NBC Newsletter Issued Dec 2022

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222 W Railroad St.
Nampa, Id 83651
208-466-4374 (voice mailbox)

December 2022
Editor: Hope Smith

Next General Membership Meeting: January 4th, 2022 at 7:00pm

Re-registration and new keys January 4th 2022 at 6:00pm
Vegas 300 League
Mondays @ 7pm Up Coming Events!
Vegas 600 League December 31: Mini 3-D shoot to ring in the new
Tuesdays @7 year at our indoor range.
S3DA – Youth ages 8-18
Thursdays @ 7pm Contact Nathan Foster at January 7th – 8th: IFAA & NBC sponsored State
208-571-1513 Vegas Championship and Money Shoot, NBC
3-D Animal League indoor range. See flyer for into.
Fridays and some Thursdays (see flyer). Contact
Michelle or Ryan Bollar to sign up January 14-15th: Northwest Bowhunter Classic
(Caldwell Indoor) at the fairgrounds building in
Range Closures: Caldwell. See flyer for details.
Keep an eye on the range calendar (on the wall,
by the door in the range) for events and activities January 28th: NBC banquet, potluck style at the
going on at the range. Some events are closed to indoor range in the common area.
open shooting and other activities allow open
shooting, if there is room, while the activity is in
Newsletter 1
Next General Meeting will be sending out a volunteer signup for this.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Please contact Michelle if you are interested in
January 4th, 2023. We will have a drawing for a helping.
$25 gift card to Texas Roadhouse. We will be
doing re-registration for member ships for the Clayton Allen won the $25 Texas Roadhouse gift
2023 year and handing out new keys for the card.
range. We will open the registration at 6:30 pm
and break for the general membership meeting at Meeting adjourned at 7:29pm
7pm, then continue with registration afterwards.
December Meeting Summary
November Meeting Summary Our December general membership meeting was
Our November general membership meeting was held Wednesday, December 7th, 2022, beginning
held Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022, at 7pm in the classroom at the indoor range.
beginning at 7pm in the classroom at the indoor
range. We are still looking for range safety officers
(RSO’s). If you volunteer for just 20 hours for a
Nampa Bow Chiefs are now on winter public single membership, you get a free membership
shooting hours. Hours are Monday through the following year. If you volunteer for just 40
Thursday 9:00am – 12:00pm and 4:00pm – hours for a family membership, you get a free
7:00pm. Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10:00am – membership the following year. We need
1:00pm. We need volunteers for RSO’s (Range someone to cover Tuesday and Thursday
Safety Officer). There is a survey that is emailed evenings from 4-7pm and we need someone to do
to all members to sign up (see more info in the
every 2nd and 4th Saturday from 10am-3pm. We
Volunteer Hours section).
need more RSO’s to lighten the burden from
those that are doing it already. Michelle is also
Nominations for officer and board positions are
now open and elections will be in our December looking for someone to help her with signing
7th general meeting. Installation of new officers people up for RSO’s and help with scheduling. If
will begin in January. you are interested, please contact Michelle.

We held a Halloween mini 3D shoot. Lots of fun We are also looking for volunteers for our
was had. The club made around $130-150. Northwest Bowhunter Classic and Southwest
Vegas 3 spot shoots that are coming up in
The cardboard for the indoor butts was picked January. We need help with registration and tare
up by Rick and Kim Boyack and delivered to our down. A link to volumeter will be emailed out
range. They had a group of volunteers here to with the flyers for these shoots along with links to
help them replace some of the cardboard that requester to shoot online. Please register online if
needed to be replace the most. possible as it saves time the morning of the shoot.
If you can’t register online or access the volunteer
Our S3DA team is looking to host a shoot at our form, please contact Michelle Bollar.
range. No date has been set for this yet. They will
be inviting other S3DA teams from statewide. Prizes for the Northwest Bowhunter Classic will
Our team is now up to 15 members and growing be belt buckles for first place for all classes. For
fast. Nathan Foster is looking for another adults second and third place, we will have knife
experienced coach to join the team. Please sets. For youth second and third place, we will
contact Nathan if you are interested. have stainless steel travel mugs.

Idaho Fish and Game shooting waivers must be

filled out by every shooter at every event or league
Caldwell indoor shoot is coming up on January attended. Nampa Bow Chief’s waiver is only once
14th – 15th. We are looking for people to help us
with registration and score cards. Michelle Bollar
Newsletter 2
per year. Please make sure you are filling these https://nampabowchiefs.wufoo.com/forms/m11
out. e3vj41m07bbw/
We ask that if you are kind enough to take the
trash out of the trash can, please replace the bag Our By-Laws state:
in the can and take the trash out to the cans by
the outdoor range. If a single membership member works at least 20 hours for
the club at sponsored Club work party(s) or in personal
The sink hole that was discovered near our endeavors as approved by the Board of Directors, their
outdoor range entrance was determined to be individual membership for the following year (including a
made by a rock chuck. It has been filled in and no key fee) shall be free. If a single membership member works
longer an issue. at least 10 hours for the club at sponsored Club work
party(s) or in personal endeavors as approved by the Board
of Directors, their individual membership for the following
January 4th will be the date that the doors get
year (including a key fee) shall be half membership dues.
rekeyed. This will be the same date for the next
general membership meeting. We will start the
If a family membership member/s works at least 40 hours
registrations and handing out new keys at 6:00pm. for the club at a work party(s) or in personal endeavors as
We will break for the membership meeting at approved by the Board of Directors, their individual
7pm and continue with registration and keys membership for the following year including the key fee, shall
afterwards. Kim will send out link to registration be free. If a family membership member/s works at least
online to make things faster and a paper 20 hours for the club at sponsored Club work party(s) or
registration will be available at that time as well. in personal endeavors as approved by the Board of
Everyone must renew. Directors, their individual membership for the following
year (including a key fee) shall be half membership dues.
Boar member election results are as follows. The
new positions will begin in January 2023. When you sign up or renew your membership,
President – Robert Zechmann you should receive a membership card with
Vice President – Ryan Bollar numbers on the back to track your hours. Have
Treasurer – Kim Boyack a board member stamp your card. Your work
Secretary - Bill Bivens card(s) will serve to verify your hours when you
Board members – Clayton Allen renew your membership. If you have hours that
Michelle Bollar have not been stamped on your card, create a list
Stewart Chrislip of your activities and the dates and attach it to
Nathan Foster the card.
Hope Smith
_________________________________ Important Reminders/Information!!!!
Volunteer Hours Non-member, guest shooters must pay a
Below is a link to a survey to see who might be shooting fee of $5.00. Guests must complete a
able to volunteer to help supervise the range Waiver and Release of Liability annually to be
during public hours as a Range Safety Officer deposited in the office door slot. The fee will be
(RSO). In addition to volunteers willing to work paid to the Range Safety Officer on duty during
regular hours, we will also need people who can public shooting hours or deposited in the slot in
be on call to fill in if someone is unable to make it the door (outside of public hours).
(in case of illness, vacations, family emergencies,
etc.) The hours that you volunteer will be Keep in mind that a single membership with no
considered work hours as outlined in our by-laws key is only $30 (even less after June, due to
and will go towards reduced rates or a free proration), only 6 visits (or less, if prorated) and
membership for the next year. (See excerpt from they’ve already paid what they would’ve if they
our by-laws below.) had bought a non-keyed membership

Newsletter 3
With exception of public shooters during public In addition to leagues and practices, all shooting
shooting hours, all members (with or without events that are held at the range must have
keys) are responsible to make sure that those they individuals sign this waiver form in addition to
let in are members or accompanied by a member. our club waiver.
All members are responsible for making sure the
range is cleaned up, lights and electronic devices Don't forget that you will still need to complete
are turned off and all doors are locked the "Archery Range Sign In Log" (located by the
appropriately upon leaving. office) when you come into the range outside of
group events - the Fish & Game waiver doesn't
need to be signed.
Safety is the most important part of our archery
program. Remember that all shooters at the range Idaho Fish & Game requires this at all their
must shoot from the 20-yard line unless ALL shooting ranges due to liability issues to protect all
shooters present agree to shoot from a different parties involved. If you have concerns, please get
yardage. The portable target butts can be rolled a hold of me.
up for those that want to shoot closer yardages
while others are shooting the standard yardage. Robert Zechmann phone # 208-854-9691
All shooters must shoot from the same shoot line.
Under no circumstances should people be Leaders/Coordinators of group events are
shooting from different yardage lines. responsible for having participants sign. Blank
forms will be located in the plastic holder on the
Please remember to shut off lights and fans. office door and completed forms can be left in
Be sure that all doors are locked and latched the folder in that holder.
on your way out.

Idaho Fish and Game waivers:

There are some new changes that need to be

implemented immediately.

The Idaho Fish & Game is demanding that we

sign their "Nampa Indoor Public Shooting Range
- Liability Release" during all group activities. This
means everyone (members and nonmembers, that
are shooting).

So, on paper league nights, at 3-D animal league,

at S3DA and 4-H meetings the
leader/coordinator of the event must have
everyone sign the waiver form each time. For
example, if a Vegas league shooter comes on both
Monday and Tuesday nights, they must sign the
waiver form each night. Every animal league
night, shooters must sign the waiver form each

For children under 18, their parent, guardian or

supervising adult must sign the waiver form for
their kids.

Newsletter 4
Nampa Bow Chiefs Officers
PRESIDENT: Robert Zechmann –
SECRETARY: Hope Smith –
TREASURER: Kim Boyack - kibrdb@aol.com

Clayton Allen – claytonallen1924@gmail.com
Michelle Bollar – lvthedrm@gmail.com
Stewart Chrislip – 208-466-5686
Nathan Foster – nathanfoster88@gmail.com
Adam George – adam.george95@yahoo.com

WEBMASTER: Michelle Bollar –


Website: www.nampabowchiefs.weebly.com

Club Email: nampabowchiefs@gmail.com

Nampa Indoor Range Calendar:


January 4, 2023

Newsletter 5

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