Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris

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Nama : Bagus Kurniawan

NIM : 049801783


Soal Nomor 1

Perhatikan surat di bawah ini. / Please look at the letter below.

Linda Lau
123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345 · linda.lau@email.com
March 5, 2020
Oscar Lee
Managing Editor
Acme Graphic & Design
123 Business Rd.
Business City, NY 54321
1. Dear Ms. Lee,
2. I would like to invite you to attend our upcoming Liberal Arts department job networking event. The event will be
held on the afternoon of May 1, 2020. We wish to provide our graduating seniors with an opportunity to meet
business leaders in the area who may be looking for new hires who hold degrees in the Liberal Arts.
The event will be held at the Cox Student Center at Northern State University, and will last about 2 to 3 hours. If
you have an interest in attending or sending a company representative to meet with our students, please let me
know at your earliest convenience and I can reserve a table for you. Thank for your time and I hope to hear from
you soon.


3. Linda Lau
Linda Lau
Liberal Arts Department Chair

Pertanyaan / Questions

Identifikasi bagian surat yang ditandai oleh nomor 1-3. / Please identify the part of the letter numbered 1-3.

Jawaban / answer :

1. Pembuka Surat
2. Isi Surat
3. Tanda Tangan Pengirim Surat
Soal Nomor 2

Perhatikan surat di bawah ini. / Please look at the letter below

Bridgestone International Co.

1660 Maple Court Kennett, MO 63857
July 21, 2021
William Reed
Purchase Manager
The Cooking Store
2175 Rivendell Drive
Mineral City, OH 44656

Dear Mr. Reed,

Thank u for your letter of 4 july inquiring about our latest catalogue, price list, and terms of
We are pleased to enclose our latest catalogue, price list, and terms of payment together with
samples of our promotional gifts. We hope you will find our prices n terms satisfactory

I look forward to receive your order.

Yours sincerely,
Robert Brown
Robert Brown Sales Manager

Pertanyaan / Questions

Identifikasi 3 (tiga) kesalahan pada surat di atas. / Please identify 3 (three) errors in the letter above

Jawaban / answer :

1. Kesalahan Penulisan pada tanggal surat , harus nya ditulis 4 July bukan July 4
2. Pengunaan kata “U” pada kalimat "Thank u for your letter" yang menjadikan surat ini menjadi tidak formal.
Harusnya “You”
3. Kesalahan pengunaan kata “n” pada kalimat "We hope you will find our prices n terms satisfactory" yang
harusnya ditulis saja “and”
Soal Nomor 3

19 May 2023


Online Shop.

To whom it may concern,

I Have received the biscuits I ordered, but the biscuits came that were not good, the expiration date was stated as having
passed 1 month from current date, how can I eat biscuits that are stale.

I beg you to process my complaint, because it is very detrimental to me.

I also include biscuits that have passed their expiration date.

Please respond within 14 days of receiving this letter.


Bagus Kurniawan
Soal nomor 4

Dear Mr Galang


thank you Mr Galang for his contribution, we are very happy and enthusiastic to continue to work together to help the
victims who have been hit by this natural disaster. and how helpful the victims are with the donations that you are
raising up to give.

I hope that what you are trying to give will be even better answered by ALLAH SWT and always always under the
protection of ALLAH SWT.


disaster management committee/team


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