Development Plan Elefane
Development Plan Elefane
Development Plan Elefane
Professional 1. The working relationship among the school 1. Teachers, especially those younger ones,
Leadership management, middle managers and the can be entrusted with tasks covering a
teaching staff is amicable. There is broader basis to allow them to enrich their
agreement on the direction of school experience in planning, implementing and
development evaluating and to enable them to put
2. School-based professional development and forward initiatives.
capacity building programs are conducted in 2. The School should make plans to enhance
alignment with the school’s development the administrative capabilities of teachers
goals and concerns. by empowering them to take up a greater
3. program and a mentoring scheme are in share of administrative work and curriculum
place to help new teachers to adapt to the planning.
school environment as soon as possible.
Curriculum and 1. Our well-balanced school curriculum is 1. Student centered learning will further be
Assessment designed to cater for students’ needs which strengthened through interactive and
goes in line with the school’s mission and cooperative classroom activities and e-
goals. learning platforms.
2. The emphasis on STEM education enhances 2. To cater for learner diversity, more support
students’ interest and ability in studying measures will be implemented to promote
science subjects, mathematics and the effectiveness of student learning
3. Teachers continue to extend their
knowledge in e-learning and have become
more ready to try out different e-learning
means to promote the effectiveness in
learning and teaching.
Student Learning and 1. Opportunities of different kinds are 1. The School has to continue to make use of
Teaching provided for students to consolidate their cooperative learning, reflective learning and
learning and to broaden their horizon by self-directed learning to enhance learning
participating classroom activities, external and teaching
competitions, exchange programs and study 2. More programs or activities should be
tours. The multifarious other learning launched to further promote students’
experiences empower students to stretch language competence through reading
their potentials. activities.
2. Our teachers are professionally trained and 3. More effort is still needed to further
highly experienced in different respective enhance students’ high order thinking skills
student support domains. They possess and presentation skills.
qualities of flexibility and adaptability; and
are able to acclimatize themselves to
innovative learning approaches to equip
students for the changing world
3. Our students, in general, have high
potential, and are interested and motivated
in learning. They are highly adaptive to a
multitude of learning strategies to extend
their learning opportunities.
Student Support 1. Teachers are approachable and friendly. 1. Students’ resilience, emotional and mental
They are concerned about the well-being of well-being could be further enhanced.
students and value their experience and 2. More opportunities should be given to
feelings. students to conduct in-depth self-reflection.
2. A wide range of life-wide activities is 3. Greater coordination can be sought between
provided to promote all-round development / among different subject departments to run
of students, broaden their horizons and for programs to enhance students’ learning
boost their self-confidence. capabilities.
3. A comprehensive student support service is
provided to foster students’ positive values
and attitudes through well-structured
planning and strong collaboration among
Partnership 1. Multiple channels are provided for parents 1. The School will elicit greater support
to be informed of the latest school affairs from tertiary institutions and other
and development, and for parents to express organizations for the conduct of STEM-
their views to the school. related activities to heighten students’
2. Our School maintains close bondage with interest in scientific exploration and
tertiary education institutions and other investigation
professional bodies, through which we 2. The School will attempt to establish
collaborate to offer a wide range of contact with different schools
extended learning opportunities for institutions to provide more extensive
students. opportunities for exchange and sharing
of experience and learning
Attitude and Behavior 1. There is a wide range of opportunities 1. Students gets along well with their
opened to students to develop classmates and have maintained a
leadership, to serve the school and the trusting and harmonious relationship
community, as well as to support their with their teachers
peers. 2. A wider range of structured
2. Most students abide by the school programs can be conducted to
regulations. further help students to pursue a
virtuous and purposeful life and to
build up positive attitudes towards
their self, their community and their
Strength The school has a clear mission and development direction, all subjects and committees in school have
appropriate plans and measures to harmony with the whole school development.
Teachers are well experienced and committed to nurturing students. They display a strong sense of
readiness to pursue continuous professional growth and development and have professional sharing. The
trusting relationship between the school management team and teachers has also maintained a harmonious
and collaborative culture for creating a better learning environment for students.
The School has maintained close and congenial relationships with parents, alumni, the community and
other organizations. Their strong support to the school enhances the continuous development.
Teachers have explored different teaching pedagogies.
Weakness The unstable staffing and deployment of contract staff are undesirable for school development.
Students are passive and lack self-discipline in online learning. Students’ performance in submitting online
homework is unsatisfactory.
Many students tend to put their time and effort in coping with the academic demands while leaving the
exposure to other learning experiences at a lower priority. Being preoccupied by tutorial classes, it is
difficult for them to take up school duties or participate in school activities that are organized outside
school hours.
Opportunities The emphasis on STEM education will further heighten students’ interest in the learning of science,
mathematics and technology, that help train up students’ investigation, practical and learning skills.
The school strategically builds a caring, harmonious and mutually helpful campus, and prepares for
students to attend classes and participate in school activities physically once the pandemic is over
The school strategically builds a caring, harmonious and mutually helpful campus, and prepares for
students to attend classes and participate in school activities physically once the pandemic is over
-According to
the curriculum O O O
1.3 Revise the curriculum review the exam Curriculum is revised
according to the papers, and aligned to DepEd
“Curriculum Framework of assessment
DepED” method,
-Incorporate O O O
diverse Adaptation of
1.4 Adopt diversified classroom diversified teaching
teaching activities that models that would
models to enhance students' promote high- enhance learners ability
self-directed learning ability order thinking
and cater for the diversity into each
of students.
including multi-
creative and
individual or
group discussion
activities, so as
to meet the
needs of
2.Improving 2.1 Improve academics -Optimize O O O Department Evident improvement
Students learning Heads/ Principals on Student’s Academic
Academic feedbacks, / Teachers Performances
Performance enhance learning
and teaching
-Create O O O
atmosphere that
would broaden
-Strengthen O O O
support for
learning groups
-Ensure baseline O O O
identify starting
points for pupils
upon return
C-In progress
O- Implemented /Complete