Laboratory Activity 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office of Legazpi City
Banquerohan, Legazpi City

Laboratory Activity 1

Several components, which retain their identity and characteristic properties, are present
in a mixture. No chemical reactions occur between the components of a mixture. Many of the
materials surrounding us are mixtures, such as soil, cement, soft drinks, and pharmaceuticals.
In this experiment, the components of a mixture will be separated from each other. The
techniques applied for this separation does not involve a chemical reaction, so that the isolated
components will retain their identity.


Set-up A

1. Filter paper
2. Erlenmeyer flask
3. Scissor
4. Ruler
5. Water-based ink pen

Set-up B

1. A mixture containing the following:

a. Sodium chloride, NaCl b. Naphthalene c. Silicon dioxide, SiO2 (sand)
2. Digital balance
3. Beaker
4. Funnel
5. Watch glass
6. Masking tape
7. Evaporating dish
8. Filter paper
9. Hot plate


Set-up A

1. Cut a small strip of filter paper long enough to reach the bottom of the container or
Erlenmeyer flask while folding about 1cm over the lip. The strip should be about 1”
(2.5cm) wide.
2. Using a water-based ink pen, make a small dot about 0.5” (1.3cm) from one end of the
filter paper.
3. Add enough water to the container to over the bottom of the filter paper but not enough to
reach the ink dot.
4. Place the filter paper in the container with the dotted end facing down.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office of Legazpi City
Banquerohan, Legazpi City

5. Observe and describe what happens to the ink dot.

Figure 1. Illustration of the Set-up

Set-up B

1. Weigh 0.50 to 0.60 g of the mixture on the digital balance.

2. Place the mixture on an evaporating dish and cover it with the pre-weighed watch glass.
3. Seal the sides with masking tape.
4. Place a moist tissue paper over the watch glass, and gently heat the evaporating dish until
white vapors are emitted. 5. Cool the setup and carefully remove the watch glass. Describe the
solid adhering to the watch glass.
6. Pour distilled water into the mixture remaining in the evaporating dish and stir it carefully.
7. Filter the mixture and collect the filtrate in the pre-weighed beaker. Wash the residual solid in
the filter paper with a small amount of water, combining the washing with the filtrate.
8. Gently heat to evaporate the water in the filtrate.
9. Cool the beaker. Describe the solid remaining in it
10. Dry the filter paper with the sand in an oven at 100oC. Describe the solid remaining in the
filter paper.

Results and Discussion

Set-up A

1. What colors rose from the black ink?

2. If you were to perform the activity again but this time using an ink of different color (e.g.
blue or red), would you still obtain the same results? Explain (You may try this procedure
using a different ink color to find out)

3. What practical applications does chromatography have?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office of Legazpi City
Banquerohan, Legazpi City

Set-up B

1. Record the description of the substances isolated in the experiment. Tabulate your data

2. Knowing the substances present in the mixture, identify the isolated solids.

3. Devise a procedure to separate the components of the mixture of marbles, sand, and


Patalinghug, Ph.D., W. C. (2016). Teaching Guide for Senior High School General Chemistry 1.
Quezon City, Philippines; CHED.

General Chemistry 1 Module 1. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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