Summer Independent Study Pack Gr3
Summer Independent Study Pack Gr3
Summer Independent Study Pack Gr3
Dear Student,
You have learned so much this year! We want you to keep up the good work. To support you,
we’ve put together the a?ached menu of acAviAes to help prepare you for the school year
ahead. You should use a notebook to show your work and complete some tasks from this
pack. You may do the acAviAes in any order or on any day that you choose.
A list of suggested books to read and useful links are included on the last page.
We hope you enjoy your summer holiday!
INDEPENDENT READING Please, see the list of books shared with you, read
(Summer reading books) for 20 minutes every day and complete the daily
reading acAvity.
- Make a mind map for your book or for your
character. Put the Atle of your book in the
middle. Use words and images to provide
the details.
- Write a summary of the first chapter/ any
chapter / the whole book.
- Choose a book you love and write the
author a le?er about why. Be sure to use
evidence from the book.
- Sequencing; order of the events
- Comparing seQngs
- FicAon or non – ficAon
- A ficAon story about bees.
WRITING - Write a le?er
- Write a real – life ficAon story
- Write a fable
- Write a poem
SPELLING PracAce spelling words every day for 10 minutes.
You should have a separate copybook for wriAng
the words and pay a?enAon that you are wriAng
with a good handwriAng.
GRAMMAR PRACTICE - Nouns, Types of nouns
- Pronouns
- Adverbs
- AdjecAves
- Verbs
- Tenses
- ConjuncAons
- Compound sentences
- PunctuaAon and capitalizaAon.
Name Date
1. Address of the sender (right Must include the name of the street,
upper corner) the number of the house or block
(other details), city, country.
2. Date (8th of June 2017)
3. Dear____(the person/people Use Mr. or Mrs. (last name) if you
you are sending the leFer to write a formal leFer.
4. Your message
5. Say Good bye (Love from) if it is Use Best regards, Yours truly,
an informal le+er skipping Sincerely in formal leFers
several lines.
By choosing one of the following morals, create your own fable on the basis of this idea:
My poem plan.
Prac%ce spelling words on the daily basis for 5 – 10 minutes.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
1.beetle 1. possibility 1.wobble 1. surprise 1. suppose
2. jewelry 2.grasp 2. ashamed 2. French 2. August
3. avenue 3. comic 3. consonant 3. hesitate 3. coast
4. climbed 4. quiet 4. someone 4. sway 4. menu
5. wrote 5.feast 5. shovel 5. exactly 5. period
6. youth 6. sheepish 6.wheelbarrow 6.remain 6. autumn
7. conAnued 7.betray 7. hedges 7. beige 7. journey
8. launch 8. defendant 8. wonder 8.breathe 8.flavour
9. debate 9. immigrant 9. smiled 9. succeed 9. substanAal
10.plains 10.irritant 10.angle 10.horrible 10.spaAal
11.adaptable 11.assistant 11.absent 11.tangible 11.essenAal
12.allowable 12.brilliant 12.decadent 12.gullible 12.inferenAal
13.comfortable 13.compliant 13.excellent 13.possible 13.influenAal
14.disAnguishable 14.extravagant 14.frequent 14.permissible 14.palaAal
15.preferable 15.ignorant 15.impaAent 15.comprehensible 15.residenAal
16. sincerely 16.arAfact 16.cell 16.invisible 16.artery
17. transportaAon 17.migraAon 17. receive 17.Assue 17.vein
18.acAve 18.nomad 18. soldier 18.funcAon 18.circulatory
19.passive 19.adapt 19.diffusion 19.specific 19.capillary
20.inverse 20.agriculture 20. stomach 20. remember 20.chamber
Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
1. direct 1. supply 1.September 1.posiAve 1. actress
2.October 2. December 2.received 2.negaAve
3. squirm 3. mentor 3.worthwhile 3. square 3. solve
4. scissors 4. insects 4. dairy 4. syllables 4. appear
5. desert 5. internal 5. strange 5. perhaps 5. metal
6. increase 6. external 6. caught 6. hammer 6.dramaAc
7. convict 7. index 7. haunted 7. nail 7. either 8. indices 8. lawyer 8. suddenly 8.neither
9.wound 9. doctor 9. woodland 9. chain 9.goose 10.provide 10.captain 10.wrench 10.village
11.separate 11.fungus 11.advocate 11.adopt 11.aloof
12.approximate 12.fungi 12.alternate 12.bother 12.moody
13.esAmate 13.hippopotamus 13.animate 13.congress 13.raccoon
14.associate 14. resources 14.arAculate 14.comment 14.askew
15.cerAficate 15.octopus 15.graduate 15.jewel
16.navigaAon 16.octopi 16.laAtude 16.parallel 16.moose
17.convert 17.tributary 17.longitude 17.series 17.circuit
18.emperor 18.mission 18.magneAc 18.charge 18.professional
19. separate 19.slavery 19.compass 19.export 19.millimeter
20.success 20.expediAon 20.import 20.cenAmeter
Please, read the books sent to you with the summer pack.