Advance Culinary Skills Training Course
Advance Culinary Skills Training Course
Advance Culinary Skills Training Course
Course Scope: The ACSTC is a very intense hands on-course designed to improve
the overall skills of an experienced SM and advanced cooking techniques and skills
required for high quality food preparation and presentation. The course focuses on
knife skills, menu development, advanced baking techniques, presentation, special
menu planning (two, three, five and more courses), advanced dessert preparation, table
setup and service, nutrition, buffet set up and display, ice carving techniques, food
costing, food purchasing, meal service, detailed meal evaluation and preparation for
American Culinary Federation chef certification. The culminating event is a five to nine
course meal designed, prepared and served for VIP's and guests.
Course Description: The Advanced Culinary Skills Training Course (ACSTC) was
developed with the intent to train select food service experienced Service Member in
advanced cooking and food presentation techniques using train-the-trainer concepts.
This course will provide advanced techniques and skills required for menu planning,
advanced gourmet food preparation / production, menu evaluation, and meal service.
The ACSTC is challenging and rewarding to the most skilled food service personnel.
The ACSTC is a very intense hands on-course designed to improve the overall skills of
an experienced food service SM. It is not the place to learn or review your basic cooking
skills. The course focuses on knife skills, menu development, advanced baking
techniques, presentation, production of multi-course meals, (three, six, seven and more
courses), advanced dessert preparation, table setup and service, nutrition, and much
more. The final event is a five to nine course meal prepared for 24 VIP's and guests.
The entire class is responsible of designing, preparing and serving the meal.
Training with the different services allows the incorporation of the combined skills and
knowledge of each service and to incorporate the new trends in food service and
convert to restaurant style service instead of Dining Facility service. The training of
different services in the same class is indicative of the way we execute our missions
across the world today. All branches of service working together on a mission are now
the rule instead of the exception. It also shows that each service has skilled food service
professionals. As of January 1999 the classes are instructed by combined services
instructors. Currently, we have instructors from the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air
Force, and Coast Guard.
Uniform: Duty uniform is be black pants, white chef coat, white undershirt, black shoes
and socks.
Equipment: Pen, pencil, calculator, and notebook will be needed. Optional equipment
is laptop and camera. *note: USB storage devices (thumb drives) are no longer
authorized on government equipment or government internet services.
Classroom Hours: Varies from day to day according to the workload, which can be
intense at times. Normal hours are from 0700 - 1700.
Government Lodging: To check on availability and cost status for lodging call DSN
687-6700, commercial (804) 733-4100. Call 1-800-403-8533 for reservations only.
For SM staying off-post, many local hotels provide shuttle bus transportation to and
from Fort Lee daily. Check with hotel.