Constance Wright
Doctor of Education
March 2021
“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving; we get stronger and more resilient.”
Price-Mitchell (2019) attests that resilience is one of eight core abilities that drive
overcome adversity in ways that maintain or promote well-being. Similarly, The American
Psychological Association (2009) contends that resilience strategies with regular classroom
instruction can improve students' outlook on life. Teachers who teach resilience might change
the trajectory of their student’s lives. When students believe that they are worthy and capable
of overcoming challenges, they become resilient (Souers & Hall, 2016). Teachers can help
students develop resiliency by thinking about alternative paths through adversity (Price-
the research of promoting student resiliency, and students must learn to develop resilience
and promote well-being early on (Cherkowski, 2012; Cook-Sather & Curl, 2014). McCoy
(2014) attested that children who develop resiliency are better equipped to handle life's
problems and cope with the emotional challenges that school and life can present.
Lerva et al. (2016) suggested resiliency may be perceived to buffer the process by
which stress is managed, not eliminating the stress, but instead allowing the individual to deal
with the stress more effectively. When students have a firm knowledge of their belief and
place in the world, they become more resilient (Tocino-Smith, 2019). Additionally, positive
adult relationships, where students are taught to create strong bonds, influence students'
overall resiliency (Njoroge & Nyabuto, 2014). When students are resilient and motivated,
there is an increase in positive teacher morale (Byrd, 2017). While there have been studies
that examine the relationship between teacher morale and external factors, this study is
unique, focusing on teaching resiliency to students to improve teacher morale. When there is
high morale, the staff is satisfied with how the school operates (Haggard, 2016). The
potential data of this research can identify the impact student resiliency has on teacher
Retaining and recruiting good teachers presents a critical issue today, as many
teachers leave teaching after only four or five years of service (Smollin, 2011). A related
issue is that an estimated 1,600,000 teachers will retire within 10 years (Smollin, 2011).
Lopez-Zafra, Garcia-Retamero, and Martos (2012) identify factors that contribute to whether
or not teachers have positive morale and include effective leadership, teacher autonomy,
administrative support, student resilience, and a safe and positive school climate.
overcoming hardship (Arslan, 2013). Teachers can create an environment and conditions that
foster resilience. Building resilience involves motivating the attainment of realistic goals and
encouraging students to take responsibility for their educational success (Arastaman & Balci,
School climate can be affected by teacher morale, and teacher morale holds a vital
role in student achievement (Arslan, 2013). A school with positive morale helps to create
what educators call an environment conducive to learning (Stewart-Banks, Kuofie, Hakim, &
Branch, 2015). When there is high morale, the staff is satisfied with how the school operates
(Williams, 2013). Almost all administrators at one time have encountered a problem with
teacher morale (Willis & Varner, 2010). If principals increase teacher morale in their school,
then student achievement will increase (Williams, 2013). Protheroe (2006) attests that when
there is positive teacher morale in the school teachers are excited about going to work, they
are concerned about the direction in which the school is going, they are actively involved in
school functions, perform jobs outside of their duties, and are supportive in improving school
Every day, school leaders and district administrators experiment with innovations to
improve teacher performance (Willis & Varner, 2010). Teachers have reported that when
there is positive morale, they are more enthused about learning and instruction; as a result,
student resiliency (Cherkowski, 2012; Cook-Sather & Curl, 2014). Franklin (2013) argued
that a limited number of studies had targeted the impact of student resilience development on
teacher morale. There is an array, however, of research that suggests effective leadership
practices have some degree of influence on teacher morale and student resiliency (McCown,
2018). Byrd (2017) suggested that when studying resiliency, researchers should assess the
features people develop that aid in averting mental instability. Kutsyuruba, Walker, Stasel,
and Al Makhamreh (2019) suggested that students learn to develop resilience and promote
Research Questions
The research questions in a qualitative study identify the phenomenon under study
and support an in-depth examination of the phenomenon (Korstjens & Moser, 2017). Based
on the problem and purpose of this study the research question was:
Description of Terms
Morale. The extent to which an individual's needs are satisfied, and the extent to
which an individual perceives satisfaction stems from the job situation (Bentley & Rempel,
Resilience. The ability to meet and overcome adversity in ways that maintain or
Self-efficacy. The belief in one’s ability to influence events that affect one's life and
Teacher Morale. The mental and emotional condition of a school with regards to the
This study aimed to contribute to the field of education to build on prior knowledge of
the research and related literature on student resiliency and teacher morale. This study was
conducted to help schools develop students’ resiliency to impact teacher morale positively.
The research findings of this study may be beneficial to schools that wish to teach and
develop students’ resiliency and improve teacher morale. When students are resilient and
While there have been studies that looked at the relationship between teacher morale
and external factors, this study is unique with its focus on the implementation of teaching
resiliency to students to improve teacher morale. When there is high morale, the staff is
satisfied with how the school operates (Haggard, 2016). Additionally, student resiliency can
be critical to students' success in the classroom (Neville et al., 2019). Schools are a
significant part of children’s development, and the role of schools in promoting resilience is
morale potentially.
Process to Accomplish
with regular classroom instruction can improve a student’s outlook on life. School-based
interventions exist and may be a more effective way to promote resilience by providing
students with access to support systems (Neville, Joscelyne & Chester et al., 2019).
Retaining and recruiting good teachers presents a critical issue today, as many teachers leave
teaching after only four or five years of service (Smollin, 2011). A related issue is that an
estimated 1,600,000 teachers will retire within 10 years (Smollin, 2011). Lopez-Zafra et
al. (2012) identified factors that contributed to whether or not teachers have positive morale
and include effective leadership, teacher autonomy, administrative support, and a safe and
Research Design
This study sought to investigate the impact of student resiliency on teacher morale.
The study also sought to develop students’ resiliency through behavior training to determine
if the behavior training impacted teacher morale. Byrd (2017) contended that when students
are resilient and motivated, there is an increase in positive teacher morale. By capturing the
data of this research, schools can play an integral role in developing student resiliency and
research to better understand the impact of student resiliency on teacher morale. According to
Simon and Goes (2018), such experimental designs are set up to allow the most considerable
control possible, in the absence of randomly assigning groups. Mills and Gay (2019) attested
Therefore, when random assignment is not possible, the researcher can choose to conduct a
quasi-experimental design that provides adequate control (Mills & Gay, 2019). Mills and
Gay (2019) contended that quasi-experimental designs do a much better job than pre-
resiliency before and after the treatment and to measure teacher morale before and after the
treatment. The pretest-posttest design is an experiment where measurements are taken both
before and after treatment and are the most commonly used experimental design (Simon &
Goes, 2018).
The research consisted of students and teachers from a rural school district in
West Tennessee. According to the Tennessee State Report Card (Tennessee Department of
Education, year), the school district was comprised of 3,315 students in grades K-12. Of
those students, approximately 46.7% were economically disadvantaged and qualified for Title
I services, including free and reduced lunch. In 2019, 56% of the student body in this rural
school district was African American, 40% was Caucasian, and the remaining 4% were Asian
elementary school in a rural school district in West Tennessee. The researcher utilized
convenience sampling (Mills & Gay, 2019, p. 158) to select approximately 200 students and
50 teachers. The convenience sampling was not representative of the population, but the
data's availability was obtained in a convenient manner (Mills & Gay, 2019). The researcher
selected participants for the control and experimental groups based on the school's ability
grouping. The school had two accelerated classrooms and two non-accelerated classrooms.
The researcher’s non-random sampling selected one of each type of ability grouped
classrooms. Students in the experimental group received the treatment in an alternate setting
(the library) with the professional school counselor. Students in the control group remained
with their homeroom teacher in their classroom and continued their regular coursework.
resiliency. The instruments included are The Student Resiliency Scale (Sun & Stewart, 2007),
the Teacher Morale Survey (Brion, 2015), and a demographic survey created by the
The Student Resiliency Survey (SRS, Appendix A) was developed by Jing Sun and Donald
solving, goals and aspirations, family connection, school connection, community connection,
peer support. Each item was rated on a 5-point scale, 1 = never to 5 = always (Sun & Stewart,
2007). This scale has been utilized in numerous studies and is a valid measure assessing
Sarah Brion (2015) to examine factors that impact teacher morale, including the inter-related
areas of morale. Brion (2015) identified the interrelationships using factor analysis scores
measure reliability, Brion (2015) ran a Cronbach alpha coefficient and the Kuder-Richardson
reliability formula 21 and the 0.5 scores indicated a larger sample size was required.
determine what demographic differences exist in student resiliency growth. The demographic
(Appendix D). The curriculum was designed to teach students how to understand the concept
and importance of resilience, explore the skills and strengths associated with resilience, and
set goals for developing some of those skills and strengths that will increase their resilience
Data Collection
The researcher sought permission from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to begin
Schools/designee. The researcher obtained parental consent for student participants. The
researcher assigned classes to control and experimental groups. The researcher determined
that the treatment would take place over a 10-week cycle. The experimental group received
the 30-minute behavior training five days a week, taught by the professional school counselor
in the library. The control group remained with their homeroom teacher and continued with
their regular course of study. The behavior training consisted of lessons that explored the
skills associated with resilience and consisted of setting goals for developing some of those
To answer research question one, how does behavior training impact student
resiliency, the researcher administered the paper-pencil Student Resiliency Survey pretest
(Appendix A) to the control and experimental groups. The students self-reported along the
continuum of choices. The paper-pencil pretest measured students’ resiliency before the
resiliency behavior treatment and gathered baseline data. For selection measures, students
rated survey items on a 5-point scale. After the resiliency behavior treatment, the researcher
administered the Student Resiliency Survey posttest (Appendix A) and compared the results
of the baseline data collected from the pretest for the control and experimental groups and
To answer research question two, how did changes in student resiliency impact
teacher morale, the researcher administered the paper-pencil teacher morale survey
(Appendix B) to teachers. The paper-pencil pretest measured teacher morale before students
receiving the resiliency behavior treatment and gathered baseline data of teacher morale. For
selection measures, teachers rated the items on a 5-point scale, including “Strongly Agree,
“Agree,” “Neutral,” “Disagree,” and “Strongly Disagree.” After the behavior treatment, the
researcher administered the post teacher morale survey and compared the results of the
baseline data collected from the pretest to the data collected in the posttest. To address the
possible risk of fidelity with the behavior training, the district-level guidance counselor
administered the behavior training to participants in the absence of the regular school
To answer the third and final research question, what demographic differences exist in
student resiliency, the researcher collected demographic data that consisted of gender and
Data Analysis
The researcher ran a series of statistical tests to analyze the data concerning the
research questions. The researcher utilized descriptive statistics to calculate the mean and
standard deviation. To analyze research question one, how does behavior training impact
student resiliency, the researcher organized the data and utilized SPSS to transform the
Student Resiliency Survey items into subscales. The researcher ran a mixed-model ANOVA
to compare the control and experimental groups on their resilience pre- and posttest scores.
impact teacher morale, the researcher organized the data and utilized SPSS. The researcher
between student resiliency and teacher morale. The researcher compared findings to
investigate whether there are effects between student resiliency and teacher morale.
To analyze the third and final research question, what demographic differences exist
in student resiliency, the researcher coded females, males, African American, Caucasian,
Spanish, Native-American, Native American, and Other. The researcher ran a two-way
ANOVA, one for race, and one for gender The research compared the findings to determine
if gender or race showed significant trends. The researcher determined whether the mean
scores for gender or race are reliably different from each other.
The purpose of this research study was to investigate the impact of student
resiliency on teacher morale. The goal of the behavior intervention was to determine if there
was a significant impact on teacher morale after administering behavior training to students.
While convenience sampling was utilized for this study, any study that does not utilize
random sampling has the potential for internal validity threats (Mills & Gay, 2019). While
there have been studies that looked at the relationship between teacher morale and external
factors, this study is unique with its focus on teaching resiliency to students to improve
teacher morale.
This chapter aims to give the overview of relevant studies done concerning impacts of
student resilience on teacher morale. The chapter will describe the relevant literature review,
provide a summary of the main point in the literature review, and discuss the findings in these
peer reviewed articles. According to Hytten (2011) an apparent connection exists between
how students' resiliency and perseverance impact teacher morale. Ungar, Ghazinour, and
Richter (2013) attested that placing greater importance on the interaction between individuals
is yet broad, but deemed as intricate in playing a significant role in students' academic
success (Masten & Barnes, 2018). Masten and Barnes (2018) further contend that resilience
in children research emerged around 1970 and is present-day explored, addressing the
significance of resilience in not only children but in human development at large. Therefore,
this chapter will discuss the concept of the term 'resilience', how resilience develops in
people, student resilience (academic resilience), and the concept of morale, teacher morale
Historical Background
increasing teacher morale, and one of the greatest demands is developing the capacity to
adapt to challenges (Hollnagel, Woods, Leveson, 2013). Resilience studies suggest that
which suggests that investing in early childhood development increases the likelihood that
Historical context surrounding teacher morale noted that theories in education are
cognitive levels and acting as informal counselors for high-risk students, it is important to
help teachers and administrators handle issues of teacher morale (Hollnagel, Woods, &
Leveson, 2013). New curricula and new methods of improving the educational program
assist the individual in overcoming hardship. It was further noted that teachers can create an
environment and conditions that foster resilience, but that building resilience involves
motivating the attainment of realistic goals and encouraging students to take responsibility for
their educational success (Broadbent & Boyle, 2014). Hollnagel, Woods, and Leveson
(2013) noted that the history of resiliency in education relates to understanding adaptation in
Concept of Resilience
The concept of resilience can be explained as the core of capabilities that drive successful
people. One of the ways to overcome diversity is through resilience. Studies show that the outlook on
the life of people, mainly students can be improved through resilience strategies such as regular
classroom instructions. This implies that resilience plays a huge part in shaping and molding a
person’s life and creating thus room for regrets. Alternate paths through diversity can be achieved
when a student develops the art of resiliency. When put into consideration, this may later help the
students withstand various problems in life, as they will be able to recover quickly from any notable
problem, as commit themselves to sustainably educate communities, which is necessary for the
research of promoting student resiliency. Children who develop outstanding resiliency skills at a
tender age tend to have the vigor to handle many life problems as compared to students who lack
resiliency skills. Such children can cope with emotional challenges at school. Also, some factors such
as adult relationships and the ability to create strong bonds towards each other, largely contribute to
The teacher’s morale drastically increases when the students become motivated and resilient.
When the teacher's morale increases, the whole staff is satisfied with how the school is running.
Resiliency tends to be affected by several factors. One of the factors that hugely affect resilience is
Resilience in Education
Many students will have to adjust to life away from home, struggle with changing timetables,
and understand the curriculum set for them. Students with disabilities will have these same worries.
Starting something new like school may seem to scar to them. These disabled students have to deal
with a whole new building to navigate and classes to pass just like everybody else. It may be rough at
the start, but tips and advice from other young disabled people and other educational professionals can
prove to be helpful.
Since no child is alike; some students are engrossed and engaged, then some students start
working but get distracted. They begin working but if the work becomes challenging, they may give
up and begin doing other things that are not important. Helping the second group of students to
become as focused as the first group involves building resilience. “Effective strategies can turn
resistance into cooperation even for children with whom the teacher typically struggles” (Kersey, and
Masterson, 2011). There are many ways teachers can build resilience. Teachers must first develop a
Resilience Developed
something severe happens, something beyond control, our resilience is tested. The more resilient
people are, the better able they will bounce back and keep going. Resilience to stress is not the same
as resistance to it because resistance implies the there is no response to the stress. Five factors are key
to resilience: positive outlook, spirituality, active coping, learning and making meaning, and accepting
your limits.
A positive outlook is a key to resilience because it allows people to think positive and
understand that setbacks are part of life. Problems are not always avoidable, so resilience allows them
to remain open and flexible in the face of change. Some people develop a positive outlook by using
those who are great at dealing with stress as role models. Everyone needs to allow themselves to find
opportunities for growth in every stressful situation. Finding growth opportunities enables one to
remain calm and find practical ways to comfort ourselves. There are other ways to be positive such as
recharging before facing new challenges and taking a break from everyday routine.
Many find that religion (or spirituality) helps build resilience. Religion and spirituality can
influence how a person lives, how they cope with stress, and how well they recover from emotional
strain. For many people, leaning on faith allows a person to have stability. It also allows a person to
have an ultimate purpose in their life or a reason for being. It can assist a person find a value system
Students entering college come with a wealth of experience, some positive, and some
negative. Some have been successful academically from an early age, some later, and some not so
much. Every student has their perception of their abilities and an expectation of their work that
generally corresponds to that perception. Assuming that academic skill is in place with accomplishing
an academic task, it appears that self-efficacy is the single most important aspect of academic
Socioeconomic background
mechanism, and how one deals with stress. It is also affected by one's social-economic background.
low socioeconomic background and poverty go straight to the brain which makes someone experience
stress. It affects learning capacity and a range of other coping and adjustment issues . Socio-economic
status is one of the strongest determinants of students’ academic performance and general well-
being. It affects student outcomes through a variety of channels, at the individual, and school and
system levels. A family's socioeconomic status can determine parents' ability to provide for their
child's needs and to be involved in their education. It can also influence the socio-economic
composition of the school that students attend, which has an impact on the school's resources and
Concept of Morale
Morale is what makes something interesting to listen to. Therefore, morale is very crucial in
professions such as teaching. The collective sets of attitudes, emotions, and satisfaction
exhibited by people, affect how others pay attention to them. From an educational viewpoint,
morale can be said to be the degree of enthusiasm and willingness to how someone carries
himself or herself while accomplishing a certain task. Doing something with passion and
vigor show high morale in that particular activity. morale should be distinguished from
motivation although both of them are cognitive concepts. Morale is a composite of feelings,
attitudes, and sentiments that contribute to a general feeling of satisfaction at a workplace, but
action to accomplish the desired goal. Motivation is concerned with 'mobilization of energy' whereas
morale is concerned with 'mobilization of sentiments'. Motivation provides high potential for morale
and morale reflects motivation. For example, morale is very crucial in matters concerning
employment. Employees who exhibit high morale are very proud of what they do at the end of the
day. Such employees are willing to cooperate with others in the accomplishment of an organization's
objective. Each employee has attitudes that range over the entire spectrum of human behavior. All
managers have a constant concern for the morale of the group, which they lead. However,
considerable confusion prevails over the use of the term morale because of variation in defining
characteristics of the term. In certain cases, job satisfaction and morale are considered as individual
Teacher Morale
A teacher’s morale affects student outcomes through a variety of channels, at the individual,
school, and system levels. When a teacher is energetic and possesses high morale while teaching, the
students can understand better. In return, this affects the student’s performance positively. Also,
several reasons can negatively affect a teacher's morale. A good example is when the school
management does not involve teachers in decision making. Moreover, public criticism and ignorance
Teacher Rapport with Principal
rapport with a principal, he or she must have outstanding leadership skills. Secondly, the teacher
should be a dependable person who is not irresponsible. Teachers should possess organizational
skills which reflect preparedness and hard work. In addition to that, teachers who display
professionalism usually establish a strong bond with the principal, and the principal regularly counts
on them at all costs. Principals also trust teachers who are flexible and able to deal effectively with
unique situations that present themselves. Teachers cannot be rigid in their approach. They must
adapt to the strengths and weaknesses of their students. They must be adept problem solvers who