Sabile, John Reyster E. - Rubics 3

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Sabile, John Reyster E.

Name: ___________________________________
Program: __________________ IT0031
Course: _______________________ AW41_____Trimester School Year ___________
Section: ______ 3TSY2223

Student Outcome H: Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving performance as a foundation for continuing
professional development.
Performance (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Indicators Poor Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
1. Ability to learn new Unable to develop Able to develop new Able to develop at Able to develop Able to develop
skills for continuous new skills skills but not related least one technical skills more complex
development of the to the field of technical skill related to the field technical skills
computing specialization related to the field of specialization related to the field 5
profession of specialization of specialization

2. Ability to respond to Unwilling to respond Willing to respond to Able to respond to Responds to Always responds to
challenges using the to challenges challenges but lack some challenges challenges most of challenges with 5
acquired skills skills the time initiatives

3. Ability to learn Unable to learn Able to learn Able to learn Able to learn Able to learn
independently for independently independently and independently and independently and independently and
continuous meet some meet expectations sometimes exceeds consistently
improvement of the expectations and and goals set by expectations and exceeds 5
computing profession goals set by the the supervisor goals set by the expectations and
supervisor supervisor goals set by the
Total Score 15
Mean Score = (Total Score / 3) 5
Percentage Rating = (Total Score / 15) x 100% 100%

Evaluated by:

_______________________________________ __________________
Printed Name and Signature of IP Representative Date

Sabile, John Reyster E.

Name: ___________________________________
Program: __________________ IT0031
Course: _______________________ AW41_____Trimester School Year ___________
Section: ______ 3TSY2223

Student Outcome J: Use and apply current technical concepts and practices in the core information technologies; human computer interaction,
information management, programming, networking and web systems and technologies.
Performance (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Indicators Poor Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
1. Ability to identify the Unable to identify the Identify some of the Identify the Identify and discuss Identify and discuss
current technical current technical current technical current technical current technical some current 5
concepts and practices. concept and concept and concept and concept and technical concept
practices practices practices practices and practices
2. Ability to apply Unable to apply Apply computing Apply an Apply some Apply most
computing technical computing technical technical concepts appropriate appropriate appropriate
concepts and practices, concepts and and practices, and its computing computing technical computing technical
and its effect. practices, and its effect. technical concepts concepts and concepts and 5
effect. and practices, and practices, and its practices, and its
its effect. effect. effect.
Total Score 10
Mean Score = (Total Score / 2) 5
Percentage Rating = (Total Score / 10) x 100% 100%

Evaluated by:
_______________________________________ __________________
Printed Name and Signature of IP Representative Date
Sabile, John Reyster E.
Name: ___________________________________
Program: __________________ IT0031
Course: _______________________ AW41_____Trimester School Year ___________
Section: ______ 3TSY2223

Student Outcome K: Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of
computer-based systems.
Performance (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Indicators Poor Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
1. Ability to understand user Unable to understand Understand user needs Able to understand Clearly understand Clearly and completely
needs and take them into user needs and take and take them into user needs and take user needs and take understand user needs and
account in the selection, them into account in the account in the selection, them into account in them into account in the take them into account in the
creation, evaluation and selection, creation, creation, evaluation and the selection, selection, creation, selection, creation, evaluation
administration of computer- evaluation and administration of creation, evaluation evaluation and and administration of computer-
based systems administration of computer-based systems and administration of administration of based systems
computer-based systems to some extent computer-based computer-based
systems moderately systems
2. Ability to analyze user Unable to analyze user Analyze fairly acceptable Analyze acceptable Analyze a more Analyze the most appropriate
needs and take them into needs and take them into user needs and take them user needs and take appropriate user needs user needs and take them into
account in the selection, account in the selection, into account in the them into account in and take them into account in the selection,
creation, evaluation and creation, evaluation and selection, creation, the selection, account in the selection, creation, evaluation and
administration of computer- administration of evaluation and creation, evaluation creation, evaluation and administration of computer- 5
based systems computer-based systems administration of and administration of administration of based systems
computer-based systems computer-based computer-based
systems systems
3. Ability to evaluate user Unable to evaluate user Evaluate inappropriate Evaluate fairly Evaluate the more Evaluate the most appropriate
needs and take them into needs and take them into user needs and take them appropriate user appropriate user needs user needs and take them into
account in the selection, account in the selection, into account in the needs and take them and take them into account in the selection,
creation, evaluation and creation, evaluation and selection, creation, into account in the account in the selection, creation, evaluation and
administration of computer- administration of evaluation and selection, creation, creation, evaluation and administration of computer- 4
based systems computer-based systems administration of evaluation and administration of based systems
computer-based systems administration of computer-based
computer-based systems
Total Score 13
Mean Score = (Total Score / 3) 4.33
Percentage Rating = (Total Score / 15) x 100% 86.67%
Evaluated by:
Printed Name and Signature of IP Representative Date

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