that the current global military claimed on Friday to
price of refined sugar is have attacked a Russian said.
of 18 to 28 may now join the According to
just P1,650 for a bag navy tugboat carrying
Miss Universe despite their PHIVOLCS, the fault is on
marital or maternal status weighing 50 kilograms. troops, weapons, and am-
“To compete globally munition to the Russian- the land so in the place hit by
hence this will take its effect in the earthquake there is no
the beginning of the year the government should occupied Zmiinyi (Snake)
improve and support the Island south of the Odesa expected tsunami after a
2023. magnitude 7.2 earthquake.
local farmers,”Baisa quot- region.
Leonard Bangan
for the continuation of the
teaching and learning pro-
Research shows that
on average, students do worse
in an online context, and this is BEYOND THE FOUR WALLS
especially true for those with
less good academic back-
Online Class: Is it enough?
grounds. Some students may ience, and learn independently. in the online environment, which particular reason that we still had
perform equally well or even However, this also weakened our motivation. This a chance to graduate on time.
better than they would in a tradi- came with a great deal of re- helped me realize that taking With the passage of time in mind,
tional classroom situation. sponsibility, including the need classes online is not for every- we continued to engage in this
Online learning is likely to be to discipline ourselves to man- one and it is an impoverished conflict with the hopes of earning
significantly more challenging for age our time well and be honest way to learn. degrees that would enable us to
students who struggle in per- when answering exam ques- confidently practice our profes-
son. tions. If you cheated, and espe- We want our sions, as well as to be intellectu-
Furthermore, college cially if you lack the abilities and teacher's "touch," the in- ally prepared and capable of in-
life is a stage when we establish information required to become person interaction, and structing our students.
the foundation for our future, an educator, your grades or Now, I want to leave a
responsibility, and maturity. We marks were useless.
the direction they provide. question to ponder: Do you be-
expand our knowledge, develop The ability to use tech- In other words, while we lieve the two years you spent
new talents in our field, and nology, however, does not guar- now have to learn fully on taking online classes have ade-
hone our confidence. We are antee that students will learn in our own, we still need the quately prepared, equipped, or
supposed to establish ourselves an online class. For students scaffolding from our pro- trained you for your future ca-
as role models who succeed in like us who typically have a fessors, which is not en- reer? Do you believe that the
many areas and are willing to short attention span, having a tirely provided in an years of distant learning have
take on any task as future in- peaceful and pleasant learning given you the knowledge, aca-
structors. However, learning
online course.
environment is essential but a demic readiness, and academic
outside of the classroom allowed privilege is not available to eve- requirements needed to become
us to read the material at our As I discovered flexible
ryone as classes have moved an educator? Or do you consider
own pace, complete quizzes and learning, I felt both glad and
online. We experienced more yourself to be a multifaceted lack-
major exams at our conven- depressed. I was happy for a
distractions and less oversight luster education student?
The Duterte Youth party- Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. to Ferdinand E. Marcos In- velopment of Manila Interna-
list Rep. Ducielle Cardema who had been assassinated ternational Airport to give tional Airport (MIA) to meet
filed the House Bill 1252 at the gateway. But for Car- credit to the one who has the needs of the coming dec-
in renaming of Ninoy dema, the international contributed in the execution ades.
Aquino International Air- gateway must name after of the international gateway, If we look at the inter-
port (NAIA) back to its the capital of the country thus, he filed the House Bill national airports of the other
original name, Manila In- (Manila) and should not be 610. countries, mostly, they were
ternational Airport (MIA). “politicized”. Over the years named after the capitals of
It is remembered that Prior to the renaming of the service, the interna- their countries and/or some
the international gateway of the said gateway, many tional runway was officially named their airports after the
was renamed by the late citizens are agreed yet the named as Manila Interna- name of a person who had a
president Corazon Aquino in Negros Oriental Rep. Ar- tional Airport. And the for- greatest contribution to their
1987 in honor to her late nolfo Teves wanted to mer President Ferdinand E. countries and not just be-
husband and former senator change the name of NAIA Marcos authorized the de- cause of someone’s husband/
wife died at the gateway.
Thus, it is appropriate
to give back the original name
of the runway after decades
of burying its supposedly one
and only name. Therefore, for
many, MIA is better than
Laya NAIA or any man’s name.
And for the implementation
Remsbee A. of renaming back the NAIA
Baccay into MIA, gives an easy
recognition for the country
and instil prides for Filipi-
Leonard Bangan
With the return of face to Rent Control Act of 2009 the such enormous fees? As a about it, because I am not also
face classes many students Rent Control Act allows land- member of this spectacular sure in my environment that is
were eager and excited to lords to increase rents only society, Yes! It is indeed, not covered by our boarding
go to school, several prepa-
once a year for bed spaces, enough to guarantee our house especially in rainy sea-
rations were made, includ-
ing purchasing school sup- boarding houses, dorms, and safety because I once experi- son.
plies, and uniforms, and rooms leased to students. enced living in a boarding
some were busy finding house, and based on my ex- It is matter to priori-
boarding houses because it If the boarding house perience the security and tize the security of the board-
will serve as their second fees increased, is it enough ers a midst of such enormous
service I received in ex-
home while they study at fees because it is also your
to guarantee our safety change for what I paid was
the school that is far away responsibility and accounta-
against dengue cases? And sufficient, in terms of dengue bility as a landlord to provide
from their home.
why should border security cases, I can not be sure them with a good and com-
According to Republic
be prioritized in the midst of fortable service, and lastly,
Act 9653 better known as the
landlord should imple-
FEES FIRST OR SAFETY FIRST? ments rules and regulations
within inside of their boarding
house so that you can monitor
their actions to prevent any
such of harmful activities.
Indeed, in this world
The there are no permanent things,
even our tribulations can never
Sheep last forever, but obtaining secu-
rity and safety is being obedient
Lita S. and having proper self-
Castillo discipline.
Leonard Bangan
Their appetizing native food delicacies and famous cuisine that you must try!
A pansit variation called PANCIT CABAGAN originates from the Isabela town of
Cabagan. In fact, it is regarded as one of the most well-liked dishes in the region.
Additionally, this pansit variation makes use of eggs, Lechon Carajay, and Miki noo-
dles, just as the Pancit Batil Patung from Tuguegarao City. The eggs are not
poached; rather, they are boiled. Quail eggs are frequently used in the preparation of
this meal. It is very similar to the traditional Pancit Canton, although it makes use of a
special miki noodle manufactured locally. The noodle dish was cooked with chopped
garlic, onion, pork precooked in soy sauce, fish sauce, soup stock, carrot strips and
shredded cabbage. Then it was topped with chopped lechon kawali for extra flavour,
texture and crunch, and boiled quail and chicken eggs. It’s best eaten with a Pinaku-
rat suka (vinegar) and calamansi juice dip on the side.
Cabaguenos are also renowned for their exquisite native food delicacies, in fact
they are number one in terms of it particularly in San Bernando, Cabagan , Isa-
bela. These include:
INATATA. It is also a type of suman made from cooked whole glutinous rice,
lightly sweetened, and then wrapped in banana leaves into small cylinders before
being steamed. The curious thing about the Inatata is that, since they are small,
they are tied into batches of 10 like ammunition belts of a machine gun.
BINALLAY is pure ground glutinous rice mixed with water, soaked for two hours,
kneaded into small balls like siopao, wrapped in banana leaves into slightly flat,
rectangular sumans, then steamed until done. Aling Felicidad said Binallay is
eaten with laro, or a sweet latik sauce. She also showed us the proper way to
eat it, which was to spread laro on a small plate, then tearing the banana leaf
covering the Binallay in small strips one at a time, then laying the Binallay on
the laro and getting forkfuls of it.
*Binallay and Inatata took a little time to get to know. Both are types of suman,
or glutinous rice rolls wrapped in banana leaves then cooked in steamers until
PUTO is Cabagueno’s steamed cake snack that is served any time of the year. It
is the perfect dish to bring to a gathering or potluck because it’s easy to eat
and to transport. It is traditionally made from ground rice and can be eaten by
itself, with butter or grated coconut. However, this puto recipe is an adapted
version, using cake flour instead of ground rice. There are many variations that
include different flavorings such as ube (purple yam) and pandan. It can also
be topped with cheese or salted egg.
BIBINGKANG KANIN is made of glutinous rice, coconut milk, white sugar, and
young coconut meat. It follows simple cooking procedures like steaming
the rice and adding the remaining ingredients, then baking it.
Kingwhale Taipei with a 4-
point deficit, 25-21.
Both camps then ex-
changed sharp spurs, like
angry fighting cocks but the
score remained unchanged
The hard-hitting on set two as the bewildered
and spike-oriented Creamline Cool Smashers
Creamline Cool Smash- shifted positions from a 6-
ers asserted supremacy point deficit to a 2-point lead,
over the Kingwhale Tai- marking 25-19 and marking
pei three times in a row the set score 2-0.
as they scored 25-21, 25 KingWhale broke
-19, 25-8 during the their shells and gave Cream-
EJ Obiena climbs to No.3 in 2022 Premier Volleyball
League (PVL) Invitation-
line a taste of their ability to
recover scores, leading the
the world pole vault rankings al Conference at Mall of
Asia Arena.
first half of the second set of
the game. Creamline spread
as the clash with PATAFA “Kingwhale’s
strong ball defense is a
their wings again and tied up
with KingWhale until they
ramps up NISEN of America placed
no. 2.
threat but it serves as a
motivating force for the
secured their spot and were
ready to jump on the next set
According to Ej his Cool Smashers to not let of the game.
target is to jump 6 meters their guard down,” re- The Creamline Cool
The Philippines pole vaulter’ for his next competition. porter Alexis Tinsay Smashers seized their mo-
Earnest John “EJ” Obiena “There’s only 24 said. mentum in the third set of the
has ascended to a career- people who have done that Both teams have game and did not give their
high No. 3 in the current in the history and I want to different ways of attack- opponent a chance to win a
world rankings after earning be the 25 that absorb over ing but both are prolific set as Ced Domingo brought
a historic bronze medal finish 6 meters,” he said. scorers. Yet, Creamline her team to a match point
at the 2022 World Athletics Obiena bagged the Cool Smashers proves before Valdez delivered the
Championships in Oregon, personal best, national and they worth the crown as match-winning kill, pocketing
USA. Asian record, due to his they smashed, blocked, the set three triumphs, 25-8.
Previously placed historical vault; additionally, and dived the ball non- The Kingwhale Taipei
no. 6, the 26-year-old ace he will receive Php 250, 000 stop that resulted their who lost steam exerted their
surged three places higher cash incentives from the victory in the first set. last ounce of strength, took
after the 5.94-meter jump in government. The Creamline revenge but were answered
competition. He will give these Cool Smashers has- by a series of points, and
Meanwhile, Armand incentives to his co-athlete, tened and immediately found themselves bowing to
Duplantis of Swiden is still Lydia De Vega an track icon found their rhythm in set the new queens of Premier
ranked first with a 6.21-meter for her medical expenses 1 from a 10-point lead of Volleyball League (PVL) Invi-
record, while Christopher who fights for cancer. 10-5 leading against the tational Conference 2022.